Appendix. Basic Information on Studies Used in Meta-Analysis. Plant Species and Class (CL;

Appendix. Basic Information on Studies Used in Meta-Analysis. Plant Species and Class (CL;

<p> Appendix. Basic information on studies used in meta-analysis. Plant species and class (CL; A, Angiospermae; G, Gymnospermae); herbivore species, family, sub-guild (SG; P, phloem feeder; X, xylem feeder; M, mesophyll feeder; E, epidermal feeder), and specialization (SP; S, specialist; G, generalist); type of the experiment (EX; G, greenhouse; F, field); measured plant parts and types of response variables (A, area; B, biomass; L, linear size; N, number of organs; P, photosynthetic rate; C, chlorophyll content) and references for the studies used in the meta- analysis.</p><p>Plant species CL Insect species Insect family SG SP EX Plant parts and variables References root (B), shoot (B), leaf (A, Whittaker and Warrington Acer pseudoplatanus A Drepanosiphum platanoides Aphididae P S F B) (1985) Acer pseudoplatanus A Drepanosiphum platanoides Aphididae P S G leaf (A) Wellings and Dixon (1987) Acer pseudoplatanus A Drepanosiphum platanoides Aphididae P S G entire plant (B), leaf (A) Dixon (1971a) Acer saccharum A Taeniothrips inconsequens Thripidae E G G leaf (A) Kolb et al. (1991) Carya illinoensis A Monelliopsis nigropunctata Aphididae P G G stem (L, B), root (B), leaf (C) Tedders et al. (1982) Carya illinoensis A Monellia caryella Aphididae P S G stem (L, B), root (B), leaf (C) Tedders et al. (1982) Carya illinoensis A Melanocallis caryaefoliae Aphididae P S G stem (L, B), root (B), leaf (C) Tedders et al. (1982) Carya illinoensis A Monelliopsis pecanis Aphididae P S F fruit (B), leaf(C) Tedders and Wood (1985) Carya illinoensis A Monellia caryella Aphididae P S F fruit (B), leaf (C) Tedders and Wood (1985) Pseudococci- leaf (A, B), stem (B, L), root Colliguayana odorifera A Planococcus citri dae P G F (B) Mills (1984) Eucalyptus blakelyi A Cardiaspina albitextura Psyllidae P S F leaf (B) Cunningham et al. (2009) leaf (A, B), stem (B), root Eucalyptus blakelyi A Eriococcus coriaceus Eriococcidae P S G (B) Vranjic and Ash (1997) leaf (A, B), stem (B, L), root Eucalyptus blakelyi A Eriococcus coriaceus Eriococcidae P S G (B) Vranjic and Gullan (1990) leaf (A, B), stem (B, L), root Euonymus fortunei A Unaspis euonymi Diaspididae P G F (B) Cockfield and Potter (1987) Euonymus fortunei A Unaspis euonymi Diaspididae P G G stem (L), leaf (B), root (B) Cockfield and Potter (1986) Euphorbia pyrifolia A Icerya seychellarum Margarodidae P G F leaf (N) Newbery (1980a) Gossypium hirsutum A Thrips tabaci Thripidae E G F leaf (A, P), fruit (N, B) Lei and Wilson (2004) Rummel and Quisenberry Gossypium hirsutum A Frankliniella sp. Thripidae E G F leaf (A), fruit (B) (1979) Gossypium hirsutum A Aphis gossypii Aphididae P G G leaf (P) Shannag et al. (1998)</p><p>1 aboveground (B), stem (B, Gossypium hirsutum A Aphis gossypii Aphididae P G G L, N), leaf (B), fruit (B,N) Rosenheim et al. (1997) Guaiacum sanctum A Toumeyella sp. Coccidae P G G leaf (A, B, C, P) Schaffer and Mason (1990) Lagerstroemia indica A Homalodisca coagulata Cicadellidae X G F stem (L) Andersen et al. (2003) stem (L, B), leaf (N, B, P), Macfadyena unguis-cati A Carvalhotingis visenda Tingidae M G G root (B) Conrad and Dhileepan (2007) Macfadyena unguis-cati A Carvalhotingis visenda Tingidae M G G leaf (C) Dhileepan et al. (2007) aboveground (B), root (B), Malus domestica A Aphis pomi Aphididae P G G stem (N, L), leaf (B, N) Kaakeh et al. (1993a) aboveground (B), root (B), Malus domestica A Aphis spiraecola Aphididae P G G stem (N, L), leaf (B, N) Kaakeh et al. (1993a) Malus domestica A Aphis spiraecola Aphididae P G G leaf (C, P) Kaakeh et al. (1993b) Malus domestica A Aphis pomi Aphididae P G G leaf (P) Hugentobler (1990) Malus domestica A Magicicada sp. Cicadidae X G F stem (L) Karban (1982) Malus domestica A Typhlocyba pomaria Cicadellidae M G G leaf (P) Marshall et al. (1942) Malus domestica A Erythroneura spp. Cicadellidae M G G leaf (P) Marshall et al. (1942) Malus domestica A Empoasca fabae Cicadellidae M G G leaf (P) Marshall et al. (1942) Melaleuca quinquenervia A Boreioglycaspis melaleucae Psyllidae P S G leaf (C) Morath et al. (2006) Melaleuca quinquenervia A Boreioglycaspis melaleucae Psyllidae P S F stem (L, B) Franks et al. (2006) Melaleuca quinquenervia A Boreioglycaspis melaleucae Psyllidae P S F leaf (N, B), stem (L) Center et al. (2007) Myrica faya A Sophonia rufofascia Cicadellidae P G F stem (B, L), leaf (A, B, N) Jones et al. (2000) Picea alba G Cinara pilicornis Aphididae P S F stem (L) Holopainen et al. (1993) Picea sitchensis G Elatobium abietinum Aphididae P S G root (A, N) Day and Cameron (1997) Picea sitchensis G Elatobium abietinum Aphididae P S F stem (L) Straw et al. (1998) Picea sitchensis G Pachypappa sp. Pemphigidae P S F stem (L) Straw et al. (1998) Pinus concorta G Leptoglossus occidentalis Coreidae X G F seed (N) Strong et al. (2001) Pinus edulis G Matsucoccus acalyptus Margarodidae M S F stem (L) Schuster et al. (2005) Pinus sylvestris G Cinara pinea Aphididae P S F needle (B), stem (B), root (B) Neuvonen et al. (1992) Pinus sylvestris G Schizolachnus pineti Aphididae P S F needle (B), stem (B), root (B) Neuvonen et al. (1992) Pinus sylvestris G Cinara pilosa Aphididae P S F needle (B), stem (B), root (B) Neuvonen et al. (1992) Pinus taeda G Cinara atlantica Aphididae P S G stem (L) Zaleski et al. (2005)</p><p>2 Pinus taeda G Cinara atlantica Aphididae P S G stem (L) Fox and Griffith (1977) Prunus persica A Myzus persicae Aphididae P G F fruit (B) Sacchetti and Niccoli (1995) Prunus persica A Myzus persicae Aphididae P G F leaf (N), fruit (N) Grechi et al. (2008) Pseudotsuga menziesii G Cinara pseudotsugae Aphididae P S G aboveground (B), root (B) Smith and Schowalter (2001) Psidium guajava A Sophonia rufofascia Cicadellidae P G F fruit (B), leaf (C) Jones et al. (1998) Quercus ilicifolia A Magicicada sp. Cicadidae X G F seed (N, B), root (B) Karban (1985) Rhus glabra A Melaphis rhois Aphididae P S F leaf (P) Larson (1998) Salix myrsinifolia A Pterocomma salicis Aphididae P S F stem (L) Sipura (2002) Salix phylicifolia A Pterocomma salicis Aphididae P S F stem (L) Sipura (2002) Salix viminalis A Tuberolachnus salignus Aphididae P S G stem (B), root (B), leaf (P) Collins et al. (2001) Salix viminalis A Pterocomma salicis Aphididae P S G stem (B), root (B) Collins et al. (2001) Scaevola taccada A Icerya seychellarum Margarodidae P G F leaf (A), root (B) Newbery (1980b) Tilia x vulgaris A Eucallipterus tiliae Aphididae P S G leaf (A, N), entire plant (B) Dixon (1971b) Vitis labruscana A Lygocoris inconspicuous Miridae M S F fruit (B, N) Rhainds et al. (2002) Vitis vinifera A Empoasca vitis Cicadellidae P G F fruit (N, B), leaf (N, B, P) Candolfi et al. (1993) aboveground (B), root (B), Vitis vinifera A Viteus vitifoliae Phylloxeridae P S G leaf (C) Omer et al. (1995) Vitis vinifera A Viteus vitifoliae Phylloxeridae P S G leaf (C) Blanchfield et al. (2006)</p><p>3 References</p><p>Andersen PC, Brodbeck BV, Mizell III RF (2003) Plant and insect characteristics in response to increasing density of Homalodisca coagulata on three host species: a quantification of assimilate extraction. 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