<p> ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 N 1714 Date: 2008-04-12 REPLACES: —</p><p>ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32</p><p>Data Management and Interchange</p><p>Secretariat: United States of America (ANSI) Administered by Farance Inc. on behalf of ANSI</p><p>DOCUMENT TYPE Disposition of comments TITLE Disposition of comments on 32N1593 - FCD 15944-7 Information technology - Business operational view Part 7: e-Business Vocabulary SOURCE WG1 - David Clemis & Jake Knoppers - project editors PROJECT NUMBER STATUS Disposition of the comments reported in 32N1670 (summary of voting on FCD 15944-7 ballot 32N1593). This accompanies FDIS 15944-7 sent to ITTF for ballot REFERENCES ACTION ID. FYI REQUESTED ACTION DUE DATE Number of Pages 168 LANGUAGE USED English DISTRIBUTION P & L Members SC Chair WG Conveners and Secretaries</p><p>Dr. Timothy Schoechle, Secretary, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Farance Inc *, 3066 Sixth Street, Boulder, CO, United States of America Telephone: +1 303-443-5490; E-mail: [email protected] available from the JTC 1/SC 32 WebSite http://www.jtc1sc32.org/ *Farance Inc. administers the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Secretariat on behalf of ANSI ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG1 N 0364R</p><p>2008-04-08</p><p>Telcordia Technologies, Inc. ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC32/WG 1 1 Telcordia Drive</p><p>Piscataway, NJ 08854 eBusiness USA Direct Line : +1 732 873-8496 Direct Fax : +1 732 296-0834 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>TITLE: Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 32 N1670, Summary of Voting on 32N1593 ISO/IEC FCD 15944-7 Information technology - Business Agreement Semantic Descriptive Techniques Part 7: e- Business Vocabulary SOURCE: SC 32/WG 1 Convenor (and Project Co-Editors) STATUS: Comment resolution to accompany submission of the FDIS ballot of ISO/IEC 15944-7 Information technology - Business Operational View Part 7: e-Business Vocabulary ACTION: Comment resolution for record Notes: 1. All the SC32/WG1 Ballot resolutions on FCD ballot comments which have been accepted by SC36/WG1 have been implemented. 2. The version of SC32/WG1 N364R contains in Columns 7 those made by the Project Co-Editors with respect to ensuring that all the SC32/WG1 decisions with respect to resolution of FCD ballot comments have been implements. Such added notes in column 7 are identified by being preceded by “PCEN” ( = Project Co-Editors’ Notes) . 3. In addition, it is noted that as a result of implementing SC32/WG1 ballot resolutions on the FCD document for Part 7 that the Project Co- Editors made editing changes from a readability perspective.</p><p>1 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) CA01 all ge Canada votes Approve with comments. Canada fully supports the completion of the 15944- So noted 7 document. Adoption of comments will improve Many of the comments made below pertain to a re- quality and understanding of Part 7. PCEN: Done via a revised ordering of the sub-clauses in Clause 5. Clause 5 (as well as in Clause 6, 7 & 8 as per other P-member Other comments are of a nature of draft text in body comments noted below) response to Project Editors’ Notes. .</p><p>CA2 all ed Lack of consistency in spelling of “eBusiness”. Ensure that all occurrences are modified to read Accepted “eBusiness” spelt with no hyphen and a capital B, is a “eBusiness” where applicable. defined term. PCEN: Implemented in FDIS document (and also “eAffaires” in French)</p><p>CA3 all ed The word “utilize” (and utilized, utilizing, etc.) are used Ensure that all occurrences of “utilize” and its Accepted incorrectly. The word use,(uses, using, etc.), should be variants are changed to “use” and its variants, PCEN: Implemented in FSDIS employed instead where applicable. CA4 Project lines 45-107, ge Remove Project Editors’ Notes and implement notes 5, (1) remove all Project Editors’ Notes for FDIS Accepted Editors’ pp. 4-5 6, and 7. version PCEN: implemented in FDIS Notes (2) Prepare FDIS document in A4 formal and make document and done throughout other formatting/presentation changes to comply the FDIS document with ISO/IEC JTC1 Directives; (3) Assign numbers to all “Rules” “nnn” in sequential order. CA5 Project p.4 ed Canada notes that due to JTC1/SC32 change in the date Canada requests that the Project Editors undertake Accepted Editors’ for its 2007 Plenary meeting upset the SC32/WG1 a due diligence in correcting all minor edits of this Notes # 8) schedule for development of Part 7 of ISO/IEC 15944. nature in the preparation of the FDIS document. PCEN: implemented in FDIS As a result, Canada notes that the FCD document, document 32N1593 contains a number of corrections of minor editing nature, (e.g., typos, punctuation, upper/lower case, spellings, etc. Canada is of the opinion that minor edits of this nature will be corrected by the Project Editors in the preparation of the FDIS document. CA6 Table of pp 7-8 ed The Canadian comments below include those of a Project Editors to amend Table of Contents as per Accepted Contents nature which, if accepted, will change the Table of resolution of ballot comments to be corrected in Contents. In addition, there are some minor edits. the Table of Contents. PCEN: implemented in FDIS </p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 1 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p> document CA7 Foreword lines 44-45, ge Text is incomplete Update to summarize the Annexes as agreed to by Accepted (similar to GB p. 9 FCD Ballot Resolution meeting, i.e., make specific comment) reference to Annex E “Russian” (if provided” and Annex F “Chinese”, etc. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA8 Clause 0.1 line 61 ed Need to provide reference to the many sources of At end of “… business transaction”, add a footnote Accepted requirements. which reads as follows: PCEN: implemented in FDIS See further Clause 0.1.2 and Figure 3 in ISO/IEC document 15944-1:2002 for the various sources of requirements on the business operational view (BOV) aspect of Open-edi which are need integrated and/or taken into account in the multipart ISO/IEC 15944 eBusiness standard. CA9 Clause 0.1 line 89 ed A summary sentence providing the key purpose is At end of line 89, add the following sentences: Accepted missing. A key purpose therefore of Part 7 is to present in a PCEN: implemented in FDIS single document a consolidated set of all the terms document and definitions found in the ISO/IEC 14662 “Open edi Reference Model”, and all the parts of the multipart ISO/IEC 15944 eBusiness standard.</p><p>Another purpose of this standard is to support and facilitate an IT-enabled approach to the creation and maintenance of human interface equivalents (HIEs) for al the eBusiness terms and definitions in multiple languages. CA10 Clause 0.3 166-169 ed Remove line 168 and insert added text needed to At line 166 insert the following text: Accepted complete Clause 0.3 An essential element of any standard is that of PCEN: implemented in FDIS having clearly and explicitly stated definitions for document the concepts which it uses or introduces. Definitions capture the key concepts of a standard and form the essential foundation for any standard. As such, it is important that definitions be explicit, 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) unambiguous and precise with respect to the semantics conveyed. At times in order to ensure that the concept being defined is not confused with other related concepts (or words that have common or possible different meanings), international standards introduce, i.e., “invent” new terms as labels for these concepts. This is also because the use of “synonyms” is not allowed in definitions in international standards. The same approach has been taken in this multipart ISO/IEC 15944 standard. {See further below Clause 5.3.2} CA11 Clause 0.3 lines 187-192 ed The text in lines 187-192 is more of the nature of a Make the current text in lines 187-192 a footnote Accepted footnote to Clause 0.3 to the title for Clause 0.3 (at line 164) PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA12 Clause 0.4 line 216 ed Formatting in the footnote 6 Insert “bullets” for the six characteristics. Accepted PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA13 Clause 0.6 line 282 ed Remove Project Editors’ Notes” and insert missing text Project Editors to complete text similar to that from Accepted this Clause in Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 for the preparation fro the text for the FDIS for this Part 7. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA14 Clause 1 lines 302-305 ed Remove Project Editors’ Notes Apply Accepted CA15 Clause 1 line 310 ed Based on the assumption that at the Hangzhou meeting Change “… Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5” to “… Parts 1, 2, 4, Accepted that Part 6 will go to the FDIS equivalent state amend 5, 6, and 7” and amend footnote 10 accordingly. text and footnote. Also Part 7 itself needs to be PCEN: implemented in FDIS referenced. document CA16 Clause 1.2 line 329 ed Amend to include reference to Part 6 apply Accepted PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA17 Clause 1.3 line 343 te/ed It is important to state at the beginning of Clause 1.3 Canada recommends that prior to current line 343, Accepted that this 1st edition of Part 7: (1) focuses on the more the following text be inserted: primitive (or high level) rules and aspects; and, (2) that PCEN: implemented in FDIS more detailed rules, as identified as user requirements “1) the more detailed level of rules (and possible document 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 3 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) via written contributions to JTC1/SC32/WG1 will serve more detailed level of granularity) for the essential as inputs into the development of the 2nd edition of this elements of “eBusiness Vocabulary” entry, as standard. currently specified in Clause 5.3 of this standard”.</p><p>Further, the more detailed aspects of change and that the current entries 1), 2), 3) and 4) for management of the eBusiness Vocabulary are not Clause 1.3 be re-numbered as 3), 4), 5) and 6) addressed in this 1st edition. It is expected that these respectively. will be similar in nature to those for change management for the registration of business objects as (2) The more detailed level of rules for change stated in Clause 6.5 “Registry Status” in ISO/IEC 15944- management of the eBusiness Vocabulary. It is 2:2006. most likely that these will be addressed in the 2nd edition (and will be based on or harmonized with the rules in Clause 6.5 “Registration Status” of ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006. CA18 Clause 1.3 line 346 ed spelling change “or” to “of”. Accepted CA19 Clause 1.3 line 352 ed In footnote 11 the title of 24751-8 is missing insert title for ISO/IEC 24751-8 Accepted CA20 Clause 1.3 line 357 ed If there are no additions to Clause 1.3, delete “5) Apply. Accepted others?” CA21 Clause 1.3 line 357 ed If no other P-member body identifies additional user To be discussed and decided upon by Noted requirements for changes to the contents of Clauses 5, JTC1/SC32/WG1 at Hangzhou, China ballot 6, 7 and/or 8 of Part 78, for a 2nd edition during the resolution meeting. PCEN: To be carried out by next 3 years, then JTC1/SC32 should consider Clauses Sc32/WG1 Convenor and Part 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Part 7 to be “stable”. 7 Project Co-Editors during the next three years. CA22 Clause 2 lines 373-388 ed Review of Annex A Part 7 reveals that there are no new (1) Remove Project Editors’ Notes. Accepted (references to ITU Normative References introduced in Part 7. (2) Remove footnote. should be changed to ITU-T Consequently, the footnote is no longer needed but the (3) Remove current text for line 385 and replace by throughout) information it contains needs to be stated in Clause 2 the following text” itself. PCEN: implemented in FDIS The complete set of all normative references, i.e., document. Note ITU-R is also referenced. Clauses 2 and ISO/IEC, ISO, and ITU-T standards as well as Annex A have been amended “Referenced Specifications” which are applicable to accordingly. this Part 7 of ISO/IEC 15944 are found in Annexes A.1 “ISO/IEC and ITU-T”, and A.2 “Referenced Specifications” of the Annex A “(Normative) </p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 4 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) Consolidated list of normative references for the eBusiness Vocabulary”.</p><p>CA23 Clause 3 lines 406-550 ed (1) Remove Project Editors’ Notes in Clause 3 (1) Apply for FDIS Accepted (2) ensure that definitions in Clause 3 are incorporated (2) Apply for FDIS in Annexes B, C and D (3) Apply based on resolution of comments on PCEN: implemented in FDIS (3) remove those definition/term pairs which are not Clauses 0 - 8 document. Only concepts and used in Clauses 5-8. their definitions introduced for the first time in Part 7 are included in Clause 3. Most of these were taken from existing ISO standards. All the entries in Clause 3 have been integrated into Annexes B, C, D, E, and F. CA24 Clause 3 line 419 ed Change references “Clauses 0-7” to “Clauses 0-8” Apply Accepted CA25 Clause line 464 ed “commitment” should be in bold Apply Accepted 3.05 CA26 Clause line 465 ed “electronic” should be in bold Apply Accepted 3.05 CA27 Clause line 509 ed Date for ISO 12620 should be “1999” Correct date Accepted 3.08 CA28 Clause 4 lines 552-570 ed (1) Delete Project Editors’ Notes (1) Apply. Accepted (2) Since Annex B contains the complete and (2) Canada recommends that the text to Clause 4 consolidated set of symbols and abbreviations, there is simply contain a reference (pointer) to Annex B PCEN: implemented in FDIS little use in presenting a partial set in Clause 4. similar in nature to that found in Clause 2 and its document reference (pointer) to Annex A. For example, draft text as follows:</p><p>The complete set of symbols and abbreviations which are used in this Part 7 as well as in Parts 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of ISO/IEC 15944 and ISO/IEC 14662, i.e., the eBusiness Vocabulary, are found in “Annex B (normative) Consolidated list of symbols and abbreviations”.</p><p>CA29 Clause 5 lines 571-908 ed Review by Canadian experts of Clause 5 and its sub- (1) Re-order the sub-clauses in 5.3 as follows: Accepted 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 5 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) clauses indicated a need for re-ordering of the sub- clauses in 5.3. In addition, some of the rules and text 5.3.5 now Clause 5.3.1; in current Clause 5.3.5 belong more appropriately in leave current Clause 5.3.2 as Clause PCEN: implemented in FDIS Clause 5.2. 5.3.2; document. All other FCD ballot leave current Clause 5.3.3 as Clause comments pertaining to restructuring of Clause 5 have 5.3.3; also been implemented in the leave Clause 5.3.4 as Clause 5.3.4; FDIS document. make current Clause 5.3.1 as Clause 5.3.5. (2) Focus Clause 5.3.5 (now 5.3.1) on the structural aspects of the presentation of a definition, the use of NOTES and EXAMPLES and move other rules and text in current Clause 5.3.5 into Clause 5.2.</p><p>CA30 Clause 5 lines 571-908 ed Canada has made comments on specific elements in Based on resolution of ballot comments on Clause Accepted Clause 5 and its sub-clauses, which if accepted, will 5, Canada requests the Project Editors to develop a lead to a restructured and improved Clause 5. In revised Clause 5 for the FDIS version. PCEN: implemented in FDIS making its comments on Clause 5 and in providing document {See above CA29} proposed revised draft text in Attachments A, B and C, it is not possible to know ahead of time which of the Canadian comments on Clause 5 will be accepted as is, in a revised form or not accepted.. CA31 Clause 5.1 line 587 ed It is important to note that all HIEs provided will be At end of line 587 add footnote with text as Accepted based on international standards for character sets, follows: scripts, transliteration/transcription, etc., for languages. PCEN: implemented in FDIS All HIEs of terms and definitions are to be based on document, particularly in a international standards for character sets, scripts, revised Clause 3, 6 & 7. Done transliteration, transcription, etc., for languages. via ftnts 19 & 20. Note that further development work here is to be done a part of a 2nd The applicable international standards of this edition for this standard. nature which apply are found in Annex A.</p><p>CA32 Clause 5.1 line 590 ed re: footnote 15. The FCD contains no Annexes of this Change text of footnote to read: Accepted nature. Revise footnote. There are more detailed aspects which can be PCEN: implemented in FDIS document in Clause 5.1 & ftnt 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 6 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p> nd addressed. This should be done in the 2 edition 20. based on feedback on use of this 1st edition. C33 Clause 5.2 lines 595-640 te/ed As noted above, current Clause 5.3.5 contains rules and Revise Clause 5.2 by: Accepted text which more properly belongs in Clause 5.2. moving existing text in Clause 5.3.5 into PCEN: implemented in FDIS In addition, Clause 5.2 is missing rules and text Clause 5.2; document. {see also CA 029} necessary for the understanding of Clause 5.2. Some of add text and rules to provide Clause 5.2 this is found in Clause 5.3.5. which the Project Editors noted in Lines 602-604 is “under development”.</p><p>CA34 Clause 5.2 line 595 ed Clause 5.2 focuses on Principles and Rules. The title Change “criteria” to “rules”. Accepted should reflect this. CA35 Clause 5.2 lines 600-612 ed Remove Project Editors’ Notes Apply Accepted CA36 Clause 5.2 line 621 ed There is a need to qualify “circularity” with some added Amend by adding an additional sentence as Accepted text. follows: PCEN: implemented in FDIS They should be dealt with as a holistic whole, and document. In addition the project thus be built on each other. Care must therefore Co-Editors made a concerted be taken in using existing terminology and effort to ensure that that is no “circularity” in the complete set definitions. of definitions as stated in Annex D. CA37 Clause 5.2 line 632 ed An example of the application of this rule is needed. Add the following text: Accepted</p><p>For example, the concept of “business” inherits, PCEN: implemented in FDIS i.e., incorporates, the concepts (and their document. Further ftnt 35 added behaviours) of “process”, “Person”, and “recorded on “inheritance in Clause 5.3.1”. information”.</p><p>CA38 Clause 5.2 line 635 ed An example of the application of this rule is needed. Add the following text: Accepted</p><p>For example, the concept (and its definition) of PCEN: implemented in FDIS “business transaction” forms part of many other document. Incorporated in the concepts (and their definitions) including “agent”, rules of now Clause 5.2 & Rule “business event”, “business object”, “business 003. transaction identifier (BTI)”, “constraint”, 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 7 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) “consumer”, “vendor”, “unambiguous”, “third party”, “Open-edi scenario (OeS)”, etc. CA39 Clause 5.2 line 640 te/ed Remove line 640 and move relevant text and rules form Apply. Use Attachment B which contains rules and Attachment B accepted. Add Clause 5.3.5 into 5.2 text taken from Clause 5.3.5 which should form footnote referencing ISO 1087 part of Clause 5.2 as well as some added text to and ISO 5127 as sources for improve clarity. this clause. This clause integrates ISO 1087, ISO 5127 and ISO Directives toward the development of definitions. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA40 Clause 5.2 line 640 ed Delete line 640 and replace with existing text and rules In Attachment B (see below), Canada has provided Accepted, see CA 39 resolution from Clause 5.3.5 which more properly belongs in draft text and rules to be inserted here. Clause 5.2. Add other text and rules to make this PCEN: implemented in FDIS Clause more understandable, i.e. by placing in the Canada has also noted in Clause 5.3.5 which of the document context of this document. existing FCD text and rules it recommends be moved into Clause 5.2 CA41 Clause 5.3 lines 647 - ed The order of the elements needs to be revised to reflect Change the order of the current five elements to Accepted 655 the restructuring of Clause 5. read as follows (with current footnotes included): PCEN: implemented in FDIS 1) the definition (of the concept) document as per CA29 {See 2) the term (representing the concept) further Clause 5.3, Rule 006} 3) the abbreviation for the concept (as applicable) 4) the gender code for the term 5) the composite identifier (for the concept)</p><p>CA42 Clause 5.3 lines 644+ ed It is important to make clear the essential Insert the definition for controlled vocabulary in Accepted characteristics of a “controlled vocabulary”. The Clause 5.3 and state how it is applied in Part 7. definition for controlled vocabulary is stated in Annex D PCEN: implemented in FDIS but it should also be included under Clause 5.3. Further, Canada has provided draft text in support of this document (as per CA29). it is useful to provide text on how the concept/definition comment as Attachment C, i.e., at line 645. of controlled vocabulary is applied in this Part 7. CA43 Clause 5.3 line 657 ed With the text in Clause 5.3.5 becoming part of Clause Here is draft text to be inserted at line 657. Accepted 5.2, the re-ordering of the 5 essential elements in lines </p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 8 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>651-655 and the deletion of Clause 5.3.5, there is a “The sub-clauses which follow provide the rules PCEN: implemented in FDIS need to include “bridging” text at the end of the 5.3 governing each of these essential elements. document (as per CA29). Introduction. (Those pertaining to the development of a definition for a concept are already stated above in Clause 5.2). CA44 Clause lines 659-701 ed Change Clause 5.3.1 to Clause 5.3.5 and restructure Apply Accepted 5.3.1 document accordingly CA45 Clause lines 703-738 ed Change Clause 5.3.2 to Clause 5.3.1 and restructure Apply Accepted 5.3.2 document accordingly. CA46 Clause line 704 ed text missing Insert text from Attachment A below before line Accepted 5.3.2 704 CA47 Clause line 711 ed Spelling. Change re-sue” to “re-use” Apply Accepted 5.2.2 CA48 Clause lines 741-753 ed Change Clause 5.3.5 to Clause 5.3.2 and restructure Apply Accepted 5.3.3 document accordingly CA49 Clause line 754 ed Need for some additional guidance on abbreviations Add text as follows: Accepted 5.3.3 Guideline nnnG1: PCEN: implemented in FDIS In the choice of an abbreviation, care should document {See further Clause be taken not to devise an abbreviation which 5.3.3 and Guideline 020G1}. already exists, and especially one which is in widespread use.</p><p>CA50 Clause lines 756-782 ed Change Clause 5.3.4 to Clause 5.3.3 and restructure Apply Accepted 5.3.4 document accordingly CA51 Clause lines 758-759 ed The text in these two lines belongs to the previous Move text to end of existing Clause 5.3.3 Accepted 5.3.4 Clause CA52 Clause lines 785-869 ed Move contents of Clause 5.3.5 to Clause 5.2 and Apply Accepted 5.3.5 integrate into Clause 5.2 as per Attachment B and delete current Clause 5.3.5 CA53 Clause lines 787- 870 ed The text here more properly belongs in Clause 5.2 Move current 5.3.5 text to 5.2 as per Attachment B Accepted 5.3.5 CA54 Clause 5.4 lines 874-883 ed Delete Project Editors’ Notes and use them to add Add the following text to the start of Clause 5.4. Accepted introductory text to Clause 5.4. “The rules and text in this Clause focus on the most primitive, i.e., essential aspects only”. 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 9 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>CA55 Clause 5.4 line 895 ed The notion of “as is” is important and should be noted. Underline as is and add a footnote, with an Accepted example, as follows: PCEN: implemented in FDIS “The use of the phrase “as is” indicates that the document {See further Guideline unique combination of characteristics of the 027G1 & ftnt 44} concept apply but the context of use is not (exactly) the same.</p><p>The convention in ISO/IEC standards is to indicate such adaptations by indicating the same in the term, (e.g., as in applicant (for an OeRI), “code (in coded domain”) “identifier (in business transaction)”, “information (in information processing), etc.”</p><p>CA56 Clause 5.4 line 902 ed Change (E.g,) to (e.g., ) Apply Accepted CA57 Clause 5.4 line 906 ed (1) Spelling in footnote 29, second paragraph, change Apply Accepted “identification” to “identification” (2) Also put titles of Annexes in italics. CA58 Clause 6.1 line 912 ed Left justify title of 6.1 Apply here (and elsewhere) as required. Accepted CA59 Clause 6.1 line 926 te/ed It is important that text be added to recognize the fact Apply. Accepted that languages have differing writing systems, scripts, Need to add a new Clause 9 “Template” to cover etc. Here follows possible draft text: key elements for specifying a HIE eBusiness Project Editors requested to Vocabulary. develop a new Clause 9 “It is noted that human interface equivalents (HIEs) “Template” and circulate to WG can and do exist in languages other than those written To be discussed with the Project Editors at the 1 members for review. in romanized forms, i.e. those of a non-Latin writing SC32/WG PCEN: Based on resolution of system. 1 Hangzhou meeting. other comments the possibility of a Clause 9 “Template” has In addition, the legal requirements to be able to been deferred to the 2nd edition support “individual accessibility” requirements may well for this Part 7. {See Clause 1.3 require HIEs of a Bliss symbols, Braille, sign language, “10}”. However the text in this audio, etc., nature. comment has been inserted in Annex G under Rule G06. While it is outside of the scope of this standard to </p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 10 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1) address and resolve “individual accessibility” requirements, its “template” {see Clause 9} is structured to be able to support “individual accessibility” requirements, i.e. where the buyer in a business transaction is an “individual” and those “individual accessibility” requirements apply.”</p><p>CA60 Clause 6.2 lines 930-934 ed Delete Project Editors’ Notes Apply Accepted CA61 Clause 6.2 line 936 ed Insert the acronym “(HIEs)” after the text. Apply Accepted CA62 Clause 6.2 line 937 ed Change “P-member” to “P-members” Apply Accepted CA63 Clause 6.2 line 949 ed Change “included” to “added Apply Accepted CA64 Clause 6.2 line 963 ed It is important that any jurisdictional domain submitting To be discussed at SC32/WG1 Hangzhou meeting. Accepted its (official) set of HIE equivalents to the eBusiness Vocabulary as an Annex to be added to Part 7 of this If accepted, one would add the following rule and PCEN: implemented in FDIS standard do so using a new Clause 9 “template”. This text to Clause 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 amending the rule document as per CA59. The intend of a Clause 9 Template Canadian comment also applies to current Clauses 5, 6, below accordingly. st 7 and 8. has been replaced in this 1 edition into Annex G (Normative) Rule nnn: and the intend of this and similar Any submission by an ISO/IEC, ISO, IEC comments have been captured and/or ITU P-member body of an Annex of in Rules 003 -> 008, as well as HIEs to this standard shall use the template in amended text for Clauses 7 & of Clause 9 to specify the criteria governing 8. the presentation of the eBusiness Vocabulary in that language.</p><p>CA65 Clause 6.3 lines 969-973 ed Delete Project Editors’ Notes Apply Accepted CA66 Clause 6.3 lines 982-984 ed The grammar of the rule has some errors also its Change text of rule to read: Accepted readability needs to be improved. Rule nnn: PCEN: implemented in FDIS Any UN member may submit, via its National document via Clause 6.3 and Standards body, a new Annex to this Rule 031. standard of the eBusiness Vocabulary in the official language(s) of its jurisdictional domain”. 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 11 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>CA67 Clause 6.3 lines 969-973 ed Delete Project Editors’ Notes Apply Accepted CA68 Clause 6.3 line 985 ed IT is important to make provision for those UN member To be discussed at theSC32/WG1 Hangzhou Accepted states which may not have a “National Standards body” meeting. to be able to submit an Annex of the eBusiness PCEN: implemented in FDIS Vocabulary in the language(s) of that country. Here the Possible solution is to add a Guideline the draft text document via Clause 6.3 and UN ambassador is a common focal point for the for which is: Guideline 031G1. submission of eBusiness Vocabulary in that language. Guideline nnnG1: Any UN member state, which does not have a National Standards body, may submit, via its UN Ambassador, a new Annex of the eBusiness Vocabulary in the official language(s) of that jurisdictional domain.</p><p>CA69 Clause 6.4 lines 1001- ed Current points “3)” and “”4)” are actually sub-points of Change “3)” to “2.1)” and “4)” to “2.2)” and Accepted 1009 “2)”. restructure text accordingly. CA70 Clause 6.4 line 1011 ed Delete “5)” Other?” Apply Accepted CA71 Clause 6.4 line 1030 ed Footnote 31, delete “Temporary Note”. Leave rest of Apply Accepted text as is. CA72 Clause 6.4 lines 1034- ed Readability would be improved by inserting a “(1)” and Apply Accepted 1035 “(2)” so that the existing text would read as follows: PCEN: implemented in FDIS “The following matrix provides examples of the use of: document. {See further revised Clause 6.4} (1) the same abbreviations for both the ISO English and ISO French terms; and,</p><p>(2) differing abbreviations in ISO English and ISO French for the same term”.</p><p>CA73 Clause 6.4 line 1039 ed Delete line Apply Accepted CA74 Clause 7 lines 1056- ed The existing Project Editors’ Notes should be converted Canadian comments on Clause 7 do this. Delete Accepted 1070 into text where applicable in Clause 7 itself. Project Editors’ Notes</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 12 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>PCEN: implemented in FDIS document not only for Clause 7 but likewise for other Clauses where applicable. CA75 Clause 7 line 1106 ed Readability. Change “as stated” to “as presented” Apply Accepted CA76 Clause 7 line 1110 ed Left justify “Rule nnn” Apply Accepted CA77 Clause 7 lines 1129- te/ed Project Editors’ Notes pertain to the development of a To be discussed and decided upon at the Accepted 1144 “template” of the nature found in the other Parts of SC32/WG1 Hangzhou meeting. 15944. Canada supports the addition of a Clause 9 PCEN: implemented in FDIS which would contain such a template. Canada is willing to assist the Project Editors in the document as per CA59 and via drafting of such a new Clause 9. Annex G. The matter of the development of a new Clause 9 “Template” has been deferred to the 2nd edition for Part 7 {See also Clause 1.3} CA78 Clause 8 lines 1150- ed Delete Project Editors’ Notes Apply Accepted 1161 CA79 Clause 8 line 1184 ed Readability. After “… Vocabulary”, insert “as an”. Apply Accepted CA80 Clause 8 line 1190 ed Readability, clarity. Change “shall take the form” to Apply Accepted “shall be maintained in the form”. CA81 Clause 8 line 1191 te/ed It is necessary to state who is responsible for the To be discussed and decided upon at the Not accepted. (Similar to maintenance of the database containing the “eBusiness SC32/WG1 Hangzhou meeting. decision on UK comment below Vocabulary Repository”. Canada assumes that this will “GB01”.) be the Secretariat for SC32/WG1. It is also possible Possible draft text for line 1191+ could be: that the SC32/WG1 Secretariat may designate some At present regular organization to do this on its behalf. “The Secretariat for JTC1/SC32/WG1 (or its maintenance procedures apply. Aspects of a Registration successor) shall be responsible for the maintenance Authority and making standards of the eBusiness Vocabulary, i.e.,` as the master available as a database to be repository and as a computer database. considered for the second The SC32/WG1 Secretariat (or SC32/WG1 itself) version of this standard. At may designate an organization to maintain the such time, registration eBusiness Vocabulary on its behalf. procedures would be followed by a Registration Authority according to ISO/IEC 15944-2.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 13 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>CA82 Clause 8 lines 1192- te/ed The comments here are Canada’s response to the Canada recommends the addition of a new Clause WG 1 agreed on the following 1219 “Project Editors’ Notes. Canada supports the eBusiness 8.3 which captures the Project Editors’ Notes. form for the identifier: Vocabulary Identifier be made a permanent identifier, i.e., as an eBVID. Canada also supports the suggestion Canada has prepared draft text for Clause 8.3 ISO/IEC 15944-7::120 that it be a composite identifier consisting of the unique based on these Project Editors’ Notes as WG 1 instructs the Project designation “EBVID” (or something like that) plus a Attachment D. Editors accordingly for use in three or four digit number. Clause 8 Attachment D to be reviewed, discussed, and decided upon at the SC32/WG1 Hangzhou meeting. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document. A 3-digit number is being used in Annexes C, D, E and D. Here the “Dnnn” serves as an internal Part 7 reference only. The use of the composite identifier of the form on “ISO/IEC15944-7::120” as an alternative for external purposes is stated in Guideline 026G01. CA83 Annex A lines 1230- ed Delete Project Editors’ Notes and add in A.1 references Apply Accepted 1250 to Part 6 and 7 with dates as well as to Parts 3 and 8 as “under development”. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document CA84 Annex A lines 1235- ed formatting of title needs adjusting Left justify title and “wrap” appropriately. Accepted 1236 CA85 Annex A lines 1238- ed Canada supports the Project Editors’ Notes and requests Apply and delete Project Editors’ Notes Accepted 1248 the Project Editors to include in Annex A any standards stated as Normative References in Part 3, 6, or 7, which PCEN: implemented in FDIS is not yet included in Annex A. document</p><p>Canada requests the Project Editors to do this. CA86 Annex A.1 line 1263 ed Left justify title and add “ITU” so that the title for A.1 Apply. Accepted now reads as: “A.1 ISO/IEC, ISO, and ITU”. Ensure also that the Table of Contents reflects this change. CA87 Annex A.1 line 1264 ed add “ITU” in title Apply Accepted CA88 Annex A.1 line 1344 ed ISO 10241 is missing insert reference to ISO 10241 here. Accepted 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 14 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>CA89 Annex A.1 line 1376 ed Insert references for Parts 4, 5, 6, and 7 of ISO/IEC Apply Accepted 15944 CA90 Annex A.2 line 1394 ed (1) Left-justify entry (1) apply Accepted (2) Amend this sentence in footnote 38 to make it more (2) Change end of first sentence to read “… those specific to Part 7 referenced in the ISO/IEC eBusiness standards, namely ISO/IEC 14662 and Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of ISO/IEC 15944. CA91 Accepted CA92 Annex B lines 1438- ed Project Editors are requested to implement the Project Apply. Canada is willing to assist in completing and Accepted 1460 Editors’ Notes in the preparation of the FDIS document. updating the Annex B List of Symbols and Abbreviations into an E/F side-by-side format. PCEN: Implemented in FDIS with French language acronyms being included only where they differ from those in English being included {See further also Clause 5.3.3}. CA93 Annex B line 1461 ed Several acronyms used in Annex D are missing from this Insert the following acronyms (with their Accepted Annex. They need to be added. appropriate descriptions) PCEN: implemented in FDIS DMA Interface document. Other acronyms are IRBOI also added in what is now OeBTO Annex B. OeRA pRS OeRD OeRI OeR</p><p>CA94 Annex B line 1461 ed “SRI – Set of Recorded Information” should be lower Change “Set of Recorded Information” to “set of Accepted case recorded information”. CA95 Annex C lines 1467- ed (1) Based on successful completion of ballot comments (1) Apply Accepted 1662 on Part 6, Annex C should be amended accordingly, i.e., (2) Apply include added references in the matrix and Dnnn entries PCEN: implemented in FDIS should there be added definition/term pairs. document. (2) The definitions in Clause 3 of Part 7 should be incorporated into the matrix. 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 15 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>CA96 Annex D lines 1520- ed (1) Definitions and terms included in Part 7, i.e., as (1) Apply; Accepted 1662 found in Clause 3, or Clauses 5-8 (or 9), which are not (2) Apply yet included in Annex D need to be inserted in the (3) To be resolved at SC32/WG1 Hangzhou PCEN: implemented in FDIS appropriate place in both Annex D.4 and Annex D.5 meeting as part of discussion on Attachment D and document. All definitions have and also assigned a new ID number, i.e., 259+. its draft text for Clause 8.3 been integrated into a single numeric series ending at 271. This has been done for Annex (2) Definitions and terms included in Part 6 which are D.2 and D.3 as well as in not yet included in Annex D of Part 7 need to be Annexes E and F. This means inserted in the appropriate place in both Annex D.4 and that additional definitions when D.5 and also assigned a new ID number, i.e., 259+. incorporated (e.g. from completion of Part 3 and Part 8) (3) Based on the results of the discussions on the new will be numbered as 271+ Clause 8.3 {See Attachment D} the “D” in Column (1) in Annex D.4 and in Column (1) in Annex D may be replaced by “eBVID” (or something else).</p><p>CA97 Annex E lines 1665- ed Canada looks forward to Russia submitting the contents To be discussed at the SC32/WG1 Hangzhou Draft Annex E containing the 1674 for Annex E. Canada requests Russia to consider also meeting. Russian text received and to providing prior to or part of FCD ballot meeting as part be incorporated.(See below of Annex E a matrix similar to D.4, i.e., the eBusiness “draft text for Annex E provided Vocabulary terms sorted in Russian “alphabetic” order”. by Russia”.) Final Annex E to be harmonized with Annex D and agreed upon structure for Annex F. Possibility of Annex E having as a chapter, i.e. sub- clause, a “List of eBusiness in Russian (Cyrillic) alphabetical order:. (see resolution of CA98 below) PCEN: implemented in FDIS document. The Annex E was submitted by Russia and forms part of the FCD ballot comments. Any editing </p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 16 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p> corrections to Annex D.2 will also be made to Annex E in consultation with the Russian participants. CA98 Annex F lines 1688- ed Canada looks forward to China submitting the contents To be discussed at the SC32/WG1 Hangzhou Draft Annex F containing 1696 for Annex F. Canada requests China to consider also meeting. Chinese text received and to be providing prior to or part of FCD ballot meeting as part incorporated. (See below “draft of Annex F a matrix similar to D.4, i.e., the eBusiness text for Annex F provided by Vocabulary terms sorted in Chinese “alphabetic” order”. China”.) Structure for Annexes F and E to be amended as per the resolution of the Chinese ballot comments. This includes Annex F having as a chapter, i.e. sub-clause, a “List of eBusiness terms in the order of Chinese Bopomofo (Hanyupinyin) order”. Project Editors to develop a “draft” common approach to structuring and presentation of Annexes F and E, review and finalize it with China and Russia, and incorporate the resulting agreed upon approach in the FDIS document. Also contents of Annexes F & E to be updated as per changes to Annex D (e.g. to incorporate Part 6). (see also below, resolution of China comment CN03.) PCEN: implemented in FDIS document. Chinese Annex F forms part of this ballot document (see below). Any editing corrections made to 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 17 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations No./ Figure/Table of on each comment submitted Subclause /Note com- No./ (e.g. Table 1) ment2 Annex (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>Annex D.2 will also be made to Annex F in consultation with the Chinese Project Co-Editors. Annex F.3 contains the “List of eBusiness Vocabulary terms in ISO Chienese alphabetical order – Chinese Pinyin order”. CA99 Annex Z line 1708 ed Delete “to be completed” Apply Accepted CA10 Annex Z lines 1708- te/ed Canada notes that Annexes A, B, C, and D are all of a To be discussed and decided upon at the Accepted 0 1720 “Consolidated” nature. Canada suggests that SC32/WG1 Hangzhou meeting. SC32/WG1 consider making Annex Z also Canadian assistance “Consolidated” in nature, i.e., it would contain all the If this recommendation is accepted, Canada is appreciated Bibliographical References” as found in ISO/IEC 14662, willing to provide assistance to the Project Editors PCEN: implemented in FDIS and Parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of ISO/IEC 15944. in developing the contents for such an Annex Z. document CA10 Annex Z line 1709 ed A Reference added in Attachment B is missing. It is Insert the following reference to this Bibliography: Accepted 1 used in Clause 5.2. Knoppers, J.V.Th. Draft Definition for “Open-edi Business Transaction Ontology (OeBTO)”. Prepared for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG1, May, 2002. [Document WG1N0220R]</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 18 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 Attachment A – Insert before Line 704</p><p>It is important to ensure that the “label i.e., term, assigned to a concept being defined is not confused with other related concepts (or words) that have a common meaning or many possible different meanings), international standards introduce, i.e., invent, a new label as term for a concept”1.</p><p>Given the fact that this multipart standard integrates operational and legal requirements2, the definitions and their associated terms play a key role in ensuring an integrated and harmonized approach. However, an integrated and harmonized set of terms and definitions is essential to the continuity of this multipart standard3 ------</p><p>Attachment B – </p><p>In the context of the international standards of the ISO, “concept” is defined as:</p><p> concept: unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics</p><p>NOTE Concepts are not necessarily bound to particular languages. They are, however, influenced by the social or cultural background which often leads to different categorizations</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.2.1)]</p><p>A “characteristic” in turn is defined as:</p><p> characteristic: abstraction of a property of an object or of a set of objects</p><p>NOTE Characteristics are used for describing concepts.</p><p>1 In most languages, new words are invented on an on-going basis as new concepts are introduced. For example, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), over 100 new concepts were added to the English language during the period December, 2006 to September, 2007, as reflected in the addition of new entries in the OED. Merriam-Webster also adds about 100 new words a year.</p><p>Here it is noted that the entries for the OED (or most other dictionaries) include all parts of speech, including proper names, while standards are limited to nouns and verbs. The entries also include new meanings to existing words/entries, (e.g., lawyer as a verb).</p><p>The concept of “word” is defined as:</p><p> word: smallest linguistic unit conveying a specific meaning and capable of existing as a separate unit in a sentence.</p><p>[ISO 5127:2001 (]</p><p>A key purpose of a dictionary is to provide all the meanings associated with a “word” in the use of that word in the language of that dictionary. A “term” on the other hand is defined as:</p><p> term: designation of a defined concept in a special language by a linguistic expression.</p><p>NOTE A term may consist of one or more words, i.e., simple term, or complex term or even contain symbols.</p><p>[ISO 1087:2000 (]</p><p>Here each ISO standard, a multipart standard, or a family of standards such as ISO/IEC 14662 and ISO/IEC 15944, are of the nature of a special language</p><p>The same factors which lead to the creation of new concepts, words, etc., in a language also apply to standards development where new terms are often “invented” to ensure that a new or different concept is not confused with, and differentiated from, existing terms or labels for a related concept.</p><p>2 See further Clause 0.12 ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 “Business Agreement Semantic Descriptive Techniques”, and in particular it’s Figure 2 “Integrated View – Business Operational Requirements: External Constraints Focus”.</p><p>3 The ISO/IEC 14662 “Open-edi Reference Model” and the ISO/IEC 15944 eBusiness standard purposely introduced new labels, i.e., as “terms” for its concepts and their definitions in order to ensure that these are unique and will not be confused with the various possible concepts/definitions and their terms which may currently be in use but with differing meanings, i.e., semantics.</p><p>19 [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.2.4)]4</p><p>Consequently, the first principle (for the development of a definition of a concept) is the requirement of identifying the essential characteristics of the concept to be defined. Here, one or more of these characteristics may very well themselves be of the nature of concepts which are already defined5. Application of this principle is also necessary to ensure and support interoperability among standards.</p><p>The second principle is that the use of concepts already defined in existing international standards must be maximized, i.e. when and wherever applicable or relevant6.</p><p>The third principle is that only after the unique combination of characteristics of a concept has been agreed to by those participating in the development of the standard, that one can (or should) start drafting a definition for that concept.</p><p>The fourth principle is the need to distinguish between the daily common (possibly multiple meanings) of a concept as found in a dictionary for a “word” versus that of a specific meaning in the context of the standard, i.e., as a “term”7. This principle is of particular relevance to eBusiness standards which apply to many different sectors of economy, i.e., are cross-sectoral in nature.</p><p>Rule nnn: The characteristics (and their unique combination) of a (new) concept shall be identified and agreed to prior to the drafting of a definition for that concept.</p><p>It is advised that the above rule be implemented through the preparation of a short document or working paper which provides such information.8 Such documents also serve as useful references and provide a useful reference and provide a useful explanation of the formation of the definition of a concept, choice of the appropriate associated term, etc.</p><p>Rule nnn: In the identification of the unique combination of characteristics for a concept, one shall maximize use of those already defined in existing international standards, i.e., where and whenever applicable or relevant.</p><p>Rule nnn:</p><p>4 See further Annex D of ISO/IEC 15944-7 for the definitions for the concepts of “property” and “object”.</p><p>5 For example, concept “NEW” may very well consist of (1) a unique combination of already defined concepts “A”, “E”, and “Q”. and/or, (2) “(1)” plus one or more added characteristics.</p><p>6 The key objective here is that of “do not re-invent the wheel”, “use what exists”. It is also very unlikely that a new” concept is totally new.</p><p>7 The purpose of a dictionary is to capture in a single document and in alphabetical order all the meanings (one or more) associated with a character or unique combination of characters, i.e., “words” in that language. Consequently, where a “word” in a language has more than one (common use) meaning, one needs to specify in a standard, i.e., as an entry in its Clause 3, which of the multiple common use meanings of that concept apply in the context of that standard. This is done by having a “term/definition in Clause 3.</p><p>8 For examples of how this rule has already been applied in the development of the multipart ISO/IEC 15944 eBusiness standard see the following examples in JTC1/SC32/WG1 documents:</p><p> Pereira, M.J.; Knoppers, J.V.Th. Languages and Jurisdiction: "Natural", "Special", "Official", "Artificial", "Indexing", "Programming,” etc. Prepared for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG1. February, 2002. [Document WG1N210R]</p><p> Knoppers, J.V.Th.; Pereira, M.J. What is a "Principle"? What is a "Rule"?: Need for Definitions. Prepared for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG1. February, 2002. [Document WG1N211R]</p><p> Knoppers, J.V. Th. Draft Definition for “Open-edi Business Transaction Ontology (OeBTO)”. Prepared for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG1, May, 2002. [Document WG1N0220R]</p><p>20 Any concept requiring a definition for the clarity of the understanding and use of the ISOIEC JTC1 international eBusiness standards shall be included in that standard.</p><p>This means that the concept is: (1) central to the understanding of the standard; (2) is used at least twice in the standard; and, (3) is not self-explanatory9.</p><p>An essential, if not most important, element of any standard is the identification of the concepts on which it is based. The primary purpose of a “definition” is to serve as a descriptive statement to differentiate one concept from another. Thus definitions capture the key concepts of a standard and form the foundation of any standard. As such, it is important that definitions be explicit, unambiguous with respect to the concept to which it pertains and the semantics to be conveyed.</p><p>An essential aspect of electronic data interchange in support of a business transaction is that it includes the making of commitments among autonomous Persons as parties to a business transaction means that the definition in the eBusiness Vocabulary must integrate operational legal requirements.</p><p>Explicit and unambiguous definitions play a key role in ensuring an integrated and harmonized approach in specifying BOV aspects. They also serve as a bridge to standards in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as to other sectors.</p><p>The Directives of ISO/IEC JTC1 place great emphasis on ensuring that definitions be as clear, explicit and unambiguous as possible. As such, the following rules apply.</p><p>Rule nnn: There must be 1) a business case and rationale for the need to introduce a (new) concept into an international standard with its resulting definition and assigned term10; and, 2) such a business case and rationale must maximize re-use and integration of existing international standards, i.e. those of ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC and/or ITU11.</p><p>Rule nnn: The descriptive statement comprising a definition must be clear, explicit and unambiguous and stated in the form of a single sentence.</p><p>The primary reason for the need for the descriptive statement comprising the definition of a concept to be “unambiguous” is because the use of the definition in an eBusiness context , of whatever nature and for whatever commonly agreed upon goal among the parties involved in a business transaction, is because the use of the concept and its definition pertains to the making of “commitments” among the parties involved and the resulting legal obligations (including those of the applicable jurisdictional domains).</p><p>Rule nnn: Only a concept with a single definition shall be included and both the definition and associated term shall be stated in the singular.</p><p>At times, a “NOTE” (or NOTES) is used to provide additional information, qualification, criteria, exceptions, to assist in the understanding and use of the concept. Also, at times EXAMPLE(S) is included where deemed useful. </p><p>Rule nnn: Any definition of an eBusiness concept must be developed with two or more human interface equivalencies (HIEs) in order to maximize its unambiguity and subsequent use in support of any and all commitments made among parties to a business transaction.</p><p>9 It is noted that often a commonly used word, (e.g., chip), has multiple definitions in a dictionary. eBusiness is cross-sectorial in nature. It includes both (1) the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as, (2) the many other fields (or industry sectors) and public sector activities. As such, it is important not only to have any concept defined explicitly and unambiguously but also to choose a label as a “term” which meets the same criteria among all sectors. Consequently, “chip” as a term representing a concept is not self-explanatory. In addition, what may be considered as self-explanatory in one language may well not be in another, (e.g., what is “chip” in other languages?) 10 For an insight into the rationale for the development of the definition for “principle” and “rule”, see JTC1/SC32/WG1 document N211R “What is a "Principle"? What is a "Rule"?: Need for Definitions”.</p><p>11 It is noted that at times, ISO/IEC JTC1 and ITU work together to develop international standards which are assigned both ISO/IEC international standard document numbers as well as international standard ITU numbers, i.e., as ITU recommendations. 21 The development of two or more HIEs for each term and definition should be considered to be of an “ISO 9000’ and/or “ISO 14000” nature, i.e. as a necessary quality and integrity control check. It is only in the development of the text of a definition of a concept into its equivalent text into one or more other HIEs that ambiguities in the source text are “ferreted” out., i.e., identified.</p><p>Rule nnn: As stated in Clause 5.1 above, a concept can consist of, i.e. inherit, one or more other concepts. Consequently, where this occurs, the definition for a concept of this nature shall explicitly support this requirement.</p><p>Rule nnn: When a concept incorporates one or more other concepts, the terms representing these concepts shall be included in bold 12 in the definition for that concept.</p><p>For example, the concept of “business” incorporates, i.e., inherits13, three other concepts (and thus their definitions) namely: (1) process; (2) Person; and, (3) recorded information.</p><p>The definition of “business” (in English and French), in order to support this approach, thus appears as: business affaire series of processes, each having a clearly série de processus, ayant chacun une understood purpose, involving more than one finalité clairement définie, impliquant Person, realised through the exchange of plus d'une Personne, réalisés par recorded information and directed échange d'information enregistrée et towards some mutually agreed upon goal, tendant à l'accomplissement d'un objectif extending over a period of time accepté par accord mutuel pour une certaine période de temps [ISO/IEC 14662 :2004 (3.2)]</p><p>There is no bold text in NOTES or EXAMPLES.</p><p>12 Where in the writing system of a language the use of bold does not “visually” serve the intended purpose, i.e., indicate that use of a term, one may use a different font for the same purpose, (e.g., see Annex E in ISO/IEC 15944-7 here for the Chinese where a different font is used instead of bold).</p><p>13 Project Editors requested to provide a short paragraph explaining “inheritance” 22 Attachment C</p><p>The eBusiness Vocabulary is of the nature of a “controlled vocabulary” which is defined as:</p><p> controlled vocabulary (CV): vocabulary for which the entries, i.e., definition/term pairs, are controlled by a Source Authority based on a rulebase and process for addition/deletion of entries</p><p>NOTE 1 In a controlled vocabulary, there is a one-to-one relationship of definition and term.</p><p>EXAMPLE The contents of "Clause 3 Definitions" in ISO/IEC standards are examples of controlled vocabularies with the entities being identified and referenced through their ID code, i.e., via their clause numbers.</p><p>NOTE 2 In a multilingual controlled vocabulary, the definition/term pairs in the languages utilized are deemed to be equivalent, i.e., with respect to their semantics.</p><p>NOTE 3 The rule base governing a controlled vocabulary may include a predefined concept system.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.34)]</p><p>The key characteristics of a controlled vocabulary are:</p><p>1) It is a vocabulary, i.e., it is not a dictionary, glossary, etc.</p><p>2) Its entries consist of definitions/term pairs for each concept forming part of the controlled vocabulary.</p><p>3) The aspects controlled as to the inclusion of entries rests with a Source Authority and is managed through a rulebase process for the addition/deletion of entries.</p><p>With respect to this eBusiness Vocabulary, the Source Authority is ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 “Data Management and Interchange”. The actual sources for the definition/term pairs are the normative references stated in Clause 2 of an ISO standard which in this Part 7 are consolidated in Annex A (normative).</p><p>The rulebase and process governing the eBusiness Vocabulary are a combination of those:</p><p>1) stated in Part 1 and Part 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives14 (which are general in nature);</p><p>2) those of a specific and direct nature applicable to the eBusiness Vocabulary as stated in Clauses 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this standard15.; and,</p><p>3) the inclusion of all the terms and definitions as stated in Clause 3 of ISO/IEC 14662 and the parts of the multipart ISO/IEC 15944 eBusiness standard (in the form of normative Annexes in Part 7). ------</p><p>Attachment D</p><p>Notes:</p><p>1) This is draft text only and is to be reviewed, discussed and amended at the SC32/WG1 Hangzhou meeting when the FCD ballot comments are decided upon.</p><p>2) The rules and text provided in the draft below for Clause 8.3 are based on or harmonized with:</p><p> those of ISO/IEC 15944-1 re: “identifier”;</p><p>14 Need to add a footnote citing the full titles and reference and URL.</p><p>15 The rules in Clauses 5, 6, 7, and 8, in this Part 7 are harmonized with and support those found in the ISO/IEC JTC1 Directives.</p><p>23 those of ISO/IEC 15944-2 re: Registration of business objects and their identifiers;</p><p> those of ISO/IEC 6523, 7501, and 7812 for maintenance of registries and identification schemas.</p><p>3) SC32/WGG1 needs to decide on the first part of the composite identifier here. It could be “ISO/IEC 15944-7”, etc., “eBVID”, some other unique acronym, etc.</p><p>4) Any added entries to the FCD version of Annex D will be assigned 259+ ID numbers, i.e., those new in Part 6 or Part 7. There are two reasons here. The first is to highlight the fact that the “numbers” are assigned in sequential order. The second is that the number itself has no specific meaning.</p><p>5) The eBusiness Vocabulary in Annex D can be viewed as a coded domain, in which case the “front” part of the composite identifier would be ISO/IEC 15944-7:01 followed by the 3(or 4) digit number in Annex D.</p><p>6) Consideration should also be given to the creation of a unique (shorter) designator for use in XML namespace, (e.g., eBVID for the first part of the composite identifier followed by the 3(or 4) digit number as per Annex D).</p><p>Clause 8.3 – Rules governing the assignment of a unique identifier for each entry in the eBusiness Vocabulary</p><p>This Clause contains the basic rules governing the assignment of a unique identifier to each entry in the eBusiness Vocabulary. As such, this Clause serves as the Registration Schema (RS)16 for Part 7. Further, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG117 through this Part 7 serves as the Registration Authority (RA)18 for the eBusiness Vocabulary.</p><p>It is noted that in Annex A in this Part 7, thirty-seven (37) other international standards serve as Normative References. In addition, over 25% of the entries in the eBusiness Vocabulary are based on international standards other than either ISO/IEC 14662 or the multipart ISO/IEC 15944 standards.</p><p>It is also recognized that in this 1st edition of Part 7:</p><p>1) all the entries in the Annex D eBusiness Vocabulary will remain stable and fixed; and,</p><p>2) any future entries to Annex D eBusiness Vocabulary will each be assigned a unique identifier.</p><p>Rule nnn: The entries in the eBusiness Vocabulary shall consist of those terms and definitions which are Clause 3 sub-clauses in ISO/IEC 14662 and all parts of the ISO/IEC 15944 multipart standard, i.e., those which have passed the FDIS stage19.20</p><p>Rule nnn: Each definition/term entry entered in the eBusiness Vocabulary shall be assigned a unique and unambiguous identifier as a composite identifier, i.e., an eBusiness Vocabulary identifier (eBVID).21</p><p>Rule nnn:</p><p>16 See Annex D for the definition of “Registration Schema (RS)”.</p><p>17 Should ISO/IEC JTC1 decide to reorganize its Sub-committees (SCs) and their Working Groups (WGs), then whichever SC or WG is responsible for ISO/IEC 14662 and the multipart ISO/IEC 15944 standards assumes the responsibility (or role) of Registration Authority.</p><p>18 See Annex D for the definition of “Registration Authority (RA)”.</p><p>19 At times, there is a delay (of several months) between the standard successfully passing its FDIS ballot stage and the issuance of the resulting “IS” document by the ITTF.</p><p>20 This rule is to be reviewed in preparation of the 2nd edition for this standard.</p><p>21 Temporary Footnote: The acronym “eBVID” is currently not in current use (as per Google search). It therefore is available as part of the composite identifier. To be discussed further in Hangzhou.</p><p>24 The eBusiness Vocabulary identifier as a composite identifier is composed of: (1) the ID for this standard, i.e., ISO/IEC 15944-7; (2) code for the coded domain (the acronym “eBVID”); and, (3) the 3- (or 4) digit entry number as stated in normative Annex D.5 of ISO/IEC 15944-7.</p><p>The proposed draft definition of eBusiness Vocabulary identifier (eBVID) is:</p><p> eBusiness Vocabulary identifier (eBVID): a composite identifier permanently assigned to a single definition/term pair in compliance with the rules of the Registration Schema (RS) of ISO/IEC 15944-7:2008.</p><p>Notes:</p><p>1) If the eBusiness Vocabulary identifier is considered to be of the nature of a coded domain, the composite identifiers will be of the nature:</p><p> ISO/IEC 15499-4:01:020; or, ISO/IEC 15944-7:01:179,</p><p> with the 3- (or 4) digit number at the end being taken from Annex D.5</p><p>2) If one finds “eBVID” to be a more recognizable ID for the Annex D coded domain, then the composite identifier would be of the nature:</p><p> ISO/IEC 15944-7:eBVID020; or ISO/IEC 15944-7:eBVID179.</p><p>3) There may be other approaches as well.</p><p>4) To be discussed and decided upon by SC32/WG1 at its Hangzhou meeting with draft Clause 8.3 being amended accordingly.</p><p>5) As part of this discussion, SC32/WG1 also needs to decide on how the eBVID is to be represented as a unique “XML namespace”.</p><p>Guideline nnnG1: A short form of the composite identifier that could be used is “eBVID020”, or “eBVID179”, i.e. the combination of components (2) and (3) only. Component (1) is understood as the default.</p><p>Rule nnn: An eBusiness Vocabulary identifier once assigned shall not be reassigned or re-used.</p><p>Rule nnn: A change in the label, i.e., term, assigned to the definition of a concept is deemed significant and where this occurs the revised entry shall be assigned a new eBVID.</p><p>Rule nnn: A change in the definition of a concept which changes or adds a characteristic is considered to be a new concept therefore shall be assigned a new term to reflect the new concept. Where this new concept and its definition/term pair replaces an existing concept (and its definition/term pair), the current entry in the eBusiness Vocabulary shall be marked “cancelled and replaced by”.</p><p>25 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>CN01 ge China supports this standards project and looks forward So noted to its successful completion. CN02 Annex F ed China has prepared a draft for the Annex F, as the Insert Annex F. Contents of draft Annex F to be Accepted; also to be applied Chinese version of the eBusiness Vocabulary. This Annex discussed and reviewed at the SC32/WG1 to Annex E F is attached our ballot comments. Hangzhou meeting. PCEN: implemented in FDIS Should there be changes or additions to the entries in document. {See also CA98 Annex D, on which Annex F is based, China will amend above} Annex F accordingly. Here China will work with the Part 7 Project Editors on this and other related matters in finalizing the contents of Annex F CN03 Annex D ge China observes that there are no identifier and English Add a chapter in Annex D “list of eBusiness terms Resolved as follows by: ordering of list of terms in Annex D and rest of the FCD in English Alphabetical order". document. This makes the search for a specific term Add a chapter in Annex D ”List of eBusiness terms 1. Making clear in the difficult, for the users in English jurisdictional domain. in the order of identifier” relevant Annexes that the list of eBusiness terms in the order of identifier is already provided in Clause 3. 2. Explain that Annex D.5 is in English alphabetical order. Place Annex D.4, French alphabetical order after D.5, and take the same approach for Annexes E and F. 3. Project Editors are instructed to work with China and Russia to encourage the inclusion of a sub-clause in Annexes E and F of a list of terms in the alphabetical order in their language. (see also above, resolution of Canada comment CA98</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 26 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>PCEN: implemented in FDIS as per resolution of CA98. document. Note that the sub- clauses of Annex D have been re-organized so that D.4 and D.5 are now D.3 and D.4. CN04 All parts ed The tables in the current 15944 part 7 FCD are with no Add number and title for each table in the FCD Accepted. All “tables” now title and number document. have their own ID and are also referenced on the ToC.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 27 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB01 General ge This draft standard consists of three distinct parts; firstly, This standard should be reduced to the rules for Not accepted. An effort is a set of rules governing the development of definitions; deriving definitions in the eBusiness sphere. The being made to complete the secondly some consolidated lists of references from other other elements should be published as databases, first edition of this standard related standards; and thirdly, tables of equivalences of maintained on-line. There are precedents for such without undertaking the concepts and definitions in a number (two, initially) of publication in a number of other ISO committees, extensive procedure of natural languages. It would be reasonable to split it into mostly outside JTC1. Refer to the ISO Technical gaining JTC 1 approval of a three, or possibly just two, separate standards. Rather Management Board work on “Standards as Registration Authority (RA) than adding sets of definitions to the standard itself, it Databases”. that that would be needed to may be better to establish a register managed by a maintain the proposed Registration Authority. databases. The feasibility of RA support will be considered for the second edition of this standard. GB02 General ge The document contains a large number of “Project The document that results from the changes Not accepted. Extensive Editor’s Notes” that identify in general terms changes that identified in the current document and other information was provided via will be introduced into the next version of the document. changes made in response to ballot comments attachments to the FCD and The intention is expressed that this next version will be should be published and balloted again as an Project Editors’ notes, published as an FDIS, implying that the changes will not FCD. allowing for sufficient be subject to review. This is unacceptable, as it is not understanding of what was possible to correct errors at that stage without returning being proposed for this the document to a much earlier stage of the development standard. The delay of an process. additional FCD ballot is not warranted. GB03 General ge The first paragraph of Clause 6.5.2, “Footnotes to the Review the footnotes and remove those that are of Accepted. Project Editors text”, in part 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives states “Footnotes less than major significance. Consideration should will review footnotes and to the text give additional information; their use shall be be given to converting those that remain into revise the text as proposed. kept to a minimum. A footnote shall not contain Notes integrated into the text of the document. requirements or any information considered See ISO/IEC Directives, part 2, clause 6.5.1. PCEN: implemented in FDIS indispensable for the use of the document.” The document and kept in mind extensive use of footnotes in this document does not through the preparation of the seem consistent with at least the second part of the first FDIS document. sentence. GB04 Foreword ed The Foreword states that there are several Annexes, but Although not required by the Directives, it is Accepted does not enumerate them or state whether they are common practice to identify the Annexes in the </p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 28 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>Normative or Informative. Is it really necessary to state Introduction. The reference to the importance of that Annex D is the most important? On what scale is its Annex D should be deleted. value judged relative to the value of other Annexes? GB05 Foreword ed The fifth paragraph refers to part 5 in a context where the Accepted reference should be to part 7. GB06 Foreword ed The final sentence of the Foreword has two terminal full If the sentence is retained (see earlier comment), Accepted stops. delete one of the full stops. GB07 Introduction ed Much of the material in the Introduction is of a general The generalities should be reduced to a minimum Not accepted. The tutorial nature and relevant to ISO/IEC 15944 as a whole, and be identifiable as such. Tutorial material and Introduction conforms to the rather than just to this Part. It is not always clear which specific references to the history of development pattern established for other elements are specific to this part and which are general of the standard as a whole and this part in parts of ISO/IEC 15944. commentary and tutorial. particular should be minimised. Some of the material might be better located in the normative text of the Part or in an Informative Annex. All that is really necessary is a brief introduction to the overall standard, followed by a brief statement of the purpose of the current part. The first sentence probably says enough about the general background. A second sentence stating that this part establishes a common vocabulary for use in the domain would be enough to complete the introduction for almost everyone. GB08 0.1 ed It is not necessary to specify the year of publication. Delete “:200n” from the first sentence. Accepted Presumably the relationship between part 7 and other parts of 15944 is reasonably stable. GB09 0.1 ed The instance of “BOV” in the first sentence is the first Change “BOV” to “Business Operational View Accepted occurrence of the abbreviation in the standard. The full (BOV)”. term should be used here. GB10 0.2 te At least some of clause 0.2 seems to be making Delete those elements of the clause that are pure Not accepted. Subclause 0.2 normative statements, statements that need to be commentary and move the rest to an appropriate is the same as in other parts understood in order to interpret other elements of the point in the Normative text of the standard. of ISO/IEC 15944. standard.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 29 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB11 0.2 Footnote 2 ed Numbered elements in standards are clauses and If the footnote is retained, change “section” to Accepted subclauses, not sections. “subclause”, or simply delete it. (See in part 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives.) GB12 0.3 ed This clause contains material that should be obvious to Delete the subclause (and when the occasion Not accepted. Subclause 0.3 anyone using a standard, and is thus unnecessary. arises delete the corresponding text from other is the same as in other parts parts of 15944.) of ISO/IEC 15944. Although this material may be obvious to anyone using a standard, this subclause has been included as rationale for overriding numerous objections to the precision taken on defining terms in this multi-part standard. GB13 1.1 Paragraph 1 ed It is not necessary to refer to the standard as being the Replace the paragraph with, for example: Accepted with the addition of first edition. The phrasing of the first sentence gives the Part 6, work on which will initial impression that we are reading some later edition This Part of ISO/IEC 15944 provides a have been completed and and contrasting its scope with what went before. Similarly consolidated eBusiness vocabulary, defining ready for publication during it is not necessary to specify the edition number of concepts used in ISO/IEC 14662:2007 and the the time period required to ISO/IEC 14662, the year of publication is sufficient, or other parts of ISO/IEC 15944. prepare the FDIS version. explicitly identify the other published parts of 15944. Note: At the time of publication of this Rather than use a footnote to refer to the parts still under PCEN: implemented in FDIS Part of ISO/IEC 15944, parts 1, 2 4 and document development, a Note in the body of the text should be 5 had been published and parts 3, 6 used. and 8 were under development. GB14 1.1 ed Rather than begin each paragraph after the first with “Part Not accepted. Proper nouns 7”, it is simpler, and makes easier reading, to begin “It ...”. should be used for a subject in each new paragraph. GB15 1.1 ed The second paragraph of the clause seems more The second paragraph should be moved to Not accepted. The logical significant with respect to the main body of the document become the first and references to the document progression of the subclause than does the first. itself amended accordingly. requires that the paragraphs remain in their current sequence.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 30 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB16 1.2 ed Rather than beginning “This Part 7”, it would be clearer Accepted with modifications. and more precise if the paragraph began “This It would be OK to say “This International Standard” or “ISO/IEC 15944”. A similar Part of ISO/IEC 15944 is built comment applies to the reference at the end of the on ISO/IEC 14662 and sentence. A consistent approach should be followed existing Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 of throughout the document; for example a different (and ISO/IEC 15944. The better) style is used in 1.3. exclusions which apply to one or more of these standards apply to this Part.”</p><p>PCEN: implemented in FDIS document GB17 1.2 te The references to other standards in this clause make Accepted their content indispensible for full understanding the current document. They should therefore be included in the Normative References in clause 2. GB18 1.3 te The limitation to members of the United Nations in item 4 Rather than scatter references to the UN Not accepted. Item 4 says seems unduly restrictive. Not all countries are members throughout the document, it may be better to say nothing about restricting the of the UN, and some of the non-members are significant something in the Scope to the effect that the UN availability of this standard. participants in international electronic trade. has the authority to recognise countries and Change “subtypes” to languages, but that the definitions provided by the “administrative subdivisions.” standard are available for use in interchange Note that further discussion between all bodies and jurisdictions, recognised or of this item is provided in not. Clause 6.</p><p>GB19 1.4 te The material that constitutes this clause does not seem Delete subclause 1.4 Not accepted. Subclause 1.4 necessary. It describes what is essentially the default is needed to emphasize that situation, and so adds no value to the standard. this standard focuses on the “what” not the “how.” Similar statements are made in ISO/IEC 15944-5 and ISO/IEC 11179.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 31 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB20 2 Footnote 13 te Footnote 13 seems to be based on a misunderstanding of Delete footnote 13. If, for any reason, the footnote Accommodated by making the concept of “Normative reference”. Clause 2 should is retained, delete the send full stop at the end of the footnote part of the text. provide references for all the standards on which this the first sentence. document depends. Whether or not they are referenced in other Parts of this standard, or any related standard, is irrelevant. The footnote should be deleted. GB21 2 Te Although ISO 12620 is identified as the source of a Delete the reference to ISO 12620. Accommodated by including definition and is referenced in several Editor’s Notes, it is ISO 12620 in Annex A. not necessary to follow any of these references for the purposes of this standard. The references are therefore informative rather than normative, and the standard should not be included in this clause. GB22 3 te Clause D.1.3 in part 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives states Delete all definitions of terms that are not used Not accepted. See rationale regarding the contents of Definitions clauses: with a meaning that is specific to the context of this in Subclause 0.3. Any term which is not self-explanatory or standard. commonly known and which can be differently interpreted in different contexts shall be clarified by defining the relevant concept.</p><p>Common dictionary or current technical terms shall be included only if they are used with a specific meaning in the relevant context. Most of the terms defined in clause 3 fail to satisfy these criteria. For example concept, dictionary and glossary, as well as others, appear to be defined to have their commonly understood meanings. GB23 3 ed The definitions are mainly grouped by first letter, but are Arrange all definitions in this clause in alphabetical Accepted not fully in alphabetical order. order. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 32 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB24 3.05 te Is it really necessary to restrict eBusiness to interactions Simplify the definition to something like “business Accepted. To be worked on based on Open-edi standards? The definition may also conducted using information technology for together with the disposition be unnecessary elaborate in other respects. The Notes communication of information”. of CA25. following the definition do not reflect the restriction to Open-edi. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document. Definition of eBusiness revised as Clause 3.06. The definition itself remains situated in an Open- edi context which is basically that of ISO/IEC 14662 and the multipart eBusiness standards since the definition integrates is based on six other concepts which are defined in these standards . The Notes reflect the key aspects of eBusiness and do indicate that application of Open-edi concepts is not “restrictive”. GB25 5.1 ed A standard should, in general, make positive statements Change the lead-in of the first paragraph to: Accepted using the present tense. Both paragraphs read as rather tentative. Clause 5 states, in an eBusiness PCEN: implemented in FDIS context, the principles and rules for:” document Change the final paragraph to: This Part, in common with the other Parts of this International Standard, is focussed on the high level, i.e. common primitive, requirements. GB26 5.2 1 ed There seems to be an unnecessary instance of “based” in Accepted the first sentence. GB27 5.2 2 te The second sentence of the second paragraph is in the Accepted with review of and form of a requirement, but it is not clear on whom the edit of Subclause 5.2 as per burden of conformance is placed or how it is to be CA comments. monitored. 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 33 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB28 5.2 ed Rather than leaving all draft rules as “Rule nnn”, in all Accepted. Rules to be future drafts the rules should be numbered for ease of numbered. reference by reviewers. Renumbering rules from draft to draft is not a problem. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document. GB29 5.2 te The penultimate paragraph seems to be informative Convert the paragraph from normative text to a Accommodated by making commentary rather than main text. Note. the paragraph a footnote GB30 5.3 ed The text immediately following the 5.3 heading is a Introduce a level 3 heading between the 5.3 Accepted hanging paragraph, contrary to the requirements of heading and the immediately following text. clause 5.2.4 of part2 of the ISO/IEC Directives. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document GB31 5.3.2 ed In the second paragraph (line 711) “re-sue” should be “re- Change “re-sue” to “re-use”. Accepted use”. GB32 5.3.2 ed In the second instance of “Rule nnn”, the text of the rule is Change the first few words of the rule to “Since the Accepted – to be corrected not a well-formed sentence. primary use of the ...” PCEN: implemented in FDIS Alternatively, dispense with the motivation and document simplify the rule to: “The term chosen to designate a concept and its definition shall be unambiguous and not easily confused with other concepts.”. GB33 5.3.4 Table 1 te The only ISO official languages are English, French and Accepted but to be Russian. Is “ISO Spanish” then a defined term? harmonized with existing approach similar that found in other JTC1/SC32 standardards (e.g. ISO/IEC 5218) PCEN: implemented in FDIS document. Note use of ISO English, ISO French, ISO, Russian, ISO Chinese, etc., refers to use of that language in ISO standards.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 34 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB34 5.3.5 ed In the first instance of Rule nnn, “ISOIEC” should be Accepted – just say JTC 1 “ISO/IEC”. However, it may be better to remove the reference to SC32 altogether. There is also a disagreement as to number between the two instances of PCEN: Implemented where “standard”. Further, this rule is implied by the ISO/IEC applicable. However, as Directives, so it is not really necessary. stated in the Foreword for any JTC1 standard, it notes which specific SC is responsible for the standard and which for this standard is ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32. GB35 5.3.5 Footnote 25 ed The spelling “dictioinary” is incorrect. Also, consideration Change “dictioinary” to “dictionary”. Accepted should be given to moving this footnote to be a Note integrated with the text. GB36 5.3.5 te The rationale for the references to ISO 9000 and ISO Delete the references to the two families of Accommodated by making 14000 (line 846, page 30) is not immediately obvious. standards, leaving the sentence to read in part “... ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 The relevance of environmental standards (ISO 14000) considered to be a quality control check.”. references a footnote seems particularly obscure. PCEN: implemented in FDIS document.{See ftnt 33} GB37 6.2 te Rule nnn is not grammatically well-formed and contains If we are to have anything in this area, it should Accepted – to be taken into conceptual errors. Even if corrected, the Rule is probably probably be less formal than a Rule, and say consideration by the Project unworkable. Each P-member of any ISO or IEC TC or something to the effect that translation of concepts Editors SC in a national Standards Body. The Rule appears to and definitions into other languages may be be placing an obligation on every P-member. Standards submitted for inclusion in Amendments to or future PCEN: implemented in FDIS may be used in countries that were not involved in their editions of this standard. In practice there will document. Note that the development. Are we to expect competing French probably be few, if any submissions from outside standard does not speak of versions of definitions from France, Canada, Belgium and the JTC1 membership. “translations” but of Human a range of African countries. Interface Equivalents (HIEs). Further, this Part 7 1st edition is based on the 14662 and 15944 series of eBusiness standards only. Resolved through completion og Annex G..</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 35 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB38 6.3 te Not all countries are members of the UN, and not all, The clause should be merged into a relaxed Not accepted. “Country” is even if UN members, have national standards bodies. version of 6.2 not in question. Project Such countries should not be excluded in principle from Editors to add a footnote having their languages associated with this standard. explaining why “jurisdictional domain” is used, not “country.” PCEN: implemented in FDIS document {See ftnt 47} GB39 6.3 ed In the first paragraph, “in this official” should probably be Change “this” to “its”. Accepted “in its official”. GB40 6.4 ed Items 3) and 4) in the list of actions should be sub-items Accepted of item 2). Item 5) should either be deleted or expanded into a complete sentence. GB41 Page 41 ed Rather than appearing here, the list of Annexes should be Accepted included in the Introduction, along with an outline of the major clauses of the standard. GB42 Annex A te The nature of this Annex seems to be Informative rather Identify the Annex as Informative. Not accepted. Annex A is the than Normative, since it is not necessary to consult any of official list of normative the referenced standards in order to apply ISO/IEC15944- references that are the 7 collective source of the consolidated eBusiness Vocabulary GB43 Annex A te A list of standards on its own is of little value. The value Not accepted. This is a of the list would be greatly increased if for each standard specialized treatment of the standards in which it is referenced were identified. Normative References applicable to this standard. Project Editors to add text in the introduction to Annex A as to why Normative References are being handled in this manner.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 36 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>GB44 A.2 ed In the first line of the clause, “Basil” should be changed to Change “Basil” to “Basel”. Accepted the name of the Swiss city in which the convention was agreed. GB45 Annex B te For the same reasons as given for Annex A, Annex B Not accepted. Annex B is the should be identified as Informative. official list of symbols and abbreviations used in the consolidated eBusiness Vocabulary. This is a specialized treatment of Symbols and Abbreviations applicable to this standard. Project Editors to add text in the introduction to Annex B as to why Symbols and Abbreviations are being handled in this manner. GB46 Annex C te Since Annex C also consists largely of references to other Not accepted. Annex C standards, it should also be Informative rather than serves as a control document Normative. for the management of the eBusiness Vocabulary as well as an easy-ot-use reference.</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 37 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)</p><p>MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations Subclause Figure/Table of on each comment submitted No./ /Note com- Annex (e.g. Table 1) ment2 (e.g. 3.1)</p><p>US01 Clause 1 lines 300, ed Align the 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 headings Accepted 327, 333, 363 US02 Clause 5 lines 571-908 ed Align the subclause headings appropriately. Accepted US03 Clause 6.1 line 912 ed Left justify all of the subclause titles of Clause 6 Accepted US04 Clause 8 lines 1164 ed Align the subclause headings appropriately Accepted and 1181</p><p>1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 38 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10 Japan No. The scope of this part is exceeding the responsibility of SC32/WG1. Many definitions in this part are seriously conflict with de-facto terminologies which are widely accepted among the relevant business communities.</p><p>WG 1 Resolution of comment This comment was not accepted, because the Scope of ISO/IEC 15944-7 is strictly limited to standards developed by SC 32/WG 1. The first paragraph of Clause 1 Scope states: The 1st edition of this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 provides a consolidated vocabulary of eBusiness concepts as found in ISO/IEC 14662:2007 (3rd edition) and the existing parts of ISO/IEC 15944, namely, Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5.22</p><p>The disposition of GB13 is to replace this paragraph with: This Part of ISO/IEC 15944 provides a consolidated eBusiness vocabulary, defining concepts used in ISO/IEC 14662:2007 and the other parts of ISO/IEC 15944. Note: At the time of publication of this Part of ISO/IEC 15944, Parts 1, 2 4, 5 and 6 had been published and Parts 3 and 8 were under development.</p><p>It should be noted that this replacement results in no change to the scope of WG 1.</p><p>PCEN: implemented in FDIS document {See further Clause 1.1as well as in ftnt 14}</p><p>22 The following parts of the ISO/IEC 15944 multipart standard are currently under development; namely: Part 3, Open-edi description techniques (OeDT); Part 6: Technical Introduction of eBusiness modelling; and, Part 8: Identification of privacy requirements as external constraints on business transactions</p><p>The added definitions and terms resulting from this work will be incorporated in Part 7 when they are finalized (in either its 1st or 2nd edition).</p><p>39 Draft text for Annex F provided by Russia</p><p>RUSSIAN LANGUAGE EQUIVALENTS FOR INCLUSION IN THE ISO/IEC 15944-7:2007 “E- BUSINESS VOCABULARY” STANDARD</p><p>ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.1 3.1 address адрес set of data elements that specifies a location to which a recorded information item(s), a набор элементов данных, определяющий business object(s), a material object(s) and/or местоположение, куда могут быть посланы a person(s) can be sent or from which it can be элемент(ы) записанной информации, бизнес received объект(ы), материальные объекты и/или юридические или физические лица или откуда они NOTE 1 An address can be specified as either a могут быть получены physical address and/or electronic address. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Адрес может быть определен как NOTE 2 In the identification, referencing and физический и/или как электронный адрес. retrieving of registered business objects, it is necessary to state whether the pertinent recorded information is available in both physical ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 При идентификации, ссылке или and virtual forms. поиске зарегистрированных бизнес объектов необходимо указать, доступна ли соответствующая NOTE 3 In the context of Open-edi, a “recorded записанная информация как в физической, так и в information item” is modelled and registered as виртуальной форме. an Open-edi scenario (OeS), Information Bundle (IB) or Semantic Component (SC). ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 В контексте Открытых систем электронного обмена данными «элемент записанной [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.1)] информации» моделируется и регистрируется как сценарий Открытой системы электронного обмена данными (OeS), пакет информации (IB) или семантический компонент (SC).</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.1)] 3.2 3.2 administrative note административное примечание general note about the OeRI Примечание относительно OeRI общего характера [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.2)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.2)] 3.3 3.3 agent aАгент Person acting for another Person in a clearly specified capacity in the context of a business Лицо, действующее в интересах другого Лица и transaction обладающее четко очерченными полномочиями в рамках некоторой бизнес транзакции NOTE Excluded here are agents as "automatons" (or robots, bobots, etc.). In ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Автоматические устройства (роботы, ISO/IEC 14662, "automatons" are recognized боботы и т.п.) не входят в эту категорию. and provided for but as part of the Functional В стандарте ISO/IEC 14662 "автоматические Service View (FSV) where they are defined as устройства" распознаются и предусмотрены, но an "Information Processing Domain (IPD)". только как часть Представления Функционального Сервиса (FSV), где они определяются как «Домен </p><p>40 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.1)] Обработки Информации» (IPD)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.1)] 3.4 3.4 applicant (for an OeRI) cСоискатель (для OeRI) Person who requests the assignment of an OeRI and an associated entry label Лицо, которое запрашивает назначение OeRI и связанного имени точки входа NOTE An applicant can be an individual, organization, or public administration. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Соискателем может быть физическое лицо, организация или орган государственного [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.3)] управления</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.3)] </p><p>3.5 3.5 Application Program Interface (API) Интерфейс Прикладных Программ (API) a boundary across which application software uses facilities of programming languages to Граница, через которую прикладная программа invoke services использует средства языков программирования для вызова обслуживания [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.1)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.1)]</p><p>3.6 3.6 artificial language искусственный язык language whose rules are explicitly established prior to its use Язык, правила которого устанавливаются прежде, чем он будет применяться [ISO 5127-1:2001 (] [ISO 5127-1:2001 (] 3.7 3.7 attribute атрибут characteristic of an object or entity Характеристика объекта или сущности [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.1.3)] [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.1.3)] 3.8 3.8 authentication Аутентификация provision of assurance of the claimed identity of an entity Обеспечение гарантии заявленной идентичности [ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996] сущности </p><p>[ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996]</p><p>3.9 3.9 authenticity подлинность property that ensures that the identity of a subject or resource is the one claimed Свойство обеспечивающее, что объект или ресурс подлинны в том смысле, как это было заявлено. 41 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) NOTE Authenticity applies to entities such as users, processes, systems and information. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Подлинность применяется к таким сущностям как пользователи, процессы, системы и [ISO/IEC TR 13335-1:1996 (3.3)] информация. </p><p>[ISO/IEC TR 13335-1:1996 (3.3)] 3.10 3.10 bilateral transaction двусторонняя транзакция subtype of a business transaction where the Persons include only the buyer and the seller, Разновидность (подтип) бизнес транзакции, где в or alternatively other Persons acting as agents качестве лица может быть только покупатель или for the buyer or seller продавец, или альтернативно другие лица, действующие как агенты для покупателя или [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.4)] продавца </p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.4)] </p><p>3.11 3.11 bilateral treaty двусторонний договор treaty made between two jurisdictional domains Договор, заключенный между двумя территориями NOTE An important point here is that there is no разных юрисдикций. intention to bind both parties under international ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Важным моментом является то, что law. здесь нет намерения связывать, ограничивать [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006] стороны международным законодательством</p><p>3.12 3.12 business Бизнес series of processes, each having a clearly understood purpose, involving more than one Ряд процессов, каждый из которых имеет ясно Person, realised through the exchange of понимаемую цель, охватывающий более чем одно recorded information and directed towards лицо, реализуемый посредством обмена some mutually agreed upon goal, extending over зарегистрированной информацией, направленный a period of time на достижение некоторой, взаимно согласованной цели и протекающий в течение некоторого периода времени. [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.2)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.2)]</p><p>3.13 3.13 business event бизнес событие occurrence in time that partners to a business transaction wish to monitor or control Своевременное наступление события, которое партнеры по бизнес транзакции намерены NOTE 1 Business events are the workflow tasks отслеживать или контролировать. that business partners need to accomplish to complete a business transaction among ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1: Бизнес события – это поток работ, themselves. As business events occur, they которые партнеры по бизнесу должны выполнить, cause a business transaction to move through its чтобы совместно завершить бизнес транзакцию. various phases of planning , identification, Когда наступают бизнес события, они negotiation, actualization, and post-actualization. обуславливают прохождение бизнес транзакции 42 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) NOTE 2 Occurrences in time can either be через различные фазы: планирование, идентификация, переговоры, актуализация и пост- (1) internal as mutually agreed to among the актуализация. parties to a business transaction; and/or, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2: Своевременное наступление (2) reference some common publicly available события может удостоверяться либо and recognized date/time referencing schema, (1) внутренним соглашением между партнерами по (e.g., one based on using the ISO 8601 and/or бизнесу и/или ISO 19135 standards). (2) ссылкой на некоторую публично доступную [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.5)] схему, по которой признается дата/время (например, схему, основанную на применении стандартов ISO 8601 и/или ISO 19135)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.5)]</p><p>3.14 3.14 business location местоположение бизнеса geographic site where an economic event is deemed to occur with its attendant transfer of an Географическое место, где предполагается economic resource from one Person to наступление экономического события с another сопутствующей передачей экономических ресурсов от одного Лица другому. [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.6)]</p><p>3.15 3.15 business object бизнес объект unambiguously identified, specified, referenceable, registered and re-useable Open- Однозначно идентифицируемый, определенный, edi scenario or scenario component of a доступный для ссылки, зарегистрированный и business transaction пригодный для повторного использования Open-edi сценарий или компонент сценария бизнес NOTE As an “object”, a “business object” exists транзакции. only in the context of a business transaction. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Как «объект», «бизнес-объект» [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.6)] существует только в контексте бизнес транзакции.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.6)]</p><p>3.16 3.16 business object identifier идентификатор бизнес объекта unique identifier of a business object in an OeRI within an Open-edi Registration Уникальный идентификатор бизнес-объекта в Organization(OeRO) сообщении о регистрации Open-edi в рамках организации по регистрации Open-edi (OeRO) [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.7)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.7)]</p><p>3.17 3.17 business object status статус бизнес объекта designation of the status in the administrative process of a Open-edi Registration Назначение статуса в процессе Organization for handling OeRI администрирования организации по регистрации Open-edi для обработки сообщения по регистрации [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.8)] Open-edi 43 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.8)]</p><p>3.18 3.18 business object type тип бизнес объекта coded domain for the type of business object being registered, i.e., Open-edi scenario, IB or домен кодов для типа бизнес объекта, SC подлежащего регистрации, например, сценарий Open-edi, IB или SC [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.9)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.9)] 3.19 3.19 Business Operational View (BOV) операциональный взгляд на бизнес perspective of business transactions limited to those aspects regarding the making of business decisions and commitments among Persons, Аспекты бизнес транзакции, рассматривающие which are needed for the description of a вопросы принятия бизнес решений и обязательств business transaction лиц, которые необходимы для описания бизнес транзакции. [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.3)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.3)]</p><p>3.20 3.20 business transaction бизнес транзакция predefined set of activities and/or processes of Persons which is initiated by a Person to Заранее определенный набор работ, и/или accomplish an explicitly shared business goal процессов лиц, которые инициируются лицом для and terminated upon recognition of one of the достижения явно разделяемой бизнес цели. agreed conclusions by all the involved Persons Достижение цели подтверждается одним из although some of the recognition may be implicit согласованных заключений, сделанных всеми вовлеченными лицами, хотя некоторые [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.4)] подтверждения достижения цели могут быть неявными.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.4)] 3.21 3.21 business transaction entity сущность бизнес транзакции computable representation of any real world entity that participates, occurs, or is Вычислимое представление любой сущности materialized during a business transaction реального мира, которое участвует, происходит или материализуется во время бизнес транзакции [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.9)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.9)]</p><p>3.22 3.22 business transaction entity type тип сущности бизнес транзакции abstract specification of a business transaction entity, detailing its recommended абстрактная спецификация сущности, связанной с characteristics, its recommended methods, and бизнес транзакцией, детализирующая ее 44 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) its recommended life-cycle states рекомендованные характеристики, ее рекомендованные методы и ее рекомендованные NOTE A business transaction entity type will состояния жизненного цикла. usually specify the types of business events that ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Тип сущности, связанной с бизнес cause a business transaction entity of this type транзакцией, обычно определяет виды бизнес to proceed through its different states as the событий, которые обусловливают сущность, business transaction itself progresses through its связанную с бизнес транзакцией, этого типа phases of planning, identification проходить через ее различные состояния, в то время как собственно бизнес транзакция проходит [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.10)] через свои фазы планирования, идентификации, переговоров, актуализации и пост-актуализации. </p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.10)] 3.23 3.23 business transaction identifier (BTI) идентификатор бизнес транзакции identifier assigned by a seller or a regulator to an instantiated business transaction among идентификатор присваивается продавцом или the Persons involved представителем регулирующего органа обрабатываемой бизнес транзакции для использования всеми вовлеченными лицами</p><p>NOTE 1 The identifier assigned by the seller or ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Идентификатор, назначенный regulator shall have the properties and продавцом или представителем регулирующего behaviours of an “identifier (in a business органа будет иметь свойства и поведение как transaction)”. «идентификатор (в бизнес транзакции)» NOTE 2 As an identifier (in a business transaction), a BTI serves as the unique ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В качестве идентификатора (в бизнес common identifier for all Persons involved for the транзакции) BTI служит как уникальный общий identification, referencing, retrieval of recorded идентификатор для всех лиц, привлекаемых для information, etc., pertaining to the commitments идентификации, ссылки (сравнения с образцом), made and the resulting actualization (and post- извлечения зарегистрированной информации и т.д. actualization) of the business transaction agreed в соответствии со сделанными обязательствами, to. приводя в результате к актуализации или пост- актуализации. </p><p>NOTE 3 A business transaction identifier can be ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Идентификатор бизнес транзакции assigned at any time during the planning, может быть назначен в любой момент во время identification or negotiation phases but shall be этапов планирования, идентификации или assigned at least prior to the start or during the переговоров, но назначение должно состояться по actualization phase. крайней мере до начала или во время этапа актуализации. NOTE 4 As and where required by the applicable jurisdictional domain(s), the recorded information ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Вполне вероятно, что по associated with the business transaction требованиям соответствующего юридического identifier (BTI) may well require the seller to домена (доменов) продавец будет вынужден include other identifiers, (e.g., from a value- добавить к зарегистрированной информации, added good or service tax, etc., perspective) as связанной с идентификатором бизнес транзакции, assigned by the applicable jurisdictional другие идентификаторы (например, связанные с domain(s). НДС), как это предписано соответствующим [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.12)] юридическим доменом (доменами).</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.12)]</p><p>45 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>3.24 3.24 buyer Покупатель Person who aims to get possession of a good, service and/or right through providing an Лицо, намеревающееся стать обладателем товара, acceptable equivalent value, usually in money, to услуги и/или некоторых прав путем обмена на the Person providing such a good, service приемлемый стоимостной эквивалент, обычно в and/or right виде денег, с лицом, предоставляющим такой товар, услугу и/или права [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.8)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.8)]</p><p>3.25 3.25 change description описание изменения description of why and how the OeRI has been modified since the prior version of the OeRI Описание того, зачем и каким образом предыдущая версия OeRI была модифицирована NOTE It is advised that such a change description be accompanied by the “original “ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Рекомендуется, чтобы такое описание template values utilized and a “change template” изменения сопровождалось шаблонами «исходный» indicating which “Decision Code(s)” has been и «изменение», указывающими, какая юридическая changed as well as the date the change will take норма (нормы) принятия решений была изменена, а effect. также, какова дата вступление в действие [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.12)] изменения.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.12)]</p><p>3.26 3.26 character символ member of a set of elements that is used for the representation, organization or control of data. элемент некоторого набора элементов, используемого для представления, организации или NOTE Characters may be categorized as управления данными. follows: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Символы могут классифицироваться TYPES AND EXAMPLES следующим образом: graphic character: (e.g., digit, letter, ideogram, special character) ТИПЫ И ПРИМЕРЫ</p><p> control character: (e.g., transmission графические символы: (например, цифра, control, character, format effector, code буква, идеограмма, специальный символ) extension character, device control управляющий символ: (например, символ character). управления передачей сообщения, символ спецификации формата, символ расширения [ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.01.01)] кода, символ управления устройством)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.01.01)]</p><p>46 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>3.27 3.27 characteristic характеристика abstraction of a property of an object or of a set of objects абстракция свойства объекта или набора объектов NOTE Characteristics are used for describing concepts. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Характеристики используются для [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.2.4)] описания понятий</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.2.4)] 3.28 3.28 character set набор символов finite set of different characters that is complete for a given purpose конечное множество различных символов, EXAMPLE The international reference version of являющееся полным для определенной цели the character set of ISO 646-1. ПРИМЕР Международная эталонная версия набора [ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.01.02)] символов ISO 646-1.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.01.02)] 3.29 3.29 classification system система классификации systematic identification and arrangement of business activities and/or scenario систематические идентификация и расположение components into categories according to в определенном порядке бизнес работ и/или logically structured conventions, methods and компонентов сценария в классификационные procedural rules as specified in a classification группировки в соответствии с логически schema структурными условиями, методами и процедурными правилами, как определено в схеме NOTE 1 The classification code or number often классификации serves as a semantic identifier (SI) for which one or more human interface equivalents exist. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Код или номер классификации часто NOTE 2 The rules of a classification schema служит как семантический идентификатор (SI), для governing the operation of a classification которого существует один или несколько system at times lead to the use of ID codes эквивалентов человеко-машинного интерфейса. which have an intelligence built into them, (e.g., in the structure of the ID, the manner in which it ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Правила схемы классификации, can be parsed, etc. Here the use of block- регламентирующие работу системы классификации numeric numbering schemas is an often used иногда приводят к использованию кодов ID, convention. которые имеют встроенный интеллект (например, структура ID, способ, с помощью которого она [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.17)] может быть проанализирована синтаксически) [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.17)] 3.30 3.30 code код data representation in different forms according to a pre-established set of rules представление данных в различных формах в соответствие с заранее установленным набором NOTE In this standard the "pre-established set of правил rules" are determined and enacted by a Source </p><p>47 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) Authority and must be explicitly stated. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В этом стандарте «заранее установленный набор правил» определяется и [ISO 639-2:1998 (3.1)] вводится в действие вышестоящим органом власти и должен быть явно изложен.</p><p>[ISO 639-2:1998 (3.1)] 3.31 3.31 coded domain домен кодов domain for which домен, для которого: (1) the boundaries are defined and explicitly stated as a rulebase of a coded domain (1)границы определяются и явно Source Authority; and, устанавливаются как база правил (2) each entity which qualifies as a member of Вышестоящего органа власти that domain is identified through the assignment закодированного домена; и of a unique ID code in accordance with the (2)каждая сущность, которая квалифицируется applicable Registration Schema of that Source как член этого домена, идентифицируется Authority путем назначения уникального кода ID в соответствии с применяемой схемой NOTE 1 The rules governing the assignment of регистрации этого Вышестоящего органа an ID code to members of a coded domain власти reside with its Source Authority and form part of the Coded Domain Registration Schema of the Source Authority. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Правила, регламентирующие присвоение кода ID элементам домена кодов, NOTE 2 Source Authorities which are соответствуют требованиям Вышестоящего органа jurisdictional domains are the primary source of власти и формируют часть Схемы регистрации coded domains. доменов кодов этого органа.</p><p>NOTE 3 A coded domain is a data set for which ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Вышестоящие органы власти, the contents of the data element values are являющиеся юридическими доменами, есть predetermined and defined according to the первичные источники доменов кодов. rulebase of its Source Authority and as such have predefined semantics. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Домен кодов есть набор данных, NOTE 4 Associated with a code in a coded для которого значения элементов данных domain can be: предопределены заранее и определяются в соответствии с базой правил Вышестоящего органа - one and/or more equivalent codes; власти и как таковые имеют предопределенную семантику. - one and/or more equivalent representations especially those in the form of Human Interface ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Связанными с кодом домена кодов Equivalent (HIE) (linguistic) expressions. могут быть: NOTE 5 In a coded domain the rules for assignment and structuring of the ID codes must - один или несколько эквивалентных кодов; be specified. - одно или несколько эквивалентных представлений, NOTE 6 Where an entity as member of a coded главным образом в форме (лингвистических) domain is allowed to have, i.e., assigned, more выражений Эквивалента Человеко-машинного than one ID code, i.e., as equivalent ID codes Интерфейса (HIE). (possibly including names), one of these must be specified as the pivot ID code. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 В домене кодов должны быть NOTE 7 A coded domain in turn can consist of определены правила присвоения и структуризации two or more coded domains, i.e., through the кодов идентификатора (ID code). application of the inheritance principle of object 48 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) classes. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 6 Если сущность как элемент домена кодов присваивается более чем одному NOTE 8 A coded domain may contain ID code коду ID, т.е. эквивалентным кодам ID (возможно, which pertain to predefined conditions other than включающим имена), один из этих кодов ID должен qualification of membership of entities in the быть определен как ведущий. coded domain. Further, the rules governing a coded domain may or may not provide for user ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 7 Домен кодов, в свою очередь, extensions. может состоять из одного или более доменов кодов, когда применяется принцип наследования EXAMPLE Common examples include: (1) the классов в объектной методологии. use of ID Code "0" (or "00", etc.) for “Others, (2) the use of ID Code "9" (or "99", etc.) for “Not ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 8 Домен кодов может содержать Applicable”; (3) the use of “8” (or “98”) for “Not код ID скорее в соответствии с Known”; and/or, if required, (4) the pre- предопределенными условиями, чем по reservation of a series of ID codes for use of принадлежности множеству сущностей домена “user extensions”. кодов. Более того, правила регулирования домена кодов могут обеспечивать или не позволять NOTE 9 In object methodology, entities which пользовательское расширение. are members of a coded domain are referred to as instances of a class. ПРИМЕР Примеры общего характера включают: (1) использование кода ID “0” (или “00” и т.д.) для EXAMPLE In UML modelling notation, an ID «другие», (2) использование кода ID “9” (или “99”) code is viewed as an instance of an object class. для «Не применимо», (3) использование “8” (или [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.13)] “98”) для «Не известно», и/или, если необходимо, (4) предварительное резервирование ряда кодов ID для применения «пользовательских расширений».</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 9 В объектной методологии к сущностям, которые являются элементами закодированного домена, обращаются как к экземплярам класса.</p><p>ПРИМЕР В нотации моделирования языка UML код ID рассматривается как экземпляр класса. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.13)]</p><p>3.32 3.32 coded Domain Registration Schema (cdRS) Схема Регистрации домена кодов (cdRS) formal definition of both (1) the data fields contained in the identification Формальное определение and specification of an entity forming part of the (1) полей данных, содержащихся в members a coded domain including the идентификаторе и спецификации сущности, allowable contents of those fields; and, формирующей часть элементов домена (2) the rules for the assignment of identifiers кодов, включающую допустимое содержание этих полей и [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.21)] (2) правила присвоения идентификаторов</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.21)]</p><p>3.33 3.33 coded domain Source Authority (cdSA) Вышестоящий орган власти домена кодов Person, usually an organization, as a Source (cdSA) Authority which sets the rules governing a </p><p>49 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) coded domain Лицо, обычно организация, которое в качестве Вышестоящего органа власти устанавливает NOTE 1 Source Authority is a role of a Person правила регламентирования домена кодов and for widely used coded domains the coded domain Source Authority is often a jurisdictional ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Вышестоящий орган власти есть domain. роль лица и для широко используемых доменов кодов Вышестоящий орган власти закодированного NOTE 2 Specific sectors, (e.g., banking, домена есть юридический домен. transport, geomatics, agriculture, etc.), may have particular coded domain Source Authority(ies) ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Специфические сектора (например, whose coded domains are used in many other sectors. банковский бизнес, транспорт, геоматика, сельское хозяйство и др.) могут иметь отдельные NOTE 3 A coded domain Source Authority Вышестоящие органы власти доменов кодов, чьи usually also functions as a Registration Authority домены кодов используются во многих других but can use an agent, i.e., another Person, to областях execute the registration function on its behalf. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Вышестоящий орган власти домена [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.14)] кодов может также выполнять функции Органа по регистрации, но может иметь Агента, т.е. другое Лицо для выполнения функции регистрации от его имени.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.14)]</p><p>3.34 3.34 code (in coded domain) код (в домене кодов) identifier, i.e., an ID code, assigned to an entity as member of a coded domain according to the идентификатор, т.е. код идентификатора, pre-established set of rules governing that присвоенный сущности как элементу домена coded domain кодов в соответствии с заранее установленным набором правил регламентирования домена [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3:19)] кодов.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3:19)] 3.35 3.35 collaboration space пространство сотрудничества business activity space where an economic exchange of valued resources is viewed independently and not from the perspective of any business partner пространство бизнес деятельности, где экономический обмен оцененными ресурсами NOTE In collaboration space, an individual рассматривается независимо и не с точки зрения partner’s view of economic phenomena is de- одного бизнес партнера emphasized. Thus, the common use business and accounting terms like purchase, sale, cash ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В пространстве сотрудничества receipt, cash disbursement, raw materials, and индивидуальным точкам зрения на экономические finished goods is not allowed because they view явления придается меньшее значение. Таким resource flows from a participant’s perspective. образом, термины общего характера, используемые в бизнесе и учете, такие, как покупка, продажа, [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.12)] поступление выручки, выплаченная сумма, сырье и готовый продукт – не разрешены, т.к. они описывают потоки ресурсов с точки зрения 50 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) участников бизнеса.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.12)] 3.36 3.36 commitment обязательство making or accepting of a right, obligation, liability or responsibility by a Person that is capable of передача или признание права, обязанности, долга enforcement in the jurisdictional domain in или ответственности Лицом, правоспособным к which the commitment is made принудительному взысканию в юридическом домене, в котором выпущено это обязательство [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.5)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.5)]</p><p>3.37 3.37 composite identifier составной идентификатор identifier (in a business transaction) functioning as a single unique identifier идентификатор (в бизнес транзакции) consisting of one or more other identifiers, действующий как единый уникальный and/or one or more other data elements, whose идентификатор, состоящий из одного или более interworkings are rule-based других идентификаторов и/или из одного или более элементов данных, чье взаимодействие NOTE 1 Identifiers (in business transactions) are основано на правилах for the most part composite identifiers. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Идентификаторы (в бизнес NOTE 2 The rules governing the structure and транзакциях) большей частью являются working of a composite identifier should be specified. составными идентификаторами.</p><p>NOTE 3 Most widely used composite identifiers ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Должны быть определены правила, consist of the combinations of: регламентирующие структуру и функционирование составных идентификаторов. (1) the ID of the overall identification/numbering schema, (e.g., ISO/IEC 6532, ISO/IEC 7812, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Наиболее широко используемые ISO/IEC 7506, UPC/EAN, ITU-T E.164, etc.), составные идентификаторы состоят из комбинаций: which is often assumed;</p><p>(2) the ID of the issuing organization (often (1) ID общепринятых схем based on a block numeric numbering schema); идентификации/нумерации, (например, and, ISO/IEC 6532, ISO/IEC 7812, ISO/IEC 7506, UPC/EAN, ITU-T E.164 и т.д.); (3) the ID of the entities forming part of members (2) ID выпускающих организаций (часто of the coded domain of each issuing основанных на схемах блок-нумерации); и organization. (3) ID сущностей, формирующих часть [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.16)] элементов домена кодов каждой выпускающей организации.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.16)]</p><p>3.38 3.38 composite type составной тип a data type that has a data structure composed of the data structures of one or more data types тип данных, имеющий структуру данных, and that has its own set of permissible составленную из структур данных одного или operations более или более типа и имеющий свой собственный </p><p>51 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) EXAMPLE A data type "complex number" may набор разрешенных операций be composed of two "real number" data types. ПРИМЕР Тип данных «комплексное число» может NOTE The operations of a composite type may быть составлен из двух типов данных manipulate its occurrences as a unit or may «вещественное число». manipulate portions of these occurrences. [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.05.10)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Операции составного типа могут манипулировать своими экземплярами как единицами и могут манипулировать порциями этих экземпляров.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.05.10)] 3.39 3.39 computational integrity вычислительная целостность expression of a standard in a form that ensures precise description of behaviour and semantics представление стандарта в форме, которая in a manner that allows for automated обеспечивает точное описание поведения и processing to occur, and the managed evolution семантики способом, позволяющим выполнять of such standards in a way that enables автоматическую обработку данных, и dynamic introduction by the next generation of обеспечивающим управляемую эволюцию таких information systems стандартов способом, который способствует появлению новых поколений информационных NOTE Open-edi standards have been designed систем to be able to support computational integrity requirements especially from a registration and re-use of business objects perspectives. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Стандарты открытых систем [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.18)] электронного обмена данными были спроектированы так, чтобы быть в состоянии поддерживать требования вычислительной целостности, особенно при регистрации и повторном использовании бизнес-объектов.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.18)] 3.40 3.40 computer program компьютерная программа means data representing instructions or statements that, when executed in a computer означает команды представления данных или system, causes the computer to perform a операторы, которые будучи выполненными function компьютерной системой, обусловливают выполнение компьютером некоторой функции [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.28)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.28)]</p><p>3.41 3.41 computer service компьютерный сервис service which includes data processing and the storage or retrieval of data сервис, который включает обработку данных и хранение или поиск данных [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.29)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.29)]</p><p>52 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.42 3.42 computer system компьютерная система device that, or a group of interconnected or related devices one or more of which: устройство или группа объединенных или связанных (a) contains computer programs or other устройств, одно или несколько из которых: data; and, (a)содержит компьютерную программу или (b) pursuant to computer programs, другие данные; и</p><p>(i) performs logic and control, and (b)согласно компьютерной программе</p><p>(ii) may perform any other function (i) выполняет последовательность команд и</p><p>(ii) может выполнять любую другую функцию [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.30)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.30)]</p><p>3.43 3.43 consensus (standardization perspective) консенсус (перспектива стандартизации) general agreement, characterized by the общее соглашение, характеризующееся absence of sustained opposition to substantial отсутствием устойчивой оппозиции по issues by any important part of the concerned существенным вопросам, достигаемое благодаря не interests and by a process that involves seeking противоречию основных заинтересованных сторон и to take into account the views of all parties посредством процесса, включающего попытку concerned and to reconcile any conflicting рассмотрения точек зрения всех заинтересованных arguments сторон и примирения любых конфликтующих аргументов NOTE Consensus need not imply unanimity. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Консенсус не предполагает [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.10)] единогласие. [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.10)]</p><p>3.44 3.44 constraint ограничение rule, explicitly stated, that prescribes, limits, governs or specifies any aspect of a business правило, явно сформулированное, которое transaction предписывает, ограничивает, регламентирует или определяет любой аспект бизнес транзакции NOTE 1 Constraints are specified as rules forming part of components of Open-edi ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Ограничения определяются как scenarios, i.e., as scenario attributes, roles, правила, формирующие часть компонентов and/or information bundles. сценария Open-edi, т.е. атрибутов сценария, ролей и/или пакетов информации. NOTE 2 For constraints to be registered for implementation in Open-edi, they must have unique and unambiguous identifiers. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Чтобы быть зарегистрированными для реализации в Open-edi, ограничения должны NOTE 3 A constraint may be agreed to among иметь уникальные однозначные идентификаторы.</p><p>53 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) parties (condition of contract) and is therefore ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Ограничение может быть considered an "internal constraint". Or a согласовано между сторонами (условие контракта) и constraint may be imposed on parties, (e.g., рассматриваться таким образом как «внутреннее laws, regulations, etc.), and is therefore ограничение». considered an "external constraint". [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.11)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.11)] 3.45 3.45 consumer потребитель a buyer who is an individual to whom consumer protection requirements are applied Покупатель, являющийся физическим лицом, к as a set of external constraints on a business которому применимы требования защиты прав transaction потребителя как набор внешних ограничений для бизнес транзакции NOTE 1 Consumer protection is a set of explicitly defined rights and obligations ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Требования защиты прав applicable as external constraints on a business потребителя это набор явно изложенных прав и transaction. обязательств, применимых как внешние ограничения для бизнес транзакции. NOTE 2 The assumption is that a consumer protection applies only where a buyer in a business transaction is an individual. If this is not ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Предполагается, что защита прав the case in a particular jurisdiction, such external потребителя применима только если покупатель в constraints should be specified as part of бизнес транзакции является физическим лицом. scenario components as applicable. Если в конкретной юрисдикции предполагается иное, это в качестве внешних ограничений должно NOTE 3 It is recognized that external constraints быть определено как часть компонентов сценария. on a buyer of the nature of consumer protection may be peculiar to a specified jurisdiction. ПРИЧАНИЕ 3 Признается, что внешние ограничения [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.12)] для покупателя, вытекающие из природы законодательства по защите прав потребителя могут быть специфическими для конкретной юрисдикции.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.12)] 3.46 3.46 consumer protection защита прав потребителя set of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain as rights of a consumer and thus as набор внешних ограничений юридического obligations (and possible liabilities) of a vendor домена как права потребителя и таким образом in a business transaction which apply to the как обязательства (и, возможно, ответственность) good, service and/or right forming the object of поставщика в бизнес транзакции, применимых к the business transaction (including associated товарам, услугам и/или правам, формирующим information management and interchange объект бизнес транзакции (включая связанные requirements including applicable (sets of) требования к управлению и обмену информацией; в recorded information) свою очередь, требования могут включать записанную информацию) NOTE 1 Jurisdictional domains may restrict the application of their consumer protection ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Юридические домены могут requirements as applicable only to individuals ограничивать применение их требований по защите engaged in a business transaction of a прав потребителей, считая, что они commercial activity undertaken for personal, family or household purposes, i.e., they do not распространяются только на физических лиц, apply to natural persons in their role as вовлеченных в бизнес транзакцию коммерческой 54 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) "organization" or "organization Person". деятельности, выполняемую в личных, семейных целях или в целях, преследуемых домашним NOTE 2 Jurisdictional domains may have хозяйством, т.е. что они неприменимы для «лиц», particular consumer protection requirements являющихся фактически «организациями» which apply specifically to individuals who are considered to be a "child" or a “minor”, (e.g., ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Юридические домены могут иметь those individuals who have not reached their конкретные требования по защите прав thirteenth (13) birthday). потребителя, которые применяются в особенности к лицам, причисляемым к категории «дети» или «малолетние» (например, лица, не достигшие NOTE 3 Some jurisdictional domains may have возраста 13 лет) consumer protection requirements which are particular to the nature of the good, service ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Некоторые юридические домены and/or right being part of the goal of a business могут иметь требования по защите прав transaction. потребителя, которые соответствуют природе [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.33)] товаров, услуг и/или прав, составляющих часть цели бизнес транзакции</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.33)]</p><p>3.47 3.47 Contact Контакт instance of a role of a Person to whom a recorded information item(s), a material экземпляр роли лица, которому позиции object(s), a business object(s), can be sent to записанной информации, материальные or received from in a specified context объекты, бизнес объекты могут быть посланы или от которого могут быть получены в NOTE 1 A Person here as a Contact can be an специальном контексте individual, an organization (or organization part or organization Person). ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Здесь Лицо в качестве Контакта может быть физическим лицом, организацией или NOTE 2 Contact is capitalized to distinguish it частью организации from the many ordinary uses of the term. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Контакт здесь начинается с [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.26)] прописной буквы, чтобы отличить многие обычные использования термина</p><p>[ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.26)] 3.48 3.48 Contact Information Информация для Контакта information to enable a Contact to be located or communicated with Информация чтобы побудить Контакт к коммуникации с ним [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.27)] [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.27)]</p><p>3.49 3.49 Contact name имя Контакта persona by which a Person wishes to be designated as a Contact персонаж, пользуясь которым Лицо желает быть установленным в качестве Контакта NOTE Where an organization is the applicant, it </p><p>55 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) may designate an organization Person, an ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Если соискателем является agent, a third party as its Contact name in организация, она может назначить имя applying to register a scenario or scenario организации, агента, третьей стороны как свое имя component as a business object. Контакта при регистрации сценария или компонента сценария как бизнес объекта. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.21)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.21)]</p><p>3.50 3.50 Contact position title название должности Контакта name of title of the position held by an organization Person as a Contact название должности, используемой организацией для Контакта [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.22)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.22)]</p><p>3.51 3.51 control body орган управления group of technical experts that makes decisions regarding the content of a register группа технических экспертов, принимающих решение относительно содержания реестра [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.2)] [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.2)]</p><p>3.52 3.52 controlled vocabulary (CV) управляемый словарь (CV) vocabulary for which the entries, i.e., definition/term pairs, are controlled by a словарь, в котором элементы, т.е. пары Source Authority based on a rulebase and определение/термин управляются process for addition/deletion of entries Вышестоящей организацией на основе базы правил и процесса добавления/исключения NOTE 1 In a controlled vocabulary, there is a элементов one-to-one relationship of definition and term. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 В управляемом словаре существует EXAMPLE The contents "Clause 3 Definitions" in взаимно-однозначное соответствие между ISO/IEC standards are examples of controlled терминами и определениями. vocabularies with the entities being identified and referenced through their ID code, i.e., via their clause numbers. ПРИМЕР Содержание «Статьи 3 Определения» стандартов ИСО/ МЭК есть пример управляемого NOTE 2 In a multilingual controlled vocabulary, словаря, когда коды ID элементов используются для the definition/term pairs in the languages utilized идентификации элементов и ссылки на них are deemed to be equivalent, i.e., with respect to посредством номеров их статей. their semantics. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 В мультиязычных управляемых NOTE 3 The rule base governing a controlled словарях пары определение/термин в vocabulary may include a predefined concept используемых языках считаются эквивалентными с system. учетом их семантики. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.34)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 База правил, регламентирующая управляемый словарь, может включать систему заранее определенных понятий.</p><p>56 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.34)]</p><p>3.53 3.53 creation date дата создания date the OeRI for a business object was created дата создания OeRI для бизнес объекта</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.24)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.24)]</p><p>3.54 3.54 custody опека association between a Person and an economic resource where the Person has связь между Лицом и экономическим ресурсом, physical control only over the resource or когда Лицо только имеет физический контроль над controls access ресурсом или контролирует доступ к нему</p><p>NOTE Having custody of a good, service and/or ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Наличие опеки товара, услуги и/или right does not imply and is differentiated from прав не подразумевает и отличается от having economic control of the same, (e.g., a экономического контроля того же самого (например, Person may have economic control of a good Лицо может иметь экономический контроль над even though it is not under its custody). товаром, хотя он не находится под его опекой). [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.15)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.15)] 3.55 3.55 data данные reinterpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, представление информации в формализованном interpretation, or processing виде, удобном для связи, интерпретации и обработки; причем, это представление может быть NOTE Data can be processed by humans or by повторно интерпретировано automatic means. [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.01.02)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Данные могут обрабатываться человеком или автоматическими устройствами.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.01.02)]</p><p>3.56 3.56 data (in a business transaction) данные (в бизнес транзакции) representations of recorded information that are being prepared or have been prepared in a представление записанной информации, которое form suitable for use in a computer system готовится или подготовлено в форме, удобной для использования в компьютерной системе [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.14)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.14)]</p><p>3.57 3.57 data element элемент данных unit of data for which the definition, identification, representation and permissible единица данных, для которой определение, values are specified by means of a set of идентификация, представление и разрешенные attributes значения определяются посредством набора атрибутов [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.8)] 57 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.8)]</p><p>3.58 3.58 data element (in organization of data) элемент данных (при организации данных) unit of data that is considered in context to be indivisible единица данных, рассматриваемая в контексте как не делимая EXAMPLE The data element "age of a person" with values consisting of all combinations of 3 ПРИМЕР Элемент данных «возраст лица» со decimal digits. значениями, состоящими из всех комбинаций 3 десятичных цифр. NOTE Differs from the entry 17.06.02 in ISO/IEC 2382-17. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Отличается от элемента 17.06.02 в ISO/IEC 2382-17. [ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (3.16)] [ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (3.16)] 3.59 3.59 dataset набор данных identifiable collection of data </p><p>NOTE A dataset may be a smaller grouping of идентифицируемая совокупность данных data which, though limited by some constraint such as spatial extent or feature type, is located ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Набором данных может быть более physically within a larger dataset. Theoretically, a мелкая группа данных, которая хотя и ограничена dataset may be as small as a single feature or некоторыми условиями, такими как feature attribute contained within a larger пространственные размеры или типы признаков, dataset. A hardcopy map or chart may be содержится внутри более крупного набора данных. considered a dataset. Теоретически набор данных может быть настолько мал, что будет соответствовать только одному [ISO 19115:2003 (4.2)] признаку или атрибуту признака в пределах более крупного набора данных. Твердая копия карты или схемы может рассматриваться как набор данных.</p><p>[ISO 19115:2003 (4.2)] 3.60 3.60 dataset series ряд наборов данных collection of datasets sharing the same product specification совокупность наборов данных, разделяющих одну и ту же спецификацию продукта [ISO 19115:2003 (4.3)] [ISO 19115:2003 (4.3)]</p><p>3.61 3.61 date дата ISO 8601 compliant representation of a date in a YYYY-MM-DD format using the Gregorian удовлетворяющее ISO 8601 представление даты в calendar формате ГГГГ-ММ-ДД с использованием Грегорианского календаря [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.26)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.26)]</p><p>58 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.62 3.62 Decision Making Application (DMA) Приложение Принятия Решений (DMA) model of that part of an Open-edi system that makes decisions corresponding to the role(s) модель той части системы Open-edi, которая that the Open-edi Party plays as well as the принимает решения в соответствии с ролью originating, receiving and managing data values (ролями), которую играет сторона Open-edi, также contained in the instantiated information как формирование, получение и управление bundles which is not required to be visible to the значениями данных, содержащихся в other Open-edi Party(ies) сопровождаемых примерами пакетах [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.6)] информации, которые не должны быть видимыми для других сторон Open-edi</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.6)]</p><p>3.63 3.63 Decision Making Application Interface Интерфейс Приложения Принятия Решений (DMA Interface) (Интерфейс DMA) set of requirements that permit a Decision набор требований, который разрешает Making Application to interact with the Open- Приложению Принятия Решений чтобы edi Support Infrastructure взаимодействовать с Инфраструктурой, поддерживающей Open-edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.7)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.7)] 3.64 3.64 de facto language язык де-факто natural language used in a jurisdictional domain which has the properties and естественный язык, используемый в behaviours of an official language in that юридическом домене, который имеет свойства и jurisdictional domain without having formally поведение официального языка в этом домене been declared as such by that jurisdictional без признания как такового этим доменом domain ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Язык де-факто юридического NOTE 1 A de facto language of a jurisdictional домена часто устанавливается в результате обычая domain is often established through long term его длительного использования use and custom. </p><p>NOTE 2 Unless explicitly stated otherwise and ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Если только явно не установлено for the purposes of modelling a business иное и для целей моделирования бизнес транзакций transaction through scenario(s), scenario с использованием сценария (сценариев), атрибутов attributes and/or scenario components, a de сценария и/или компонентов сценария facto language of a jurisdictional domain is предполагается, что язык де-факто юридического assumed to have the same properties and домена обладает теми же самыми свойствами и behaviours of an official language. поведением, как и официальный язык</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.42)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.42)] 3.65 3.65 defined market model определенная рыночная модель trade model where the buyer and seller accept the entry terms of a specified market in advance модель торговли, где покупатель и продавец and where that market has an accepted and принимают условия вхождения в конкретный recognized source for business rules and рынок заранее и где этот рынок принимает и conventions признает источник бизнес правил и условий 59 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) NOTE In a defined market, the phases of a business transaction –planning, identification, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В определенном рынке фазы бизнес negotiation, actualization, and post-actualization транзакции – планирование, идентификация, – are governed by the rules and conventions of переговоры, актуализация и пост-актуализация – the particular defined market. определяются правилами и условиями конкретного определенного рынка. [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.17)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.17)] 3.66 3.66 definition определение representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from представление понятия путем описательного related concepts утверждения, которое служит для того чтобы отличать его от связанных понятий [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.3.1)] [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.3.1)]</p><p>3.67 3.67 designation назначение representation of a concept by a sign which denotes it представление понятия в виде знака, который его обозначает NOTE In terminology work three types of designations are distinguished: symbols, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В терминологической деятельности appellations, (a.k.a. names), and terms. различаются три типа назначений: символы, [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.4.1)] наименования (или имена) и термины.</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.4.1)] 3.68 3.68 distinguishing identifier различающий идентификатор data that unambiguously distinguishes an entity данные, которые однозначно различают сущность в in the authentication process процессе удостоверения подлинности</p><p>[ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996] [ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996]</p><p>3.69 3.69 documentation language code код языка документации language code of the language used for documentation by the Open-edi Registration языковой код языка, используемого для Organization документации Организацией Регистрации Open-edi NOTE Use the three character alphabetic language codes and names from ISO 639-2/T ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Используйте 3-х символьные (Terminology). алфавитно-цифровые языковые коды и имена из [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.30)] ISO 639-2/T (Терминология)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.30)]</p><p>3.70 3.70 </p><p>60 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) duality двойственность association between economic events where one is the legal or economic consideration for связь между экономическими событиями, когда the other in an exchange одно есть юридическое или экономическое возмещение для другого при обмене NOTE Duality is the conceptual analog of double entry in traditional bookkeeping. For example, a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Двойственность есть концептуальный shipment from a partner requires a matching flow аналог двойного ввода в традиционном in like a payment to balance accounts between бухгалтерском учете. Например, отгрузка партнером the parties. требует соответствующего входящего потока типа [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.18)] платежа чтобы сбалансировать счета партнеров.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.18)]</p><p>3.71 3.71 economic agreement экономическое соглашение arrangement of reciprocated economic commitments between two partners where the установление взаимных экономических abstract specification of terms of trade is обязательств между двумя партнерами, когда incomplete and not subject to legal enforcement абстрактная спецификация условий торговли является не завершенной и не подчиняется [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.19)] юридическому принуждению</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.19)]</p><p>3.72 3.72 economic bundle экономический пакет association between economic commitments and the economic contract that bundles those соответствие между экономическими promises and binds them to the two partners обязательствами и экономическим who negotiated them контрактом, которое увязывает эти обещания и связывает их с двумя партнерами, которые [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.20)] рассматривают их на переговорах</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.20)]</p><p>3.73 3.73 economic claim экономическое требование expectation of one Person to receive a future inflow of economic resources from another ожидание одного Лица получить входящий поток Person because of an economic exchange экономических ресурсов от другого Лица, т.к. which is presently incomplete экономический обмен к настоящему моменту не завершен [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.21)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.21)]</p><p>3.74 3.74 economic commitment экономическое обязательство type of commitment by one Person to transfer 61 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) economic resources to another Person at тип обязательства, взятого одним Лицом по some specified point in the future передаче экономических ресурсов другому Лицу в некоторый определенный момент в будущем [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.22)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.22)]</p><p>3.75 3.75 economic contract экономический контракт bundling of reciprocated economic commitments between two partners where the увязывание взаимных экономических abstract specification of the proposed economic обязательств между двумя партнерами, когда exсhange is deemed to be complete абстрактная спецификация предполагаемого экономического обмена предполагается быть [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.23)] завершенной</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.23)]</p><p>3.76 3.76 economic control экономическое управление association between a Person and an economic resource where the Person either связь между Лицом и экономическим ресурсом, owns the resource or is otherwise able to derive когда Лицо или владеет ресурсом или может economic benefit (utility) from it получить экономическую выгоду (пользу) от него [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.24)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.24)]</p><p>3.77 3.77 economic event экономическое событие occurrence in time wherein ownership of an economic resource is transferred from one наступление события в срок, когда владение Person to another Person экономическим ресурсом переходит от одного Лица к другому Лицу NOTE Occurrences in time can either be ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Наступление события в срок может (1) internal as mutually agreed to among the быть: parties to a business transaction; and/or, </p><p>(2) reference some common publicly available (1) внутренним, взаимно согласованным and recognized date/time referencing schema, между сторонами в бизнес (e.g., one based on using the ISO 8601 and/or транзакции; и/или ISO 19135 standards). (2) со ссылкой на некоторую общую, публично доступную референтную [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.25)] схему (например, на ту, которая основана на использовании стандартов ISO 8601 и/или ISO 19135</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.25)] 3.78 3.78 economic event type тип экономического события abstract specification of an economic event where its grouped properties can be designated абстрактная спецификация экономического 62 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) without attachment to an actual, specific события, когда его сгруппированная собственность occurrence in time может быть предназначена для сделки без привязки к фактическому, конкретному наступлению события NOTE Example of attributes at the type level for в срок events might be expected-duration or standard- pricing-percentage. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Примером атрибутов на уровне типа [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.26)] для событий может быть ожидаемая продолжительность или снандартное- назначение- цены-процента</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.26)] 3.79 3.79 economic exchange экономический обмен type of a business transaction where the goal is an exchange of economic resources тип бизнес транзакции, когда целью является between two Persons where both parties derive обмен экономическими ресурсами между двумя higher utility after the completed business Лицами, когда обе стороны получают более transaction высокую выгоду после завершения бизнес транзакции NOTE An economic exchange usually involves two economic events with different types of ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Экономический обмен обычно economic resources flowing in opposite включает два экономических события с различными directions. For example, an exchange of cash for типами экономических ресурсов, перемещающихся в a good involves a shipment with a requited противоположные стороны. Например, обмен денег payment following. на товар включает отгрузку с последующей оплатой [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.27)] вознаграждения.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.27)] 3.80 3.80 economic resource экономический ресурс good, right, or service of value, under the control of a Person товар, право, услуга определенной стоимости под управлением Лица [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.28)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.28)]</p><p>3.81 3.81 economic resource type тип экономического ресурса abstract specification of an economic resource абстрактная спецификация экономического where its grouped properties can be designated ресурса, когда его сгруппированная собственность without attachment to an actual, specific может быть предназначена без привязки к economic resource фактическому, конкретному экономическому ресурсу NOTE Example of attributes at the type level for an economic resource like an automobile might ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Пример атрибутов на уровне типа include its designated fuel capacity or its для экономического ресурса вида автомобиль maximum expected range. может быть определенная вместимость топливного бака или его максимальный пробег без дозаправки. [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.29)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.29)]</p><p>3.82 3.82 economic role экономическая роль</p><p>63 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) abstract specification of a Person for economic purposes where its grouped properties can be абстрактная спецификации Лица для designated without attachment to an actual экономических целей, когда его сгруппированная Person собственность может быть предназначена для сделки без привязки к фактическому Лицу NOTE An example economic role might be qualified buyer or approved shipper. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Примером экономической роли может быть квалифицированный покупатель или [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.30)] одобренный поставщик.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.30)]</p><p>3.83 3.83 economic specification экономическая спецификация association between an economic commitment and the abstract properties of an economic связь между экономическим обязательством и event, an economic resource, a partner, or a абстрактной собственностью экономического business location события, экономического ресурса, партнера или месторасположения бизнеса [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.31)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.31)]</p><p>3.84 3.84 effective date дата вступления в силу date an OeRI became/becomes available to registry users дата, когда OeRI стал/становится доступным пользователям реестра [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.31)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.31)]</p><p>3.85 3.85 electronic address электронный адрес address utilized in a recognized electronic addressing scheme, (e.g., telephone, telex, IP, адрес, используемый в схеме распознавания etc.), to which recorded information item(s) электронной адресации (например, телефон, телекс, and/or business object(s) can be sent to or IP и т.д.), по которому элемент записанной received from a Contact информации и/или бизнес объект (объекты) могут быть посланы или получены от Контакта [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.32)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.32)]</p><p>3.86 3.86 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Электронный Обмен Данными (EDI) the automated exchange of any predefined and structured data for business purposes among Автоматизированный обмен любыми заранее information systems of two or more Persons. определенными и структурированными данными для целей бизнеса между информационными NOTE This definition includes all categories of системами двух или более Лиц electronic business transactions. </p><p>64 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.8)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Это определение включает все категории электронных бизнес транзакций</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.8)] 3.87 3.87 entity сущность any concrete or abstract thing that exists, did exist, or might exist, including associations любая конкретная или абстрактная вещь, которая among these things существует, существовала в прошлом или может существовать, включая связи между этими вещами EXAMPLE A person, object, event, idea, process, etc. ПРИМЕР Лицо, объект, событие, идея, процесс и т.д.</p><p>NOTE An entity exists whether data about it are ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Сущность существует независимо от available or not. того, доступны ли данные о ней или нет. [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.02.05)] [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.02.05)]</p><p>3.88 3.88 entity authentication аутентификация сущности the corroboration that the entity is the one удостоверение того, что сущность та, которая claimed кому- то требуется</p><p>[ISO/IEC 9788-1:1997 (3.3.1)] [ISO/IEC 9788-1:1997 (3.3.1)]</p><p>3.89 3.89 (entity) identification идентификация (сущности) a method of using one or more attributes whose attribute values uniquely identify each метод использования одного или более атрибутов, occurrence of a specified entity чьи значения уникально идентифицируют каждое появление определенной сущности [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.02.14)] [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.02.14)] 3.90 3.90 entry label метка входа name information uniquely associated with the identification and resulting International информация об имени, уникально связанная с Registration Business Object Identifier идентификацией бизнес объекта и (IRBOI) of a business object as a registered обусловленным Идентификатором Open-edi scenario or scenario component Международной Регистрации Бизнес Объекта (IRBOI), в виде зарегистрированного сценария NOTE More than one entry label may be Open-edi или компонента сценария associated with an IRBOI depending on the applicable language(s) utilized as Human ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Более чем одна метка входа может Interface Equivalents (HIEs). связана с IRBOI в зависимости от применяемого языка (языков), используемого в качестве Эквивалентов Человеко-машинного Интерфейса [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.33)] (HIE)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.33)]</p><p>65 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>3.91 3.91 exchange code set набор кодов обмена a set of ID codes identified in a coded domain as being suitable for information exchange as набор кодов ID, идентифицируемых в домене shareable data кодов, как удобных для обмена информацией в качестве разделяемых данных EXAMPLE The 3 numeric, 2-alpha and 3-alpha code sets in ISO 3166-1. ПРИМЕР 3 числовой, 2 и 3 алфавитные наборы [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.49)] кодов в ISO 3166-1</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.49)] 3.92 3.92 external constraint внешнее ограничение constraint which takes precedence over internal constraints in a business transaction, ограничение, которое имеет превосходство над i.e., is external to those agreed upon by the внутренними ограничениями в бизнес parties to a business transaction транзакции, т.е. является внешним по отношению к тем, которые согласованы сторонами бизнес NOTE 1 Normally external constraints are транзакции created by law, regulation, orders, treaties, conventions or similar instruments. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Обычно внешние ограничения создаются законами, регламентами, договорами, NOTE 2 Other sources of external constraints соглашениями или подобными инструментами are those of a sectorial nature, those which pertain to a particular jurisdiction or a mutually agreed to common business conventions, (e.g., ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Другими источниками внешних INCOTERMS, exchanges, etc.). ограничений являются те, которые имеют природу, связанную сконкретными секторами бизнеса, те, NOTE 3 External constraints can apply to the которые соответствуют конкретной юрисдикции или nature of the good, service and/or right provided взаимно согласованным бизнес конвенциям in a business transaction. (например, INCOTERMS, обмены и т.д.).</p><p>NOTE 4 External constraints can demand that a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Внешние ограничения могут party to a business transaction meet specific применяться к природе товаров, услуг или прав, requirements of a particular role. составляющих предметы обмена в бизнес EXAMPLE 1 Only a qualified medical doctor may транзакции. issue a prescription for a controlled drug. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Внешние ограничения могут EXAMPLE 2 Only an accredited share dealer требовать, чтобы сторона бизнес транзакции may place transactions on the New York Stock удовлетворяла специфические требования Exchange. конкретной роли. EXAMPLE 3 Hazardous wastes may only be ПРИМЕР 1 Только квалифицированный доктор conveyed by a licensed enterprise. может выписывать рецепты на контролируемые NOTE 5 Where the information bundles (IBs), лекарства. including their Semantic Components (SCs) of a business transaction are also to form the whole ПРИМЕР2 Только аккредитованный дилер может of a business transaction, (e.g., for legal or audit размещать транзакции на Нью-йоркской фондовой purposes), all constraints must be recorded. бирже.</p><p>EXAMPLE There may be a legal or audit ПРИМЕР 3 Потери от риска могут передаваться requirement to maintain the complete set of только лицензированными предприятиями 66 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) recorded information pertaining to a business transaction, i.e., as the information bundles ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Когда пакеты информации (IB), exchanged, as a "record". включая их Семантичесие Компоненты (SC) бизнес транзакции, должны также формировать бизнес NOTE 6 A minimum external constraint транзакцию в целом (например для юридических applicable to a business transaction often или аудиторских целей), все ограничения должны requires one to differentiate whether the Person, быть записаны. i.e., that is a party to a business transaction, is an "individual", "organization", or "public ПРИМЕР Может быть юридическое или аудиторское administration". For example, privacy rights требование поддерживать полный набор apply only to a Person as an "individual". записанной информации, связанной с транзакцией, [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.23)] т.е. пакеты информации, участвовавшие в обмене, записи.</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 6 Минимальным внешним ограничением, применяемым к бизнес транзакции, часто необходимым, является то, которое служит для различения Лица, т.е. стороны бизнес транзакции. А именно, является ли Лицо физическим лицом, организацией или органом государственного управления. Например, защита прав личности применима только если Лицо является физическим.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.23)]</p><p>3.93 3.93 Formal Description Technique (FDT) Метод Формального Описания (FDT) specification method based on a description language using rigorous and unambiguous метод спецификации основан на дескриптивном rules both with respect to developing языке с использованием строгих и однозначных expressions in the language (formal syntax) and правил как в отношении выражений вывода в interpreting the meaning of these expressions языке (формальный синтаксис) и интерпретации (formal semantics) этих выражений (формальная семантика) [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.9)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.9)]</p><p>3.94 3.94 fulfillment выполнение association between an economic commitment and an economic event where the event связь между экономическим обязательством и executes the promised resource flow from one экономическим событием, когда событие Person to another реализует поток обещанного ресурса от одного Лица другому NOTE For example, a delivery to a customer would fulfill that customer’s sale order. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Например, поставка заказчику [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.34)] выполняет заказ на продажу клиента</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.34)]</p><p>67 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>3.95 3.95 Functional Service View (FSV) Вид Функционального Сервиса (FSV) perspective of business transactions limited to those information technology Вид бизнес транзакции, ограниченный теми interoperability aspects of information аспектами взаимодействия в IT Системах, которые technology systems (IT Systems) needed to необходимы для поддержки выполнения транзакций support the execution of Open-edi Open-edi transactions [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.10)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.10)]</p><p>3.96 3.96 glyph глиф recognizable abstract graphic symbol which is independent of any specific design распознаваемый абстрактный графический символ, который независим от любого конкретного проекта [ISO/IEC TR 15285:1998 (3.5)] [ISO/IEC TR 15285:1998 (3.5)]</p><p>3.97 3.97 governed управляемая association between an economic agreement and the business transaction whose conduct связь между экономическим соглашением и and phases are subject to that economic бизнес транзакцией, управление которой и фазы agreement of the business transaction выполнения зависят от экономического соглашения о бизнес транзакции [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.35)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.35)]</p><p>3.98 3.98 Human Interface Equivalent (HIE) Эквивалент Человеко-машинного Интерфейса representation of the unambiguous and IT- (HIE) enabled semantics of an IT interface equivalent (in a business transaction), often the ID code представление однозначной и приспособленной of a coded domain (or a composite identifier), для эффективного применения IT семантики in a formalized manner suitable for эквивалента IT интерфейса (в бизнес communication to and understanding by humans транзакции), часто являющееся кодом ID домена кодов (или составным NOTE 1 Human interface equivalents can be идентификатором), в формализованном виде linguistic or non-linguistic in nature but their удобном для связи и понимания людьми semantics remains the same although their representations may vary. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Эквиваленты человеко-машинного NOTE 2 In most cases there will be multiple интерфейса могут быть по природе Human Interface Equivalent representations as лингвистическими или не лингвистическими, но их required to meet localization requirements, i.e. семантика остается той же самой, хотя их those of a linguistic nature, jurisdictional nature, представление может варьироваться. and/or sectoral nature. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 В большинстве случаев будут NOTE 3 Human Interface Equivalents include множественные представления Эквивалента representations in various forms or formats, 68 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) (e.g., in addition to written text those of an audio, Человеко-машинного Интерфейса, что требуется symbol (and icon) nature, glyphs, image, etc.). для удовлетворения требований локализации. Эти требования имеют разную природу: лингвистическую, юридическую или определяемую [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.35)] сектором бизнеса.</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Эквиваленты Человеко-машинного Интерфейса включают представления в различных формах и форматах (например, к письменному тексту может быть добавлена аудио-информация, информация символической (и знаковой) природы, глифы, образы и т.д.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.35)] 3.99 3.99 IB Identifier Идентификатор IB unique, linguistically neutral, unambiguous referenceable identifier for an Information Уникальный, лингвистически нейтральный, Bundle допускающий однозначную ссылку идентификатор для Пакета Информации (IB) [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.36)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.36)] 3.100 3.100 ID Code код идентификатора identifier assigned by the coded domain Source Authority (cdSA) to a member of a идентификатор назначается Вышестоящим coded domain ID органом домена кодов (cdSA) элементу ID домена кодов NOTE 1 ID codes must be unique within the Registration Schema of that coded domain. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Коды ID должны быть уникальными в Схеме Регистрации этого домена кодов. NOTE 2 Associated with an ID code in a coded domain can be: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Связанными с кодом ID в домене - one or more equivalent codes; кодов могут быть:</p><p>- one or more equivalent representations, - один или более эквивалентных кода; especially those in the form of human equivalent (linguistic) expressions. - одно или более эквивалентных представлений, особенно тех, которые имеют форму NOTE 3 Where an entity as a member of a лингвистических выражений. coded domain is allowed to have more than one ID code, i.e., as equivalent codes (possibly including names), one of these must be specified ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Если сущность как элемент as the pivot ID code. домена кодов присваивается более чем одному коду ID, т.е. эквивалентным кодам ID (возможно, NOTE 4 A coded domain may contain ID codes включающим имена), один из этих кодов ID должен pertaining to entities which are not members as быть определен как ведущий. peer entities, i.e., have the same properties and behaviours, such as ID codes which pertain to ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Домен кодов может содержать predefined conditions other than member коды ID, принадлежащие к множеству сущностей, entities. If this is the case, the rules governing которые не являются элементами домена кодов. such exceptions must be predefined and Правила, регламентирующие такие исключения, 69 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) explicitly stated. должны заранее и явно сформулированы.</p><p>EXAMPLE Common examples include: (1) the ПРИМЕР Примеры общего характера включают: use of an ID code "0" (or "00", etc.), for “Other”; (2) the use of an ID code "9" (or "99") for “Not (1) использование кода ID “O” (или “OO”) для Applicable”; (3) the use of “8” (or “98”) for “Not “Другие”; Known”; if required, (4) the pre-reservation of a series or set of ID codes for use for "user (2) использование кода ID “9” (или “99”) для “Не extensions". применяется”;</p><p>NOTE 5 In UML modeling notation, an ID codes (3) использование “8” (или “98”) для “Не известно”; is viewed as an instance of an object class. (4) если необходимо, предварительное резервирование ряда или набора кодов ID для [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.37)] пользовательских расширений. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 В нотации моделирования языка UML коды ID рассматриваются как экземпляры классов объектов. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.37)] 3.101 3.101 identification идентификация rule-based process, explicitly stated, involving the use of one or more attributes, i.e., data процесс на основе правил, явно elements, whose value (or combination of сформулированный, включающий использование values) are used to identify uniquely the одного или более атрибутов, т.е. элементов occurrence or existence of a specified entity данных, чьи значения (или комбинации значений) используются для уникальной идентификации появления или существования определенной [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.26)] сущности [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.26)]</p><p>3.102 3.102 identifier (in business transaction) идентификатор (в бизнес транзакции) unambiguous, unique and a linguistically neutral value, resulting from the application of a однозначное, уникальное и лингвистически rule-based identification process нейтральное значение, получаемое при применении основанного на правилах процесса NOTE 1 Identifiers must be unique within the идентификации identification scheme of the issuing authority. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Идентификаторы могут быть NOTE 2 An identifier is a linguistically уникальными в пределах схемы идентификации independent sequence of characters capable of выпускающего органа. uniquely and permanently identifying that with which it is associated. {See ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.5)} ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Идентификатор есть лингвистически независимая последовательность символов, способная уникально и постоянно [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.27)] идентифицировать все, с чем она связана. {См. ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.5)} </p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.27)] 3.103 3.103 indexing language язык индексирования 70 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) artificial language established to characterize the content or form of a document искусственный язык, введенный для того чтобы охарактеризовать содержание формы или документа [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.05.10)] [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.05.10)] 3.104 3.104 individual личность Person who is a human being, i.e., a natural person, who acts as a distinct indivisible entity Лицо (человек), т.е. физическое лицо, or is considered as such действующее как различимая неделимая сущность или рассматриваемая как таковая [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.28)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.28)] 3.105 3.105 individual accessibility индивидуальная доступность set of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain as rights of an individual with набор внешних ограничений юридического disabilities to be able to utilize IT systems at the домена в качестве прав личности с human, i.e., user, interface and the concomitant ограниченными физическими возможностями для obligation of a seller to provide such adaptive использования IT систем с соответствующим technologies пользовательским интерфейсом и сопутствующие обязательства продавца по обеспечению таких NOTE Although “accessibility” typically адаптивных технологий addresses users who have a disability, the concept is not limited to disability issues. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Хотя «доступность» обычно EXAMPLE Examples of disabilities in the form of адресуется пользователям с ограниченными functional and cognitive limitations include: физическими возможностями, понятие не ограничивается проблемами инвалидности. - people who are blind; - people with low vision; ПРИМЕР Примеры инвалидности в виде - people with colour blindness; функциональных и когнитивных ограничений - people who are hard of hearing or deaf, i.e., are включают: hearing impaired; - people with physical disabilities; - незрячих людей; - people with language or cognitive disabilities. - людей с плохим зрением; [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.60)] - дальтоников; - плохо слышащих или глухих людей; - людей с физическими недостатками; - людей с недостатками речи или когнитивными недостатками. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.60)] 3.106 3.106 information (in information processing) нформация (в процессе обработки knowledge concerning objects, such as facts, информации) events, things, processes, or ideas, including concepts,that within a certain context has a объекты, касающиеся знаний, такие как факты, particular meaning события, предметы, процессы или идеи, включая понятия, которые в определенном контексте имеют конкретный смысл [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.01.01)]</p><p>71 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.01.01)]</p><p>3.107 3.107 Information Bundle (IB) Пакет Информации (IB) formal description of the semantics of the recorded information to be exchanged by формальное описание семантики записанной Open-edi Parties playing roles in an Open-edi информации для обмена в процессе Open-edi scenario сторонами, играющими роли по сценарию Open- edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.11)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.11)]</p><p>3.108 3.108 Information Processing Domain (IPD) Домен Обработки Информации Information Technology System which includes at least either a Decision Making Система Информационных Технологий, Application (DMA) and/or one of the которая включает по крайней мере Приложение components of an Open-edi Support Принятия Решений (DMA) и/или компоненты Infrastructure, and acts/executes on behalf of Инфраструктуры Поддержки Open-edi и an Open-edi Party (either directly or under a функционирует/выполняет от имени одной из delegated authority) Сторон Open-edi (или непосредственно или в [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.12)] рамках делегированных полномочий) [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.12)] 3.109 3.109 Information Technology System (IT Система Информационных Технологий (IT System) Система) set of one or more computers, associated software, peripherals, terminals, human Набор из одного или более компьютеров, operations, physical processes, information системного программного обеспечения, transfer means, that form an autonomous whole, периферийных устройств, операций, выполняемых capable of performing information processing людьми, физических процессов, средств передачи and/or information transfer информации, который образует автономный комплекс, способный выполнять обработку [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.13)] информации и/или передачу информации</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.13)]</p><p>3.110 3.110 internal constraint внутреннее ограничение constraint which forms part of the commitment(s) mutually agreed to among the ограничение, которое формирует часть parties to a business transaction обязательств, совместно согласованных сторонами в бизнес транзакции NOTE Internal constraints are self-imposed. They provide a simplified view for modelling and ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Внутренние ограничения являются re-use of scenario components of a business обязательствами, добровольно возложенными transaction for which there are no external сторонами на самих себя. Они обеспечивают constraints or restrictions to the nature of the упрощенную ситуацию для моделирования и conduct of a business transaction other than повторного использования компонентов сценария those mutually agreed to by the buyer and seller. бизнес транзакции, для которой не существует [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.33)] внешних ограничений или ограничений, </p><p>72 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) наложенных природой выполняемой бизнес транзакции. Имеются только ограничения, согласованные между покупателем и продавцом.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.33)]</p><p>3.111 3.111 International Registration Business Object Идентификатор Бизнес Объекта для Identifier (IRBOI) Международной Регистрации (IRBOI) internationally unique identifier for an OeRI Международно уникальный идентификатор для NOTE IRBOIs are of the nature of a composite OeRI identifier. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.42)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Идентификаторы IRBOI по своей природе являются составными.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.42)]</p><p>3.112 3.112 International Standard Identifier Идентификатор Международного Стадарта identifier of the version of this part of ISO/IEC 15944 upon which attributes are based Идентификатор версии этой части ISO/IEC 15944, на которой базируются атрибуты [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.43)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.43)]</p><p>3.113 3.113 item class класс предметов set of items with common properties набор предметов с общим свойствами NOTE Class is used in this context to refer to a set of instances, not the concept abstracted from ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Класс используется в таком контексте, that set of instances. чтобы сослаться на набор экземпляров, а не как [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.6)] понятие , абстрактное для этого набора экземпляров</p><p>[ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.6)]</p><p>3.114 3.114 IT-enablement использование возможностей IT transformation of a current standard utilized in business transactions, (e.g., coded domains), преобразование текущего стандарта, from a manual to computational perspective so используемого в бизнес транзакциях ( например, as to be able to support commitment exchange закодированные домены) из ручной формы в and computational integrity компьютерную так, чтобы можно было поддерживать обмен обязательствами и [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006] вычислительную целостность</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006]</p><p>3.115 3.115 IT interface equivalent эквивалент IT интерфейса</p><p>73 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) computer processable identification of the unambiguous semantics of a scenario, выполняемая компьютером идентификация scenario attribute and/or scenario однозначной семантики сценария, атрибута component(s) pertaining to a commitment сценария и/или компонентов сценария, exchange in a business transaction which относящихся к обмену обязательствами в бизнес supports computational integrity транзакции, которая поддерживает вычислительную целостность NOTE 1 IT interface equivalents have the properties of identifiers (in business transaction) ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Эквиваленты IT интерфейса and are utilized to support semantic обладают свойствами идентификаторов (в бизнес interoperability in commitment exchange. транзакции) и используются для поддержки NOTE 2 The value of an IT interface equivalent семантического взаимодействия при обмене at times is a composite identifier. обязательствами.</p><p>NOTE 3 An IT interface equivalent as a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Иногда эквивалент IT интерфейса composite identifier can consist of the identifier представляет собой составной идентификатор of a coded domain plus an ID code of that coded domain. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Эквивалент IT интерфейса как оставной идентификатор может состоять из NOTE 4 An IT interface equivalent is at times идентификатора домена кодов плюс код ID этого utilized as a semantic identifier. домена кодов. NOTE 5 An IT interface equivalent may have associated with it one or more Human Interface ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Эквивалент IT интерфейса иногда Equivalents (HIEs). используется как семантический идентификатор.</p><p>NOTE 6 The value of an IT Interface is ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Эквивалент IT интерфейса может independent of its encoding in programming быть связан с одним или более эквивалентом languages or APIs. человеко-машинного интерфейса (HIE). [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.48)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 6 Значение эквивалента IT интерфейса не зависит от способа его кодирования в языках программирования или API.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.48)]</p><p>3.116 3.116 jurisdictional domain юридический домен jurisdiction, recognized in law as a distinct legal and/or regulatory framework, which is a source Юрисдикция, признаваемая законом как of external constraints on Persons, their определенная правовая или нормативная основа, behaviour and the making of commitments являющаяся источником внешних ограничений, among Persons including any aspect of a накладываемых на лиц, их поведение и выполнение business transaction обязательств перед другими лицами, включая любые аспекты бизнес транзакций. NOTE 1 The pivot jurisdictional domain is a United Nations (UN) recognized member state. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Главным видом юридического From a legal and sovereignty perspective they домена является территория, являющаяся are considered "peer" entities. Each UN member признанным членом ООН. С правовой точки зрения, state, (a.k.a. country) may have sub- с точки зрения суверенитета такие территории administrative divisions as recognized рассматриваются как равноправные сущности. 74 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) jurisdictional domains, (e.g., provinces, Каждое государство, являющееся членом ООН territories, cantons, länder, etc.), as decided by (известное также под названием страна) может that UN member state. иметь административно-территориальное деление, включая в себя различные юридические домены NOTE 2 Jurisdictional domains can combine to (провинции, территории, кантоны, земли и т.д.), как form new jurisdictional domains, (e.g., through определено этим государством-членом ООН. bilateral, multilateral and/or international treaties). ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Юридические домены могут объединяться, формируя новые юридические EXAMPLE Included here, for example, are the домены (например, посредством двусторонних, European Union (EU), NAFTA, WTO, WCO, ICAO, WHO, Red Cross, the ISO, the IEC, the многосторонних и/или международных договоров. ITU, etc. ПРИМЕРЫ: Европейский Союз (ЕС), NAFTA NOTE 3 Several levels and categories of ( Североамериканское Соглашение о Свободной jurisdictional domains may exist within a торговле), ВТО (Всемирная Торговая Организация), jurisdictional domain. ВТС (Всемирный Таможенный Союз), ICAO (Международная Организация по Вопросам NOTE 4 A jurisdictional domain may impact Гражданской Авиации), ВОЗ (Всемирная aspects of the commitment(s) made as part of a Организация Здравоохранения), Красный Крест, ISO business transaction including those pertaining (Международная Организация по Стандартизации), to the making, selling, transfer of goods, services МЭК (Международная Электротехническая and/or rights (and resulting liabilities) and associated information. This is independent of Комиссия), ITU (Международный Союз whether such interchange of commitments are Электросвязи) и т.д. conducted on a for-profit or not-for-profit basis and/or include monetary values. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 В пределах любого юридического домена может существовать несколько уровней и NOTE 5 Laws, regulations, directives, etc., категорий других юридических доменов. issued by a jurisdictional domain are considered as parts of that jurisdictional domain and are the ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Юридический домен может влиять primary sources of external constraints on на обязательство(а), взятые как часть выполнения business transactions. бизнес транзакции, включая те, которые связаны с [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.67)] производством, продажей, передачей товаров, услуг и/или прав (и вытекающих из них обязательств) и сопровождающей информации. Это не зависит от того, выполняется ли такой обмен обязательствами на коммерческой или некоммерческой основе и включает ли он денежные ресурсы.</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Законы, регламенты, директивы и т.д., выпускаемые юридическим доменом, рассматриваются как составные компоненты этого домена и являются первичными источниками для формирования внешних ограничений на бизнес транзакции.</p><p>. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.67)]</p><p>3.117 3.117 jurisdictional domain identifier идентификатор юридического домена ID code of a jurisdictional domain as recognized for use by peer jurisdictional код ID юридического домена, признанный для использования равноправными юридическими 75 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) domains within a system of mutual recognition доменами в пределах системы взаимного признания [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.47)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.47)]</p><p>3.118 3.118 language язык system of signs for communication, usually consisting of a vocabulary and rules система знаков, обычно состоящая из словаря и правил NOTE In this standard, language refers to natural languages or special languages, but not ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В этом стандарте термин «язык» "programming languages" or "artificial применяется к естественным языкам и специальным languages". языкам, но не к «языкам программирования» или [ISO 5127-1:2001 (] «искусственным языкам».</p><p>[ISO 5127-1:2001 (]</p><p>3.119 3.119 language code код языка combination of characters used to represent a language or languages комбинация символов, используемая для представления языка или языков NOTE In this multipart ISO/IEC 15944 standard, the ISO 639-2/T (terminology) three alpha-code, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В этом стандарте ISO/IEC 15944, shall be used. состоящем из нескольких частей, будут [ISO 639-2:1998 (3.2)] использованы три алфавитно-цифровых кода стандарта ISO 639-2/T (терминология)</p><p>[ISO 639-2:1998 (3.2)]</p><p>3.120 3.120 legally recognized language (LRL) юридически признанный язык (LRL) natural language which has status (other than an official language (or de facto language) in естественный язык, который имеет статус a jurisdictional domain as stated in an act, (отличающийся от официального языка или regulation, or other legal instrument, which языка де-факто) в домене определенной grants a community of people (or its individuals) юрисдикции как заявлено в акте, регламенте или the right to use that natural language in the другом юридическом инструменте, который context stipulated by the legal instrument(s) предоставляет сообществу людей (или конкретным физическим лицам) право использовать NOTE The LRL can be specified through either: естественный язык в контексте, предусмотренном - the identification of a language by the name юридическим инструментом (инструментами) utilized; or, - the identification of a people and thus their ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ LRL может быть определен также language(s). путем:: EXAMPLE In addition to acts and regulations, - идентификации языка по используемому legal instruments include self-government названию; или, agreements, land claim settlements, court - идентификации людей и таким образом их decisions, jurisprudence, etc. языка(ов) </p><p>76 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.71)] ПРИМЕР В дополнение к законам и регламентам, юридические инструменты включают соглашения самоуправления, урегулирования претензий государств, решения судов, судебную практику, и т.д.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.71)]</p><p>3.121 3.121 legally recognized name (LRN) юридически признанное название (LRN) persona associated with a role of a Person recognized as having legal status and so персона, выступающая в роли Лица, обладающего recognized in a jurisdictional domain as правовым статусом как признанного в accepted or assigned in compliance with the юридическом домене, либо назначенного в rules applicable of that jurisdictional domain, согласии с правилами, применимыми в этом i.e. as governing the coded domain of which the юридическом домене, то есть управляющего LRN is a member доменом кодов, элементом которого является LRN NOTE 1 A LRN may be of a general nature and thus be available for general use in commitment exchange or may arise from the application of a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1: LRN может иметь общее particular law, regulation, program or service of a происхождение и таким образом быть доступным jurisdictional domain and thus will have a для общего использования в обмене specified use in commitment exchange. обязательствами, или может явиться результатом NOTE 2 The process of establishment of a LRN применения специфического закона, регламента, is usually accompanied by the assignment of a программы или обслуживания в юридическом unique identifier. домене и, таким образом, будет иметь указанное использование при обмене обязательствами. NOTE 3 A LRN is usually a registry entry in a register established by the jurisdictional domain ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Процесс учреждения LRN обычно (usually by a specified public administration сопровождается назначением уникального within that jurisdictional domain) for the purpose идентификатора of applying the applicable rules and registering and recording LRNs (and possible ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 LRN – как правило, запись в accompanying unique identifiers accordingly). реестре, установленном юридическим доменом NOTE 4 A Person may have more than one LRN (обычно специальной государственной службой в (and associated LRN identifier). пределах того юридического домена) с целью применения правил и регистрации LRNs (и возможных сопровождающих уникальных [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.72)] идентификаторов соответственно).</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Лицо может иметь больше одного LRN (и связанный идентификатор LRN).</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.72)] 3.122 3.122 list список ordered set of data elements упорядоченный набор элементов данных</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.08.01)] [ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.08.01)]</p><p>77 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.123 3.123 localization локализация pertaining to or concerned with anything that is not global and is bound through specified sets of имеющее отношение или свойственное чему-либо, constraints of: что не глобально и связанное с указанными наборами ограничений: (a) a linguistic nature including natural and special languages and associated multilingual (a) лингвистической природы, включая requirements; естественные и специальные языки и (b) jurisdictional nature, i.e., legal, regulatory, связанные многоязычные требования; geopolitical, etc.; (b) юридической природы, т.е. юридической, (c) a sectorial nature, i.e., industry sector, регламентирующей, геополитической и т.д. scientific, professional, etc.; (c) отраслевой природы, т.е. связанные с (d) a human rights nature, i.e., privacy, секторами промышленности, отраслями disabled/handicapped persons, etc.; науки, профессиями, и т.д.; (e) consumer behaviour requirements; and/or (d) связанных с защитой прав человека, то (f) safety or health requirements. есть, неприкосновенность частной жизни, Within and among "locales", interoperability and защита прав людей с ограниченными harmonization objectives also apply физическими возможностями и т.д.; (e) требования к защите прав потребителя; [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.75)] (f) требования безопасности и охраны здоровья В пределах и среди "мест действия", также применяются способность к взаимодействию и гармонизации</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.75)] 3.124 3.124 location местоположение place, either physical or electronic, that can be defined as an address Место, физическое или электронное, которое может быть определено как адрес [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.50)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.50)] 3.125 3.125 location type тип местоположения abstract specification of a business location абстрактная спецификация местоположения where its grouped properties can be designated бизнеса таким образом что его сгруппированные without attachment to an actual location свойства могут быть определены без привязки к NOTE An example location type might be an фактическому местоположению accepted shipping facility or approved hospital location ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Пример типа местоположения может представлять собой принятое средство доставки [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.39)] или одобренное местоположение больницы </p><p>[ISO/IEC, 15944-4:2006 (3.39)] </p><p>3.126 3.126 materialized материализация association between an economic event and an economic claim where the occurrence of the ассоциации между экономическим событием и economic event causes the economic claim to экономическим требованием, где наличие 78 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) come into existence экономического события вызывает появление экономического требования [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.40)] [ISO/IEC, 15944-4:2006 (3.40)] </p><p>3.127 3.127 mediated transaction опосредованная транзакция sub-type of a business transaction where a third party mediates between the partners as mutually agreed to by the partners подтип бизнес транзакции, когда третья сторона есть взаимно согласованный между партнерами [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.41)] посредник</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.41)]</p><p>3.128 3.128 medium Среда physical material which serves as a functional unit, in or on which information or data is физические материалы, служащие normally recorded, in which information or data функциональным модулем, неразрушающимся в can be retained and carried, from which природе, при помощи которого информация или information or data can be retrieved, and which данные обычно регистрируются, могут быть is non-volatile in nature сохранены и перенесены, или могут быть найдены. </p><p>NOTE 1 This definition is independent of the ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Это определение не зависит от material nature on which the information is характера материала, при помощи которого recorded and/or technology utilized to record the информация записана, и/или технологии, information, (e.g., paper, photographic, использующейся для записи информации (chemical), magnetic, optical, ICs (integrated (например, на бумаге, пленке,(химической), circuits), as well as other categories no longer in магнитной ленте, оптический, ICs (интегральные common use such as vellum, parchment (and схемы), так же как другие категории, не other animal skins), plastics, (e.g., bakelite or используемые в широком профиле, такие как vinyl), textiles, (e.g., linen, canvas), metals, etc.). пергамент, (и другие кожи животных), пластмассы, (например, бакелитовая мастика или винил), NOTE 2 The inclusion of the "non-volatile in текстиль, (например, полотно, холст), металлы, и nature" attribute is to cover latency and records т.д.), . retention requirements. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Назначение атрибута NOTE 3 This definition of "medium" is "неразрушающийся в природе" – покрыть срок independent of: i)form or format of recorded службы, к которому актуальность информации information; ii)physical dimension and/or size; будет утеряна. and, iii)any container or housing that is physically separate from material being housed and without ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Это определение “среды” which the medium can remain a functional unit. независимо от: i) формы или формата записанной информации; ii) физической размерности и/или NOTE 4 This definition of "medium" also размера; и, iii) любого контейнера или блока, captures and integrates the following key который является физически отделенным от properties: i) the property of medium as a размещаемого материала, и без которого material in or on which information or data can поддержка может остаться функциональным be recorded and retrieved; ii) the property of модулем. storage; iii) the property of physical carrier; iv) the property of physical manifestation, i.e., ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Это определение “среды” также material; v) the property of a functional unit; and, фиксирует и интегрирует следующие ключевые vi) the property of (some degree of) stability of свойства: i) свойство среды как материала, в 79 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) the material in or on which the information or котором информация или данные могут быть data is recorded. записаны и найдены; ii) свойство памяти; iii) свойство физического носителя; iv) свойство физического проявления, т.е., материальные [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.34)] свойства ; v) свойство функционального модуля; и, vi) свойство (в некоторой степени) стабильности материала, при использовании которого информация или данные были записаны. </p><p>[ISO/IEC, 15944-1:2002 (3.34)]</p><p>3.129 3.129 metadata метаданные data about data elements, including their данные об элементах данных, которые включают в data descriptions, and data about data себя описания данных, информацию о владельце, ownership, access paths, access rights and data пути доступа, правах доступа и изменчивости volatility данных</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.06.05)] [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.06.05)]</p><p>3.130 3.130 metadata entity сущность метаданных set of metadata elements describing the same aspect of data набор элементов метаданных, описывающих один и тот же аспект данных NOTE 1 May contain one or more metadata entities. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Может заключать в себе одну или несколько сущностей метаданных. NOTE 2 Equivalent to a class in UML terminology. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Является эквивалентом классу в [ISO 19115:2003 (4.7)] терминологии UML.</p><p>[ISO 19115:2003 (4.7)] 3.131 3.131 metadata section раздел метаданных subset of metadata which consists of a collection of related metadata entities and подмножество метаданных, состоящее из набора metadata elements связанных сущностей метаданных и элементов метаданных [ISO 19115:2003 (4.8)] [ISO 19115:2003 (4.8)]</p><p>3.132 3.132 model модель abstraction of some aspect of reality абстракция некоторого аспекта действительности [ISO 19115:2003 (4.9)]</p><p>[ISO 19115:2003 (4.9)] 80 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.133 3.133 multilateral treaty многосторонний международный договор treaty (or convention) that has the ambition to become universal (or near universal) and thus международный договор (или конвенция) это bind most of the international community by договор, который претендует на то, чтобы стать declaring general rules of law общепринятым (или почти общепринятым) и таким образом связать большинство международного EXAMPLE Law of the Sea, Law on Genocide. сообщества путем декларирования общих правил законодательства NOTE 1 A multilateral treaty may have the goal of creating a regulatory regime of law for a ПРИМЕР Морское право, Закон о геноциде particular area or major multilateral institution, i.e., Agreement Establishing the WTO, Kyoto Protocol, Safety of Life at Sea Convention. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Многосторонний международный договор может иметь целью создание режима NOTE 2 A multilateral treaty may allow for регулирования права для специальных областей или reservations or the treaty may be subject to большинства многосторонних институтов, например, many amendments which do not bind all parties Соглашение об учреждении ВТО, Киотский or require all parties to undertake the same legal протокол, Безопасность жизни в Морской obligations, (e.g., the Berne and Paris Конвенции. conventions). ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Многосторонний международный [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.81)] договор может предусматривать оговорки или подвергаться многим поправкам, которые не связывают все стороны или не требуют, чтобы все стороны выполняли те же самые правовые обязательства (например, Бернская и Парижская конвенции).</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.81)]</p><p>3.134 3.134 multilingualism многоязычие ability to support not only character sets specific to a (natural) language (or family of languages) способность поддерживать не только набор and associated rules but also localization символов, характерный для (натурального) языка requirements, i.e., use of a language from (или семейства языков), и необходимые правила, jurisdictional domain, sectoral and/or но и требования локализации, т.е. использование consumer marketplace perspectives языка из юридического домена, учет перспектив конкретных секторов бизнеса и потребительского рынка [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.82)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.82)]</p><p>3.135 3.135 name имя designation of an object by a linguistic expression присвоение объекту лингвистического выражения</p><p>[ISO 5217:2000 (] [ISO 5217:2000 (]</p><p>3.136 3.136</p><p>81 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) natural language естественный язык language which is or was in active use in a community of people, and the rules of which are язык, который находится (находился) в активном mainly deduced from the usage использовании в некотором сообществе людей, и правила этого языка в основном сформированы на [ISO 5217:2000 (] основе его практического использования</p><p>[ISO 5217:2000 (]</p><p>3.137 3.137 object объект anything perceivable or conceivable нечто воспринимаемое или понимаемое NOTE Objects may be material, (e.g., engine, a sheet of paper, a diamond), or immaterial, (e.g., ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Объекты могут быть материальными conversion ratio, a project play) or imagined, (Например, двигатель, лист бумаги, алмаз), (e.g., a unicorn). интеллектуальными (например, коэффициент [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.1.1)] перевода, проектируемая операция) или воображаемыми (например, единорог)</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.1.1)]</p><p>3.138 3.138 object class класс объекта set of ideas, abstractions, or things in the real world that can be identified with explicit набор идей, абстракций или предметов из реального boundaries and meaning and whose properties мира, которые имеют явные границы и значение, и and behavior follow the same rules чьи свойства и поведения подчиняются одним правилам [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.22)] [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.22)]</p><p>3.139 3.139 OeRI addition дополнение OeRI insertion into a register of an OeRI that describes a concept not described by an OeRI Вставка в реестр OeRI, описывающая понятие, не already in the register раскрытое еще OeRI в этом реестре</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.54)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.54)]</p><p>3.140 3.140 OeRI clarification уточнение OeRI non-substantive change to an OeRI Несущественное изменение в OeRI NOTE 1 A non-substantive change does not change the semantics or technical meaning of ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Несущественное не меняет the OeRI. семантики или технического значения OeRI.</p><p>82 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) NOTE 2 A clarification does not result in a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Разъяснение не влияет на change to the registration status of the OeRI. изменение статуса регистрации OeRI.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.55)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.55)] 3.141 3.141 OeRI harmonization гармонизация OeRI the resolution of any potential duplicate or overlapping of OeRIs, accounting for justifiable Разрешение ситуации потенциального дублирования differences that may exist among the или частичного совпадения OeRI, учет допустимых harmonized OeRIs различий, которые могут существовать среди гармонизированных OeRI [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.56)] ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.56)] 3.142 3.142 OeRI language code языковой код OeRI language code of the language used for the OeRI by the submitting organization Языковой код или язык, используемый для OeRI организацией, представляющей информацию [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.57)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.57)]</p><p>3.143 3.143 OeRI retirement объявление недействительным OeRI declaration that an OeRI is no longer suitable for use in the production of new data Сообщение о том, что OeRI более не годится для использования в производстве новых данных. NOTE The status of the retired OeRI changes ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Статус OeRI изменяется с from ‘valid’ to ‘retired’. A retired OeRI is kept in «действительный» на «недействительный». the register to support the interpretation of data Недействительный OeRI содержится в реестре, produced before its retirement. чтобы поддерживать интерпретацию данных, [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.58)] произведенных до объявления его недействительным.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.58)]</p><p>3.144 3.144 OeRI supersession замена OeRI replacement of an OeRI by one or more new OeRIs Замена OeRI одним или несколькими новыми OeRI</p><p>NOTE The status of the replaced item changes ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Статус замененного сообщения from "valid" to "superseded". меняется с «действительный» на «замененный». [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.59)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.59)]</p><p>3.145 3.145 official language официальный язык external constraint in the form of a natural language specified by a jurisdictional domain внешнее ограничение в форме естественного for official use by Persons forming part of and/or языка, определенного юридическим доменом 83 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) subject to that jurisdictional domain for use in для официального использования Лицами, communication(s) either формирующими часть субъекта или субъект этого (1) within that jurisdictional domain; and/or, юридического домена для использования в (2) among such Persons, where such коммуникации (коммуникациях): communications are recorded information involving commitment(s) (1)в пределах этого юридического домена; и/или NOTE 1 Unless official language requirements (2)среди таких Лиц, которые при state otherwise, Persons are free to choose their коммуникациях используют записанную mutually acceptable natural language and/or информацию, включающую special language for communications as well as обязательства exchange of commitments. </p><p>NOTE 2 A jurisdictional domain decides whether ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 До тех пор , пока в требованиях к or not it has an official language. If not, it will официальному языку не будет заявлено иное, Лица have a de facto language. свободны в выборе их взаимно приемлемых естественных языков и/или специальных языков для NOTE 3 An official language(s) can be связи, также как для обмена обязательствами. mandated for formal communications as well as provision of goods and services to Persons ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Юридический домен решает, будет subject to that jurisdictional domain and for use ли он иметь официальный язык. Если нет, то он in the legal and other conflict resolution будет иметь язык де-факто. system(s) of that jurisdictional domain, etc. </p><p>NOTE 4 Where applicable, use of an official ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Официальный язык (языки) может language may be required in the exercise of быть санкционирован для формальной связи, также rights and obligations of individuals in that как для обеспечения товарами и услугами Лиц, jurisdictional domain. действующих в рамках юридического домена и для использования в системах разрешения правовых и NOTE 5 Where an official language of a других конфликтов этого домена и т.д. jurisdictional domain has a controlled vocabulary of the nature of a terminology, it may well have ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Использование официального the characteristics of a special language. In such языка, если он применим, может потребоваться при cases, the terminology to be used must be реализации прав и обязанностей физических лиц в specified. этом юридическом домене. NOTE 6 For an official language, the writing system(s) to be used shall be specified, where ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Когда официальный язык the spoken use of a natural language has more юридического домена имеет управляемый словарь than one writing system. происхождения терминологии, он, вероятно, может иметь свойства специального языка. В таких случаях EXAMPLE 1 The spoken language of use of an используемая терминология должна быть official language may at times have more than определена. one writing system. For example, three writing systems exist for the Inuktitut language. Canada ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 6 Для официального языка должны uses two of these writing systems, namely, a быть определены правила письменного языка, если Latin-1 based (Roman), the other is syllabic- устному использованию естественного языка based. The third is used in Russia and is Cyrillic соответствует более чем одна система написания. based. </p><p>EXAMPLE 2 Another example is that of Norway ПРИМЕР 1 Устная речь, использующая официальный which has two official writing systems, both язык, может иногда иметь более чем одну систему Latin-1 based, namely, Bokmål (Dano- написания. Например, три системы написания Norwegian) and Nynorsk (New Norwegian). существуют для языка Инуктикут. Канада использует две из этих систем написания, а именно: NOTE 7 A jurisdictional domain may have more одна – романская, основанная на т.н. Латинице-1, than one official language but these may or may другая – на силлабической основе. Третья система 84 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) not have equal status. используется в России и основана на кириллице. </p><p>EXAMPLE Canada has two official languages, ПРИМЕР 2 Другой пример – норвежский язык, Switzerland has three, while the Union of South использующий 2 системы написания, обе основаны Africa has eleven official languages. на Латинице-1.</p><p>NOTE 8 The BOV requirement of the use of a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 7 Юридический домен может иметь specified language will place that requirement on более одного официального языка, которые могут any FSV supporting service. иметь, а могут не иметь одинаковый статус. EXAMPLE A BOV requirement of Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, etc., as an ПРИМЕР Канада имеет два официальных языка, official language requires the FSV support Швейцария – 3, а Южно-Африканский Союз имеет service to be able to handle the associated 11 официальных языков. character sets. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 8 Требования BOV в арабском, китайском, русском, японском, корейском и др. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.87)] языках вызывают необходимость поддержки FSV сервиса для управления связанными наборами символов.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.87)]</p><p>3.146 3.146 Open-edi Открытая система электронного обмена данными (Open-edi) electronic data interchange among multiple autonomous Persons to accomplish an explicit электронный обмен данными между многими shared business goal according to Open-edi Лицами с целью достижения взаимно standards согласованной бизнес цели в соответствии со стандартами Open-edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.14)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.14)] 3.147 3.147 Open-edi Business Transaction Ontology Онтология Бизнес Транзакции Open-edi (OeBTO) (OeBTO) formal, rule-based, specification and definition of the concepts pertaining to business Формальные, основанные на правилах, transactions and scenarios and the спецификация и определение понятий, имеющих relationships that hold among these concepts отношение к бизнес транзакции и к сценариям и связи между этими понятиями [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.44)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.44)]</p><p>3.148 3.148 Open-edi configuration конфигурация Open-edi formal specification of an operational configuration of Open-edi Parties and their формальная спецификация эксплуатационной associated IPDs, which can execute Open-edi конфигурации Сторон Open-edi и связанных с transactions corresponding to a given Open- ними IPD, которые могут выполнять транзакции, edi scenario соответствующие данному сценарию Open-edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.15)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.15)]</p><p>85 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.149 3.149 Open-edi Description Technique (OeDT) Метод Описания Open-edi (OeDT) specification method such as a Formal Description Technique, another methodology Метод спецификации, такой как Метод having the characteristics of a Formal Формального Описания, другая методология, Description Technique, or a combination of имеющая свойства Метода Формального such techniques as needed to formally specify Описания, или комбинация таких методов, как BOV concepts, in a computer processable form необходимо для формального описания понятий BOV, в форме, приспособленной для компьютерной [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.16)] обработки</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.16)]</p><p>3.150 3.150 Open-edi disposition распоряжение Open-edi process governing the implementation of Процесс, управляющий реализацией формально formally approved records retention, destruction одобренных указаний о сохранении, уничтожении (or expungement) or transfer of recorded или передаче записанной информации под information under the control of a Person which управлением Лица, которое документально are documented in disposition authorities or оформлено распорядительной властью или другими similar instruments органами </p><p>[adapted from ISO 15489-1:2001 (3.9)] [адаптировано из ISO 15489-1:2001 (3.9)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.90)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.90)]</p><p>3.151 3.151 Open-edi Party (OeP) Сторона Open-edi (OeP) Person that participates in Open-edi Лицо, которое участвует в Open-edi NOTE Often referred to generically in this, and other e-business standards, (e.g., parts of the ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Типичный вариант ссылки на термины ISO/IEC 15944 multipart “e-business” standard) «Сторона» или «Стороны» в этом и других е-бизнес as “party” or “parties” for any entity modelled as стандартах (например, стандарт ISO/IEC 15944) для a Person as playing a role in Open-edi любой сущности, моделируемой как Лицо, играющее scenarios. роль в сценариях Open-edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.17)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.17)]</p><p>3.152 3.152 Open-edi Record Retention (OeRR) Сохранение записи Open-edi (OeRR) specification of a period of time that a set of recorded information must be kept by a Спецификация периода времени, в течение Person in order to meet operational, legal, которого набор записанной информации regulatory, fiscal or other requirements as должен сохраняться Лицом, для того чтобы specified in the external constraints (or выполнить операционные, правовые, регламентные, internal constraints) applicable to a Person налоговые и другие требования, who is a party to a business transaction специфицированные во внешних ограничениях [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.92)] (или внутренних ограничениях), применимых к Лицу, являющемуся стороной бизнес транзакции</p><p>86 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.92)] 3.153 3.153 Open-edi register регистр Open-edi information store or database maintained by an Open-edi Registry накопитель информации или база данных, поддерживаемые Реестром Open-edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.62)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.62)]</p><p>3.154 3.154 Open-edi registration administration административный атрибут регистрации attribute Open-edi member of a set of attributes to uniquely identify an Open-edi scenario, Information Bundle, or элемент набора атрибутов для уникальной Semantic Component and the relevant Person идентификации сценария Open-edi, Пакета responsible for its maintenance Информации или Семантического Компонента и соответствующее Лицо, ответственное за его [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.63)] поддержку</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.63)] 3.155 3.155 Open-edi Registration Authority (OeRA) Уполномоченный Орган Регистрации Open-edi Person responsible for maintaining the register (OeRA) of OeROs and for the issuance of OeRO identifiers Лицо, ответственное за поддержку регистра OeRO и за выпуск идентификаторов OeRO [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.64)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.64)]</p><p>3.156 3.156 Open-edi Registration Organization Организация Регистрации Open-edi (OeRO) (OeRO) Person qualified by the OeRA to assume the Лицо, квалифицированное OeRA для возложения responsibility for the registration of scenario на него ответственности за регистрацию and scenario components сценария и компонентов сценария</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.65)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.65)]</p><p>3.157 3.157 Open-edi Registration Organization Адрес Организации Регистрации Open-edi address physical and/or electronic address of the Физический и/или электронный адрес Open-edi Registration Organization Организации Регистрации Open-edi</p><p>NOTE A physical address includes a “pick-up” ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Физический адрес включает адрес address such as a mailbox or such other location доставки, такой как почтовый ящик или другие one can deliver to. места доставки</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.66)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.66)] 3.158 3.158 Open-edi Registration Organization Идентификатор Организации Регистрации </p><p>87 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) Identifier (OeORI) Open-edi (OeORI) identifier assigned to an Open-edi Registration Organization идентификатор, присвоенный Организации Регистрации Open-edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.67)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.67)] 3.159 3.159 Open-edi Registration Organization name название Организации Регистрации Open-edi designation for the Open-edi Registration Organization обозначение для Организации Регистрации Open-edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.68)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.68)]</p><p>3.160 3.160 Open-edi Registry (OeR) Реестр Open-edi (OeR) information system for the registration of scenarios and scenario components Информационная система для регистрации сценария и компонентов [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.69)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.69)]</p><p>3.161 3.161 Open-edi Registry Item (OeRI) Позиция Реестра Open-edi (OeRI) recorded information within a registry relating to a specific Open-edi scenario or scenario нформация, записанная в реестре и связанная с components of a scenario including linkage конкретным Open-edi сценарием или с information to a scenario content компонентами сценария включая информацию о связи с контентом сценария [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.70)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.70)] 3.162 3.162 Open-edi registry record Запись реестра Open-edi collection of recorded information for an OeRI совокупность записанной информации для OeRI [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.71)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.71)]</p><p>3.163 3.163 Open-edi scenario (OeS) Сценарий Open-edi (OeS) formal specification of a class of business transactions having the same business goal Формальная спецификация класса бизнес транзакций, имеющих одну и ту же самую бизнес цель [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.18)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.18)] 3.164 3.164 Open-edi sponsoring authority поручительские полномочия Open-edi Person recognized in accordance with the requirements of this part of ISO/IEC 15944, to Лицо, признанное в соответствии с receive Open-edi Registration Organization требованиями этой части стандарта ISO/IEC applications for submission to an Open-edi 15944 получать ходатайство Организации 88 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) Registration Authority Регистрации Open-edi для представления в Орган по Регистрации Open-edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.73)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.73)]</p><p>3.165 3.165 Open-edi standard стандарт Open-edi standard that complies with the Open-edi стандарт, который соответствует Референтной Reference Model Модели Open-edi</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.19)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.19)]</p><p>3.166 3.166 Open-edi Support Infrastructure (OeSI) Инфраструктура Поддержки Open-edi (OeSI) model of the set of functional capabilities for Open-edi systems which, when taken together with the Decision Making Applications, allows модель набора функциональных возможностей для Open-edi Parties to participate in Open-edi систем Open-edi, которые, будучи использованы transactions вместе с Приложенями Принятия Решений, позволяют Сторонам Open-edi участвовать в [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.20)] транзакциях Open-edi</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.20)]</p><p>3.167 3.167 Open-edi support organization организация поддержки Open-edi organization, acting on behalf of an Open-edi оранизация, действующая от имени Стороны Party(ies) to provide necessary support (Сторон) Open-edi чтобы обеспечить необходимую enabling execution of Open-edi transactions, поддержку создания условий для выполнения but which is not modelled as a role(s) транзакций Open-edi, но которая не моделируется как роль (роли) [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.21)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.21)] 3.168 3.168 Open-edi system система Open-edi information technology system (IT system) which enables an Open-edi Party to participate система, использующая информационные in Open-edi transactions технологии (IT система), которая создает условия для участия стороне Open-edi в [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.22)] транзакции Open-edi</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.22)] 3.169 3.169 Open-edi transaction транзакция Open-edi business transaction that is in compliance with an Open-edi scenario бизнес транзакция, которая находится в соответствии со сценарием Open-edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.23)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.23)]</p><p>89 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.170 3.170 organization организация unique framework of authority within which a person or persons act, or are designated to act, уникальная структура власти, которая вместе с towards some purpose лицом или лицами действует иле предназначена действовать для достижения некоторой цели NOTE The kinds of organizations covered by this International Standard include the following ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Виды организаций, охватываемые examples: этим Международным Стандартом, включают следующие примеры: EXAMPLE 1 An organization incorporated under law. ПРИМЕР 1 Организация, объединенная в соответствии с законом.</p><p>EXAMPLE 2 An unincorporated organization or ПРИМЕР 2 Не корпоративная организация или вид activity providing goods and/or services деятельности, обеспечивающий товары и/или including: услуги, включая: 1) partnerships; 1) партнерство; 2) social or other non-profit organizations or 2) социальные или другие не коммерческие similar bodies in which ownership or control is организации или подобные органы, в vested in a group of individuals; которых владение или управление возлагается на группу лиц; 3) sole proprietorships 3) единоличное владение; 4) правительственные органы. 4) governmental bodies. </p><p>EXAMPLE 3 Groupings of the above types of ПРИМЕР 3 Группирование указанных выше типов organizations where there is a need to identify организаций, когда необходимо идентифицировать these in information interchange. их в информационном обмене [ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 (3.1)] [ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 (3.1)]</p><p>3.171 3.171 organization address адрес организации physical and/or electronic address of an organization физический и/или электронный адрес организации NOTE A physical address includes a "pick-up" address such as a mailbox or such other location ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Физический адрес включает адрес one can deliver to. доставки, какй, как почтовый ящик или другое [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.75)] место, куда может быть проведена доставка</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.75)] 3.172 3.172 organization name имя организации designation for the organization обозначение организации NOTE The name by which the organization is </p><p>90 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) known to the registration authority. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Имя, под которым организация известна регистрационным органам [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.94)] [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.94)]</p><p>3.173 3.173 organization part часть организации any department, service or other entity within an organization, which needs to be identified for любое подразделение, служба или другая information interchange сущность в пределах организации, которую требуется идентифицировать для обмена [ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 (3.2)] информации</p><p>[ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 (3.2)] 3.174 3.174 organization Person Лицо организации organization part which has the properties of a Person and thus is able to make commitments часть организации, которая имеет свойства Лица on behalf of that organization и таким образом в состоянии делать обязательства от имени организации NOTE 1 An organization can have one or more organization Persons. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Организация может иметь одно или более Лиц организации NOTE 2 An organization Person is deemed to represent and act on behalf of the organization ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Полагают, что Лицо организации and to do so in a specified capacity. может представлять и действовать от имени NOTE 3 An organization Person can be a организации и действовать так, имея "natural person" such as an employee or officer специфицированные полномочия of the organization. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Лицом организации может быть NOTE 4 An organization Person can be a legal физическое лицо, такое как служащий или person, i.e., another organization. должностное лицо организации. [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.46)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Лицом организации может быть юридическое лицо, т.е. другая организация.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.46)] 3.175 3.175 origin источник source (document, project, discipline or model) for the OeRI источник (документ, проект, дисциплина или модель) для OeRI</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.77)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.77)]</p><p>3.176 3.176 participate участвовать association between an economic event and each of the two Persons participating in the связь между экономическим действием и economic event каждым из двух Лиц, участвующих в </p><p>91 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) NOTE Usually there is a “from” association and a экономическом действии “to” association, depending upon the direction of the flow of the economic resource. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Обычно это связь «от кого» «кому», в зависимости от направления потока экономических [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.50)] ресурсов.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.50)]</p><p>3.177 3.177 partner партнер sub-type of Person that includes buyer and seller подтип Лица, который включает покупателя и продавца [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.51)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.51)]</p><p>3.178 3.178 Person Лицо entity, i.e., a natural or legal person, recognized by law as having legal rights and duties, able to make commitment(s), assume and fulfil сущность, т.е. физическое или юридическое лицо, resulting obligation(s), and able of being held признаваемое законом как имеющее права и accountable for its action(s) обязанности, способное делать обязательство (а), брать на себя и выполнять результирующие NOTE 1 Synonyms for "legal person" include обязательства и быть в состоянии отвечать за свои "artificial person", "body corporate", etc., действия depending on the terminology used in competent jurisdictions. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Синонимы для «юридического NOTE 2 "Person" is capitalized to indicate that it лица» включают «искусственное лицо», is being utilized as formally defined in the «корпоративный орган» и т.д. в зависимости от standards and to differentiate it from its day-to- терминологии, используемой компетентными day use. юрисдикциями.</p><p>NOTE 3 Minimum and common external ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 «Лицо» пишется с прописной буквы. constraints applicable to a business transaction Это указывает на то, что термин определен в often require one to differentiate among three стандарте и отличает от каждодневного common subtypes of Person, namely использования слова. "individual", "organization", and "public administration". ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Минимальные и общие внешние [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.24)] ограничения, применимые к бизнес транзакции часто требуют различать среди трех общих подтипов Лица, а именно «физическое лицо», «юридическое лицо» и «орган государственной власти».</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.24)]</p><p>3.179 3.179 persona персона set of data elements and their values by which a Person wishes to be known and thus identified набор элементов данных и их значений, по </p><p>92 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) in a business transaction которым Лицо желает быть узнаваемым и таким образом идентифицируемым в бизнес транзакции [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.51)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.51)] 3.180 3.180 personal information персональная информация any information about an identifiable individual that is recorded in any form, including любая информации о идентифицируемом electronically or on paper физическом лице, записанная в любой форме, включая электронную или бумажную NOTE Some examples would be information about a person's religion, age, financial ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В качестве некоторых примеров transactions, medical history, address, or blood может быть информация о религии, возрасте, type. финансовых транзакциях, история болезни, адрес или тип крови личности. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.103)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.103)] 3.181 3.181 persona Registration Schema (pRS) Схема Регистрации персоны (pRS) formal definition of the data fields contained in Формальное определение полей данных, the specification of a persona of a Person and содержащих спецификацию персоны или Лица и the allowable contents of those fields, including допустимое содержание этих полей, включая the rules for the assignment of identifiers. правила для присвоения идентификаторов. (Это (This may also be referred to as a persona может также называться профилем персоны или profile of a Person) Лица)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.52)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.52)] 3.182 3.182 Person authentication аутентификация Лица provision of the assurance of a recognized Person identity (rPi) (sufficient for the purpose обеспечение уверенности в подлинности of the business transaction) by corroboration признанного Лица (rPi) (достаточной для целей бизнес транзакции) путем подтверждения [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.48)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.48)]</p><p>3.183 3.183 Person identity подлинность Лица combination of persona information and identifier used by a Person in a business сочетание информации о персоне и transaction идентификатора, использованного Лицом в бизнес транзакции [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.49)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.49)]</p><p>3.184 3.184 Person signature подпись Лица signature, i.e., a name representation, distinguishing mark or usual mark, which is подпись, т.е. представление имени, отличительный created by and pertains to a Person знак или обычный знак, который создается и 93 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.50)] принадлежит Лицу</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.50)]</p><p>3.185 3.185 physical address физический адрес address that is used/recognized by a postal authority and/or courier service to deliver адрес, который используется/признается почтовой information item(s), material object(s), or службой или курьерской службой для доставки business object(s) to a Contact at either an информационных объектов, материальных actual address or a pick-up point address, (e.g., объектов или бизнес объектов Контакту или по P.O. Box, rural route, etc.) действительному адресу или по адресу доставки (например, P.O. Box, зона доставки почты в [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.80)] сельской местности и т.д.)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.80)] 3.186 3.186 pivot code set набор основных кодов set of ID codes in a coded domain which is made publicly known and available, the most Набор кодов идентификаторов в домене кодов, stable, representing the defined semantics. Most который является общедоступным и often it is the same as the ID code общеизвестным, стабильным, отражающим определенную семантику. Обычно данный набор NOTE 1 The use of the pivot code set as совпадает с набором кодов ID distinguished from the ID code supports the requirement of a Source Authority to maintain ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Использование основного набора internally and on a confidential basis the ID code кодов как самостоятельной единицы (отдельно от of its members. кода ID) удовлетворяет требованиям Вышестоящего NOTE 2 At times a coded domain has more than Органа Власти, в отношении сохранения one valid code set, (e.g., ISO 639, ISO 3166, конфиденциальности кодов идентификации ее etc.). членов.</p><p>EXAMPLE In ISO 3166-1 the 3-digit numeric ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Иногда в домене кодов code is the pivot. The 2-alpha and 3-alpha code содержится более одного правильного sets can change when the name of the entity (действующего) кодового набора (например, ISO referenced is changed by that entity. 639, ISO 3166 и т.д.). [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.104)] ПРИМЕР: В ISO 3166-1 основным является трехсимовльный численный код. Двух- и трехбуквенные кодовые наборы могут изменяться в случае, если имя сущности было изменено самой сущностью.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.104)] 3.187 3.187 pivot ID code основной код ID most stable ID code assigned to identify a member of a coded domain where more than самый стабильный код ID, предназначенный для one ID code may be assigned and/or associated идентификации элемента домена кодов, когда with a member of that coded domain более чем один код ID может быть присвоен или связан с элементом этого домена кодов EXAMPLE ISO 3166-1:1997 (E/F) "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their 94 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes/Codes pour ПРИМЕР ISO 3166-1:1997 (E/F) «Коды для la représentations des noms de pays et de leur представления названий стран и их составных subdivisions - Partie 1: Codes pays" contains частей – Часть 1 Коды стран содержат три набора three code sets: кодов:</p><p>- a three digit numeric code; - численный трех цифровой код; - a two alpha code - двух буквенный код; - a three alpha code. - трех буквенный код. Here, the three digit numeric code serves as the Здесь численный трех цифровой код служит как pivot code. It is the most stable, remains the same even though the two alpha and/or three основной код. Он наиболее стабильный, остается alpha codes may and do change. неизменным, даже если двух буквенный и/или трех буквенный коды могут изменяться и фактически [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.105)] меняются.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.105)]</p><p>3.188 3.188 plurilateral treaty многосторонний международный договор treaty among a defined set of jurisdictional domains договор среди определенного набора юридических доменов NOTE A plurilateral treaty restricts the jurisdictional domains which may become ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Многосторонний международный signatories generally on either: договор ограничивает множество юридических доменов, которые могут подписать этот договор на • a geo-political basis, (e.g., NAFTA, Mecrosur, основе: European Union, etc.); or геополитической ( например, NAFTA, • some other set of criteria which candidate Mecrosur, Европейский Союз и т.д. members must meet and then their membership некоторого набора критериев, которым approved by the existing membership, (e.g., должны удовлетворять кандидаты в члены и WTO). тогда их членство одобряется существующими членами (например, ВТО). [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.106)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.106)] 3.189 3.189 preferred term предпочтительный термин term recommended by an authoritative body термин, рекомендуемый авторитетным органом</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (5.6.1)] [ISO 1087-1:2000 (5.6.1)]</p><p>3.190 3.190 principle принцип fundamental, primary assumption and quality which constitutes a source of action determining Фундаментальное первичное предположение, particular objectives or results которое составляет источник действия, определяющего специфические цели или NOTE 1 A principle is usually enforced by rules результаты</p><p>95 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) that affect its boundaries. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1Принцип ,как правило, воплощается в жизнь по правилам, которые влияют NOTE 2 A principle is usually supported through на границы его действия. one or more rules. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Принцип обычно поддерживается NOTE 3 A principle is usually part of a set of одним или более правилом. principles which together form a unified whole. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Принцип обычно - часть ряда EXAMPLE Within a jurisdictional domain, принципов, которые вместе формируют examples of a set of principles include a charter, объединенное целое. a constitution, etc. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.81)] ПРИМЕР В пределах юридического домена примеры ряда принципов включают устав, конституцию, и т.д. </p><p>[ISO/IEC, 15944-2:2006 (3.81)]</p><p>3.191 3.191 privacy protection защита прав личности set of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain pertaining to recorded information on набор внешних ограничений юридического or about an identifiable individual, i.e., personal домена, относящихся к записанной информации information, with respect to the creation, или об опознаваемом человеке, то есть, личной collection, management, retention, access and информации, относительно создания, сбора, use and/or distribution of such recorded управления, сохранения, доступа и использования information about that individual including its и/или распределения записанной информации о accuracy, timeliness, and relevancy человеке, включая ее точность, своевременность, и уместность NOTE 1 Recorded information collected or created for a specific purpose on an identifiable ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Записанная информация, individual, i.e., the explicitly shared goal of the собранная или созданная об опознаваемом business transaction involving an individual shall человеке с определенной целью, соответствующей not be utilized for another purpose without the цели бизнес транзакции, в которой участвует explicit and informed consent of the individual to человек, не должна использоваться в другой цели whom the recorded information pertains. без получения согласия на основе полной информации человека, которому принадлежит NOTE 2 Privacy requirements include the right of зарегистрированная информация. an individual to be able to view the recorded information about him/her and to request ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Приватные требования включают corrections to the same in order to ensure that право человека ознакомиться с информацией о such recorded information is accurate and up-to- себе и вносить изменения, чтобы гарантировать date. точность и современность информации.</p><p>NOTE 3 Where jurisdictional domains have legal ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Когда юридические домены имеют requirements which override privacy protection юридические права нарушать требования защиты requirements these must be specified, (e.g., прав личности, то такие права должны быть national security, investigations by law специфицированы (например, интересы enforcement agencies, etc.). национальной безопасности, интересы следствия, [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.109)] проводимого государственными службами, и т.д.).</p><p>[ISO/IEC, 15944-5:2006 (3.109)] </p><p>3.192 3.192 process процесс series of actions or events taking place in a 96 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) defined manner leading to the accomplishment комплекс действий или событий, следующих of an expected result определенным способом, приводящих к достижению ожидаемого результата [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.53)] [ISO/IEC, 15944-1:2002 (3.53)] </p><p>3.193 3.193 property свойство peculiarity common to all members of an object class особенность обычная для всех членов класса объектов. [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.29)] [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.29)]</p><p>3.194 3.194 public administration государственное управление entity, i.e., a Person, which is an organization and has the added attribute of being authorized сущность, например, персона, которая является to act on behalf of a regulator организацией, наделенной атрибутом, который позволяет действовать от имени регулятора [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.54)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.54)]</p><p>3.195 3.195 public policy государственная политика category of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain specified in the form of a категория внешних ограничений юридического right of an individual or a requirement of an домена, определенных в форме прав человека или organization and/or public administration with требований организации и/или органа respect to an individual pertaining to any государственного руководства относительно exchange of commitments among the parties человека, имеющего отношение к любому обмену concerned involving a good, service and/or right обязательствами среди заинтересованных сторон including information management and вовлеченных в процессы обмена товарами, interchange requirements услугами и/или правами, включая информационное управление, и обмен требованиями NOTE 1 Public policy requirements may apply to any one, all or combinations of the fundamental ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Государственная политика может activities comprising a business transaction, i.e., относиться к любому, всем или комбинациям planning, identification, negotiation, actualization фундаментальных видов деятельности, включая and post-actualization. {See further Clause 6.3 бизнес транзакции, то есть, планирование, "Rules governing the process component" in идентификация, переговоры, актуализация и пост- ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002} актуализация. </p><p>NOTE 2 It is up to each jurisdictional domain to ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 В праве каждого юридического determine whether or not the age of an individual домена определить, соответствует ли возраст qualifies a public policy requirement, (e.g., those человека требованиям государственной политики which specifically apply to an individual under (т.е., те, которые относятся к людям моложе the age of thirteen (13) as a "child", those which тринадцати (13) – как "ребенок", или те, которые require an individual to have attained the age of требуют, чтобы человек достиг совершеннолетия, adulthood, (e.g., 18 years or 21 years of age) of (например, 18 лет или 21 года) чтобы быть в an individual to be able to make commitments of состоянии взять на себя определенного рода a certain nature. обязательства . NOTE 3 Jurisdictional domains may have ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Юридические домены могут иметь</p><p>97 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) consumer protection or privacy requirements защиту прав потребителя или личности, которой which apply specifically to individuals who are могут обладать люди, которые, как полагают, considered to be "children", "minorsÈ, etc.(e.g. являются "детьми", (например те, кто не достиг 18 those who have not reached their 18th or 21st лет или 21 года согласно правилам юридического birthday according to the rules of the applicable домена). jurisdictional domain). [ISO/IEC, 15944-5:2006 (3.113)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.113)] 3.196 3.196 reciprocal взаимно обязывающий association between economic commitments where the promise by one partner to execute an связь между экономическими обязательствами, economic resource transfer in the future is когда обещание одного партнера выполнить reciprocated by the other partner promising a передачу экономических ресурсов ведет к requited transfer in the opposite direction взаимному обязательству другого партнера выполнить свою передачу экономических [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.55)] ресурсов в будущем.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.55)]</p><p>3.197 3.197 recognized individual name (RIN) распознаваемое имя личности (LRN) persona of an individual having the properties of a legally recognized name (LRN) «лицо» индивида, обладающее свойством легально распознаваемого имени (LRN) NOTE 1 On the whole, a persona presented by an individual should have a basis in law (or ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 В общем «лицо», представляемое recognized jurisdictional domain) in order to be личностью должно иметь юридическую базу (или considered as the basis for a recognized признаваемый юридический домен) для того чтобы individual name (RIN). его можно было считать основой для признаваемого имени личности. NOTE 2 An individual may have more than one RIN and more than one RIN at the same time. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Личность может иметь больше NOTE 3 The establishment of a RIN is usually одного признаваемого имени в общем и accompanied by the assignment of a unique единовременно. identifier, i.e. by the jurisdictional domain (or public administration) which recognizes the ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Учреждение признаваемого имени persona as a RIN. обычно сопровождается присваиванием [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.114)] уникального идентификатора, например юридическом доменом, который распознает «лицо» как признаваемое имя личности.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.114)]</p><p>3.198 3.198 recognized Person identity (rPi) признанная подлинность Лица (rPi) identity of a Person, i.e., Person identity, established to the extent necessary for a specific подлинность лица устанавливается для purpose in a business transaction специфической цели бизнес транзакции со степенью необходимости [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.56)]</p><p>98 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.56)]</p><p>3.199 3.199 recorded information записанная информация any information that is recorded on or in a medium irrespective of form, recording medium любая информация, записанная на носителе or technology utilized, and in a manner allowing независимо от формы, системы записи или for storage and retrieval используемой технологии и метода хранения и поиска NOTE 1 This is a generic definition and is independent of any ontology, (e.g., those of ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Это типовое определение , "facts" versus "data" versus "information" versus независящее от любой онтологии (например, "intelligence" versus "knowledge", etc.). противопоставление понятий «факты», «данные», «информация», «интеллект», «знания» и т.д.)</p><p>NOTE 2 Through the use of the term ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 При использовании термина "information," all attributes of this term are «информация» все атрибуты этого термина inherited in this definition. унаследованы в этом определении.</p><p>NOTE 3 This definition covers: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Это определение охватывает: (i) any form of recorded information, means of (i) любую форму записанной информации, recording, and any medium on which information средства записи и любой носитель, на can be recorded; and, котором информация может быть (ii) all types of recorded information including all записана; data types, instructions or software, databases, (ii) все виды записанной информации, etc. включая все типы данных, команды программного обеспечения, базы данных [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.56)] и т.д.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.56)]</p><p>3.200 3.200 reference document референтная документация external document(s) containing relevant recorded information about the scenario or внешний документ (документы), содержащий scenario component соответствующую записанную информацию о сценарии или компоненте сценария [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.112)] [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.112)]</p><p>3.201 3.201 reference document identifier идентификатор референтного документа identifier assigned to a reference document by the OeRO идентификатор, присвоенный OeRO [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.112)] референтному документу [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.112)] 3.202 3.202 reference document language code код языка референтного документа ISO 639-2/T based language code(s) identifying коды языка на основе ISO 639-2/T, 99 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) the language(s) used in the reference идентифицирующие языки, используемые в document референтном документе</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.86)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.86)]</p><p>3.203 3.203 reference document title наименование референтного документа title(s) of the reference document наименование(я) референтного документа NOTE A reference document may have more than one title depending on the languages in ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Референтный документ может иметь which it is produced более чем одно наименование в зависимости от [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.114)] языка, на котором он написан</p><p>[ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.114)]</p><p>3.204 3.204 reference document type description описание типа референтного документа description of the document type of the reference document описание типа документа референтного документа [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.115)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.115)] 3.205 3.205 reference organization референтная организация relationship between a reference document and an organization связь между референтным документом и организацией [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.116)] [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.116)]</p><p>3.206 3.206 register регистр set of files containing identifiers assigned to items with descriptions of the associated items набор файлов, содержащий идентификаторы, присвоенные позициям с описаниями связанных позиций [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.9)] [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.9)] 3.207 3.207 register manager менеджер регистра organization to which management of a register has been delegated by the register организация, которой владелец регистра owner делегировал управление регистром.</p><p>NOTE In the case of an ISO register, the register ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В случае регистра ISO менеджер </p><p>100 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) manager performs the functions of the регистра выполняет функции органа регистрации, registration authority specified in the ISO/IEC описанные в Директивах Directives. ISO/IEC.</p><p>[ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.10)] [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.10)]</p><p>3.208 3.208 register owner владелец регистра organization that establishes a register организация, которая учредила регистр [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.11)] [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.11)] 3.209 3.209 registrar регистратор representative of an Open-edi Registration Organization представитель Организации по Регистрации Open-edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.93)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.93)]</p><p>3.210 3.210 registrar Contact Контакт с регистратором Contact information associated with a registrar of an Open-edi registration Контактная информация, связанная с organization регистратором организации по регистрации Open-edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.94)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.94)]</p><p>3.211 3.211 registration регистрация rule-based process, explicitly stated, involving the use of one or more data elements, whose процесс, основанный на правилах, явно value (or combination of values) are used to сформулированный, включающий использование identify uniquely the results of assigning an OeRI одного или более элементов данных, чьи значения (или комбинации значений) уникально [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.95)] используются для идентификации результатов назначения OeRI</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.95)] 3.212 3.212 Registration Authority (RA) Орган Регистрации (RA) Person responsible for the maintenance of one or more Registration Schemas (RS) including Лицо, ответственное за за поддержку одной или the assignment of a unique identifier for each более Схем Регистрации (RS), включая recognized entity in a Registration Schema назначение уникального идентификатора для (RS) каждой распознанной сущности в Схеме Регистрации (RS) [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.57)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.57)]</p><p>101 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.213 3.213 Registration Authority Identifier (RAI) Идентификатор Органа Регистрации (RAI) identifier assigned to a Registration Authority (RA) идентификатор, присвоенный Органу Регистрации (RA) [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.32)] [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.32)]</p><p>3.214 3.214 Registration Schema (RS) Схема Регистрации formal definition of a set of rules governing the data fields for the description of an entity and формальное определение набора правил, the allowable contents of those fields, including управляющих полями данных для описания the rules for the assignment of identifiers сущности и допустимого содержания этих полей, включая правила назначения идентификаторов [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.58)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.58)]</p><p>3.215 3.215 registration status статус регистрации designation of the status in the registration administration of an OeRI назначение статуса в администрации регистрации OeRI [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.98)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.98)]</p><p>3.216 3.216 registry системный реестр information system on which a register is maintained информационная система поддержки реестра</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.99)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.99)]</p><p>3.217 3.217 regulator Регулятор (тот, кто регулирует) Person who has authority to prescribe external constraints which serve as principles, policies Лицо, имеющее полномочия устанавливать or rules governing or prescribing the behaviour внешние ограничения, которые служат в of Persons involved in a business transaction качестве принципов, политики или правил, as well as the provisioning of goods, services, управляющих или предписывающих поведение Лиц, and/or rights interchanged вовлеченных в бизнес транзакцию, равно как обеспечивающих товары, услуги и/или правы, [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.59)] подлежащие обмену</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.59)]</p><p>3.218 3.218 regulatory business transaction (RBT) регламентирующая бизнес транзакция (RBT) class of business transactions for which the explicitly shared goal has been established and класс бизнес транзакций, для которых явно specified by a jurisdictional domain, as a разделяемая цель установлена и описана 102 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) Person in the role of a regulator юридическим доменом как Лицо в роли регулятора NOTE 1 A regulatory business transaction (RBT) ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Регламентирующая бизнес can itself be modelled as a stand-alone business транзакция (RBT) сама может быть смоделирована transaction and associated scenario(s). For как автономная транзакция и связанный сценарий example, the filing of a tax return, the making of (сценарии). Например, регистрация возвращения a customs declaration, the request for and налога, подготовка таможенной декларации, запрос issuance of a license, the provision of a specified и выпуск лицензии, обеспечение service of a public administration, a mandatory специфицированного сервиса государственной filing of any kind with a regulator, etc. администрации, обязательная регистрация любого NOTE 2 A regulatory business transaction типа регулятором и т.д. (modelled as a scenario) can form part of another business transaction. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Регламентирующая бизнес транзакция (моделируемая как сценарий) может формировать часть или другую бизнес транзакцию.</p><p>NOTE 3 A RBT may apply to a seller only, a ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 RBT может применяться только к buyer only or both, as well as any combination of продавцу, только к покупателю или к обоим, также parties to a business transaction. как любая комбинация сторон бизнес транзакции. NOTE 4 A RBT may require or prohibit the use of an agent or third party. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 RBT может требовать или запрещать использование агента или третьей стороны.</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Регламентирующая бизнес NOTE 5 A regulatory business transaction (RBT) транзакция (RBT) может быть специфической в may be specific to the nature of the good, зависимости от природы товара, услуги и/или прав, services and/or right forming part of a business формируя часть бизнес транзакции. transaction. </p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.124)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.124)]</p><p>3.219 3.219 repertoire репертуар a specified set of characters that are represented in a coded character set специфицированный набор символов, которые представлены в закодированном наборе символов [ISO/IEC TR 15285:1998 (3.16)] [ISO/IEC TR 15285:1998 (3.16)]</p><p>3.220 3.220 resource-flow поток ресурсов association between an economic event and an economic resource связь между экономическим событием и экономическим ресурсом NOTE A common example would be a resource- flow between some inventory and the shipment ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Примером общего характера мог бы that caused control of that inventory to flow from быть поток ресурсов между некоторым запасом и one Person to another. отгрузкой, который вызван управления этим [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.58)] запасом, чтобы обеспечить поток от одного Лица к другому.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.58)]</p><p>103 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) 3.221 3.221 responsibility ответственность association between Persons where one is responsible to the other or between a Person связь между Лицами, когда они ответственны and an organization Person where that Person перед другими или между Лицом и юридическим is assigned Лицом, когда Лицо назначено</p><p>NOTE Subtypes of Persons include individuals, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Подтипы лица включают физических organizations, and public administrations. An лиц, юридических лиц и органы государственной “individual” is non-divisible but organizations and администрации. Физическое лицо – неделимо, в public administrations are and as such will отличие от юридических лиц и органов assign specific responsibilities to organization государственной администрации, которые могут Persons. {See further Clause 6.2.7 and Figure определять специфические ответственности 17 in ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002} юридическим Лицам. {См. далее Статью 6.2.7 и рис. [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.59)] 17 в ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002}</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.59)] 3.222 3.222 retention period период удержания length of time for which data on a data medium is to be preserved длина промежутка времени, в течение которого данные на носителе данных должны быть [ISO/IEC 2382-12:1988 (12.04.01)] зарезервированы</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-12:1988 (12.04.01)] 3.223 3.223 role роль specification which models an external intended behaviour (as allowed within a scenario) of an спецификация, которая моделирует внешнее Open-edi Party заданное поведение (как разрешено сценарием) Стороны Open-edi [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.25)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.25)]</p><p>3.224 3.224 rule правило statement governing conduct, procedure, conditions and relations утверждение, регламентирующее поведение, процедуру, условия и отношения NOTE 1 Rules specify conditions that must be complied with. These may include relations ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Правила определяют условия, among objects and their attributes. которые надо выполнять. Они могут включать связи между объектами и их атрибутами. NOTE 2 Rules are of a mandatory or conditional nature. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Правила по природе бывают NOTE 3 In Open-edi, rules formally specify the обязательными или условными. commitment(s) and role(s) of the parties involved, and the expected behaviour(s) of the ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 В системах Open-edi правила parties involved as seen by other parties формально определяют обязательства и роли involved in (electronic) business transactions. вовлеченных сторон и ожидаемое поведение Such rules are applied to: -content of the вовлеченных сторон, как оно видится другими </p><p>104 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) information flows in the form of precise and сторонами, вовлеченными в (электронную) бизнес computer-processable meaning, i.e. the транзакцию. Такие правила применяются к: semantics of data; and, -the order and behaviour - содержанию информационных потоков в виде of the information flows themselves. точных и допускающих компьютерную обработку значений, т.е. семантики данных; NOTE 4 Rules must be clear and explicit enough - порядку и поведению самих информационных to be understood by all parties to a business потоков. transaction. Rules also must be capable of being able to be specified using a using a Formal ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Правила должны быть точными и Description Technique(s) (FDTs). ясными, чтобы быть понятыми всеми сторонами EXAMPLE A current and widely used FDT is бизнес транзакции. Правила также должны "Unified Modelling Language (UML)". обладать свойствами, обеспечивающими их определение с использованием Методов NOTE 5 Specification of rules in an Open-edi Формального Описания (FDT). business transaction should be compliant with the requirements of ISO/IEC 15944-3 "Open-edi ПРИМЕР Актуальным и широко используемым FDT Description Techniques (OeDT)". является «Унифицированный Язык Моделирования [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.101)] (UML)».</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Спецификация бизнес транзакций Open-edi должна соответствовать требованиям ISO/IEC 15944-3 «Методы Описания Open-edi (OeDT)»</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.101)]</p><p>3.225 3.225 rulebase база правил pre-established set of rules which interwork and which together form an autonomous whole заранее установленный набор правил, взаимодействующих между собой и формирующих NOTE One considers a rulebase to be to rules автономное целое as database is to data. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.102)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.102)] 3.226 3.226 scenario attribute атрибут сценария formal specification of information, relevant to an Open-edi scenario as a whole, which is формальная описание информации, имеющей neither specific to roles nor to Information отношение к сценарию Open-edi, не являющей Bundles специфической ни по отношению к ролям, ни по отношению к Пакетам Информации [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.26)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.26)]</p><p>3.227 3.227 scenario component компонент сценария one of the three fundamental elements of a scenario, namely role, information bundle, and один из трех фундаментальных элементов сценария, semantic component а именно роль, информационный пакет и семантический компонент [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.104)] 105 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.104)]</p><p>3.228 3.228 scenario content содержание сценария set of recorded information containing registry entry identifiers, labels and their набор записанной информации, содержащий associated definitions and related recorded идентификаторы входа регистров, метки и их information posted (or reposted) in any registry ассоциированные определения и связанную for business objects записанную информацию, направленную (или вновь направленную) в любой регистр для бизнес [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.105)] объектов</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.105)]</p><p>3.229 3.229 scenario specification attribute атрибут спецификации сценария any attribute of a scenario, role, information bundle, and/or semantic component любые атрибут сценария, роль, пакет информации и/или семантический компонент [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.106)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.106)]</p><p>3.230 3.230 SC identifier идентификатор SC unique, linguistically neutral, unambiguous, referencable identifier of a Semantic уникальный, лингвистически нейтральный, Component однозначный доступный для ссылки идентификатор Семантического Компонента [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.107)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.107)]</p><p>3.231 3.231 seller продавец Person who aims to hand over voluntarily or in response to a demand, a good, service and/or Лицо, которое намеревается передать добровольно right to another Person and in return receives an или в ответ на требование товар, услугу и/или acceptable equivalent value, usually in money, права другому Лицу и в ответ получить for the good, service and/or right provided приемлемую эквивалентную стоимость, обычно в денежном виде, за предоставленные товар, услугу и/или права. [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.62)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.62)] 3.232 3.232 Semantic Component (SC) Семантический Компонент (SC) unit of recorded information unambiguously defined in the context of the business goal of единица записанной информации, однозначно the business transaction определенной в контексте бизнес цели бизнес транзакции NOTE A SC may be atomic or composed of other SCs. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ SC может быть элементарным или </p><p>106 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) составленным из других SC [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.27)] [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.27)] 3.233 3.233 semantic identifier (SI) cемантический идентификатор (SI) IT-interface identifier for a semantic component or other semantic for which (1) the идентификатор IT-интерфейса для associated context, applicable rules and/or семантического компонента или другой possible uses as a semantic are predefined and семантики, для которой (1) связанный контекст, structured and the Source Authority for the применимые правила и/или возможные applicable rulebase is identified; and (2) for использования как семантики предопределены и which one or more Human Interface структурированы и Вышестоящий Орган Власти Equivalents (HIEs) exist для применимой базы правил идентифицирован; и (2) для которой существует один или более NOTE 1 The identifier for a Semantic Эквивалентов Человеко-машинного Component (SC), an Information Bundle (IB) Интерфейса (HIEs) and/or an ID Code for which one or more Human Interface Equivalents (HIEs) exist are considered ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Считается, что Идентификатор to have the properties or behaviours of semantic Семантического Компонента (SC), Пакет identifiers. Информации (IB) и/или Код ID, для которых [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.136)] существует один или более Эквивалентов Человеко-машинного Интерфейса (HIEs), имеют свойства или поведение семантических идентификаторов</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.136)]</p><p>3.234 3.234 set of recorded information (SRI) набор записанной информации (SRI) recorded information of an organization or public administration, which is under the записанная информация об организации или control of the same and which is treated as a unit органе государственной власти, которая под in its information life cycle одним управлением и которая обрабатывается как единица в своем информационном жизненном цикле NOTE 1 A SRI can be a physical or digital document, a record, a file, etc., that can be read, ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 SRI может быть физическим или perceived or heard by a person or computer цифровым документом, записью, файлом и т.д., system or similar device. который может быть почитан, воспринят или услышан лицом, или компьютерной системой или NOTE 2 A SRI is a unit of recorded information that is unambiguously defined in the context of подобным устройством. the business goals of the organization, i.e., a semantic component. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 SRI есть единица записанной информации, которая однозначно NOTE 3 A SRI can be self-standing (atomic), or идентифицируется в контексте бизнес цели a SRI can consist of a bundling of two or more организации, т.е. является семантическим SRIs into another “new” SRI. Both types can компонентом. exist simultaneously within the information management systems of an organization. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 SRI может быть самостоятельным (элементарным) или состоять из связанных двух или [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.137)] более SRI, образующих «новый» SRI. Оба типа могут существовать одновременно в составе информационной управляющей системы организации. 107 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.137)] 3.235 2.235 settlement урегулирование association between a requiting economic event and an economic claim where the связь между оплаченным экономическим occurrence of the event causes the economic событием и экономической претензией, когда claim to expire наступление события окончание срока действия экономической претензии [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.63)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.63)] 3.236 3.236 site участок association between an economic event and the business location where the transfer of связь между экономическим событием и местом economic resources involved in that event is расположения бизнеса, где, предполагается, deemed to have occurred происходит передача экономических ресурсов в этом событии [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.64)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.64)] 3.237 3.237 Source Authority (SA) Вышестоящий орган власти (SA) Person recognized by other Persons as the authoritative source for a set of constraints Лицо (юридическое или физическое), признаваемое другими лицами как вышестоящий орган власти NOTE 1 A Person as a Source Authority for для установления ограничений internal constraints may be an individual, organization, or public administration. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Лицо как вышестоящий орган власти для установления внутренних ограничений NOTE 2 A Person as Source Authority for может быть физическое лицо, организация или external constraints may be an organization or орган государственной власти. public administration. </p><p>EXAMPLE In the field of air travel and ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Лицо как вышестоящий орган transportation, IATA as a Source Authority, is an власти для установления внешних ограничений "organization," while ICAO as a Source может быть организация или орган государственной Authority, is a "public administration". власти.</p><p>NOTE 3 A Person as an individual shall not be a ПРИМЕР В области воздушных перевозок и Source Authority for external constraints. транспорта IATA как вышестоящий орган власти NOTE 4 Source Authorities are often the issuing есть «организация», в то время как ICAO как authority for identifiers (or composite identifiers) вышестоящий орган власти есть орган for use in business transactions. «государственной власти» (на самом деле – межгосударственной). NOTE 5 A Source Authority can undertake the role of Registration Authority or have this role ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 Физическое лицо не может быть undertaken on its behalf by another Person. вышестоящим органом власти для установления внешних ограничений. NOTE 6 Where the sets of constraints of a Source Authority control a coded domain, the SA ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Вышестоящие органы власти часто has the role of a coded domain Source Authority. являются органами, выдающими разрешение на присвоение идентификаторов (или сложных [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.109)] идентификаторов) для использования в бизнес </p><p>108 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) транзакциях.</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Вышестоящие органы власти могут выполнять роль органа по регистрации и имеют право доверять выполнение этой роли другим лицам от их имени.</p><p>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 6 Когда наборы ограничений Вышестоящего органа власти управляют доменом кодов SA играет роль Вышестоящего органа власти домена кодов.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.109)]</p><p>3.238 3.238 special language специальный язык language for special purposes (LSP), language used in a subject field and characterized by the язык для специальных целей (LSP), язык use of specific linguistic means of expression используемый в предметной области и характеризующийся применением специальных NOTE The specific linguistic means of лингвистических выразительных средств expression always include subject-specific terminology and phraseology and also may ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Специальные лингвистические cover stylistic or syntactic features. выразительные средства включают предметно- [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.1.3)] специфическую терминологию и фразеологию, а также стилистические и синтаксические свойства</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.1.3)]</p><p>3.239 3.239 standard стандарт documented agreement containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions документированное соглашение, содержащее of characteristics, to ensure that materials, технические спецификации или другие точные products, processes and services are fit for their критерии для согласованного использования в purpose качестве правил, руководств или определений характеристик, чтобы обеспечить, что материалы, NOTE This is the generic definition of “standard” продукты, процессы и услуги соответствовали их of the ISO and IEC (and now found in the назначению ISO/IEC JTC1 Directives, Part 1, Section 2.5:1998). {See also ISO/IEC Guide 2: 1996 (1.7)} ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Это типовое определение понятия «стандарт» ИСО и МЭК (в настоящее время [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.64)] находится в Директивах ISO/IEC JTC1, Часть1, Раздел 2.5:1998). {См. также ISO/IEC Guide 2: 1996 (1.7)} [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.64)]</p><p>3.240 3.240 stewardship (of an OeRI) служба (OeRI) 109 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) relationship of an OeRI, a Contact, and an organization involved in the stewardship of an взаимодействие OeRI, Контакта и организации OeRI включены в службу OeRI</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.111)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.111)] 3.241 3.241 stewardship organization организация службы unique framework of authority within which a Person or Persons act, or are designated to act уникальная структура власти, в пределах которой in the stewardship of an OeRI Лицо или Лица действуют или назначаются действовать в службе OeRI [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.112)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.112)] 3.242 3.242 submission (of an OeRI) представление документов (OeRI) relationship of an OeRI, a Contact, and an organization involved in the submission of an взаимоотношение OeRI, Контакта и организации OeRI в представлении документов OeRI</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.112)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.112)]</p><p>3.243 3.243 submitting organization организация, представляющая документы organization authorised by a register owner to propose changes to the content of a register организация, авторизованная владельцем регистра предлагать изменения в содержание [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.16)] регистра</p><p>[ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.16)]</p><p>3.244 3.244 term термин designation of a defined concept in a special language by a linguistic expression назначение определенного понятия в специальном языке лингвистическим NOTE A term may consist of one or more words выражением i.e. simple term, or complex term or even contain symbols. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Термин может состоять из одного или [ISO 1087:1990 (] более слов, т.е. простой термин или составной термин, и даже содержать обозначения. [ISO 1087:1990 (]</p><p>3.245 3.245 text текст data in the form of characters, symbols, words, phrases, paragraphs, sentences, tables, or other данные в форме символов, обозначений, слов, character arrangements, intended to convey a фраз, абзацев, предложений, таблиц или других meaning and whose interpretation is essentially конструкций символов, предназначенных для based upon the reader's knowledge of some переноса смысла и чья интерпретация существенно </p><p>110 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) natural language or artificial language основана на знаниях читателя некоторого естественного языка или искусственного EXAMPLE A business letter printed on paper or языка displayed on a screen. [ISO/IEC 2381-23:1994 (23.01.01)] ПРИМЕР Бизнес письмо, отпечатанное на бумаге или отраженное на экране.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2381-23:1994 (23.01.01)]</p><p>3.246 3.246 third party третья сторона Person besides the two primarily concerned in a business transaction who is agent of neither Лицо кроме двух первично связанных (основных) с and who fulfils a specified role or function as бизнес транзакцией, которое не является ничьим mutually agreed to by the two primary Persons агентом и которое выполняет специфическую or as a result of external constraints роль или функцию, либо взаимно согласованную двумя основными Лицами, либо в соответствии с NOTE It is understood that more than two внешним ограничением. Persons can at times be primary parties in a business transaction. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Понятно, что иногда более чем два Лица могут быть первичными сторонами в бизнес [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.65)] транзакции.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.65)] 3.247 247 treaty международный договор international agreement concluded between jurisdictional domains in written form and governed by international law международное соглашение, заключаемое между юридическими доменами в письменной форме, NOTE 1 On the whole a treaty is concluded регулируемое международным законодательством among UN member states. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 В общем международный договор NOTE 2 Treaties among UN member states заключается между членами ООН when coming into force are required to be transmitted to the Secretariat of the United ПРМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Международные договора между Nations for registration or filing or recording as the case may be and for publication. {See further членами ООН, когда они вступают в силу, должны Article 80 or the Charter of the UN} быть переданы в Секретариат ООН для регистрации или подшивки или записи как примера для NOTE 3 Treaties can also be entered into by возможной публикации {Далее см. Статью 80 jurisdictional domains other than UN member Хартии ООН} states, i.e., non-members such as international organizations and the rare sub-national units of ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 3 В международные договора могут federations which are constitutionally входить также юридические домены не являющиеся empowered to do so. гсударствами-членами ООН, такие как международные организации и реже NOTE 4 A treaty can be embodied in a single субнациональные подразделения федераций, instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever it particular designations. которые уполномочены это делать However, each treaty is a single entity. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 4 Международный договор может NOTE 5 Jurisdictional domains can make быть воплощен в одном инструменте или в двух или agreements which they do not mean to be legally нескольких инструментах , каковы бы не были его binding for reasons of administrative конкретные предназначения. Вместе с тем каждый 111 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) convenience or expressions of political intent международный договор является единственной only, (e.g., as a Memorandum of Understanding сущностью. (MOU)). ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 5 Юридические домены могут [adapted from the Vienna Convention on the Law заключать соглашения, которые они не считают of Treaties, 1(a)] связанными юридически по причинам [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.144)] административных условий или выражений только политического намерения (например, Меморандум Взаимопонимания (MOU))</p><p>[использована Венская Конвенция о Законах и Международных договорах 1(a)]</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.144)]</p><p>3.248 3.248 truncated name сокращенное имя short form of a name or persona of a Person resulting from the application of a rule-based короткое имя или персона Лица, образующееся truncation process при применении процесса сокращения, основанного на правилах [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.145)] [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.145)]</p><p>3.249 3.249 truncated recognized name (TRN) сокращенное признаваемое имя (TRN) truncated name, i.e., persona, of a Person which has the properties of a legally recognized сокращенное имя, т.е. персона Лица, которое name (LRN) имеет свойства официально признаваемого имени (LRN) NOTE 1 Truncated recognized name(s) may be required for use in machine-readable travel ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Сокращенное признаваемое имя documents, (e.g., passports or visas), identity (имена) может потребоваться для использование в tokens, drivers’ licenses, medicare cards, etc.). машиночитаемых документах в путешествиях (например, паспорта или визы), признаках NOTE 2 The source of a truncated recognized опознания, водительских правах, картах name may be a legally recognized name. медицинского обслуживания и т.д. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.146)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Источником сокращенного признаваемого имени может быть официально признаваемое имя</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.146)]</p><p>3.250 3.250 truncation сокращение rule-base process, explicitly stated, for shortening an existing name of an entity to fit основанный на правилах процесс, явно within a predefined maximum length (of сформулированный, для сокращения имени characters) сущности, для того чтобы соответствовать максимальной, заранее определенной длине (в NOTE Truncation may be required for the use of 112 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) names in IT systems, electronic data interchange символах) (EDI), the use of labels in packaging, in the formation of a Person identity (Pi), etc. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Сокращение может потребоваться для использования имен в IT системах, электронном обмене данными (EDI), при использовании этикеток [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.147)] в пакетировании, при обеспечении определения подлинности Личности (Pi) и т.д.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.147)]</p><p>3.251 3.251 typification типификация association between a concrete entity and the abstract specification of its grouped properties связь между конкретной сущностью и абстрактной спецификацией ее сгруппированных свойств</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.66)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.66)]</p><p>3.252 3.252 unambiguous однозначность level of certainty and explicitness required in the completeness of the semantics of the recorded уровень определенности и ясности, требуемый для information interchanged appropriate to the завершенности семантики обмениваемой goal of a business transaction записанной информации в соответствии с целью бизнес транзакции [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.66)] [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.66)]</p><p>3.253 3.253 undefined market model неопределенная рыночная модель trade model where participants are not registered in advance and where that market модель торговли, когда участники не does not have accepted and recognized sources зарегистрированы заранее и когда рынок не принял or business rules and conventions и не признал источники бизнес правил и условий [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.67)] [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.67)]</p><p>3.254 3.254 until date дата действия date at which an OeRI is no longer effective in the registry дата, когда OeRI перестает быть действительным в реестре</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.116)] [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.116)] 3.255 3.255 vendor поставщик seller on whom consumer protection requirements are applied as a set of external продавец, к которому применяются требования по constraints on a business transaction защите прав потребителя как набор внешних ограничений на бизнес транзакцию</p><p>113 ISO English Gender ISO Russian (1) (2) (3) NOTE 1 Consumer protection is a set of explicitly defined rights and obligations ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1 Защита прав потребителя есть applicable as external constraints on a business набор явно определенных прав и обязательств, transaction. применяемых как внешние ограничения бизнес транзакции NOTE 2 It is recognized that external constraints on a seller of the nature of consumer protection ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2 Принято, что внешние may be peculiar to a specified jurisdiction. ограничения, распространяющиеся на продавца и [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.67)] связанные с защитой прав потребителя, могут быть специфическими для конкретной юрисдикции</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.67)]</p><p>3.256 3.256 version identifier идентификатор версии unique number assigned to identify a version of an OeRI уникальный номер, предназначенный для идентификации версии OeRI NOTE The default value = 1.0. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.117)] ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Значение по умолчанию = 1.0. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.117)]</p><p>3.257 3.257 vocabulary словарь terminological dictionary which contains designations and definitions for one or more терминологический словарь, который содержит specific subject fields назначения и определения для одного или более специфических предметных полей NOTE The vocabulary may be monolingual, bilingual or multilingual. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Словарь может быть одноязычным, [ISO 1087-1:2000 (13.7.2)] двуязычным или многоязычным</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (13.7.2)]</p><p>114 Draft text for Annex F provided by China</p><p>X</p><p>Annex F – (Normative) Chinese HIE for the eBusiness Vocabulary</p><p>(DRAFT) File Name: FCD15944-7-NormativeAnnex-EFdefintions-AcceptAll.doc</p><p>[AcceptAll Version, as of 2007-06-04] </p><p>Complete set of terms and definitions to be included in Annex ? (Normative) in the FCD document for 15944-7. </p><p>Project Editors ’ Note ( s ):</p><p>(1) 1. This is the corrected version based on (Draft) Piscataway, 7-11May, 2007, resulting from review by Jake Knoppers and Wengfeng SUN + translation and added corrections by Francois Mouzard plus further integrity check done by Janice Pereira. and then edited accordingly by Jake Knoppers and David Clemis, 25 May, 2007.</p><p>2. In addition the font for the text of fthe defintions has been changed to Arial 10 and that for the Notes and Examples to Arial 9 (as per JTC1 Directives).This was completed 2007-06-04.</p><p>3. It is noted that the in the numbering below the “3” in “3.n” will be rplaced by the latter of the Normative Annex. The final set of numbering will also be done at the same time</p><p>Introductory contents of Annex F are to be added by the project editors. (2) The organization of Annex F and table structure for the Chinese HIE to be changed to a style like Annex D. (3) The current Chinese HIE is based on a outdated version of English terms and definetions, the identifier, term and definition for each English HIE need to be changed and checked against Annex D.</p><p>3.1 3.1 address 地址 set of data elements that specifies a location to which a recorded information item(s), a business object(s), a 规定了一个地点的数据元的集合。该地点可以 material object(s) and/or a person(s) can be sent or from which 发送或接收记录的信息项、业务对象、物理对 it can be received 象和(或)人。 NOTE 1 An address can be specified as either a physical address and/or electronic address. 注释 1:地址可规定为物理地址和(或)电子地址。 NOTE 2 In the identification, referencing and retrieving of registered business objects, it is necessary to state whether the pertinent 注释 2:在对被注册业务对象的标识、引用和 recorded information is available in both physical and virtual forms. 检索中,有必要陈述相关的记录的信息是否既 NOTE 3 In the context of Open-edi, a “recorded information item” is 可以用物理的又可以用虚拟的形式使用。 modelled and registered as an Open-edi scenario (OeS), Information Bundle (IB) or Semantic Component (SC). 注释 3:在开放式 edi 的语境中,可以把一条 “记录的信息项”作为一个开放式 edi 剧本、信</p><p>115 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.1)] 息束(IB)或语义构件(SC)来建模和注册。</p><p>3.2 3.2 administrative note 管理注释 general note about the OeRI 有关开放式 edi 注册项(OeRI)的一般性注释。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.2)]</p><p>3.3 3.3 agent 代理 Person acting for another Person in a clearly specified capacity in the context of a business transaction 在业务交易中,代表一个人或法人按照其明确 规定的能力范围进行活动的人或法人。 NOTE Excluded here are agents as "automatons" (or robots, bobots, etc.). In ISO/IEC 14662, "automatons" are recognized and provided for but as part of the Functional Service View (FSV) where they are 注释: 此处不包括“自动机器”(或者机器人、 defined as an "Information Processing Domain (IPD)". 虚拟人等)类的代理。在 ISO/IEC 14662 中, “自动机器”被认为是功能服务视图(FSV)中的 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.1)] 一部分,也被定义为“信息处理域”。 3.4 3.4 applicant (for an OeRI) 申请人(用于开放式 edi 注册项) Person who requests the assignment of an OeRI and an associated entry label 请求分配一个开放式 edi 注册项和相关条目标 签的人或法人。 NOTE An applicant can be an individual, organization, or public administration. 注释:申请人可以是自然人、组织或公共管理 机构。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.3)]</p><p>3.5 3.5 Application Program Interface (API) 应用程序接口(API) a boundary across which application software uses facilities of programming languages to invoke services 应用软件使用编程语言工具调用服务所跨越的 边界。 NOTE 1 These facilities may include procedures or operations, shared data objects and resolution of identifiers. 注释 1:这些工具可包括进程或操作、共享的 NOTE 2 A wide range of services may be required to support 数据对象和标识符的解析。 applications. Different methods may be appropriate for documenting API specifications for different types of services. 注释 2:应用程序可能需要获得大量的服务的 支持。不同的方法可能适用于编写不同服务类 NOTE 3 The information flows across the API boundary are defined 型的 API 规范。 by the syntax and the semantics of a particular programming language, such that the user of that language may access the services 注释 3:跨越 API 边界的信息流由特定编程语 provided by the platform on the other side of the boundary. This 言的语法和语义所定义,因而该语言的用户会 implies the specification of the mapping of the functions being made 访问边界另一边的平台所提供的服务。这意味 available by the application platform into the syntax and semantics of the programming language. 着应用平台按照编程语言的语法和语义给出了 功能的映射规范。 [ISO/IEC JTC1 Directives::2007(J.1.1)]</p><p>3.6 3.6 artificial language 人工语言 language whose rules are explicitly established prior to its use 一种其规则在它使用前已明确规定的语言。 [ISO 5127-1:2001 (]</p><p>3.7 3.7 attribute 属性</p><p>116 characteristic of an object or entity 某个对象或实体的特征。 [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.1.3)]</p><p>3.8 3.8 authentication 鉴别 provision of assurance of the claimed identity of an entity 提供对于某个实体自称身份的保证。 [ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996] ???</p><p>3.9 3.9 authenticity 真实性 property that ensures that the identity of a subject or resource is the one claimed 确保主体或资源的身份是所声称身份的特性。</p><p>NOTE Authenticity applies to entities such as users, processes, systems and information. 注释:真实性适用于诸如用户、过程、系统和 信息这样的实体。 [ISO/IEC TR 13335-1:1996 (3.3)]</p><p>3.10 3.10 bilateral transaction 双边交易 sub-type of a business transaction where the Persons include only the buyer and the seller, or alternatively other 业务交易的子类型,其中人或法人只包括买方 Persons acting as agents for the buyer or seller 和卖方,或者作为买方或卖方的代理进行活动 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.3)] 的其它人或法人。</p><p>3.11 3.11 bilateral treaty 双边协议 treaty made between two jurisdictional domains 两个司法域之间达成的协议。 注释:这里重要的一点是,无意于将两个参与 NOTE An important point here is that there is no intention to bind both parties under international law. 方置于国际法之下。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.7)]</p><p>3.12 3.12 business 业务 series of processes, each having a clearly understood purpose, involving more than one Person, realised through the 一系列过程,其中每个过程都有清晰易解的目 exchange of recorded information and directed towards some 的,涉及多个人或法人,通过记录的信息交换 mutually agreed upon goal, extending over a period of time 实现,指向某个共同商定的目标,并延续一段 时间。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.2)]</p><p>3.13 3.13 business event 业务事件 occurrence in time that partners to a business transaction wish to monitor or control 业务交易伙伴希望监控或控制的时间上发生的 情况。 NOTE 1 Business events are the workflow tasks that business partners need to accomplish to complete a business transaction among themselves. As business events occur, they cause a business 注释1: 业务事件为业务参与方为了在他们之 transaction to move through its various phases of planning , 间完成业务交易而需要实现的工作流任务。当 identification, negotiation, actualization, and post-actualization. 业务事件发生时,它们导致业务交易在计划、 NOTE 2 Occurrences in time can either be 标识、协商、实现、后实现的不同阶段移动。</p><p>(1) internal as mutually agreed to among the parties to a business transaction; and/or, 注释2:时间上发生的情况可以是</p><p>117 (2) reference some common publicly available and recognized date/time referencing schema, (e.g., one based on using the ISO 8601 a) 内部的,在业务交易参与方之间已协商一致。 and/or ISO 19135 standards). 以及/或者 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.5)] b) 参考一些公共公开且被认可的时间参考模式 (例如,基于对ISO 8601 和(或)ISO19135标准 的使用)</p><p>3.14 3.14 business location 业务地点 geographic site where an economic event is deemed to occur with its attendant transfer of an economic resource from one 伴随着经济资源从一个人或法人传送至另一人 Person to another 或法人,经济事件被认为要发生的地理位置。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.6)]</p><p>3.15 3.15 business object 业务对象 unambiguously identified, specified, referenceable, registered and re-useable Open-edi scenario or scenario component of 被明确标识、规定、引用、注册和可重用的业 a business transaction 务交易的开放式 edi 剧本或剧本构件。 NOTE As an “object”, a “business object” exists only in the context of a 注释:作为一个“对象”,一个“业务对象”仅存 business transaction. 在于业务交易语境中。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.6)]</p><p>3.16 3.16 business object identifier 业务对象标识符 unique identifier of a business object in an OeRI within an Open-edi Registration Organization(OeRO) 在开放式 edi 注册机构(OeRO)内的开放式 edi [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.7)] 注册项中业务对象的唯一标识符。</p><p>3.17 3.17 business object status 业务对象状态 designation of the status in the administrative process of a Open-edi Registration Organization for handling OeRI 开放式 edi 注册机构处理开放式 edi 注册项的 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.8)] 行政管理过程中状态的指称。</p><p>3.18 3.18 business object type 业务对象类型 coded domain for the type of business object being registered, i.e., Open-edi scenario, IB or SC 被注册的业务对象(即:开放式 edi 剧本、信息 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.9)] 束或剧本构件)类型的编码域。</p><p>3.19 3.19 Business Operational View (BOV) 业务操作视图 perspective of business transactions limited to those aspects regarding the making of business decisions and 业务交易的一个视角,它被限于与描述业务交 commitments among Persons, which are needed for the 易所需的做出业务决策和人或法人间的承诺的 description of a business transaction 方面。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.3)]</p><p>3.20 3.20</p><p>118 business transaction 业务交易 predefined set of activities and/or processes of Persons which is initiated by a Person to accomplish an explicitly shared 各人或法人的活动和(或)过程的预定义的集合, business goal and terminated upon recognition of one of the 它由一个人或法人发起,以完成明确的共同的 agreed conclusions by all the involved Persons although some 业务目标;当由所有有关的人或法人商定的结 of the recognition may be implicit 论中的一个被认可时,则终止,虽然某些认可 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.4)] 可以是隐含的。</p><p>3.21 3.21 business transaction entity 业务交易实体 computable representation of any real world entity that participates, occurs, or is materialized during a business 在业务交易中,任何参与、发生或实质化的真 transaction 实世界实体的可计算表示。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.9)]</p><p>3.22 3.22 business transaction entity type 业务交易实体类型 abstract specification of a business transaction entity, detailing its recommended characteristics, its recommended 业务交易实体的抽象规范,在其推荐的特征、 methods, and its recommended life-cycle states 方法、以及生命周期状态方面具有详细的表达。 NOTE A business transaction entity type will usually specify the types of business events that cause a business transaction entity of this type 注释:一个业务交易实体类型通常限定业务事 to proceed through its different states as the business transaction itself 件的类型,这一业务事件使得这种类型的业务 progresses through its phases of planning, identification, negotiation, actualization, and post-actualization. 交易实体经过几个不同发展状态,正如业务交 易本身按照计划、标识、协商、实现以及后实 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.10)] 现几个阶段发展。</p><p>3.23 3.23 business transaction identifier (BTI) 业务交易标识符(BTI) identifier assigned by a seller or a regulator to an instantiated business transaction among the Persons involved 由卖方或法律机构分配给相关人或法人间实质 性业务交易的标识符。 NOTE 1 The identifier assigned by the seller or regulator shall have the properties and behaviours of an “identifier (in a business transaction)”. 注释1: 由卖方或法律机构分配的标识符应具</p><p>NOTE 2 As an identifier (in a business transaction), a BTI serves as 有“标识符”(在业务交易中)的特性和行为。 the unique common identifier for all Persons involved for the identification, referencing, retrieval of recorded information, etc., 注释2:作为一个标识符(在业务交易中),一个 pertaining to the commitments made and the resulting actualization (and post-actualization) of the business transaction agreed to. BTI 作为所有与标识、参考或获取记录的信息 有关的人或法人的唯一的公共标识符。这些人 或法人附属于他们作出的承诺以及所商定的最 NOTE 3 A business transaction identifier can be assigned at any time 终的实例化过程。 during the planning, identification or negotiation phases but shall be assigned at least prior to the start or during the actualization phase. 注释3:一个业务交易标识符可在计划、标识、 NOTE 4 As and where required by the applicable jurisdictional 或协商阶段的任何时候分配,但应至少在实例 domain(s), the recorded information associated with the business 化阶段开始之前分配。 transaction identifier (BTI) may well require the seller to include other identifiers, (e.g., from a value-added good or service tax, etc., perspective) as assigned by the applicable jurisdictional domain(s). 注释4:出于适合的司法域的需要以及在需要时, 与业务交易标识符(BTI)相关的记录的信息很可 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.12)] 能需要卖方包括其他标识符,(如,从增值产品 或服务税目的角度等),这些标识符由适合的管 辖域分配。</p><p>3.24 3.24 119 buyer 买方 Person who aims to get possession of a good, service and/or right through providing an acceptable equivalent value, usually 为了获得商品、服务或权利,而向提供商品、 in money, to the Person providing such a good, service and/or 服务、或权利的人或法人提供可接受的等量价 right 值(通常为钱)的人或法人。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.8)]</p><p>3.25 3.25 change description 变更描述 description of why and how the OeRI has been modified since the prior version of the OeRI 从开放式 edi 注册项前一版本以来,有关该开 放式 edi 注册项如何并为什么被更改的描述。 NOTE It is advised that such a change description be accompanied by the “original “ template values utilized and a “change template” 注释:建议这样的变更描述应附带“最初”使用 indicating which “Decision Code(s)” has been changed as well as the 的模版值,并且指出哪个“确定”的代码已经变 date the change will take effect. 更了以及变更生效的日期。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.12)]</p><p>3.26 3.26 character 字符 member of a set of elements that is used for the representation, organization or control of data 用于表示、组织或控制数据的元素集合中的一 个成员。 NOTE Characters may be categorized as follows: 注释:字符可作如下分类: TYPES AND EXAMPLES 类型和实例: 图形字符:(例如:数字、字母、表意 graphic character: (e.g., digit, letter, ideogram, special character) 字、专用字符)</p><p> control character: (e.g., transmission control, character, 控制字符:(例如:传输控制字符、格 format effector, code extension character, device control 式控制字符、代码扩充字符、设备控制 character). 字符) [ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.01.01)]</p><p>3.27 3.27 characteristic 特征 abstraction of a property of an object or of a set of objects 一个对象或一组对象的特性的抽象结果。 NOTE Characteristics are used for describing concepts. 注释:特征是用来描述概念的。 [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.2.4)]</p><p>3.28 3.28 character set 字符集 finite set of different characters that is complete for a given purpose 不同字符的有限集,它对于特定目标是完整的。 例:ISO 646-1字符集的国际参考版本。 EXAMPLE The international reference version of the character set of ISO 646-1.</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.01.02)]</p><p>3.29 3.29 classification system 分类系统 systematic identification and arrangement of business activities and/or scenario components into categories 对业务活动和(或)剧本构件进行系统的标识和整 according to logically structured conventions, methods and 理,按照分类方案中规定的逻辑结构的约定、 120 procedural rules as specified in a classification schema 方法和程序性规则将其分到多个类别中。</p><p>NOTE 1 The classification code or number often serves as a semantic 注释1:分类号或数字常常作为一个或多个人类 identifier (SI) for which one or more human interface equivalents exist. 接口的等同所为其存在的语义标识符。 NOTE 2 The rules of a classification schema governing the operation of a classification system at times lead to the use of ID codes which 注释2:管理分类系统的操作的分类方案规则有 have an intelligence built into them, (e.g., in the structure of the ID, the manner in which it can be parsed, etc. Here the use of block-numeric 时导致ID代码的使用,而ID代码可能是有含义 numbering schemas is an often used convention. 的,(例如,ID的结构,解析方式等)。这里, [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.17)] 分段数字的编号方案是一种常用的约定。</p><p>3.30 3.30 code 代码 data representation in different forms according to a pre- established set of rules 按照预先确定的一套规则以不同形式表示的数据。</p><p>NOTE In this standard the "pre-established set of rules" are 注释:在本标准中,“ 预先确定的一套规则 ” 由一 determined and enacted by a Source Authority and must be explicitly 个来源机构决定并发布,并明确说明。 stated. [ISO 639-2:1998 (3.1)]</p><p>3.31 3.31 code (in coded domain 代码(在编码域中) identifier, i.e., an ID code, assigned to an entity as 标识符,即 ID 代码,按照预先建立的一套管理 member of a coded domain according to the pre-established 编码域的规则分配给作为一个编码域成员的实 set of rules governing that coded domain 体。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 19544-5 (3.19)]</p><p>3.32 3.32 coded domain 编码域 domain for which 一个域,对于该域(1)域的边界被定义并且被清 (1) the boundaries are defined and explicitly stated as a 晰地陈述为编码域来源机构的规则库;(2)被限 rulebase of a coded domain Source Authority; and, (2) each entity which qualifies as a member of that domain is 定为域成员的每个实体按照可用的来源机构的 identified through the assignment of a unique ID code in 注册模式通过分配一个唯一的 ID 代码来标识。 accordance with the applicable Registration Schema of that Source Authority 注释 1:用来管理为编码域成员分配 ID 码的规 NOTE 1 The rules governing the assignment of an ID code to 则属于其权威来源机构,并且形成了权威来源 members of a coded domain reside with its Source Authority and form 机构编码域注册模式(Schema)的一部分。 part of the Coded Domain Registration Schema of the Source Authority. 注释 2:有司法管辖域的权威来源机构是编码 NOTE 2 Source Authorities which are jurisdictional domains are the 域的主要来源。 primary source of coded domains. </p><p>NOTE 3 A coded domain is a data set for which the contents of the 注释 3:编码域是数据集,该数据集中数据元 data element values are predetermined and defined according to the 值的内容被预先确定并按照其权威来源机构的 rulebase of its Source Authority and as such have predefined semantics. 基础规则进行定义,同样有预定义的语义。</p><p>NOTE 4 Associated with a code in a coded domain can be: 注释 4:代码域中与代码相关的是 - one and/or more equivalent codes; a)一个或多个等同的代码;和(或), b)一个或多个等同的表示,尤其是那些以 - one and/or more equivalent representations especially those in the form of Human Interface Equivalent (HIE) (linguistic) expressions. HIE(语言上)形式的表达。</p><p>NOTE 5 In a coded domain, the rules for assignment and structuring of 121 the ID codes must be specified. 注释 5:在代码域中,必须对 ID 码的结构化和 分配规则进行规范。 NOTE 6 Where an entity as member of a coded domain is allowed to have, i.e., assigned, more than one ID code, i.e., as equivalent ID codes (possibly including names), one of these must be specified as 注释 6:作为代码域成员的实体允许有(即: the pivot ID code. 被分配)多个 ID 码,即:作为等同的 ID 码 NOTE 7 A coded domain in turn can consist of two or more coded (可能包括名称),其中一个代码必须被指定 domains, i.e., through the application of the inheritance principle of 为中心 ID 码。 object classes. 注 : NOTE 8 A coded domain may contain ID code which pertain to 释 7 编码域可以由两个或多个编码域组成, predefined conditions other than qualification of membership of entities 即:通过应用对象类的继承原则。 in the coded domain. Further, the rules governing a coded domain may or may not provide for user extensions. 注释 8:编码域可以包含那些在编码域中适合 预定义条件的 ID 码,而不是编码域中实体成员 的限定条件。更进一步说,管理编码域的规则 EXAMPLE Common examples include: (1) the use of ID Code "0" (or "00", etc.) for “Others, (2) the use of ID Code "9" (or "99", etc.) for “Not 可以也不可以规定用户扩展。 Applicable”; (3) the use of “8” (or “98”) for “Not Known”; and/or, if 实例:通常的实例包括:(1)对于“其他”ID required, (4) the pre-reservation of a series of ID codes for use as 码“0”(或“00”等)的使用;(2)对于“不可 “user extensions”. 用”ID 码“9”(或“99”等)的使用;(3)对于 NOTE 9 In object methodology, entities which are members of a coded “不知道”ID 码“8”(或“98”等)的使用,和(或), domain are referred to as instances of a class. 如果需要,(4)对于“用户扩展”的使用预留一 EXAMPLE In UML modelling notation, an ID code is viewed as an 系列 ID 码。 instance of an object class. </p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.13)] 注释 9:在面向对象方法学中,作为编码域成 员的实体被引用作为类的实例。</p><p>实例:在 UML 建模符号中,ID 码被看作是对 象类的实例。</p><p>3.33 3.33 coded Domain Registration Schema (cdRS) 编码域注册模式 formal definition of both (1) the data fields contained in the identification and 以下两个方面的正式定义。第一,包含在标识 specification of an entity forming part of the members a coded 中的数据域,以及形成编码域成员部分的实体 domain including the allowable contents of those fields; and, 以及这些域的允许值的规范;第二,标识符的 (2) the rules for the assignment of identifiers 分配规则。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.21)]</p><p>3.34 3.34 coded domain Source Authority (cdSA) 编码域来源机构(cdSA) Person, usually an organization, as a Source Authority which sets the rules governing a coded domain “人或法人”,通常是一个机构,是建立管理编 码域的规则的来源机构。 NOTE 1 Source Authority is a role of a Person, and for widely used coded domains, the coded domain Source Authority is often a jurisdictional domain. 注释 1:对于广泛使用的编码域,编码域权威 来源机构通常有管辖权。 NOTE 2 Specific sectors, (e.g., banking, transport, geomatics, agriculture, etc.), may have particular coded domain Source Authority(ies) whose coded domains are used in many other sectors. 注释 2:特殊部门(如:银行业、交通运输、 地质、农业等)可以有特定的、编码域用于许 NOTE 3 A coded domain Source Authority usually also functions as a Registration Authority but can use an agent, i.e., another Person, to 多其他部门的编码域权威来源机构。 execute the registration function on its behalf. 注释 3:编码域权威来源机构通常也作为注册 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.14)] 权威机构,但是可以使用代理,即:另一个 “人”代表其执行注册功能。</p><p>122 3.35 3.35 collaboration space 协作空间 business activity space where an economic exchange of valued resources is viewed independently and not from the 一个业务活动空间,其中有价值资源的经济交 perspective of any business partner 换被视为是独立的或者不来自于任何业务伙伴。 NOTE In collaboration space, an individual partner’s view of economic phenomena is de-emphasized. Thus, the common use business and 注释:在协作空间中,一个个人参与方对经济 accounting terms like purchase, sale, cash receipt, cash disbursement, 现象的观点被淡化。这样,由于他们从参与房 raw materials, and finished goods is not allowed because they view resource flows from a participant’s perspective. 的视角看待资源流入,不允许使用通常的业务 和财务术语,如购买、销售、现金收入、现金 报销、原材料、成品等 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.12)]</p><p>3.36 3.36 commitment 承诺 making or accepting of a right, obligation, liability or responsibility by a Person that is capable of enforcement in the 一个人或法人对权利、义务、责任的承担或接 jurisdictional domain in which the commitment is made 受,该人或法人能够在司法域内,履行其作出 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.5)] 的承诺。</p><p>3.37 3.37 composite identifier 复合标识符 identifier (in a business transaction) functioning as a single unique identifier consisting of one or more other identifiers, (在一个业务交易中),用作单独唯一的、由 and/or one or more other data elements, whose interworkings 一个或多个其他标识符和(或)一个或多个其他 are rule-based 的数据元组成的标识符,它们之间基于规则联 NOTE 1 Identifiers (in business transactions) are for the most part 系在一起。 composite identifiers. </p><p>NOTE 2 The rules governing the structure and working of a composite 注释 1:(在一个业务交易中)许多标识符是 identifier should be specified. 复合标识符。</p><p>NOTE 3 Most widely used composite identifiers consist of the combinations of: 注释 2:应规定管理复合标识符结构和工作方 式的规则。 (1) the ID of the overall identification/numbering schema, (e.g., ISO/IEC 6532, ISO/IEC 7812, ISO/IEC 7501, UPC/EAN, ITU-T E.164, etc.), which is often assumed; 注释 3:大多数广泛使用的复合标识符是由以 下 ID 相互结合组成的: (2) the ID of the issuing organization (often based on a block numeric numbering schema); and, a) 所 有 标 识 / 编 号 方 案 ( 如 : ISO/IEC (3) the ID of the entities forming part of members of the coded domain 6532 、 ISO/IEC 7812 、 ISO/IEC of each issuing organization. 7501、UPC/EAN、ITU-T E.164 等)的 ID,经 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.16)] 常被采用;</p><p> b)发布组织(经常以一组数字编号方案为基 础)的 ID,和</p><p> c) 形成每个发布组织的编码域组成成员的实体 的 ID。</p><p>3.38 3.38 composite type 复合类型 a data type that has a data structure composed of the data structures of one or more data types and that has its own set of 具有一个或多个数据类型的数据结构组成的数</p><p>123 permissible operations 据结构,且具有自身的一套允许运算的数据类 型。 EXAMPLE A data type "complex number" may be composed of two "real number" data types. 例:一个“复数”的数据类型可以由两个“实数” NOTE The operations of a composite type may manipulate its 的数据类型组成。 occurrences as a unit or may manipulate portions of these occurrences. 注释:复合类型的运算可以对其自身作为一个 [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.05.10)] 整体来操作,也可一操作其中的部分。 3.39 3.39 computational integrity 计算完整性 expression of a standard in a form that ensures precise description of behaviour and semantics in a manner that allows 某种形式下标准的表达,这种形式确保用一种 for automated processing to occur, and the managed evolution 方式来精确描述行为和语义,这种方式要考虑 of such standards in a way that enables dynamic introduction 自动化处理,并且考虑以一种通过下一代信息 by the next generation of information systems 系统能够动态引入的方法管理标准的不断演变。 NOTE Open-edi standards have been designed to be able to support computational integrity requirements especially from a registration and 注释:开放式edi标准的设计目的是使其能够支 re-use of business objects perspectives. 持计算完整性需求,特别是在业务对象的注册 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.18)] 和重用方面。</p><p>3.40 3.40 computer program 计算机程序 means data representing instructions or statements that, when executed in a computer system, causes the computer to 表示指南或声明的数据,当其在计算机系统中 perform a function 执行时,能使计算机执行一种功能。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.28)]</p><p>3.41 3.41 computer service 计算机服务 service which includes data processing and the storage or retrieval of data 包括数据处理、存储或获取的服务。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.29)]</p><p>3.42 3.42 computer system 计算机系统 device that, or a group of interconnected or related devices one 一种设备,或者一组互连的或相关的设备,它 or more of which: 们包含计算机程序或其他数据,并受计算机程 (a) contains computer programs or other data; and, 序操纵,进行如下动作: (b) pursuant to computer programs, a) 执行逻辑和控制 b) 可以执行其他任何功能 (i) performs logic and control, and</p><p>(ii) may perform any other function</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.30)]</p><p>3.nn 3.nn concept 概念 unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of 由特定特征组合而成的知识单元。 characteristics.</p><p>124 NOTE Concepts are not necessarily bound to particular languages. 注释:概念不必限定于特定的语言。然而,它 They are, however, influenced by the social or cultural background 们受到社会或文化背景的影响,通常导致不同 which often leads to different categorizations. 的分类。 [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.2.1)</p><p>3.43 3.43 consensus (standardization perspective) 共识(标准化的视角) general agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained 基本协议,其特点是不存在重要相关利益方对 opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the 关键事项的持续反对,其过程寻求纳入所有相 concerned interests and by a process that involves seeking to 关方的观点,并协调任何相冲突的论点。 take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments 注释:共识无需暗示一致性。</p><p>NOTE Consensus need not imply unanimity. [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.10)]</p><p>3.44 3.44 constraint 约束 rule, explicitly stated, that prescribes, limits, governs or specifies any aspect of a business transaction 规定、限制、管理或限定业务交易的任何方面 的一条清晰表述的规则。 NOTE 1 Constraints are specified as rules forming part of components of Open-edi scenarios, i.e., as scenario attributes, roles, and/or information bundles. 注释1:约束以形成开放式edi剧本构件部分规 则的形式来规定,例如剧本属性、角色、信息 NOTE 2 For constraints to be registered for implementation in Open- edi, they must have unique and unambiguous identifiers. 束等。</p><p>NOTE 3 A constraint may be agreed to among parties (condition of 注释2:对于将在开放edi实施中注册的约束, contract) and is therefore considered an "internal constraint". Or a constraint may be imposed on parties, (e.g., laws, regulations, etc.), 它们必须具有唯一和无歧义的标识符。 and is therefore considered an "external constraint". 注释3:一个约束必须在各参与方之间得到同意, [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.11)] 因此,他被看作是“内部约束”。或者一个约束 可以作用于参与方,(例如,法律、法规等), 因此它被看作是“外部约束”。</p><p>3.45 3.45 consumer 消费者 a buyer who is an individual to whom consumer protection requirements are applied as a set of external constraints on a 消费者保护方面的要求作为业务交易的外部约 business transaction 束对其适用的个人买方。 NOTE 1 Consumer protection is a set of explicitly defined rights and obligations applicable as external constraints on a business 注释1:消费者保护是一套清楚定义的权利和义 transaction. 务,适用于业务交易的外部约束。 NOTE 2 The assumption is that a consumer protection applies only where a buyer in a business transaction is an individual. If this is not 注释2:前提条件是消费者保护仅适用于业务交 the case in a particular jurisdiction, such external constraints should be 易中的买方为个人的情况。如果在特定管辖范 specified as part of scenario components as applicable. 围内下不是这种情况,这些外部约束应规定为 适合的剧本组件的部分。 NOTE 3 It is recognized that external constraints on a buyer of the nature of consumer protection may be peculiar to a specified 注释3:具有消费者保护性质的买方的外部约束 jurisdiction. 可能特定于某一特定的管辖范围。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.12)]</p><p>3.46 3.46 consumer protection 消费者保护 125 set of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain as rights of a consumer and thus as obligations (and possible 一个司法域的外部约束集,它作为一套消费者 liabilities) of a vendor in a business transaction which apply 权益,从而也作为业务交易中适用于形成了业 to the good, service and/or right forming the object of the 务交易对象的 包括信息管理 business transaction (including associated information 产品、服务或权利( management and interchange requirements including 和适当的交换需求相关的(一套)记录的信息)的 applicable (sets of) recorded information 销售方的责任。 NOTE 1 Jurisdictional domains may restrict the application of their consumer protection requirements as applicable only to individuals 注释1:司法域可能会限制其在为了个人、家庭 engaged in a business transaction of a commercial activity undertaken 或家务目的而进行的商业活动的业务交易中的 for personal, family or household purposes, i.e., they do not apply to natural persons in their role as "organization" or "organization Person". 个人消费者保护需求方面的应用。即,他们中 的“机构”、“机构法人”的角色不适用于于自然 NOTE 2 Jurisdictional domains may have particular consumer 人。 protection requirements which apply specifically to individuals who are considered to be a "child" or a “minor”, (e.g., those individuals who have not reached their thirteenth (13) birthday). 注释2: 司法域可能在特定于被认为是“儿童” 或“弱势”的个人方面具有特殊的消费者保护需 求。(即,这些个人还没有到达其13岁生日) NOTE 3 Some jurisdictional domains may have consumer protection requirements which are particular to the nature of the good, service 注 : 一些司法域可能在特定于作 and/or right being part of the goal of a business transaction. 释 3 为业务交 易的目标的一部分的产品、服务或权利的本质 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.33)] 特性方面具有消费者保护需求。 3.47 3.47 Contact 联系人 instance of a role of a Person to whom a recorded information item(s), a material object(s), a business 在特定语境下,能够送出或接收记录的信息的 object(s), can be sent to or received from in a specified context 项、实物对象、业务对象的人或法人的角色实 NOTE 1 A Person here as a Contact can be an individual, an 例。 organization (or organization part or organization Person). 注释 1:这里人或法人作为联系人可以是个人、 NOTE 2 Contact is capitalized to distinguish it from the many ordinary uses of the term. 机构(或机构部分或机构法人)。</p><p>注释 2:联系人加引号以便与其通常许多其他 [adapted from ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.26)]23 含义区分。</p><p>3.48 3.48 Contact Information 联系人信息 information to enable a Contact to be located or communicated with 能够定位或与之通信的联系人的信息。 [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.27)]</p><p>3.49 3.49 Contact name 联系人名称 persona by which a Person wishes to be designated as a Contact 指定为联系人的人或法人的外在特征。</p><p>NOTE Where an organization is the OeRI applicant, it may designate 注 注册 an organization Person, an agent, a third party as its Contact name in 释:当一个组织是开放式 edi 项(OeRI) applying to register a scenario or scenario component as a business 的申请者时,它在申请注册一个剧本或一个剧 object. 本构件作为业务对象时,可以指定一个法人、 ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.21)]24 一个代理或第三方作为其联系人名称。</p><p>23 Harmonized with ISO/IEC 11179-3 and Cor.1:2004 but from an eBusiness perspective / Harminsé avec ISO/CEI 11179-3 et Cor.1:2004 mais dans une perspective d’eAffaires</p><p>24 Harmonized with ISO/IEC 11179-3 and Cor.1:2004 but from an eBusiness perspective / Harminsé avec ISO/CEI 11179-3 et Cor.1:2004 mais dans une perspective d’eAffaires 126 3.50 3.50 Contact position title 联系人职位头衔 name of title of the position held by an organization Person as a Contact 作为联系人的机构法人所辖职位头衔的名称。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.22)]</p><p>3.51 3.51 control body 管理体 group of technical experts that makes decisions regarding the content of a register 对注册库内容作出正确决定的技术专家组。 [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.2)]</p><p>3.52 3.52 controlled vocabulary (CV) 受控词表(CV) vocabulary for which the entries, i.e., definition/term pairs, are controlled by a Source Authority based on a rulebase and 其条目(即,术语/定义组合)由来源机构依据增 process for addition/deletion of entries 加、删除方面的规则库和过程进行控制的词汇。 NOTE 1 In a controlled vocabulary, there is a one-to-one relationship of definition and term. 注释1: 在受控词汇中,术语和定义具有一对 一的关系。 EXAMPLE The contents of "Clause 3 Definitions" in ISO/IEC standards are examples of controlled vocabularies with the entities being identified and referenced through their ID code, i.e., via their 例:ISO/IEC标准中的“第三章 定义”的内容就 clause numbers. 是受控词汇的实例,其实体通过ID代码进行标 NOTE 2 In a multilingual controlled vocabulary, the definition/term 识和参考,即,通过条目编号。 pairs in the languages utilized are deemed to be equivalent, i.e., with respect to their semantics. 注释2:在多语种受控词表中,所用的语言的定 NOTE 3 The rule base governing a controlled vocabulary may include 义术语对被认为是等同的,即在语义方面。 a predefined concept system. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.34)] 注释3:管理受控词表的规则库可能包括一套预 定义的概念系统。</p><p>3.53 3.53 creation date 创建日期 date the OeRI for a business object was created 创建业务对象的开放式 edi 注册项的日期。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.24)]</p><p>3.54 3.54 custody 保管 association between a Person and an economic resource where the Person has physical control only over the resource 一个人或法人与经济资源之间的关联,在这种 or controls access 关联下,人或法人具有资源的实际控制权或控 NOTE Having custody of a good, service and/or right does not imply 制对资源的访问。 and is differentiated from having economic control of the same, (e.g., a Person may have economic control of a good even though it is not 注释:对产品、服务和(或)权利的保管不意味 under its custody). 并不同于对其具有经济控制,(例如,一个人或 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.15)] 法人虽然可能没有保管一个产品,但它可能对 其具有经济控制)。</p><p>3.55 3.55 data </p><p>127 reinterpretable representation of information in a formalized 数据 manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing 适用于通信、解释或处理并以规范的形式表达 的信息的一种可解释的表示形式。 NOTE Data can be processed by humans or by automatic means. [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993 (01.01.02)] 注释:数据可以用人工或自动的方式进行处理。</p><p>3.56 3.56 data (in a business transaction) 数据(在业务交易中) representations of recorded information that are being prepared or have been prepared in a form suitable for use in a 以适用于计算机系统的形式提供或已提供的记 computer system 录的信息的表示。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.14)]</p><p>3.57 3.57 data element 数据元 unit of data for which the definition, identification, representation and permissible values are specified by means 通过一组属性来规定其定义、标识、表示和允 of a set of attributes 许值的数据单元。 [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.8)]</p><p>3.58 3.58 data element (in organization of data) 数据元(在数据的组织中) unit of data that is considered in context to be indivisible 被认为是在其语境中不可分的数据单元。</p><p>EXAMPLE The data element "age of a person" with values consisting 例:数据元“人的年龄”由三位十进制数字组成。 of all combinations of 3 decimal digits.</p><p>NOTE Differs from the entry 17.06.02 in ISO/IEC 2382-17. 注释:与ISO/IEC 2382-17中的17.06.02条不同。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (3.16)] 3.59 3.59 dataset 数据集 identifiable collection of data 可以识别的数据集合。 NOTE A dataset may be a smaller grouping of data which, though 注 limited by some constraint such as spatial extent or feature type, is 释:通过诸如空间范围或要素类型的限制, located physically within a larger dataset. Theoretically, a dataset may 数据集在物理上可以是更大数据集较小部分。 be as small as a single feature or feature attribute contained within a 从理论上讲,数据集可以小到更大数据集内的 larger dataset. A hardcopy map or chart may be considered a dataset. 单个要素或要素属性。一张硬拷贝地图或图表 [ISO 19115:2003 (4.2)] 均可以被认为是一个数据集。</p><p>3.60 3.60 dataset series 数据集系列 collection of datasets sharing the same product specification 符合相同产品规范的数据集集合。 [ISO 19115:2003 (4.3)]</p><p>3.61 3.61 date 日期 ISO 8601 compliant representation of a date in a YYYY-MM-DD format using the Gregorian calendar 使用公历,并用 YYYY-MM-DD 格式表示的与 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.26)] ISO 8601 相适应的日期。</p><p>128 3.62 3.62 Decision Making Application (DMA) 决策应用(DMA) model of that part of an Open-edi system that makes decisions corresponding to the role(s) that the Open-edi Party 一个开放式edi系统的组成部分的模型,该部分 plays as well as the originating, receiving and managing data 做出与开放式edi参与方扮演的角色对应的决策 values contained in the instantiated information bundles 信息束的数据 which is not required to be visible to the other Open-edi 以及产生、接收和管理实际的 值 Party(ies) 的决策,它不需被其他开放式edi参与方知晓。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.6)]</p><p>3.63 3.63 Decision Making Application Interface (DMA 决策应用界面(DMA 界面) Interface) 使得决策应用能够与开放式 edi 支撑基础设施 set of requirements that permit a Decision Making 进行交互的一套需求。 Application to interact with the Open-edi Support Infrastructure</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.7)]</p><p>3.64 3.64 de facto language 事实语言 natural language used in a jurisdictional domain which has the properties and behaviours of an official language in that 用在司法域中的自然语言,该司法域具有一种 jurisdictional domain without having formally been declared 官方语言的属性和行为,但该司法域却未做此 as such by that jurisdictional domain 正式声明。 NOTE 1 A de facto language of a jurisdictional domain is often established through long term use and custom. 注释1:一个司法域的事实语言通常是通过长期 使用和惯例形成的。 NOTE 2 Unless explicitly stated otherwise and for the purposes of modelling a business transaction through scenario(s), scenario attributes and/or scenario components, a de facto language of a 注释2: 除非清楚地作出其他声明声明,且出 jurisdictional domain is assumed to have the same properties and behaviours of an official language. 于通过剧本、剧本属性和剧本构件的目的为业 务交易建模的目的,一个司法域的事实语言被 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.42)] 认为是具有官方语言相同的属性。</p><p>3.65 3.65 defined market model 定义的市场模型 trade model where the buyer and seller accept the entry terms of a specified market in advance and where that market has an 买方和卖方提前接受入场条款的特定市场的交 accepted and recognized source for business rules and 易模型,该市场具有接受的且可识别的业务规 conventions 则和约定的资源。 NOTE In a defined market, the phases of a business transaction, i.e.,planning, identification, negotiation, actualization, and post- 注释:在一个限定的市场,业务交易的阶段, actualization, are governed by the rules and conventions of the particular defined market. 即计划、标识、协商、实现以及后实现,由该 特定限定的市场的规则和约定管理。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.17)] 3.66 3.66 definition 定义 representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts 为了将一个概念从其他相关概念区分开来,而用 描述性的陈述对该概念进行的表示。 [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.3.1)]</p><p>3.67 3.67 designation 指称 129 representation of a concept by a sign which denotes it 使用一个能够指代概念的符号对概念进行的表 NOTE In terminology work three types of designations are 示。 distinguished: symbols, appellations, (a.k.a. names), and terms. [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.4.1)] 注释:在术语工作中有三种不同类型的指称: 符号、名称和术语。</p><p>3.68 3.68 distinguishing identifier 可区分标识符 data that unambiguously distinguishes an entity in the 在鉴别过程中,无歧义地区分一个实体的数据 authentication process</p><p>[ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996] ???</p><p>3.69 3.69 documentation language code 文档语言代码 language code of the language used for documentation by the Open-edi Registration Organization 开放式 edi 注册机构的文档所使用语言的语种 代码。 NOTE Use the three character alphabetic language codes and names from ISO 639-2/T (Terminology). 注释:使用 ISO 639-2/术语中的三字符字母代 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.30)] 码和名称。</p><p>3.70 3.70 duality 双重性 association between economic events where one is the legal or economic consideration for the other in an exchange 两个经济事件之间的关联,其中一个经济事件 在交换中出于法律或经济要求必须考虑另一个 NOTE Duality is the conceptual analog of double entry in traditional bookkeeping. For example, a shipment from a partner requires a 经济事件。 matching flow in like a payment to balance accounts between the parties. 注释:双重性是传统图书收藏中双重条目的概 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.18)] 念模拟。例如,一个参与方发出的货运需要一 个对应的流入,例如付款,来实现参与方帐目 之间的平衡。 3.71 3.71 economic agreement 经济协议 arrangement of reciprocated economic commitments between two partners where the abstract specification of terms 两个伙伴之间的互惠的经济承诺方面的安排, of trade is incomplete and not subject to legal enforcement 其中贸易条款的抽象规范并不完善,且并不受 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.19)] 法律实施约束。</p><p>3.72 3.72 economic bundle 经济束 association between economic commitments and the economic contract that bundles those promises and binds 经济承诺和经济合同之间的联系,该联系把责 them to the two partners who negotiated them 任打包,并绑定到协调它们的两个伙伴上。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.20)]</p><p>3.73 3.73 economic claim 经济要求 expectation of one Person to receive a future inflow of economic resources from another Person because of an 由于当前的一个经济交换尚不完整,一个人或</p><p>130 economic exchange which is presently incomplete 法人对收到另一个人或法人的未来经济资源流 入的 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.21)] 预期。</p><p>3.74 3.74 economic commitment 经济承诺 type of commitment by one Person to transfer economic resources to another Person at some specified point in the 一个人或法人在未来规定的地点将经济资源转 future 移到另一个人或法人的类型的承诺。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.22)]</p><p>3.75 3.75 economic contract 经济合同 bundling of reciprocated economic commitments between two partners where the abstract specification of the proposed 当推荐的经济交换的抽象规范被认为是完整的 economic exchange is deemed to be complete 时候,两个 之间互惠的经济承诺的打包。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.23)]</p><p>3.76 3.76 economic control 经济控制 association between a Person and an economic resource where the Person either owns the resource or is otherwise able 当一个人或法人或者拥有经济资源,或者能够 to derive economic benefit (utility) from it 从中获得经济利益(效用)时,该人或法人和该 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.24)] 经济资源间的关联。</p><p>3.77 3.77 economic event 经济事件 occurrence in time wherein ownership of an economic resource is transferred from one Person to another Person 经济资源的所有权从一个人或法人转移到另一 个人或法人时出现的情况。 NOTE Occurrences in time can either be </p><p>(1) internal as mutually agreed to among the parties to a business 注释:出现的情况可以是: transaction; and/or, </p><p>(2) reference some common publicly available and recognized a) 业务交易的参与方之间相互商定的内部性的; date/time referencing schema, (e.g., one based on using the ISO 8601 并且/或者 and/or ISO 19135 standards). [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.25)] b) 参考一些通用公开的认可的日期/时间参考 模式(如使用 ISO 8601 和(或) ISO 19135) 3.78 3.78 economic event type 经济事件类型 abstract specification of an economic event where its grouped properties can be designated without attachment to an actual, 经济事件的抽象规范,该经济事件的分组属性 specific occurrence in time 可以被确定,而无需附加到实际特定出现的情 NOTE Example of attributes at the type level for events might be 况上。 expected-duration or standard-pricing-percentage. [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.26)] 注释:类型层的属性的实例可以为预期的期限 或标准定价比例。</p><p>3.79 3.79 economic exchange 经济交换 type of a business transaction where the goal is an exchange of economic resources between two Persons where both 一种业务交易,其目标是要在两个人或法人之 parties derive higher utility after the completed business 间交换经济资源,并在完成业务交易后两个参 transaction 131 NOTE An economic exchange usually involves two economic events 与方都获得更高的效用。 with different types of economic resources flowing in opposite directions. For example, an exchange of cash for a good involves a 注 shipment with a requited payment following. 释:随着不同类型的经济资源向相反的方向 的流动,一个经济交换通常包括两个经济事件。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.27)] 3.80 3.80 economic resource 经济资源 good, right, or service of value, under the control of a Person 一个人或法人控制之下的产品、权利、或者价 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.28)] 值服务。</p><p>3.81 3.81 economic resource type 经济资源类型 abstract specification of an economic resource where its grouped properties can be designated without attachment to an 经济资源的抽象规范,按照属性分组,以使其 actual, specific economic resource 能够不附加到实际特定的经济资源上而进行指 NOTE Example of attributes at the type level for an economic resource 派。 like an automobile might include its designated fuel capacity or its maximum expected range. 注释:类型层经济资源的属性的实例如同一个 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.29)] 汽车可以包含其指派的油量或者其预期的最大 值。 3.82 3.82 economic role 经济角色 abstract specification of a Person for economic purposes where its grouped properties can be designated without 一个出于经济目的的人或法人的抽象规范,其 attachment to an actual Person 分组的特性可以不经附加到一个实际的人或法 NOTE An example economic role might be qualified buyer or approved 人上而进行指派。 shipper. 注释:一个经济角色的实例可以是有资格的买 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.30)] 方或者批准的承运人,即,只出于经济的目的。</p><p>3.83 3.83 economic specification 经济规范 association between an economic commitment and the abstract properties of an economic event, an economic 经济承诺和经济事件的抽象特性、经济资源、 resource, a partner, or a business location 伙伴或业务地点之间的关联。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.31)]</p><p>3.84 3.84 effective date 有效日期 date an OeRI became/becomes available to registry users 开放式 edi 注册项可以让注册库用户使用的日 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.31)] 期。 3.85 3.85 electronic address 电子地址 address utilized in a recognized electronic addressing scheme, (e.g., telephone, telex, IP, etc.), to which recorded information 用在经过验证的电子选址方案中的地址(如: item(s) and/or business object(s) can be sent to or received 电话、电报、IP等)。通过该地址,已经记录 from a Contact 的信息项和(或)业务对象可以送到一个联系人 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.32)] 或从一个联系人接收到。</p><p>3.86 3.86 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换(EDI) 132 the automated exchange of any predefined and structured data for business purposes among information systems of two or 在两个或两个以上人或法人的信息系统之间, more Persons 为实现业务目的而进行的预定义和结构化数据 NOTE This definition includes all categories of electronic business 的自动交换。 transactions. [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.8)] 注释:该定义包括各类电子业务交易。</p><p>3.87 3.87 entity 实体 any concrete or abstract thing that exists, did exist, or might exist, including associations among these things 正存在的,存在过的或可能存在的任何实际或 抽象的事物,包括这些事物之间的联系。 EXAMPLE A person, object, event, idea, process, etc.</p><p>NOTE An entity exists whether data about it are available or not. 例:一个人,对象,事件,想法,过程等等。 [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.02.05)] 注释:一个实体的存在不依赖于它是否具有数 据。 3.88 3.88 entity authentication 实体鉴别 the corroboration that the entity is the one claimed 验证实体是否与其所声明的一致。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 9788-1:1997 (3.3.1)]</p><p>3.89 3.89 (entity) identification (实体)标识 a method of using one or more attributes whose attribute values uniquely identify each occurrence of a specified entity 使用一个或多个属性的属性值来唯一标识特定 [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.02.14)] 实体的每次出现的方法。 3.90 3.90 entry label 条目标签 name information uniquely associated with the identification and resulting International Registration Business Object 与标识以及业务对象最终的国际注册业务对象 Identifier (IRBOI) of a business object as a registered Open- 标识符(IRBOI)唯一相关联的名称信息。该业务 edi scenario or scenario component 对象作为开放式 edi 剧本或剧本构件注册。 NOTE More than one entry label may be associated with an IRBOI depending on the applicable language(s) utilized as Human Interface 注释:根据适当的用作 HIE 的语言,可以有多 Equivalents (HIEs). 个条目标签与一个 IRBOI 相关联。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.33)]</p><p>3.91 3.91 exchange code set 交换代码集 a set of ID codes identified in a coded domain as being suitable for information exchange as shareable data 编码域中标识的一套ID代码,它作为共享数据 而适用于信息交换。 EXAMPLE The 3 numeric, 2-alpha and 3-alpha code sets in ISO 3166- 1. 例:ISO 3166-1中规定的3数字、2字母和3字 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.49)] 母代码集。</p><p>3.92 3.92 external constraint 外部约束 constraint which takes precedence over internal constraints in a business transaction, i.e., is external to those agreed 在业务交易中优先于内部约束的约束,即对于 133 upon by the parties to a business transaction 业务交易的参与方协商一致的那些约束来说是 外部的。 NOTE 1 Normally external constraints are created by law, regulation, orders, treaties, conventions or similar instruments. 注释1:通常外部约束由法律、法规、命令、协 NOTE 2 Other sources of external constraints are those of a sectorial 约、公约或类似的要求创建。 nature, those which pertain to a particular jurisdiction or a mutually agreed to common business conventions, (e.g., INCOTERMS, exchanges, etc.). 注释2:其它外部约束来源于行业的本质特点, 司法限定或商定的公共 NOTE 3 External constraints can apply to the nature of the good, 它附属于一个特定的 业 service and/or right provided in a business transaction. 务约定。(例如. INCOTERMS, 货币兑换等等)</p><p>NOTE 4 External constraints can demand that a party to a business transaction meet specific requirements of a particular role. 注释3:外部约束可作用于业务交易中的货物或 服务和(或)权力。 EXAMPLE 1 Only a qualified medical doctor may issue a prescription for a controlled drug. 注释4:外部约束可以要求业务交易的一个参与 EXAMPLE 2 Only an accredited share dealer may place transactions 方满足一个特定角色的特定需求。 on the New York Stock Exchange. </p><p>EXAMPLE 3 Hazardous wastes may only be conveyed by a licensed 例1: 只有一个有资格的医生才可以开出一种受 enterprise. 管制药品的处方。 NOTE 5 Where the information bundles (IBs), including their Semantic Components (SCs) of a business transaction are also to form the 例2:只有一个认可的交易员才可在纽约证卷交 whole of a business transaction, (e.g., for legal or audit purposes), all 易所实施交易。 constraints must be recorded. </p><p>EXAMPLE There may be a legal or audit requirement to maintain the 例3:危险废弃物只能由一个被许可的企业运输。 complete set of recorded information pertaining to a business transaction, i.e., as the information bundles exchanged, as a "record". 注释5: 由于信息束(包括其业务交易的语义构 NOTE 6 A minimum external constraint applicable to a business 件)为业务交易的一部分(例如,法律或审计的 transaction often requires one to differentiate whether the Person, i.e., that is a party to a business transaction, is an "individual", 目的),必须记录所有的约束。 "organization", or "public administration". For example, privacy rights apply only to a Person as an "individual". 例:可能会有一个法律或审计需求来维护完整 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.23)] 的业务交易的记录的信息,即,作为信息束的 交换,作为“记录”。</p><p>注释6: 适用于业务交易的最小的外部约束经 常要求区分人或法人,即业务交易的参与方是 一个个人、组织还是政府。例如,隐私权保护 只适用于人或法人是个人的情况。</p><p>3.93 3.93 Formal Description Technique (FDT) 形式描述技术 (FDT) specification method based on a description language using rigorous and unambiguous rules both with respect to 建立在使用严格且无歧义规则的描述语言之上 developing expressions in the language (formal syntax) and 的规范方法。严格且无歧义即指形成语言表达 interpreting the meaning of these expressions (formal semantics) 式的方面(规范的语法)也指翻译这些表达式的 含义的方面(规范的语义)。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.9)] 3.94 3.94 fulfillment 履行 association between an economic commitment and an economic event where the event executes the promised 经济承诺和经济事件之间的关联性,此处,事 resource flow from one Person to another 件执行从一个人或法人到另一个人或法人所承 NOTE For example, a delivery to a customer would fulfill that 诺的资源流。 customer’s sale order. 134 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.34)] 注释:例如,给一个客户交货实行客户的销售 订单。 3.95 3.95 Functional Service View (FSV) 功能服务视图 perspective of business transactions limited to those information technology interoperability aspects of 业务交易的一个视角,它被限于支持执行开放 information technology systems (IT Systems) 式 edi 交易所需的信息技术系统(IT 系统)的信 needed to support the execution of Open-edi 息技术互操作性方面。 transactions</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.10)]</p><p>3.96 3.96 glyph 字形 recognizable abstract graphic symbol which is independent of any specific design 一个可辨认的抽象的图形符号,它不依赖于任 何特定的设计。 [ISO/IEC TR 15285:1998 (3.5)]</p><p>3.97 3.97 governed 制约 association between an economic agreement and the business transaction whose conduct and phases are subject 经济协议和业务交易之间的关联性,业务交易 to that economic agreement of the business transaction 的行为和阶段隶属于该业务交易的经济协议。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.35)]</p><p>3.98 3.98 Human Interface Equivalent (HIE) 人类接口的等同 representation of the unambiguous and IT-enabled semantics of an IT interface equivalent (in a business transaction), (在一个业务交易中)IT 接口的等同无歧义的 often the ID code of a coded domain (or a composite 且能用信息技术实现的语义表示,通常是编码 identifier), in a formalized manner suitable for communication 域(或复合标识符)的 ID 代码,并且使用一 to and understanding by humans 种 形式化方式适于人交流和理解。 NOTE 1 Human interface equivalents can be linguistic or non-linguistic in nature but their semantics remains the same although their 注 :人 上可以是 representations may vary. 释 1 类接口的等同本质 语言上 的或非语言的,尽管它们的表示法可以不同, NOTE 2 In most cases there will be multiple Human Interface 但是它们的语义保持相同。 Equivalent representations as required to meet localization requirements, i.e. those of a linguistic nature, jurisdictional nature, and/or sectoral nature. 注释 2:大多数情况下,当被要求满足本地化 需求(即:那些语言特性、司法特性和(或)领 NOTE 3 Human Interface Equivalents include representations in various forms or formats, (e.g., in addition to written text those of an 域特性)时,应有多种人类接口的等同表示法。 audio, symbol (and icon) nature, glyphs, image, etc.). 注释 3:人类接口的等同包括各种形式或格式 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.35)] (如:除了写下来的文本形式,还可以有音频、 符号(和图标)特性、象形字、图象等)的表 示法。</p><p>3.99 3.99 IB Identifier IB 标识符 unique, linguistically neutral, unambiguous referenceable identifier for an Information Bundle 信息束的唯一的、语言中性的、无歧义的、可 引用的标识符。</p><p>135 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.36)]</p><p>3.100 3.100 ID Code 标识码 identifier assigned by the coded domain Source Authority (cdSA) to a member of a coded domain ID 由编码域来源机构(cdSA)分配给编码域 ID 成 员的标识符。 NOTE 1 ID codes must be unique within the Registration Schema of that coded domain. 注释 1:ID 代码在编码域注册方案内必须是唯 NOTE 2 Associated with an ID code in a coded domain can be: 一的。 - one or more equivalent codes; 注释 2:编码域中与一个 ID 代码相关联可以是: - one or more equivalent representations, especially those in the form of human equivalent (linguistic) expressions. a)一个或多个等同的代码; b)一个或多个等同的表示法,尤其是那些以 NOTE 3 Where an entity as a member of a coded domain is allowed to 人 等同( have more than one ID code, i.e., as equivalent codes (possibly 类 语言)形式的表示法。 including names), one of these must be specified as the pivot ID code. 注释 3:此处允许作为编码域成员的一个实体 NOTE 4 A coded domain may contain ID codes pertaining to entities which are not members as peer entities, i.e., have the same properties 有多个 ID 代码,即,作为等同代码(可能包括 and behaviours, such as ID codes which pertain to predefined 名称),这些代码中的其中一个必须规定为中 conditions other than member entities. If this is the case, the rules 代 governing such exceptions must be predefined and explicitly stated. 心 ID 码。</p><p>EXAMPLE Common examples include: (1) the use of an ID code "0" 注释 4:编码域可以包含那些属于实体的 ID 代 (or "00", etc.), for “Other”; (2) the use of an ID code "9" (or "99") for “Not Applicable”; (3) the use of “8” (or “98”) for “Not Known”; if 码,这些实体不是同等实体的成员,即,有相 required, (4) the pre-reservation of a series or set of ID codes for use 同的特性和行为,如,不同于成员实体但符合 for "user extensions". 预定义条件的 ID 代码。如果是这种情况,管理 NOTE 5 In UML modeling notation, an ID code is viewed as an 这种例外的规则必须被预定义并清晰地陈述。 instance of an object class. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.37)] 例:通常的实例包括:(1)对于“其他”,ID 码“0”(或“00”等)的使用;(2)对于“不可 用”ID 码“9”(或“99”等)的使用;(3)对于 “不知道”ID 码“8”(或“98”等)的使用,和(或), 如果需要,(4)对于“用户扩展”的使用预留一 系列 ID 码。</p><p>注释 5:在 UML 建模符号中,ID 代码看作为对 象类的一个实例。</p><p>3.101 3.101 identification 标识 rule-based process, explicitly stated, involving the use of one or more attributes, i.e., data elements, whose value (or 基于规则的、清晰声明的过程,包括一个或多 combination of values) are used to identify uniquely the 个属性(即数据元)的使用,属性的值(或值 occurrence or existence of a specified entity 的组合)用于唯一标识一个指定实体的出现或 存在。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.26)]</p><p>3.102 3.102 identifier (in business transaction) 标识符(在业务交易中) unambiguous, unique and a linguistically neutral value, resulting from the application of a rule-based identification 通过应用基于规则的标识过程而产生的无歧义、 process 唯一、且语言上中性的值。 NOTE 1 Identifiers must be unique within the identification scheme of 136 the issuing authority. 注释1:标识符在发布机构的标识方案范围内必 须唯一。 NOTE 2 An identifier is a linguistically independent sequence of characters capable of uniquely and permanently identifying that with which it is associated. {See ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.5)} 注释2:标识符是独立于语言的字符序列,能够 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.27)] 唯一地和永久地标识出其所相关的内容。</p><p>3.103 3.103 indexing language 索引语言 artificial language established to characterize the content or form of a document 描述文档内容或编排形式特点的人工语言。 [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.05.10)]</p><p>3.104 3.104 individual 个人 Person who is a human being, i.e., a natural person, who acts as a distinct indivisible entity or is considered as such 人或法人中的人类的个体,即自然人,担当一 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.28)] 个特定的不可分的实体,或被认为是如此。</p><p>3.105 3.105 individual accessibility 个人可访问性 set of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain as rights of an individual with disabilities to be able to utilize IT 残障个人能够使用人类(即用户)界面来使用IT系 systems at the human, i.e., user, interface and the concomitant 统的能力的权利以及卖方为了提供这些兼容的 obligation of a seller to provide such adaptive technologies 技术而形成的伴随义务方面的司法域的一套外 NOTE Although “accessibility” typically addresses users who have a 部约束。 disability, the concept is not limited to disability issues. </p><p>EXAMPLE Examples of disabilities in the form of functional and 注释:虽然“可访问性”通常面向具有残障的用 cognitive limitations include: 户,这一概念并不限于残障事宜。</p><p>- people who are blind; - people with low vision; 例:功能性和认知性限制形式的残障包括: - people with colour blindness; - people who are hard of hearing or deaf, i.e., are hearing 盲人 impaired; a) - people with physical disabilities; b) 低视力人士 - people with language or cognitive disabilities. c) 色盲人士 d) 听觉困难或耳聋人士,即听觉受损 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.60)] e) 肢体伤残人士 f) 语言或智力障碍人士</p><p>3.106 3.106 information (in information processing) 信息(用于信息处理) knowledge concerning objects, such as facts, events, things, processes, or ideas, including concepts, that within a certain 关于客体(如事实、事件、事物、过程或思想, context has a particular meaning 包括概念)的知识,在一定的场合中具有特定的 意义。 [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1998 (01.01.01)]</p><p>3.107 3.107 Information Bundle (IB) 信息束(IB) formal description of the semantics of the recorded information to be exchanged by Open-edi Parties playing 记录的信息语义的形式描述,该记录的信息指 roles in an Open-edi scenario 在开放式edi据本中扮演角色的开放式edi参与 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.11)] 方之间交换的信息。 137 3.108 3.108 Information Processing Domain (IPD) 信息处理域(IPD) Information Technology System which includes at least either a Decision Making Application (DMA) or one of the 至少包括一个决策应用(DMA)或一个开放式edi components of an Open-edi Support Infrastructure or both), 支持架构组件(或两者都包括),并代表一个开 and acts/executes on behalf of an Open-edi Party (either 放式edi参与方(或者直接或者以一个代表的机 directly or under a delegated authority) 构名义)进行活动/执行的信息技术系统。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.12)]</p><p>3.109 3.109 Information Technology System (IT System) 信息技术系统(IT 系统) set of one or more computers, associated software, peripherals, terminals, human operations, physical processes, information 一个或多个计算机、相关的软件、外围设备、 transfer means, that form an autonomous whole, capable of 终端、人工操作、物理过程、信息传输工具的 performing information processing and/or information transfer 集合,它形成了一个具有执行信息处理和 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.13)] (或)信息传送能力的自治整体。</p><p>3.110 3.110 internal constraint 内部约束 constraint which forms part of the commitment(s) mutually agreed to among the parties to a business transaction 形成业务交易参与方之间所商定承诺的一部分 的约束。 NOTE Internal constraints are self-imposed. They provide a simplified view for modelling and re-use of scenario components of a business transaction for which there are no external constraints or restrictions to 注释:内部约束自行执行。它们提供了一套简 the nature of the conduct of a business transaction other than those 化的对业务交易的剧本组件进行建模和重复使 mutually agreed to by the buyer and seller. 用的视图。对于这个业务交易来说,除了买卖 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.33)] 双方商定的以外,并不存在针对业务交易的实 施在本质上外部的约束或限制。</p><p>3.111 3.111 International Registration Business Object 国际注册业务对象标识符(IRBOI) Identifier (IRBOI) internationally unique identifier for an OeRI OeRI的国际唯一标识符。</p><p>NOTE IRBOIs are of the nature of a composite identifier. 注释:IRBOI具有复合标识符的特性。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.42)]</p><p>3.112 3.112 International Standard Identifier 国际标准标识符 identifier of the version of this part of ISO/IEC 15944 upon which attributes are based ISO/IEC 15944的本部分的版本标识符,属性以 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.43)] 本部分为基础。</p><p>3.113 3.113 item class 项类 set of items with common properties 具有相同特性的项的集合。 NOTE Class is used in this context to refer to a set of instances, not the concept abstracted from that set of instances. 注释:此处的类是指实例集,而不是从实例集 [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.6)] 中抽象出的概念。</p><p>3.114 3.114</p><p>138 IT-enablement 信息技术实施 transformation of a current standard utilized in business transactions, (e.g., coded domains), from a manual to 业务交易中使用的一项当前标准的转换, computational perspective so as to be able to support (如,编码域),从人工的角度转为计算机 commitment exchange and computational integrity 的角度,以便能够支持承诺交换和计算完整 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006] 性。</p><p>3.115 3.115 IT interface equivalent IT 接口的等同 computer processable identification of the unambiguous semantics of a scenario, scenario attribute and/or scenario 在支持计算集成的业务交易中,与承诺交换有 component(s) pertaining to a commitment exchange in a 关的剧本、剧本属性和(或)剧本构件的无歧 business transaction which supports computational integrity 义语义的、计算机可处理的标识。</p><p>NOTE 1 IT interface equivalents have the properties of identifiers (in 注释1:IT接口的等同有标识符的特性,并且在 business transaction) and are utilized to support semantic interoperability in commitment exchange. 承诺交换中用来支持语义互操作性。</p><p>NOTE 2 The value of an IT interface equivalent at times is a composite 注释 : 接口的等同的值有时是一个复合标识 identifier. 2 IT 符。 NOTE 3 An IT interface equivalent as a composite identifier can consist of the identifier of a coded domain plus an ID code of that coded domain. 注释3:作为复合标识符的IT接口的等同可以由 编码域标识符和该编码域的ID代码组成。 NOTE 4 An IT interface equivalent is at times utilized as a semantic identifier. 注释4:IT接口的等同有时用作一个语义标识符。 NOTE 5 An IT interface equivalent may have associated with it one or more Human Interface Equivalents (HIEs). 注释5:IT接口的等同可以与一个或多个人类接 NOTE 6 The value of an IT Interface is independent of its encoding in 口的等同相关联。 programming languages or APIs. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.48)] 注释6:IT接口的等同值独立于其在编程语言或 API中的编码。</p><p>3.116 3.116 jurisdictional domain 司法域 jurisdiction, recognized in law as a distinct legal and/or regulatory framework, which is a source of external 一种权限,在法律上认为是特定的法律法规的 constraints on Persons, their behaviour and the making of 框架,它是关于人或法人、人或法人的行为以 commitments among Persons including any aspect of a business transaction 及在人或法人之间和业务交易的任何方面作出 承诺的外部约束的来源。 NOTE 1 The pivot jurisdictional domain is a United Nations (UN) recognized member state. From a legal and sovereignty perspective they are considered "peer" entities. Each UN member state, (a.k.a. 注释1:核心的司法域就是联合国(UN)认可的 country) may have sub-administrative divisions as recognized 成员国。从法律和主权的角度它们被认为是“平 jurisdictional domains, (e.g., provinces, territories, cantons, länder, etc.), as decided by that UN member state. 等”实体,每个UN成员国(也叫作国家)可以 有子行政分割看作为司法域(如:省、地区、 县等),它们由该UN成员国确定。 NOTE 2 Jurisdictional domains can combine to form new jurisdictional domains, (e.g., through bilateral, multilateral and/or international 注释2:司法域可以结合起来形成新的司法域 treaties). (例如,通过双边、多边和/或国际条约)。 EXAMPLE Included here, for example, are the European Union (EU), NAFTA, WTO, WCO, ICAO, WHO, Red Cross, the ISO, the IEC, the 例:例如,这里包括欧盟 ITU, etc. (EU),NAFTA、WTO、WCO、ICAO、WHO NOTE 3 Several levels and categories of jurisdictional domains may 、红十字、ISO、IEC、ITU等。 exist within a jurisdictional domain. 139 NOTE 4 A jurisdictional domain may impact aspects of the commitment(s) made as part of a business transaction including those 注释3:在一个司法域内可以存在多级和多类司 pertaining to the making, selling, transfer of goods, services and/or 法域。 rights (and resulting liabilities) and associated information. This is independent of whether such interchange of commitments are conducted on a for-profit or not-for-profit basis and/or include monetary 注释4:司法域可以影响业务交易承诺的各个方 values. 面,这些业务交易包括对货物、服务和/或权利 (和义务)以及相关信息的制造、销售和运输。</p><p>NOTE 5 Laws, regulations, directives, etc., issued by a jurisdictional 这与这种承诺的交换产生的基础是盈利的还是 domain are considered as parts of that jurisdictional domain and are 非盈利的无关。 the primary sources of external constraints on business transactions. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.67)] 注释5:通过司法域发布的法律、规则、命令等 被认为是司法域的一部分,并且是业务交易外 部约束的主要来源。</p><p>3.117 3.117 jurisdictional domain identifier 司法域标识符 ID code of a jurisdictional domain as recognized for use by peer jurisdictional domains within a system of mutual 在相互认可的体系内由对等的司法域认可使用 recognition 的司法域的ID代码。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.47)]</p><p>3.118 3.118 language 语言 system of signs for communication, usually consisting of a vocabulary and rules 用于交流的符号系统,通常由词汇和规则组成。</p><p>NOTE In this standard, language refers to natural languages or special languages, but not "programming languages" or "artificial languages". 注释:本标准中,语言指自然语言或专门语言, 但不是编程语言或人工语言。 [ISO 5127-1:2001 (]</p><p>3.119 3.119 language code 语种代码 combination of characters used to represent a language or languages 用来代表一种语言或多种语言的字符组合。</p><p>NOTE In this multipart ISO/IEC 15944 standard, the ISO 639-2/T (terminology) three alpha-code, shall be used. 注释:在ISO/IEC 15944标准的多个部分中,使 用 (术语)三字母代码。 [ISO 639-2:1998 (3.2)] ISO 639-2/T </p><p>3.120 3.120 legally recognized language (LRL) 法定认可语言(LRL) natural language which has status (other than an official language or de facto language) in a jurisdictional domain as 一个司法域中由法令、法规或其他法律设施声 stated in an act, regulation, or other legal instrument, which 明其地位的自然语言(不同于官方语言或事实语 grants a community of people (or its individuals) the right to 言 ,依据 或其中的个人 use that natural language in the context stipulated by the legal ) 这一地位,人的团体( ) instrument(s) 有权在这些法律设施中规定的语境中使用该自 然语言。 NOTE The LRL can be specified through either:</p><p>- the identification of a language by the name utilized; or, 注释:LRL可以通过如下两种方法规定 - the identification of a people and thus their language(s).</p><p>EXAMPLE In addition to acts and regulations, legal instruments ——通过所使用的名称标识 include self-government agreements, land claim settlements, court ——通过民族及其语言进行标识 decisions, jurisprudence, etc. </p><p>140 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.71)] 例: 除了法令、法规外,法律设施还包括政府内 部约定、土地声明结论、法庭决议,法学等。 3.121 3.121 legally recognized name (LRN) 法定认可名称(LRN) persona associated with a role of a Person recognized as having legal status and so recognized in a jurisdictional 在一个司法域中认可的,并按该司法域适合的 domain as accepted or assigned in compliance with the rules 规则被接受或被赋予的,具有法定地位的人或 applicable of that jurisdictional domain, i.e. as governing the 法人的角色相 形象。 coded domain of which the LRN is a member 关联的</p><p>NOTE 1 A LRN may be of a general nature and thus be available for 注释1:LRN可以具有通用的属性,因此在承诺 general use in commitment exchange or may arise from the application of a particular law, regulation, program or service of a 交换中具有通用性,它也可能来自于司法域的 jurisdictional domain and thus will have a specified use in commitment 特定法律、法规、程序或服务的应用,因此将 exchange. 在承诺交换中具有特定的用处。 NOTE 2 The process of establishment of a LRN is usually accompanied by the assignment of a unique identifier. 注释2:建立LRN的过程通常伴随唯一标识符的 NOTE 3 A LRN is usually a registry entry in a register established by 分配。 the jurisdictional domain (usually by a specified public administration within that jurisdictional domain) for the purpose of applying the 注释3:LRN通常是注册系统中的注册条目,该 applicable rules and registering and recording LRNs (and possible accompanying unique identifiers accordingly). 注册系统由司法域建立(通常由该司法域中的政 府),目的是应用适当的规则,并注册和记录 NOTE 4 A Person may have more than one LRN (and associated LRN identifier). LRN(也可能同时伴有相应的唯一标识符)。</p><p>注 :一个人或法人可以有多个 和相 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.72)] 释4 LRN( 关 的LRN标识符)。</p><p>3.122 3.122 list 目录 ordered set of data elements 数据元的有序集合。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999 (04.08.01)]</p><p>3.123 3.123 localization 本地化 pertaining to or concerned with anything that is not global and is bound through specified sets of constraints of: 从属于或相关于任何非全球性的事物,并通过 如下的一套特定约束绑定: (a) a linguistic nature including natural and special languages and associated multilingual requirements; (b) jurisdictional nature, i.e., legal, regulatory, geopolitical, etc.; a) 语言上的本质特性,包括自然语言和专门语 (c) a sectorial nature, i.e., industry sector, scientific, 言,并与多语种需求相关; professional, etc.; b) 司法域的特性,即,法律、法规,地缘政治 (d) a human rights nature, i.e., privacy, disabled/handicapped persons, etc.; 等等; (e) consumer behaviour requirements; and/or c) 行业特性,即,行业性,学科性,职业性等; (f) safety or health requirements d) 人权特性,即,隐私,残障人士等; e) 消费者行为需求; Within and among "locales", interoperability and f) 安全或健康需求。 harmonization objectives also apply 在“地区”的内部或之间,互操作性和协调性的 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.75)] 目标同样适用。</p><p>3.124 3.124 location 地点</p><p>141 place, either physical or electronic, that can be defined as an address 地方,可以定义为物理的或电子的地址。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.50)]</p><p>3.125 3.125 location type 地点类型 abstract specification of a business location where its grouped properties can be designated without attachment to an actual 业务地点的抽象规范,此处,其分组特性能够 location 在没有实际地点的情况下进行指定。 NOTE An example location type might be an accepted shipping facility or approved hospital location 注释:一个地点类型的例子可以是一个可接受 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.39)] 的船运设施或核准的医院地点。</p><p>3.126 3.126 materialized 实质化 association between an economic event and an economic claim where the occurrence of the economic event causes the 经济事件和经济要求之间的关联性,此处,经 economic claim to come into existence 济事件的出现引起经济要求的存在。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.40)]</p><p>3.127 3.127 mediated transaction 间接交易 sub-type of a business transaction where a third party mediates between the partners as mutually agreed to by the 业务交易的一种类型,此处,第三方依据贸易 partners 伙伴之间相互达成的一致意见在贸易伙伴之间 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.41)] 进行仲裁。</p><p>3.128 3.128 medium 媒介 physical material which serves as a functional unit, in or on which information or data is normally recorded, in which 通常用来在其中或其上记录信息或数据、在其 information or data can be retained and carried, from which 中保存或承载信息或数据、从中获取信息或数 information or data can be retrieved, and which is non-volatile 据,并且本 in nature 质上稳定的作为一个功能单元的物 理材料。 NOTE 1 This definition is independent of the material nature on which the information is recorded and/or technology utilized to record the information, (e.g., paper, photographic, (chemical), magnetic, optical, 注释1:这一定义独立于记录信息的材料的特性 ICs (integrated circuits), as well as other categories no longer in 和(或)用来记录信息的技术。 (例如, 纸张、 common use such as vellum, parchment (and other animal skins), plastics, (e.g., bakelite or vinyl), textiles, (e.g., linen, canvas), metals, 照片、(化学材料)、磁性、光学、IC卡(集成电 etc.). 路)、以及其他通常不再使用的类别如犊皮纸、 羊皮纸(和其他动物皮)、塑料(如人造树胶、乙 烯基)、纺织品(如亚麻、帆布)、金属、等等。) NOTE 2 The inclusion of the "non-volatile in nature" attribute is to cover latency and records retention requirements. 注释2:对于“本质上稳定”属性的包含是为了满 NOTE 3 This definition of "medium" is independent of: 足反应速度和记录保持方面的需求。 i) form or format of recorded information; 注释3:“媒介”的这一定义独立于以下方面: ii) physical dimension and/or size; and, a) 记录的信息的的格式或形式; iii) any container or housing that is physically separate from material b) 物理尺寸和(或)大小; being housed and without which the medium can remain a functional c) 物理上与所容纳材料分开的容器或房屋,没 unit. 有它们媒介仍能作为一个功能单元。 NOTE 4 This definition of "medium" also captures and integrates the 142 following key properties: 注释4:“媒介”的定义也捕捉并集成了如下关键 i) the property of medium as a material in or on which information or 特性: data can be recorded and retrieved; a) 作为一种材料并能从中记录和获取信息或数 ii) the property of storage; 据的媒介特性。 iii) the property of physical carrier; b) 存储的特性。 c) 物理承载的特性。 iv) the property of physical manifestation, i.e., material; d) 物理形态的特性,即材料。 v) the property of a functional unit; and, e) 功能单元的特性 vi) the property of (some degree of) stability of the material in or on f) 记录信息或数据的材料的稳定性(某种程度上) which the information or data is recorded. 的特性。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.34)]</p><p>3.129 3.129 metadata 元数据 data about data elements, including their data 关于数据元的数据,包括数据的描述信息和关 descriptions, and data about data ownership, access 于数据所有者、访问路径、访问权限以及数据 paths, access rights and data volatility 时效性。 [ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999 (17.06.05)] 3.130 3.130 metadata entity 元数据实体 set of metadata elements describing the same aspect of data 一组说明数据的相同特性的元数据元素。 NOTE 1 May contain one or more metadata entities. </p><p>NOTE 2 Equivalent to a class in UML terminology. 注释1:可以包括一个或一个以上的元数据实体; [ISO 19115:2003 (4.7)] 注释2:与UML术语中的类同义。</p><p>3.131 3.131 metadata section 元数据子集 subset of metadata which consists of a collection of related metadata entities and metadata elements 元数据的子集合,由相关的元数据实体和元数 [ISO 19115:2003 (4.8)] 据元素组成。</p><p>3.132 3.132 model 模型 abstraction of some aspect of reality 现实的某些方面的抽象。 [ISO 19115:2003 (4.9)]</p><p>3.133 3.133 multilateral treaty 多边协议 treaty (or convention) that has the ambition to become universal (or near universal) and thus bind most of the 有企图成为全球通用(或几乎全球通用)的协 international community by declaring general rules of law 议(或公约),并且因此通过发布通用的法律 规则来联合大多数国际社会。</p><p>EXAMPLE Law of the Sea, Law on Genocide. 例:海洋法、有关种族灭绝的法律。 NOTE 1 A multilateral treaty may have the goal of creating a regulatory regime of law for a particular area or major multilateral 注释1:多边协议的目标可以是为特定区域或主 institution, i.e., Agreement Establishing the WTO, Kyoto Protocol, 要的多边机构创建法律协调制度,例如,建立 Safety of Life at Sea Convention. 143 NOTE 2 A multilateral treaty may allow for reservations or the treaty WTO的协议、京都协议、海上生存安全规则。 may be subject to many amendments which do not bind all parties or require all parties to undertake the same legal obligations, (e.g., the 注释2:多边协议可允许存在保留条款或者可以 Berne and Paris conventions). 具有许多修正案,这些修正案不将各参与方绑 不要求所有参与方承担相同的法 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.81)] 定在一起,也 律义务(如:波尔尼和巴黎公约)。</p><p>3.134 3.134 multilingualism 多语种性 ability to support not only character sets specific to a (natural) language (or family of languages) and associated rules but 既支持特定于(自然)语言(或语言族)和相 also localization requirements, i.e., use of a language from 关规则的字符集,也支持本地化需求的能力, jurisdictional domain, sectoral and/or consumer marketplace 即,从司法域、行 和 或 消费者市 perspectives 业 ( ) 场的角度 使用语言。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.82)] 3.135 3.135 name 名称 designation of an object by a linguistic expression 用语言表达的客体概念的指称。 [ISO 5217:2000 (]</p><p>3.136 3.136 natural language 自然语言 language which is or was in active use in a community of people, and the rules of which are mainly deduced from the 在人类社会的过去或现在积极使用的语言,以 usage 及主要从用法中演绎出的规则。 [ISO 5217:2000 (]</p><p>3.137 3.137 object 客体 anything perceivable or conceivable 可感知或可想象到的任何事物。 NOTE Objects may be material, (e.g., engine, a sheet of paper, a diamond), or immaterial, (e.g., conversion ratio, a project play) or imagined, (e.g., a unicorn). 注释:客体可以是物质的(如,引擎、一张纸、 一颗钻石),也可以是非物质的(如,转换率、 [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.1.1)] 皮影戏)或想象的事物(如,独角兽)。</p><p>3.138 3.138 object class 对象类 set of ideas, abstractions, or things in the real world that can be identified with explicit boundaries and meaning and whose 可以对其界限和含义进行明确的标识,且特性 properties and behavior follow the same rules 和行为遵循相同规则的观点、抽象概念或现实 世界中的事物的集合。 [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.22)]</p><p>3.139 3.139 OeRI addition OeRI 添加 insertion into a register of an OeRI that describes a concept not described by an OeRI already in the register 向注册库中插入一个 OeRI,该 OeRI 描述的概念, [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.54)] 没有被注册库中已有的 OeRI 描述。</p><p>3.140 3.140</p><p>144 OeRI clarification OeRI 澄清 non-substantive change to an OeRI OeRI 的非实质性变更。 NOTE 1 A non-substantive change does not change the semantics or technical meaning of the OeRI. 注释1:非实质性变更不改变OeRI的语义或技 NOTE 2 A clarification does not result in a change to the registration 术含义。 status of the OeRI. 注释2:澄清不会导致OeRI注册状态的变更。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.55)] 3.141 3.141 OeRI harmonization OeRI 协调 the resolution of any potential duplicate or overlapping of OeRIs, accounting for justifiable differences that may exist 对 OeRI 任何潜在的重复或交叉的解决方案,该 among the harmonized OeRIs 解决方案说明协调后的 OeRI 中存在合理的差异。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.56)]</p><p>3.142 3.142 OeRI language code OeRI 的语言代码 language code of the language used for the OeRI by the submitting organization 提交机构在OeRI中使用的语言的语言代码。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.57)]</p><p>3.143 3.143 OeRI retirement OeRI 废止 declaration that an OeRI is no longer suitable for use in the production of new data OeRI不再用于产生新数据的声明。</p><p>NOTE The status of the retired OeRI changes from ‘valid’ to ‘retired’. A 注 的 状 有效 。 retired OeRI is kept in the register to support the interpretation of data 释:废止 OeRI 态从“ ”变为“废止” produced before its retirement. 废止的OeRI保留在注册库中,以便支持其废止 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.58)] 前形成的数据的解释。</p><p>3.144 3.144 OeRI supersession OeRI 替代 replacement of an OeRI by one or more new OeRIs 通过一个或多个新OeRI 替代一个OeRI。 NOTE The status of the replaced item changes from "valid" to "superseded". 注释:被替代项的状态从“有效”变为“被替代”。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.59)]</p><p>3.145 3.145 official language 官方语言 external constraint in the form of a natural language specified by a jurisdictional domain for official use by 自然语言形式的外部约束,该 外部约束由某个 Persons forming part of and/or subject to that jurisdictional 司法域规定,由人或法人在以下交流环境中官 domain for use in communication(s) either 方使用(人或法人作为司法域的一部分和(或) (1) within that jurisdictional domain; and/or, (2) among such Persons, where such communications are 隶属于那个司法域): recorded information involving commitment(s) a)司法域内部; )一些人或法人之间,此处这样的交流是与承 NOTE 1 Unless official language requirements state otherwise, b Persons are free to choose their mutually acceptable natural language 诺相关的记录的信息。 and/or special language for communications as well as exchange of commitments. 注释1:除非官方语言的需求另有声明,否则, NOTE 2 A jurisdictional domain decides whether or not it has an 人或法人可以自由选择其相互可接受的自然语 official language. If not, it will have a de facto language. 言,和(或)用于交流以及承诺交换的特定语言。</p><p>145 NOTE 3 An official language(s) can be mandated for formal communications as well as provision of goods and services to Persons 注释2:司法域确定了是否其有一种官方语言, subject to that jurisdictional domain and for use in the legal and other 如果没有官方语言,它应有一种事实语言。 conflict resolution system(s) of that jurisdictional domain, etc. </p><p>NOTE 4 Where applicable, use of an official language may be required 注释3:可以强制规定官方语言,用于正式的交 in the exercise of rights and obligations of individuals in that 流,以及人或法人的产品和服务方面的条款 jurisdictional domain. (该条款服务于所属的司法域,并用于法律和 NOTE 5 Where an official language of a jurisdictional domain has a 司法域的其他冲突解决机制)。 controlled vocabulary of the nature of a terminology, it may well have the characteristics of a special language. In such cases, the terminology to be used must be specified. 注释4:在所属司法域内行使个人的权力和义务 时,可要求使用官方语言。 NOTE 6 For an official language, the writing system(s) to be used shall be specified, where the spoken use of a natural language has more than one writing system. 注释5:当司法域的官方语言具有术语特征的受 控词汇时,它很可能会有一种专门语言的特征。 EXAMPLE 1 The spoken language of use of an official language may at times have more than one writing system. For example, three 这种情况下,必须规定使用的术语。 writing systems exist for the Inuktitut language. Canada uses two of these writing systems, namely, a Latin-1 based (Roman), the other is 注释6:对于一种官方语言,当自然语言的口语 syllabic-based. The third is used in Russia and is Cyrillic based. 表达具有多个书写系统时,应规定所使用的书 EXAMPLE 2 Another example is that of Norway which has two official 写系统。 writing systems, both Latin-1 based, namely, Bokmål (Dano- Norwegian) and Nynorsk (New Norwegian). 例1:官方语言的口语表达有时可以有多个书写 NOTE 7 A jurisdictional domain may have more than one official language but these may or may not have equal status. 系统,例如,对于“Lnuktitut”语言有3种书写系 统,加拿大使用其中的两种书写系统,即,一 EXAMPLE Canada has two official languages, Switzerland has three, while the Union of South Africa has eleven official languages. 个是基于Latin-1(Roman),另一个基于音 节。第三种书写系统用在俄罗斯,基于西里尔 NOTE 8 The BOV requirement of the use of a specified language will 字母。 place that requirement on any FSV supporting service. </p><p>EXAMPLE A BOV requirement of Arabic, Chinese, Russian, 例2:另一个实例是挪威的2个官方书写系统, Japanese, Korean, etc., as an official language requires the FSV - ,即:博克 support service to be able to handle the associated character sets. 两个都基于Latin 1 马尔语(丹麦 挪威文)和尼诺斯克语(新挪威语)。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.87)] 注释7:一个司法域可以有多个官方语言,但是 这些语言的状态可能相同,也可能不同。</p><p>例:加拿大有两种官方语言,瑞士有三种,而 南非有11种官方语言。</p><p>注释8:使用特定语言的BOV需求应置于所有 的FSV支撑服务中。</p><p>例:阿拉伯语、汉语、俄语、日语、韩语等作 为官方语言时的BOV需求要求FSV支撑服务能 够处理相关的字符集。</p><p>3.146 3.146 Open-edi 开放式 edi electronic data interchange among multiple 为完成明确的共同业务目标而在多个自治的人 autonomous Persons to accomplish an explicit shared 或法人之间根据开放式edi标准进行的电子数据 business goal according to Open-edi standards 交换。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.14)]</p><p>146 3.147 3.147 Open-edi Business Transaction Ontology (OeBTO) 开放式edi业务交易本体(OeBTO) formal, rule-based, specification and definition of the concepts pertaining to business transactions and scenarios and the 与业务交易和剧本有关的概念以及这些概念之 relationships that hold among these concepts 间关系的正式的、基于规则的规范及定义。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.44)]</p><p>3.148 3.148 Open-edi configuration 开放式 edi 配置 formal specification of an operational configuration of Open-edi Parties and their associated IPDs, which can execute Open- 开放式 edi 参与方和它们相关的 IPD 操作配置 edi transactions corresponding to a given Open-edi scenario 的形式化规定,能够执行符合给定的开放式 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.15)] edi 剧本的开放式 edi 交易。 3.149 3.149 Open-edi Description Technique (OeDT) 开放式 edi 描述技术(OeDT) specification method such as a Formal Description Technique, another methodology having the characteristics 一种形式化地规定BOV概念所需的、计算机可处 of a Formal Description Technique, or a combination of such 理形式的规范化方法,如形式描述技术、具有 techniques as needed to formally specify BOV concepts, in a 形式描述技术特征的另一 computer processable form 种方法学或是若干种 这样的技术的组合。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.16)]</p><p>3.150 3.150 Open-edi disposition 开放式 edi 部署 process governing the implementation of formally approved records retention, destruction (or expungement) or transfer of 在人或法人控制下管理正式批准的记录的保留、 recorded information under the control of a Person which are 毁坏(或消除)或记录的信息的转移的过程, documented in disposition authorities or similar instruments 该人或法人以有权处置的机构或相似的形式来 [adapted from ISO 15489-1:2001 (3.9)] 体现。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.90)]</p><p>3.151 3.151 Open-edi Party (OeP) 开放式edi参与方(OeP) Person that participates in Open-edi 参与开放式edi的人或法人。 NOTE Often referred to generically in this, and other e-business standards, (e.g., parts of the ISO/IEC 15944 multipart “e-business” standard) as “party” or “parties” for any entity modelled as a Person 注释:通常在本ISO/IEC 15944-1标准和其他电 as playing a role in Open-edi scenarios. 子业务标准中,实体被建模为在开放式edi剧本 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.17)] 中扮演角色的人或法人,它们都一般地被称为 “参与方”或“参与方们”</p><p>3.152 3.152 Open-edi Record Retention (OeRR) 开放式 edi 记录保持(OeRR) specification of a period of time that a set of recorded information must be kept by a Person in order to meet 人或法人为了满足操作、法律、法规、财政、 operational, legal, regulatory, fiscal or other requirements as 或其他适用于作为业务交易参与方的人或法人 specified in the external constraints (or internal constraints) 的外部约束(或内部约束)中规定的需求而必须 applicable to a Person who is a party to a business transaction 将记录的信息集保存一段时间的规范。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.92)] 3.153 3.153 Open-edi register 开放式 edi 注册库 information store or database maintained by an Open-edi 147 Registry 通过开放式 edi 注册系统维护的信息存储或数 据库。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.62)]</p><p>3.154 3.154 Open-edi registration administration attribute 开放式 edi 注册管理属性 member of a set of attributes to uniquely identify an Open-edi scenario, Information Bundle, or Semantic Component and 属性集中的一个属性,用来唯一标识一个开放 the relevant Person responsible for its maintenance 式 edi 剧本、信息束或语义构件以及负责其维 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.63)] 护的相关人或法人。</p><p>3.155 3.155 Open-edi Registration Authority (OeRA) 开放式 edi 注册管理机构(OeRA) Person responsible for maintaining the register of OeROs and for the issuance of OeRO identifiers 负责维护 OeRO 的注册库并分配 OeRO 标识符的 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.64)] 人或法人。</p><p>3.156 3.156 Open-edi Registration Organization (OeRO) 开放式 edi 注册机构(OeRO) Person qualified by the OeRA to assume the responsibility for the registration of scenario and scenario components 由开放式 edi 注册管理机构任命,负责剧本和 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.65)] 剧本构件注册的人或法人。</p><p>3.157 3.157 Open-edi Registration Organization address 开放式 edi 注册机构地址 physical and/or electronic address of the Open-edi Registration Organization 开放式edi注册机构的物理和(或)电子地址。</p><p>NOTE A physical address includes a “pick-up” address such as 注释:物理地址包括“认领”地址,如邮箱或可 a mailbox or such other location one can deliver to. 以递送到的其他地点。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.66)] 3.158 3.158 Open-edi Registration Organization Identifier 开放式 edi 注册机构标识符(OeORI) (OeORI) identifier assigned to an Open-edi Registration Organization 分配给开放式 edi 注册机构的标识符。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.67)]</p><p>3.159 3.159 Open-edi Registration Organization name 开放式 edi 注册机构名称 designation for the Open-edi Registration Organization 开放式 edi 注册机构的指称。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.68)]</p><p>3.160 3.160 Open-edi Registry (OeR) 开放式edi注册系统(OeR) information system for the registration of scenarios and scenario components 用于剧本和剧本构件注册的信息系统。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.69)] 3.161 3.161 Open-edi Registry Item (OeRI) 开放式 edi 注册项(OeRI) 148 recorded information within a registry relating to a specific Open-edi scenario or scenario components of a scenario 在一个与特定开放式edi剧本或剧本构件有关的 including linkage information to a scenario content 注册系统内的记录的信息,其中包括了与剧本 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.70)] 内容的联结信息。</p><p>3.162 3.162 Open-edi registry record 开放式 edi 注册记录 collection of recorded information for an OeRI 用于OeRI的记录的信息的集合。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.71)]</p><p>3.163 3.163 Open-edi scenario (OeS) 开放式 edi 剧本(OeS) formal specification of a class of business transactions having the same business goal 具有相同业务目标的一类业务交易的形式规范。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.18)]</p><p>3.164 3.164 Open-edi sponsoring authority 开放式 edi 注册代理 Person recognized in accordance with the requirements of this part of ISO/IEC 15944, to receive Open-edi Registration 按照本标准的要求,接收开放式 edi 注册机构 Organization applications for submission to an Open-edi 的申请,并向开放式 edi 注册管理机构提交该申 Registration Authority 请的被认可的人或法人。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.73)]25</p><p>3.165 3.165 Open-edi standard 开放式 edi 标准 standard that complies with the Open-edi Reference 符合开放式edi参考模型的标准。 Model</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.19)]</p><p>3.166 3.166 Open-edi Support Infrastructure (OeSI) 开放式 edi 支撑基础设施(OeSI) model of the set of functional capabilities for Open-edi systems which, when taken together with the Decision 开放式edi系统的功能能力集的模型,当它与决 Making Applications, allows Open-edi Parties to participate 策应用集成时,允许开放式edi参与方参与开放 in Open-edi transactions 式edi交易。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.20)]</p><p>3.167 3.167 Open-edi support organization 开放式 edi 支撑机构 organization, acting on behalf of an Open-edi 代表开放式 edi 参与方活动的机构,以便为开 Party(ies) to provide necessary support enabling 放式 edi 交易的执行提供必要的支持,但它并不 execution of Open-edi transactions, but which is not 建模为角色。 modelled as a role(s)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.21)]</p><p>25 Adapted from ISO/IEC 7812-2:2007.. JISO/IEC TC1/ serves as the Open-edi Sponsoring Authority for ISO/IEC 15944? SC32 ? ????? 149 3.168 3.168 Open-edi system 开放式 edi 系统 information technology system (IT system) which enables an Open-edi Party to participate in Open-edi transactions 使开放式 edi 参与方能够参与开放式 edi 交易 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.22)] 的信息技术系统(IT 系统)。</p><p>3.169 3.169 Open-edi transaction 开放式 edi 交易 business transaction that is in compliance with an Open-edi scenario 符合开放式edi剧本的业务交易。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.23)]</p><p>3.170 3.170 organization 机构 unique framework of authority within which a person or persons act, or are designated to act, towards some purpose 权力的特定框架,在该框架内,一个人或多个 人朝着某个目标行动或被指定行动。 NOTE The kinds of organizations covered by this International Standard include the following examples: 注释:本标准中所涉及的机构的种类包括以下 EXAMPLE 1 An organization incorporated under law. 几个实例: EXAMPLE 2 An unincorporated organization or activity providing goods and/or services including: 例1:根据法律按股份制组成的一个机构。 1) partnerships; 例2:非股份制机构或提供货物和(或)服务的活 2) social or other non-profit organizations or similar bodies in which 动体,包括: ownership or control is vested in a group of individuals; a) 合伙企业;</p><p>3) sole proprietorships b) 社会性或其他非盈利性机构或类似团体,其 4) governmental bodies. 中所有权或管理权控制在一些个人中; 个人独 EXAMPLE 3 Groupings of the above types of organizations where c) 资企业; there is a need to identify these in information interchange. d)政府性团体。 [ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 (3.1)] 例3:信息交换需要对以上进行标识时,以上几 种机构类型的组合。</p><p>3.171 3.171 organization address 机构地址 physical and/or electronic address of an organization 机构的物理和(或)电子地址。 NOTE A physical address includes a "pick-up" address such as a mailbox or such other location one can deliver to. 注释:物理地址包括“收信”地址,如:信箱或 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.75)] 人能够交付到的这种其他地点。 3.172 3.172 organization name 机构名称 designation for the organization 机构的指称。 NOTE The name by which the organization is known to the registration authority. 注释:凭借名称可以让官方注册机构知道机构。 [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.94)]</p><p>3.173 3.173 organization part 机构组成部分 any department, service or other entity within an organization, 150 which needs to be identified for information interchange 机构内任意的部门、服务或其他实体,它们需 以便信息交 [ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 (3.2)] 要被标识 换。</p><p>3.174 3.174 organization Person 机构中人或法人 organization part which has the properties of a Person and thus is able to make commitments on behalf of that 具有人或法人特性的机构组成部分,并因此能 organization 代表机构承诺义务。 NOTE 1 An organization can have one or more organization Persons. 注释1:机构可以具有一个或多个机构中人或法 NOTE 2 An organization Person is deemed to represent and act on 人。 behalf of the organization and to do so in a specified capacity. </p><p>NOTE 3 An organization Person can be a "natural person" such as an 注释2:机构中人或法人被认为是代表机构进行 employee or officer of the organization. 活动,并在特定的能力范围内这样行动。 NOTE 4 An organization Person can be a legal person, i.e., another organization. 注释3: 机构中人或法人可以是一个诸如机构中 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.46)] 的雇员或官员的“自然人”。</p><p>注释4: 机构中人或法人可以是一个法人,即另 一个机构。</p><p>3.175 3.175 origin 起源 source (document, project, discipline or model) for the OeRI 开放式 edi 注册项的来源(文档、项目、规则 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.77)] 或模型)。</p><p>3.176 3.176 participate 参与 association between an economic event and each of the two Persons participating in the economic event 经济事件与参与该经济事件的两个人或法人中 的每个人或法人之间的关联性。 NOTE Usually there is a “from” association and a “to” association, depending upon the direction of the flow of the economic resource. 注释:通常有一个 从 关系和 去 关系,取决 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.50)] “ ” “ ” 于经济资源流的方向。 3.177 3.177 partner 伙伴 sub-type of Person that includes buyer and seller 包括买方和卖方的人或法人的子类。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.51)]</p><p>3.178 3.178 Person 人或法人 entity, i.e., a natural or legal person, recognized by law as having legal rights and duties, able to make commitment(s), 实体,即:法律认可的有合法权利和责任,能 assume and fulfill resulting obligation(s), and able of being held 够承诺、承担和履行所发生的义务并能对其行 accountable for its action(s) 为负责的自然人或法人。</p><p>注释1:在不同的有效司法权内,“法人”又被称 NOTE 1 Synonyms for "legal person" include "artificial person", "body corporate", etc., depending on the terminology used in competent 为“非自然人”、“团体”等。 jurisdictions. 注释2:英文中 “Person”首字母大写表明在国</p><p>151 NOTE 2 "Person" is capitalized to indicate that it is being utilized as 际标准中正式定义的用法,并区别于日常的用 formally defined in the standards and to differentiate it from its day-to- 法。 day use. 注释 3:适用于业务交易的最小的和通用的外 NOTE 3 Minimum and common external constraints applicable to a 部约束通常需要在人或法人的三个常用子类 business transaction often require one to differentiate among three (即:“个人”“机构”和“公共管理机构”)间进 common subtypes of Person, namely "individual", "organization", and "public administration". 行区分。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.24)]</p><p>3.179 3.179 persona 外在特征 set of data elements and their values by which a Person wishes to be known and thus identified in a business 用来使人或法人被了解并在业务交易中被标识 transaction 的数据元及其值的集合。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.51)] 3.180 3.180 personal information 个人信息 any information about an identifiable individual that is recorded in any form, including electronically or on paper 任何有关可确认的、以任何形式记录的个人信 息,包括电子的或纸质的。 NOTE Some examples would be information about a person's religion, age, financial transactions, medical history, address, or blood type. 注释:一些实例应是有关人的宗教信仰、年龄、 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.103)] 金融交易、体格检查的历史记录、地址或血型 等信息。</p><p>3.181 3.181 persona Registration Schema (pRS) 外在特征注册模式(pRS) formal definition of the data fields contained in the 包括在人或法人外在特征规范中的数据域的正 specification of a persona of a Person and the allowable 式定义,以及这些域中的允许内容,包括标识 contents of those fields, including the rules for the 符分配规则。(这也可以被称为人或法人的外 assignment of identifiers. (This may also be referred to as a persona profile of a Person) 在特征轮廓)。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.52)] 3.182 3.182 Person authentication 人或法人鉴别 provision of the assurance of a recognized Person identity (rPi) (sufficient for the purpose of the business transaction) 通过确证的事实来确保认可的人或法人身份(满 by corroboration 足业务交易的目的)的条款。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.48)]</p><p>3.183 3.183 Person identity 人或法人身份 combination of persona information and identifier used by a Person in a business transaction 在业务交易中人或法人使用的外在特征信息和 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.49)] 标识符的组合。</p><p>3.184 3.184 Person signature 人或法人签名 signature, i.e., a name representation, distinguishing mark or usual mark, which is created by and pertains to a Person 由人或法人创建并属于人或法人的有区别的标 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.50)] 记或常用标记的签名,即,名称的表示。</p><p>152 3.185 3.185 physical address 物理地址 address that is used/recognized by a postal authority and/or courier service to deliver information item(s), material 由官方邮政机构和(或)快递服务使用或认可 object(s), or business object(s) to a Contact at either an 的、以便以一个实际地址或获取的点地址把信 actual address or a pick-up point address, (e.g., P.O. Box, rural route, etc.) 息项、物理对象或业务对象递送到联系人的地 址(如:邮政信箱、路径等)。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.80)]</p><p>3.186 3.186 pivot code set 关键代码集 set of ID codes in a coded domain which is made publicly known and available, the most stable, representing the defined 公开了解和可用的、最稳定的编码域中的ID码 semantics. Most often it is the same as the ID code 集合,表示了所定义的语义。最经常的情况下 NOTE 1 The use of the pivot code set as distinguished from the ID code 它与ID码相同。 supports the requirement of a Source Authority to maintain internally and on a confidential basis the ID code of its members. 注释1:关键代码集区别于ID码的用法支持源授 NOTE 2 At times a coded domain has more than one valid code set, (e.g., ISO 求,以便内部 以其 639, ISO 3166, etc.). 权的需 维护并且 组成部分的 ID码为可信任的基础。</p><p>EXAMPLE In ISO 3166-1 the 3-digit numeric code is the pivot. The 2-alpha and 注释2:有时,一个编码域有多个有效代码集 3-alpha code sets can change when the name of the entity referenced is changed by that entity. (如:ISO 639,ISO 3166等)。</p><p>例:在ISO 3166-1中3位数字码是关键,当被 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.104)] 引用的实体名称由该实体而改变时,2字母码和 3字母代码集就能够改变。</p><p>3.187 3.187 pivot ID code 关键 ID 代码 most stable ID code assigned to identify a member of a coded domain where more than one ID code may be assigned and/or 所分配的用来标识编码域成分的最稳定的ID码, associated with a member of that coded domain 在该编码域中可以分配和(或)与编码域的成 EXAMPLE ISO 3166-1:1997 (E/F) "Codes for the representation of 分关联多个ID码。 names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes/Codes pour la représentations des noms de pays et de leur 例:ISO 3166-1:1997(E/F)《用于国家和 subdivisions - Partie 1: Codes pays" contains three code sets: 其组成部分的名称表示的代码 第1部分:国家 - a three digit numeric code; 代码》,包括3个代码集: - a two alpha code - a three alpha code. a) 3位数字码 b) 2位字母码 Here, the three digit numeric code serves as the pivot code. It is the most stable, remains the same even though the two alpha and/or three c) 3位字母码 alpha codes may and do change. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.105)] 此处,3位数字码用作关键代码,它是最稳定的, 即使2位字母码和(或)3位字母码可以并发生 改变,它仍然保持相同(不变)。</p><p>3.188 3.188 plurilateral treaty 有限多边协议 treaty among a defined set of jurisdictional domains 所定义的司法域中的协议。 NOTE A plurilateral treaty restricts the jurisdictional domains which may become signatories generally on either: 注释:多边协议对司法域进行了限制,这些司 153 法域一般在以下方面可以成为签署者: • a geo-political basis, (e.g., NAFTA, Mecrosur, European Union, etc.); or a)地理政治基础(如: • some other set of criteria which candidate members must meet and NAFTA、MECROSUR、欧盟等)或 then their membership approved by the existing membership, (e.g., WTO). b)其他标准集,候选成员必须满足这些标准, 然后其成员资格必须由现有的成员(如: [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.106)] WTO)认可。</p><p>3.189 3.189 preferred term 首选术语 term recommended by an authoritative body 由权威团体推荐的术语。</p><p>[ISO 1087-1:2000 (5.6.1)]</p><p>3.190 3.190 principle 原则 fundamental, primary assumption and quality which constitutes a source of action determining particular objectives or results 构成确定特定目标或结果的行动来源的、基本 的、主要的思想和特性。 NOTE 1 A principle is usually enforced by rules that affect its boundaries. 注释1:原则通常通过影响其边界的规则来驱动; NOTE 2 A principle is usually supported through one or more rules. </p><p>NOTE 3 A principle is usually part of a set of principles which together 注释2:原则通常通过一个或多个规则来支持; form a unified whole. 注释 :原则通常是共同形成一个统一整体的原 EXAMPLE Within a jurisdictional domain, examples of a set of 3 principles include a charter, a constitution, etc. 则集的组成部分。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.81)] 例:在一个司法域内,包括宪章、宪法等原则 集的实例。</p><p>3.191 3.191 privacy protection 隐私保护 set of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain pertaining to recorded information on or about an identifiable 与可标识的个人记录信息有关的司法域的外部 individual, i.e., personal information, with respect to the 约束集,即:与这种包括其准确性、合时性和 creation, collection, management, retention, access and use 个人记录信息的 and/or distribution of such recorded information about that 关联性的 创建、采集、管理、 individual including its accuracy, timeliness, and relevancy 保持、访问、使用和(或)分发有关的个人信 息。 NOTE 1 Recorded information collected or created for a specific purpose on an identifiable individual, i.e., the explicitly shared goal of the business transaction involving an individual shall not be utilized for 注释1:采集或创建的、用于特定目的、有关可 another purpose without the explicit and informed consent of the 标识个人的记录信息,即:有明确共享目标的、 individual to whom the recorded information pertains. 与个人有关的业务交易,如果没有具有记录信 NOTE 2 Privacy requirements include the right of an individual to be 息的个人明确和正式同意,不应用于另一目的。 able to view the recorded information about him/her and to request corrections to the same in order to ensure that such recorded information is accurate and up-to-date. 注释2:隐私需求包括个人能够看到有关他 (她)的记录信息的权力和为了确保这些记录 NOTE 3 Where jurisdictional domains have legal requirements which override privacy protection requirements these must be specified, 信息的准确性和实时性而请求修改的权力。 (e.g., national security, investigations by law enforcement agencies, etc.). 注释3:在司法域具有不考虑隐私保护要求的法 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.109)] 律需求的地方,这些记录信息必须是特定的 (如:国家安全、法院的调查等)。 154 3.192 3.192 process 过程 series of actions or events taking place in a defined manner leading to the accomplishment of an expected result 以一种规定的方式发生并产生所期望结果的一 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.53)] 系列行动或事件。</p><p>3.193 3.193 property 特性 peculiarity common to all members of an object class 对象类的所有个体所共有的某种性质。 [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.29)]</p><p>3.194 3.194 public administration 公共管理机构 entity, i.e., a Person, which is an organization and has the added attribute of being authorized to act on behalf of a 作为一个机构并且增加了被授权为代表法律机 regulator 构行为的属性的实体(即一个法人)。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.54)]</p><p>3.195 3.195 public policy 公共政策 category of external constraints of a jurisdictional domain specified in the form of a right of an individual or a requirement 以个人权力或机构和(或)公共管理机构所要 of an organization and/or public administration with respect 求的形式规定的司法域的外部约束范畴,这些 to an individual pertaining to any exchange of commitments among the parties concerned involving a good, service and/or 外部约束考虑到在有关参与方之间交换承诺, right including information management and interchange 涉及到包括信息管理和交换需求的货物、服务 requirements 和(或)权力。</p><p>NOTE 1 Public policy requirements may apply to any one, all or combinations of the fundamental activities comprising a business 注释1:公共政策需求可以应用于任何人、由业 transaction, i.e., planning, identification, negotiation, actualization and 务交易(即:计划、标识、谈判、实现和实现 post-actualization. {See further Clause 6.3 "Rules governing the 后)组成的全部基本活动或基本活动的组合。 process component" in ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002} (见ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 6.3中“管理过程构 NOTE 2 It is up to each jurisdictional domain to determine whether or 件的规则”)。 not the age of an individual qualifies a public policy requirement, (e.g., those which specifically apply to an individual under the age of thirteen (13) as a "child", those which require an individual to have attained the 注释2:它适用于每个司法域以便确定个人年龄 age of adulthood, (e.g., 18 years or 21 years of age) of an individual to 是否限定了其能够对确定的性质进行承诺的公 be able to make commitments of a certain nature. 共政策需求(如:那些特定应用于13岁以下儿 NOTE 3 Jurisdictional domains may have consumer protection or 童的公共政策需求,那些要求个人已经达到18 privacy requirements which apply specifically to individuals who are 岁或21岁成人的公共政策需求)。 considered to be "children", "minorsÈ, etc.(e.g. those who have not reached their 18th or 21st birthday according to the rules of the applicable jurisdictional domain). 注释3:司法域可以有消费者保护要求或隐私要 求,这些要求特定应用于是“儿童”、“未成年 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.113)] 人”等的个人(如:根据可用的司法域规则,未 达到18岁或21岁年龄的那些个人)。</p><p>3.196 3.196 reciprocal 互惠 association between economic commitments where the promise by one partner to execute an economic resource 经济承诺之间的关系,此处由一个合作伙伴承 transfer in the future is reciprocated by the other partner 诺在未来执行一个经济资源转换与另一个合作 promising a requited transfer in the opposite direction 伙伴承诺在相反方向的答谢转换互惠。</p><p>155 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.55)]</p><p>3.197 3.197 recognized individual name (RIN) 认可的个人名称(RIN) persona of an individual having the properties of a legally recognized name (LRN) 具有法律认可名称(LRN)特性的个人外在特 征。 NOTE 1 On the whole, a persona presented by an individual should have a basis in law (or recognized jurisdictional domain) in order to be considered as the basis for a recognized individual name (RIN). 注释1:基本上,个人的外在特征应有法律基础 (或认可的司法域),以便被考虑作为认可的 NOTE 2 An individual may have more than one RIN and more than one RIN at the same time. 个人名称(RIN)的基础。</p><p>NOTE 3 The establishment of a RIN is usually accompanied by the 注释 2:个人同时可以有多个 RIN 和多个 assignment of a unique identifier, i.e. by the jurisdictional domain (or public administration) which recognizes the persona as a RIN. RIN。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.114)] 注释 3:RIN 的建立通常伴随着唯一标识符的 分配,即由将外在特征确认为 RIN 的司法域确 认。</p><p>3.198 3.198 recognized Person identity (rPi) 认可的人或法人身份(rPi) identity of a Person, i.e., Person identity, established to the extent necessary for a specific purpose in a business 建立在业务交易特定目标所需的范围内的人或 transaction 法人的身份,即人或法人身份。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.56)]</p><p>3.199 3.199 recorded information 记录信息 any information that is recorded on or in a medium irrespective of form, recording medium or technology utilized, 与格式、记录媒介或利用的技术无关,以一种 and in a manner allowing for storage and retrieval 可以存储和获取的方式记录于媒介之上或之中 NOTE 1 This is a generic definition and is independent of any 的任何信息。 ontology, (e.g., those of "facts" versus "data" versus "information" versus "intelligence" versus "knowledge", etc.). 注释1: 这是一个基本的定义,独立于任何本体 论(例如,“事实”相对于“数据”相对于“信息”相 对于“情报”相对于“知识”,等等。) NOTE 2 Through the use of the term "information," all attributes of this term are inherited in this definition. 注释2: 通过术语“信息”的使用,所有这一术语 NOTE 3 This definition covers: (i) any form of recorded information, means of recording, and any 的属性继承了这一定义。 medium on which information can be recorded; and, (ii) all types of recorded information including all data types, 注释3:这一定义包括: instructions or software, databases, etc. a) 记录的信息的任何格式,记录的方法,能记 录信息的任何媒介 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.56)] b) 包括所有数据类型、指南、或软件、数据库 等记录的信息的所有类型</p><p>3.200 3.200 reference document 引用文件 external document(s) containing relevant recorded information about the scenario or scenario component 包含有关剧本或剧本构件的记录的信息的外部 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.84)] 文件。</p><p>156 3.201 3.201 reference document identifier 引用文件标识符 identifier assigned to a reference document by the OeRO 由开放式edi注册机构分配给引用文件的标识符。 (adapted from ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.112)</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.85)]</p><p>3.202 3.202 reference document language code 引用文件语言代码 ISO 639-2/T based language code(s) identifying the language(s) used in the reference document 引用文件中用到的基于 ISO 639-2/T 的标识语 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.86)] 言的语言代码。</p><p>3.203 3.203 reference document title 引用文件标题 title(s) of the reference document 引用文件的题目。 NOTE A reference document may have more than one title depending on the languages in which it is produced 注释:一个引用文件根据其所用的语言可以有 [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.114)] 多个题目。</p><p>3.204 3.204 reference document type description 引用文件类型描述 description of the document type of the reference document 引用文件文件类型的描述。 [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.115)]</p><p>3.205 3.205 reference organization 引用机构 relationship between a reference document and an organization 引用文件和机构之间的关系。 [ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 (3.3.116)]</p><p>3.206 3.206 register 注册库 set of files containing identifiers assigned to items with descriptions of the associated items 包含分配到带有相关项描述的项的标识符的文 [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.9)] 件集。</p><p>3.207 3.207 register manager 注册库管理者 organization to which management of a register has been delegated by the register owner 由注册库拥有者委派的管理注册库的机构。 注释:对于ISO注册库,注册库管理者行使由 NOTE In the case of an ISO register, the register manager performs the functions of the registration authority specified in the ISO/IEC ISO/IEC导则所规定的权威注册机构的功能。 Directives. [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.10)]</p><p>157 3.208 3.208 register owner 注册库拥有者 organization that establishes a register 创建注册库的机构。 [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.11)]</p><p>3.209 3.209 registrar 登记员 representative of an Open-edi Registration Organization 开放式 edi 注册机构的代表。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.93)]</p><p>3.210 3.210 registrar Contact 登记员联系 Contact information associated with a registrar of an Open- edi registration organization 与开放式edi注册机构的登记员有关的联系信息。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.94)]</p><p>3.211 3.211 registration 注册 rule-based process, explicitly stated, involving the use of one or more data elements, whose value (or combination of 基于规则的、明确被陈述的过程,包括一个或 values) are used to identify uniquely the results of assigning an 多个数据元的使用,数据元的值(或值的集 OeRI 合)用来唯一标识分配一个开放式 edi 注册项 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.95)] 的结果。</p><p>3.212 3.212 Registration Authority (RA) 注册机构(RA) Person responsible for the maintenance of one or more Registration Schemas (RS) including the assignment of a 负责维护一个或多个注册模式的法人,包括为 unique identifier for each recognized entity in a Registration 每个认可的实体按照注册模式进行的唯一标识 Schema (RS) 符的分配。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.57)]</p><p>3.213 3.213 Registration Authority Identifier (RAI) 注册机构标识符(RAI) identifier assigned to a Registration Authority (RA) 分配到注册机构(RA)的标识符。 [ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 (3.3.32)] 3.214 3.214 Registration Schema (RS) 注册模式 formal definition of a set of rules governing the data fields for the description of an entity and the allowable contents of those 一套管理对实体进行描述的数据域以及这些域 fields, including the rules for the assignment of identifiers 的允许值的一套规则的正式定义,包括标识符 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.58)] 的分配规则。</p><p>3.215 3.215 registration status 注册状态 designation of the status in the registration administration of an OeRI 开放式 edi 注册项的注册管理部门中状态的指 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.98)] 称。</p><p>158 3.216 3.216 registry 注册系统 information system on which a register is maintained 维护注册库的信息系统。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.99)]</p><p>3.217 3.217 regulator 法律机构 Person who has authority to prescribe external constraints which serve as principles, policies or rules governing or 有权规定外部约束的一个法人,这些外部约束 prescribing the behaviour of Persons involved in a business 作为管理或规定参与业务交易的法人行为的原 transaction as well as the provisioning of goods, services, and/or rights interchanged 则、政策或规则,也作为交换的产品、服务和 (或)权力的规定。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.59)]</p><p>3.218 3.218 regulatory business transaction (RBT) 法定业务交易(RBT) class of business transactions for which the explicitly shared goal has been established and specified by a jurisdictional 由司法域规定和建立清晰共享目标的业务交易 domain, as a Person in the role of a regulator 类,作为法律机构角色中的人或法人。 NOTE 1 A regulatory business transaction (RBT) can itself be modelled as a stand-alone business transaction and associated 注释1:法律机构业务交易(RBT)本身能模型 scenario(s). For example, the filing of a tax return, the making of a 化为独立的业务交易和关联的剧本,如:返税 customs declaration, the request for and issuance of a license, the provision of a specified service of a public administration, a mandatory 文件归档、海关声明的形成、请求和许可证发 filing of any kind with a regulator, etc. 放、公共管理机构特定服务规定、法律机构必 NOTE 2 A regulatory business transaction (modelled as a scenario) 备文件归档等。 can form part of another business transaction. 注释2:RBT(模型化为剧本)可以形成另一个 业务交易的一部分。 NOTE 3 A RBT may apply to a seller only, a buyer only or both, as well as any combination of parties to a business transaction. 注释3:RBT仅仅可用于卖方、买方或同时用于 两者,以及业务交易的参与方任意组合。 NOTE 4 A RBT may require or prohibit the use of an agent or third party. 注释4:RBT可以要求或禁止使用代理或第3方。</p><p>NOTE 5 A regulatory business transaction (RBT) may be specific to 注释5:RBT可以特定于构成业务交易组成部分 the nature of the good, services and/or right forming part of a business 的货物、服务和/或权力的性质。 transaction. [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.124)]</p><p>3.219 3.219 repertoire 保留字符集 a specified set of characters that are represented in a coded character set 编码字符集中表示的一套特定字符集合。 [ISO/IEC TR 15285:1998 (3.16)]</p><p>3.220 3.220 resource-flow 资源流 association between an economic event and an economic resource 经济事件和经济资源之间的关联性。</p><p>NOTE A common example would be a resource-flow between some 注 :通常的 例 是某些 存和出 之 的 inventory and the shipment that caused control of that inventory to flow 释 实 应 库 货 间 资 from one Person to another. 源流,这些出货引起了存货从一个人流到另一个 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.58)] 人的管理。 159 3.221 3.221 responsibility 责任 association between Persons where one is responsible to the other or between a Person and an organization Person where 人或法人之间的关联性,此处,人或法人对另 that Person is assigned 一个人或法人和机构法人之间有责任,此处, NOTE Subtypes of Persons include individuals, organizations, and 人或法人是指定的。 public administrations. An “individual” is non-divisible but organizations and public administrations are and as such will assign specific 注释:包括个人、机构和公共管理的人的子类。 responsibilities to organization Persons. {See further Clause 6.2.7 and Figure 17 in ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002} “个人”是不可分的,但是机构和公共管理是可 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.59)] 分的,同样应给“机构人”分配特定的责任。</p><p>3.222 3.222 retention period 保存期 length of time for which data on a data medium is to be preserved 在数据媒体上保留数据将要持续的时长。 [ISO/IEC 2382-12:1988 (12.04.01)] 3.223 3.223 role 角色 specification which models an external intended behaviour (as allowed within a scenario) of an Open-edi Party 将一个开放式 edi 参与方面向外部的行为(在剧 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.25)] 本允许的范围内)进行建模的规范。</p><p>3.224 3.224 rule 规则 statement governing conduct, procedure, conditions and relations 控制行为、程序、条件和关系的陈述。</p><p>NOTE 1 Rules specify conditions that must be complied with. These 注 : 定了必 遵守的条件, 些条件 may include relations among objects and their attributes. 释1 规则规 须 这 包括对象和其属性间的相互关系。 NOTE 2 Rules are of a mandatory or conditional nature. </p><p>NOTE 3 In Open-edi, rules formally specify the commitment(s) and 注释2:规则是必备的或有条件的。 role(s) of the parties involved, and the expected behaviour(s) of the parties involved as seen by other parties involved in (electronic) 注释3:在开放式edi中,规则正式规定了参与 business transactions. Such rules are applied to: -content of the information flows in the form of precise and computer-processable 各方的义务和角色以及电子业务交易中由涉及 meaning, i.e. the semantics of data; and, -the order and behaviour of 到的其他各参与方了解到的参与方的期望行为。 the information flows themselves. 这些规则用到: NOTE 4 Rules must be clear and explicit enough to be understood by a) 以精确的和计算机可处理方式描述的信息流 all parties to a business transaction. Rules also must be capable of being able to be specified using a using a Formal Description 的内容,即:数据的内容; Technique(s) (FDTs). b) 信息流本身的顺序和行为。 EXAMPLE A current and widely used FDT is "Unified Modelling Language (UML)". 注释4:规则必须足够清晰,以便业务交易的所 有参与方都能理解。规则也必须能够用形式描 NOTE 5 Specification of rules in an Open-edi business transaction should be compliant with the requirements of ISO/IEC 15944-3 "Open- 述技术(FDT)来规定。 edi Description Techniques (OeDT)". [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.101)] 例:当前广泛使用的形式描述技术是“统一建模 语言(UML)”</p><p>注释5:开放式edi业务交易中的规则应与 ISO/IEC 15944-3“开放式edi描述技术 (OeDT)”的需求一致。</p><p>160 3.225 3.225 rulebase 规则库 pre-established set of rules which interwork and which together form an autonomous whole 相互作用并且共同形成一个自治的整体的、预 先建立的规则集。 NOTE One considers a rulebase to be to rules as database is to data. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.102)] 注释:人们认为规则库类似于数据库管理数据 那样管理规则。</p><p>3.226 3.226 scenario attribute 剧本属性 formal specification of information, relevant to an Open-edi scenario as a whole, which is neither specific to roles nor to 与开放式edi剧本整体上相关的信息的形式化规 Information Bundles 范,既与角色无关也与信息束无关。 [ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.26)]</p><p>3.227 3.227 scenario component 剧本构件 one of the three fundamental elements of a scenario, namely role, information bundle, and semantic component 剧本三个基本元素中的一个,即:角色、信息 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.104)] 束和语义构件。</p><p>3.228 3.228 scenario content 剧本内容 set of recorded information containing registry entry identifiers, labels and their associated definitions and related 记录的信息集包含注册条目标识符、标签和与 recorded information posted (or reposted) in any registry for 其相关的定义以及业务对象在任何注册系统中 business objects 被邮寄(或重新邮寄)的相关的记录的信息。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.105)]</p><p>3.229 3.229 scenario specification attribute 剧本规范属性 any attribute of a scenario, role, information bundle, and/or semantic component 剧本、角色、信息束和(或)语义构件的属性。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.106)]</p><p>3.230 3.230 SC identifier 语义构件标识符 unique, linguistically neutral, unambiguous, referenceable identifier of a Semantic Component 语义构件的唯一的、语言中性的、明确的、可 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.107)] 引用的标识符。</p><p>3.231 3.231 seller 卖方 Person who aims to hand over voluntarily or in response to a demand, a good, service and/or right to another Person and in 一个意图自愿或响应要求或请求而交付产品、 return receives an acceptable equivalent value, usually in 服务和(或)权力给另一个人或法人的人或法人, money, for the good, service and/or right provided 作为回报,它也收到了可接受的同等价值,通 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.62)] 常以金钱的形式。</p><p>3.232 3.232 Semantic Component (SC) 语义构件 161 unit of recorded information unambiguously defined in the context of the business goal of the business transaction 在业务交易的业务目标的语境中清晰而又无歧 义地定义的记录的信息单元。 NOTE A SC may be atomic or composed of other SCs. </p><p>[ISO/IEC 14662:2004 (3.27)]</p><p>3.233 3.233 semantic identifier (SI) 语义标识符(SI) IT-interface identifier for a semantic component or other semantic for which (1) the associated context, applicable rules 用于语义构件或其他语义的IT接口标识符,其 and/or possible uses as a semantic are predefined and 他语义指(1)预定义和结构化作为一种语义的 structured and the Source Authority for the applicable 相关的语境、可用的规则和(或)可能的用法, rulebase is identified; and (2) for which one or more Human Interface Equivalents(HIEs) exist 并且标识出用于可用规则库的来源机构,并且 (2)存在一个或多个人类接口的等同 NOTE The identifier for a Semantic Component (SC), an Information Bundle (IB) and/or an ID Code for which one or more Human Interface (HIE)。 Equivalents (HIEs) exist are considered to have the properties or behaviours of semantic identifiers. 注释1:存在一个或多个HIE的语义构件标识符、 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.136)] 信息束和(或)ID代码被认为具有语义标识符的 特性或行为</p><p>3.234 3.234 set of recorded information (SRI) 记录信息集(SRI) recorded information of an organization or public administration, which is under the control of the same and 机构或公共管理机构的记录信息,它是在相同 which is treated as a unit in its information life cycle 机构管理下,并且被视为其信息生命周期内的</p><p>NOTE 1 A SRI can be a physical or digital document, a record, a file, 一个单元。 etc., that can be read, perceived or heard by a person or computer system or similar device. 注释1:SRI可以是物理的或数字的文档、记录、 NOTE 2 A SRI is a unit of recorded information that is unambiguously 文件等,它们是可以被人、计算机系统或其他 defined in the context of the business goals of the organization, i.e., a 相似设备读取的、理解的或听到的。 semantic component. </p><p>NOTE 3 A SRI can be self-standing (atomic), or a SRI can consist of a 注释2:SRI是记录信息的一个单元,该记录信 bundling of two or more SRIs into another “new” SRI. Both types can 息在机构业务目标的语境中被无歧义定义,即: exist simultaneously within the information management systems of an organization. 语义构件。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.137)] 注释3:SRI是自独立的(原子的),或SRI可 以由两个或多个SRI打成一包组成而成为另一 个“新的”SRI。两种类型可以在一个机构的信息 管理系统中同时存在。</p><p>3.235 3.235 settlement 结算 association between a requiting economic event and an economic claim where the occurrence of the event causes the 回报经济事件和经济主张之间的关联性,此处, economic claim to expire 事件的出现引起经济主张失效。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.63)] 3.236 3.236 site 站点 association between an economic event and the business location where the transfer of economic resources involved 经济事件和业务地点之间的关联性,此处,事 in that event is deemed to have occurred 件中所涉及的经济资源的转移被认为已经出现。</p><p>162 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.64)] 3.237 3.237 Source Authority (SA) 来源机构(SA) Person recognized by other Persons as the authoritative source for a set of constraints 由其他人或法人认可的作为约束集的权威来源 的人或法人。 NOTE 1 A Person as a Source Authority for internal constraints may be an individual, organization, or public administration. 注释1:作为内部约束权威来源机构的“人”可以 NOTE 2 A Person as Source Authority for external constraints may be 是一个个人、机构或公共管理机构。 an organization or public administration. </p><p>EXAMPLE In the field of air travel and transportation, IATA as a 注释2:作为外部约束权威来源机构的“人”可以 Source Authority, is an "organization," while ICAO as a Source 是机构或公共管理机构。 Authority, is a "public administration". </p><p>NOTE 3 A Person as an individual shall not be a Source Authority for 实例:在航空旅行和运输领域,IATA作为权威 external constraints. 来源机构,是一个机构,而ICAO作为一个权威 NOTE 4 Source Authorities are often the issuing authority for 来源机构,是一个公共管理机构。 identifiers (or composite identifiers) for use in business transactions. 注释3:作为一个个人的“人”不应是外部约束的 NOTE 5 A Source Authority can undertake the role of Registration Authority or have this role undertaken on its behalf by another Person. 权威来源机构。</p><p>NOTE 6 Where the sets of constraints of a Source Authority control a coded domain, the SA has the role of a coded domain Source 注释4:权威来源机构经常发布用在业务交易中 Authority. 的权威标识符(或复合标识符)。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.109)] 注释5:权威来源机构能够承担权威注册机构的 角色或代表另一个“人”承担角色。</p><p>注释6:权威来源机构约束集管理一个编码域的 地方,权威来源机构具有编码域权威来源机构 的角色。</p><p>3.238 3.238 special language 专门语言 language for special purposes (LSP), language used in a subject field and characterized by the use of specific linguistic 特殊用途语言,用于专业领域,并以专门的语 means of expression 言表达手段为特征的语言。</p><p>NOTE The specific linguistic means of expression always include subject-specific terminology and phraseology and also may cover 注释:专门的语言表达手段包括使用专业领域 stylistic or syntactic features. 特有的术语和词语搭配惯例,也可包含文体或 [ISO 1087-1:2000 (3.1.3)] 句法上的特点。</p><p>3.239 3.239 standard 标准 documented agreement containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, 包含技术规范,或其他作为规则、指南或属性 guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that 定义使用的精确准则的文档化协议,来确保材 materials, products, processes and services are fit for their 料、产品、过程和服务符合其目的。 purpose </p><p>NOTE This is the generic definition of “standard” of the ISO and IEC (and now found in the ISO/IEC JTC1 Directives, Part 1, Section 2.5:1998). {See also ISO/IEC Guide 2: 1996 (1.7)} [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.64)]</p><p>3.240 3.240</p><p>163 stewardship (of an OeRI) (OeRI)秘书 relationship of an OeRI, a Contact, and an organization involved in the stewardship of an OeRI 开放式edi注册项工作中所涉及的开放式edi注 册项、联系人和机构之间的关系。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.111)]</p><p>3.241 3.241 stewardship organization 秘书处 unique framework of authority within which a Person or Persons act, or are designated to act in the stewardship of an 人或法人在开放式edi注册项秘书工作中行动或 OeRI 被指定行动的权威机构唯一框架。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.112)]</p><p>3.242 3.242 submission (of an OeRI) (OeRI)的提交 relationship of an OeRI, a Contact, and an organization involved in the submission of an OeRI 在开放式edi注册项提交过程中涉及的开放式 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.112)] edi注册项、联系人和机构之间的关系。</p><p>3.243 3.243 submitting organization 提交机构 organization authorised by a register owner to propose changes to the content of a register 由注册库拥有者授权、向注册库内容提交变更 [ISO 19135:2005 (4.1.16)] 信息的机构。</p><p>3.244 3.244 term 术语 designation of a defined concept in a special language by a linguistic expression 专门语言中使用一种语言学表达的定义概念的 指称。 NOTE A term may consist of one or more words i.e. simple term, or complex term or even contain symbols. 注释:一个术语可能由一个或多个词组成,即 [ISO 1087:1990 (] 简单术语、复杂术语,或者甚至包括符号。 3.245 3.245 text 文本 data in the form of characters, symbols, words, phrases, paragraphs, sentences, tables, or other character 以读者对某种自然语言或人工语言的理解为基 arrangements, intended to convey a meaning and whose 础,采用字符、符号、词、词组、段落、句子、 interpretation is essentially based upon the reader's knowledge 表格形式或其他字符编排形式来表达一个意思 of some natural language or artificial language 的数据 EXAMPLE A business letter printed on paper or displayed on a 实例:在纸上打印的或在屏幕上显示的事务信 screen. 件。 [ISO/IEC 2381-23:1994 (23.01.01)] 3.246 3.246 third party 第三方 Person besides the two primarily concerned in a business transaction who is agent of neither and who fulfils a specified 业务交易所涉及的两个主要人或法人之外的人 role or function as mutually agreed to by the two primary 或法人,它不是前两者的代理,符合出于前两 Persons or as a result of external constraints 者双方的同意或外部约束而规定的角色或功能。 NOTE It is understood that more than two Persons can at times be primary parties in a business transaction. 注释:可以理解有时在一个业务交易中两个人或 164 法人为主要参与方。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.65)]</p><p>3.247 3.247 treaty 协议 international agreement concluded between jurisdictional domains in written form and governed by international law 在司法域中以书面形式确定的国际协议,并且 符合国际法。 NOTE 1 On the whole a treaty is concluded among UN member states. 注释1:基本上协议是在UN成员国之间达成。 NOTE 2 Treaties among UN member states when coming into force are required to be transmitted to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration or filing or recording as the case may be and for 注释2:UN成员国之间达成的协议,当协议生效 publication. {See further Article 80 or the Charter of the UN} 时,应提交给联合国秘书处注册,或进行为了</p><p>NOTE 3 Treaties can also be entered into by jurisdictional domains 出版而所需的文件性或记录工作。(见联合国宪 other than UN member states, i.e., non-members such as international 章的第80条) organizations and the rare sub-national units of federations which are 注 : 中可以 入 合国成 国之外的 constitutionally empowered to do so. 释 3 协议 纳 联 员 其他司法域,即非成员国,如国际组织、以及 NOTE 4 A treaty can be embodied in a single instrument or in two or 法 可的国家下属 盟性机构。 more related instruments and whatever it particular designations. 宪 许 联 However, each treaty is a single entity. 注释 4:一个协议可以通过一个措施实现,也 可以通 两个或多个措施 ,不 措施是何 NOTE 5 Jurisdictional domains can make agreements which they do 过 实现 论 not mean to be legally binding for reasons of administrative 种形式。然而,每个协议是一个单个的实体。 convenience or expressions of political intent only, (e.g., as a 注 :司法域可以制定不与法律 定的 , Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)). 释 5 绑 协议 用于行政的便利或政治意图的表达(例如,谅解 [adapted from the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1(a)] 备忘录的形式)。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.144)] (采用协议法上建立的维也纳公约)。 3.248 3.248 truncated name 简称 short form of a name or persona of a Person resulting from the application of a rule-based truncation process 由基于规则的、经过简化过程的应用系统产生 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.145)] 的人或法人的名称或外在特征的简写形式。</p><p>3.249 3.249 truncated recognized name (TRN) 法定简称(TRN) truncated name, i.e., persona, of a Person which has the properties of a legally recognized name (LRN) 简称,即:具有法律认可名称(LRN)特性的 人或法人的外在特征。 NOTE 1 Truncated recognized name(s) may be required for use in machine-readable travel documents, (e.g., passports or visas), identity tokens, drivers’ licenses, medicare cards, etc.). 注释1:法定简称可以用在机器可读的旅游文档 中(如:护照或签证)、身份证、驾驶执照, NOTE 2 The source of a truncated recognized name may be a legally recognized name. 医疗卡等)。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.146)] 注释2:法定简称的来源可以是LRN。</p><p>3.250 3.250 truncation 简化 rule-base process, explicitly stated, for shortening an existing name of an entity to fit within a predefined maximum length (of 基于规则的过程,清晰陈述的,用于缩短实体 characters) 的现存名称以适应预定义的最大字符长度。 NOTE Truncation may be required for the use of names in IT systems, electronic data interchange (EDI), the use of labels in packaging, in the 注释:简化可以用于IT系统、EDI中的名称,用 formation of a Person identity (Pi), etc. 于包装的标签以及人或法人身份(Pi)的形成 165 等。 [ISO/IEC 15944-5:2006 (3.147)]</p><p>3.251 3.251 typification 代表 association between a concrete entity and the abstract specification of its grouped properties 具体的实体和其聚合到一起的特性的抽象规范 之间的关联性。 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.66)]</p><p>3.252 3.252 unambiguous 无歧义 level of certainty and explicitness required in the completeness of the semantics of the recorded information interchanged 符合业务交易目标所交换的记录的信息的语义 appropriate to the goal of a business transaction 完整性所需的确定性和明确性的程度。</p><p>[ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.66)]</p><p>3.253 3.253 undefined market model 未定义的市场模型 trade model where participants are not registered in advance and where that market does not have accepted and recognized 参与者未被提前注册,并且市场没有经过认可 sources or business rules and conventions 和接受的、用于业务规则和惯例的来源的贸易 [ISO/IEC 15944-4:2006 (3.67)] 模型</p><p>3.254 3.254 until date 截止日期 date at which an OeRI is no longer effective in the registry 注册系统中开放式edi注册项不再有效的日期。 [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.116)]</p><p>3.255 3.255 vendor 销售方 seller on whom consumer protection requirements are applied as a set of external constraints on a business 消费者保护需求作为一套业务交易的外部约束 transaction 适用的卖方。</p><p>NOTE 1 Consumer protection is a set of explicitly defined rights and obligations applicable as external constraints on a business 注释1:消费者保护是一套适用于业务交易的外 transaction. 部约束的清楚定义的权利和义务。</p><p>NOTE 2 It is recognized that external constraints on a seller of 注 :我 到,具有消 者保 特性的 the nature of consumer protection may be peculiar to a 释2 们认识 费 护 买 specified jurisdiction. 方的外部约束对规定的司法来说是特定的。 [ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 (3.67)]</p><p>3.256 3.256 version identifier 版本标识符 unique number assigned to identify a version of an OeRI 被分配标识开放式edi注册项版本的唯一号。 NOTE The default value = 1.0. [ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 (3.117)] 注释:默认值=1.0.</p><p>3.257 3.257 166 vocabulary 词汇 terminological dictionary which contains designations and definitions for one or more specific subject fields 术语词典的一种,包含一个或多个专业领域中 的指称和定义。 NOTE The vocabulary may be monolingual, bilingual or multilingual. [ISO 1087-1:2000 (13.7.2)] 注释:词汇可以是单语、双语或多语的。</p><p>167</p>
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