Curriculum Vita s5

Curriculum Vita s5

<p> CURRICULUM VITA Karla A. Henderson</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Office Address: Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Box 8004 Biltmore North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8004 919-513-0352 Fax 919-515-3687</p><p>Education University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. (1976-1979). Doctor of Philosophy, Major--Education (Recreation, Park, and Leisure Studies). Thesis: Henderson, K. A. (1980). Motivations and selected characteristics of adult volunteers in Extension 4-H youth programs in Minnesota (Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1979). Dissertation Abstracts International, 40(6A), 3531.</p><p>Iowa State University, Ames, IA. (1972-1976). Master of Science, Major--Education (Guidance and Counseling).</p><p>Iowa State University, Ames, IA. (1967-1971). Bachelor of Science, Major--Physical Education (K-14).</p><p>Professional Experience Professor, (2004-present). Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, North Carolina State University.</p><p>Professor (1992-2004), Chair (1996-2004) and Director of Graduate Studies (1992-1996).Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.</p><p>Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies (1988-1992). Curriculum in Leisure Studies and Recreation Administration, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.</p><p>Visiting Associate Professor. (1987-1988). Curriculum in Leisure Studies and Recreation Administration, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.</p><p>Associate Professor and Chair. (1985-1987). Department of Recreation, Texas Woman's University. </p><p>Assistant Professor (.60) and Recreation Specialist (.40). (1979-1985). Department of Continuing and Vocational Education (Recreation Resources Management major) and Recreation Resources Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension. Adjunct Appointment in Water Resources Unit.</p><p>Instructor (.66). (1977-1979). Division of Recreation, Park, and Leisure Studies, University of Minnesota. </p><p>Teaching Asst. (1976-1977). Division of Recreation, Park, and Leisure Studies, University of Minnesota.</p><p>Extension 4-H and Youth Leader. (1971-1976). Coop Extension Service, Iowa State University, Tama Co. Henderson 11/1/12 2</p><p>Professional Honors (Lifetime)</p><p>Iowa State University Extension Association Achievement Award (1975) Nominated for Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin (1984, 1985) Nominated for Outstanding Advising Award, University of Wisconsin (1985) Distinguished Service Award, Wisconsin Section of the American Camping Association (1985) Elected Fellow of the AAHPERD Research Consortium (1985) Regional Service Award, American Camping Association (1986) University of Nebraska-Lincoln Ruth Diamond Levinson Lecturer (1989) AAHPERD Research Consortium Invited Scholar Lecturer (1990, 2002) Elected Fellow in the Academy of Leisure Sciences (1990) American Camping Association Golden Quill Awards (1982, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2001, 2006) President of Society of Park and Recreation Educators (1991-92) Achievement Award from American Association of Leisure and Recreation (1991) SUNY-Cortland Gold Metcalf Lecturer (1992) JB Nash Scholar Award from AAHPERD (1993) WLRA WICE Visiting Professor, Leewarden, Netherlands (1993, 1995) Distinguished Visiting Professor at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (1993) NRPA Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt Award for Research (1993) President of AAHPERD Research Consortium (1994-95) North Carolina Recreation and Park Society Special Citation (1994) Council on Outdoor Education Julian Smith Honor Award (1995) University of Alaska Visiting Distinguished Professor of Outdoor Education (1995) Ford Foundation Cultural Diversity Training Fellow (1995) University of Minnesota Borghild Strand Distinguished Lecturer (1995) Hedley Dimock National Camping Award (1996) President of Academy of Leisure Sciences (1996-97) Senior Fellow in American Leisure Academy (1997) University of Illinois Allen V. Sapporo Research Award (1997) Fellow in American Academy of Park and Recreation Administrators (1997) SPRE Distinguished Colleague Award (1997) NCSU “RPTM Partner” Award (1998) AAHPERD Research Consortium Outstanding Paper (w. Barbara Ainsworth) in RQES Award (2001) Visiting Fellow for School of Tourism and Leisure Management at Univ. of Queensland (AU) (2001) North Carolina Recreation and Park Society Honor Award (Highest award given) (2001) Esther Larson McGinnis Scholar at Illinois State University (2002) PRTM Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award (2006) Jo Safrit Distinguished Lecturer for the Cooper Institute (Dallas, TX) (2007) Reynold Carlson Lecturer Award at Indiana University (2008) SPRE Teaching Excellence Award (2009) Senior Fellow in World Leisure Academy (2010) World Leisure George Torkildsen Literary Award (2010) National Recreation and Park Association Literary Award (2010) Doctor of Science (honoris causa) University of Waterloo (2011) American Association of Park and Recreation Administrators Legend Selection (2012)</p><p>Books</p><p>Henderson, K. A. (in preparation). Introduction to sustainable recreation services. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Freysinger, V. J., Shaw, S. M, Henderson, K. A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (in press). Leisure, women, and gender (3rd. edition). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Meier, J.F., & Henderson, K.A. (2012). Camp counseling. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2010). Evaluating leisure services: Making enlightened decisions (third edition). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson 11/1/12 3</p><p>Sessoms, H.D., & Henderson, K.A. (2009). The noble experiment: A history of NRPA. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. Wellman, D., Dustin, D., Henderson, K.A., & Moore, R. (2008). Service living. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A. (2006). Dimensions of choice: Qualitative approaches to research in parks. Recreation, tourism, sport, and leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2002). Evaluating leisure services: Making enlightened decisions (second edition). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. (393 pp.) Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., Hemingway, J., Hodges, J.S., Kivel, B., & Sessoms, H.D. (2001). Introduction to recreation and leisure services (eighth edition). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., Shaw, S.M., & Freysinger, V.J. (1996). Both gains and gaps: Feminist perspectives on women’s leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1995). Evaluating leisure services: Making enlightened decisions. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Sessoms, H.D., & Henderson, K.A. (1994). Leisure services (seventh edition). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A. (1991). Dimensions of choice: A qualitative approach to research in recreation, parks, and leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., Shaw, S.M., & Freysinger, V.J. (1989). A leisure of one's own: A feminist perspective on women's leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Tedrick, T., & Henderson, K.A. (1989). Volunteers in leisure: A management perspective. Reston, VA: AAHPERD. </p><p>Chapters in Books (1995-present)</p><p>Henderson, K. A. (in press). Leisure and justice. In S. Elkington Henderson, K. A. (in press). Leisure and the academy. In G. Walker, M. Stodolska, & D. Scott, Leisure Matters. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K. A. (in press). Ecofeminism and social justice. In K. Schwab & D. Dustin, Social justice. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. Henderson, K. A. (in press). Feminist perspectives on leisure. In T. Bradshaw, Handbook of leisure. London: Routledge. Henderson, K. A., & Walker, G. (in press). Research on race, ethnicity, and leisure. In Stodolska, M., Floyd, M., Shinew, K., & G. Walker, Race, ethnicity, and leisure. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Henderson, K. A. (in press). Leisure. In W. Smalldon (Ed.). Encyclopedia of human behaviour (2nd edition). Kidlington, UK: Elsevier. Henderson, K.A. (2010). Preface and Introduction to leisure. In G. Kassing (Ed.), Dimensions of leisure for life: Individuals and society (pp. vii-ix, 3-26). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Henderson, K.A., & Brown, W. (2010). Women, leisure, and health. In L. Payne, B. Ainsworth, & G. Godbey (Eds.) Leisure, health, and wellness (pp. 305-312). State College, PA: Venture Henderson, K.A. (2008). Mihalyi Csikszentmmahalyi. In F. T. L. Leung, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Counseling, Volume 4, Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage. Henderson, K.A. & Bialeschki, M.D. (2008). Gender issues and recreation management. In M. T. Allison and I. E. Schneider, Diversity and the recreation profession (second edition), (pp. 65- 92). State College, PA: Venture Press. Henderson, K.A. (2008). Evaluating and documenting programs. In G. Carpenter & D. Blandy (Eds.). Arts and cultural programming: Leisure perspectives (pp. 79-92). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Henderson, K.A. (2007). Men and leisure. In, M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B. Pease, & K. Pringle (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, Volume 1, London: Routledge. Henderson, K.A. (2007). Things that we believe in. In D. Dustin & T. Goodale (Eds.). Making a difference in academic life, (pp. 195-202). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson 11/1/12 4</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (2007). Leisure education and the leisure industries. In E. Cohen-Gewere & R. Stebbins (Eds.). The pivotal role of leisure education: Finding personal fulfillment in this century, (pp. 131-152). State College, PA: Venture Press. Henderson, K.A. (2007). Leisure services management. In M.A. Hums, G.G. Bower, & H. Grappendorf (Eds.), Women as leaders in sport: Impact and influence, (pp. 173-190). Oxon Hill, MD: AAHPERD. Henderson, K.A., & Shaw, S.M. (2006). Leisure and gender. In C. Rojek, S. Shaw, & T. Veal (Eds.), Handbook of leisure studies. London: Routledge. Henderson, K.A. (2006). Education, research, and advocacy. In E. L. Jackson (Ed). Leisure and the Quality of Life: Impacts of Social, Economic, and Cultural Development (pp. Consensus Symposium (pp. 57-64). Cedar Falls, IA: World Leisure. Henderson, K.A. (2006). What about the girls? In P. Witt and L. Caldwell (Eds.), Recreation and Youth development (pp. 407-424). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Cooper, N. & Henderson, K.A. (2006). The private, not-for-profit sector. In P.L. Gaskill (Ed). Introduction to leisure services in North Carolina (pp. 43-56). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. Henderson, K.A. (2005). The social psychology of women and leisure. In L. Ransdell (Ed.) Girls and women and physical activity (pp. 311-326). Reston, VA: AAHPERD Press. Shaw, S.M., & Henderson, K.A. (2005). Gender analysis and leisure constraints: An uneasy alliance. In E. Jackson (Ed.), Constraints to leisure (pp. 23-34. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Junui, S., & Henderson, K.A. (2002). Problems para investigar y definir el ocio de las mujeres: Perspectivas multiculturalies. In Mujeres y ocio by M.L. Setien and A. L. Marugan (Eds.), (pp. 101-116). Bilbao, Spain: Universidad of Deusto. Henderson, K.A. (2002). Ocio y genero: Un concepto global? In Mujeres y ocio by M.L. Setien and A. L. Marugan (Eds.), (pp. 21-38). Bilbao, Spain: Universidad of Deusto. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2001). Sedentary and busy: Physical activity and older women of color. In Women's leisure experiences: Ages, stages and roles (LSA Publications No. 70) by S. Clough and J. White (pp. 37-50). Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2001). Social support, constraints, and time for physical activity involvement: Perspectives of American Indian women from the Cultural Activity Participation Study. In K.J. Daly (Ed.), Minding the time in family experience, Vol. 3 (pp. 383-402). Philadelphia: Elsevier Science Ltd. Henderson, K.A. (2000). Soaring. In L. West-Smith (Ed.) Body Stories (pp. 115-120). Adventurehaven Press: Edgewood, KY. Henderson, K. (2000). What being educated masters graduate in recreation, parks, tourism, and leisure studies means. In T. Mobley and D. Sessoms, Developing leadership for parks and recreation in the 21st century (pp. 153-159). Myrtle Beach, SC: Leroy Springs and Company. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Dahowski, K. (2000). Trends in camping for not for profit camps. In L. A. Stringer, L. McAvoy, & A. Young (Eds.), Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Fifth Research Symposium Proceedings (pp.63-72). Cortland, NY: Coalition for Education in the Outdoors. Henderson, K.A. (2000). Just leisure, ethical fitness, and ecophilosophical issues. In M. McNamee, C. Jennings, & M. Reeves (Eds.), Just leisure: Policy, ethics, and professionalism (pp. 93- 104). Leisure Studies Association Publication No. 17: Eastbourne, UK. Henderson, K.A. (2000). Human development and just leisure. In M.C. Cabeza, (Ed), Leisure and Human Development (pp. 33-40). Bilbao, Spain: University of Duesto. Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (2000). Gender issues and recreation management. In M. T. Allison and I. E. Schneider, Diversity and the recreation profession (pp. 73-97). State College, PA: Venture Press. Henderson, K.A. (2000). Gender inclusion as a recreation trend. In W.C. Gartner & D.W. Lime (Eds.), Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism (pp. 17-27). Wallingford, UK: CAB International, Shaw, S.M., & Henderson, K.A. (2000). Physical activity, leisure, and women’s health. In L. Sherr & J. S. St. Lawrence (Eds.), Women, health, and the mind (pp. 339-354). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Henderson 11/1/12 5</p><p>Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, D. (1999). Feminist perspectives on leisure research. In E.L. Jackson & T.L. Burton, Leisure studies: Prospects for the twenty-first century (pp. 167-175). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Henderson, K.A. (1999). Should gender-specific programs, such as all women courses, be offered in adventure education? Yes. In S. Wurdinger & T. Potter (Eds.), Controversial issues in adventure education (pp. 247-253). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt. Henderson, K.A., & Roberts, N.S. (1998). An integrative review of literature about women and the outdoors. In K. Fox (Ed.), Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Fourth Research Symposium Proceedings (p. 9-22). Cortland, NY: SUNY-Cortland. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Gender and diversity as a catalyst for change: Colours of the wind. In T. Gray & B. Hayllar (Eds.), Catalysts for change: Papers from the 10th National Outdoor Education Conference (pp. 8-16). Sydney: Australian Outdoor Education Association. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Creating gender and diversity consciousness in the outdoors. In T. Gray & B. Hayllar (Eds.), Catalysts for change: Papers from the 10th National Outdoor Education Conference (pp. 89-92). Sydney: Australian Outdoor Education Association. Henderson, K.A., Winn, S. & Roberts, N.S. (1996). ‘Kind of in the middle’: The gendered meanings of the outdoors for women students. In L.H. McAvoy, L. A. Stringer, M.D. Bialeschki, & A.B. Young (Eds.), Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Third Research Symposium Proceedings (pp. 94-106). Cortland, NY: Coalition for Education in the Outdoors. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Feminist perspectives, female ways of being, and nature. In B.L. Driver et al. Nature and the human spirit (pp. 153-162). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1996). Recreation management with girls and women in mind. In Fu, F.H., & Chan, P.C. (Eds.), Recreation, sport, culture, and tourism for the 21st century, (pp. 153-165). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Feminist perspectives on outdoor leadership. In K. Warren (Ed.), Women’s voices in experiential education (pp. 107-117). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Women and the outdoors: Toward spiritual empowerment. In K. Warren (Ed.), Women’s voices in experiential education (pp. 193-202). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Feministisk forskning synliggor kvinnors fritid. In Fria val? Om kon, makt ocfh fritid (pp. 31-56). Stockholm: Delbetankande av Fritidsutredningen. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Is it good for women? Feminist ethics in leisure research and practice. In Gerald Fain (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Leisure and Ethics, (pp. 46-61). Reston, VA: AAHPERD. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Leisure studies. In C. Davidson and L. Wagner-Martin (Eds.), The Oxford Companion to Women’s Writing in the United States, (pp. 491-492). New York: Oxford University Press. Henderson, K.A. & Shaw, S.M. (1995). Research on women in leisure: Past, present, and future research. In L. Barnett, Research about leisure: Past, present, and future (second edition), (pp. 121-139). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. 6 additional chapters prior to 1995</p><p>Juried/Refereed Publications (Lifetime)</p><p>Henderson, K. A., Grappendorf, H., Bruton, C., & Tomas, S. (in press). The status of women in the parks and recreation profession. World Leisure Journal. Henderson, K. A., & Gibson, H. E., (in press). An integrative review of women, gender, and leisure: Increasing complexities. Journal of Leisure Research. Aitchison, C. C., & Henderson, K. A. (in press). Leisure as a site for inequality and a means to resist inequality. World Leisure Journal. Henderson, K. A. (in press). The contributions to leisure to health and well-being. LARASA Journal (South Africa). Hickerson, B. D., & Henderson, K. A. (in press). Measuring physical activity in camps. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Bruton, C. M., Vurnakes, C., Martin, K., Perry, W., & Henderson, K. A. (2012). A case study of a workplace recreation-based physical activity Program. Leisure/Loisir, 36 1-16. Henderson 11/1/12 6</p><p>Henderson, K. A. (2012). The contributions of leisure to health and well-being. International Leisure Review, 1, 11-19. Henderson, K., Casper, J., Wilson, B., & Dern, L. (2012). Behaviors, reasons, and out comes perceived by senior games participatns. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 30(1), 19-35. Bialeschki, M. D., Henderson, K. A., Browne, L., & Hickerson, B. (2012). Possibilities and challenges in conducting outdoor field-based research. Journal of Recreation and Outdoor Leadership. Smith, C., Santucci, D., Xu, S., Cox, A., & Henderson, K.A. (2012). “I love my job, but…:” A narrative analysis of women’s perceptions of their careers in parks and recreation. Journal of Leisure Research, 44, 52-69. Henderson, K. A. (2011).Post-positivism and the pragmatics of leisure research. Leisure Sciences, 33(4), 341-346. Witmer, L., Bocarro, J., & Henderson K.A. (2011). Adolescent girls’ perceptions of health in a leisure context. Journal of Leisure Research, 43(3), 334-354. Henderson, K. A., Rich, S., Harrolle, M., & Moretz, J. (2011). Women faculty, higher education, and the recreation/leisure field. Schole, 26(2), 14-27. Henderson, K. A. (2011). A continuum of leisure studies and professional specialties: What if no connections exist? World Leisure Journal, 53(2), 76-90. Henderson, K. A. (2011). Physical activity among African American women: Change and ways of knowing. Quest: Advancing Kinesiology in Higher Education, 63(1), 73-84. Henderson, K.A., Garst, B., Bialeschki, D., & Santucci, D. (2010). Children’s perceptions of an environmental leadership program: Camp2Grow. Research in Outdoor Education, 10, 13- 25. Henderson, K. A., Edwards, M., Casper, J., Bocarro, J., & Floyd, M. (2010). Investigating places for active recreation in rural North Carolina communities. Rural Connections, 5(1) 33-37. Henderson, K.A. (2010). The future of leisure studies: The sky is falling? Leisure Sciences, 32(4), 391-400. (invited) Henderson, K. A. (2010). Women, gender, and leisure matter. Journal of Zhejiang University,40(2), 117-124. Jordan, D. J., Smith, J., Cox, A., Thompson, T., Jeon, J., Palacios, I., Patterson, A., Peel, J., & Henderson, K. (2009). An exploration of the meanings of parks in Oklahoma. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 27(1), 17-32. Henderson, K., Patterson, A., Palacios, I., Jeon, J., Peel, J., Cox, A., Smith, J., & Thompson, T (2009). The tie that binds? A case study of student perceptions of their recreation-related majors. Schole, 24, 21- 37. James, P. A., Henderson, K.A., & Garst, B. (2009). An exploration of camp directors’ affective connection to nature and camp programming. Research in Outdoor Education, 9, 26-42. Henderson, K.A. (2009). Expanding the meanings of leisure in a both/and world. Loisir & Societe, 31(1), 15-30. Henderson, K.A., Oakleaf, L., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2009). Questions raised in exploring spiritual growth and camp experiences. Leisure, 33(1), 179-196. Cardenas, D., Henderson, K.A., & Wilson, B. (2009). Physical activity and senior games participation: Benefits, constraints, and behaviors. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 17(2). Cardenas, D., Henderson, K.A., & Wilson, B. (2009). Experiences of participation in Senior Games among older adults. Journal of Leisure Research, 41(1), 41-56. Canan, K., & Henderson, K.A., Asci, F. H., Bulgu, N. (2009). Constraints to leisure-time physical activity and negotiation strategies in Turkish women. Journal of Leisure Research, 41(2), 225-252. Henderson, K.A. (2009). The paradox of sport management and physical activity. Sport Management Review, 12, 57-65. Bocarro, J. N., Casper, J., Henderson, K.A., Floyd, M. F., Moore, R., Kanters, M.A., Laven, K., & Edwards, M. (2009). Physical activity promotion in North Carolina: Perceptions of public park and recreation directors. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 27(1), 1-27. Henderson, K.A. (2009). Just research and physical activity: Diversity is more than an independent variable (research reflection). Leisure Sciences, 31, 100-105. Henderson 11/1/12 7</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (2009). 40 years of leisure research in the United States: Where we have been, where we are going. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies (Korean), 33(1), 5-16. Henderson, K. A., Oakleaf, L., James, P., Swanson, J., Moore, A., Edwards, M., & Hickerson, B. (2008). The experience of learning/teaching qualitative research approaches: An ethnographic autobiography. Schole, 23, 27-42. Hickerson, B., Moore, A., Oakleaf. L., Edwards, M., James, P.A., Swanson, J., & Henderson, K.A. (2008). The role of a senior center in promoting physical activity for older adults. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 26(1), 22-39. (Winner of the 2009 National Institute of Senior Centers Research Award). Henderson, K.A. (2008). Contributions of parks and recreation to health and active lifestyles. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies (Korean), 32(4), 233-230. Henderson, K.A. (2008). Expanding view of leisure: Possibilities and challenges. Journal of Zhejiang University, 38(6), 112-121. Henderson, K. A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2008, Summer).Spiritual development and camp experiences. New Directions in Youth Development, pp. 107-110. Bocarro, J., Greenwood, B., & Henderson, K.A. (2008). An integrative review of youth development research in selected US recreation journals. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 26(2), 4-27. Kaczynski, A., & Henderson, K.A. (2008). Parks and recreation settings and active living: A review of associations with physical activity function and intensity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 5, 619-632. Henderson, K.A., & Hickerson, B.D. (2007). Women and leisure: Premises and performances uncovered in an integrated review. Journal of Leisure Research, 39, 591-610. Henderson, K.A. Schuler, L., Bialeschki, M.D., Scanlin, M. M., & Thurber, C. (2007). Summer camp experiences: Parental perceptions of youth development. Journal of Family Issues, 28, 987- 1007. Kaczynski, A., & Henderson, K.A. (2007). Environmental correlates of physical activity: A review of evidence about parks and recreation. Leisure Sciences, 29, 315-354. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., & James, P.A. (2007). Overview of camp research. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 16, 755-767. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & James, P.A. (2007). Camp experiences and developmental outcomes for youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 16, 769-788. Henderson, K.A. (2006). Urban parks, trails, and physical activity. Annals of Leisure Research (Australia-New Zealand), 9(4), 201-211. Librett, J., Henderson, K.A., Godbey, G., & Morrow, J. (2007). An introduction to parks, recreation, and public health: Collaborative frameworks for promoting physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 4 (Supp 1), S1-13. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., Thurber, C., Schueler Whitaker, L., & Marsh, P. (2007). Components of camp experiences for positive youth development. Journal of Youth Development, 3(1) Thurber, C., Schuler, L., Scanlin, M., & Henderson, K. (2007). Youth development outcomes of the camp experience: Evidence for multidimensional growth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 36, 241-254. Arab-Moghaddam, N., Henderson, K.A., & Sheikholeslami, R. (2007). Women’s leisure and constraints to participation: Iranian perspectives. Journal of Leisure Research, 39(1), 109- 126. Henderson, K.A. (2007). Mujeres, ocio y estilos de vida actives/Women, leisure, and active lifestyles. ADOZ, 31, 23-30. Henderson, K.A. (2006) False dichotomies and leisure research. Leisure Studies, 25(4), 391-395. Henderson, K.A., Thurber, C.A., Whitaker, L.S., Bialeschki, M.D., & Scanlin, M. (2006). Development and application of a camper growth index for youth. Journal of Experiential Education, 29(1), 1-17. Sallis, J.F., Cervero, R.B., Ascher, W., Henderson, K.A., Kraft, M.K., & Kerr, J. (2006). An ecological approach to creating active living communities. Annual Review of Public Health, 27, 297-322. Henderson, K.A., Powell, G., & Scanlin, M. (2005). Observing outcomes in youth development: An analysis of mixed methods. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 23(4), 58-77. Henderson 11/1/12 8</p><p>Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2005). Leisure and active lifestyles. Leisure Sciences, 27, 355- 366. (invited) Henderson, K.A. (2005). Discrimination in the social context of leisure: A response. Leisure Sciences, 27(1), 45-48. (invited) Cavnar, M.M., Kirtland, K.A., Evans, M.H., Wilson, D.K., Williams, J.E., Mixon, G.M., & Henderson, K.A. (2004). Evaluating the quality of recreation facilities: Developing an assessment tool. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 22, 96-114, 2004. Stumpf, M., Henderson, K., Luken, K, & Bialeschki, M.D. (2004). Creating inclusive 4-H environments for people with disabilities. Journal of Extension Henderson, K.A., Presley, J., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2004). Theory and leisure research: Reflections from the editors. Leisure Sciences, 26(4) 411-426. (invited). Tudor-Locke, C, Henderson, K.A., Wilcox, S. Cooper, R.S., Durstine, J.L., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2003). In their own voices: Definitions and interpretations of physical activity. Women’s Health Issues, 13(5), 194-199. Royce, S.W., Sharpe, P.A., Greaney, M.L., Neff, L.J., Ainsworth, B.E., & Henderson, K.A. (2003). Conceptualizing barriers and supports for physical activity: A qualitative assessment. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 41(2), 49-56. Ainsworth, B.E., Wilcox, S., Thompson, W.W., Richter, D.L., & Henderson, K.A. (2003). Personal, social, and physical environmental correlates of physical activity in African-American women in South Carolina. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 25 (3Si), 23-29. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2003). A synthesis of perceptions about physical activity among older African American and American Indian women. American Journal of Public Health, 93(2), 313-317. Bialeschki, M.D., Krehbiel, A., & Henderson, K. (2002). Outcomes of camping: Perceptions from camper focus groups. Research in Outdoor Education, 6, 147-156. Henderson, K.A. & Ainsworth, B.E., (2002). Enjoyment: A link to physical activity, leisure, and health. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 20(4), 130-146. Henderson, K.A., Hodges, S., & Kivel, B. (2002). Context and dialogue in research on women and leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 34(3), 253-271. Wilcox, S., Richter, D.L., Henderson, K.A., Greaney, M.L., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2002). Perceptions of physical activity and perceived barriers and enablers in African American women. Ethnicity and Disease, 12, 353-362. Richter, D.L., Wilcox, S., Greaney, M.L., Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2002). Environmental, policy, and cultural factors related to physical activity in African American women. Women & Health, 36(2), 91-110. Stumpf, M., Henderson, K.A., Luken, K., Bialeschki, M.D., & Casey II, M. (2002). 4-H programs with a focus on including youth with disabilities. Journal of Extension, 40(2) Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2001). Physical activity and human development among older Native American women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 9, 285-299. Henderson, K.A., Sharpe, P.A., Neff, L.J., Royce, S.W., Greaney, M.L., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2001). “It takes a village” to promote physical activity: The potential for public parks and recreation departments. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 19(1), 23-41. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2001). Researching leisure and physical activity with women of color: Issues and emerging questions. Leisure Sciences, 23(1), 21-34. Henderson, K.A. (2000). World religions, spirituality, and experiential education. Journal of Experiential Education, 23(3), 128-134. Henderson, K.A. (2000/2001). “The changer and the changed”: Leisure research in the 1990’s (reprint and response from 1993 publication). Leisure/Loisir, 25(3-4), 161-176. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2000). The connections between social support and women’s physical activity involvement: The Cultural Activity Participation Study. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 9(2), 27-53. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2000). Enablers and constraints to walking for African American and American Indian women. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71(4), 313-321. Henderson 11/1/12 9</p><p>Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (2000). Sociolcultural perspectives on physical activity in the lives of older African American and American Indian women: A Cross Cultural Activity Participation Study. Women & Health, 30(1) 1-20. Henderson, K.A. (2000). False dichotomies, intellectual diversity, and the either/or world: Leisure research in the future. Journal of Leisure Research, 32(1), 49-53. (invited) Glancy, M., Henderson, K., & Love, C. (1999). Addressing diversity issues in leisure studies: Three case studies, Schole, 14, 91-104. Henderson, K.A., Glancy, M., & Little, S. (1999). Putting the fun into physical activity. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 70(8), 43-45, 49. Henderson, K.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Stolarzyck, L. M., Hootman, J.M., & Levin, S. (1999). Notes on linking qualitative and quantitative data: The Cross Cultural Physical Activity Participation Study. Leisure Sciences, 21(3), 247-255. Henderson, K.A., & King, K.A. (1999). Youth spaces and places: Case studies of two teen clubs. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 17(2), 28-41. Henderson, K.A. (1998). Enhancing physical activity. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 7(1), 13-26. Henderson, K.A., & King, K. (1998). Recreation programming for adolescent girls: Rationale and foundations. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 16(2), 1-14. Henderson, K.A. (1998). Researching diverse populations. Journal of Leisure Research, 30(1), 157- 170. Henderson, K.A. (1998). The future of recreation and leisure. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Physical Education. Weissinger, E., Henderson, K.A., & Bowling, C. (1997). Toward an expanding methodological base in leisure studies: Researchers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning qualitative research. Loisir & Societe/Society and Leisure, 20(2), 435-451. Masse, L., Ainsworth, B., Tortolero, S., Henderson, K., Fulton, J., & Mayo, K. (1998). Measuring physical activity in midlife, older, and minority women: Issues from an experts’ panel meeting. Journal of Women’s Health, 7(1), 57-67. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Ecofeminism and experiential education. Journal of Experiential Education, 20(3), 130-133. Roberts, N.S., & Henderson, K.A. (1997). Women of color in the outdoors: Culture and meanings. Journal of Experiential Education, 20(3), 134-142. Henderson, K.A. (1997). A critique of constraints theory: A response. Journal of Leisure Research, 29(4), 453-457. (invited) Henderson, K.A. & Bialeschki, M.D. (1997). My mother, myself: Using a research biography. Schole, 12, 91-104. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Just recreation: Ethics, gender, and equity. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 15(2), 16-31. Kleinman, S., Copp, M., & Henderson, K.A. (1997). Qualitatively different: Teaching fieldwork to graduate students. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 25(4), 469-499. Henderson, K.A. (1996). One size doesn’t fit all: The meanings of women’s leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 28(3), 139-154. Henderson, K.A., & Gardner, J. (1996). Claiming control: Leisure and the recovering woman alcoholic. Leisure Sciences, 18(3), 241-258. Weissinger, E., Bowling, C. P., & Henderson, K.A. (1996). Curriculum requirements in and student attitudes toward qualitative research training in leisure studies doctoral programs. Schole, 11, 23-35. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Gender integration as an outcome of recreation/leisure programming. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 14(1), 18-30. Bedini, L. A., & Henderson, K.A. (1995/96). The therapeutic value of the interviewing process in research. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 6, 55-63. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual employees in the workplace: Implications for leisure service organizations. Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 20(2), 141-156. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Leisure in a diverse society: Designing a course. Schole, 10, 1-15. Jackson, E.L., & Henderson, K.A. (1995). Gender-based analysis of leisure constraints. Leisure Sciences, 17, 31-51. Henderson 11/1/12 10</p><p>Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L. A. (1995). Linking data in therapeutic recreation. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 29(2), 124-130. Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L. A. (1995). “I have a soul that dances like Tina Turner but my body can’t”: Physical activity and women with mobility impairments. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 66(2), 151-161. Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L. A. (1994/95). Where are the numbers? Evaluating qualitative data in therapeutic recreation. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 5, 38-47. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1995). The status and career development of women in leisure services. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 13(1), 26-42. Henderson, K.A., Bedini, L.A., Hecht, L., & Shuler, R. (1995). Women with physical disabilities and the negotiation of leisure constraints. Leisure Studies, 14, 17-31. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1994). The meanings of physical recreation for women. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 3(2), 22-38. Henderson, K.A. (1994). An interpretive analysis of the teaching of decision-making in leisure to adolescents with mental retardation. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 28(3), 133-146. Bedini, L. A., & Henderson, K.A. (1994). Women with disabilities and the challenges to leisure service providers. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 12(1), 17-34. Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L. (1994). "Not just a wheelchair, not just a woman": Self-identity and leisure. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 23(2), 73-86. Henderson, K.A. (1994). Theory application and development in recreation, park, and leisure research. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 12(1), 51-64. Henderson, K.A. (1994). An analysis of gender, women and leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(2), 119-137. Henderson, K.A. (1994). Broadening an understanding of women, gender, and leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(1), 1-7. Bedini, L.A., & Henderson, K.A. (1993-94). Interdependence, social support, and leisure: Describing the experiences of women with disabilities. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual, 4, 96-107. Henderson, K.A. (1993). The changer and the changed: Leisure research in the 1990s. Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 18(1), 3-18. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1993). Negotiating constraints to women's physical recreation. Loisir & Societe/Society and Leisure, 16(2), 389-412. Henderson, K.A. (1993). Research: The yin-yang of experiential education research. Journal of Experiential Education, 16(3), 49-53. Henderson, K.A. (1993). A feminist analysis of selected professional recreation literature about women/girls from 1907-1990. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(2), 165-181. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1993). Optimal Work experiences as "flow": Implications for seasonal staff. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 11(1), 37-48. Henderson, K.A., Bedini, L.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1993). Feminism and the client-therapist relationship: Implications for therapeutic recreation. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 27(1), 33-43. Henderson, K.A. (1992). Women and leisure in the future: Planning for a vision. Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 17(2), 115-129. Henderson, K.A. and Bialeschki, M.D. (1992). The social structure of leisure and feminist research. Loisir & Societe/Society and Leisure, 15(1), 63-77. Henderson, K.A. (1992). Invisible pioneers? The impact of women in the Recreation Movement. Leisure Sciences, 14, 139-153. Henderson, K.A. (1992). Being female in the recreation and park profession in the 1990s: Issues and challenges. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 10(2), 15-30. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1991). Feminist perspectives on women in recreation leadership. Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 16(4), 281-296. Henderson, K.A. (1991). The contribution of feminist to an understanding of leisure constraints. Journal of Leisure Research, 23(4), 363-377. Henderson, K.A., & Allen, K.R. (1991). The ethic of care: Leisure possibilities and constraints for women. Loisir & Societe, 14(1), 97-113. Henderson 11/1/12 11</p><p>Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1991). A sense of entitlement to leisure as constraint and empowerment for women. Leisure Sciences, 13, 51-65. Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L.A. (1990). You only get one chance to make a good first impression: The professional job search. Schole, 5, 121-131. Henderson, K.A. (1990). Reality comes through a prism: Methods choices in leisure research. Loisir & Societe, 13(1), 169-188. Henderson, K.A. (1990). Leisure science, dominant paradigms, and philosophy: An introduction. Journal of Leisure Research, 22(4), 283-289. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1990). The feminization of the leisure services profession: Explanations and implications. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 8(1), 1-12. Henderson, K.A. (1990). An oral history perspective on the containers in which American farm women experienced leisure. Leisure Studies, 9, 121-133. Henderson, K.A. (1990). The meaning of leisure for women: An integrative review of the research. Journal of Leisure Research, 22(3), 228-243. Henderson, K.A. (1990). Anatomy is not destiny: A feminist analysis of the scholarship on women's leisure. Leisure Sciences, 12(2), 229-239. Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L.A. (1989). Teaching ethics and social responsibility in leisure studies curricula. Schole, 4, 1-14. Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (1988). Constraints to trail use. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 6 (3), 20-28. Henderson, K.A., Stalnaker, D., & Taylor, G. (1988). The relationship between barriers to recreation and gender-role personality traits of women. Journal of Leisure Research, 20(1), 69-80. Henderson, K.A. & Rannells, J.S. (1988). Farm women and the meaning of work and leisure: An oral history perspective. Leisure Sciences, 10(1), 41-50. Henderson, K.A. & Bialeschki, M.D. (1987). Qualitative evaluation of a women's week experience. Journal of Experiential Education, 10(6), 25-29. Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (1986). Leisure in the common world of women. Leisure Studies, 5, 299-308. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1984). The personal and professional spheres: Complement or conflict for women. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 2(4), 21-30. Henderson, K.A. (1984). Volunteerism as leisure. Journal of Voluntary Action Research, 13(1), 55- 63. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1984). Organized camping and the future: Research on major trends. Camping Magazine (Fund for the Advancement of Camping Occasional Paper), 56(3), 19-26. Henderson, K.A. & Cooper, R. (1983). Characteristics of campers in private and state-owned campgrounds in Wisconsin. Journal of Travel Research, 22(1), 10-14. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1982). Camping research--mystique or meaning? Camping Magazine (Fund for the Advancement of Camping Occasional Paper), 55(2), 17-24. Henderson, K.A. (1982). A survey of the continuing education needs of leisure service professionals. Journal of Leisure Research, 14(3), 183-194. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1982). The economic impact of organized camps. Journal of the Community Development Society, 13(2), 53-62. Henderson, K.A. (1981). Motivations and perceptions of volunteerism as a leisure activity. Journal of Leisure Research, 13(3), 208-218. Henderson, K.A. (1981). The continuing education needs of therapeutic recreation professionals. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 15(1), 4-10. Henderson, K.A. (1981). Motivating the adult 4-H volunteer. Journal of Extension, 19(1), 19-27.</p><p>Scholarship with an International and National Emphasis</p><p>Edwards, M. E., Henderson, K. A., & Campbell, K. (in press). Happy, wise, and well camp staff. Camping Magazine. Henderson, K. A., McFadden, K., & Bialeschki, M. D. (2012). What parents want to know that camp counselors should know. Camping Magazine, 85(3), 70-74. Henderson 11/1/12 12</p><p>Henderson, K.A. & Saltmarsh, A (2012). Encouraging wellness and healthy living at camp. Camping Magazine, 85(2), 20-29. Henderson, K.A. & Bialeschki, M. D. (2011). We’re all in the same boat together. Camping Magazine, 84(6), 60-63. Henderson, K. A., Moore, A., & Gore, K. Women in the parks and recreation field: Are the times changing. Parks & Recreation, 46(4), 62-67. Henderson, K.A. (2009). When good things happen. Canadian Camps, 7(1), 12. Hickerson, B.D., & Henderson, K.A. (2010). Children’s summer camp-based physical activity. Camping Magazine, 83(3). 20, 22-23.7 Dustin, D., & Henderson, K. (2009). Professors as students: Keeping the flame alive. SPRE Professor Newsletter, pp. 9-17. James, P. A., Henderson, K.A., & Garst, B. (2008). Camp directors’ beliefs regarding nature- deficit disorder and camp. Camping Magazine, 81(4), 34-39. Henderson, K. A., & Bialeschki, M. D. (2008). Teens and physical health issues. Camping Magazine, 81(5), 58-60. Greenwood, J., Brothers, G., & Henderson, K. (2008). Don’t sink the boat! The Plimsoll Model of tourism sustainability. Leisure Studies Newsletter, 80 (July), 31-34. Henderson, K.A. (2008). The best darn job you’ll ever have. Camping Magazine, 81(4), 56. Henderson, K.A., Thurber, C. Scanlin, M., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2007). Sorting Out What Makes a Difference: Youth Development Findings from Camp Settings. Search Institute on-line Journal, 4(1), available at Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & James, P.A. (2007).The camp experience: An ACA perspective on developmental outcomes for youth. Taproot, 17(2), 5-13. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2007). Who are the teen campers? Camping Magazine, 80(5), 66-67. Henderson, K.A. (2007). Research on women. ADOZ: Spanish Recreation Journal, 31, 23-30. Henderson, K.A. (2007). Quality of life and leisure education: Implications for tourism economics. World Leisure Journal, 49(2), 88-93. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., Thurber, C., Whitaker, L., & Scanlin, M. (2007). Intentional youth development through camp experiences. Camping Magazine, 79(5), 6-8. (correction p. 71 in 79(6). Henderson K.A., & Hickerson, B.D. (2007). Research Update: Women and leisure. Parks & Recreation, 41(4), Henderson, K.A. (2005). Research Update: Parks and Physical Activity. Parks & Recreation, 40(8), 20, 22-26. Spain, V.K., Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (2005). Kids and healthy lifestyles. Camping Magazine, 78(5), 26-33. Henderson, K.A. (2005). Physical activity by choice (Editorial). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 76(6), 4-5. Henderson, K.A. (2005). Who will speak for the trees? (Editorial). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 76(2), 5,12. Henderson, K.A. (2005). The day camp dilemma. Parks & Recreation, 40(2), 76-81. Henderson, K.A. (2004, Winter). Why leisure matters to women in the new millennium. Australiasian Parks and Leisure, pp. 18-19. Henderson, K.A., & Scanlin, M. (2004). Information is power. Camping Magazine, 77(5), 36-43. Henderson, K.A. (2003, Fall). Parks and recreation in active cities. Progressive Planning, 157, 32- 33. Henderson, K.A. (2003). Enjoyment as the link between leisure and physical activity (invited editorial). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 74(7), 6-7. Henderson, K.A. (2003). What about fun in the outdoors? (editorial). Camping Magazine, 76(4), 4. Henderson, K.A., & Presley, J. (2003). Globalization and the value of volunteerism in leisure. World Leisure, 45(2), 33-37. Estes, C., & Henderson, K. (2003). Enjoyment and the good life. Parks & Recreation, 38(2), 22, 24- 31. Henderson 11/1/12 13</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (2002). La vivencia del ocio durante la tercera edad desde la perspective del genero (Leisure, gender, and later life). ADOZ: Boletin del Centro do Documentacion en Ocio, 24, 15-26. (invited). Henderson, K.A., & Silberberg, K. (2002). Good work, if you can get it. Parks & Recreation, 37(11), 26, 28-30, 32, 34, 36. Bialeschki, M.D., Younger, T., Henderson, K., Ewing, D., & Casey II, M. (2002). Happy but sad. Camping Magazine, 75(1), 38-41. Juniu, S., & Henderson, K.A. (2001). Problems in researching leisure and women: Global considerations. World Leisure Journal, 43(4), 3-10. Henderson, K.A. (2001). Research on organized camping (Research Update). Parks & Recreation, 36(10), 34-36. Henderson, K.A. (2000). New terms, broader approaches: Recreation and the social ecology of physical activity (Research Update). Parks & Recreation, 35(12), 28, 30-35. Henderson, K.A., & Frelke, C.E. (2000) Space as a vital dimension of leisure: The creation of place. World Leisure and Recreation, 42(3), 18-24. Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (2000). Trends affecting nonprofit camps. Camping Magazine, 73(2), 25-31. Henderson, K.A., & King, K. (1999). Recreation programming for adolescent girls: Rationale and foundations. Trends, 35(4), 23-27. (invited) Henderson, K.A. (1999). Y2K: The challenges of leisure research. World Leisure and Recreation, 41(4), 26-30. (invited) Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1999). Camping and social capital. Camping Magazine, 72(6), 46-47. Henderson, K.A. (1999). Ecofeminism and the human/environment intersection. The Environment Paper Series, 2(1), 8-14. (invited) Hodges, J.S., & Henderson, K.A. (1999). Promoting the physical activity objectives in the Surgeon General’s Report: A summary. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 70 (3), 40-41. Henderson, K.A. (1999). From the consulting editor. Camping Magazine, 72(3), 2. Henderson, K.A. (1999). The Surgeon General’s Report and community recreation for people with disabilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 70(1), 22-24. 28. Henderson, K.A. (1999). Writing from my heart: A letter to Jane Addams. SPRE Newsletter, 22(4), 16-18. Henderson, K.A., & Grant, A. (1998). Recreation programming: Don’t forget the girls (Research Update). Parks & Recreation, 33(6), 34-42. Henderson, K.A., & Moses, H. (1998). Recreation conference celebrates 50 years. Parks & Recreation, 33(5), 26. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Dahowski, K. (1998). Camp gives staff a world of good. Camping Magazine, 71(4), 27-31. Henderson, K.A. (1998). Now we are friends. Camping Magazine, 71(1), 40. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Diversity, differences, and leisure services (Research Update). Parks & Recreation, 32(11), 24, 26, 28, 30, 32-35. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Marketing 101. Camping Magazine, 70(5), 15-17. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Health and wellness begin with you. Camping Magazine, 70(3), 18-19. Henderson, K.A., & Bedini, L.A. (1997). Women, leisure, and double whammies: Empowerment and constraints. Journal of Leisurability, 24(1), 36-46. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Editor’s note: Women’s leisure as resistance and reproduction. World Leisure and Recreation Association, 38(4), 3. Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (1996). Women, leisure, and global issues. World Leisure and Recreation Association, 38(4), 41-44. Henderson, K.A. (1996). WLRA Task Force on Women focuses on “women’s voices”. World Leisure and Recreation Association, 38(3), 33-35. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1996). Career development and women in the leisure services profession. Management Strategy, 20(3), 4. (invited) Henderson, K.A. & Bialeschki, M.D. (1996). A world of good 50 years ago. Camping Magazine, 69(2), 35. Henderson 11/1/12 14</p><p>Henderson, K.A. & Winn, S. (1996). Females and physical activity (Research update). Parks & Recreation, 31(8), 28-34. Henderson, K.A. (1996). The art of leadership: Assumptions. Camping Magazine, 68(4), 17-18. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Just recreation for girls and women. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 67(2), 45-46. Henderson, K.A., & Samdahl, D.M. (1995). Women and leisure: Toward a new understanding (Research Update). Parks & Recreation, 30(10), 12, 15, 17-20. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Ecofeminism and leisure. World Leisure and Recreation Association Journal, 37(2), 41-45. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Part of the community. Camping Magazine, 68(1), 33-34. Henderson, K.A. (1995). More truth than facts: Women and leisure. World Leisure and Recreation Association Journal, 37(1), 9-13. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Marketing recreation and physical activity programs to females. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 66(6), 53-57. Henderson, K.A. & Kleiber, D. (1995). Award recipient uses interactionism to understand leisure behavior (Research Update). Parks and Recreation, 30(4), 21-26. Henderson, K.A. & Bialeschki, M.D. (1995). Inclusive physical activity programming for girls and women. Parks & Recreation, 30(3), 70-78. Henderson, K.A. & O’Neill, J. (1995). Has research contributed to the advancement of professional practice? (Research Update) Parks and Recreation, 30(1), 17-20. 82 additional publications prior to 1995 </p><p>Professional Reports (1995-present) Henderson, K. A., & Dern, L. (2011). Better than ever. Report to North Carolina Senior Games. Henderson, K. A. (2011). Women and Recreation 2010 Survey. National Recreation and Park Association. Henderson, K. A. (2011).Team building, teamwork, and camps. A briefing paper for the American Camp Association. Henderson, K. A., & Hickerson, B. D. (2011). Physical activity and health in camps. A briefing paper for the American Camp Association. Garst, B. A., Bialeschki, M. D., & Henderson, K.A. (2010). 2009 Camp2Grow impact report. Martinsville, IN: American Camp Association. Henderson, K.A., Dern, L., & Wilson, B.A. (2010). North Carolina Senior Games Volunteer Report. Henderson, K.A. (2010). Old Dominion Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (2009). George Mason University Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A., Brian Hill, & Karen Benjamin. (2008). Missouri State University Accreditation Report Henderson, K.A., Patti Freeman, & Christen Smith. (2007). University of Missouri Accreditation Report Henderson, K.A., Ruthie Kucharescki, & Jay Ellington. (2006). Oklahoma State University Accreditation Report Henderson, K.A. and Michael Manfredo. (2005). Texas A & M University Graduate Review Report Henderson, K.A. (2005). Michigan State University Accreditation Report Henderson, K.A., Dustin, D., & Uysal, M. (2004). Temple University Program Review Report. Henderson, K.A. (2004). Arizona State University-West Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (2002). Texas A & M Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (2001). University of Florida Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (2000). Illinois State University Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (1999). University of Georgia Accreditation Report. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Dahowski, K. (1999). The future of not-for-profit camping. A report conducted for the ACA Council on Not-for-Profit Camps. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Dahowski, K. (1999). The future of not for profit camping: A study and report completed for the ACA Not for Profit Council and Forum. Henderson, K.A. (1998). Georgia Southern University Accreditation Report. Henderson 11/1/12 15</p><p>Bialeschki, M.D., Dahowski, K., & Henderson, K.A. (1998). Young people working at camp. A study and report completed for the Association of Independent Camps (American Camping Association). Henderson, K.A. (1997). Washington State University Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (1996). Tools for Navy leaders to use for gender integration. (Report) Henderson, K.A. (1995). University of Toledo Accreditation Report. Henderson, K.A. (1995). Winston-Salem State University Preliminary Accreditation Report. 19 additional reports prior to 1995</p><p>Scholarship with a Statewide Service Emphasis (1995-present)</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (2002). Underserved, not undeserved. Review, 55(4), 14-15. Henderson, K.A. (1997). Sharing your words. Review, 50(1), 4-7. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1995). The status of women in therapeutic recreation. Review, 48(1), 12-15. 33 additional publications prior to 1995</p><p>Invited Papers (1995-present) Henderson, K. A. (October, 2012). Women faculty and the social-cultural nexus in higher education. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Anaheim, CA. McNutt, L., Bocarro, J. B., & Henderson, K. A. (October, 2012). Physically active grandparents and influences on children’s perceptions of aging. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Anaheim, CA. Henderson, K. A. (October, 2012). Women and leisure. Presentation to World Leisure Organization Congress in Rimini, Italy. Henderson, K. A. (October, 2012). Public participation and volunteerism. Invited panel presentation to World Leisure Organization Congress in Rimini, Italy. Henderson, K. A. (July, 2012). Justice in leisure research: Have the easy questions been answered? Keynote presentation to Leisure Studies Association Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. Henderson, K. A. (May, 2012). Ecofeminism and just leisure. Paper presented to the Social Justice Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Henderson, K. A. (March, 2012). The contributions of recreation and leisure to active living (Keynote Address). Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa (LARASA) in Durban, South Africa. Henderson, K. A,, McFadden, K., & Bialeschki. (January, 2012). Parents’ concerns about sending their children to camp. Paper presented to the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors in Indianapolis, IN. Henderson, K. A., Dern, L., Casper, J., & Wilson, B. (November, 2011). Assessing the benefits and outcomes of senior games participation. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Atlanta, GA. Bruton, C., Vurnakes, C., Martin, K., Perry, W., & Henderson, K. A. (November, 2011). A case study of a workplace recreation-based physical activity program. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Atlanta, GA. Smith, C., Santucci, D., Xu, S., Cox, A., & Henderson, K. A. (November, 2011). Women’s perceptions of careers and expectations in parks and recreation. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Atlanta, GA. Oakleaf, L. & Henderson, K. A. (November, 2011). Homophobia, heteronormativity, and identity management for LGBT summer camp staff. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Atlanta, GA. Henderson, K. A. & Bialeschki, M. D. (November, 2011). Trends and issues in US camps. Paper presented to the International Camping Congress in Hong Kong. Henderson, K. A., Anderson, D. A., & Goode, C. V. (May, 2011). Women in leisure services: A generational model. Paper presented to the Canadian Congress for Leisure Research in St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada. Henderson 11/1/12 16</p><p>Henderson, K. A., Dern, L., & Wilson, B. (February, 2011). The outcomes from North Carolina Senior Games. Paper presented to the Southeast Recreation Research Conference in Boone, NC. Henderson, K. A. (March, 2011). Parks, physical activity, and health. Paper presented to the Intermountain Research Symposium in Park City, UT. Bialeschki, M. D., Henderson, K. A., Browne, L., & Hickerson, B. D. (February, 2011). Conducting field-based research: Possibilities and pitfalls. Paper presented to the International Conference on Outdoor Leadership in Estes Park, CO. Bruton, C.. Floyd, M., Bocarro, J., Henderson, K. A., Kanters, M., & Casper, J. (February, 2011). The role of partnerships for health in parks and recreation. Paper presented to Active Living Research Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. Bruton, C., Floyd, M., Bocarro, J., Henderson, K. A., Kanters, M., & Casper, J. (November 2010). An examination of park and recreation partnerships for health in North Carolina. Paper presented to Active Living Research Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Henderson, K. A. (November, 2010). Contributions of parks to health and active lifestyles. VI International Parks Forum. Bogota, Columbia. Henderson, K. A. (November, 2010). Promoting community-based physical activity in North Carolina: Perceptions of public park and recreation directors. VI International Parks Forum. Bogota, Columbia. Henderson, K. A. (October, 2010). The future of leisure studies. Paper presented to the National Park and Recreation Association Butler Lecture in Minneapolis, MN. Henderson, K. A. (October 2010). Physical activity and African American women: Change and ways of knowing. Paper presented to AAKPE Annual Meeting in Williamsburg, VA. Henderson, K. A. et al. (August, 2010). The future of leisure studies in the US. World Leisure Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea. Henderson, K. A. et al. (August, 2010). Editorial Panel World Leisure Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea. Henderson, K. A., Shaw, S., & Freysinger, V. (August 2010). The state of research on women’s leisure. World Leisure Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea. Henderson, K. A. et al. (August 2010). Summary Of Quebec Declaration. World Leisure Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea. Henderson, K. A. (August, 2010). Gender and identity (Invited keynote). World Leisure Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea. Floyd, M., & Henderson, K. A. (April, 2010). Investigating places for active recreation in North Carolina communities. Paper presented to Healthy Park, Healthy People in Melbourne, Australia. Hickerson, B.D., & Henderson, K.A. (February, 2010). Impact of the physical environment and organizational design on youth camper physical activity. Paper presented to the American Camp Association Research Symposium in Denver, CO. Henderson, K.A. (February 2010). Defragmenting leisure studies in the 21st century. Paper presented to Australia/New Zealand Leisure Studies Association in Brisbane, Australia. (Keynote) Henderson, K.A., Garst, B.A., Bialeschki, M.D., & Santucci, D. (January 2010). Children’s perceptions of an environmental leadership program: Camp2Grow. Paper presented to Coalition for Education in the Outdoors in Indianapolis, IN. Henderson, K.A. (October 2009). Minding your mission: Issues in camp management. Paper presented to Virginias ACA Section in Charlottesville, VA. (Keynote) Henderson, K.A. (May 2009). Issues in leisure research. Paper presented at three universities in Taiwan. Jordan, D. J., Smith, J., Cox, A., Thompson, T., Jeon, J., Palacios, I., Patterson, A., Peel, J., & Henderson, K. (October, 2009). An exploration of the meanings of parks in Oklahoma. Paper presented for the Leisure Research Symposium in Salt Lake City, Utah. Hickerson, B., Moore, A., Oakleaf. L., Edwards, M., James, P.A., Swanson, J., & Henderson, K.A. (April, 2008). The role of a senior center in promoting physical activity for older adults. Paper presented to the National Institute on Senior Centers of the National Henderson 11/1/12 17</p><p>Council on Aging (Winner of the 2009 National Institute of Senior Centers Research Award). Las Vegas, NV Hickerson, B.D., & Henderson, K.A. (February, 2009). Camper step-counts and physical activity. Paper presented to the American Camp Association Research Symposium in Orlando, FL. Henderson, K.A. (February, 2009). Camp research in the 21st century. Paper presented to the American Camp Association Research Symposium in Orlando, FL. Henderson, K.A., & Sessoms, H.D., (October 2008). The history of NRPA from 1966-2005. Paper accepted for presentation to the Leisure Research Symposium in Baltimore, MD. Henderson, K.A. (October, 2009). Leisure in the 21st Century (Keynote). World Leisure Congress in Quebec City, Canada. Jordan, D., & Henderson, K.A. (October 2009). Visual analyses of the meanings of parks. World Leisure Congress in Quebec City, Canada. Henderson, K.A. (October, 2009). Camp research globally in the 21st century (Keynote). International Camping Fellowship Conference in Quebec City, Canada. Henderson, K. A., Oakleaf, L., James, P., Swanson, J., Moore, A., Edwards, M., & Hickerson, B. (May 2008). The experience of learning/teaching qualitative research approaches: An ethnographic autobiography. Paper presented to the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research in Montreal, CAN. Cardenas, D., Wilson, B., & Henderson, K.A. (May, 2008). The influence of senior games on the physical activity of older adults in communities. Paper presented to the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research in Montreal, CAN. Floyd, M.F., Henderson, K.A., Bocarro, J., Moore, R., Casper, J., Kanters, M., Edwards, M., & Laven, K. Assessing the potential of park and recreation agencies to promote active living policies: Insights from a survey of North Carolina municipal park and recreation directors. Poster presented at the 2008 Active Living Research Conference in Washington, DC. James, P.A., Henderson, K.A., & Garst, B. (February, 2008). The influence of nature on camp programs. Paper presented to the American Camping Association Conference in Nashville, TN. James, P.A., Henderson, K.A., & Garst, B. (January, 2008). Camp directors and nature. Paper presented to the Coalition for Outdoor Education in Bradford Woods, Indiana. Henderson, K.A. (October, 2007). Just research: Diversity as more than an independent variable. Keynote paper presented to the Cooper Institute in Dallas, TX. Henderson, K.A., & Hickerson, B. D. (September, 2007). Women and leisure: Premises and performances uncovered in an integrated review. Paper presented to the Leisure Research Symposium in Indianapolis, IN. Hickerson, B.D., & Henderson, K.A. (February, 2007). Measuring physical activity at camp. Paper presented to American Camp Association conference in Austin, TX. Oakleaf, L. & Henderson, K.A. (February, 2007). Spirituality and camp outcomes. Paper presented to Southeastern Recreation Research Conference in Asheville, NC. Kaczynski, A. & Henderson, K.A. (October, 2006). A review of physical activity and parks and recreation literature. Poster presented at 2006 Cooper Institute in Dallas, TX. Henderson, K.A. Leisure education and quality of life. (November, 2006). Paper presented to International Tourism Conference in Beijing, China. Arab-Moghaddam, N., Henderson, K.A., & Sheikholeslami, R. (October, 2006). Women’s leisure and constraints to participation: Iranian perspectives. Paper presented to LRS in Seattle, WA. Henderson, K.A. (April, 2006). Examining leisure in everyday life: SWOT. Paper presented to the University of Waterloo Graduate Research Symposium in Waterloo, ON. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., Scanlin, M.M., Thurber, C., Whitaker, L.S., Marsh, P.E., Burkhardt, M. (February, 2006). Components of camp experiences for positive youth development. Paper presented at the ACA National Conference in Chicago. Henderson, K.A., Thurber, C., Whitaker, L. S., Bialeschki, M.D., and Scanlin, M.M (January, 2006). Development and validation of a camper growth index. Paper presented at the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors in Martinsville, IN. Henderson, K.A., & Powell, G. (2005, October). Observing outcomes in youth development: An analysis of mixed methods. Paper presented at the National Recreation and Park Association Leisure Research Symposium in San Antonio, TX. Henderson 11/1/12 18</p><p>Henderson, K.A., Whitaker, L.S., Bialeschki, M.D., Scanlin, M.M., & Thurber, C. (2005 October). Summer Camp Experiences: Parental Perceptions of Youth Development Outcomes. Paper presented at International Camping Federation in Mexico City. Henderson, K.A., Scanlin, M.M., Whitaker, L.S., Thurber, C., Marsh, P. Burkhardt, M., Bialeschki, M.D. (2005, May). Intentionality and camp outcomes. Paper presented to the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research in Nanaimo, BC. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2005, February). Camp roles in addressing childhood obesity. Paper presented to the American Camp Association, Orlando, FL. Henderson, K.A., Bialeschki, M.D., & Cashel, C. (2005, January). Gaining personal social support. Paper presented to SPRE Teaching Institute, Sacramento, CA. Henderson, K.A., Presley, J., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2004, October). Theory and leisure research. Paper presented to Leisure Research Symposium, Reno, NV. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (2004, February). Ways to measure youth development outcomes. Paper presented to the American Camping Association, San Francisco, CA. Henderson, K.A., & Shaw, S.M. (October, 2003). Men, masculinity, and leisure. Paper presented to the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in St. Louis, MO. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Lyons, K. (October, 2003). Outcomes from camp studies. . Paper presented to the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in St. Louis, MO. Henderson, K.A. (April, 2003). What we’ve learned about physical activity and minority women. Paper presented to Active Living by Design in Chapel Hill, NC. Bialeschki, M. D., Krehbiel, A., & Henderson, K.A. (February, 2003). Setting goals to address camper outcomes. Paper presented to the American Camping Association Conference in Denver, CO. Bialeschki, M. D., Henderson, K.A., Krehbiel, A., & Ewing, D. (February, 2003). Qualitative methods for addressing positive youth development in camping. Paper presented to the American Camping Association Conference in Denver, CO. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (January 2003). Good teaching or good enough? Paper presented to the SPRE Teaching Institute in Stillwater, OK. Bialeschki, M. D., Henderson, K.A., Krehbiel, A., & Ewing, D. (January, 2003). Methods for addressing positive youth development in camping. Paper presented to the International Camping Conference in Melbourne, Australia. Henderson, K.A. (October, 2002). The link between physical activity and enjoyment. Esther Meginnis Invited Scholar at Illinois State University. Henderson, K.A. (October, 2002). Evaluation: The what, why, how, when, who, and where. Keynote paper presented to Research Roundtable at NRPA in Tampa, Florida. Henderson, K.A. (July, 2002). Leisure, social inclusion, and social capital. Keynote paper presented to Leisure Studies Association, Preston, UK. Henderson, K.A. & Ainsworth, B.E. (May, 2002). Enjoyment: The link between physical activity and leisure. Paper presented to Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 10 in Edmonton, Alberta. Henderson, K.A. (April 2002). Women, physical activity, and leisure: Jeopardy or wheel of fortune? Invited scholar lecture presented at American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance in San Diego, CA. Bialeschki, M.D., Ewing, D., Henderson, K.A., & Krehbiel, A. (February, 2002). Measuring outcomes from organized camps. Paper presented to the American Camping Association Research Symposium. Washington, DC. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Krehbiel, A. (January 2002). Outcomes of camping: Perceptions from focus groups. Paper presented to the 6th Biennial Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Research Symposium. Bradford Woods, IN. Henderson, K.A., & Thonnereiux, M. (October, 2001). Issues in parks and recreation: A content analysis of NRPAnet. Paper presented to the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Denver, CO. Henderson, K.A., Wilcox, S., Richter, D.L., Greaney, M.M., & Ainsworth, B.E. (October, 2001). Personal and environmental determinants of physical activity in rural African American women. Paper presented to the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Denver, CO. Henderson 11/1/12 19</p><p>Henderson, K.A., Kivel, B., & Hodges, S. (July 2001). Dialogue and context in the study of women and leisure. Paper presented to the 3rd Women and Leisure Conference. Perth, Australia. Henderson, K.A., Wilcox, S., Tudor-Locke, K., Greaney, M., & Ainsworth, B.E. (July 2001). An examination of physical activity definitions and intensity. Paper presented to the Australian New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies Conference. Perth, Australia. Henderson, K.A., & Freysinger, V.J. (April, 2001). Physical activity and older women. A paper presented to the WLRA Asian Conference on Aging, Shanghai, China. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., Younger, T., Ewing, D, Stevens, M. (February, 2001) “Happy but sad:” Outcomes at Morry’s Camp. A paper presented to the American Camping Association. Orlando, FL. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (October, 2000). Lifespan development, leisure, and physical activity among older American Indian women: The Cultural Activity Participation Study. A paper presented to the Leisure Research Symposium of NRPA. Phoenix, AZ. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Cashel, C. (October, 2000). Camping and not-for-profit agencies: Global perspectives. A paper presented to the International Federation of Camping Conference. Tokyo, Japan. Henderson, K.A. (September, 2000). Gender: Still an issue after all these years? A paper presented to the Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trends Conference. Lansing, MI. Henderson, K.A. (August, 2000). What we’re learning about women and leisure. A paper presented to the First Conference on the Leisure Industry in China. Beijing, China. Henderson, K.A. (July 2000). Leisure, a gendered concept? A keynote paper presented to the World Leisure and Recreation Association Conference. Bilbao, Spain. Henderson, K.A. (March, 2000). Assumptions about HPERD research: The phantom menaces. A paper presented to the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention, Orlando, FL. Henderson, K.A., Sharpe, P.A., Neff, L.J., Royce, S.W., Greaney, M.L., & Ainsworth, B.E. (March, 2000). It takes a village to promote physical activity. A paper presented to the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention, Orlando, FL. Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (February, 2000). The future of camping in not for profit organizations. A paper presented to the American Camping Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Sharpe, P.A., Neff, L.J., Royce, S.W., Greaney, M.L., Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (February, 2000). Focus group study of community members’ perceptions of supports and barriers to physical activity. Paper presented to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA. Bialeschki, M.D., Henderson, K.A., & Dahowski, K. (January, 2000). The future of not for profit camping: The quantitative study. A paper presented to the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors, Bradford Woods, IN. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (October, 1999). Enablers and constraints to walking: The Cross Cultural Activity Participation Study. A paper presented to the National Park and Recreation Association Leisure Research Symposium, Nashville, TN. Henderson, K.A. (October, 1999). Researching leisure and physical activity with women of color: Issues, answers, and emerging questions. A paper presented to the National Park and Recreation Association Leisure Research Symposium, Nashville, TN. Henderson, K.A. (July, 1999). Just leisure, ethical fitness and ecophilosophies. Keynote presented to the Leisure Studies Association in Cheltenham, UK. Henderson, K.A., & King, K. (May, 1999). Youth spaces and places: Case studies of two teen clubs. Paper presented at the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research in Wolfville, NS. Henderson, K.A., & Frelke, C. (May, 1999). Spaces, places, and leisure. Paper presented to the “Rethinking Leisure” Conference held in State College, PA. (Conference never held). Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (April, 1999). Motivations and constraints for older women of color: The Cross Cultural Activity Participation project. Paper presented at the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference, Boston, MA. Henderson, K.A., & Frelke, C. (January, 1999). Places and spaces for women in the outdoors. Paper presented at the Women Professional Group (of AEE) meeting in Chicago, IL. Henderson 11/1/12 20</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (November, 1998). Ally McBeal, Xena, and Oprah: Gender inclusion and recreation/leisure trends. Paper presented as a distinguished lecture at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (October, 1998). Social support and the physical activity of older African American and American Indian women. Paper presented to the World Leisure and Recreation Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (September, 1998). Physical activity and the lives of older African American and Native American women. Paper accepted for the National Recreation and Park Association Leisure Research Symposium, Miami Beach, Fl. (Hurricane precluded presentation). Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (July, 1998). Sedentary and busy: Physical activity and older women of color. Paper presented to the International Leisure Studies Conference, Leeds, UK. Henderson, K.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Stolarzyck, L., Hootman, J., & Levin, S. (June, 1998). Linking qualitative and quantitative data to study the physical activity of minority women. Paper presented to the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, Florida. Henderson, K.A. (April, 1998). People with disabilities and the Surgeon General’s Report. Paper presented at the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference, Reno, NV. Henderson, K.A. (January 1998). Girls at high risk: What we are learning. Paper presented at the NRPA Youth and Prevention School. Ft. Worth, TX. Henderson, K.A., & Roberts, N.S. (January, 1998). An integrative review of research on girls and women in the outdoors. Paper presented to the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Research Symposium, Bradford Woods, IN. Henderson, K.A. (November, 1997). Women, research, and the outdoors. Paper presented to the International Association of Experiential Education Conference, Asheville, NC. Henderson, K.A. (October, 1997). Researching diverse populations. Paper presented to the National Recreation and Park Association Leisure Research Symposium. Salt Lake City, UT. Henderson, K.A. (October, 1997). Writing from my heart: A letter to Jane Addams. (Opening session). Paper presented to the National Recreation and Park Association Leisure Research Symposium. Salt Lake City, UT. Henderson, K.A., & Ainsworth, B.E. (April, 1997). Women, race, and physical activity. Paper presented to the Southeast Women’s Studies Association in Athens, GA. Henderson, K.A. (March, 1997). Equity and ethics. Paper presented to the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. St. Louis, MO. Henderson, K.A. (March, 1997). Changing women’s leisure. Paper presented to the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. St. Louis, MO. Henderson, K.A. (January 1997). Gender and diversity in outdoor education. Paper presented to the Australian Outdoor Education Association, Sydney, Australia. Henderson, K.A. (October, 1996) One size doesn’t fit all: The meanings of women’s leisure. Paper presented to the Leisure Research Symposium in Kansas City, MO. Henderson, K.A., & Roberts, N. S. (October, 1996). Culture and constraints: Women of color in the outdoors. Paper presented to the Leisure Research Symposium in Kansas City, MO Bialeschki, M.D., & Henderson, K.A. (July, 1996). Women, leisure, and global issues. Paper presented to the WLRA Congress. Cardiff, Wales. Henderson, K.A. & Gardner, J. (1996, May). Claiming control: Leisure and the recovering woman alcoholic. Paper presented to the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 8, Ottawa, Canada. Henderson, K.A. (1996, April). Leisure ethics into the 21st century. Paper presented at the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention. Atlanta, Georgia. Henderson, K.A., Winn, S., & Roberts, N. (1996, January). The meanings of the outdoors for women students. Paper presented to the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Research Symposium, Bradford Woods, IN. Henderson, K.A. (1996, January). Measuring physical activity using multiple approaches. Paper presented to the Physical Activity for Minority Women Planning Conference. Columbia, South Carolina. Henderson 11/1/12 21</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (1996, January). Research on women: How we know what we never knew. Keynote paper presented at Physical Activity and Minority Women Conference. Columbia, South Carolina. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (1995, December). Marketing recreation and leisure to women: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper presented to the International Recreation Management Conference in Hong Kong. Henderson, K.A. (1995, November). Breakthroughs and barriers for women in the outdoors: Colors of the wind. Paper presented as part of the University of Minnesota Borghild Strand Distinguished Lecture Series, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Henderson, K.A. (1995, November). Feminist critiques of leisure. Paper presented to the Swedish Government, Stockholm, Sweden. Henderson, K.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Bialeschki, M.D., & Hardy, C.J. (1995, October). Negotiating constraints and women’s involvement in physical recreation. Paper presented to the Leisure Research Symposium of the National Recreation and Park Association, San Antonio, TX. Weissinger, E., Henderson, K.A., & Bowling, C. (1995, October). Leisure researchers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning qualitative research. Paper presented to the Leisure Research Symposium of the National Recreation and Park Association, San Antonio, TX. Henderson, K.A. (1995, May). Leisure and feminist theory: Moving beyond the crossroads. Keynote paper presented at the International Women and Leisure: Toward a New Understanding Conference, Athens, GA. Henderson, K.A. (1995, March). All that I need to know, I learn in the outdoors. Paper presented for the Coalition of Outdoor Educators Julian Smith Lecture, Portland, OR. Henderson, K.A. (1995, March). Women and leisure: Implications for health. Paper presented to the University of Oregon Health Research Interest Group, Eugene, OR. 114 additional invited presentations prior to 1995</p><p>Book Reviews (1995-present)</p><p>Henderson, K.A. (2001). A review of “Australian Leisure (second edition)” by A.J. Veal and R. Lynch for Annals of Leisure Research, 4, 101-102. Henderson, K.A. (1998). A review of “Failing the Future: A Dean Looks at Higher Education” by A. Kolodny for Leisure Sciences, 20(3), 243--244. Henderson, K.A. (1996). A review of “Women, Leisure, and the Family in Contemporary Society: A Multinational Perspective” by N. Samuel (Ed.), for Australian New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies Journal, 3, 96-98. 5 additional reviews prior to 1995</p><p>Research Projects (Funded 1995-present))</p><p>(2005-2006). Physical activity and camp environments. NCSU College of Natural Resources. $5300 (1999-2002) Inclusive 4-H programs (with K. Luken). Funded by the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities. $55,000 (1998-99) The future of camping for non-profit organizations. (with M. Deborah Bialeschki). Funded by the Non-Profit Association of the American Camping Association. $9000. (1997-98) Young people working at camps. (with M. Deborah Bialeschki). Funded by Association of Independent Camps. $5900. (1997-2000) Outcomes of recreation for at-risk youth. Research Consortium member, subcontract with Texas A & M. $10,000 over three years. (1995-98) Physical activity and diabetes. Co-investigator. $20,000 over three years. (1995-96) The meanings of the outdoors to women. UNC Faculty Council, $1950. (1995-96) Global perspectives on women’s leisure (with M. Deborah Bialeschki). Arts and Sciences Development Grant, $2500. 30 additional projects funded prior to 1995</p><p>Professional Service (1995-present) Henderson 11/1/12 22</p><p>(2012) Henderson, K. A. (November, 2012). Writing (not) for dummies. North Carolina Parks and Recreation Association, Greenville, NC. Henderson, K. A. (October, 2012). A matter of degree. National Recreation and Park Association, Anaheim, CA. Henderson, K. A. (October, 2012). Social justice research. National Recreation and Park Association, Anaheim, CA. Henderson, K. A. and Saltmarsh, A. (March, 2012). Move more and eat smart. Webinar presented to the American Camp Association. Henderson, K. A. (February 2012). The career development of women faculty. CNR Diversity Series, Raleigh, NC. Henderson, K. A., & Wilson, B. (February, 2012). You’re never too old to play. US Play Coalition, Clemson, SC. Henderson, K. A., & Saltmarsh, A. (February, 2012). Move more and eat smart. American Camp Association, Atlanta, GA. (2011) Henderson, K. A. (August, 2011). Evaluation. NRPA Directors School. Oglebay Park, WV. Henderson, K. A. (June, 2011). The Importance of doing balance. Convocation Speech. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Henderson, K. A. (April, 2011). Women and leisure service management. North Carolina Women in LeadHership Conference. Rocky Mount, NC. Henderson, K. A. (February 2011). What’s leisure studies got to do with it? Invited position statement to Southeast Recreation Research Conference in Boone, NC. Henderson, K. A., & Bialeschki, M. D. (February, 2011). Using focus groups for quality program development. American Camp Association, San Diego, CA. (2010) Henderson, K., Anderson, D. H., & Goode, C. (October, 2010). Women and management. National Recreation and Park Association. Minneapolis, MN. Henderson et al. (November, 2010). The state of things in physical activity in North Carolina. North Carolina Parks and Recreation Association Conference. Raleigh, NC. Henderson, K. A. and others. (September, 2010). The future of leisure studies in universities. Higher Education Summit. Zion, Utah. Henderson, K. A. (August 2010). Evaluation. NRPA National Directors School. Oglebay Park, West Virginia. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (January, 2010). Co-edited special issue of Leisure Sciences on “People and nature-based recreation. Henderson, K.A., Powell, G., & Bialeschki, D. (February 2010). Is what you see what you get? Using observations in camp. ACA Conference in Denver, CO. Henderson, K.A., Aitchison, C.C., Veal, A. J., & Stebbins, R. (February 2010). Worldwide perspectives on leisure studies. ANZALS, Brisbane, Australia. Henderson, K.A., Aitchison, C.C., Getz, D., & Stebbins, R. (February 2010). Preparing for the professorate. ANZALS, Brisbane, Australia. (2009) Henderson, K.A. & Dustin, D. (January 2009).Professors as students: Keeping the flame alive at SPRE Teaching Institute in Salt Lake City. Henderson, K.A., (March 2009). Evaluation Workshop. Therapeutic Recreation Association of the Atlantic Coast in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Henderson, K.A., (March 2009). TR in the 21st Century (Keynote). Therapeutic Recreation Association of the Atlantic Coast in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Henderson, K.A., & Bialeschki, M.D. (April 2009). Measuring outcomes in youth. National Afterschool Association in New Orleans, LA. Henderson, K.A. (August 2009) Evaluation Workshop. Directors School in Oglebay Park, WV. Henderson, K.A. (October 2009). Making the most of internships. ACA Virginias Section in Charlottesville, VA. Henderson, K.A. (October 2009). Coordinated a research session on “Physical activity measurement and research at Leisure Research Symposium in Salt Lake City, UT. Henderson, K.A., Bocarro, J., & Bruton, C. (November 2009). The state of things in promoting physical activity in communities. NCRPA in Winston-Salem, NC. Henderson, K.A. (November 2009). Coordinated a session of research tips. NCRPA Teaching Symposium in Winston-Salem, NC. Henderson 11/1/12 23</p><p>(2008) Dustin, D., Wellman, D., Moore, R., & Henderson, K. Service living. Presentation to National Recreation and Park Association. Henderson, K.A. (January, 2008). Nature deficit disorder. Carlson Lecture presented at Indiana University. Henderson (with others). (February 2008). Nature and children at ACA Conference in Nashville, TN. Henderson, K.A. (March, 2007) American Camp Association evidence-based practice to REAP Conference in Santa Fe, NM. (2007) Wilson, B.E., Cardenes, D., & Henderson, K.A. (September). “An evaluation of NC Senior Games.” To NC Conference on Aging in Winston-Salem, NC. Henderson, K.A., Gobster, P., Grammann, J, & Floyd, M. (June). “Promoting physical activity in natural areas.” To ISSRM in Park City, UT. Henderson, K.A., West, S., and Schuder, R. (April). “Using research for management decision-making.” To NRPA Health Summit in Atlanta, GA. Cardenas, D., Wilson, B., & Henderson, K. “The impact of senior games on older adults.” Southern Gerontological Conference round table in Greensboro, NC. Henderson, K.A. (March). “Taking the long way: Using qualitative research.” To University of Utah College of Health Sciences. Henderson, K.A. & Dustin, D. (January). “The writer’s life.” To 2007 SPRE Teaching Institute in Clemson, SC. (2006) “Evaluating Parks and Recreation” RRS Teleconference (September) “Evaluating Camp Programs” SE American Camp Association (September) “Over the river and through the woods: Women as leaders in natural resources” College of Natural Resources Women’s History Month” (March) in Raleigh. “Making a difference” Panel presentation at Florida International University (February) “Publishing in Leisure Sciences” Panel presentation to Active Living Research Conference in San Diego, CA (February) (2005) “Write early and often” for NCRPA/SCRPA Joint Conference in Asheville. (2004) Panel member discussing “Research” for NCRPS Educators Meeting (2002) Discussion leader on “Developing measurement instruments” for NRPA Research Roundtable. (2001) “Planning a SPRE Teaching Institute” to 2001 SPRE Teaching Institute in Salt Lake City. (2000) “Using Qualitative Research to do Whatever” to Florida International University. “The Future of Camping in Not for Profit Organizations” to Tri-State Camping Conference in New York City “Got Leisure? Social Justice and Intellectual Diversity” to University of Minnesota graduate students. “Feminist Contributions to Leisure Theory: Kudos and Caveats” to University of Minnesota lecture series. “To Include or not to Include: Recreation Programming in 2000” to Ohio University students. “Who Wants to have Leisure? Kudos and Caveats about Gender and Leisure” to Ohio University lecture series. (1999) “10 Steps to Professional Writing” to NCRPS Annual Conference in Charlotte. “The Core Requirements of Recreation, Park, Leisure and Tourism Curricula.” Presentation to the SPRE Teaching Institute in Myrtle Beach, SC. “Using Mission Statements” Presentation to the SPRE Chair’s Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT. (1998) “Inclusive camping programs for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth.” Workshop presented to the American Camping Association in Dallas, TX. (1997) “American Camping Association Accreditation programs.” Workshop presented to International Camping Congress in St. Petersburg, Russia. “Using qualitative data to study physical activity.” Tutorial workshop to American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Denver. “Gender and diversity: Practicing what we preach.” Workshop conducted at Australian Outdoor Education Association Meeting in Sydney, Australia. “Qualitative data and outdoor research.” Workshop conducted at the Australian Outdoor Education Association Meeting in Sydney, Australia. (1996) “Writing for publication” Presentation to NC-SC Parks and Recreation Annual Conference. Henderson 11/1/12 24</p><p>“What’s Next in Leisure and Tourism Research?” Panel Presentation at student conference in Cardiff Wales. “Qualitative Data for the Uninitiated.” Discussion conducted for University of South Carolina School of Public Health. (1995). “Enjoying leisure” presented as a public lecture at UW-LaCrosse. “Enhancing leisure” presented as day long workshop at UW-LaCrosse. “The days of our leisure: Women, leisure, and disability” presented to Mid-East TR Conference “Questionnaire development” for American Camping Association National Conference. “Alternative evaluations” for American Camping Association National Conference. 80 additional professional presentations done prior to 1995</p><p>National and International Service and Membership</p><p>Member—National Advisory Committee of Active Living Research (2004-2011) Active Living Research Conference Planning Committee (2004-2005, 2011) Active Living Research Diversity Partnerships Committee (2005) Active Living Research Research to Practice Award Committee (2007-present) Co-Chair—2006 Cooper Institute on “Physical Activity, Sport, and Outdoor Recreation) Member--American Camping Association (ACA) (1976-present) Committee for the Advancement of Research and Evaluation (1999-present; Chair 2007- present) National Education Council (1992-1997) National Research Committee (1999-2000) National Research Chair of Board of Directors of ACA (1982-1986) ACA Research Symposium Coordinator (2011-present) Economic Impact Studies Liaison for American Camping Association (1981-1984) Volunteer Coordinator for American Camping Association Conference in Minneapolis (1979) Coordinator for "What Research Tells the Camp Director" sessions at ACA Conference (1982-1986) ACA Editorial Advisory Board (1993-1998) Chair of Marge Scanlin Research Award Selection Committee (2007-2011) Guest Editor for Camping Magazine (1995-1998) Research Column Editor for ACA (1986-1990) ACA Home Study Evaluator (1988) ACA Accreditation Lead Visitor (1981-present) Chair of ACA Task Force on Camp Directors' Curriculum (1991-1996) Council Awards Panel for Campfire, Inc. (1981) Member--National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) (1978-present) SPRE Representative to NRPA Board of Directors (1996-1999) NRPA Board of Trustees Professional Development Committee (1996-1999) NRPA Board of Trustees Research Committee (1996-1999, 2001-2003) NRPA Board of Trustees Women, Minorities, and Cultural Diversity Committee (1996-1999) NRPA Board of Trustees International Committee (1997-1999) NRPA Board of Trustees Information Committee (1997-1998) Coordinator for "Leisure Studies Curricula Research" session for NRPA (1982) Coordinator for "Sociological Aspects of Leisure Research" session for NRPA (1984) Coordinator for "Psychological-Sociological-Human Development Aspects of Leisure Research" session (1985) Co-Chair of NRPA Leisure Research Symposium (1986-1988) Co-Chair of NRPA Leisure Research Symposium Opening Session (1989) Board of Directors of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators (1987-1990) Chair of SPRE Task Force on the Teaching Institute (1989-90) Chair of SPRE Teaching Institute Planning Committee (1991, 1999) Chair of SPRE Nominations Committee (1993) Henderson 11/1/12 25</p><p>Chair of SPRE Past Presidents” Council (1996) Member of SPRE Future Leadership Committee (2003) Chair of NRPA Research Committee (2004) NRPA/AALR Accreditation Team Visitor (1989, Chair-1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) Coordinating co-editor of "Research Update" Column of Parks & Recreation magazine (1990-1995) SPRE-ACA Liaison (1994-98) NRPA Curriculum Conference Discussion Leader (1997) NRPA Congress Program Committee (1988-89, 2010-2013) NRPA Southern Regional Public Awareness/Public Visibility Committee (1993-1995) Roosevelt Award for Research Excellence Selection Committee (1996-1998, 2001-02) Chair (2000, 2003, 2004) NRPA Forum Research Task Force Chair (2003-2005) NRPA Active Living Workshop Planning Committee (2005) NRPA Publications Task Force (2006-present) NRPA Selection Committee for Research Committee (2007) Member--American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1980-present) Member of Leisure Today Editorial Board (1985-1991), reviewer for Leisure Today Chair of JB Nash Scholar Selection Committee for AALR (1988-1992) SPRE-AALR Liaison (1988-90). AALR Publications Committee Chair (1992-1993) AAHPERD Board of Governors (1995-1996) AAHPERD Research Consortium Committees (Credentials, Nominating, Conference Planning) (1987-90) AAHPERD Research Consortium Executive Board (1989-1992, 1994-96) AAHPERD Research Consortium Leisure Section Chair (1990, 1997, 1999) AAHPERD Research Consortium Ethics Chair (1992-94) AAHPERD Research Consortium President-elect (1994-1995) AAHPERD Research Consortium President (1995-1996) AAHPERD Research Consortium Past-President (1996-1997) AAHPERD Research Consortium “Physical Activity Today” Editorial Board (1995-1996) Research Consortium Distinguished Speakers Committee (1998-2000, 2004-2005) AALR Literary Award Judge (1987-89) AAHPERD Research Consortium Grants Reviewer (1998-2000) AAHPERD JOPERD Editorial Board (2003-2006) Member--World Leisure and Recreation Association (1981-present) WL International Prize Committee Panel Chair and Project Director (2005-2007) WL Prize Panel (2008-present) WLRA Board of Directors (1992-1998) WLRA "Task Force on Women” Chair and member (1988-present) WLRA Commission on Women and Gender Acting Chair (1998); Past Chair (1998-2002); Interim Chair 2009-2010 WLRA Chair of Nominations Committee (1997-2000) Editorial Board for SPRE Annual on Education (1987-88) and Schole (1989-1990) Editor of Schole (1990-1993) Editor of Leisure Sciences (w. M.D. Bialeschki) (2003-present) Editorial Board for Journal of Leisure Research (1989-2002) and Book Review Editor (1996-1998) Associate Editor for Therapeutic Recreation Journal (1998-2002). Associate Editor for Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (1998-2005) Associate Editor for Australian New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies Journal (1994-present) Associate Editor for Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Physical Education (1996-1998) International Editorial Board for The Environment Paper Series (1997-present) Guest Editor for special issue on "gender/women and leisure" for Journal of Leisure Research (1993) Guest Editor of World Leisure and Recreation Association Journal (1991, 1996) Editorial Committee for World Leisure and Recreation Association Journal (1992-1998, 2004-present) Henderson 11/1/12 26</p><p>Editorial Advisory Board for Leisure Studies (1990-present) Associate Editor of Loisir & Societe/ Society and Leisure (1991-2000) Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Research Task Force Committee (1989- present) Editor of CEO Research Symposium Proceedings (1992; 2002); Associate Editor (1994, 1996, 2000) Abstract Reviewer (1991, 1999, 2005) Chair of Abstract Review (2001) Guest Editor of JOPERD featured sections on "Women and Physical Recreation" (1989) and "Women/Girls and Outdoor Pursuits” (1992) Fellow-- Academy of Leisure Sciences (ALS) Co-chair of ALS New Fellow Nominating Committee (1992) Secretary/Treasurer (1993-1995) President-elect (1995-1996); President (1996-97), Past-President (1997-98) Future Scholars Selection Committee (1998-1999); Chair (2000-2002) Historian (2011-present) Fellow-- American Academy of Park and Recreation Administrators (AAPRA) Board of Directors (2000-01, 2012-2015) Treasurer (2003-2004) Best Paper Co-Chair (1998) Best Paper Chair (1999) Research Design Committee (1999-2000) New Member Committee (2000-2002; 2007-2009-Chair in 2009) Member--Association of Experiential Education (1986-1989, 1991-92, 1994-present) Member--Canadian Leisure Studies Association (1986-present) Member--Leisure Studies Association (1990-present) International Conference Program Committee (1998) Conference Planning Committee for Active Living Research (2003-05)</p><p>State Service and Memberships</p><p>Coordinator of NC Municipal and County Directors Conference (1998-2001, 2004) Member--Wisconsin Parks and Recreation Association (WPRA) (1979-1985) WPRA State Conference Committee (1980-1981) WPRA Professional Development Committee (1980-1985) WPRA Conference Evaluation Committee (1982-1984) WPRA Long Range Planning Facilitator (1982) WPRA Board of Directors (1982-1984) WPRA Membership and Certification Committees (1984-1985) Member--Texas Parks and Recreation Society (TRAPS) (1985-1987) Chair of TRAPS Publication Committee (1987) TRAPS Board of Directors (1987) Member--North Carolina Parks and Recreation Society (NCRPS) (1987-present) Publications Chair and Editor of Review for NCRPS (1990-2000) NCRPS Video Production Subcommittee (1991-1992). NCRPS Ad Hoc Committee on Publications (1992-1993). NCRPS Board of Directors (1990-1997). NCRPS Board of Directors (ex-officio) (1998-2000). NCRPS Conference Program Committee (2003) Member--Wisconsin, Texas, and Southeast Sections of American Camping Association Program Committee for Wisconsin Section ACA (1982-1985) Ethics Chair for Wisconsin Section ACA (1984-1985) Chair of Bylaws Revision Committee for Wisconsin ACA (1984) Consultant for Needs Assessment for Wisconsin Task Force on Volunteers (1981) Training committee for Wisconsin Special Olympics (1981-1982) Member--Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1985-1987) Member--Wisconsin Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1979-1985). Henderson 11/1/12 27</p><p>Community Recreation Program Chair (1983-84) Member--Wisconsin Women in Leisure Services and Resource Management (WWLSRM) (1981- 1985) Chair of WWLSRM (1984-1985) Member of Camping Task Force for Easter Seals Society of North Carolina (1989-1992)</p><p>University and Departmental Service</p><p>PRTM Tenure and Promotion Committee Chair (2009-present) Coordinator, Investigating Places for Active Recreation (IPARC) CNR Tenure and Promotion Committee (2009-present) NCSU Advanced Scholar Program (2009-2011) CNR Norman Borlaug Visit Committee (2004-2005) PRTM Graduate Advisory Committee (2009-present) PRTM Doctoral Committee (2004-2007) PRTM Masters Committee (2005-2007) PRTM Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (2004-present) PRTM Post tenure review committee chair (2005, 2008) PRTM Reappointment Chair (2007; 2009) PRTM Graduate Admissions Committee (2007-2009) College of Natural Resource Tenure and Promotion Committee (2004-2006) Coordinative Internship Committee (UW) (1980-1985). Search Committee for New Faculty (UW). (1980-1981). Career Advising and Placement Committee (UW) (1981-1985). Natural Resources Curriculum Committee (UW) (1982-1985). Student Needs and Interests Committee (UW). (1982-1985). Women's Studies Curriculum Committee (UW) (1983-1985). College Research Committee (TWU) (1985-1987). Subcommittee on Research on Women (TWU) (1985-86). Women's Studies Committee (TWU) (1986-1987). Athletic Council (TWU) (1986-87). Graduate Council (TWU) (1985-1987). Administrative Council (TWU) (1985-1987). College Equity Committee-Chair (TWU) (1986) Association of Women Faculty (UNC) member (1987-present) Board of Directors and Treasurer (1991- 1994) Faculty Council (alternate) (UNC) (1991-92, 1994-95, 1996-97) Co-Chair of Sessoms Retirement Celebration (UNC) (1995) University Committee on the Status of Women (1995-1998) LSRA Library Liaison (1994-1997) University Student Appeals Committee (1995-present) LSRA Director of Graduate Studies (1988-1996) UNC-CH Faculty Athletic Committee (1996-2001) UNC-CH Intellectual Climate Outside the Classroom Subcommittee (1996) Saunders Awards Committee (1998) Advisory Committee for UNC Program on Sport and Public Policy (1998-present) University Title IX Committee (1999-2001) University Sexual Harassment Committee (2001-2002)</p><p>Additional lists of publications, presentations, and funded research (1979-1994) are available upon request. </p>

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