Academic Honesty UGA

Academic Honesty UGA

<p> ACADEMIC HONESTY REPORTS Fall 2013 (Alleged Incidents discovered or took place between August 12 – December 11, 2013)</p><p>DEPARTMENT UNDER ALLEGATION REPORTED MULTIPLE APPEAL APPEAL FINAL SANCTION(S) / BY RESOLVED VIOLATIONS OUTCOME DECISION GRAD F/G FD CD REVIEW BOARD MATH U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on quiz FANR U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on essay & rewrite assignment FANR U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on essay & rewrite assignment MATH U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on quiz CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on quiz, pre-lab and lab Lying Theft FREN U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on assignment CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on exam CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on exam FREN U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on exam HIST U Plagiarism F √ Violation Rewrite paper for lowered grade ECHD G Plagiarism F √ Violation Rework Study MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation WF in course MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation WF in course INTL U Plagiarism F √ Violation Permanent dishonesty transcript notation EDIT G Plagiarism F √ Violation 2 year delay in retaking Comp Exam & Doctoral Committee dissolved MATH U Unauth Assist G √ √ 0 on test 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation & Suspension MATH U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on exam BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 10 points deducted from final course grade MATH U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 31 on test & grade not replaced by final exam CHEM G Plagiarism F √ Yes Upheld Violation F in course & transcript Panel’s notation Decision ECON U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed ECON U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed ECON U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed ECOL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on paper & 25% final grade reduction CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Lying CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on experiment Lying CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on experiment Lying MIST U Lying F √ Violation Final course grade lowered CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ √ Violation 0 on exam 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on lab report & transcript Lying notation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Lying CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on lab report Lying CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Lying MARS U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed HIST U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on paper & 10% final grade reduction ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 50 on paper MATH U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on quiz CHEM U Lying F √ Violation 0 on experiment & transcript notation BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignment BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignment BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ √ Violation 0 on assignments Plagiarism 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation and Expulsion BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignments Plagiarism CSCI U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on quiz which won’t be dropped CSCI U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed BIOL U Lying/Tamperi G √ Withdrawn 2nd ng ANTH U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Plagiarism ANTH U Unauth Assist F √ Violation WF in course Plagiarism ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Rewrite paper for lowered grade BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on the assignment & lab Plagiarism final grade reduction BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Plagiarism ECOL U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed HIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Lying MATH U Lying F √ Violation 20 point reduction in grade on test ENGR U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 50 on the project & additional assignment ENGR U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 50 on the project & additional assignment ENGR U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignment & additional project ENGR U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignment & additional project LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation Lowered grade on exam HDFS U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on exam JRLC U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed COMM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on portion of exam BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on post lab Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on post lab Plagiarism CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation</p><p>CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Yes Upheld Violation 0 on Lab Report & F in course Panel’s Decision CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Redo Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on Lab Report BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed 2nd BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 10 points deducted from final course points BIOL U Uanuth Assist G √ Violation 0 on prelab Plagiarism BIOL U Uanuth Assist G √ Violation ½ credit for prelab Plagiarism QUAL G Plagiarism F √ Violation Rewrite portion of paper & final course grade reduction ADSC U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 50 on test BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignments Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignments Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignments Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Rewrite lab Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on lab Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed Plagiarism PHRM G Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on exam ECOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on lab with opportunity to rewrite it ECOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on lab with opportunity to rewrite it FREN U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on assignment and final course grade lowered by 1 letter grade PHIL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on assignment MIBO U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Retake exam for lowered score LING U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed LING U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on experiment & dishonesty Plagiarism transcript notation PHRM G Plagiarism F √ Violation ½ credit for take home exam & notification of student’s advisor ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Lowered grade on assignment & transcript notation ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Lowered grade on assignment & transcript notation ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Lowered grade on assignment & transcript notation CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on experiment & dishonesty Plagiarism transcript notation ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Lowered grade on assignment & transcript notation HACE U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed HACE U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed 2nd Plagiarism BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation Rewrite post lab report Plagiarism ANTH U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment and final course grade lowered ANTH U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed THEA U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on assignment POLS U Plagiarism F √ Yes Upheld Violation F in course Panel’s Decision PHRM G Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment FYOS U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on assignment, paper on plagiarism & mandatory visit to Writing Center MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F - Withdrawn MIST U Unauth Assist F - Withdrawn MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment PHRM G Unauth Assist F √ Violation Reduced grade on exam PSYC U Unauth Assist G √ √ Violation 0 on Exam 3 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation and Dismissal HDFS U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Essay on academic honesty, Lying grade deduction, exams must be taken in class HDFS U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Essay on academic honesty, Lying grade deduction, exams must be taken in class ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on assignment, F in course & transcript notation ENGL U Plagiarism F √ Violation Required meetings with the staff of the Writing Center & final course grade no higher than a C. REAL U Lying F √ Violation Final course grade deduction Tampering BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on pre-lab BIOL U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on pre-lab HIST U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on draft thesis ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on assignment ECOL U Plagiarism G √ √ Violation 0 on assignment 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation ECOL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on lab & reduction in attendance points ECOL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on lab & reduction in attendance points ECOL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on lab & reduction in attendance points CBIO U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 for the lab section of the course SPED G Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed SPED G Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed PHIL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on essay CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on pre-lab and lab report ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Rewrite paper for a reduced grade INTL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on draft & grade on final paper no higher than a D FREN U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment SOCI U Plagiarism G √ Violation Reduced grade on assignment MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation F in course & community service MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation F in course & community service PHIL U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on essay ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Rewrite paper for maximum grade of 79 ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Rewrite paper for a reduced grade ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation Rewrite essay for a reduced grade BIOL U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on assignment POUL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Final course grade reduced by 1 letter grade POUL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Final course grade reduced by 1 letter grade MIBO U Lying F √ Dismissed Tampering LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 credit for plagiarized answers LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 credit for plagiarized answers LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 credit for plagiarized answers LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 credit for plagiarized answers LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 credit for plagiarized answers LAND G Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 credit for plagiarized answers CSCI U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on a quiz MIBO U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on exam MIBO U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed 2nd CLAS U Plagiarism G √ Violation F on assignment FREN U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on quiz grades CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on formal lab report Plagiarism ENGL U Plagiarism F √ Violation Rewrite paper with grade penalty MIST U Plagiarism F √ √ Yes Upheld Violation F in course, community Board’s service 2nd Permanent Decision Transcript Notation and Dismissal SPAN U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on in-class composition ECHD U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignment ECHD U Unauth Assist G √ Violation 0 on assignment SPAN U Plagiarism F √ Violation Class participation point deduction SPAN U Plagiarism F √ Violation Class participation point deduction FYOS U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on term paper & reflective essay FYOS U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on term paper & reflective essay FINA U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Dishonesty transcript notation ENGL U Plagiarism F √ Violation F in course ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Violation F in course & transcript notation PSYC U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on paper ENGR U Unauth Assist F √ Violation F in course ENGR U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on project with opportunity to resubmit for reduced grade ENGR U Unauth Assist F √ Violation F in course CSCI U Plagiarism G √ Violation Final course grade reduced by 1 letter grade RMIN U Plagiarism F √ √ Violation F in course 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation ENGL U Plagiarism F √ Violation F in course MARK U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed FANR U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on lab report FANR U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Dismissed ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Dismissed PHYS U Theft F √ Dismissed 2nd INTL U Unauth Assist F √ √ Violation F in course & transcript Plagiarism notation 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation and Suspension INTL U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Reduced grade on assignment Plagiarism ENGL U Plagiarism G √ √ Violation 0 on assignment, 0 on portfolio, & transcript notation 2nd Permanent Transcript Notation and Expulsion MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on test, D in course, transcript notation & community service MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment, maximum course grade of D, transcript notation & community service MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment, maximum course grade of D, transcript notation & community service MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed 2nd MIST U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed CSCI U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed CSCI U Unauth Assist G √ Dismissed CHEM U Unauth Assist F √ Violation F in course & transcript Lying notation MATH U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed POLS U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on final exam & F in course SPED U Lying F √ Violation 0 on assignment & final course grade no higher than C PBIO U Unauth Assist F √ Violation Exam retakes disregarded MIST U Plagiarism F √ Violation Final exam grade lowered BIOL U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 on final paper BIOL U Unauth Assis F √ Dismissed 2nd ENGL U Plagiarism G √ Dismissed GENE U Unauth Assist F √ √ Violation Final course grade lowered by 1 letter grade 2nd Transcript Notation & Suspension GENE U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed TELE U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on assignment & reduced Plagiarism final project grade ACCT U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed 2nd ACCT U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on final exam & F in course ACCT U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed PHYS U Unauth Assist F √ Violation PHYS U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed SPED U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on final exam Plagiarism SPED U Unauth Assist F √ Violation 0 on final exam Plagiarism FINA U Plagiarism G √ Violation 0 on final exam RELI U Plagiarism F √ Violation 0 for assignment SPAN G Lying F √ Violation 0 on final paper FORS U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed FORS U Unauth Assist F √ Dismissed 2nd SOWK U Unauth Assist G √ Violation Retake final exam with grade penalty * Reported by Faculty Member (F) or Graduate Student (G)</p><p>Fall 2013 SEMESTER SUMMARY</p><p>258 Total # of Students Reported</p><p>3 1% Withdrawn before Facilitated Discussion</p><p>Facilitated Discussion (FD)</p><p>181 71% Students - Admitted Violation</p><p>62 24% Students - Case Dismissed</p><p>14 5% No Agreement or Agreement Rescinded</p><p>Continued Discussion (CD) – 5%</p><p>8 Continued Discussion - Violation 6 Continued Discussion - Dismissed</p><p>Multiple Violations Review Board 10 (MVRB) Expulsion 2</p><p>Dismissal 2</p><p>Suspension 3</p><p>Other 3</p><p>Appeal</p><p>Appeal Granted (No Violation)</p><p>Appeal Granted (Sanction Modified)</p><p>Appeal Denied (Decision Upheld) 4</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Average number of days to Facilitated Discussion – 6 days Plagiarism – 70% Unauthorized Assistance - 27% Misc - Lying/Tampering/Bribery & Theft – (includes multiple accusations) 3% Accused: Undergrad 93%/ Graduate 18% Reported By: Faculty 73% / Graduate Student 27% Expulsions: 2</p>

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