<p>Candidate information pack</p><p>Visit our website: www.nhsaaa.net All our publications are available in other formats Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/nhsaaa Follow us on Twitter @NHSaaa Post Title:</p><p>Pharmacy Support Worker - Rotational </p><p>Job Reference Number:</p><p>P/535/17 </p><p>Informal Enquiries: Informal enquiries are welcomed by: Annmarie Crowe, Pharmacy Technician Team Manager UHC on 01563 826068 or Irene Smith, Pharmacy Technician Team Manager UHA on 01292 610555 or Fiona Uriarte, Principal Technician, Woodland View on 01294 322379</p><p>Closing Date:</p><p>23 November 2017</p><p>Process for Submitting Application Form:</p><p>You can apply using the online application form on the SHOW website – www.jobs.scot.nhs.uk Alternatively your completed application form can be returned to HRAHPProfTechPharm@aapct.scot.nhs.uk or to the Department of O&HRD, 63A Lister Street, University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, KA2 0BE</p><p>Please note: if applying using the online application facility on the SHOW website, please avoid using symbols, &/£ signs, etc. For all applications, either online or paper, please limit your supporting statement to no more than 500 words. If limit is exceeded text will be cut off.</p><p>All correspondence will be sent by email. We have experienced some issues with personal email addresses and there is no guarantee correspondence will be sent to your inbox. It is therefore your responsibility to check all email folders, including your junk folder, as we have no control over which folder the correspondence will be sent to. Section one: Why work in Ayrshire?</p><p>Ayrshire is situated in the south-west of Scotland on the Firth of Clyde, and is characterised by 80 miles of varied coastline, picturesque beaches, rolling green hills and islands.</p><p>Just a 30-minute drive from Glasgow city centre, Ayrshire is an ideal location for those who want to enjoy city life, with all the benefits of living in a semi-rural area. Ayr, Irvine and Kilmarnock are the largest towns. However, there are many rural towns, villages and communities throughout the area should you wish to relocate to Ayrshire. Whether you decide to locate to Ayrshire or a neighbouring area, you will find that property prices are more affordable than in other parts of the UK.</p><p>Alternatively, working in Ayrshire provides an easy commute from both Glasgow and the wider central belt. There is an excellent network of both rail and bus links throughout Ayrshire to Glasgow and beyond. There are UK and international flights available from Glasgow Airport, as well as a range of services from Glasgow Prestwick Airport.</p><p>Ayrshire provides a wide range of excellent recreational activities: whether you are interested in history and heritage, outdoor pursuits, events and festivals, or simply food and drink, there is something for everyone.</p><p>Ayrshire boasts more than 40 quality golf courses, including two Open Championship courses at Turnberry and Royal Troon.</p><p>For more information on the range of recreational activities in Ayrshire, visit www.visitscotland.com /ayrshire-arran </p><p>Local educational standards are very high at primary and secondary level. However, private education is also available in the area. See below for more information on local authority services:</p><p>East Ayrshire Council – www.east-ayrshire.gov.uk</p><p>North Ayrshire Council – www.north-ayrshire.gov.uk</p><p>South Ayrshire Council – www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk Section two: NHS Ayrshire & Arran as an employer</p><p>NHS Ayrshire & Arran recognises that our staff are vital to delivering our purpose, values and commitments and to achieving our strategic objectives. Our purpose</p><p>Working together to achieve the healthiest life possible for everyone in Ayrshire and Arran</p><p>Our values Caring Safe Respectful</p><p>Our aim is to create an organisation where people want to work and strive to deliver excellence each day; where staff wellbeing and personal resilience is supported; where careers are interesting and developed; where staff are encouraged to reach their full potential; and where staff feel their contribution is recognised and valued.</p><p>To do this, we need to attract, develop, support and retain our staff and enhance their work experience. This will directly contribute to our aspiration to deliver excellent high quality services to every person every time. We believe the unique factors that help to define us as an employer are:</p><p> our friendly and supportive environment; our commitment to staff engagement and effective team working; our track record in creativity and innovation and our ability to successfully implement change and redesign; our track record in supporting our staff’s learning, development and career aspirations, from an initial comprehensive three-day corporate induction programme to the availability of a wide range of internal training programmes; our commitment to supporting flexible working through a wide range of family friendly policies; and our commitment to support and improve our staff’s health, safety, wellbeing and resilience. We do this by implementing our Staff Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy, and in our work towards achieving and maintaining the Health Working Lives Gold Award. In addition, our Staff Care and Occupational Health Service provide a range of support and interventions to our staff.</p><p>The organisation has a statutory responsibility to ensure the Staff Governance Standard is embedded and adhered to as part of the governance framework – staff, financial, information and clinical governance – in which NHS Boards operate. The Staff Governance Standard requires all NHS Boards to demonstrate that staff are:</p><p> well informed;</p><p> appropriately trained and developed;</p><p> involved in decisions;</p><p> treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect in an environment where diversity is valued; and</p><p> provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.</p><p>During 2013, we consulted with our staff to select the key values and behaviours which they believed were essential to create a safe, effective and person-centred working environment which benefits patients, staff and carers. This allowed us to develop our purpose, values and commitments. We passionately believe in creating a culture which is open, fair and just. Section three: Delivering our services</p><p>Acute Services</p><p>Emergency and elective hospital services are provided by our acute services, which includes inpatient, outpatient and day case care. There are two district general hospitals within Ayrshire: University Hospital Ayr and University Hospital Crosshouse. These hospitals provide a wide range of acute services:</p><p> University Hospital Ayr</p><p>University Hospital Ayr provides medical and surgical services on an inpatient, day case and outpatient basis. It is the main Accident and Emergency service for South Ayrshire. It provides a number of Ayrshire-wide services including Vascular Surgery, Ophthalmology and Audiology.</p><p> University Hospital Crosshouse</p><p>University Hospital Crosshouse provides medical and surgical services on an inpatient, day case and outpatient basis. It is the main Accident and Emergency service for East and North Ayrshire. Inpatient paediatrics, the Ayrshire Maternity Unit and the main Laboratories for Ayrshire are on the Crosshouse site.</p><p>Community, mental health and learning disabilities services</p><p>Following the introduction of Health and Social Care Integration, the operational delivery for the range of community healthcare services and mental health and learning disabilities services is through the newly created Health and Social Care Partnerships and the Integrated Joint Boards:</p><p> East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership</p><p> North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership</p><p> South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership</p><p>Community Services</p><p>General medical and dental services are provided throughout Ayrshire and Arran by general practitioners, dentists, community pharmacies and optometry practices. Community nurses, health visitors and Allied Health Professionals are all involved in providing care within our local communities.</p><p>Out-of-hours general medical services are provided by Ayrshire Doctors On Call (ADOC) within the community. Mental health and learning disability services</p><p>Inpatient mental health services, including the Intensive Psychiatric Care Unit, are largely delivered at Ailsa Hospital in Ayr with further mental health inpatient services provided at University Hospital Crosshouse</p><p>Learning disability services are provided from Arrol Park in Ayr. Elderly mental health inpatient services are provided from Ayrshire Central Hospital in Irvine, and East Ayrshire Community Hospital in Cumnock. Community based services are provided throughout Ayrshire for the range of clinical groups: adults, child and adolescent, elderly and addiction services.</p><p>For more information on the full range of clinical services provided by NHS Ayrshire & Arran, visit our website www.nhsaaa.net Section four: Investing for the future</p><p>There are two major capital developments underway within NHS Ayrshire & Arran to ensure safe, effective and person centred care:</p><p>Building for better care</p><p>We are investing £27.5 million to provide fit for purpose front door services for University Hospitals Ayr and Crosshouse, in order to improve emergency and urgent care for patients who come to hospital for anything other than a scheduled appointment.</p><p>North Ayrshire Community Hospital – Woodland View</p><p>We are investing £47 million to provide a 206 en-suite bedroom integrated mental health and community facility, including older people’s long term care and rehabilitation. This development will bring together a full range of outpatient and inpatient facilities. Section five: Post Details</p><p>1. Job Identification</p><p>Job Title: Pharmacy Support Worker </p><p>Responsible to: Pharmacy Technician Team Manager</p><p>Department(s): Pharmacy Department</p><p>University Hospital Ayr (UHA) </p><p>University Hospital Crosshouse (UHC)</p><p>Woodland View, Ayrshire Central (WV)</p><p>Directorate: Pharmacy and Prescribing</p><p>Operating Division: Pharmacy Services</p><p>Job Reference: </p><p>No of Job Holders: UHA (4), UHC (8), WV (1)</p><p>Last Update (insert date): Sept 2017</p><p>2. Job Purpose</p><p>Assists technicians and pharmacists in providing a Pharmaceutical Service to patients and staff in NHS Ayrshire & Arran by performing those tasks within the service that require a moderate degree of technical expertise.</p><p>3. Dimensions Rotational post required to work in all areas of the pharmacy department including distribution, dispensary, aseptic dispensing and the pharmacy store. Required to visit on, a daily basis, a range of wards and departments such as Accident & Emergency, Clinics and Theatres within the hospital to check quantities of pharmaceutical supplies available and initiate orders for further supplies (top-up service). May be required to work in other pharmacy departments within the NHS Ayrshire & Arran 4. Organisational Position</p><p>Professionally accountable to: Pharmacy Technician Team Manager</p><p>Managed by: Pharmacy Technician Team Manager </p><p>Supervised by: Principal or Senior Pharmacist or Special/ Higher Level Pharmacy Technician in the relevant department section.</p><p>Peers: Area 12 x Pharmacy Support Workers (UHA x 4, UHC x 8)</p><p>5. Role of Department The aim of the hospital pharmacy service is to assure the quality of patient care associated with the provision of treatment with medicines by: Promoting safe and cost effective prescribing taking into account the clinical needs of individual Patients. Providing a wide range of direct pharmaceutical services to inpatients, outpatients, day patients and departments (hospital and community). Ensuring that all aspects of the hospital pharmacy service comply with all statutory (legal) and quality standards. Includes the Medicines Act 1968 and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Providing information and education about medicines to patients, carers and healthcare workers as appropriate Ensuring that services are provided by a competent workforce by providing the required level of educational and training support. Supporting the work of the Drug & Therapeutics Committee and policy development for medicine use. Linking and communicating with primary care practitioners (Community Pharmacists and GPs) to ensure seamless care. 6. Key Result Areas (a) Main Duties and Responsibilities</p><p>This is a rotational post and depending on the hospital site the following of duties are those carried out while in each section shown. Distribution:</p><p> Assesses ward and department stock requirements daily in accordance with agreed levels to ensure availability of stock. Computer inputs, assembles, packs and dispatches orders in accordance with guidelines for lifting and handling and security of stock. Inspects returned stock to assess fitness for re-use and updates computer stock files accordingly and returns stock to shelf rotating stock in date order to minimise waste. Required to carry out monthly expiry date checking within wards, Theatres and Clinics. Generates picking lists for medicines and other pharmacy items from the JAC pharmacy computer system, on a daily basis, from ward top-up sheets, or electronic device. Prints off ward top-up sheets, as required, ensuring that wards and pharmacy staff have copies of accurate documents</p><p>Dispensary: Receives prescriptions from ward staff and patients, assesses liability for prescription charges, handles cash payments and logs prescription in dispensary. Operates cash register and carries out casing-up procedure to ensure all money is accounted for. Assembles individual drug items and sundries in accordance with each prescription/worksheet to prepare for dispensing. Dispenses prescriptions by assembling individual drug items, preparing direction labels and dispensing items in accordance with each prescription prior to final check. Repackages or over-labels medicines prior to final checking. Assembles and replenishes ward Emergency Kits prior to final checking</p><p>Aseptic Dispensing: Prepares labels for products using computer labelling system, inspects and labels aseptically prepared medicines prior to final checking. Manufactures simple intravenous additive infusions where measuring of volumes is not required. Required to clean and change gloves in isolator cabinets Pharmacy Store: Receives deliveries and packs stock on shelves, rotating stock to ensure that stock expiring soonest is used first to avoid expiry of stock in the pharmacy and at ward/department level. Checks and replenishes stock in the hospital Emergency Pharmacy Supplies cupboard to ensure stock is available if required Receives goods from manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors including medicines, controlled drugs, renal supplies, medical gases and other items supplied by pharmacy to ensure prompt processing and availability. Checks goods received against delivery notes and order specifications to ensure that products of the correct identity, pack size, form, strength and quantity have been received. Records batch numbers and expiry dates to assist in product recalls and notes any changes in storage requirements to ensure that stock is stored appropriately. Investigates and reports on incorrect deliveries identifying discrepancies to the Storekeeper/clerk so that any corrections can be made promptly. Marks up receipts of stock using the JAC pharmacy stock control computer system and produces documents specifying the storage location for the received stock ensuring placement in the correct location. Packs received goods on shelves, ensuring rotation, so that oldest stock is used first to avoid expiry of stock. Scans received goods into ARX robot, checking expiry dates are appropriate and amending expiry on ARX if required. Carries out regular checks of expiry dates of stock, identifying and removing stock that has expired in accordance with standard operating procedures, maintains and actions list of stock expiring in the next 3 months. Maintains stock levels of medical gases and renal fluids by carrying out a stock count on a weekly basis. Maintains the pharmacy renal store and medical gas store in a clean and tidy condition in accordance with standard operating procedures. Participates in stock counts associated with daily stock balancing and notifies the Storekeeper/Clerk of discrepancies Maintains filing system for orders pending and delivery notes for audit and referral purposes. Demonstrates duties to less-experienced staff and Pre-registration Pharmacy Technicians or Pharmacists.. Acts as gatekeeper to ensure only authorised personnel are allowed within secure area of pharmacy Completes ward box orders, generated by the robot, by manually picking the non-robotic items. Over label packs for A&E, Day Surgery, Maternity, etc where required. Inputs ward infusion orders on to Ward Assembly spreadsheet.</p><p>Community Services: Receives vaccine orders from GP practices during the course of each week. Prioritises orders for processing according to delivery schedule for distribution based on geographical location. This service is available to 70 GP practices. Supplies for distribution to specified locations during national vaccines campaigns. Prioritises processing of monthly order for Community Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, Dental Clinics, Podiatry and Family Planning to accommodate delivery schedules based on geographical location. Processes orders by entering data on the JAC system, assembles, packs and labels orders, ready for delivery (b) General Duties</p><p> Receives telephone calls for orders and enquiries. Completes and files appropriate documentation in all areas of work. Jointly responsible with other pharmacy staff for ensuring that the security of medicines is maintained at departmental level and promoting good practice regarding the security of medicines during transit and at ward level. Maintains adequate supplies of ingredients, sundries and protective clothing required for all work areas. Takes appropriate readings from recording equipment in accordance with standard operating procedures and reports any deviations from the norm. The post-holder is expected to attend regular departmental training meetings. Demonstrates duties to less experienced staff and Pre-registration Pharmacy Technicians or Pharmacists. Participates in departmental rotation as appropriate to the grade. Required to participate in the following departmental rotas: o Late night rota o Weekend rota o Public Holiday rota Maintains safe systems of work in accordance with the Safety, Health and Environmental Manual. Complies with departmental standard operating procedures at all times. Contributes to the development of the pharmaceutical service.</p><p>7a. Equipment and Machinery Assembles, operates and cleans equipment used in the preparation of medicines in accordance with standard operating procedures. Uses electronic device on a daily basis to carry out top-ups Uses photocopier and fax. </p><p>7b. Systems Uses JAC pharmacy stock control and dispensary computer system to input information generated by self and others and retrieve information in connection with duties above. Uses Prescription Tracking System to input and retrieve information in connection with duties above.</p><p>8. Assignment and Review of Work The post-holder is professionally accountable to and managed by the Pharmacy Technician Team Manager and is required to work under the direction of the appropriate Principal / Senior Pharmacists and Specialist /Higher Level Technicians in each department section. The Principal or Senior Technician in the department section assigns duties. Works independently while carrying out day-to-day tasks, with periodic supervision as to whether tasks are complete. Work is of a routine nature where the majority of activities are governed by standard operating procedures, working alongside or having a senior grade contactable where required. The post-holder is expected to deal with routine enquiries and problems and refer those of a more complex nature. The Pharmacy Technician Team Manager or a nominated Specialist /Higher Level Pharmacy Technician carries out formal performance review meetings for this post.</p><p>9. Decisions and Judgements The post-holder makes judgements within own sphere of activity, such as quantities to be supplied and urgency of supply.</p><p>10. Most Challenging/Difficult Parts of the Job Adapting to the complex variety of work within the different areas of the pharmacy department to be able to assist technical and professional staff where necessary. Coping with time pressures to ensure that the appropriate pharmaceutical supplies are available to users of the pharmacy service when they are required.</p><p>11. Communications and Relationships In support of our core purpose of Working together to achieve the healthiest life possible for everyone in Ayrshire and Arran we are committed to a culture that is Caring Safe and Respectful. The post holder is required to work collaboratively in a safe, caring and respectful way.</p><p>In addition: Communicates effectively in a manner in keeping with the professional operation of the department. Communicates with all grades of pharmacy staff to impart information relevant to the provision of the service. Communicates with nursing staff in wards and departments to receive orders and to resolve enquiries and basic complaints regarding supplies. Communicates with patients regarding prescription charges and inform them of expected waiting times.</p><p>12. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Environmental Demands of the Job PHYSICAL EFFORT / SKILLS: Standard computer keyboard skills used daily. Manual dexterity used daily for manipulation of sterile devices in aseptic dispensing. Lifting and handling skills used frequently for short periods to lift, move and load boxes and containers some of which are in excess of 15 kilos.</p><p>MENTAL EFFORT / SKILLS: A high degree of speed and accuracy is expected in all duties. Frequent periods of concentration. Tasks are frequently interrupted to answer and deal with telephone or pharmacy reception enquiries.</p><p>EMOTIONAL EFFORT / SKILLS: Occasional direct contact with patients who may be physically or emotionally distressed, or aggressive.</p><p>WORKING CONDITIONS: Potential exposure to toxic pharmaceutical materials. Frequent indirect patient contact involving exposure to environmental risk at ward level.</p><p>13. Knowledge, Training and Experience Required to do the Job Minimum required to undertake the role: Required to possess SVQ Level 2 – Pharmacy Services or achieve this qualification within two years from commencement. Required to complete NHS Ayrshire & Arran Mandatory and Statutory Training. Required to complete the Mandatory Induction Standards for Healthcare Support Workers within 12 weeks of commencement. Requires a working knowledge of NHS Ayrshire and Arran standard operating procedures. Requires good communication skills (oral and written). Requires good customer care skills Requires basic arithmetic skills. Requires basic IT skills. Person Specification</p><p>Qualifications & Training – Essential Criteria</p><p>Qualifications & Training – Desirable Criteria</p><p>SVQ Level 2 – Pharmacy Services (or achieve this qualification within two academic years from commencement)</p><p>Experience – Essential Criteria</p><p>Experience – Desirable Criteria</p><p>Pharmacy experience Knowledge – Essential Criteria</p><p>Knowledge – Desirable Criteria</p><p>A working knowledge of NHS Ayrshire & Arran and department standard operating procedures</p><p>Competencies & Skills – Essential Criteria</p><p>Good communication skills (oral and written)</p><p>Good customer care skills</p><p>Basic arithmetic skills</p><p>Basic IT skills Competencies & Skills – Desirable Criteria</p><p>Personal Characteristics and Other – Essential Criteria</p><p>Personal Characteristics and Other – Desirable Criteria</p>
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