<p>THE ODISHA AGRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LTD.</p><p>TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PAPER MILL SLUDGE (LIME SLUDGE) 2015-16</p><p>Last Date of Submission of Tender from:- 3.00 p.m. on 25.05.2015 Date of Opening of Tender:- 4.00 p.m. on 25.05.2015</p><p>Cost of Tender Form: Rs.5,250/- (inclusive of VAT) Form Serial no.: ………….. Cash Receipt No. …………... Date: ..…………… D.D No.……………….. Bank : ...... </p><p>DETAILS OF EMD EMD:- Rs. 10.00 Lakh D.D No.…………. Bank : ...... Address:</p><p>95 - SATYA NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR - 751014 Tel No. 0674- 2570687, FAX: 0674 - 2570313 e-mail : [email protected] </p><p>Page 1 Website: www.orissaagro.com </p><p>THE ODISHA AGRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA UNDERTAKING) 95, SATYA NAGAR BHUBANESWAR – 751007. PHONE NO. 0674 – 2570687 </p><p>FAX NO. 0674 – 2570313</p><p>DISCLAIMER</p><p>The information contained in this Tender (“Tender”) or subsequently provided to Tenderer(s), in any other form by or on behalf of OAIC or any of their employees is provided to Tenderer(s) on the terms & conditions set out in this Tender. The purpose of this Tender is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in making their technical and financial offers pursuant to this Tender. The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. OAIC, its employees make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person, including any Tenderer under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damage, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this Tender or otherwise. OAIC also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise. The issue of this tender does not imply that OAIC is bound to select a Tenderer or to appoint the Preferred Tenderer. OAIC may in its absolute discretion reserves the right to reject, cancel, terminate, hange or modify all or any of the Tenderer or Bids at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever or providing any notice and without accepting any liability for the same. The Tenderer shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Bid including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any physical verification, demonstrations or presentations which may be required by OAIC or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Tender. All such costs & expenses will remain with the Tenderer and OAIC shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Tenderer regardless of</p><p>Page 2 the conduct or outcome of the Tendering Process. Submission of proposal by the Tenderer shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the document. The response should be full and complete in all respect. Incomplete or partial response is liable to be rejected. The terms in the following categories are used interchangeably and their derivates are synonymous within each category:</p><p>(a) Tenderer, Bidder, Company, Agency, Supplier, Producer etc.</p><p>(b) Corporation, OAIC</p><p>(c) EoI, Tender, IFB, Tender, Application, Bid, Proposal.</p><p>18.05.2015</p><p>THE ODISHA AGRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of Odisha Undertaking) 95, SATYA NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR – 751 007. SHORT TENDER CALL NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited from registered Transporters for procurement & supply of Paper Mill Sludge. The Tender document will be made available in the office of undersigned on payment of Rs. 5,250/- inclusive of VAT per set vide Cash/DD drawn in favour of OAIC Ltd. payable at Bhubaneswar. The same can also be downloaded from our website www.orissaagro.com. The last date of submission of tender document is 25.5.2015 upto 3.00 p.m. & the Tenders shall be opened at 4 p.m. on the same date at the above given address. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/-</p><p>MANAGING DIRECTOR</p><p>Page 3 A. INVITATION TO TENDER</p><p>1. For supplying Paper Mill Sludge bonafied Manufacturer/ Supplying Agencies/ Transport Agencies (Private/ Govt. Undertaking) can participate in the tender process. 2. The right of acceptance of Tender/or award of contract rests with the M.D., OAIC who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and also reserves himself the right to reject any or all the Tender(s) received without assigning any reason what so ever. 3. All the tendered rates shall remain valid upto 31.05.2016 from the date of finalization. Validity of rate may be extendable on mutual consent. 4. No extension of time shall be allowed for submission of tender in any circumstances unless otherwise specifically extended by the M.D., OAIC by an advertising in the newspapers. 5. The tenderer shall carefully go through the tender documents & fully confirm him / themselves that the terms & conditions contained therein are proper before submission of the tender. If the tenderer finds discrepancies, any omission or any doubt as to their meaning, he should at once inform the M.D., OAIC and obtain clarification in writing prior to submission of the tender. Verbal clarification or information given by M.D., OAIC or the employees working under him or his representative shall not be binding on the M.D., OAIC, Bhubaneswar. 6. No tenderer shall be entitled to claim any cost, charges and expenses of incidental to or incurred by him through or in connection of this tender even</p><p>Page 4 through the M.D., OAIC, Bhubaneswar may elect to withdraw the invitation to tender without notice and without assigning any reason what-so-ever. 7. The programme is to be executed in turnkey basis i.e. all the itmes like excavation, bagging in 50 kg. HDPE printed bags (minimum weight of each bag 80 grams of size (36’’X24’’), loading, unloading and transportation F-O-R destination point (that will justify unloading of a full truck load of material) are to be implemented by the Agency. 8. The tenderer should quote the price of the material which includes the cost of excavation, cost of 50 kg. capacity HDPE bags (printed), bagging of material, machine stitching and price of transportation which includes loading, transportation, to the destination point, incidental charges like tollage and local taxes (if any), unloading & stacking at the storage point. 9. Incidental charges if any during transportation will be borne by the supply agency. 10. The supplier must stick to the supply plan of Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Odisha. No deviation in this regard will be entertained. 11. The printing on the bags is to be done as per the specification supplied by the department.</p><p>12. The tenderer shall quote for Material Cost & Transportation Cost combinedly including all cost as per Clause- A (8) </p><p>B. DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED The interested tenderers should submit the tender document duly signed in all papers with date & seal along with the Self Attested following documents in a sealed envelope within schedule date & time, failing which the Tender shall be liable to be rejected.</p><p>Sl. No. Particulars Page No. 1) Tenderer is required to submit its typed / printed Tender document duly filled & signed in the prescribed form/format. 2) Proof of purchase of Tender documents i.e. Original Money Receipt of Rs. 5250/- issued by Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Limited Bhubaneswar- Head Office. Demand Draft of Rs.5250/- to be attached if the Tender Document is downloaded from the Website. 3) Attested photo copy of valid Transportation License from</p><p>Page 5 competent authority. 4) Attested photo copy of the valid Service Tax Registration certificate. 5) Attested photo copy of valid Labour License. 6) Attested photo copy of up-to-date VAT Clearance Certificate from the Sales Tax Officer concerned within Odisha. 7) Attested photo copy of the valid deed of partnership if any. 8) Attested photo copy of the PAN Card. 9) Certificate of Registration as a firm/society or Certificate of Incorporation if any. 10) Xerox copy of up-to-date Income Tax clearance certificate or proof of income tax return filed for last two years. 11) Satisfactory evidence to show that the agency has an annual turnover of Rs. 50.00 Lakh in preceding two financial years (Audited Accounts etc.) 12) Past experience/ Govt. work executed in transportation work if any. 13) Solvency certificate at least of Rs. 20.00 Lakh from the competent authority. 14) Earnest Money Deposited (EMD) of Rs. 10.00 Lakh in favour of OAIC Ltd., in form of A/c Payee DD at any nationalized bank payable at Bhubaneswar. </p><p>Note: (All above aforesaid Documents /Papers are to be marked page wise positively).</p><p>C. BID</p><p>1. Tenderers are to quote the offer price (inclusive of VAT, Service Tax & other taxes with delivery at FOR destination) in the scheduled format enclosed (Annexure-I). 2. The tender form shall be filled in clearly typed/ written in English & in block capitals. No tender filled in other wise shall be considered. 3. While filling up the tender paper the tenderer shall not erase or overwrite. Any correction in filling of the tender form shall be made clearly & duly signed by the tenderer, otherwise the tender shall be liable to be rejected. 4. The rate should be offered for the unit as specified in the tender form. Price quoted should be both in figure as well as in words. The price to be quoted should be inclusive of VAT and other taxes & costs. But, while furnishing the Tax Invoice, the basic price & taxes to be mentioned separately. Offers stating</p><p>Page 6 surcharges or additional expenses, if any charged extra over the basic rate shall be summarily rejected. The rates quoted must be for delivery at FOR destination i.e. any accessible destination inside the block as mentioned in the supply order. 5. The tenderer shall quote firm rate which shall remain valid till 31.05.016 from the date of opening of tender and shall not be subjected to any revision for any reason what so ever. Tender containing stipulations as to variations in price may be rejected. Once the tender is accepted, the rate shall remain valid till 31.05.2016. 6. Managing Director, OAIC, Bhubaneswar or an officer authorized on his behalf reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderers to such request for negotiation shall render his/their tender(s) liable to rejection. 7. The tender received after scheduled date & time would not be entertained. 8. The tenderer must indicate the detail specifications of article (bag etc.) failing which the tender will not be taken into consideration. 9. Any tender containing clerical or arithmetical mistake(s) may be rejected. 10. Each page of the tender documents shall be signed by the tenderer with his usual signature. With their quotations, the tenderer shall sign the invitation to the tender, instruction to the tender, tender form, conditions of contract & annexure etc. in token of acceptance thereof. The signature of the tender form alone shall be deemed to be acceptance of rates, specifications, terms & conditions stipulated in the invitation to the tender, instruction to the tender, tender form, conditions of contract, tender scheduled & annexure etc. forming part of the tender document. 11. All the signature shall be dated.</p><p>12. The last date & time of receipt of tender and the date & time opening of tender are mentioned below. Scheduled Last date & time. item Sale of tender Receipt of complete tender Opening of document document Tender Paper Remarks. Paper Mill Sale of tender The complete tender document Tender will be Sludge paper will be should be received through opened at 4 from 18.5.15 to Registered Post/Speed p.m. on 25.5.15 upto Post/Courier Service/Drop Box 25.5.2015 1.00 p.m. kept at Head Office on or before 25.5.15 up to 3.00 p.m.</p><p>Tender will be opened on the date, time and venue as mentioned above at the in presence of the tenderer or their authorized representatives and members of the</p><p>Page 7 “Tender Committee”. If last date is declared holiday by Government of Odisha, the last date & time for submission and opening of tender shall be respectively be the time as aforesaid on the next working day. 13. Non-submission of documents/particulars, tenders not giving full particulars/not complying with any requirements as mentioned in above paras shall be considered as incomplete & liable for rejection. 14. Any tender containing false information/particulars shall liable to be rejected & tenderer found guilty of furnishing false information & particulars shall be debarred from any future dealing with the Agril. Deptt./ OAIC. 15. The successful Tenderer who fails to supply the items within the time limit or as per terms and conditions, will be black -listed and will be barred to participate in future Tenders of the Agril. Deptt./OAIC while forfeiting his EMD.</p><p>16. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited and the tender(s) submitted by tenderer(s) who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection.</p><p>17. The tender notice, invitation to tenderer instruction to tender, tender form, conditions of contract, the tender schedule, annexure, the rates and amount quoted against the items of the tender and covering letter, if any shall form part of tender and the letter of intent awarding the contract shall form the contract. 18. Observation of above instruction on the part of the tender is strictly obligatory. However, the Managing Director, OAIC may in any exceptional cases exempt a particular tenderer from observing one or more of the instructions/ of stipulations on the recommendations of the “Tender Committee”.</p><p>19. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The Selected firms should deposit Rs. 25.00 Lakh of the total amount of the supply order as the security deposit in shape of Bank draft in favour of OAIC Ltd., payable at Bhubaneswar. After furnishing the security deposit, the order placed, will be considered as valid and supply should be made within the specified times mentioned in the supply order. The security money will be released after release of full payment towards supply of materials.</p><p>20. PAYMENT MODALITIES: Payment will be released to Tenderer for the supply on receipt of the payment from Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Odisha within 3 working days. However, OAIC will not pay any charge/interest to the Tenderer for delayed payment. 21. QUALITY CONTROL:</p><p>Page 8 The JQCI and the Soil Chemist of the factory area will collect samples from the factory site and will send to the H.O.D., Soil Science Deptt., O.U.A.T prior to supply for certification of the source. The Joint Quality Control Inspectors of Ranges (All) will periodically draw the samples and send it to the H.O.D., Soil Science Deptt., O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar for necessary testing. No payment will be made for any lot failing to meet the quality protocol.</p><p>22. SUPPLY PLAN : Material should be supplied evenly to all the districts covered under a paper mills over the stipulated time period. However the material after loading must be weighed by the Weigh Bridge and challan of the weigh bridge shall be attached to the supply challan. 23. The stock against supply order shall carry the stamp indicating "Govt. of Odisha, Not for Sale".</p><p>24. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or the entire tender papers without assigning any reason thereof. 25. The authority shall not be held responsible for any postal delay. No incidentals expenses will be allowed for submission of Tender. 26. No price escalation will be admissible during execution of the programme. 27. No time extension. No time extension will be allowed under ordinary circumstances. Under grounds of unavoidable circumstances/ natural calamities the OAIC/ Agriculture Department may extent the time period of work execution as deemed justified.</p><p>28. Time is the essence of the contract. The agency/ Contractor is required to maintain a certain rate of progress. Failure in maintaining the progress will make him liable to pay compensation. The items of works and the quantity can be increased, reduced or replaced. The period of completion can correspondingly be altered. 29. The executing agency shall be responsible for compensation to any worker under Workman’s Compensation Act. 30. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) : EMD of Rs. 10.00 Lakh in favour of OAIC Ltd., Bhubaneswar in form of A/c. Payee D.D. at any nationalized bank payable at Bhubaneswar must be attached in the tender paper. No interest will be claimed against the EMD. The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded as early as possible after finalization of the tender by OAIC. The EMD of successful tenderer (herein after referred to as the contractor) will not be refunded unless the contractor furnish security deposit after receiving the supply order. In event of the Contractor does not furnish the amount of security deposit or the contractor fails to execute the</p><p>Page 9 agreement within a period 15 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance / supply order, the EMD shall be absolutely forfeited to OAIC Ltd., without prejudice to the right of the Managing Director, OAIC to such clarifications under their terms and conditions. The EMD shall be forfeited in case of the violation of the contract by the tenderers. The quoted amount will be calculated for each district separately by multiplying the average rate quoted with average distance to be covered for each district again multiplied with the quaintly mentioned as per annexure against the district. The sum of the quoted amount for all the districts under consideration will be the total quoted amount. 31. Filling of the tender form: The tenderer must quote the rates towards material cost & transportation cost with all incidental costs as per Clause- A (8)in Annexure-I for all places in Odisha (i.e. FOL all destination in Odisha).</p><p>32. DISPUTE SETTLEMENT:</p><p> a. The successful tenderer will execute an agreement with OAIC on non- judicial stamp paper of required value for arranging the supply as per terms and conditions, sign each page of the terms and conditions and submit the same to OAIC.</p><p> b. If there arises any dispute between the successful tenderer & OAIC, the Chairman, OAIC shall be the sole Arbitrator and the decision of the Arbitrator will be binding on both the parties.</p><p> c. The Managing Director, Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. has full right to accept or reject all or any tender(s) without assigning any reason thereof. He has the absolute right to award contract to any or all tenderers with the quantity taking into consideration the place of operation of the contractor, past experience & urgency of delivery etc. </p><p> d. Notwithstanding the place where this agreement is implemented, it is mutually undertaken and agreed by between the successful tenderer & OAIC that this Agreement shall be deemed to have been entered by the parties concerned at Bhubaneswar and Hon’ble High Court, Odisha, Cuttack only shall have the jurisdiction to entertain the litigation arising out of this Agreement for supply of the PMS.</p><p>Sd/- MANAGING DIRECTOR, Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Ltd.</p><p>Page 10 TENDER FORM FOR SUPPLY OF PAPER MILL SLUDGE</p><p>1. Name of Tenderer: ______</p><p>2. Detailed Office Address: ______</p><p>______</p><p>3. Contact Details: (a) Mobile No. ______</p><p>(b) L/L No. ______</p><p>(c) Name ______</p><p>(d) e-mail ID. ______</p><p>4. Whether the tenderer has been blacklisted by the Govt. of India/other PSUs /any Ministry /Agency of Govt. of India/ any Department of Govt. of Odisha and/or any other deptts. /PSU of other States. Please state the details. OR Submit Affidavit for not black –listed /debarred by any Central /State Govt. or Central/State Agencies/PSU etc. ______</p><p>5. PAN No. ______</p><p>6. TIN No/VAT No. ______</p><p>7. Transporter License No. ______</p><p>8. Name of the States in where 1. ______the tenderer has worked (Pl. attached proof) 2. ______</p><p>Page 11</p><p>3. ______</p><p>9. P.F. Registration No. :- (Please enclose Photo copy)</p><p>10. E.S.I. Registration No. :- (Please enclose Photo copy)</p><p>11. Service Tax No. : - </p><p>12.Annual turnover of last 3 years (if any) a) 2011-12 :-</p><p> b) 2012-13 :-</p><p> c) 2013-14 :-</p><p>13. Name of the Banker with Address :-</p><p>14. Account No. with IFS Code No. :-</p><p>15.Tender document payment Details :- i) Money Receipt No. & date :-</p><p> ii) Value: - Rs. 5250/-</p><p>16. Details of E.M.D. :- i) DD No. & date :-</p><p> ii) Bank Name : - Branch: -</p><p> iii) Value: -</p><p>Page 12 17. Details of past experience in lifting & Supply of PMS: - (Separate Sheet may be attached if required)</p><p>I/We hereby declare that the information furnished herein are true to the best of my knowledge & I/we further declare that in case of appointment I/we shall abide by the terms and conditions of OAIC. In case the furnished information is found to be false at any stage, OAIC will cancel the tender/awarded order(s) without assigning any reason thereof. </p><p>Dated ______Full Signature with office seal of the Tenderer.</p><p>ANNEXURE-I </p><p>Sl. Name of the Material & Transportation cost No. Paper Mill (Source of PMS) (Rate per M.T) in Rupees * 1 2 3</p><p>Orient Paper Mill, 1. Brajaraj Nagar</p><p>J.K.Paper Mill, 2. Rayagada.</p><p>Sewa Paper Mill, 3. Jeypore</p><p>4. Ballarpur Paper</p><p>Page 13 Industries Ltd., Choudwar.</p><p>* Rate quoted will be applicable for entire Odisha i.e. FOR, Odisha.</p><p>Place : Signature of tenderer Date : with seal</p><p>Page 14</p>
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