<p> Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 3 How to Use this Program (T50 - T55) Sep. 17 – Sep. 21 Unit 1: Introduction, (pp. 1 - 5) Teacher’s Edition </p><p>Genre: Fiction and Nonfiction </p><p> Model Selection: “The Baker Heater League” </p><p>Genre: Nonfiction Theme: From Sea to Shining Sea (pp. 6 - 11) Note: Reading Teachers Model Selection: “The 11:59” Complete Unit 1 Part 1 - Reading and Writing Lessons Genre: Fiction Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 12 - 22) Note: Selection Test A - Special Needs & Bilingual Students Assessment: Selection Test B - Regular Education Students. Selection Test A, (pp. 9 - 11) Selection Test B, (pp. 12 - 14) Unit 1 Resources R.WS.08.01 Explain and use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. R.WS.08.02 Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context including idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes to infer the history of the English language, and common word origins. R.NT.08.02 Analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative genre including historical fiction, science fiction, and realistic fiction. R.IT.08.01 Analyze the structure, elements, features, style, and purpose of informational genre including comparative essays, newspaper writings, technical writings, and persuasive essays. R.MT.08.01 Self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically applying and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension including: predicting, constructing mental images, visually representing ideas in text, questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing, and engaging in interpretive discussions.</p><p>W R I T I N G L E S S O N 0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:14 上午 Page 1 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations Discuss the writing process with students. Distribute or create a writing folder and portfolio for each student. The teacher must maintain a separate portfolio containing samples of writing from each student. Refer to the document, Aligning Instruction for Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) Assessment (Grades 3 - 8). Writing Workshop: Work in Progress-Descriptive Essay (p. 11) Writing Workshop: Work in Progress-Descriptive Essay (p. 21) Timed Writing: Evaluation (p. 51) Writing Workshop: Work in Progress - Description (p. 73) Timed Writing: Itinerary (p. 77) W.GN.08.01 Write a cohesive narrative piece such as poetry, historical fiction, science fiction, or realistic fiction that includes appropriate conventions to genre employing literary and plot devices (e.g., narrator credibility, rising and falling actions and/or conflict, imagery and transitional language). W.GN.08.02 Write an historical expository piece such as a journal, biography, or simulated memoir that includes appropriate organization, illustrations, marginal notes and/or annotations. W.PR.08.01 Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing a narrative or informational piece. W.PR.08.02 Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for both narrative (e.g., graphic organizers designed to depict rising and falling actions, roles of minor characters, credibility of narrator) and informational writing (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, or sequential text patterns). W.PR.08.03 Draft focused ideas experimenting with various ways of sequencing W.PR.08.04 Revise drafts for coherence and consistency in word choice, structure, and style; and read their own work from another reader’s perspective. W.PR.08.05 Proofread and edit writing using grade-level checklists and other appropriate resources both individually and in groups.</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:14 上午 Page 2 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 4 Selection: “Raymond’s Run” Selection: “Cub Pilot On The Mississippi” Sep. 24 – Sep. 28 Genre: Short Story Theme: Coming of Age (pp. 38 - 51) Genre: Autobiography 1st Count Day Theme: From Sea to Shining Sea (pp. 61 - 69) Assessment: Sep. 26 Selection Test A, (pp. 47 - 49) Reading Informational Materials: Selection Test B, (pp. 50 - 52) Selections: “Consumer” Documents Unit 1 Resources Genre: Maps and Schedule (pp. 74 - 77) </p><p> Assessment: Selection Test A, (pp. 81 - 83) Selection Test B, (pp. 84 - 86) Unit 1 Resources R.WS.08.01 Explain and use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. R.WS.08.02 Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context including idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes to infer the history of the English language, and common word origins. R.WS.08.04 Know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level reading and oral language contexts. R.WS.08.05 Acquire and apply strategies to identify unknown words and construct meaning. R.WS.08.06 Fluently read beginning grade-level text and increasingly demanding texts as the year proceeds. R.NT.08.03 Analyze the role of rising and falling actions, minor characters in relation to conflict, and credibility of the narrator. R.NT.08.04 Analyze author’s craft including symbolism, imagery, and consistency to develop credible narrators, rising and falling actions, and minor characters. R.IT.08.01 Analyze the structure, elements, features, style, and purpose of informational genre including comparative essays, newspaper writings, technical writings, and persuasive essays. R.IT.08.03 Explain how authors use text features including graphics, author’s pages, prefaces, and marginal notes, to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas. R.CM.08.01 Connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses. R.MT.08.01 Self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically applying and discussing the </p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:14 上午 Page 3 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension including: predicting, constructing mental images, visually representing ideas in text, questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing, and engaging in interpretive discussions. S.DS.08.03 Discuss written narratives with a variety of literary and plot devices (e.g., description of relevant situations, well- chosen details, relevant dialogue, specific action, and physical description of characters). S.DS.08.04 Plan, outline, and deliver an informational presentation using precise and vivid language in the active voice; organizing logically to convey the message; applying persuasive non-verbal techniques; making use of rhetorical strategies to support the purpose of the presentation and to positively impact the intended audience.</p><p>W R I T I N G L E S S O N Discuss the writing process with students. Distribute or create a writing folder and portfolio for each student. The teacher must maintain a separate portfolio containing samples of writing from each student. Refer to the document, Aligning Instruction for Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) Assessment (Grades 3 - 8). Writing Workshop: Work in Progress-Descriptive Essay (p. 11) Writing Workshop: Work in Progress-Descriptive Essay (p. 21) Timed Writing: Evaluation (p. 51) Writing Workshop: Work in Progress - Description (p. 73) Timed Writing: Itinerary (p. 77) W.PS.08.01 Exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written message in both narrative (e.g., personification, humor, element of surprise) and informational writing (e.g., emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). W.GR.08.01 In the context of writing, correctly use style conventions (e.g., Modern Language Association Handbook) and a variety of grammatical structures in compositions including infinitives, gerunds, participial phrases, and dashes or ellipses. </p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:15 上午 Page 4 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 5 Comparing Literary Works: Narrative Structure (pp. Benchmark Test: Unit 1 Part 1 Oct. 01 – Oct. 05 78 - 79) Assessment: Unit 1 Part 1 Selection: “Old Ben” Selection Test A, (pp. 94 - 96) Genre: Nonfiction Selection Test B, (pp. 97 - 99) Theme: From Sea to Shining Sea (pp. 80 - 84) Unit 1 Resources</p><p> Selection: “Fox Hunt” Genre: Fiction Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 85 - 93) R.NT.08.02 Analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative genre including historical fiction, science fiction, and realistic fiction. R.IT.08.01 Analyze the structure, elements, features, style, and purpose of informational genre including comparative essays, newspaper writings, technical writings, and persuasive essays. R.CM.08.02 Retell through concise summarization grade-level narrative and informational text. R.CM.08.03 Analyze global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions, making inferences, and synthesizing. R.CS.08.01 Evaluate the appropriateness of shared, individual and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own writing and the writing of others. S.DS.08.03 Discuss written narratives with a variety of literary and plot devices (e.g., description of relevant situations, well- chosen details, relevant dialogue, specific action, and physical description of characters). W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing to Compare Literary Works (p. 93) Writing Workshop: Work in Progress - Description of a Person (pp. 96 - 100) W.GN.08.01 Write a cohesive narrative piece such as poetry, historical fiction, science fiction, or realistic fiction that includes appropriate conventions to genre employing literary and plot devices (e.g., narrator credibility, rising and falling actions and/or conflict, imagery and transitional language). W.PR.08.01 Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing a narrative or informational piece.</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:15 上午 Page 5 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations W.PR.08.02 Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for both narrative (e.g., graphic organizers designed to depict rising and falling actions, roles of minor characters, credibility of narrator) and informational writing (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, or sequential text patterns). W.PR.08.03 Draft focused ideas experimenting with various ways of sequencing information including ordering arguments, or sequencing ideas chronologically by importance when writing compositions. W.PR.08.04 Revise drafts for coherence and consistency in word choice, structure, and style; and read their own work from another reader’s perspective. W.PR.08.05 Proofread and edit writing using grade-level checklists and other appropriate resources both individually and in groups. W.PS.08.01 Exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written message in both narrative (e.g., personification, humor, element of surprise) and informational writing (e.g., emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). </p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEKS 6-7 Oct. 08 – Oct. 19 MEAP TESTING </p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:15 上午 Page 6 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 8 Selection: “From An American Childhood” Reading Informational Materials: Oct. 22 – Oct. 26 Selection: “Sun Suckers and Moon Cursers” Genre: Short Story Genre: Magazine Article Unit 1 Part 2 Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 136 - 143) Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 146 - 151) </p><p>MEAP Make-ups Assessment: Oct. 22 – Oct. 26 Selection Test A, (pp. 140 - 142) Selection Test B, (pp. 143 - 145) Unit 1 Resources R.WS.08.01 Explain and use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. R.NT.08.02 Analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative genre including historical fiction, science fiction, and realistic fiction. R.NT.08.04 Analyze author’s craft including symbolism, imagery, and consistency to develop credible narrators, rising and falling actions, and minor characters. R.IT.08.01 Analyze the structure, elements, features, style, and purpose of informational genre including comparative essays, newspaper writings, technical writings, and persuasive essays. R.IT.08.03 Explain how authors use text features including graphics, author’s pages, prefaces, and marginal notes, to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas. R.MT.08.01 Self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically applying and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension including: predicting, constructing mental images, visually representing ideas in text, questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing, and engaging in interpretive discussions. R.CS.08.01 Evaluate the appropriateness of shared, individual and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own writing and the writing of others. W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing: Personal Narrative (p.143) Timed Writing: Response to Literature (p. 145) Writing Workshop: Autobiographical Essay (p. 145)</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:15 上午 Page 7 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations Timed Writing: Description (p. 151) W.GN.08.01 Write a cohesive narrative piece such as poetry, historical fiction, science fiction, or realistic fiction that includes appropriate conventions to genre employing literary and plot devices (e.g., narrator credibility, rising and falling actions and/or conflict, imagery and transitional language). W.GN.08.02 Write an historical expository piece such as a journal, biography, or simulated memoir that includes appropriate organization, illustrations, marginal notes and/or annotations. W.PR.08.01 Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing a narrative or informational piece. W.PR.08.02 Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for both narrative (e.g., graphic organizers designed to depict rising and falling actions, roles of minor characters, credibility of narrator) and informational writing (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, or sequential text patterns). W.PS.08.01 Exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written message in both narrative (e.g., personification, humor, element of surprise) and informational writing (e.g., emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). W.GR.08.01 In the context of writing, correctly use style conventions (e.g., Modern Language Association Handbook) and a variety of grammatical structures in compositions including infinitives, gerunds, participial phrases, and dashes or ellipses. </p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 8 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 9 Selection: “The American Dream” Comparing Literary Works: Types of Narrative (p. 172) Oct. 29 – Nov. 02 Genre: Speech Selection: “Up the Slide” Unit 1 Part 2 Theme: Quest for Freedom (pp. 165 - 171) Genre: Short Story Theme: Meeting Challenges (pp. 174 - 180) Report Card Day Assessment: Nov. 11 Selection Test A, (pp. 174 - 176) Selection Test B, (pp. 177 - 179) Unit 1 Resources R.WS.08.01 Explain and use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. R.WS.08.04 Know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level reading and oral language contexts. R.WS.08.05 Acquire and apply strategies to identify unknown words and construct meaning. R.WS.08.06 Fluently read beginning grade-level text and increasingly demanding texts as the year proceeds. R.NT.08.02 Analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative genre including historical fiction, science fiction, and realistic fiction. R.CM.08.03 Analyze global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions, making inferences, and synthesizing. L.RP.08.02 Select, listen to or view knowledgeably, respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. L.RP.08.04 Analyze oral interpretations of literature (e.g., language choice, delivery) and the effect of the interpretations on the listener.</p><p>W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing: Observations Journal (p. 169) Timed Writing: Interpretation of Literature (p. 171) Writing Workshop: Autobiographical Essay (p. 171) W.GN.08.01 Write a cohesive narrative piece such as poetry, historical fiction, science fiction, or realistic fiction that includes appropriate conventions to genre employing literary and plot devices (e.g., narrator credibility, rising and falling actions and/or conflict, imagery and transitional language). 0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 9 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations W.GN.08.02 Write an historical expository piece such as a journal, biography, or simulated memoir that includes appropriate organization, illustrations, marginal notes and/or annotations. W.PS.08.01 Exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written message in both narrative (e.g., personification, humor, element of surprise) and informational writing (e.g., emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). W.GR.08.01 In the context of writing, correctly use style conventions (e.g., Modern Language Association Handbook) and a variety of grammatical structures in compositions including infinitives, gerunds, participial phrases, and dashes or ellipses. </p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 10 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 10 Selection: “A Glow in the Dark from Woodsong” Assessment: Nov. 05 – Nov. 09 Selection Test A, (pp. 46 - 48) Genre: Autobiography Selection Test B, (pp. 49 - 51) Unit 1 Part 2 Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 181 - 185) Unit 2 Resources Assessment: Benchmark Test: Unit 1 Part 2 Selection Test A, (pp. 187 - 189) Selection Test B, (pp. 190 - 192) On Your Own: Readings in Environmental Science (pp. Unit 1 Resources 200 – 201) Genre: Magazine Article Spelling Workshop (pp. 188 - 189) R.WS.08.04 Know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level reading and oral language contexts. R.WS.08.05 Acquire and apply strategies to identify unknown words and construct meaning. R.WS.08.07 In context, determine the meaning of words and phrases including content area vocabulary and literary terms using strategies including activating prior knowledge, using text features/structures, and authentic content-related resources. R.NT.08.02 Analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative genre including historical fiction, science fiction, and realistic fiction. R.CM.08.03 Analyze global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions, making inferences, and synthesizing. R.CM.08.04 Apply significant knowledge from grade-level science, social studies, and mathematics texts. L.RP.08.03 Paraphrase a speaker’s main ideas, purpose, and point of view, and ask relevant questions about the content, delivery, and purpose of the presentation. L.RP.08.06 Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker may have hidden agendas or be otherwise biased. W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing to Compare Literary Works (p. 185) Writing Workshop: Autobiographical Essay (pp. 190 - 198) W.GN.08.02 Write an historical expository piece such as a journal, biography, or simulated memoir that includes appropriate </p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 11 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p> organization, illustrations, marginal notes and/or annotations. W.PR.08.01 Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing a narrative or informational piece. W.PR.08.02 Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for both narrative (e.g., graphic organizers designed to depict rising and falling actions, roles of minor characters, credibility of narrator) and informational writing (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, or sequential text patterns). W.PR.08.03 Draft focused ideas experimenting with various ways of sequencing information including ordering arguments, or sequencing ideas chronologically by importance when writing compositions. W.PR.08.04 Revise drafts for coherence and consistency in word choice, structure, and style; and read their own work from another reader’s perspective. W.PR.08.05 Proofread and edit writing using grade-level checklists and other appropriate resources both individually and in groups. W.GR.08.01 In the context of writing, correctly use style conventions (e.g., Modern Language Association Handbook) and a variety of grammatical structures in compositions including infinitives, gerunds, participial phrases, and dashes or ellipses. W.SP.08.01 In the context of writing use correct spelling conventions.</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 12 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 11 Introduction: “Types of Nonfiction, Narrative, Selections: “Harriet Tubman: Guide to Freedom” Nov. 12 – Nov. 16 Expository and Persuasive” (pp. 442 - 423) Genre: Narrative Essay Unit 3 Part 1 Model Selection: “Making Tracks on Mars” Theme: Quest for Freedom (pp. 438 - 451) Genre: Nonfiction Assessment: Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 426 - 434) Selection Test A, pp. 28 - 30) Selection Test B, pp. 31 - 33) Assessment: Unit 3 Resources Selection Test A (pp. 8 - 10) Selection Test B (pp. 11 - 13) Unit 3 Resources R.WS.08.04 R.WS.08.06 R.WS.08.07 R.NT.08.01 R.NT.08.02 R.IT.08.01 R.CM.08.01 R.CM.08.02 R.CM.08.04 L.RP.08.02 L.RP.08.07 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Elements/Types of Nonfiction Writing (pp. 424 - 425) Writing Workshop: How-to-Essay (p. 433) Writing: Biographical Sketch (p. 451) Timed Writing: Summary (p. 459) Writing Workshop: How-to-Essay (p. 459) W.GN.08.01 W.GN.08.02 W.PR.08.01 W.PR.08.02 W.PR.08.03</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 13 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 12 Selection: “from I Know Why The Cages Bird Sings” Reading Information Materials: Selection: “The War in Nov. 19 – Nov. 23 Vietnam From The American Nation” Genre: Autobiography Genre: Textbook (pp. 484 - 487) Unit 3 Part 1 Theme: Coming of Age (pp. 460- 471)</p><p>Thanksgiving Assessment: Nov. 22 – Nov. 23 Selection Test A, (pp. 62 - 64) Selection Test B, (pp. 65 - 67) Unit 3 Resources R.WS.08.05 R.WS.08.07 R.NT.08.01 R.NT.08.02 R.IT.08.03 R.CM.08.02 R.CM.08.04 L.RP.08.02 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing: Reflective Composition (p.471) Timed Writing: Description (p. 483) Writing Workshop: How-to-Essay (p. 483) Timed Writing: Explanation (p. 487) W.GN.08.01 W.GN.08.02 W.PR.08.01 W.PR.08.02 W.PR.08.03 W.PR.08.04 W.GR.08.01</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:16 上午 Page 14 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 13 Comparing Literary Works: Types of Organization (pp. Selection: “The Season’s Curmudgeon Sees The Light Nov. 26 – Nov. 30 488 - 489) Genre: Comparison and Contrast Theme: The Lighter Side (pp. 499- 501) Unit 3 Part 1 Selection: “Forest Fire” Genre: Chronological Essay Assessment: Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 490 - 493) Selection Test A, (pp. 93 - 95) Selection Test B, (pp. 96 - 98) Selection: “Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall” Unit 3 Resources</p><p>Genre: Cause and Effect Essay Theme: Extraordinary Benchmark Test: Unit 3 Part 1 Occurrences (pp. 494 - 498)</p><p>R.WS.08.05 R.IT.08.02 R.CM.08.01 R.CM.08.03 R.CM.08.04 L.RP.08.07 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing to Compare Literary Works (p. 501) Writing Workshop: Exposition How-to-Essay (pp. 504 - 508) W.PR.08.01 W.PR.08.02 W.PR.08.03 W.PR.08.04 W.PR.08.05 W.GR.08.01</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:17 上午 Page 15 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEKS 14-15 Selection: “The Trouble with Television” Selections: “Science and the Sense of Wonder” Dec. 03 – Dec. 14 Genre: Persuasive Essay Genre: Critical Essay Unit 3 Part 2 Theme: From Sea to Shining Sea (pp. 518 - 525) Theme: Extraordinary Occurrences (pp. 534 - 541) Assessment: Selection Test A (pp. 139 - 141) Selection Test B (pp. 142 - 144) Unit 3 Resources R.WS.08.01 R.WS.08.05 R.IT.08.01 R.IT.08.03 R.CM.08.01 R.CM.08.04 R.CS.08.01 L.RP.08.07 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Timed Writing: Evaluation (p. 527) Writing Workshop: Editorial (p. 527) Writing: Brief Response (p. 541) W.GN.08.03 W.GR.08.01</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:17 上午 Page 16 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 16 Assessment: Comparing Literary Works (p. 550 - 551) Dec. 17 – Dec. 21 Selection Test A, (pp. 173 - 175) Selection Test B, (pp. 176 - 178) Selection: “Emancipation From Lincoln: A Unit 3 Part 2 Unit 3 Resources Photobiography” Genre: Historical Essay Christmas Reading Informational Materials: Selection: “Lots in Theme: Quest for Freedom (pp. 552 - 556) Vacation Space” Dec. 24 – Jan. 4 Genre: Newspaper Article (pp. 544 - 549) R.WS.08.05 R.IT.08.01 R.IT.08.02 R.IT.08.03 R.CM.08.01 R.CM.08.03 R.CM.08.04 R.CS.08.01 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Timed Writing: Editorial (p. 543) Writing Workshop: Editorial (p. 543) Timed Writing: Problem-Solution Essay (p. 549) W.GN.08.03 W.PS.08.01 W.GR.08.01 S.DS.08.02 L.RP.08.06</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:17 上午 Page 17 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 17 Selection: “Brown vs. Board of Education” Spelling Workshop (pp. 568 - 569) Jan. 07 – Jan. 11 Genre: Historical Essay On Your Own: Readings in Social Studies Unit 3 Part 2 Theme: Quest for Freedom (pp. 552 - 565) Selection: from Across America on an Emigrant Train Assessment: Genre: Historical Account Selection Test A, (pp. 186 - 188) Selection Test B, (pp. 189 - 191) Benchmark Test: Unit 3 Part 2 Unit 3 Resources R.WS.08.05 R.IT.08.01 R.CM.08.03 R.CM.08.04 L.CN.08.01 L.RP.08.07 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing to Compare Literary Works (p. 565) Writing Workshop Persuasion: Editorial to Solve a Problem (pp. 570 - 579) W.PR.08.01 W.PR.08.02 W.PR.08.03 W.PR.08.04 W.PR.08.05 W.GR.08.01 W.SP.08.01</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:17 上午 Page 18 of 19 Detroit Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department of Literacy 2007 – 2008 Prentice Hall Literature: Grade 8 Pacing Calendar and Grade Level Content Expectations</p><p>WEEK/ DATES/ R E A D I N G L E S S O N UNIT/GLCE CODE WEEK 18 Introduction: “Poetry” (pp. 586 - 589) Model Selection: “Almost A Summer Sky” Jan. 14 – Jan. 18 Genre: Poem Model Selection: “Describe Somebody” Theme: Coming of Age (pp. 593 - 596) Unit 4 Part 1 Genre: Poem Assessment: Report Card Day Theme: Coming of Age (pp. 590 - 592) Selection Test A (pp. 8 - 10) Jan. 17 Selection Test B (pp. 11 - 13) Unit 3 Resources Professional Development Jan. 18 R.WS.08.02 R.WS.08.07 R.NT.08.02 R.NT.08.04 R.CM.08.01 R.CS.08.01 L.RP.08.03 L.RP.08.07 W R I T I N G L E S S O N Writing Workshop: Writing for Assessment (p. 595) W.PR.08.01 W.PR.08.02</p><p>0ae9b37eacc8b734df26b4430cd19c7e.doc 4/9/2018 12:49:17 上午 Page 19 of 19</p>
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