2007-08 Adult Winter League Averages

2007-08 Adult Winter League Averages

<p> 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages 2011-12 Certified Youth Winter Leagues</p><p>Cheney Lanes CL101 Cheney Youth CL004 Pin Busters </p><p>Chewelah Recreation CH101 Chewelah Youth</p><p>Deer Park Bowl DP4101 Deer Park Saturday Youth</p><p>Fairchild Fun Spot FA101 Fairchild Flyers</p><p>High School Traveling HS101 High School Traveling Scratch</p><p>Junior Bowlers Tour JB101 Junior Bowlers Tour</p><p>Lilac Lanes LL101 Lilac Lanes Juniors LL102 Lilac Lanes Roll N Grow</p><p>North Bowl NB101 Bee Bop Bantams NB102 Hip Hop Preps NB103 Jazzin Juniors</p><p>Valley Bowl VB101 Valley Bowl Junior-Major VB102 Valley Bowl Stars Of Tomorrow</p><p>Page 1 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages ~ A ~ Ackerman, Gracie N------11-430278 LL102 41 37 Ackerman, Skyler J------11-430279 LL102 42 41 Adlesperger, Joshua T------11-140070 CH101 66 101 Alexander, Malachi A------11-405444 NB102 34 54 Alexander, Marissa J------11-405499 NB103 26 73 Allison, Dylan ------11-110811 LL101 69 131 Anderson, Leah C------5636-440 NB103 51 162 Anderson, Leah C------5636-440 JB101 37 161 Andres, Dalton A------11-435977 HS101 42 96 Andres, Gabby M------11-430314 VB102 42 59 Andres, Toby J------11-430317 VB102 30 87 Araya, Justin R------8612-14183 DP101 69 179 Araya, Justin R------8612-14183 HS101 48 176 Araya, Keith A------8612-14162 DP101 66 134 Archibald, Kaytlin ------11-435981 HS101 30 87 Aris, Zachary R------11-111214 CL101 72 106 Armitage, Jaymes T------6852-218 HS101 42 158 Armitage, Jaymes T------6852-218 FA101 86 151 Armitage, Kaitlyn J------6852-227 FA101 87 144 Armitage, Kaitlyn J------6852-227 HS101 42 144 Aull, Samantha N------8612-14653 CL101 48 123 ~ B ~ Babinski, Tyler J------8612-14270 VB101 68 173 Baca, Daniel M------8612-16098 DP101 39 99 Baker, Jake A------8612-13328 CL104 54 150 Baker, Jake A------8612-13328 HS101 36 150 Baker, Josh K------8612-13329 CL104 64 108 Barlow, Marlon A------11-111240 CL101 71 114 Barlow, Tyler M------8612-12969 VB101 78 184 Barlow, Tyler M------8612-12969 HS101 45 182 Barlow, Tyler M------8612-12969 JB101 24 165 Barsness, Conner J------11-111244 CL101 45 53 Barsness, Karl M------8612-15278 CL101 45 84 Barsness, Kyle A------6852-511 CL101 39 173 Barsness, Rachel A------6852-495 CL101 36 135 Baxter, Riley ------11-435986 HS101 45 121 Beattie, Ashley N------11-306275 CH101 68 88 Beer, Emily ------11-452100 NB102 57 32 Beer, Zachary T------11-425236 NB102 57 40 Belcher, Montana P------11-301958 VB101 72 108</p><p>Page 2 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Bell, Alexis L------11-405485 NB101 14 89 Bell, Beau G------11-405483 NB101 14 62 Bell, Joey R------11-435987 HS101 42 117 Bell, Ryan T------11-111447 CH101 51 130 Benner, Lindsey M------6852-118 LL101 54 160 Bermutez, Chelsea M------11-368136 CL101 45 104 Blair, Nick S------11-435991 HS101 36 92 Bliss, Michael A------11-405447 NB102 75 68 Boyce, Garrett A------10-1968244 JB101 29 148 Bratcher, Tanner C------11-281555 DP101 72 125 Breedlove, Garrett R------11-479298 DP101 24 49 Brown, Alex ------11-440080 DP101 81 83 Brown, Bryan R------6852-60 HS101 42 184 Brown, Bryan R------6852-60 JB101 34 183 Brown, Bryan R------6852-60 VB101 30 180 Bruno, Zachary ------11-435998 HS101 36 131 Burchett, Kaley R------6852-288 LL101 41 148 ~ C ~ Cameron, Brianna R------8612-15261 VB101 65 89 Campbell, Danny L------8612-15590 NB103 66 113 Campbell, Jada J------8612-14282 VB101 49 116 Campbell, Jayci L------8612-14273 VB101 75 121 Campbell, Jory T------8612-14283 VB101 69 132 Caroon, Brandon W------11-426353 VB101 66 123 Carpenter, Joshua B------11-301961 VB102 39 59 Castor, Tyler A------8612-15714 NB103 66 151 Child, Nathan W------8612-14185 DP101 81 140 Coffey, Regan ------11-306207 VB102 54 89 Comer, Cameron A------8612-15891 FA101 90 106 Comer, Courtney A------8612-15898 FA101 90 125 Comer, Courtney A------8612-15898 HS101 45 121 Covington, Jesse R------6852-140 JB101 83 212 Covington, Jesse R------6852-140 NB103 72 208 Covington, Jesse R------6852-140 HS101 42 199 Cowan, Aiden T------8612-15474 VB102 75 71 Cross, Blaise R------11-306295 NB101 41 73 Cross, Jason 'Cj' J------11-425235 NB102 53 70 ~ D ~ Davis, Nathan O------11-405489 NB101 40 79 Dean, Preston M------6852-517 HS101 36 146 Dempsey, Ronan M------11-436001 HS101 36 109</p><p>Page 3 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Denison, Jaryd A------11-180933 DP101 84 102 Dixon, Brandon B------6852-505 HS101 48 200 Dixon, Brandon B------6852-505 CL104 70 191 Dixon, Brandon B------6852-505 CL101 66 191 Dudley, Alexandria R------6852-624 VB102 78 92 Dudley, Gabriella E------6852-625 VB101 69 151 Durheim, Matthew W------11-303341 HS101 30 154 Durheim, Matthew W------11-303341 LL101 21 138 ~ E ~ Earle, Destiny J------11-405462 NB102 48 51 Ebert, Michaela K------8612-13413 CL101 72 145 Eccles, Ethan C------11-302252 HS101 27 118 Edge, Rekah L------11-452104 VB101 48 47 Edge, Sarah N------11-474876 VB102 33 35 Edwards, Austin E------11-474874 VB102 27 126 Edwards, Randy J------11-474875 VB102 33 103 Edwards, Thomas R------11-430318 VB102 78 90 Egger, Thomas M------11-250352 LL101 46 56 Eggleston, Clancy A------11-440107 CH101 66 117 Eggleston, Gavin M------11-440108 CH101 66 98 Eggleston, Julie K------11-474869 CH101 63 93 Enright, Kaleb C------8612-15734 HS101 36 163 Evans, Ericka A------6852-179 NB103 48 132 ~ F ~ Fencl, Karl R------6852-151 NB103 72 209 Fencl, Karl R------6852-151 HS101 47 200 Fencl, Karl R------6852-151 JB101 72 194 Fencl, Ryann T------8612-12986 HS101 45 133 Ficca, Steven L------11-72993 VB101 66 185 Ficca, Steven L------11-72993 JB101 40 176 Ficca, Steven L------11-72993 HS101 48 175 Fifield, Seth R------11-139365 HS101 48 127 Fisher, Brianna M------11-303343 NB102 48 98 Fleury, Abby ------11-430295 LL101 14 34 Flinn, Conor M------11-436003 HS101 42 73 Flynn, Noah J------8612-14284 VB101 75 88 Foster, Kolette M------6852-134 JB101 49 179 Foster, Kolette M------6852-134 HS101 48 177 Foster, Kolette M------6852-134 LL101 54 162 Franks, John A------11-111460 CH101 66 99 Freitag, Daini R------8612-15601 NB103 75 90</p><p>Page 4 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages ~ G ~ Gamble, Taylor M------6852-536 JB101 70 194 Gately, Ryan P------6852-301 NB103 78 201 Gately, Ryan P------6852-301 JB101 85 196 Gately, Ryan P------6852-301 HS101 39 190 Gleave, Juliette M------11-111468 CH101 65 47 Goss, Marcus A------8612-13056 NB103 77 149 Gosselin, Nikalas J------6852-302 VB101 72 219 Gosselin, Nikalas J------6852-302 HS101 48 208 Gosselin, Nikalas J------6852-302 JB101 67 200 Graham, Anthony B------11-430296 LL101 21 125 Graham, Kieffer J------11-430298 LL101 21 120 Graham, Luke S------11-430300 LL101 24 90 Graham, Michael J------11-368652 DP101 87 100 Graves, Jeremy I------6852-78 NB103 75 189 Graves, Jeremy I------6852-78 JB101 46 188 Graves, Jeremy I------6852-78 HS101 36 186 Gray, Melissa A------8612-13072 LL101 54 110 Gregerson, Hunter A------11-301985 VB101 71 105 Gregerson, Tanner R------11-301988 VB102 75 78 Grisham, Margaret ------11-440109 CH101 54 52 Groves, Kyle J------8612-15826 NB102 81 129 ~ H ~ Hagreen, Nathan W------11-368138 CL101 39 79 Hagreen, Rebekah A------11-306210 HS101 45 147 Hagreen, Rebekah A------11-306210 CL101 36 142 Hagreen, Rebekah A------11-306210 CL104 45 139 Haight, Brendan J------8612-14285 VB102 59 96 Haight, Cameron T------11-72592 VB102 69 64 Hampton, Julisha A------8612-15620 DP101 42 60 Hanson, Jessica M------8612-12984 NB103 81 119 Harris, Anora L------11-322143 FA101 48 75 Harris, Nathan T------8612-15604 NB102 81 93 Harris, Natieralee R------11-238734 NB102 81 47 Harris, Nicholas A------10-506701 JB101 34 183 Harris, Randall R------11-436004 HS101 18 124 Harris, Ryan M------6848-128 JB101 14 188 Hartwig, Christopher J------5627-51 JB101 33 181 Heglin, Carson R------11-390152 DP101 81 83 Heglin, Stephanie D------11-390153 DP101 78 75 Heglin, Zachary J------11-390154 DP101 84 59</p><p>Page 5 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Henry, Drew A------6852-509 HS101 36 173 Henry, Valeree J------11-440078 HS101 30 95 Hentges, Fletcher A------6868-32 CH101 66 119 Hickmon, Trentin G------11-281679 DP101 27 45 Hill, Alex F------11-405510 NB103 81 108 Hobbs, Devin M------6852-593 VB101 66 143 Hobbs, Jason R------6852-478 VB101 72 146 Hodges, Virginia L------6852-304 HS101 48 120 Hohenstein, Ashley J------8612-14649 NB103 66 101 Holden, Casey E------8612-12987 HS101 45 154 Holden, Casey E------8612-12987 NB103 75 149 Holodnick, Alexander R------8345-4348 FA101 81 156 Holodnick, Benjamin L------8345-4347 FA101 81 123 Howard, Jordan D------8612-16064 LL101 69 108 Hudson, Brandon A------6852-516 HS101 33 164 Hughes, Alec H------11-306341 VB101 72 94 Hurley, Cody A------8612-12975 JB101 65 208 Hurley, Cody A------8612-12975 VB101 63 202 Hurley, Cody A------8612-12975 HS101 48 202 ~ I ~ Imada, Jaxson D------11-430321 VB102 57 93 ~ J ~ Jensen, Austin J------11-440110 CH101 55 44 Johnson, Aaron J------11-405467 NB102 63 88 Johnson, Donovan G------11-243684 CL101 55 89 Johnson, Ian C------11-243699 CL101 60 105 Johnson, Ricky ------11-250376 VB102 51 84 Johnson, Ryan S------11-302253 HS101 18 125 ~ K ~ Kafton, Caelin 'Kitty' M------11-435886 FA101 50 76 Kafton, Caelin 'Kitty' M------11-435886 HS101 39 76 Keller, Jacob R------11-436010 HS101 36 124 Kelly, Candice M------6852-48 VB101 72 131 Kelsey, Tyler D------11-204030 VB102 47 64 Kennett, Jacob D------8612-15645 VB101 65 155 Kerr, Kylena L------11-436013 HS101 36 92 Kerr, Levi D------6852-310 HS101 42 173 Kerr, Levi D------6852-310 LL101 20 153 Klamm, Draven T------11-110953 NB103 78 104 Kleinknecht, Billy L------6852-311 HS101 42 116</p><p>Page 6 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Klotz, Zach R------8612-15668 CL101 66 175 Knight, Conner J------8612-15893 FA101 56 79 Knight, Ethan A------11-111767 FA101 53 80 Knight, Lily M------11-322149 FA101 49 64 Knudsvig, Connor A------11-281685 DP101 57 77 Knutson, Gabe C------8612-14187 DP101 87 162 ~ L ~ Land, Azia L------11-100103 HS101 48 131 Livingston, Damon D------8612-15828 LL101 46 53 Lockhart, Grace B------8612-14777 VB101 66 132 Loe, Kienan M------11-436016 HS101 42 113 Lough Jr, John A------6867-4860 HS101 18 197 Lundgren, Heather L------8612-14188 DP101 66 192 Lundgren, Heather L------8612-14188 HS101 42 178 Lundgren, Heather L------8612-14188 JB101 41 176 ~ M ~ Marsh, Ambrose A------11-281690 DP101 48 82 Martin, Austin S------11-113046 LL101 54 97 Martin, Grace M------11-173063 LL101 60 121 McElliot, Phillip J------11-426359 VB101 66 98 Mcbee, Kevin M------11-458189 DP101 51 109 Mccathren, Miles P------6852-123 NB103 78 121 Mccollaum, Sean T------11-425234 CL101 15 69 McDonough, Kaycee N------6852-498 CL101 72 155 Mcghee, Araya ------11-474877 HS101 42 55 Mcgovern, Ashlee D------6852-49 VB101 78 167 Mcgovern, Jennifer R------6852-50 VB101 63 147 Mcintyre, Robert C------11-112011 VB101 27 165 Meadows, Donovan A------11-129074 NB103 73 149 Meadows-Spurlock, Ami L-----11-129073 NB103 72 85 Mertens, Toby M------6852-131 HS101 36 157 Mertens, Toby M------6852-131 NB103 78 151 Milne, Isaac ------11-129077 NB103 63 97 Morgan, Nycole E------11-474871 CL104 36 115 Morris, Alyssa D------6852-433 VB101 69 123 Morris, Cameron M------6852-434 VB101 78 139 Muglia, Joseph D------11-430303 LL101 27 95 ~ N ~ Norlen, Clint H------11-405550 DP101 78 120 Norris, William J------8612-16008 VB101 72 145</p><p>Page 7 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages ~ O ~ Oberdorfer, Hanna L------11-352395 DP101 48 87 Oens, Justin K------6852-507 VB101 60 186 Oens, Justin K------6852-507 HS101 45 179 Oens, Justin K------6852-507 CL104 62 177 Oens, Justin K------6852-507 JB101 54 177 Olsen, Jacob M------8612-15475 NB103 63 88 ~ P ~ Paul, Kaylee M------11-306285 CH101 18 73 Pedro, Antonio K------11-111484 CH101 60 110 Petty, Skyler R------11-111487 CH101 60 116 Pham, Danny M------11-436019 HS101 24 144 Pham, Dennis ------8612-15742 LL101 72 191 Pham, Dennis ------8612-15742 JB101 45 188 Pierson, Max A------11-381693 CL101 66 85 Pierson, Sarah F------11-381695 CL101 68 80 Ploegman, Angelica ------6852-248 FA101 87 143 Poffenroth, Riley C------6852-273 LL101 69 142 Porter, Chassidy L------11-430326 VB102 69 68 Porter, Zackarius J------11-430328 VB102 72 87 Pound, Alle M------11-474878 NB103 26 61 Provost, Nik ------11-303356 HS101 42 179 ~ R ~ Rainbolt, Andria L------6852-226 FA101 86 129 Rainbolt, Kaitlyn 'Kati' N------10-1970489 HS101 24 122 Ramelow, Cheri B------6852-589 VB101 44 94 Ramelow, Kaleb ------8612-13456 VB102 45 114 Ramelow, Kelson R------8612-15476 VB102 66 74 Rapp, Brady M------11-430282 LL102 34 54 Rawley, Nathan R------6139-28 JB101 46 205 Rees, Griffin B------11-204031 VB102 72 91 Remendowski, Grace M------11-435890 FA101 84 85 Richer, Jake M------8612-13244 FA101 72 169 Richer, Jake M------8612-13244 CL104 51 165 Rinauro, Connor M------8612-15089 DP101 78 123 Robins, Turner R------8864-2307 JB101 26 181 Rodriguez, Alyssa M------11-381696 CL101 24 72 Rose, Austen ------11-430288 LL101 69 74 Rose, Mckenah ------11-430290 LL101 41 52 Rose, Zachary ------11-430305 LL101 36 76</p><p>Page 8 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Rosenau, Wyatt T------11-111277 NB103 69 120 Ross, John D------8612-14906 CL101 72 143 Ross, John D------8612-14906 HS101 42 143 Rupert Jr, Mark J------6852-255 FA101 78 136 Rupert Jr, Mark J------6852-255 CL104 48 134 Russo, Jillian R------11-435893 FA101 50 70 Rye, Andrew ------8612-14181 DP101 90 155 ~ S ~ Sampson, Jamison C------11-303358 LL101 42 119 Sanders, Charlie ------8612-14171 DP101 69 113 Saville, Charstie M------6852-178 VB101 52 190 Saville, Charstie M------6852-178 JB101 32 179 Saville, Elijah J------11-140057 NB102 42 96 Schelling, Carlene M------8612-16046 VB101 57 130 Schierholz, Casey A------11-72624 JB101 45 173 Schierholz, Casey A------11-72624 NB103 78 172 Schierholz, Casey A------11-72624 HS101 48 168 Selby, Liza J------8612-15269 VB101 78 125 Sellgren, Dante C------8612-14036 LL101 28 89 Shaw, Frisco D------11-405491 NB101 20 69 Shay, Jacob B------11-436020 HS101 36 102 Shears, Mathew C------6858-24 JB101 33 161 Shockley, Joseph R------8612-13063 HS101 42 181 Shockley, Joseph R------8612-13063 LL101 60 167 Shockley, Richard J------8612-13064 HS101 36 166 Shockley, Richard J------8612-13064 LL101 48 154 Shryack, Jared A------11-452103 VB101 30 75 Smith, Ian C------11-440111 CH101 39 68 Smith, Jacob L------11-440112 CH101 39 88 Smith, Megan M------6852-317 VB101 72 166 Smith, Megan M------6852-317 HS101 48 163 Smith, Megan M------6852-317 JB101 37 159 Smith, Savanna K------6852-283 VB101 72 97 Smith, Zackary S------11-111020 HS101 39 155 Snyder, Shelby A------8612-14041 HS101 45 172 Snyder, Shelby A------8612-14041 LL101 69 170 Snyder, Shelby A------8612-14041 JB101 21 170 Sorenson, Brittany J------11-330233 LL101 66 106 Soulier, Jack M------11-322159 FA101 84 112 Spurlock, Justin D------11-238602 NB103 71 122 Spurlock, Rachel E------11-474879 NB103 36 58 Stafford, Mercedes L------8612-14035 NB103 67 93</p><p>Page 9 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Stanley, David M------8612-13114 VB101 75 119 Stedeford, Anthony R------6852-136 VB101 54 173 Stedeford, Anthony R------6852-136 NB103 24 173 Stedeford, Anthony R------6852-136 JB101 43 169 Stedeford, Anthony R------6852-136 HS101 36 165 Stephens, Robert K------11-435897 FA101 90 122 Stern, Chelan E------11-430330 VB102 37 44 Stocker, Savahnnah L------5636-1022 JB101 21 166 Strawn, Andrew J------11-430332 VB102 78 83 Stujenske, Brice A------6852-219 HS101 42 146 Stujenske, Brice A------6852-219 FA101 90 130 Sumpter, Tyler B------8612-12997 HS101 48 199 Sumpter, Tyler B------8612-12997 VB101 30 198 Sumpter, Tyler B------8612-12997 JB101 45 195 Swain, Kyle J------8612-15796 LL101 69 105 ~ T ~ Talbot, Dustin J------11-281713 DP101 38 95 Talbot, Steven M------6852-533 DP101 79 202 Talbot, Steven M------6852-533 JB101 45 191 Talbot, Steven M------6852-533 HS101 42 185 Taylor, Megan E------11-303366 LL101 36 53 Thomen, Colby J------8612-16052 VB102 75 108 Thomen, Shawn C------8612-15468 VB101 75 167 Thomen, Shawn C------8612-15468 HS101 48 158 Thomen, Shawn C------8612-15468 JB101 37 152 Tillett, Bryne A------6852-105 VB101 72 212 Tillett, Bryne A------6852-105 JB101 61 192 Torkelson, Dakota D------8612-15660 CL104 60 186 Torkelson, Dakota D------8612-15660 HS101 30 177 ~ U ~ Uhlenkott, Jared D------6852-133 HS101 48 128 Uhlenkott, Jared D------6852-133 LL101 66 118 Utt, Parker ------11-405468 NB102 69 80 ~ V ~ Van Stralen, Jake E------11-426365 VB101 57 126 Van Stralen, Jake E------11-426365 HS101 33 119 Vanguilder, Courtney L------8612-15602 NB103 69 118 Vansant, Austin R------11-339789 VB101 73 137 Vilandre, Bae C------11-111284 CL101 45 77 Vilandre, Blayne N------8612-16114 HS101 27 127</p><p>Page 10 of 11 2011-12 Youth Winter League Averages</p><p>Vilandre, Blayne N------8612-16114 CL101 60 124 Vilandre, Trace J------11-111280 CL101 57 106 ~ W ~ Welborn, Thomas B------11-435902 FA101 58 79 Werley, Anthony E------6852-321 JB101 51 196 Werley, Anthony E------6852-321 NB103 45 194 West, Ryan M------11-128678 DP101 63 72 Wiese, Kevin E------11-201772 CL101 72 130 Williams, Jason L------6852-499 HS101 39 139 Williams, Jason L------6852-499 CL101 72 137 Wilson, Leslee M------11-474880 NB103 33 81 Winchell, Robert W------6852-167 JB101 46 188 Wing, Allia M------11-281715 DP101 66 84 Witcher, Gavyn P------11-430336 VB102 48 54 Wood, Rebekah A------11-302004 VB101 51 84 Wood, Tyler A------8612-14594 VB101 56 139 Worthey, David J------8612-13339 CL101 63 126 Worthey, David J------8612-13339 CL104 54 117 Worthey, Raymond P------8612-13340 HS101 45 161 Worthey, Raymond P------8612-13340 CL101 57 160 Worthey, Raymond P------8612-13340 CL104 50 150 ~ Y ~ York, Kasey R------6852-58 VB101 78 123 Young, Dylan J------6852-324 HS101 48 181 ~ Z ~ Zigmund, Marissa S------11-72678 VB102 52 69</p><p>Page 11 of 11</p>

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