" lC\ -' V-, ," V' «•'};" ' COVERING A Panorama o;- Of Local MVitLBORO. ftI People And AWtt Events MtTAWAN BOROUGH Mcmtof MATAWAN, N J., THURSDAY, IIUNE 27, 1963 •„,„ ^wf^f^ctauon jingle Copy Ten Cenls kl CliHwood's Aiuericajtt Can Co., Plant; Where 986 Will Be Employed Apartment Measure Survey Si ra lii mo re Street Lighting Sent To Committee !h» Matawan Township Planning i in St'atiimore where ui-i>dinj> had Board last nigh! forwarded to ths j tjesrj ©wnpletetl. wvnship eoinniltlw for consider- Th(. toa,d aho noliiitvl the i.ev.tt ./•Ing iiAiciitlmeri! which ... would permit construction of gar- f^r.i.thai, play area* iw.ie.)** '.or den npurtmonts. At present, there j grading, and equipping, uccwlin.); Is no provision in tho zoning code I to t:ie lerm.'i of an agreement with for apartment construction. " : the township. Ilia Gourd took no UawreKce-ljirnef, tha planning j action on two minor subdivisions, board's attorney, noted that apart- n;c:it Uiilt costs to tha municipality to educate children are far less btir- Assistant I !.S. d'.-nsont** than orifc-rait'iiiy dwellings, ac.cordi.iK to figure:! prepared by tlia M.MirmniUi Count'.- Planning Principal Hired Board. Matawan Regionoi WWfc CMts'tfai the (l»«l frame of tb* American Can > »JI not ttlislled last nl^ht with plans for (he MtflU gitlcm |Kr da)| Ha produced fi&unyi to t.!w.»\v chut j i -I'-- UK'OIIIK to the nninlci- >niu( .Ivlno • OWHUISIconfeptlon, Uel» l,Usi J»bne an»nd thee xtc*«;uu Owovtrr i ti«ntuivi<..«».I..T..Vt vi^lp.ucnV.,-.,..«^..t. n-...l.kl» . mil riot oi! Hhj Inj.utilat n^t^_ , f,On. (hv Board Fills Post MaU^,_ I,>WIWJ,JM S»w«rs£* Authority ! Wheaton glass manufHctute. I paiuy fnjm gardiMi upartmeisis *K • '•••• ™ ?. — • — -•'•• |cMBds wAool wist* by $112 pur uni M.il.r.vtm Rvcittna! Uourd of Ud Big Plant For Ho/mdei Plan Mayor Alfred C. I'dote, Holm- A o»w BuMHglt ZIP u»d«. (o del, revealed Tuesday that the •mpwyetl by UH* Post Office prospect looks "very promising" I artra«nt » *peed " ' for this location ot a new plant , M'nulil hr'pci mined in sperlnl ?.oue:< I St.h , thjs , , •; will go lota el 51 For Ganco Plant Out off Koule 33 by the railroad of a ; within Ihe R-iUO rosiiti'iilial ?.une. ... , July I. ZIP code Township Sewerage i William J. O'llayiin Aslwry j ih» to compare with Lily-'fulip. j One /.one is located in the CHff-.vuod fcumbof* ahould b« used on c«-I „ I l-imployincnt should be on a com- ler, superintendent, slat.v! Mr. Rei- »,.OT. to acquaint In- j Autliorily last night turned down a j Park, the Authority's I area. Sxmnile-d by Matawan. Clift- I ner is a holder uf A.B. and M.A. ! I woiid and Prospect Aves.. und the (UiWwal corrt3jcermiXMMfentx * wisi h Ihe I proposal o! American Can Co., New j list of thiiiRs In which, in hi' opin- Th(f )|)avor J(n,ed ,he busiIK,S!i I Di'iirees f:x>m Seion Hiiil slid also | . - . I other is In the Aberdeen Rd. sec-has taken work ai Fairleinh l-lick-1 Cw» number for thin area. York [or « 60 0011 gallon! per day i ion. the compliancy or performance • t!i:»( of toy manufacturing, had tion, near tht; Malawan Borough P ««ivcd by the Mut "package" eewer plant Installation j of the LevHt 4 Sons dBV«;lopers of j bten ii-teertained by township I bultnuaiy. !s'n" a'lJ»MS'rels:idem whThas ; M»>'»r J«hl' M"" |r., left, and Chief of Police Edgar Wilkinson of awau Post OKOKlctl i ihoulhidd use to serve'heir new AmeriCM Whsa-Slrathmoie had been sorely deft-, official.-fiil * to IInvolv e no nuisanci e | The ordinance natures a develop- h.-d f;-'hi veil- teiichini; e\iw>r- ' Matawan township are seen surveyinj. ihe Stralhmore development V i 't A Th j GeiM declinedl!t he wass Ij 8Uch »* noise, fumes or loul lenec '" i s'"-'et litjhtiuK with .lanios J. Milt-hell o! the Jersey Central Power * t!f Vf*rm^' <k*™:t I 'on Plant off Cliffwoml Av«. The .«- j ci,;n, Mr. ! er 'il apartments first must obtain n vvus t! !ln n ' ' aluage discharge. i a "special use, permit' from liie S The rontrac! siipiilu'es lu- shall ! l-'sht Company. Mayor Mar/, has aniiouneeil thai the luwmhip il ™ — • 1 bv • ^ra H'«'/'^ 3 ! r.-ady for Muyur Hoole disclosed that cm Co Nev i Strathiiiure development should be i township tonimittee which would j r .,•„",'., '(','„'•" J,',iv "k'lo'ncl-iv" work 10 ' presently In the midst of a complete rvlightlng program with the Clltp tha Morganvllte Post Office wil-•"l ' *-»»<''«> •>• «""»•"" - ' a H nuud aiea to t>e completed In Hie near future. j carried to Its completion anil the j ' "J »f"-T '•econimendatitM. is re- ^' ,n |hL.n V«T Nation wSf j »«"' ' ' ' '" " ' " Hutu ZIP cod* cumber 07751, ' Levitt firm was no longer u\ the Ifuriii.i orgunizutlon, locating a j ct'ivet! from the zoning IKUU'II i>f branch in the ea->t, had I'.om- to | month, retnniiiii; Au«. 15 to be an j «£*£«<> Ruth E. Alt. p«. ,m m>mr adeqiiltt£, - The chairman declared the j j adjustment. '1 he ps-rmii is similar duty to June 30. 1981. Ou thu vot* had gone out of Its way | Ihe point where a formal au- t(i u variance. na ZIP code aurober ihoulil i The American Can proposal »»* uouncement on what (lie firms tn hire him, Roy S. Matthews. I A five-acre minimum ior si/t is iKiard presitli-n;. Allied R. Man-Figli! l Looms On b* wed Immediately followlne J that the plan- would handle 2S gal- projects could b« expected sh«rl- j piuposeil for garden apartment.s, <h« city and atato ou return i Ions per day per _«mpk>ye« <o_ ba ville. vice presifltut, Mrs. Esther j working and tha firm. expected to •lationshlps wlih rhe d.'velotiers-. '• uiiowinn Iti unit.s \w acre. Apart- Rinear. Edward Loford, John J. addresses and wheu answering re ( iiu'itl'i. wtiich will rt-quiri* 9 miui- Salary Ordinance • Use In Township mail, ZIP co&o taken from it- place 968 workers at the plant. This but had not metwith a iiiitaWi- Brailliv/ and Vincent 1!. MuBemi reiopioclty. I HUIIII lOO-hmt frontajjc, must IK- | voUHUHi i for ,|,,|,t.t ,^^1^ ilro!,jj j, tur.«,„n mrmratfdrcMea t »,»«.„thotild b« e „««used.. , w«» calculated «t M.2M gal Ions per ilaro! Wood, Traphagen Declare Emergency Up to 14 houn may be Wed | <i»y to which would 1» added 2D,- Mr. O'Hagan recommendsd that Cautions tomtomprtsep d ot at least SOp per cent | D()llll, opl)1)S,,j u on the K,,)lln(|s K tu mall daUvary'by use of ihe G10 gallons of Industrial wastes th* secretary. Mrs. Marie Oflst, ine-bedroiibd m unitts andd tthh e blancbalancee somuunt- shouUt hhave bet-n pro- | Cite New Increases In Cliffwood Beach | lix>m il» plant, the total o send a letter embraclnR all the of iwn-lx'droom unils. ,,K)|,.;| (rt)m within (lie .svsiem and I a«w ZIP c*do, postal uiithorllt«. 1 reported. ! hiK 49,810 gallons per day. Thematter* which the chairman had j The ordinance also u;quires [Juniel J. Mtfaiictfiv paev passed d Mrs I Matuuun 'lownship Connnint" - treated tftfluunt would go into Long found the Levitt firm tano-rlns to | aiMimients piojecls to have • «:«•-1 i>lnil|iy Smith vvus ulxeul t | nu-n Nonicin Wood and llfiuy vis** of wait'i :n iho C!jft\vtK)tl anil N»ck Creek, then to Whale Cicek the developers. If the first IHIer , Outside Consumers . am' ddisposal l system amii set asidile j Mr. jluster also reported that the ! spaiv for ofi-street parking; anil Ti'U|»h:i^rit yt'^tt't'tliiy |>ii):ni.st\i an CHif\v<«»J liiT.ch st*c(i*ms oi \(;iTa» and out into the bay. elicited no response, a second Ixmrd.s of education of llulmdel r «!i-mit fi^lw iti UIIKIK |in-»s:u;*f -tf a WM\ Tov. nship v t?i'(' o:\i-.!tvd Mo» Thomas C. Ople, Red Bank, of should be sent several weeks Uiti-r. Blamed For Pressure I recreuiion areus. In addition, a ami Colts Neck Towi'ships luid Police Ask Pay ; supt-rin'cnilt'!!-! is rc<liii''.:U lo live applied to place vtlucabls pupils in now salary oi\iiiiaiR't* whirl? is day IIJKJU al a spcci.il ni't'tin:.', oC tha Kupper firm, found that the If aaain there was no forthwith re- Mayor John W. AppleKate Tues- 1 un tin- premises. such a clns.s coiviuLted at Mata- scheduled tor .t public hi'at'iny by 1 . plant wan designed for overage sponse, measures ot a dlrferlnK , day niyhl "aulioned Matawun rr.si- ill, >.{af<i>v.iii Tuvitslun Coiiiniiiu-tt, Hike Referendum I rath>r than peak condltltms, that sort could be considered. Mt. O'- j j Actmit mi ti iwiiiest of tint zon- i w;tn. Holindel would send three Hit; Townsliij* C'luninute" ;ii :t ^JH1- Tlif. dit-a ;iflt'rif*d is Inoitlvd north deiils not to waste water dui'm;; in^ coiiiiuillee of llm Sli-iithmore and foils Neck fuiir. Mr. f-Vwter the organic loading exceeds that hot.
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