<p> No. 25 (November 2004) NEWSLETTER Edited by Reine Meylaerts (Leuven) in cooperation with Barbara Ahrens (Germersheim)</p><p>The EST Newsletter is published twice a year, in May and November, as regularly as possible. It is basically a vehicle for communication between EST Members and a catalyst for action rather than a traditional Translation journal. It provides information on EST activities (see also the EST website: http://www.est-translationstudies.org) and on research events and presents queries and suggestions on EST matters and on T&I research issues. If you have a question or request regarding Translation studies, do not hesitate to send it to the Newsletter for publication, as one of the other readers may have the information or answer you are looking for. Comments and suggestions from readers are welcome. All correspondence to: Reine MEYLAERTS, Blijde-Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven, Belgium; e-mail: [email protected] or to Barbara AHRENS, FASK der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, An der Hochschule 2, 76726 Germersheim, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Editorial: Quo Vadis Translation definition, traditional forms of translation such Studies? as literary translation or the translations of user manuals of technical equipment as well as recently emerging forms, for example, software "Doubts and directions" - the title of the 4th EST localisation, audiovisual translation and also congress held in Lisbon at the end of forms that are still to come in the future can be September this year, reflects very well what is included in the effort of analysing and often the experience of the Translation Studies understanding the translational process and its community. results. Since these new forms require close(r) An international gathering of 243 cooperation with other disciplines, the plenary participants from all over the world; more than presentation of the second day in Lisbon on 140 papers, panels and posters about topics as neurophysiological foundations of human diverse as (Multi)Media Translation, Think- language skills can be taken as an example for Aloud Protocols, Norms in Interpreting, interdisciplinary approaches to the Technical Translation, Pragmatics of understanding of language processing and Translation, Reception, Response and translation. Interdisciplinarity continues to play a Dialogue or Bibliographies, to name only a few, major role in translation studies – setting out are a very vivid proof of the different directions from Snell-Hornby et al.’s Translation Studies – translation studies is advancing in. But this An Interdiscipline (1984) and the 1st EST diversity is not always a clearly defined one: congress in Vienna 1992. It seems that the doubts on translation studies were formulated vision of EST's founding fathers is still the during the opening session of the congress by driving force of academics and scholars who Emma Wagner and her talk about My Doubts embark on new aspects of translation and About the Direction of Translation Studies related activities. In this respect the Lisbon putting forward questions we have to ask congress has been an enriching experience for ourselves: Are translation studies academics the translation studies community. and scholars really a group that prefers talking Decisions were taken in Lisbon, to listening? Are they really not committed to decisions that have to do with the directions close cooperation and contact with translation EST will take! The General Meeting had to hold and interpreting professionals? We doubt that elections for a new board which will guide EST this reluctance is shared by many colleagues during the three years to come. You will get to who came to Lisbon to listen and talk to other know the new board, its visions and aims as academics, scholars and practitioners. The well as the first steps it has taken in this issue. Lisbon conference can be regarded as an The new board represents change and indicator of translation studies' coming of age. continuity. Continuity which will help to promote Nowadays, translation is understood in its the cause of translation studies and change broader sense as any transformation of a which will help EST to adapt for future source language text into a target language text challenges. It is also a well balanced board (cf. Prunc 2003:29). On the basis of this representing different countries as well as a programs, more TS scholars, more TS variety of topics and trainers, freelancers and conferences and publications, more TS institutions. programs. On the technical side, electronic mail EST will head East to Ljubljana, and access to Internet have become widely Slovenia, for the 5th EST congress in 2007. We available. The fundamental needs of TS, are looking forward to see each other again in however, remain the same: obtain academic three years time. In the meantime everybody recognition as a discipline, improve the quality should feel free to share his/her opinion with the of our scholarly output and improve general other members of EST in this Newsletter. Any access to the literature, as many university contribution is warmly welcome. The Newsletter libraries, both in rich countries and in less will also accompany us during the three years endowed parts of the world, have few TS to come. We hope that they will be fruitful for publications. translation studies and research to make With a few hundred members and little Ljubljana a lively demonstration of what will institutional support, EST is relatively small and have been achieved, of the direction EST will far from rich. And yet, we are not without have taken – and that we will not have got lost assets. Firstly, we are very international, an in Translation (Studies). enriching factor for all of us. Secondly, we are an open society, with many experienced and well-known scholars who welcome younger New Editors for the Newsletter scholars in a spirit of friendship and solidarity. Over the past 8 years, the EST Newsletter has Over the past 12 years, EST has demonstrated been edited by a team of two persons, the its ability to fulfil a cohesive function in the TS Secretary-General, and one rank-and-file community. Our Congresses cover a wide member of EST. The advantage of this set up is spectrum of branches of TS and paradigms, but that it gives the editorial team the benefit of there is much visiting of sessions not directly EST infrastructure and a direct link to the related to one’s specific interests and much Executive Board, while maintaining a certain interaction between participants from across the independence. This format is maintained for the spectrum. This cohesive function is linked to new editors, Reine Meylaerts (Secretary our apolitical position, which we need to General) and Barbara Ahrens. maintain as a scholarly body. Thirdly, we have demonstrated consistency in our quest for The Editors better quality of scholarly output in TS, in particular through our links with doctoral schools, the pre-Congress workshops organized at the last two Congresses and the New Address of the EST Secretariat: Young Scholar Award. Reine Meylaerts These assets need to be maintained Faculty of Arts and strengthened. New initiatives might include: Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 - A promotion of online publications for 3000 Leuven easier access to the literature, Belgium - Practical and methodological guidance for Email: [email protected] beginners in online resources on the EST Fax: +32 89 46 58 43 website (www.est-translationstudies.org), - Support for acquisition of literature by TS centres with limited resources, - More training initiatives. The new Presidential Team and Board Message from the EST Presidential will humbly do their best to stimulate and Team coordinate action that will help EST serve both its members and the wider TS community. We Dear EST members, are counting on your cooperation and hope that you will continue to be happy and proud to be EST was born 12 years ago under the inspired on board. vision of Mary Snell-Hornby, who led it during its six first years of existence. During the Daniel Gile and Gyde Hansen following six years, Yves Gambier and a dedicated team of Board Members managed to strengthen it and develop its activities. The team elected in Lisbon in September will have the formidable task of following in the footsteps of its predecessors. Since 1992, the TS scene has changed somewhat. There are more translator training Messages from Board Members EST ACTIVITIES</p><p>The European Society of Translation Studies has large assets: our membership base, our I. 4th EST Congress tradition, our network, and our standards of excellence. All these would be the envy of The 4th EST congress took place from 26 to 29 many a scholarly organisation, but I feel they September 2004 at the Faculty of Letters, are not used to the full in between Congresses. University of Lisbon. Its topic was: Translation We should find better ways to invest our Studies: Doubts and Directions, and 243 intellectual and organisational capital to further participants from 27 countries attended it. The our statutory goals and to benefit our members. congress staged four pre-congress workshops: This means – above all – greater recognition of (Research on Screen Translation, moderated the relevance of translation in the public scene by Yves Gambier, Research on Court and higher visibility for translation scholars in Interpreting, moderated by Ruth Morris, academic circles. Nobody is going to give Research on Methodology, moderated by translation its due if we don't fight for it. Our Daniel Gile and Gyde Hansen, and Luso- Society can engage institutional and corporate Brazilian Translation Links, moderated by Fábio actors in a closer dialogue. The main point to Alves and Alexandra Lopes). There were two put across is that we are uniquely placed to plenary lectures given by Emma Wagner (“My bring fresh intellectual contributions to such Doubts About the Direction of Translation issues as multilingualism, integration, and Studies”) and Alexandre Castro Caldas (“One mutual understanding across cultures. As to Brain for Two Languages”). A total of 107 Academia, we should continue our tradition of papers in 28 sessions were presented; in openness and cooperation with institutes of addition, 24 papers were presented in poster higher education and similar organisations format, there were 5 presentations of collective around the world. In the future, we should pay projects (TSB Online, Translation in Global special attention to institutions from parts of the News, ASSESTI Project, TRACE project, and world that are under-represented in our PACTE), and 6 panel sessions (On membership base and to new scholarly Supervision, Directionality in Translation, organisations. Translating Institutions, The Ideology of Interpreting and the Interpreting of Ideology, Ubaldo Stecconi Back to Translation as Language, and Norms in Interpreting). The social programme included a Dinner and Fado Evening and two post- congress tours, one to Lisbon and the other to I would like to see EST go on working as an the historical towns of Sintra and Cascais on international platform allowing direct contact the outskirts of Lisbon. Due to the variety and between researchers in Translation Studies and quality of the research work presented, as well stimulating dialogue across borders for the sake as to the discussions it gave rise to, the of the discipline and researchers. I expect the organizers feel that the congress constituted a current board to achieve this goal especially by key contribution to the advancement of also using online resources to keep in touch translation studies. with members during the three yearly period between EST congresses and by fostering The Organizing Committee communication and exchange of ideas between more and less experienced researchers, working in all sorts of national and cultural II. Proceedings of the 4th EST Congress, environments. It is to this goal that I hope to Lisbon, September 2004 contribute from my personal experience as Portuguese researcher, as former executive The Executive Board has decided to publish a board member and also as member of the local selection of high quality contributions presented organising committee of the 4th EST congress, during this congress and has entrusted Yves Lisbon. Gambier, Miriam Shlesinger and Radegundis Stolze with the task of editing the proceedings. Alexandra Assis Rosa Their provisional title will be that of the congress: “Translation Studies: Doubts and Directions. Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Lisbon 2004.” As previously announced, participants who have presented a poster or a paper during a congress session or pre-congress workshop may submit an article based on such presentation. Panel organizers are also invited III. EST Congress 2004 Workshop on to submit a synopsis of their session. Supervision Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, German, Spanish and Congresses of EST have always mirrored Portuguese and each paper will be refereed by transformations that the discipline was at least two persons. Acceptance criteria are undergoing during its formative years and they based on: have definitely managed to encourage people with interest in translation to bring forth their 1. Scholarly quality: as it is usually defined, in ideas, observations, insights and conducted particular with respect to rigorous thinking, clear studies to this TS international platform – writing and innovation. Referees will be asked clichéd as it sounds. With its growth and to be strict, and make constructive suggestions solidification, the ambitions of the discipline to whenever possible to help authors improve the become an independent, widely recognized and quality of their contributions. advanced field of both theoretical and applied research, have led to a spread of various 2. Sub-disciplinary representativeness: if too thoughts on how this research has been so far, many good papers from one sector of currently is or should be conducted. Research translation studies as opposed to other sectors paradigms are of utmost importance both to the are received, some of them may have to be advancement of TS and to their pedagogical redirected to other high-quality publications so implications. Many of us ‘practisearchers’ who as to leave room for papers representing other combine theoretical (conducting own research), sectors. practical (working as translators) and didactic (teaching translation) motives look for models, 3. Length: Papers should not exceed 5,000 hints and ideas in this very fruitful area. words including bibliography and annexes, so The recent EST Congress in Lisbon that editors may select 26 or 27 articles for highlighted the importance of research, having publication. been preceded by three workshops on research (on screen translation, court interpreting and 4. Deadline: Papers must be submitted no later methodology). Among six panels organized than 15th February 2005. during the Congress, one convened by Andrew Chesterman and participating Sebnem Susam- Additionally, articles should comply with the Sarajeva, Jenny Williams, Karen Bennett, and guidelines included in the paper by Daniel Gile Christina Schäffner focused on supervision. By and Gyde Hansen, “The editorial process exchanging opinions about various formats, through the looking glass” that John Benjamins structures, cultural backgrounds and attitudes kindly accepted to publish online. See to MA and PhD research in TS, participants in http://www.est- this Discussion Panel had a unique chance to translationstudies.org/Gileand voice the need for a certain degree of %20Hansenediting.htm standardization of quality control procedures of The paper has also been published in Volume academic theses on TS. Obviously, any 50, Benjamins Translation Library (2004) edited concrete political, economic or administrative by Gyde Hansen, Kirsten Maklmjær and Daniel measures are beyond the scope of our Society. Gile: Claims, changes and challenges in However, the path of initiating certain academic Translation Studies (Selection contributions moves on our part is by no means closed. from EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001), pages Many of us supervise MA or PhD 297-306. theses, whereas the procedures, profiles and quality of those theses vary among our Style-sheet: recommendations will be e-mailed countries. Some of us have been involved in to all the participcants. working out methodological solutions for research supervision. There are publications Contributions should be sent as Word and materials on the subject not necessarily attachments to Yves Gambier: easily available everywhere (also for financial [email protected] reasons, as we know well). The EST Young We look forward to receiving your contribution Scholar Award has already inspired some high- and thank you in advance for sending it level ideas on academic supervision. EST according to these guidelines and before the members who prepared evaluation of the deadline. volunteered theses of young TS scholars have already put a lot of effort into formulating clear Yves Gambier, Miriam Shlesinger, and consistent principles of grading. Radegundis Stolze All of the factors combined and enhanced with motivation for improving standards of research and research supervision, have led to this open proposal for an EST Newsletter forum to discuss and The board agreed that some initial information perhaps organize our experience on MA and about the proceedings would need to be PhD research supervision in TS. Far from provided at the closing session. It was simplistic solutions the manual-type mentality, I proposed that J. Duarte, M. Shlesinger, R. still think we could consider some practical Stolze, Y. Gambier could be the editors of the applications of a possible “EST code of TS proceedings. John Benjamins Publ. have research” to be disseminated in our various expressed an interest in publishing the cultural and national teaching and research proceedings again, as they did very environments. satisfactorily for the previous congress proceedings. On a personal note, my own supervising experience is very limited. I did some Item (4): Reports supervision of licentiate theses in translation, 4.1 Copenhagen Congress Proceedings which in Poland is the lowest academic degree The proceedings of the 3rd EST Congress (more or less equivalent to BA). Last year, I (editors: G. Hansen, D. Gile, K. Malmkjaer), started teaching an MA seminar on TS. have been published in the Benjamins’ Translation Studies Library series. The book is Maria Piotrowska available for purchase. It was recommended to make the closing chapter available on the EST website since it contains extremely useful IV. Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting advice to all editors of edited volumes. of EST on Saturday, 25 September 2004, 16.00 - 19.00, at the Hotel ‘Villa Rica’, 4.2 Report on the EST Young Scholar Award Lisbon, Portugal A. Chesterman had submitted a written report. There were eight candidates for the 2004 EST An Executive Board meeting was held in Young Scholar Award for an outstanding PhD Lisbon, on 25 September 2004, on the eve of thesis or equivalent in Translation Studies. The the EST Congress, with seven members clear winner was Minhua Liu. Her work is present (Alexandra Assis Rosa, Yves Gambier, entitled Expertise in simultaneous interpreting: Gyde Hansen, Christina Schäffner, Miriam A working memory analysis. Shlesinger, Radegundis Stolze, Gideon Toury). It was agreed that A. Chesterman would Apologies were received from Andrew present a short version of this report at the Chesterman and Kirsten Malmkjaer. João General Meeting where the 2004 winner would Ferreira Duarte attended the meeting for items be honoured. 3 and 4. It was also agreed that A. Chesterman would write a contribution for the next EST Item (1): Newsletter, with a brief summary of Minhua Approval of the minutes of the EST board Liu’s thesis. The board agreed to recommend to meeting, held on 20 September 2003 in Misano the next EST Board to put information on the Adriatico, Italy (published in EST Newsletter award and the assessment criteria on the EST No. 23). website.</p><p>Item (2): Briefing with the local organising 4.3 Report on the Leornardo project Assessti committee of the 4th EST Congress Miriam Shlesinger reported that she had Alexandra Assis Rosa and João Ferreira Duarte attended two meetings. The aim of the project reported on behalf of the local organising is to develop an educational tool which enables committee that the preparation of the 4th EST self-assessment of interpreting performances Congress had been completed. 239 participants by (student) interpreters. EST has been invited had registered, some cancellations were to be represented in this project, which will be received at a very late stage, and that the presented at the EST Congress. It was agreed organisers had waited till the very last moment to recommend to the next EST Executive board before publishing the congress programme to to discuss if and how EST can be involved in avoid having to make changes. 180 future. presentations were to be expected (lectures, papers, panels, posters). 79 participants had 4.4 EST support for CETRA registered for the 4 pre-congress workshops. At its meeting in Misano in September 2003, On behalf of the local organising committee, the EST board had agreed to sponsor one or Alexandra Assis Rosa thanked Gyde Hansen two young scholars per year to attend the for her invaluable advice and support in the CETRA Summer School (also publicised in the preparatory work. EST Newsletter No. 23). M. Shlesinger reported that 3 applications for CETRA 2004 had been Item (3): Proceedings of the 4th EST Congress received. These applications were scrutinised by a committee (comprising Franz Pöchhacker, Gyde Hansen, Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast, editors, once confirmed officially, will be Alexandra Assis Rosa [non-voting], and Miriam announced by the new EST Executive Board. Shlesinger). The successful applicant was Müge Isiklar Kocak (Izmir, Turkey). 5.4 New EST Executive Board The board discussed forms of support in A call for candidates had been published in the future. Acknowledging that recently a variety of EST Newsletter No. 23. Eight nominations had doctoral training programmes have been been received by the date of the board meeting. developed, and more can be expected in future, It was expected that some more nominations the board agreed to recommend to the next would be submitted prior to the General EST Executive Board to consider applying the Meeting. following procedures: Doctoral students would apply to the 5.5 Dates and venue of the 5th EST Congress EST Executive board, describing their research Yves Gambier reported that proposals had project and explaining why they wish to attend a been received from Thessaloniki, Dublin, doctoral training programme and which one. Ljubljana, Iasi, and Istanbul to host the 2007 Students should be registered at a university EST Congress. At a brief follow-up meeting and have a supervisor. The supervisor should held on 27 September 2004, the Board submit a letter of support. received presentations from each candidate. The deadline for submitting applications On the basis of these presentations, Ljubljana for 2005 needs to be announced. was selected as the venue of the 2007 EST Congress. 4.5 Report on the IATIS Conference in Seoul in August 2004 5.6 International network in Translation Studies Gideon Toury had attended the Conference and Yves Gambier reported that EST had been reported that it had been well organised. approached to participate in and/or support a Participants had come mainly from East Asia, new Leonardo project aiming at developing a Australia and New Zealand. The newly elected European tool for monitoring market trends. IATIS board had succeeded in raising money The board agreed to recommend to the next from UNESCO and local companies to support EST Board to consider these requests. the conference. Item (6): Any other business 4.6 Report from the EST Treasurer None R. Stolze presented the report for the year 2004 (up till September 2004), showing the current Next board meeting: balance and asset development. She reported To be decided by the incoming Executive Board that due to great efforts to remind members to pay their membership fee, the financial position is healthy. This will allow EST to contribute V. Minutes of the fifth General Meeting of 1,500 Euro to the 2004 Young Scholar Award EST on Tuesday, 28 September 2004, at the as planned. A report would be given at the University of Lisbon General Meeting. As the necessary quorum of 50% of the Item (5): Preparation of the EST General membership was not reached at the time set for Meeting the General Meeting, it was reconvened 30 5.1 EST Monograph series and TSB minutes later at 5.30 p.m. As previously (Bibliography) suggested, the presentation of the EST Young The board is pleased that a new series is now Scholar award took place before the official available. The TSB project will be presented General Meeting (item 6 on the agenda). during the EST Congress by Isja Conen. Andrew Chesterman gave a short report and 5.2 Amendments to the Constitution presented the winner. There were eight No proposals were submitted and no support candidates for the 2004 EST Young Scholar was expressed for the idea of supporting Award for an outstanding PhD thesis or members (see EST Newsletter No. 23). There equivalent in Translation Studies. Five was thus no need to amend the EST manuscripts were in English, and one each in Constitution. French, German and Spanish. Topics included semiotics, literary reception, the translation of 5.3 EST Newsletter humour, expertise in interpreting, the effects of A call for new editors had been published in the the translation skopos, literary translation EST Newsletterr No. 23, and the current editors history, audience design, and the translation of (Daniel Gile and Christina Schäffner) had reported speech. Each manuscript had been received a few expressions of interest. The new sent to three referees, who gave written reports and numerical scores according to specified criteria: importance and originality, methodology and presentation. The final Item 3: Report of Executive Board decision was made by the EST working group consisting of Michael Cronin, Daniel Gile, 3.1 President's report Christiane Nord, Miriam Shlesinger and Y. Gambier reminded the audience that in Andrew Chesterman. December 2001, the newly elected Board had The clear winner was Minhua Liu from presented three keywords to define its future the Fu Jen University, Hsinchuang, Taiwan. Her work: cooperation, diversity and work is entitled Expertise in simultaneous interdisciplinarity, in order to promote research interpreting: A working memory analysis. Liu’s training and organisation. Some orientations work reports an experimental study on the role and activities were suggested in the EST of the working memory in simultaneous Newsletter of December 2001. Most of them interpreting. Her results suggest that have been implemented. experienced interpreters develop specific During the last three years, we have been cognitive skills to cope with particularly difficult facing various problems and challenges, such input conditions, rather than develop their as: general working memory capacity as such. The · the call for boycotting certain institutions research is interdisciplinary, drawing on both and individuals, interpreting studies and cognitive psychology. · the rapid development of new forms of Unfortunately, Minhua Liu was unable to multilingual communication such as receive the award in person (a certificate and localisation, Euro 2,500 (of which Euro 1,000 had been donated from John Benjamins Publ.). · the Bologna Declaration intended to harmonize systems of higher education, Members present at the reconvened meeting: · the extension of use of a lingua franca and, consequently, the more frequent B. Ahrens, C. Alvstad, R. Antonini, A. Assis use of relay (in interpreting, in screen Rosa, S. Ballansat-Aebi, C. Bosseaux, A. translation, etc.), etc. Chesterman, D. Chiaro, G. Cravo. M. Cronin, C. It was not always easy to find an appropriate Demaecker, I. Conen, J. Denton, L. Denver, R. strategy. But EST is not an empty shell, it has Dimitriu, E. Diriker, J. Duarte, I. Feinauer, C. more than 280 members today from 44 Foz, Y. Gambier, L. Garrett, D. Gile, S. countries. Many young scholars have joined our Göpferich, H. Gottlieb, S. Grammenidis, G. Society and put their trust in our activities. Hansen, R. Hartama-Heinonen, A. Hild, B. In the last three years, the Board has Jacobsen, Z. Jettmarova, K. Karoly, F. mainly used e-mails for its discussions. Only Kaufmann, K. Klaudy, N. Kocijancic, K. three meetings were held (November 2002 in Koskinen, C. Marinetti, M. Mateo Martinez, J. Lisbon, partly to prepare the 4th Congress, McCann, I. Mees, R. Meylaerts, J. Neves, O. September 2003 in Misano, in parallel with a Paloposki, O. Papadima, J. Peeters, A. round table on Research Evaluation, and the Piotrovska, F. Pöchhacker, A. Remael, H. last one on 25 September 2004 in Lisbon).The Risku, B. Santana Lopez, C. Schäffner, T. minutes of all these three meetings are Seruya, R. Setton, M. Shlesinger, D. Simeoni, published in the EST Newsletter. U. Stecconi, R. Stolze, K. Taivalkoski, G. Toury, Yves Gambier then commented on the S. Vandepitte, C. Wadensjö, J. Williams, P. actions and activities that the Board had Woods, J. Zarandona, P. Zlateva proposed and organised, i.e.:</p><p>Y Gambier welcomed the participants and Publication policy: opened the formal part of the General Meeting. The Copenhagen Proceedings came out in the spring. Y. Gambier thanked the referees and Item (1): Adoption of the agenda the editors (Gyde Hansen, Daniel Gile and The meeting adopted the Agenda as published Kirsten Malmkjaer) who had done a huge job to in the EST Newsletter (No. 24, May 2004) but produce a coherent and stimulating volume. decided to move the Proposals for EST The EST Subseries is part of John activities after the Election of the new Executive Benjamins Library which celebrates its 10th Board (from item 7 to follow item 12). anniversary with volume 50, i.e the Proceedings of our last Congress. The EST subseries is a new publication channel to optimize EST’s Item (2): Adoption of the Minutes of the last function as a forum for our research community. General Meeting in Copenhagen (published in Its aim is to give more visibility to young Newsletter no. 19) scholars’ work, like Ph.D. theses, to publicize The Minutes of the fourth General Meeting (31 new trends and new methods in research. All August 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark) were proposals are welcome and will be carefully approved unanimously without changes. considered by the EST Board. sholarships. He thanked Miram Shlesinger for Public relations: having chaired the jury. There were six issues of the EST Newsletter Y. Gambier reminded the audience that since December 2001 (No. 19-24). Y. Gambier the Standing Committee for Humanities of the thanked the two editors (Daniel Gile and European Science Foundation (ESF) had Christina Schäffner) for their work. started gathering proposals for setting up a Our website has offered a few new Citation Index in Humanities at the European documents and publicized the 5th Congress. Y. level. We have been lobbying to get TS Gambier suggested that we must increase our recognized as a separate field and not as a web presence. That takes time, effort, and subfield of linguistics, with its own specific staffing. He recommended that the new Board Journals. Unfortunately, so far, we have not considers paying for a webmaster. managed to see any change in the proposal of The Directory has been updated, edited the ESF. as a hard copy in 2003, and is always available EST has also participated in three projects. on our web site. · The inter-institutional project on We have kept in contact with sister Metalanguage of translation, a project associations like CATS/ACT (Canada) and tried which gathers, besides EST, CETRA, to extend our links to the Japanese and Korean CIUTI, FIT and the Lessius school in associations in TS. He pointed out that different Antwerp. groupings have been developing or have been · We are part of the TS bibliography launched in the last three years, such as the (TSB) project which has been running Nida Institute within the American Bible Society for two years. The first results were (2002), the Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de shown as part of the EST Congress. Traducción e Interpretación (2003), the The TSB project must involve more American TS Association (2003), and the World people from different countries and with Arabic Translators association (2003). different languages. He expressed his hope that this General Meeting and the Promoting research and further education: new Board will agree that EST Only one working group has been active, now continues to be part of the project, and then, on training. Y. Gambier expressed his providing more manpower. strong belief that a discussion list does not work · We have been participating in the wonders. We need to think again about new ASSESSTI project, aiming at creating a ways of interaction among all of us. semi-automatic tool for (self) evaluation A round table on Research Evaluation in of interpreters. Recently, we have been TS was organised in September 2003, asked to become a partner in another motivated by the realization that there are Leonardo project – how to develop a differences in requirements and standards of method and a tool for monitoring market Ph.D. theses in different countries in Europe. trends in Translation and Interpretation. The results of that day are on our web site, As for the 4th EST Congress, he mentioned that such as norms for assessing an academic about ten people had been actively preparing work, the referee guidelines for eleven TS these three days, since autumn 2002! He Journals, and so on. One of the panels of this expressed his warm thanks to all of them and to th 4 Congress, dedicated to supervision, is also the students who had helped as well, with the result of a decision made a year ago. But enthusiasm and commitment. we need more investigation and more data. He Y. Gambier concluded his report by expressed his hope that the new Board will saying: “These are the concrete results of the continue the survey and the comparative last three years. I am sure you will be willing to analysis. discuss further new developments, to contribute The Young Scholar Award has been to the planning of the coming years, with your organised for the second time. He sincerely ideas, proposals and comments. My mandate thanked Andrew Chesterman and all the 24 as President is ending. I would like to express referees who read and assessed the eight my deep gratitude and thanks to all the different dissertations. members of the Board for their positive and EST has offered a scholarship for a friendly support over the three years, for their young scholar working on a Ph.D. This year, we time and effort given to developing our field and decided to sponsor a student to attend the our Society.” doctoral seminar CETRA. We limited ourselves to this one seminar partly because we did not know how many candidates would apply and 3.2 Secretary General's report partly because we wanted to test our criteria. Y. C. Schäffner reported that the main work of the Gambier expressed his hope that the new EST Secretariat consists in the following: (i) Board would take into consideration other membership matters, (ii) co-editing, printing doctoral seminars and maybe offer two and mailing the EST Newsletter twice a year; (iii) keeping, updating, and producing the hard items had been introduced (e.g. a beginner’s copy of the EST Directory, and (iv) supporting corner). The editors regretted that not much the preparation of Board meetings and feedback is received. Members were also preparing the minutes. She reported that an encouraged to send pieces of information to the updated Directory had been produced in 2003, editors for inclusion in the Newsletter. Both D. a hard copy of which had been sent to all EST Gile and C. Schäffner announced that they members. In September 2004, there are a total wished to step down as editors and they were of 318 individual EST members, from 44 hoping that volunteers would come forward to countries. In addition, there are 7 supporting take over. members. The UK publishing company Multilingual Matters became a sponsor in 2003. Both publishing companies that are EST Item (5): EST working Groups sponsors (John Benjamins and Multilingual M. Shlesinger reported that the email Matters) offer their books at a discount to EST discussion group on training in translation and members (via the EST website). C. Schäffner interpreting which had been set up in 2000, had reported that new members receive a welcome not been a success overall. Some topics had letter with information about how the EST generated an exchange of ideas, but most of Website can be accessed, about the fee the time members had been inactive. She payment possibilities, and the Newsletter. New encouraged members to try to revitalise it. members are listed in the Newsletter as well. Among the topics discussed were: translation The Secretariat receives information into the L2, how to incorporate workplace and Bulletins from partner organisations (esp. experience into training, how to teach blind SATI and CATS) and sends EST information to students. them as well. She also reported that Suzanne Ballansat had sent a German version of the Item (6): Amendments to the Constitution EST Constitution to the Secretariat which had been produced by students of the translation It was noted that the Executive Board had not programme at the École de Traduction et received any proposals which would make it d'Interprétation de l'Université de Genève. necessary to amend the EST Constitution.</p><p>3.3 Treasurer's report Item (7): Proposals for EST activities Radegundis Stolze reported that by 28 September 2004, only 188 members (60% of In an open discussion, several proposals were all members) had paid their membership fees, made for future EST activities. One issue was which constitutes the Society's only source of the international nature of EST, and it was income. There are various forms of argued that EST might need to change its international payment (published in the name to avoid giving the impression that we Newsletter). Members were reminded that are exclusively based in Europe. Due to legal authorisation for VISA payment needs to be reasons, this is not possible, but EST is already sent to the treasurer annually. Payment for working together with other local and national several years in advance is also possible. organisations. In view of the growing number of Annual revenues are used to finance the translation studies organisations worldwide, Newsletter, the EST Website, publicity material, such networking will become more relevant. board meetings, and 1,500 Euro were spent on The audience was informed of the topics the Young Scholar Award, and 2,000 Euro chosen for the annual CATS congresses 2005- were spent to invite the two plenary speakers 2008. for the 2004 congress. The present assets of L. Garrett suggested providing more EST are 22.439,49 Euro (before the payment of support for poorer countries. A variety of the Young Scholar Award). Since we have possibilities were mentioned where EST seen a sound financial development over the members could contribute to this aim (e.g. recent years, R Stolze recommended that the putting articles on personal websites, current membership (25 Euro for individual disseminate literature). D. Gile added that members and 75 Euro for supporting members) sharing information between all members should be kept for the next 3 years. This should be expanded as well, e.g. putting proposal was unanimously accepted. abstracts and reviews of MA and Ph.D. dissertations on the web. </p><p>Item (4): Report of the Newsletter editors Item (8): Proceedings of the Congress On behalf of the Newsletter editors, Daniel Gile Y. Gambier announced that it is intended to reported that the EST Newsletter is now publish a selection of the papers presented at predominantly available in electronic format, the Lisbon EST Congress. John Benjamins had which allows for more space to include more expressed an interest in publishing them. information. In the last editions, new regular Further information, including the names of the editors, would be given to congress participants As announced at the General Meeting at the in the next EST Newsletter. University of Lisbon (28th September 2004), the 5th EST Congress will be hosted by the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 3 Item (9): Membership fees September to 5 September 2007. A local The current fee level will remain valid for the organising committee and a scientific next 3 years (see also item 3c above). committee, to be appointed by the Executive Board, will work together to prepare the congress. Local organising committee: Nike K. Item (10): Date and venue of next Congress Pokorn (chair), Irena Kovacic, Martina Ozbot, It was announced that the 2007 EST Congress Vojko Gorjanc, David Limon, Spela Vintar, will be held in Ljubljana. On behalf of the local Natasa Hirci, Mojca Schlamberger Brezar. Pre- organisers, Nike Kocijancic Pokorn presented a Congress work-shops are currently under photo of the venue. The exact date of the consideration for 2nd September 2007. Congress will be announced in the EST Newsletter. VII. EST Young Scholar Award for 2004 Item (11): Election of new Executive Board A. Chesterman chaired the election of the new There were eight candidates for the 2004 EST Executive Board. A call for nominations had Young Scholar Award for an outstanding PhD been published in the EST Newsletter (No. 24, thesis or equivalent in Translation Studies. Five May 2004), and eight nominations from manuscripts were in English, and one each in members had been received. Most of the Board French, German and Spanish. Topics included members had decided not to stand again for semiotics, literary reception, the translation of election. The following members were humour, expertise in interpreting, the effects of suggested as office-holders: Daniel Gile for the the translation skopos, literary translation office of President, Gyde Hansen for the office history, audience design, and the translation of of Vice-President, Reine Meylaerts as reported speech. Secretary General, Radegundis Stolze as Each manuscript was sent to three Treasurer. All four were elected by referees, who gave written reports and acclamation. numerical scores according to specified criteria: importance and originality, methodology and The remaining five positions on the presentation. The final decision was made by Executive Board were filled by secret ballot the EST working group consisting of Michael from a list of eight candidates: Barbara Ahrens, Cronin, Daniel Gile, Christiane Nord, Miriam Alexandra Assis Rosa, Michael Cronin, Shlesinger and Andrew Chesterman. Susanne Göpferich, Nike Kocijancic Pokorn, The clear winner was Minhua Liu. Her Kirsten Malmkjaer, Ubaldo Stecconi, Sonja work is entitled Expertise in simultaneous Vandepitte. The votes were counted by Miriam interpreting: A working memory analysis. Shlesinger and Jan Engberg. The results of the Liu’s work reports an experimental study secret ballot for the remaining five positions on on the role of the working memory in the Executive Board were as follows: Out of 63 simultaneous interpreting. Her results suggest votes cast, Alexandra Assis Rosa, Michael that experienced interpreters develop specific Cronin, Nike Kocijancic Pokorn, Ubaldo cognitive skills to cope with particularly difficult Stecconi and Sonja Vandepitte received the input conditions, rather than develop their most votes and were thus duly elected to the general working memory capacity as such. The Executive Board. research is interdisciplinary, drawing on both On behalf of the new Board, Daniel Gile interpreting studies and cognitive psychology. thanked the outgoing board for the work done in One referee wrote as follows: the last years and he expressed the intention of “Minhua Liu’s PhD dissertation is undoubtedly the new Board to serve the members of the TS one of the very best empirical studies of community. conference interpreting reported to date. As a contribution on the subject of memory in the Item (12): Any other Business interpreting process, which has been an overriding concern in interpreting research none since its inception, it is easily the most original and consequential study ever carried out. Its Y. Gambier closed the meeting. research question – the domain-specificity of working memory and the crucial role of working-memory skills for expertise in VI. Date and venue for EST Congress 2007 simultaneous interpreting – addresses both a cutting-edge problem in cognitive psychology and a vital concern in interpreting theory and Dr. Hans Hönig died unexpectedly on July 5, training. Thus, the dissertation is a model case 2004. The world of translation studies has lost a of interdisciplinary research, and the way it has great scholar. For EST Hans Hönig played a been carried out makes it a dream come true role in EST long before it was actually for advocates of interdisciplinarity in interpreting established. When Mary Snell-Hornby regularly studies.” called colleagues together at the “Wiener The Award is 2,500 Euro. This sum Translationsgipfel” (Vienna Translation Summit) comes partly from EST funds and partly from in the early 90’s some of us, including Hans John Benjamins. Hönig among them, often sat together at our Congratulations to Minhua Liu, and our hotel on the last morning for an extended thanks to all the candidates and referees. breakfast discussing various topics. Translation studies as a relatively new academic discipline, Andrew Chesterman we felt, should receive more public attention. It was at these breakfast sessions that the EST idea gradually emerged, and Hans Hönig VIII. News from new Board played a decisive role in shaping it. When EST was founded in 1992 Hans Hönig became a 1. Website: very active member participating in EST EST has a new permanent domain name: conferences with valuable contributions. www.est-translationstudies.org. The website Hans Hönig is well known for his should be a lively one, with asmuch useful publications. He wrote more than thirty articles information as possible. Everybody who knows and published three books. In 1982, Hans of online literature (journals, theses, Hönig, in co-authorship with Paul Kußmaul, dissertations, etc.) can mail this to D. Gile wrote Strategie der Übersetzung, which favours ([email protected]) who will add this a functional approach to translation and has information for the benefit of those whose become a long seller and standard book in access to the literature is difficult. The website translator training. should also contain content on research issues, In 1995 he wrote Konstruktives helpful for colleagues, especially young ones, Übersetzen, which clears up popular such as guidance on writing, on publications, on misconceptions about translation and explains conferences, on supervision. Also reviews of the processes that lead to successful papers or books centering around particular translations. The book has been praised by research issues, reflections on research issues, colleagues and students alike for its clarity on conferences, on how to present papers, on when explaining difficult concepts, for the issues in the TS community, etc. are very vividness of its examples and for its humorous useful. Finally we hope to publish actual papers style. In addition to the originality of his ideas, it on the website is his unmistakable style that has made Hans Hönig so popular in our field. 2. Proceedings He was also a co-editor of Handbuch The last chapter of the Copenhagen Translation, which appeared in 1998 and which Proceedings “The Editorial Process through the has helped considerably to make Translation Looking Glass” is published on the website in Studies a more widely known discipline. order to help congress participants understand Hans Hönig was the director of the how papers will be refereed. The editors are section of interpreter training at the Department invited to specify in their guidelines and of Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies in recommendations that comments and Germersheim of the University of Mainz in suggestions from referees which will call for Germany. As a teacher, he trained translators correction and rewriting are likely and should be and interpreters for over three decades. His considered a positive contribution. expertise in training, in combination with his publications, made him an ideal advisor when 3. Call for a ‘Help Network’ of Proofreaders new university courses for translator and In order to avoid sloppy or bad English in interpreter training were established in many submitted articles, the Board would like to set places in Europe, for instance in Istanbul, up a ‘help network’ with native speakers who Ljubljana and Skopje. can help non natives to meet language Being both an expert and a fascinating standards in English. Volunteers can send in speaker, he was asked to give lectures in many their e-mail to join the network. countries of the world. To all who knew him, Hans Hönig will be remembered as a dedicated teacher, a reliable and cooperative colleague and a fine scholar. Obituary for Dr. Hans G. Hönig He will be missed by his colleagues, and his passing means a great loss for the academic world. 5. Integrating Arab Culture into Israeli Identity Paul Kußmaul through Literary Translations from Arabic into Hebrew, Hannah Amit-Kochavi (Beit Berl College, Israel) 6. Translating Islamist Discourse, Mike Holt NEW PUBLICATIONS - CALL for (Salford University, UK) 7. On Translating Oral Style in Palestinian PAPERS and INFORMATION about Folktales, Ibrahim Muhawi (University of FORTHCOMING EVENTS California, USA) 8. The Qur’an: Limits of Translatability, Hussein I. New Publications Abdul Raof (University of Leeds, UK) 9. Translating Native Arabic Linguistic UNESCO Online Data Base: Terminology, Solomon I Sara (Georgetown UNESCO's Centre for the Exchange of University, USA) Information on Literary Translation is pleased to 10. Towards an Economy and Poetics of inform you that the UNESCO Collection of Translation from and into Arabic, Richard Representative Works (1948-2004) is finally Jacquemond (University of Provence, France) available via a database which can be searched Translated from French by Philip Tomlinson online using multiple criteria. To consult the (University of Salford, UK) new online database go to: Notes on contributors/ Bibliography/Index http://www.unesco.org/culture/lit/rep/index.php</p><p>Michael Hann (University of Mainz) 2004. A Titles on Subtitling 1929-1999. An Basis for Scientific and Engineering International Annotated Bibliography: Translation German-English-German. John Interlingual Subtitling for Cinema, TV, Video Benjamins; xxxviii, 250 pp. (incl. CD-rom) and DVD: This e-book and the accompanying handbook www.unipv.it/wwwling/gottlieb_intro.pdf attack many of the most crucial difficulties (introduction: 8 pp.) encountered by both native and non-native www.unipv.it/wwwling/gottlieb.pdf (main biblio- English speakers when translating scientific and graphy: 118 pp.) The full title: RILA (Rassegna engineering material from German. It is like a Italiana di Linguistica Applicata) vol. 34, no. 1- miniature encyclopaedia dealing with the 2/ 2002: 215-397. The bibliography is partially fundamental conceptual basis of science, annotated, and consists of an alphabetical engineering and mathematics, with particular presentation of the twentieth century's regard to terminology. It provides didactically interlingual subtitling literature - with 1,180 titles organised dictionaries, thesauri and a wide in a wide variety of languages. range of microglossaries highlighting polysemy, homonymy, hyponymy, context, collocation, usage as well as grammatical, lexical and Cultural Encounters in Translation from semantic considerations essential to accurate Arabic. Edited by Said Faiq (American translation. It also supplies a wide variety of University of Sharjah, UAE) reference material and illustrations useful to Key features: self-taught professional technical translators, - Chapters provide assessment of translator trainers at universities, and especially theories and examples of translation to student translators. All the main branches of from Arabic into Western languages industrial technology are examined, such as - Contributors share the view that mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical, translation has achieved little in nuclear engineering, and fundamental improving cultural relations and is terminologies are provided for a broad range of still influenced by negative important subfields: automotive engineering, stereotypes plastics, computer systems, construction Contents: technology, aircraft, machine tools. The 1. The Cultural Encounter in Translating from handbook provides a useful introduction to the Arabic, Said Faiq (American University of e-book, enabling readers proficient in two Sharjah, UAE) languages to acquire the basic skills necessary 2. The Cultural Context of Translating Arabic for technical translation by familiarity with Literature, Richard van Leeuwen (Amsterdam) fundamental engineering conceptions 3. Exoticism, Identity and Representation in themselves. An additional source for sample Western Translation from Arabic, Ovidi texts can be found on the author's website Carbonell (University of Salamanca, Spain) http://people.freenet.de/Michael_Hann/index.ht 4. Autobiography, Modernity and Translation, ml Tetz Rooke (Uppsala University, Sweden) II. Forthcoming events Shukutoku University, Japan: Dry Lips Moves to Tokyo: Does Indigenous Drama Translate? 18-21 May 2005, Maastricht, The 6 December 2004: Doug Lawrence, TRADOS Netherlands: Maastricht Session of the 4th GmbH, Germany: TRADOS and the Real World International Maastricht-Lódz Duo 13 December 2004: Raquel de Pedro Ricoy, Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning” Department of Languages and Intercultural Information: Dr. Marcel Thelen, Department of Studies, Heriot Watt University: Translation and Interpreting, Maastricht School Internationalisation vs. Localisation: The of International Communication, Hogeschool translation of video-game advertising Zuyd, P.O. Box 634, 6200 AP Maastricht, The 31 January 2005: Daniela Caselli, English Netherlands. E-mail: Department, University of Salford: Visible [email protected]. Tel.: +31 43 346 Absences in Beckett's Self-Translated Texts: 6471, Fax: +31 43 346 6649. Web site: the Case of Dante http://www.hszuyd.msti.translation-and- 7 February 2005: David Katan, SSLMIT, meaning.nedweb.com University of Trieste, Italy: Translating Across Invisible Barriers: Dealing with Different Cultural Communication Orientations 23-25 September 2005, Lodz, Poland: Lódz 14 February 2005: Josélia Neves, Escola Session of the 4th International Maastricht- Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Leiria, Lódz Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Portugal: Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard of Meaning”. Hearing Information: Prof. Dr. habil. Barbara 21 February 2005: Francis Jones, School of Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Department of Modern Languages, University of Newcastle English Language, University of Lódz, Al. upon Tyne: Interpersonal Networks in Poetry Kosciuszki 65, 90-514 Lódz, Poland. E-mail: Translation [email protected]. Tel.: +48 42 636 28 February 2005: Alex Krouglov, Assistant 6337, Fax: +48 42 636 6337/...6872. Web site: Director, FCO Services: Language Training, http://www.hszuyd.msti.translation-and- Foreign & Commonwealth Office: Diplomatic meaning.nedweb.com Interpreting: A profile of the profession 7 March 2005: Jozefina Komporály, University of Hull, UK: Stage Translation Today: English Centre for Translation & Intercultural as a Target Language Studies; School of Languages, Linguistics 14 March 2005: Gerald Hammond, John and Cultures (University of Manchester): Edward Taylor Professor of English Literature, Seminar Schedule 2004-05 University of Manchester: Early English Bible 4 October 2004: Leo Hickey, University of Translators and Their Theories of Translation Salford: Public Service Legal Interpreting in 21 March 2005: Richard Keeble, Department of Britain Journalism and Humanities, University of 11 October 2004: Amanda Hopkinson, Director Lincoln: Journalism, Journalese, and the of the British Centre for Literary Translation, Politics of Translation University of East Anglia: The Policies and Politics of Literary Translation 18 October 2004: Peter Llewellyn-Jones, CETRA session 2005 University of Leeds: Interpreting Shakespeare’s The CETRA Intensive Summer Program for Plays into British Sign Language Research Training 2005 will be held during the 25 October 2004: Valerie Pellatt, University of second and third week of September 2005. Bath: Schema and Preparedness in the Venue: Istituto San Pellegrino at Misano Interpretation of Numbers Adriatico, Italy. For further information on the 8 November 2004: Margaret Rogers, Director of CETRA sessions, applications etc., visit the the Centre for Translation Studies, University of CETRA site at Surrey: Ordering Information in English http://fuzzy.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/cetra/>http://fu Special-Language Texts: A translation zzy.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/cetra/ perspective 15 November 2004: Emma Wagner, FITI, formerly of the European Commission: III. Call for papers Reconciling Theory and Practice 22 November 2004: Tim Connell, Director of The Second Dublin City University Language Studies, City University: Languages International Postgraduate Conference in Looking Inwards: Translating and Interpreting Translation Studies for the Public Services Guest speakers: 29 November 2004: Beverley Curran, Jan Blommaert (Ghent University, Belgium) Department of Creativity and Culture, Aichi Kate Sturge (Aston University, Birmingham, England) Invited participants: John Kearns ([email protected]) Michael Cronin, Jenny Williams, Maggie Centre for Translation and Textual Studies Gibbon, Dorothy Kenny, Minako O'Hagan, Dublin City University Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin. Glasnevin Following the huge success of the first Dublin 9 DCU International Postgraduate Translation Ireland. Studies Conference in 2004, the second Tel (+3531) 7008217 conference will be held on April 1st and 2nd 2005 and again is open to all young researchers doing work in translation studies. The 27th -30th October 2005, University of conference is designed to provide a supportive Bologna's Department of Interdisciplinary environment for emerging scholars and an Studies in Translation, Languages and opportunity to meet others who are conducting Culture at Forlì, Italy research in the field. There will be several Call for Papers for an international conference established translation studies scholars and on Screen Translation: Between Text and guest speakers in attendance to provide Image: Updating Research in Screen feedback and advice to delegates. Conference Translation. Information and on-line registration: fees will be kept to a minimum to encourage http://screentranslation.sitlec.unibo.it widespread participation. The conference is open to: a) those engaged in PhD research in Conference on the Metalanguage of translation studies Translation b) those who have completed their In April 2004 a preparatory symposium on the Master’s research and who intend meta-language of translation was held in pursuing translation studies at doctoral Antwerp, organized jointly by FIT, CIUTI, EST, level CETRA and Lessius (www.lessius- c) those who have only recently completed ho.be/vt/nieuws/vt_nieuws_symp_metalanguag their doctoral studies. e.htm). It dealt with the problematic variations of Delegates are invited to submit abstracts usage and conceptualisation in the theory and from all areas relating to translation studies, practice of translation. The concluding including fields such as contrastive linguistics, evaluation session of the conference board terminography and lexicography, translation pointed out that two main tendencies had and gender, literary translation, translation emerged during the symposium: a more theory, translation technologies, interpreting speculative tendency dealing with studies, localization, audiovisual translation, metalanguage emerging from translation itself Bible and religious translation, translator and (Benjamin, Derrida, etc.), and an approach interpreter training, history of translation, seeking more to systematize existing usage corpus-based translation studies, translation (Delisle, Shuttleworth, etc.) by means of and cultural studies, translation and human glossaries and conceptual maps. It was agreed rights, etc. that there should be follow-up activities such as Papers should be no longer than 20 a bigger conference (spring 2007?), and a minutes, and will be followed by 10 minutes of special issue of a major journal devoted to the questions. topic. One concrete result was an agreement to Deadlines: link the TSB project (Translation Studies Abstracts of not more than 300 words should be Bibliography, see the website submitted to John Kearns ([email protected]) www.benjamins.com/online/tsb) with the by January 15th 2005. Candidates will be ongoing MonAKO (Helsinki) project on creating encouraged to speak about their topics rather a multilingual glossary of TS terms. All these than reading directly from a prepared script. activities are brought together under the Selected papers will be published in a working name METRA: the metalanguage of special edition of the new, on-line, peer- translation. We invite colleagues to propose reviewed journal New Voices in Translation ideas or projects that might enrich the METRA Studies, published in association with the enterprise. International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies and DCU Centre for Luc van Doorslaer (Lessius and CETRA) Translation and Textual Studies. Andrew Chesterman (Helsinki) Delegates will also have reference access to the extensive collection of translation studies literature in DCU Library for the duration Call for Papers: Literary Translation. Special of the conference. issue of Angles on the English-Speaking Contacts: World Michelle Woods ([email protected]) The Danish scholarly periodical of the English Rita McCann ([email protected]) Department at Copenhagen University, Angles on the English-Speaking World the European Commission and the European (http://www.mtp.dk/periodicals/angles/), now Parliament. invites papers for a special issue on ’Literary The programme is designed to provide Translation’ to be published in September 2006. professional training of high quality for The issue will be guest-edited by Research students with exceptional talent and Fellow Ida Klitgård of the Centre for Translation qualifications in languages and Studies at Copenhagen University (http://www. communication. It will offer two parallel engelsk.ku.dk/translationstudies/). We welcome degrees, a Master's degree in Conference contributions on a wide range of topics in Interpreting and a Master's degree in literary translation from English into a foreign Translation. Resources and facilities, language or vice versa, such as: especially information technology, library and · definitions of literary translation electronic material, will be shared by both · theories of literary translation degree courses. Academic responsible for · methodological research and teaching Conference Interpreting Prof. K. Boklunt- · case studies of literary translation Lagopoulou and for Translation Prof. Tonia Nenonopoulou. · poetics of literary translation Contact: · criticism of literary translation Simos Grammenidis: [email protected]. · corpora in studies of literary translation · cultural issues (e.g. globalisation, hybridity, postcolonialism, multilingualism) Congress on The Study of Language and · linguistic and stylistic issues (e.g. metaphor, Translation metonymy, allusion, sound and rhythm, In Jan 2006 (12-14) an international congress repetition, motifs, narration, tone and voice) will take place in Ghent (Belgium) on the · history of literary translation interface between Linguistics and Translation · reception of literary translation Studies, and the mutual relevance of both · reviewing literary translation disciplines. The congress will take place under Articles must be between 4,000-5,000 the auspices of the Linguistic Society of words including notes and a list of references. Belgium. It will be hosted by the department of Examples from languages other than English Translation Studies of Hogeschool Gent, and must be back-translated or glossed as the faculty of Arts of Ghent University. A posting appropriate. will be sent out before the end of this year. EST Schedule: members who are interested to be put on the 15 November 2004: Deadline for submission of mailing list can express their interest with a mail abstracts (500 words) to [email protected]. 15 January 2005: Selected contributors notified of acceptance of abstracts 15 June 2005: Deadline for submission of Announcement of Summer School papers Scholarship(s) 15 October 2005: Confirmation of acceptance of papers EST will sponsor if possible one or several 1 December 2005: Deadline for submission of participants attending TS Summer Schools (the final versions of papers policy announced in Newsletter No. 23, September 2006: Publication December 2003, p. 4, has been extended after Contact details: consultation with and with the generous Dr. Ida Klitgård, Institute of English, Germanic approval of José Lambert, founder and leader and Romance Languages, Copenhagen of the CETRA program). University, 130 Njalsgade, DK-2300 Copenhagen S., Denmark. ****************************************************** E-mail: [email protected] **** This year’s scholarship(s) will amount to 1,000 Euros per scholarship. European Master's Degree in Conference ****************************************************** Interpreting and Translation at Aristotle **** University of Thessaloniki The programme is a cooperative effort drawing Candidates interested in applying will kindly fill on the resources of all the foreign-language in a questionnaire (which can be obtained from departments (Schools of English, French, Miriam Shlesinger) and submit it by 30 June German, and Italian-Spanish) and the 2004. Applications may be submitted by e-mail Linguistics and Modern Greek sections of the to Miriam Shlesinger: School of Philology. It is supported financially [email protected] by the Joint Conference Interpreting Service of or by regular mail to: working knowledge of French. The candidate Dr. Miriam Shlesinger will teach courses at the undergraduate level in Dept. of Translation and Interpreting Studies both the School of Translation and the Bar Ilan University Department of Hispanic Studies, and at the Ramat Gan 52900 graduate level in the School of Translation, as Israel well as assuming administrative responsibilities in the Certificate Program in Spanish-English in Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by the Department of Hispanic Studies. e-mail. We are especially interested in attracting outstanding candidates who will play a significant role in shaping the future of the existing Certificate in Spanish-English/English- JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS Spanish Translation Program. Applications, including curriculum vitae, Indiana State University should be sent directly to Dr. Esther Raventós- Department of Languages, Literature, and Pons, Chair, Department of Hispanic Studies, Linguistics (http://www.indstate.edu/lll/) Glendon College, York University, 2275 Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Romance Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4N 3M6. Linguistics, beginning Fall 2005. PhD preferred, Date of appointment: July 1, 2005. Deadline for ABD accepted. Specialty: French and Spanish applications: December 1, 2004. Candidates Linguistics, with strong component of should also arrange for three letters of Translation and Translation Theory. reference to be sent directly to the Chair of the Required: native or near-native fluency Department. At least one of the references in French, Spanish and English, demonstrable should address teaching. potential and commitment to teaching at York University is an Affirmative Action graduate and undergraduate levels, and to Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can scholarly research. Candidacy enhanced by be found on York’s website at any combination of the following: extensive www.yorku.ca/acadjobs or a copy can be experience in professional translation, strong obtained by calling the affirmative action office ability in Latin. Standard teaching load: 3 at 416 736-5713. All qualified candidates are courses per semester. encouraged to apply; however, Canadian Send application letter, CV, & dossier citizens and Permanent Residents will be given including 3 letters of recommendation to Chair, priority. Search Committee, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809; or by e-mail to [email protected]. Screening begins December 20, 2004. MEMBERSHIP FEE for 2004 Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. ISU is an EO/AA The membership fee is employer. 25 Euros for ORDINARY MEMBERS (individual members), and 75 Euros for SUPPORTING MEMBERS School of Translation/ Department of (sponsors). Hispanic Studies, Glendon College, York st University The fee is due by 31 March each year. In The School of Translation and the Department case you have not yet paid your fee, please do of Hispanic Studies at Glendon College, the so at your earliest convenience! bilingual (French-English) liberal arts Faculty of York University, invite applications for a tenure- Please make your payment to the EST track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. Treasurer, Radegundis STOLZE This position is subject to budgetary approval by the University. by Euro-cheque to the order of Candidates should hold a PhD (or EST c/o Ms R. Stolze expected in 2005) in the field of Translation or EST Treasurer in a relevant field. Essential Criteria: Prinz-Christians-Weg 11 Specialization in Spanish/English/Spanish D-64287 Darmstadt translation, expertise in terminology and/or Germany translation and technology, experience in (Please send cheques to the TREASURER, professional translation, demonstrated NOT to the EST Secretariat!!) commitment to research and scholarly publications, native or native-like command of or Spanish and English, both written and oral, by Bank transfer to Sparkasse Darmstadt (Bank code: 508 501 50) Account no. 500-2990 ("EST") In Austria only (!): (Please make sure that bank charges Bank transfer to "on your side" are covered!) P.S.K. (Österr. Postsparkasse) From abroad: (Bank code: 60 000) IBAN DE77 5085 0150 0005 0029 90 Account no. 79.058.588 ("EST") or by international money order (where still => For payment by VISA credit card, please fill available) over Western Union (post in the form below and send it to the EST offices). Inform treasurer about transfer Treasurer, Radegundis Stolze, Prinz-Christians- code no., amount paid and sender's Weg 11, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany. name by email to radi.stolze@t- online.de </p><p>=> On any payment, please indicate your name and the membership year!</p><p>VISA PAYMENT</p><p>Name: ……………………………………..</p><p>Please charge my VISA credit card with the amount of: ....……...... ……. for EST-membership in the year ……………..</p><p>Card No: …………………………… (16 digits)</p><p>Exp. Date: …………………………. (Month/Year)</p><p>Date: ……………………… Signature: …………………………………….</p>
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