<p> “The SIR” ~ LAKE TAHOE BRANCH 160 ~ CHARTERED APRIL 22, 1991 RETIRED AND SEMI-RETIRED MEN GETTING TOGETHER FOR LUNCH AND ENJOYING OUR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES HIGH MOUNTAIN NEWS</p><p>APRIL 2014 We meet the 4 th Monday of the month</p><p>Next reg. meeting – our 282nd ……………………..Monday APRIL 28th …………We meet at Tep’s Villa Roma Officers & Chairmen……………………………….10:00am...... 3450 Lake Tahoe Blvd )Hiway50) Social hour…………………………………………..11:00am………………………….South Lake Tahoe, California Luncheon……………………………………………12:00noon………………………..Across from the Bijou Center</p><p>FROM THE BIG SIR </p><p>I would like to thank Bill Sluka for filling in for me last month. I was in Arizona at the time of last month’s meeting. I returned sooner than expected and was able to play in the first Branch 160 golf tournament of 2014. It was a great day at Eagle Valley. Also, thanks goes out to Tim Donley for filling in for Derek Smith and taking the minutes of last month’s meeting. </p><p>Hopefully everyone enjoyed the speaker from Carson Valley Trails. My wife Linda and I have hike many of their trails and they do a great job in trail building. Try hiking the new trail just developed off Jack’s Valley Road (Clear Creek Trail).</p><p>Remember that April is charter month for SIR Branch 160. Our organization was charter on April 22, 1991. See you on the 28th.</p><p>RON THOMPSON 1.</p><p>Monday, March 24, 2014</p><p>SIR Branch 160 Board of Directors/Executive Committee Meeting South Lake Tahoe, CA.</p><p>The scheduled meeting of SIR Branch 160 for March was held at Tep’s Villa Roma restaurant.</p><p>Little Sir: Bill Sluka called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM. A quorum of 7 was present of the BranchExecutive Committee (BEC) and eighth BEC member, Ron Rathbun, arrived shortly after the meeting began.</p><p>Our guest speaker will be Jeremy Vlcan, Vice President of the Carson Valley Trail Association.</p><p>The minutes of the February 24th meeting were approved and adopted.</p><p>Treasurer’s Report: Mike Davis reported our beginning cash balance was $2036.34 and our ending balance is $1947.48.</p><p>Big Sir Report: None submitted.</p><p>Little Sir Report: Bill Sluka stepped up to the plate in a very big way by running March’s meeting with assistance from PBS Dave Dugan. Thank you gentlemen. </p><p>Activities Report: Dave Dugan reports this past winter was a “dud”, thus cross-country skiing trips were nearly non-existent. Mini golf tournaments will begin April 2nd at the Magic Carpet Golf course at 11 AM. More info to follow and if interested, please contact Dave directly. Further, bike rides are being planned for the near future and again, more info will be forthcoming. </p><p>Membership Report: George Ramirez reports one prospective member, Robert Hendry, as sponsored by the fabulous Karl Keller. George went over Mr. Hendry’s qualifications (difficult to fail the membership test) and Robert was approved unanimously. Welcome aboard Robert Hendry!</p><p>Attendance: Ron Rathburn states we have 113 total members, with twelve members inactive (11 snowbirds and one member going on medical leave – Bill Thomas – please recover quickly).</p><p>Sunshine Report: Mike Vadnais indicates four get-well cards were recently sent and they worked so well that Sig Heidemann and Dan Gordon both were present today following their ongoing and recent travails. We can only pray that James Barrett (back) and Al Pizl (heart) both recover as quickly and join us soon. </p><p>Bowling Report: Bobby Silvius stated the group raised $181 so far this year and that 20-25 members usually show up for each tournament. Bobby will be providing further information at the general membership meeting.</p><p>Rooster Sales: No report given as Bill Chambers was absent at this time.</p><p>2. Golf Report: No report given as Sig is saving his singing voice for the general membership meeting later today.</p><p>Web Site Update: Robert Fleischer reports the State BEC has changed the State Webmaster director, which will have no effect on our members. Robert is in charge now and rest assured Branch 160 is in good hands.</p><p>New Business: It was announced that Dick Price has agreed to become our Assistant Secretary and to handle all duties when Derek Smith is away. Mr. Price was nominated, seconded, and adopted unanimously onto the BEC. Thanks Dick for agreeing to serve willingly and diligently.</p><p>Old Business: The Zephyr Cove park site was discussed as the preferred picnic spot to be held on July 28th and a vote of the general membership overwhelmingly approved this choice last February. George Ramirez stated the nominating and rewrite committees have no further information at this time but future meetings are being scheduled shortly.</p><p>The executive board meeting was adjourned by Bill Sluka at 10:35 AM.</p><p>______</p><p>3.</p><p>MEMBERS ANNIVERSERY Badge drawing FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL winner!!!!</p><p>1996 BILL CHAMBERS, JACK POST 1998 RON RATHBUN, 2002 TOM TEDERS, 2003 TOM WORRELL, FOR THE APRIL LUNCHEON 2004 ED BLUDAU, 2006 BOB HARMS, RICK LEACH, 2007 ED RECTOR, Come to a meeting, have lunch, hear 2009 DENIS GALBRALTH, JIM SAND, 2010 STAN BOBMAN, our guest speaker and have your WAYNE FELETAR, 2011 RON badge pulled from the bucket for a THOMPSON, 2013 VERN FICKLIN, lunch on the Sir at the next JOHN GERARD meeting. Attendance – active members (61)</p><p>Lake Tahoe Branch 160 Badge Color Scheme Guests-Prospective members (1) Bob Hendry</p><p>Charter Member…RED Honorary Life Member… GOLD Visitor/Speaker (1) Jeremy Vlcan New Member …. BLUE The rest of us …… BLACK Visitors-Sir state dignitaries (0) When you see a badge with BLUE lettering indicating a NEWER MEMBER, be sure to make him feel extra welcome Total present (62)</p><p>Your attendance chairman, </p><p>Membership & Luncheon Report Sons In Retirement – Lake Tahoe Branch 160 Ron Rathbun MARCH 2014 From the Little Sir Members Dropped (0) Bill Sluka Members Added (1) Robert Hendrey Our speaker this month will be Meg Inactive Members (11) Russ Dow, Bob Hoy, Ragonese. She is the DOT Public Jerry Beauchamp, Bill Challenger, David Information Officer for Nevada. She Keith, Steve Pannozzo, Will Twining, Tom plans to speak about the Kingsbury Worrell, Ken Koegl, Bob Pitcock, and Dan Wilkinson Road repair problems.</p><p>Medical Leave (1) Bill Thomas</p><p>Total Members this report (114)</p><p>Total Inactive this report (12)</p><p>Net active members (102) HERB WHEELER, BILL CHAMBERS, JIM DENNEY, STEVE PANNOZZO, Previews of FRANZ GOEPFERTT, LEE PATTERSON, GARY BURNS, BILL KASTER, DAVID Coming Attractions KEITH, DENIS GALBRALTH, CHARLES … GARBER</p><p>ONE IS NOW 85 APRIL/ MAY April 28 Sir Luncheon Tep’s April 29 Golf Thunder Canyon 9am SGS May 5 Golf Dayton Valley 8:30am SGS May 9 Bowling Lake Tahoe Bowl May 12 Golf Carson Valley 8:30 SGS May 19 SIR Luncheon Tep’s 11am ~NOTICE~ May 20 Golf Summerset Reno 10am SGS ~ON SALE NOW~ May 27 Golf Empire Ranch 8am SGS</p><p>SUPPORT “The SIR” ~ DRESS IT UP WITH ROOSTER PINS, HATS AND SHIRTS. SHOW HOW PROUD YOU ARE TO BE A SIR!!! Branch #160 Board of Directors</p><p>To all those concerned as of April 2014 I HATS ~ $10 am resigning the position of Attendance VESTS ~ $29 chairman. This will be my last year as SHIRTS ~ $17 attendance chairman. I will be happy to PINS ~ $2.50 assist my replacement. I have done my best to do the best of my capabilities. It GOLF TOWELS ~ $7 is time for me to move on. Start looking good! Sir Ron Rathbun</p><p>THE ROOSTER MAN BILL CHAMBERS</p><p>4.</p><p>______</p><p>CELEBRATING TWENTY THREE YEARS</p><p>SONS IN RETIREMENT LAKE TAHOE BRANCH 160, INC. April 22, 1991</p><p>CHARTER MEMBERS STILL ACTIVE</p><p>AL BARTLEY HERB WHEELER BOB PETERSON</p><p>KEN KOEGL BOB BAKER DOM DELCENIO</p><p>THE REGULAR, NORMAL GUYS IN THIS CLUB SALUTE YOU GENTLEMAN.</p><p>5. Branch Charter Day Presentation On our Branch Charter Day, it is appropriate that we note with pride the organization of which we are members, Sons In Retirement, Incorporated. It is one of the finest organizations in the world whose members join in supporting its purpose, which as stated in our Articles of Incorporation, is “to provide for the welfare of retired men from all walks of life who are pursuing a common goal, the enjoyment of their later years with dignity and pride, by assisting these senior citizens to renew former friendships and associations, and affording them an opportunity to make new friends through association with other retired men who also face the particular problems that confront men upon their retirement.” The assets of the corporation are irrevocably dedicated to the forgoing purpose. This purpose is the common denominator, the fiber that holds our Branches together as a single, inseparable unit. Thus, as a Branch, we do not stand-alone. The State organization and each of the Branches are incorporated under, and regulated pursuant to, the laws of the State of California as a nonprofit, public benefit corporation organized and operated exclusively for social welfare purposes within the meaning of Section 50l(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. As provided in California law, our State organization, as the parent organization, is charged with chartering the Branches and with supervising Branch activities to ensure compliance with the law and our Articles of Incorporation. Supervision of the Branches is effected through State and Branch Bylaws adopted by the membership, and by the Standing Rules and Guidelines promulgated by the State Board of Directors. Membership in the State Corporation consists of the Big Sir of each chartered Branch, the Area Governors, the Regional Directors and the State Elected Officers. The governing body of the State organization is the State Board of Directors which consists of sixteen members: the President, Vice President, State Secretary, State Treasurer, Assistant State Secretary, Assistant State Treasurer and the ten Regional Directors. The President is the chief executive officer who is charged with the day-to-day operation of the State organization, subject to the control of the State Board of Directors. 6. Similarly, each Branch is governed by its Executive Committee, which consists of the Big Sir, Little Sir, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and from two to six Directors. The Big Sir is the chief executive officer, charged with the day-to-day operation of the Branch, subject to the control of the Branch Executive Committee. Thus, with our own governing body and activities, our Branch is nearly self- sufficient, subject only to the general supervision of the State organization. At the same time, we can pride ourselves in that we are a part of a large organization dedicated to a most worthy public purpose and can obtain the many benefits afforded by our strength in numbers. There are many “State Events” involving, among other things, golf, travel and bowling. While no member is required to participate in these kinds of events, State events provide members with an opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of members from other Areas and Regions. Even more important, those events permit participation for many members whose Branches do not make those activities available. The continued existence and vitality of our Branch depends mainly upon the fellowship and enjoyment that each of us derives from our Branch luncheons and activities, and the willingness of our members to make themselves available to serve on the Executive Committee and the many other committees that are so important to the general membership. At the same time, we should keep in mind that we are a part of a much larger organization and take full advantage of the strength that the united efforts of our total State membership can bring us. ______</p><p>ROSTER CHANGES Please post these changes to your Branch Roster –</p><p>Add ONE New Member Robert A. Hendry, Badge #106 24 CalciteDr., Mound House, NV 89706 775-246-0780 Spouse Lorreta</p><p>7. …NEWSLETTER…</p><p>LAKE TAHOE BRANCH 160 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE</p><p>BIG SIR ...... RON THOMPSON...... 775-848-1402 DIRECTOR...... LARRY COFFMAN………..530-577-0328 LITTLE SIR ...... BILL SLUKA...... 530-577-5412 DIRECTOR...... TOM SAWYER…………….775-852-8675 SECRETARY ...... DEREK SMITH...... 775-246-0574 DIRECTOR...... RON RATHBUN……………530-541-0603 ASST. SECRETARY ...... DICK PRICE…………….925-216-8446 DIRECTOR…………....GEORGE RAMIREZ……….530-541-0641 TREASURER ...... MIKE DAVIS…………….775-388-4990 DIRECTOR………...... DAVE DUGAN………………530-573-1052 ASST. TREASURER ...... LEO FULLER…….…….,.530-542-0236 DIRECTOR……...... DAVE TIONGCO…………...775-265-9448</p><p>HONORARY DIRECTORS</p><p>AL BARTLEY ……………530-544-1278 KEN KOEGL………………530-544-2961 GEORGE PERUSITS…... 530-544-8349 JACK POST ………………..530-570-8063 DOM DELCENIO………...530-544-5997 WAYNE LOGAN ………….775-588-9830 MIKE VADNAIS………….775-546-0810 </p><p>______COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ______</p><p>ATTENDANCE……………RON RATHBUN……….530-541-0603 ASST GOLF………………………..JOE SCOTT……………...... 775-246-2654 ASST. ATTENDANCE……BOB PETERSON………530-544-0355 MEMBERSHIP…………………….GEORGE RAMIREZ……...530-541-0641 ACTIVITIES……………....DAVE DUGAN…………530-573-1052 NEWSLETTER...... …LARRY COFFMAN………530-577-0328 BOWLING………………...BOBBY SILVIUS……….530-318-6167 PUBLIC RELATIONS…………….TBD CALLER……………………RON ST. THOMAS……775-575-0881 ROOSTER SALES…………………BILL CHAMBERS………..775-267-5267 CHAPLAIN………………...CURT EMRIE………….530-544-2374 RECRUITER……………………….LARRY COFFMAN………530-577-0328 GOLF ………………………SIG HEIDEMANN…….775-265-4810 SUNSHINE………………………….MIKE VADNAIS………….775-546-0810 WEB MASTER ROBERT FLEISCHER E-mail: [email protected] BRANCH OFFICIAL EMAIL CONTACT...... DEREK SMITH @[email protected]</p><p>Area 19 Governor – Charles Wilson 530-644-2692 - Region 2 Director – Russell Salazar 530-644-3809 State President–M. Rodland ______</p><p>SIR Branch 160 Newsletter 1655 Bakersfield St. So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 </p>
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