<p>PATRICK H. BUCKLEY Department of Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography Huxley College of Environmental Studies Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225, U.S.A. Phone: (360) 650-4773 , Fax: (360) 650-7702 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. - Economic Geography Boston University Awarded 1/25/88 Dissertation: An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model of the United States for Policy Analysis with Applications to Regional Impacts of Acid Rain Pollution Control Costs. Advisor: Prof. T.R. Lakshmanan. M.A. - Economic Geography University of Washington 1977-1981 M.A. - South Asian Studies Thesis: A Study of Labor Migration in India: Regionalization of India based on 1961, 1971 Migration Streams. Advisor: Prof. Craig ZumBrunnen. B.S. - Geology University of Notre Dame 1966-1971 B.S. - Civil Engineering TEACHING EXPERIENCE Associate Professor (September 1993 - present) Assistant Professor (September 1988 - June 1993) Instructor (September 1987- June 1987) Department of Environmental Social Sciences: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography, Huxley Environmental College, Western Washington University. Current Courses: Human Geography, Geography of the World Economy, East Asia, Japan, Spatial Statistical Analysis (Graduate and Undergraduate), Geographic Information Systems (Introductory, Advanced, and Graduate), Pacific Rim, Planning Process, Regional Economic Modeling, Transportation Planning, Third World Development, and Borderlands.</p><p> p. buckley vita May 2011 page 1 of 18</p><p>CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Economic Geography: Regional Development and Sustainability Operations Research and Game Theoretical Approaches Quality of Life and Delphi Modeling Eco Pioneers and Social Entrepreneurship International Japan and Pacific Rim Quality of Life and Sustainability U.S./Canada Borderlands – Cross Border Governance and the Environment</p><p>PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS A. REFEREED PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2011. Cascadia Reconsidered: Questioning Micro-Scale Cross-Border Integration in the Fraser Lowland. University of the Fraser Valley Research Review, vol. 3, issue 3 (winter 2011). http://journals.ufv.ca/rr/RR33/article-PDFs/4-buckley.pdf </p><p>Buckley, Patrick and John Belec. 2009. Investigation of Cross Border Environmental Management and Consciousness at the Local Level: Power Plant Development within a Confined International Air Shed. Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology, 59 (2009) pp. 213-227.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick, Belec, John, and Levy, Jason. forthcoming 2009. Resource Management In Borderlands: Evolution From Competing Interests To Common Aversions, in The Governance of Borders and Borderlands in an Era of Security. University of Ottawa Press.</p><p>Li, K.W., Levy, J.K. and P. Buckley. 2009. Enhancing National Security and Energy Security in the Post-911 Era: Group Decision Support for Strategic Policy Analysis under Conditions of Conflict, Group Decision and Negotiation Vol. 18, No. 4 pp. 369-386. </p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2008. Etic and Emic Perspectives of a Regional Cross-Cultural Delphi Study -- Quality of Life in the United States and Japan. In Akio Takahashi, editor, Quality of Life and Marketing; Towards the Development of Quality of Life Theory. (pp. 147-200), Tokyo: Doyukan.</p><p>Li, K.W., J.K. Levy, P.H. Buckley, and J. Belec. 2007. A Multiple-Criteria Group Decision p. buckley vita May 2011 page 2 of 18 Support System for Risk Reduction and Community Resilience in the Fraser Lowlands Eco-Region, In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 1794-1799, Montreal, Canada, October 2007.</p><p>Nicol, Doug, John Belec, and Patrick Buckley. 2003. Teaching Geography in an International Region: Challenges of the Pacific Northwest Borderland, Journal of Geographer. Mar/Apr. vol. 102, no. 2, pp. 47-57.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Debnath Mookherjee. 1999, Non-Metric Clustering: A New Tool for Investigating Urban Quality of Life, CYBERGEO, The Electronic European Journal of Geography. ( 06 Oct. 1999; 22 p.) http://www.cybergeo.presse.fr/geostat/buckley/mooher.htm Buckley, Patrick. 1992. "A Transportation-Oriented Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model of the United States," The Annals of Regional Science, December 1992. Osleeb, J.P. and S.J. Ratick with P. Buckley, K. Lee and M. Kuby, 1986. "Evaluating Dredging and Offshore Loading Locations for U.S. Coal Exports Using The Local Logistics System" Annals of Operations Research, no. 6, 1986, pp.163-180.</p><p>B. BOOK REVIEWS</p><p>Buckley, Patrick. 2006. Review of Arab Political Demography, Vol. 1: Population Growth and Natalist Policies, ONN WINCKLER, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, and Portland, OR (2005), 'Book reviews', Regional Studies, June, vol. 40, issue4, 431- 432.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick. 2005. Review of Sustainable Regions: Making Sustainable Development Work in Regional Economies. Meirion Thomas and Martin Rhisiart (Eds). St Bride's Major, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, UK; Aureus Publishing Limited, Regional Studies, Oct, vol. 39, issue 7. Buckley, Patrick. 2003 .Review of 'Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams. Patrick McCully. London: Zed Books, Limited; New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. Professional Geographer. May, vol. 55, no. 2, pp.285-287.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick. 1996. "Review of 'The Asian Pacific Rim and Globalization: Enterprise, governance and territoriality,'" Professional Geographer, August 1996.</p><p>C. OTHER PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Buckley, Patrick, Belec, John, and Levy, Jason. 2008. Resource Management In Borderlands: Evolution From Competing Interests To Common Aversions Proceedings of the Border Regions in Transition IX Conference, Victoria, BC and Bellingham, WA. January 12- p. buckley vita May 2011 page 3 of 18 15, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2008. Evaluating Necessary Conditions for the Emergence of a Cross Border Region in the Fraser Lowland using a Delphi Model, Proceedings of the 50 th Annual Conference of the Western Division of Canadian Association of Geographers, Bellingham, WA, March 5-8, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and John Belec. 2006. Issues of Cross Border Management of the Fraser Lowlands Eco-Region, In Convergence and Divergence in North America: Canada and the United States, Proceedings of the International Association of Canadian Studies 2004 colloquium, eds. Karl Froschauer, Nadine Fabbi, and Susan Pell. Vancouver: Simon Fraser University, pp. 221-234.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick and Eugene Hoerauf. 1996. "Alliances to Improve GIS Education in a Budget Cutting Climate," Business Geographics for Educators and Researchers Proceedings, May 30, 1996, Chicago, IL. Buckley, Patrick, 1988. An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model of the United States for Policy Analysis with Applications to Regional Impacts of Acid Rain Pollution Control Costs. Boston University, Ph.D. Dissertation (unpublished). </p><p>Lakshmanan, T.R. and Patrick Buckley, 1987. "Recent Regional Patterns of Occupational Sex Segregation in the U.S.," in Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 18, Part 1, pp.25-32, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference, April 23-24, 1987.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick, 1986. "An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model for National- Regional Policy Impact Analysis", Research Paper No. 5, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Boston University, Boston.</p><p>Reissued as: Working Paper from CERUM (Centrum for Regionalvetenskaplig Forskning), Infrastructure and Building Sector Series. Umea Universitet, Umea, Sweden.</p><p>Lakshmanan, T.R., Lata Chatterjee, and Patrick Buckley, 1986, "Productivity and Scale in Agriculture: Some Further Evidence from Bangladesh," in Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 17, Part 1, p. 1-6, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference, April 24-25, 1986, p. 163-180.</p><p>D. REPORTS</p><p> p. buckley vita May 2011 page 4 of 18 Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2007. Imagining the Future of Cross Border Environmental Resource Management within the Fraser Lowland: A Delphi Analysis. Final Joint Report. October 2007.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. 2007. Final Report to the Canadian Studies Research Grant Program: Imagining the Future of Cross Border Environmental Resource Management within the Fraser Lowland: A Delphi analysis. February 14, 2007. </p><p>Osleeb, Jeffrey P., Samuel J. Ratick, Patrick Buckley, et al, 1983. Implications of World Coal Demand on U.S. Port Strategic Planning, Final Report, United States Maritime Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.</p><p>INVITED LECTURES</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. 2009. Japan - US Sister City exchanges: Accessing the value Bellingham-Tatayama, presented to the Centre for Japanese Research, University of British Columbia, February 6, 2009.</p><p>Buckley, Patrich and John Belec. 2009. Airshed Management Issues in the Lower Fraser Valley: The impact of the SE2 Controversy, presented to the Coordinating Committee of the Georgia Basin-Puget Sound International Airshed Strategy, January 28, 2009.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H., 2008. In the USA Where Do Young Adults Live and Why? Combining Quality of Life [QOL] with Geographic Information Systems [GIS]. Presented to Marketing Students at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, July 11, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick. 2008. The Pig War: The last major boundary dispute between the United States and Great Britain/Canada 1859-1872. Presented at Border Regions in Transition IX Conference, Victoria, BC and Bellingham, WA. January 12-15, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H., 2007. Resource Management in the Transnational Fraser Lowlands: Investigating the Emergence of a Cross Border Region using Delphi Modeling. Presented at Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido, Japan, July 25, 2007.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. 2006. Utilization of Delphi Methodology for Cross Border Resource p. buckley vita May 2011 page 5 of 18 Management under Conditions of Uncertainty, Presented at the “Joint Seminar on Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation Research – CEDAR (Center of Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation for Advanced Research, MuroranT) and Huxley College (WWU)” at Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido, Japan, March 15 and 16, 2006.</p><p>PRESENTATIONS AND PAPERS Belec, John and Buckley,Patrick. 2011. One Public or Two: Environmental Resource Management along the US-Canada Border. Presented at the Triennial meeting of the Nordic Association of Canadian Studies, Aarhus Denmark, 11-13 August 2011.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick; Jones, Riley; and Belec, John. 2011. Cross-Border Cooperation and Social Capital Development: A Micro Level Delphi Study in the Cascadian Gateway. Presented to the Association for Borderlands Studies General Meeting at the 53rd Annual Conference of the Western Social Science Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 13-16, 2011. Buckley, Patrick and Jones, Riley. 2011. A Deconstruction of Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) and Cross Border Region (CBR) Theory: Distillation Into Four Dimensions, Presented at the 53rd Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Simon Fraser University, March 12, 2011. Buckley, Patrick; Belec, John; and Gadwa, Ryan. 2010. Preliminary Micro Level Cross Border Regional (CBR) Activity: Trade and Transportation Presented at the Cascadia Critical Geographies Mini-Conference, University of Victoria, October 29 – 30, 2010. Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2010. International Mobility and Trade Corridor (IMTC) as a model for Cross-Border Regional Development: a Delphi Study. Presented at the Border Policy Research Institute Fall Colloquium Series, Western Washington University, October 14, 2010. </p><p>Belec, John and Buckley, Patrick .2010. International Mobility and Trade Corridor (IMTC) Delphi Study Round 1. Presented to the International Mobility and Trade Corridor Core Meeting at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal, Bellingham, WA September 30, 2010.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2010. Delphi Evaluation of a US-Japan Sister City Relationship. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, Portland State University, June 18 to 20, 2010.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick; Belec, John; Gadwa, Ryan; and Helstrom, Henrik. 2010. Preliminary Investigation of Micro Level Cross Border Regional Activity. Presented at the 14th Spring Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, May 15, 2010.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2010. Precursors to Cross-Border Synaptic Networks in the US-Canada Fraser Lowland. Presented to the Association for Borderlands Studies General Meeting at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Western Social Science Association, p. buckley vita May 2011 page 6 of 18 Reno, Nevada, April 14-17, 2010.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2009. One Public or Two: Environmental Resource Management along the US-Canada Border. Presented at the 20th Association of Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) Biennial Conference; San Diego, November 18 to 22, 2009. Buckley, Patrick, organizer. 2009. Roundtable: Potentials and Pragmatics of Cross-Border Educational Ventures in Borderland Areas. Presented at the 20th Association of Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) Biennial Conference; San Diego, November 18 to 22, 2009. Buckley, Patrick and John Belec. 2009. Investigation of Cross Border Environmental Management and Consciousness at the Local Level: Power Plant Development within a Confined International Air Shed. International Seminar on Resources, New Energy, Environment and Disaster Mitigation at Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, China, September 18 to 20, 2009. Buckley, Patrick H. and Belec, John. 2009. Cascadia Reconsidered: Questioning Micro- Scale Cross-Border Integration in the Fraser Lowland Presented to the Association for Borderlands Studies General Meeting at the 51st Annual Conference of the Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 15-18, 2009. Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2009. Perceptions of Quality of Life: Comparing Japanese and American Impressions through Sister City Exchanges . Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Las Vegas, NV, March 22-27, 2009. Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2009. Paradiplomacy and Regional Consciousness: A Micro Scale Investigation in Cascadia . Presented at the 51st Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Vancouver Island University, March 5-7, 2009.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. 2009. Long Term Geographic Impacts of the Slave Trade on Modern African Development. Presented to the Black Prisoner’s Caucus at Monroe State Prison, Monroe, Washington. February 28, 2009.</p><p>Hammond, Bryant; Patrick H Buckley; Linda Istanbulli; and Mohammed S Dajani Daoudi. 2009. A Future Quality of Life Comparison between American and Middle Eastern University Students. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Las Vegas, NV, March 22-27, 2009.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2008. Evaluating the Cultural Impacts on Sister City Exchanges focusing on Quality of Life between Tateyama, Japan and Bellingham, WA, Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), Victoria, BC June 13-15, 2008. </p><p> p. buckley vita May 2011 page 7 of 18 Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2008. Delphi analysis of sister city exchanges: Bellingham, WA and Tateyama, Japan, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Boston, MA, April 14 to 19, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick and Belec, John. 2008. Evaluating Necessary Conditions for the Emergence of a Cross Border Region in the Fraser Lowland using a Delphi Model, Presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the Western Division of Canadian Association of Geographers, Bellingham, WA, March 5-8, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick, Belec, John, and Levy, Jason. 2008. Resource Management In Borderlands: Evolution From Competing Interests To Common Aversions. Presented at Border Regions in Transition IX Conference, Victoria, BC and Bellingham, WA. January 12-15, 2008.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and John Belec, 2007. Imagining the Future of Cross Border Resource Management within the Fraser Lowland: A Delphi Analysis of Environmental Issues, Presented at the 19th Association of Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) Biennial Conference; Toronto, Canada, November 14 to 18, 2007.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H., 2007. Investigation into the Trans-Boundary Regional Consciousness within the Fraser Lowland: A Delphi analysis, Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers; Everett, WA, May 19, 2007.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and John Belec, 2007. A Delphi Analysis of Cross Border Environmental Issues in the Fraser Borderland. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; San Francisco, April 16 to 21, 2007.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and John Belec. 2007. Imagining the Future of Cross Border Environmental Resource Management within the Fraser Lowland: A Delphi Study, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of Canadian Association of Geographers, Abbottsford, BC, Canada, March 8-10, 2007.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2006. Etic and Emic Perspectives of a Regional Cross-Cultural Delphi Study Quality of Life in the United States and Japan. Presented at the 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Toronto, Canada, November 10-12, 2006.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2006. Cultural Impacts on a Comparative Delphi Study of Quality of Life focusing on Japanese and American College Students. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), Pullman, WA June 16-18, 2006. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 8 of 18 Buckley, Patrick H. and Belec, John. 2006. An Incident of Failed Cross Border Governance: Air-Shed Management in the Fraser Borderland. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of Canadian Association of Geographers, Kamloops, BC, Canada, March 10- 11, 2006.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2005. Comparative Delphi Study of Expected Changes in Quality of Life for College Age Students in United States and Japan. Presented at the 52nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Las Vegas, NV November 16-18, 2005.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Hiroshi Maruyama, 2005. Social Entrepreneurship and sustainable development Hokkaido, Japan and the US Pacific Northwest. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Denver, CO, April 5 to 9, 2005.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Takahashi, Akio. 2004. Quality of Life: Foresight in Mid-Sized Urban Areas – Delphi Case Study in Japan and USA. Presented at the 51st Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Seattle, WA November 11-13, 2004.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and John Belec. 2004. Issues of Cross Border Management of the Fraser Lowlands Eco-Region, Presented at CNS-ACSUS Convergence and Divergence Colloquium to be held at the Harbour Centre Campus of Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on October 29-30, 2004.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H., 2004. The Role of Social Entrepreneurs in Building a Sustainable Environment in Hokkaido, the case of Brown Bear Preservation, Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers; Abbotsford, BC, Canada April 23 & 24, 2004.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Kara Symonds , 2004. Explorations in methods for investigating growth in the Delhi Urban Agglomeration, Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers; Abbotsford, BC, Canada April 23 & 24, 2004.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H., 2004. Hokkaido, Japan: Experiments in building a sustainable environment in face of a declining industrial economy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Philadelphia, PA, March 14 to 19, 2004.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H, 2003. Delphi Modeling in a Japanese Context: Investigating Muroran a Declining Industrial Town. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific p. buckley vita May 2011 page 9 of 18 Coast Geographers; Portland, OR Sept. 17 --20, 2003.Buckley, Patrick H. 2003. </p><p>Buckley, Patrick H, 2003. Commercialism to Environmentalism: The Geography behind the epoch change in the NIsqually Estuary, Washington. Presented at the Colloquium on the Environment, Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido, Japan, August 6, 2003.</p><p>Patrick Buckley, 2003. The Three Gorges Project: Probing China’s environment with Chinese student assistance, Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers, Everett Community College, Everett, WA, April 11, 2003. Patrick H. Buckley and Barry Bjork. 2003. Commercialism to Environmentalism: The Geography behind the epoch change in the NIsqually Estuary, Washington. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, March 4 to 8, 2003.</p><p>Nicol, Doug, John Belec and Patrick Buckley. 2002. Teaching Geography in an International Region: Challenges of the Pacific Northwest Borderland. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, May 2002. Buckley, Patrick H., 2002. Questions of Environmental Management: Pressures and Change in the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Los Angeles, CA, March 19, to March 23, 2002.</p><p>Buckley, Patrick H. and Barry Bjork, 2001. West Coast Environmental Activism and Defending Wildlife Refuge Gains: The Weyerhaeuser Dock Controversy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; New York, NY, February 27, to March 3, 2001. Buckley, Patrick H. and Setsuko Buckley, 2000. Spatial Patterns of Multicultural Education in Seattle, WA. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers; Arcata, CA, Sept. 13 --16, 2000. Buckley, Patrick H., 2000. Saving the Nisqually Delta; a tale of diffusion and changing geographic situation, Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers; Ellensburg, WA, April 28 & 29, 2000. Buckley, Patrick H. and Barry Bjork, 2000. West Coast Environmental Activism and the Nisqually Delta Association a geographic paradigm for wildlife refuge development. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Pittsburgh, PA, April 4-8, 2000. Nicol, Doug, John Belec, and Patrick Buckley. 2000. Teaching Geography in an International Region: Challenges of the Pacific Northwest Borderland, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of Canadian Association of Geographers, Abbottsford, BC, Canada, March 9-11, 2000. Buckley, Patrick H., 1999. Modeling Salmon Habitat on the South Fork, Nooksack River; GIS Pilot Project; based on research completed by Western Washington University students for the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, at the Fall meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers; Olympic College, Bremerton, WA, Oct. 30. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 10 of 18 Buckley, Patrick H., 1999. Involuntary Resettlement: The Dark Side of Development. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers; Reno, NV, Sept. 29 -- Oct 1,1999. Buckley, Patrick H. and Barry Bjork, 1999. Evolution of Environmental Awareness: Nisqually Delta, 20th Century Case Study, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Honolulu, HI, March 23-27, 1999. Buckley, Patrick H. and Barry Bjork, 1998. "Nisqually, Washington: Discovery and Integration into International Fur Trading Network", Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Boston, MA, March 25-28, 1998. Buckley, Patrick and David Kraybill. 1997. "A Primer for Geographers on Computable General Equilibrium Modeling", presented at the 93rd annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Fort Worth Texas, April 1-5, 1997. Buckley, Patrick. 1996. "GIS at Western Washington University: Educating the GIS Educators," GIS 96, the first annual Washington State Geographic Information Conference, Seattle, WA November 21-22, 1997. Buckley, Patrick. 1996. "Education Night: How Western is bringing GIS to the K-12 Level," GIS 96, the first annual Washington State Geographic Information Conference, Seattle, WA November 21-22, 1997. Buckley, Patrick. 1995. "GIS and Its Importance to Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences," Presented to Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, March 20, 1995. Buckley, Patrick and Eugene Hoerauf with George Pomeroy. 1995. "Applied GIS in Education; Linking the University to High Schools," Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 13-17, 1995. Buckley, Patrick. 1992. "Investigation of Spatial Parameters in a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model," Presented at the at the Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Bellingham, WA, September 9-13, 1992. Buckley, Patrick. 1991. "Exploring the Impacts of the Clean Air Act of 1990 on the American Industrial Region Utilizing An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model," Presented at the at the Thirty-eighth North American Meetings of the International Regional Science Association, New Orleans, LA, November 7-11, 1991. Buckley, Patrick. 1990. "Recent Labor Migration Patterns in India and Their Indication of Expanding Regional Economic Hinterlands," Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Association of Washington Geographers, Bellingham, October 5-6,1990. Buckley, Patrick, and Hoerauf, Eugene. 1990. "GIS Curriculum Development at a Middle Tier University", Presented at the Canadian Cartographic Association Annual Meeting, Victoria, Canada, June 10-14, 1990. Buckley, Patrick, T.R. Lakshmanan and Y. C. Liang. 1990. "United States National and Regional Patterns of Growth and Change in Female Employment, 1971 -1984," Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, March 1990. Buckley, Patrick and Eugene Hoerauf. 1990. "What is G.I.S., Why is it useful in Environmental Studies, and New G.I.S. Course Offerings in the Geography Department," Presented to Huxley College Faculty and Students, February 15, 1990. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 11 of 18 Buckley, Patrick. 1989. "Constructing a Nine Region CGE Model for Studying Regional Impacts of Acid Rain Controls," Presented At BFR/SIGMA-CHI Research Presentations, Western Washington University, November 9, 1989. Buckley, Patrick. 1989. "Multiregional Modeling in Geography and the Development of Interregional CGE Models," Presented To Department of Geography Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, April 14, 1990. Buckley, Patrick and Eugene Hoerauf. 1988. "Current Status of G.I.S. at Western Washington University," Presented at NW International Forum on Geographic Information Systems Research and Teaching, Friday Harbor, WA, October 28-29, 1988. Buckley, Patrick, 1988. "Sub-regions of India Based on Male Migration Patterns," Presented at the Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 21-22, 1988. Buckley, Patrick, 1988. "Women in the Workforce: Changing Regional and Occupational Patterns," Brown Bag Lecture, Geography Department, Western Washington University, presented February 9, 1988. Buckley, Patrick, 1987. "Extensions of Multiregional Input-Output Modeling into an Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model," Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Portland, OR, April 23-26, 1987. Buckley, Patrick, 1987. "Rush Hour in Asia: A Comparison of Urban Transportation in Countries at Different Levels of Development," Presented at Geography Department, University of California, Los Angeles, April 2, 1987. Buckley, Patrick, 1987. "Introduction to Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Modeling", Presented at University of Toledo; University of California, Los Angeles; and Western Washington University, spring 1987. Buckley, Patrick, 1986. "An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model for National- Regional Policy Impact Analysis," Presented at the European Advanced Summer Institute in Umea, Sweden, June 9-28, 1986. Buckley, Patrick, 1985. "An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Approach for the Analysis of Acid Rain Pollution Control Costs," Presented at the Thirty-second North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-17, 1985.</p><p>POSTER PRESENTATIONS West, Nancy and Buckley, Patrick H. 2001. Urban Decline in Yakima, WA: GIS Ground-truthing of Quality of Life Measures. To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; New York, NY, February 27, to March 3, 2001. Buckley, Patrick H. and Benjamin Stabler. 2000. Investigating Involuntary Resettlement for China's Three Gorges Dam. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; Pittsburgh, PA, April 4-8, 2000. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 12 of 18 Buckley, Patrick, Jonathan Ferullo, Elaine Gold, and Mike Young. 2000. Study of the Western Washington University Residential Patterns in Whatcom County. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of Canadian Association of Geographers, Abbottsford, BC, Canada, March 9-11, 2000.</p><p>OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES</p><p>2007-2008 Joint guest editor with John Belec, UFV of a special issue of the University of the Fraser Valley Research Review titled: “Cross-border Relationships in an Era of Globalization”</p><p>2008 Chair of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers Organized and Coordinated the 50th Annual Conference</p><p>2006 Co-Chair Spring Meeting of Association of Washington Geographers Organized and Coordinated the Annual Spring Meeting of the AWG</p><p>2002 Patrick Buckley. 2002. (Huxley College) organized a Roundtable Discussion on Study Abroad In China, at the International Conference on Human Geography: Third US-China Symposium. Participants included John Charles, California State University - Northridge (CSUN); Norm Moline, Augustana College; Xiaoping Shen, Central Connecticut State University; Stanley Toops, Miami University; and Jack Williams, Michigan State University. Symposium was at CSUN March 22-24, 2002. 2001 Meiji University Lecture Series and Working Papers: A series of three lectures focusing on Quality of Life [QOL] and using Geographic Information Systems [GIS] especially focusing on the urban environment during October of 2001. Titles of the subsequent Working Papers are:</p><p> o Quality of Life [QOL]: Defining and Applying the Ordinal Ranking Methodology o Where do young people live and why? Combining Quality of Life Measures with Geographic Information Systems [GIS] to understand our world. o GIS Ground-truthing of Quality of Life Measures: Urban Stress in Yakima, WA. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 13 of 18 2001 Chair Spring Meeting of Association of Washington Geographers Organized and Coordinated the Annual Spring Meeting of the AWG</p><p>GRANTS AND AWARDS PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATOR Title: Imagining the Future of Cross Border Environmental Resource Management within the Fraser Lowland: A Delphi analysis Grant Program: Government of Canada, Research Grant, Canadian Studies Grant Program Role: Principle Investigator Support: $3,500 Duration: December 2005 through February 2007 This proposal will establish a permanent multi-disciplinary North American research network focusing on borderland regions (Canada-US, Mexico-US) with policy relevance in matters of cross-border cooperation. As a first stage in facilitating academic community collaboration across the North American states, the project will focus on enhancing resilience capacities for crisis management in border regions, specifically strategies for reducing environmental degradation and enhancing cross-border security, thereby securing livelihoods and speeding recovery in the event of disaster.</p><p>Title: Huxley Environmental College Ernst Gayden: Human Ecology And Sustainable Community Development Small Grants Role: Principle Investigator Support: $500 Duration: Summer 2006 This is a grant was used to assist with travel expenses to Japan in summer 2006 for an on-going applied Sustainable Community Development project targeting Bellingham and its sister city of Tateyama. The project fostered the development of the international scholarly community and also provided an opportunity for a graduate student, Jay Bolthouse, to also compete for such a grant and work as a volunteer research assistant on the project. </p><p>2000 Government of Canada, Faculty Enrichment Program Grant, Canadian Studies Grant p. buckley vita May 2011 page 14 of 18 Program, March 2000 through March 2001. ($1,500.00)</p><p>COLLABORATOR</p><p>Title: Enhancing Transborder Crisis Resilience Capacities Grant Program: North American Linkages Program, Embassy of Canada Role: Collaborator Support: $11,790 Duration: January-April 2008</p><p>Title: Research Grant into Quality of Life in smaller Japanese Urban Area Grant Program: Meiji University, Japan Role: Collaborator Prinicple Investigator: Akio Takahashi Support: 6,300,000 yen or $60,000 Duration: 2002-2005</p><p>OTHER GRANT PARTICIPATION</p><p>Government of Canada, Program Enhancement Grant, Canadian Studies Grant Program. Received travel funds for student field trips from this grant awarded to Canadian-American Studies, WWU for Egeo421 Borderlands in each of the following years at approximately $300 each year:</p><p>2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 for a total of $1,500</p><p>US DOE Title VI grant --, Canadian American Studies, Western Washington University -- for travel to conferences to present scholarly papers received between $200 and $500 for each of the following conferences: CNS-ACSUS Convergence and Divergence Colloquium to be held at the Harbour Centre Campus of Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on October 29-30, 2004. Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Kamloops, BC March 2006 American Association of Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) Biennial Conference; Toronto, Canada, November 14 to 18, 2007. Association for Borderlands Studies General Meeting at the 51st Annual Conference of the Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 15-18, 2009. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 15 of 18 2006 – Muroran Institute of Technology Seminar Invitation and Travel Grant Joint Seminar on Environmental Science and Disastor Mitigation Research 2006, Muroran Institute Technology, Hokkaido, Japan</p><p>2001 Meiji University Visiting Scholar Award. 2001, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan Received a $4,000.00 award from Meiji University's Center for International Programs, Tokyo, Japan to serve as a visiting professor during October 2001. Dr. Buckley presented a series of lectures on his research into quality of life measures using Geographic Information Systems and other techniques in the urban environment and began a comparative research project with Professor Akio Takahashi of Meiji University.</p><p>Western Washington University Faculty Development Grants 1996 Joint Grant for Video Material for Team Taught Human Geography Courses 1994 Individual Grant for Training in Transportation Modeling Software for introduction into the Classroom 1991 Individual Grant for Development of Classroom Cartographic and Computer Software Materials</p><p>Western Washington University Faculty Summer Research Grant for the Development of a Large Scale Applied Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model, Western Washington University, Summer 1989.</p><p>Travel Grant to European Advanced Summer Institute, Umea, Sweden, June 1986.</p><p>SCHOLARLY AWARDS</p><p>2008 J. Lewis Robinson Award for Meritorious Service For meritorious service to the discipline of Geography and for support of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers.</p><p>2006 WDCAG Mug Of Distiction The Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers Mug of Distinction went to Patrick Buckley (Western Washington University) in recognition of his ongoing commitment to cross-border exchanges between his department and geographers at the University College of the Fraser Valley. p. buckley vita May 2011 page 16 of 18 COMMUNITY SERVICE University Service Center for East Asian Studies 1991-present Canadian-American Studies 2001-present Faculty Senate starts 2004 – 2006 Academic Coordinating Commission 2006 – 2007 Central Health and Safety Committee 2005 – present Scholastic Standing Committee, 1993-94 University Planning Committee, 1999-2000 Faculty Mentor for the Minority Achievement Program, Multicultural Services Center, 1989-94</p><p>Huxley College Service Huxley Curriculum Committee 2006-present Huxley Scholarship Committee 2005-present</p><p>Scholarly Service Association of Washington Geographers: Past President (2003-2005) Association of Washington Geographers: President (2001-2003) Association of Washington Geographers: Vice President (1998-2001) Chair 50th Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (2008) Co-Chair Annual Spring Meeting of Association of Washington Geographers (2006) Co-Editor special issue University of the Fraser Valley Research Review</p><p>Greater Community Service National Geographic Society – WA State Geography Bee 2004, 2005 Bellingham Sister Cities Board Member 2006 - present</p><p>MEMBERSHIPS Association of American Geographers Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Association of Washington Geographers p. buckley vita May 2011 page 17 of 18 Bellingham Sister Cities -- Tateyama, Japan</p><p>LANGUAGES Nepali -- 2 years in country training and use Hindi -- 4 years university study Japanese -- 2 years university study</p><p> p. buckley vita May 2011 page 18 of 18</p>
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