C opyr igh t 1 92 1 E E B N . G EN y R A M R , i h t e s r e d All R g s R e v . DEDICATION . n There are twelve of us in all , my h u s b a d and I , and — - ten children s i x living and six in the Spirit land . To the memory of the dear ones who have gone befo r e , - I dedicate these reminiscences of b y gone years . MARY A . MAVERICK PREFA CE. — This littl e book is written for my chil dren they have often requested me to put into shap e th e notes and memo randa wh ich I have j otted down during the early days . I have based the following history of my family , and of events near us , upon my own , and up on , transpiring ’ h e some of Mr . M averick s notes , which were made at t ‘ time . I have drawn somewhat from family tradition , from letters written contemporaneously , occasionally I from books of authority for dates , and h ave not failed to consult with many of the survivors of those early days . I have in some instances relied on my memory , but not often . I trust it will be of use in cementing my d e s c e n dants together in the distant future , as they are now united in the spirit of kindly kinship . I am so impressed with the idea that the work will b e useful in the influence indicated , and that my allotted time on earth is drawing toward its ending , that in my ol d days I have roused m y u self p , have experienced again the j oys and the sorrows of those dear ol d times , and now , my dear children , the “ work is finished . Jesus said : I must work the work of Him that sent me , whil e it is day ; the night cometh , wh e n ” no man can work . MARY A . MAVERICK . 1 San Antonio , Texas , March , 1 8 8 . Conte nts Ch a p te r — I . Family History Ancestors 7 II . Early M arried D ays . III . Ho , For the Lone Star ’ IV . Tonkawa Indians V . San Antonio de Bexar VI . Comanche Indians II V . D octor W eideman VUI . Comanches and a D uel IX . Family History Resumed XI . Perote XII . Colorado River Bottom s XIII . Life on the Peninsul a XIV . The Angel of Death XV . O ur New Home on Alamo Plaza XVI . Concl usion Letters , etc . Chapter I . — FAMILY HISTORY ANCEST ORS . 0 Y maid en name was M ary Ann Adams . I was 1 u k lo born March l 6th 1 8 8 , in T s a os a County .. , , Alabama . My parents were W illiam Lewis Adams , of Lynchburg , and his wife Agatha Strother Lewis , of * ‘ Botetourt County , both of the state of Virginia . s s c h u My father was son of Robert Adams , from M a a setts , and his wife Mary Lynch , of Lynchburg , Virginia . John Lynch , brother of M ary Lynch , was one of the lead ing men of Lynchburg . My mother was a member of an extensive and well known family in Virginia . John Lewis , the founder of the Lewis family in America , married M argaret Lynn , daughter of the Laird of Loch Lynn , Scotland . General Andrew Lewis was the second son of the union . He was a prominent man in Colonial days , and a particul ar friend * of Washington . His wife was Elizabeth Givens . He commanded the C olonial forces at the great Indian battle of Point Pleasant , where the savages were totally over thrown , and where his younger brother , Col onel Charles Lewis , distinguished for gall antry , was killed . Upon the suggestion of General Washington , General Andrew Lew is was appointed a Brigadier General in the American Army, on the breaking out of the Revol utionary war . He 1 7 0 was then prematurely old , and died in 8 , having - p assed his sixty second ye ar . His statue was placed in the wel l known group , by the Sculptor Crawford , in the Capitol Grounds at Richmond , Virginia , wh ere my son George M adison and I saw it in 1 8 7 6 * w o a n o e o n t No R k C u y . ’ * i n n h e t ol 1 a te r e o or oo e e t Th e n o f t e V . Se e Th d e R s v l s , W i g W s , , Ch p s I I X VII , VI I, . MEMOIRS OF MARY A . MAVERICK William Lewis , of Fincastl e , Botetourt County , Virginia , my grandfather , was th e youngest son of General An drew Lewis . He married Lucy Madison , in Washing ton 1 ’ County, Virginia , in 78 8 . Lucy Madison s parents were John Madison and Agatha Strother Madison . John Madi son was first cousin of James M adison , President of th e United States . A son of John Madison , James Madison , was President of W illiam and Mary C oll ege , and Bishop n of Virginia . A other son , George M adison , married a sis ter of Chief Justice M arsh all of the Unite d States Su prem e Court and became afterwards Governor of Ken . a n d tucky John Madison had another son , Rollin , several daughters , one of whom was Lucy , as above stated . From this marriage of John Lewis and Lucy M adison were bor n two chil dren , Agatha Strother , my mother , a n d Andrew . 1 7 92 My grandmother died in , and by a second marriage , M c Cla n a h a n with Ann , my grandfather had other chil dren . Samuel Augustus M averick , my husband , was born 2 3 r d 1 July , 8 03 , at Pendl eton , South C arolina . His p arents were Samuel Maverick and his wife Elizabeth Anderson . She was the daughter of General Robert Anderson , of h Sout Carolina , and of Revol utionary note , and his wife Ann Thompson of Virginia . Samuel Maverick was once a prominent merchant of Charl eston , S . C. , where he had raised himself from the almost abj ect poverty , to which the war of the Revol ution h ad reduced his family , to a p osition of great affluenc e . It is said of him that he sent E ventures to the Celestial mpire , and that he shipped the first bal e of cotton from America to Europ e . Some mer c a ntile miscarriage caused him subsequently to withdraw from , and close out , his business , and h e retired to Pendle * ton D istrict in the north west corner of South Carolina , at the foot of the mountains . Here he sp ent the balance of his days , and invested and speculated largely in lands in South Carolina , Georgia and Alabama . The—Mavericks entered America at thre e prominent points Boston , New York and Charleston , South Caro * Now o n e e o n t Oc C u y . MEMOIRS OF MARY A . MAVERICK lina . It seems the New York family came during the r s American Revol ution , and were not rel ated to the othe . The Mavericks of Boston and Charleston were probably closely related , at any rate they must have been of the same family in England . Samuel is a family name with — them the Boston family had many Samuels , as also the Charleston family . A Samuel M averick was shot by the 5th 1 7 British , in the Boston massacre M arch , 7 M uch of the history of the Boston M avericks is to be fo und in ” a book entitled History of East Boston by W illiam H . 1 Sumner , publishe d 8 5 8 . In that book is the following statement : W ith the destruction of the town records , at the burning of Charlestown on June 1 7th , 1 775 , were lost the only means of making a full genealogical account of the Maverick family . The Charl eston , South Carolina , branch of the family preserved no regular records— some few facts and some traditions are all we have l eft . Samuel M averick , father of my husband displayed a coat of arms , and he occasion ally spoke of an ancestor , M argaret Coyer , who was a i n Huguenot , banished from France , and from whom he h r i e e t d the privilege . He calle d his place in Pendl eton , M ontp elier, for her ancestral home in South ern France . I have no doubt Samuel M averick had many ol d family papers and memoranda in his house , which were destroy ed when the house burned do wn in 1 84 Many incidents in my husband ’ s life I do not allude to “ in this book , for they are mentioned in the Eulogy on the ” Life and Character of Honorable Samuel A . Maverick delivered O ctober 1 8 70 , before the Al amo Literary Anton i o T e x a s . Society of San , . , by George C upples , M . D * T h e C omm on we a lth o f Ma s s a chus e tts e r e cte d a mon ume n t which s ta n ds on “ ” Bo ton o m o n t o th e o r h e o to n a s a r e s C m e m m y o f t e four m n kil l e d i n th e B s M s c , on e o f o wa s th e o t Sa e a e r wh m y u h , mu l M v ick .
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