1158 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 America. My attitude is, anytime we put one Remarks at a Bush-Cheney of our troops in harm’s way, they deserve the Reception in Indianapolis best pay, the best training, and the best pos- sible equipment. This Nation will spend what September 5, 2003 it takes to win the war on terror and to pro- tect the American people. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. About a quarter of the deficit was caused Thanks. Thank you all. Please be seated. by the tax relief. But the tax relief is helping Thanks for the warm welcome. It’s great to us recover from the recession. It was needed. be back in the great State of Indiana. It’s It was needed to make this economy grow. such a beautiful part of America. You know, And as the economy grows, more revenues Vice President Cheney and I did pretty well come into the Treasury. The best way to cut in the year 2000 in this State. [Laughter] The down the deficit—and I’ve got a plan to re- next time around we should do even better, duce it in half in 5 years—is for Congress riding on the coattails of my man Mitch. to set priorities and not overspend. I want to thank you all for coming tonight. Discretionary spending prior to my arrival It’s a spectacular turnout. What we’re doing was increasing at 8.7 percent. Working with is laying the groundwork for a strong founda- fine Senators like Dick Lugar, we’ve got dis- tion for what will become a great victory in cretionary spending down during this budget November of 2004. cycle to 4 percent. There is no question that we’ve been chal- I’m going to count on you for energizing lenged. But those challenges came to the the grassroots, for putting up the signs and right people. I have been so proud of our mailing out the mailers and making the country. We are a country that is determined phone calls, for going to the coffee shops and and strong and tough when we need to be reminding your fellow citizens that ours is tough and compassionate when we need to a vision that includes everybody. Ours is a be compassionate. We’ve overcome a lot. hopeful and optimistic vision for everybody We’ve overcome war, attacks on our country, who lives in the United States of America. recessions, corporate scandals. And yet we’re The political season is coming pretty soon, still strong. We’re vibrant. We’re a great na- and I’m loosening up. I’m getting ready, but tion. We’re a great nation because of our right now I’ve got a job to do. And my job ideals and our beliefs. We believe in human is to work on behalf of the people of America. dignity. We believe everybody has worth. We I’m going to continue to work hard to earn believe in freedom and the promise of free- the confidence of every American, keeping dom. this Nation secure and strong and prosperous Ours is a nation dedicated to a world of and free. peace, and we will use our strength to achieve peace. And ours is a nation dedica- I appreciate so very much my friend Al tion to uplifting every citizen who lives in Hubbard. I didn’t realize he was so articulate. this country by giving every person a chance [Laughter] Maybe he wasn’t. [Laughter] But to realize the great promise, the American he’s a great friend. I want to thank his leader- Dream. ship. Thank you all for coming. May God bless My regret tonight is that the First Lady you, and may God bless America. is not traveling with me. I married above my- self. Laura is a remarkable person. I love her NOTE: The President spoke at 2:54 p.m. in the dearly. She’s doing a great job on behalf of warehouse at Langham Co. In his remarks, he re- the American people. ferred to Gov. Frank O’Bannon of Indiana; and I want to thank Bob Graham for his work Cathy Langham, president, John Langham, vice on this event. I, too, want to thank all the president, finance and administration, and Mar- table captains and people who have worked garet Langham, vice president, operations, Langham Co. This item was not received in time hard to make this an enormous success. I for publication in the appropriate issue. appreciate my friend Mercer Reynolds from VerDate jul 14 2003 11:00 Sep 16, 2003 Jkt 200250 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P37SET4.012 P37SET4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Sept. 5 1159 Cincinnati, Ohio, who is the national chair- administration is meeting the tests of our man of the Bush-Cheney campaign. He’s a time. business guy who’s taking time out of his life Terrorists declared war on the United to help us collect enough money to wage a States of America, and war is what they got. viable campaign in 2004. We’ve captured or killed many leaders of the I’m honored that members of the congres- Al Qaida network, and the rest of them know sional delegation are with us. I’m particularly we’re on their trail. In Afghanistan, in Iraq, pleased that the chairman is with us, a fine we gave ultimatums to terror regimes. Those American, a great friend, a person whose regimes chose defiance, and those regimes counsel and advice I take seriously, Senator are no more. Fifty million people—50 mil- Dick Lugar; a person with whom I’ve played lion people in those two countries once lived golf and don’t intend to play again since he under tyranny, and now they live in freedom. took money from me—[laughter]—Con- Two-and-a-half years ago, our military was gressman Dan Burton; and another star of not receiving the resources it needed, and the congressional delegation is with us, and morale was beginning to suffer. We increased that’s Congressman Mike Pence. the defense budget to prepare for the threats I’m so pleased we’ve got State officials of a new era. And today, no one in the world with us, Todd Rokita, who is the secretary can question the skill and the strength and of state—Mr. Secretary, I’m glad you’re the spirit of the United States military. here—the State auditor, Connie Nass, is with Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an us; the Republican house leader, Brian economy in recession. And then the attacks Bosma, is with us today, as is State Rep- came on our country, and we had scandals resentative Mike Murphy. I’m so honored in corporate America, and war. All affected you all are taking time out of your day to be here. All politics is local. You have to work the people’s confidence. But we acted. We to prepare the groundwork for a new Gov- passed tough new laws to hold corporate ernor who’s coming soon, Mitch Daniels. criminals to account. And to get the economy Speaking about my man Mitch, I noticed going again, I have twice led the United a gracious move by David McIntosh in to- States Congress to pass historic tax relief for day’s newspaper, a move of party unity, a the American people. move of serving something greater than him- Here is what I know, and here’s what I self. David, I appreciate your class act. I’m believe, that when Americans have more proud to call you friend, and I’m glad you’re take-home pay to spend, to save, or to invest, here tonight. Thank you for coming. the whole economy grows, and people are There are people who have worked in my more likely to find a job. We understand administration who are here. But one of the whose money we spend in Washington, DC. more famous Indianapolis citizens is with us It is not the Government’s money we spend. tonight, who is serving our country with dis- It’s the people’s money. tinction, a man who understands the Faith- We’re returning more money to people to Based Initiative about as well as anybody in help them raise their families. We’re reduc- the country, and that’s my friend Stephen ing taxes on dividends and capital gains to Goldsmith. Thank you for coming, Stephen. encourage investment. We’re giving small Finally, I’d like to thank Jim Kittle, who businesses incentives to expand and to hire is the chairman of the Indiana Republican new people. With all these actions, we’re lay- Party. Get your uniform on, Jim. We’re ready ing the foundation for greater prosperity and to roll. But I appreciate your service. Thank more jobs across America so every single per- you all again for coming. It’s a huge turnout. son in this country has a chance to realize In the last 21⁄2 years, our Nation has acted the American Dream. decisively to confront great challenges. I Two-and-a-half years ago, there was a lot came to this office to solve problems, not to of talk about education reform, but there pass them on to future Presidents and future wasn’t much action. So I acted. I called for generations. I came to seize opportunities in- and Congress passed the No Child Left Be- stead of letting them slip away.
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