<p> Minutes of the meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7:30pm on 21st July 2014, in the Millennium Hall. </p><p>Present: Cllrs Beattie, Blackwell, Bloomfield, Booth, Bridgwood, Brylewski, Gulliver, Houghton, Robinson, Scott, Trevor, Welburn, County Councillor Fleetwood, Mrs M Vail (clerk), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO), PCSO Parker. There were no members of the public. Absent: Cllr Parrott Meeting started at 7.30pm 2014/29 Apologies: Cllr Andrews. It was RESOLVED to accept the apology. 2014/30 Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality: There were none. 2014/31 Chairman’s remarks: The Chairman noted the sad event of two residents killed in a train accident in the village. He thanked everybody for having a unified approach with the press, and further noted that the village was a very safe and friendly place. 2014/32 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 23rd June, and agree for them to be signed as a true record: It was RESOLVED, with three abstentions, to receive the notes as a true record, and these were duly signed. 2014/33 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required: Police: PCSO Parker reported the following incidents: head collars stolen from horses and the horses ridden without permission; a large dog was reported in neighbours’ gardens; a cyclist with no lights on and possibly drunk was reported on Fiskerton Road; a male was arrested for possession of a bladed article on Hawthorn Road; a motorcyclist had been revving his machine and speeding on Hawthorn Road without a helmet; 2 persons were hit by a freight train on Croft Lane; persons had been shouting and dancing on Franklin Way, and scooters were also reported revving up in the same vicinity. Two males were reported for putting cameras on street lights in Rudgard Avenue: the police had found this to be a legitimate company and had no concerns. Cllr Booth offered to check if the cameras were part of traffic monitoring work for the Neighbourhood Plan. Action: Cllr Booth. PCSO Parker then advised that her new shift pattern made it harder to attend evening meetings and events. She also updated Members to say that there was no further information to act on in respect of the cat shootings on Lady Meers Road. County Councillor: Cllr Fleetwood reported that the library service judicial review had not found in favour of LCC. He then reported that he was obtaining the views of LCC’s Highways and Planning Departments following the disallowing of the bypass plans following a recent judicial review, before noting that LCC’s Planning Committee would be meeting in the near future to discuss the bypass. He also noted that there was a meeting planned for 22nd July with Cllr Richard Davies. District Councillor: Cllr Welburn reported that three residents had expressed an interest in becoming VPCSOs, which could give up to 12 hours of voluntary policing in the village, and that she would obtain an update in due course on additional VPCSO powers. She then noted that County New magazine was not being delivered in places, even though the delivery was a paid for service, and that she would feed back details of areas known not to be receiving County News. 2014/34 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments since the last meeting: It was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to receive the receipts and payments.</p><p>2014/35 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc: 1. Finance & General Purposes:</p><p>2014 July Signed Minutes Page 1 of 5 i. To receive an update in appointing an internal auditor and agree any actions accordingly: Cllr Trevor reported that he had spoken to an accountant and outlined the accountant’s fees. The RFO reported on his search to find a new internal auditor: a candidate with relevant experience had recently visited the parish office and he would charge £250pa in quarterly payments of £62.50. He would check the accounts quarterly and sign them off at year end. It was RESOLVED to accept the services of this candidate. Action: RFO 2. Planning matters: i. To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals: There had been no planning applications. It was reported that the Planning Committee had received and noted a written report from a resident about the proposed Nocton Wind Farm, and that they would consider any matters arising from the report at the next Planning meeting. An update on land to the rear of Waterford Lane had been received from Globe Consultants: work had been undertaken on drainage matters relating to the site and this work would inform the planning application that would shortly be submitted to WLDC. Cllr Beattie asked if there was any update on the marina, at which point Cllr Booth declared an interest. It was noted that, as had been reported in a previous meeting, the pre-commencement conditions had been discharged. No further update had been received. The clerk to obtain an update on the current marina position. Action: clerk ii. To note response to LCC regarding planning applications to amend NMU bridge plans (bypass): The clerk had circulated copies of the response to LCC to Members ahead of the meeting. The response was to strongly object to the application on the grounds of highway and pedestrian safety: it was noted that the Inspector’s report had concluded that there was a serious risk to highway safety as a safe connection to Hawthorn Road had not been provided, and that this finding had been accepted by the Secretary of State. iii. To approve the actions of the Planning Committee: It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee iv. To note outcome of public enquiry into bypass: It was noted that the Inspector’s findings supported the details and side road closures except for the closure of Hawthorn Road as the Inspector had deemed this to be unsafe and there was no suitable alternative available. These findings had been upheld be the Secretary of State. It was noted that there was a period for a potential High Court challenge by LCC if LCC wished to take this option. v. To receive feedback on meeting of Chairman, Planning Committee Chairman and the clerk with LCC on 27 June in respect of the bypass (Cllr Booth) This meeting had been requested by LCC’s Lee Rowley to discuss the possible refining of the bypass design which had then subsequently been rejected by the Planning Committee. It was noted that the meeting had taken place, also attended by the chairman and clerk of Reepham Parish Council, and that the planning application which had been submitted had subsequently been found to be unsafe. It was further noted that the planning application was still going through and that a decision would be taken at a LCC meeting in the near future. Cllr Robinson suggested that Members should still object as individuals. vi. To receive feedback on recent meeting with the Chair of Reepham Residents Action Group (bypass): Item covered within previous item. vii. To receive a report on progress made regarding Neighbourhood Plan, and agree any other actions accordingly: It was reported that, following on from the recent traffic survey work undertaken in the village, suggestions regarding traffic calming measures would be taken up with LCC by Aecom, the company which had undertaken the survey. The final report from Aecom would include input from LCC. It was then reported that some excellent information boards had been produced to promote the Neighbourhood Plan at the Gala which had generated a lot of interest. Several feedback forms had been filled in by residents which would help inform future consultation with the village.</p><p>2014 July Signed Minutes Page 2 of 5 viii. To note response from LCC regarding incorrect information they had issued regarding the parish council/councillors approaching the ombudsman in respect of the Eastern bypass: It was noted that LCC’s Jenny Gammon had replied to explain that their complaints policy required LCC to advise that the end of their process had been reached, and that the ombudsman was an avenue to take things further. She advised that the parish council might now wish to seek its own legal advice on what next steps were available. Members agreed that a reply be sent to LCC to include a request to update the information sent out, and to request an apology. They also requested that LALC be contacted to ascertain if legal assistance was available via them. Action: clerk 3. Employment Committee: Nothing to report. 4. Village Improvement Committee: i. To receive the notes, for information only, of the meeting held on 1st July 2014: The notes were received and the following explained: that the Parade bollards would be re-sited in the near future, that the grass cutting contractors were still giving sub-standard cuts despite the council both withholding payment and meeting with the manager. It was noted that cut grass at Laburnum Drive Playing Field had not been gathered and looked bad. It was confirmed that occasional box cuts were part of the contract for the playing field. Following discussion of the matter, Members felt that a different contractor should be considered for 2015/16 season, and they suggested exploring the possibility of local parish councils working together for grass cutting/handyman/storage matters. Clerk to make enquiries and take to Village Improvement Committee. Action: clerk ii. To elect a councillor to the vacancy: It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Bloomfield to the vacancy. iii. To approve a recommendation that a quote for improving the heating in the Millennium Hall be accepted It was noted that, from six contractors approached, only two quotes had been received. These were for £608.84 and £ 1192.00. The RFO confirmed that money was available in the maintenance budget. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote for £608.84. Action: clerk 5. Leisure & Amenities Committee: i. To elect councillors to the two vacancies: It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Bloomfield to the vacancy. ii. To note that swing seats have been replaced at Laburnum Drive Playing Field and that a quote is being obtained to repair the motorcycle play item: Noted. 6. Summer Events Task and Finish group i. To receive a verbal report on the Gala: Cllr Robinson gave a verbal report to include noting that there had been a good attendance and that the evaluation forms received to date were all positive. It was noted that an approach would be made to the council in September in respect of a Gala for 2015, and that Cllr Robinson would liaise with the community school. Item for Sept agenda. Action: clerk Cllr Welburn noted that consideration needed to be given to other village events (eg church fete and pond event in June) with a view to coordinating all events. She suggested a sporting event on the playing field run by the pub under the parish council’s banner. ii. To review Gala and agree any future changes Item covered within previous item. iii. To note total amount of Gala expenditure: The clerk reported that £359.79 had been spent on the Gala which was broken down as follows: hire of school £200, Cllr Robinson expenses £12.25, resident expenses £34.56, resident expenses £12.98, donation to first aider £50, donation to African drummers £50. It was noted that the Gala had been inexpensive to run, and explained that the abovementioned expenses encompassed signage, laminating, and additional prizes. iv. To note that £41.99 was spent on Neighbourhood Plan expenditure and £0 on new play items expenditure for communicating with residents at the Gala: Noted. Cllr Robinson was thanked for her hard work in making the Gala a success, and Cllr Brylewski was thanked for her support. </p><p>2014 July Signed Minutes Page 3 of 5 2014/36 To receive reports and recommendations from Councillors representing the Council on outside Committees (if any): a) Youth Club: Cllr Brylewski reported that the next meeting would be held on the 22nd July; that a new youth worker had been employed, and that there was an experienced couple interested in becoming volunteers. It was noted by Cllr Trevor that the excellent atmosphere in the youth club on Gala day was due to Cllr Brylewsi’s presence. b) Community Partnership: Cllr Robinson reported that the Community Partnership was continuing to work towards becoming a charitable incorporated organisation, and that it had debated the next steps for a hub/library service (this debate had taken place before the outcome of the library service judicial review had been announced). She noted that the Community Partnership needed the council to consider what it wanted to see from a consultation with the village. The need to reach residents in as many different ways as possible (including door knocking and Autumn Parish Meeting which would feed into the precept planning) was considered, and six Members indicated that they were willing to knock on doors. Members then discussed the consultation and library service which included the following points: would there be a dilemma in the council promoting the library as the Neighbourhood Plan consultation in October would also include library-specific questions; caution was urged as it would have a financial cost to the council and residents; the judicial review had effectively put the matter on hold so a consultation could take place only when the correct information was available. Cllr Beattie referred to the consultation which had been carried out by the Village Centre Action Group, and he also noted that LCC’s Cllr Nick Worth had said that LCC would give an interest free loan. 2014/37 To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council i. To appoint a councillor to the position of Village Hall representative: It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Scott to this position. ii. To consider additional information regarding insurance and the running of computer drop in sessions by WLDC at the Millennium Hall and agree any actions accordingly: Cllr Welburn declared an interest. The clerk reported that the computers and a lockable cabinet would be donated by WLDC to the parish council for community use, and that the parish council’s insurance provided adequate cover for damage or theft of the laptops, as well as for damage to the building in the event of forced entry. She noted that WLDC had provided proof of their insurance with ASPEN Insurance which included sufficient public liability cover to cover the volunteers and their activities as these would be WLDC’s responsibility. It was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to approve WLDC’s running of drop in sessions in the Millennium Hall. iii. To receive a report regarding flags on the Parade: Cllr Andrews had reported in writing that the resident currently storing the flag poles was happy to continue to do so, and that Cllr Andrews was holding the three flags owned by the parish council (Union, St George’s and Lincolnshire flags) which he could pass to the new flag raiser. It was noted that a new volunteer was needed to raise the flags on approx. 8 days a year, and that the Village Improvement Committee should consider the re-siting of the flagpole and sleeves, and whether to permanently fix the poles in-situ. The clerk to investigate recruiting volunteers as well as obtain a list of flag days. Action: clerk, VIC iv. To consider sponsorship of two projects at Community School: Item deferred as still awaiting details of projects. v. To note any information received regarding temporary cameras on Rudgard Avenue: Item covered within police report above. 2014/38 To note any other correspondence received and to agree action as appropriate i. Any response from Rev Penny Green regarding the quality of the church path: A letter had been received which explained that the Church PCC recognised that the path was not as it should be; that the slurry seal had not worked, and that they were looking at options and seeking quotes. The council was asked if it could suggest a way forward and the letter noted that, apart from any grants, all church related work was funded from fundraising and via the congregation. It was noted that the letter did not mention that tree roots were the problem which 2014 July Signed Minutes Page 4 of 5 was why the PCC chose to use slurry seal. Cllr Beattie noted that he had provided the church with a quote for £3000 to dig out, edge, and provide a non-slip surface but that the PCC had chosen to accept a cheaper quote of which the council had paid half the cost. The clerk to circulate the letter and for Members to reply to her with comments. Action: clerk, councillors 2014/39 Councillors’ matters for report and notice of items to be included in the August agenda: August agenda - Community Partnership: what information does the council want to receive from the consultation regarding the community hub and library services? September agenda – to discuss and agree actions for the 2015 Gala. For information: it was noted that the Community School had been awarded a contract by Lincoln City Council to become a GP referral site offering a free 12 week exercise programme to patients meeting specific criteria. 2014/40 To receive a proposal to go into closed session as the following items contain personal information: It was RESOLVED to move into closed session due to the following item containing personal information. 2014/41 To consider applications for co-option onto vacancy on the Council and any further actions required: One application had been received by the deadline date and copies of the application letter were circulated and read by Members. After consideration, it was RESOLVED to co-opt Kieron Mellor to the vacancy. It was noted that a second application had been received, but could not be considered on this occasion as it had arrived after the deadline.</p><p>Meeting closed at 9.29pm</p><p>Mrs Michelle Vail Clerk 4/8/14 </p><p>Date of next meeting: 18th August (agenda items by 7th August, with the agenda issued on 8th August)</p><p>2014 July Signed Minutes Page 5 of 5</p>
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