TEXAS SOCIETY OF .?t.RCHITECTS \ "'\... \ 49th ~NNUAL ']\{EETJN(j aruL, 'TEX~S: "'PRODUCTS 'LXHIBITIOO'{ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Opening Night Party 3:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. State\ of tfie jtrt SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Seminars 9:30 a.m.- 11 :45 a.m. Exhibits Open 11 :00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Luncheon 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Convocation/Reception for newly licensed architects 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. A PARTIAL LISTING OF EXHIBITORS: PITTSBURGH CORNING CORPORATION ALLEN & ALLEN COMPANY PROSOCO. INC. AMERJCAN OLEAN TILE COMPANY RALPH WILSON PLASTICS COMPANY FREE ADMISSION AMERICAN TILE SUPPLY. INC. RIDGWAY'S. INC. The exhibit ball is open ASSOCIATION ADM1NISTRATORS S.A . MAXWELL CO. AND CONSULTANTS. INC. SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORPORATION to all area building and ATM HOUSTON. INC. SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL design professionals and BAYER STONE. INC. SOUTHWEST BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. BINSWANGER GLASS COMPANY their clients ... architects, SOUTHWEST TERRAZZO ASSOCIATION, INC. BOWMAN TILE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE employees of architectural CARLISLE SYNTEC SYSTEMS STERLING ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. firms, engineers, contrac­ CARPENTER INSULATION & COATINGS STUCCO STONE CORPORATION COMPANY TECTUM. INC tors, interior designers, CAVALLI NI CO., INC. TEXAS FIRESTOPffEXAS PROTECTIVE builders, landscape architects, CLASSY GLASS COATINGS and developers. Refreshments COLUMBUS WALLCOVERING CO .. TEXAS GAS UllLITIES DIVISION OF BORDEN. INC. TEXAS GRANITE CORPORATION will be available Friday evening COMMERCIAL SPRAY SYSTEMS TEXAS INDUSTRJES. INC. for the Opening Night Party, CONRAD COMPANY TEXAS URETHANES. INC. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY starling at 3:30 p.m. THE ROOFTILE & SLATE COMPANY LABORATORIES. INC. THORO SYSTEM PRODUCTS CUSTOM CURB/SKYWALL · THYCURB VISIT OVER 200 DESIGNED PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATES ', U.S. INTEC DEVOE & RAYNOLDS CO. 1. WESCO DISTRIBUTION, INC. EXHIBmNG FIRMS EAGLE LAKE CONCRETE PRODUCTS ) WRIGHT BUILDING Firms from throughout Texas and ELECTRIC UTILITY COMPANIES OF TEXAS ' PRODUCTS/ READ the United States will be on hand to ELEGANT MARBLE IMPORTS ARCHITECTURAL ELGIN BUTLER BRICK CO. PRODUCTS display their newest product innova­ FEATI-IERLITE BUILDING PRODUCTS tions and introductions in alJ key fields FENCECRETE AMERICA. INC. FORD MOTOR COMPANY FORD GLASS DIVISION -interiors, exteriors. lighting, office FORMICA CORPORATION ..,..._______ ....., systems, energy systems, practice systems, GREEN EXPECTATIONS CAD/D, CAM , and many others. TSA GR ENC TENDE •;,;. HARPER & SHUMAN INC~''>.:' member architects can sign up for hundreds HENDERSON BRICK 1=···.,~ of dollars in free prizes simply by visiting HEWI. INC. "''.J· San~o INTERNATIONAL '·.,,ii. exhibitors· booths. CONFERENCE OF -~~·., BUILDING CODE OFFICIALS ·:;~ 0\[gvem6er PROFISSIONAL PROGRAMS/SEMINARS JEWELL CONCRETE PRODUCTS. INC. On Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 18 and 19, LONG & McMICHAEL. INC. 18-20) 1988 attendees may choose from a broad variety of MARVIN WINDOWS professional programs throughout both days. MEZA MARBLE & GRANITE MLPOLAM Topics range from design-oriented to marketing MONARCH TILE based, and promise to be both informative and MANUFACTURING. INC .,.~'{'f_:;f;,;.'-'' NEGLEY PAINT COMPANY .,'*-fl.:'fl.fef-"'' interesting. NEVA MAR . -,!:>~\i>:t•· PAVESTONECOMPANY .F%\-~',;)$:~·, -~~-:, • •,. PELLA WINDOWS& -~~/" l ~,~rt4 ** 1(1(1r1f 1f 1( 1(1( iJo* 1(1f,1f 1(1f ****** A TEAM PLAYER IN THE TRUE SENSE "We were encouraged to find that CCM understands and appreciates the design process. CCM makes every effort to enhance the aesthetics ofth e project while creatively reducing the cost of die components and their delivery system." - Richard E. Morgan, A. I. A., J .P.J. Architects, me., Dallas, Texas urJ A~CHnlCT', Lake Point e Baptist Church. Rowlett . Tei as Client Construction Management's staff areas: Value Engineering, Value Bidding of bui lding professionals are aware of and and Value M anagement. Our value accustomed to the critical need for system is a careful balance between compliance to the architect's design and cost, function and quality. When CCM their desire for quality control. Thats assumes total management and financial why we developed our value based responsibility for a project, you can be building system, which is revolutionizing assured your design will be built the construction industry. CCM's unique according to your specifications in the system is centered around three primary most cost effective manner possible. To find out more about how our value system can address your specific needs, please call us. CLIENT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, INC. crrcle 2 on RcacJor lr>q111ry Cord John Paine. Pres1denL • Charles H»nnu A I /\ V1r I' P, l't.1t10n~ 61 0 1 South Broadway · Suite 300 • Tylpr l1•l!11•, 75 701 · ? 14/58 1 1112 14951 Dallas Parkway • Suit e 237 • Dnllrm Trixnr. 75,Mn • 214/981 2091 'le,.-, ,\rc-hi1cc1 bpultlllW u1 tllttltt \f•m(\ tn tlw- 7ru,•.5'i.:ff1\ ufA,i h1ltth , OUuml1,r_(Un,:mu,n r,f lhr Trim ,,,cu1tt ,f ( ·c)I\ Tl-: 1\T S ,,_. 1m.·rli dtt /numttr ,if '1rJ111rr11 1>,,, 1iulm. /11/Jft Al.A J-1,nmu,,\'n,J>r,,ljJ;n, hPITilR J,KI "•trtrn IJurn11 -\~(X.1ATh l:lllTOk R,nn,,,-.nl/n \SSOC'IATT, PlfRI.ISIII R ('lt+stlr• I (;ufl,u,n C'IRCl!I.A I JO:,,J MANACll R Rlt& Km ,,~,al, Ii/A All\ t.111 ISINOASSIS IA'<l fn, T,•rmu, ""'"'' 000"-"-l:l:l'l:k TRADE MARTS AND OFFICES OF THE FUTURE /,1"f11fUflMU 4 J',A l•Ull~ICArl<>N~ tOMMI n H ABOUT THIS ISSUE lluth <"11.1ou,r_1•htJftt. f')wh,, It hw,MunJ ---------- l1u4 ll.unt.l\ MA Wttlutul'ull, lwr' ,nn l'r'"hnmn llm,1,lt AM.·'""""''""" hit/ IN THE NEWS 8 llmrlf(f;,n ,\/,1 "''"'(rilfl, C,1/hin1 ll,,ftmH11 -\IA ll1Hi 1t1H1, H,1'w, ,\trtnlt,ltfk"r, A RIUDAT ream recommends ways 10 stre11gthe11 the comm1111ities AIJ\. '°'.,,,,,. U ,//u "'",u"' UA /,U/IJJ• Li1iJ,1('11w:,1 , /iou.111#t A'rillU' ln{dn:11n, of the Rio Grande Valley: Housron's 3/DI reorgani:cs ro ho lance MA, ll,11/o1, C' Muri \r1ln Jlfll Oullm marker and company demands: Gal11esro11·s troubled trolleys run. I O:-.TllllllfflNr.tlllTOR\ n,,,.1 H,11-tr" t111\ ,,.,11,n t>.,u./lJ11(1wi lhtl/,,, \1,-r/tr',.t,,1 ll11uu,..,, t"-,,,f,I PRACTICE 21 \J,,-.,Jt.,•I '°-" Uu,11t,-n lmn t,,,..J AIA l>.1/t.u IJ..JuJ"••iJu• I ,1.i1 NIJJA Small firms now havec more hoices for reriremem plans. By Bob (,.Jlr-r,t''\'1;(11,.,, Frater. a r/011ston·based fl11a11cial pla1111er l'l.•p~m1t11 IIIMKh~ltie lc.1a,S,"-kh1}t AtdlltC\.I, (.111motlall1"uhmno p•,lo1fC p.. 1J 1111 Au11t1n 111..J I.M!d1IHt11,.1 n,..-.1lrn~11ifU"c' THE CRYSTAL PALACE DISSIMULATED 22 PUSl'MASTli.R s,-,t.JuJ.J,,1\,ltu,u:,•1,• rn~, AnhUtCI I /.I "'"'' 7111 s,,,.,., s.11, Richard Jn11ersoll examines rhe archirec111re of desiw1 cemers in 1"0() Aumn. '""" 1K7'1I ,r1,.,,,.,.,,. f\/li<1!1 .,.v, Houston and Dallas as well as their role i11 today's economy. \iib\,tl/,tll#f/ffit-f"U SI.' flUr,tt \r,lf ,,,, f~A,,.,"1h.rr,u,.J $/It flllJ,11 ,,..,.,.,.,,.,.._,. M ult ,1,h/1ru.-, M 11hm ,1,,,., 1lftllrH·nh1I FOUR SHOWROOMS I n,,, ,l,\tf,r" Rr,,,1'flui r,;"' •tf ult,,,"""' ,,r,·d,1,,,u,l,,,,,,,,.n1...,,,1,,..,,1111/fr-n /tt'l'"II' th111 H ,,rr.- ti, rwlt,/nl,""/ I '11 ,It/ Steelcase/Stow & Davis, Houston. by Janita Lo & Associates JO Hwnt' unJ,,gu,:0(.1 -~1H,Jt1,L1.mJ ..,.,.,, rt ,,. r'flhrt f',/,111r111/ ,,,,.,1,;,J,rrrumtt,J.-.., ltl# S1111arHa11serma11, Ho11sro11, by Frank Gehry & Associates 32 tt«,mu,r,,n,n.,,"'""'"'t\ n~ .,, ''" Haworth , Houston, by Gensler and Associates/Architects 34 rn,, ,/,~ 1 nl,tmml I umm, nt """' r, ,,,,,h ,,.Jf,.j r "" ,,t/N ,ul'''"'°'lff"' rrthr, AT&T. Dallas. by RTKLAs.wciares Inc. 36 8 Hf4l•Jnl:iHH~ l.\.\,~IWIJ/1./11'1 ~/f#ml'N lfM•lfff"\1 / 1uh/t, 1lll'flf'f" UFFIZI TO ARCHIGRAM 38 \utli111ll'", 1, J,,t,,,,. /,,. 1-..,... \h.'hllt\ I,,, r,tnl, 1-:u, d J., ''" ·'hTM' lnJfl .~ "'• Jmr, ,.,,.,, p,..,,,,.,,, .,,. Can plllgging in rhe virtual office save the American economy? m111t,,l;J1-111,,,.umltlHt1r,.,, Researchers say that designers have to help bolster white·collar T$1\ OfFlCTRS Ji.hn fl11h (Hf't"r ( ,,1 producti11ity-or else. By Joel Warren Barna lr,:r ,,,,,,,.,,. P,n1.l,•r,1 N,n II Hi,,t,•, I Al\ ll1H1tt,•rr P,-, 01l,1t1 f Ir, t J.,,,,,., I \\Jmr '""',_,,., i,., p,,.,,,lrm J1r,;/1.., WHTTTrNGTON, MEIS & NARRO 42 • lu ,,.,u,,U,1'J t ~ P,.. u./,·,11. (. Jw,/r, I 1/UN,t,, n,,.,. 1,., ,,,, 11,lhu Gwh,,,,,H l.11h11 11,tt,,t,u; \ h • /Jitthlrlfl IJm 111 James Mayeux, Archirec:r. uses slivers and swau:hes of light to \/f"Hu umtl, Uullu,u/ \,·, .,..,m, H 1,m, lmruu;t ~u,r," l1roHurr IJn Toth,. warp rhe space in a small advertising firm's offices. By Joel (. ,\/ /Iott. .-1/;\ \u.JWf f Ut lfll\; \ I, t Warren Barna l'u,1,1,m 1 Sf\ 11111\l<IHIHlllUct I Ilk\ N,d ,, ,,ulwtl Vwlr n,- ( lwp1,·,- /1,,,..,"11- BOOKS 44 1 IJJI l.f• "H· """mil,, ( 1r,,,,,,., I"'' \.-m ''"''" C'l1i.1fUt', JJ,IIIH \t (i,,ltt1'A R1rrm A monograph 0 11 rhe work of Kolm Pedersen Fox. reviewed by ('lu.11,r,·1 fir,uAt'f Cfm1r1 Jr Cm11u1, 22 C'hnw ( h"I"''' H,, luml I \fon,-.m comributing editor Gerald Moorhead /1,11/u, ( i,,,p,-, /,m1NA 11 ..fl,,rJ I I Puw r·Jt.q,,,., A P.mu t Hr1t/1H I 1#1 " u11h Cltut•(n H 1lltu111 U llu/1. 11,iv, '"" C'hu111n Hu,lnlJlh, Go.nir:. tm,o MUSINGS/DAVID BRADEN 58 Rw t,m,,,lr \ .,,,,., , 'r111ur, '"""'' \I I.wk.Irr•-., '"'""'".l <hur1,r (,rr.11.JH H,,u.
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