<p> Craine Page 1 19/8/15 KTPC/RC/2 MINUTES OF THE KINGSTONE &THRUXTON GROUP PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 19 AUGUST 2015 AT THE VILLAGE HALL</p><p>PRESENT Parish Councillors: Mr R Piotrowski, Mr P Wright, Mrs A Wright, Mrs C Rowan, Mr C Rowan, Mrs S Walker, Mr A Price, Denise Lloyd.</p><p>ABSENT Parish Councillors: Mr J Watkins and Mr D Barton.</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE Mrs R Craine (Clerk), Cllr. J Johnson and 3 parishioners.</p><p>1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were accepted from Mr J Watkins and PCSO Anderson.</p><p>2. TO APPROVE AND SIGN AS CORRECT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 8 JULY 2015. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.</p><p>3. TO CO-OPT PARISH COUNCILLORS TO FILL CURRENT VACANCIES Mr Owen Langan was unanimously co-opted as new Parish Councillors. Acceptance of Office and Register of Interest forms were signed. Council’s Code of Conduct was given to new Councillor.</p><p>4. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND TO CONSIDER ANY WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION Mr Wright declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in P3 invoice.</p><p>5. UPDATE FROM WELSH WATER Chris Harris provided an update on the upgrade that had recently taken place to the sewerage system for Kingstone and Madley. System will allegedly cope with the anticipated extra 240 houses in the two Villages. Output will be monitored and necessary upgrades made. No anticipated upgrade for sewage network around Kingstone Village. Welsh Water to be asked to attend next meeting to talk about water supply and pressure. Re-using rainwater is a Developer commitment. ACTION: R Craine.</p><p>6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME A request for pathways around the Village was made. Cllr. Johnson to discuss with Hereford Council and also to meet Gill Tooky-Williams to discuss cracks in Coldwell Cottages due to speed bumps and discuss traffic problem at Gooses Foot. Pavements to be put on wish list for Whitehouse Drive 106 money.</p><p>7. UPDATE FROM LOCALITY STEWARD None.</p><p>RC Page 1 19/8/15 1 Craine Page 2 19/8/15 KTPC/RC/2 8. LOCAL POLICE REPORT None.</p><p>9. REPORT FROM WARD COUNCILLOR JON JOHNSON A plea from Cllr. Johnson for everyone to visit www.herefordshire.gov.uk/haveyoursay HC need to save £10 million and would like suggestions on how; to date a small response has been received.</p><p>10. VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE REPORT Prospective builder asked to put quote for extension into two phases. New notice board and projector screen kindly been donated. Large aerial photo of Village to be framed and put on wall.</p><p>11. SPORTS ASSOCIATION REPORT Disappointing turn out for Fun Day, NP table had some interest. Music event by Country Bumpkins on 29 Aug 15.Now in partnership with Kingstone, Madley and Fairfield schools which will lead to additional funding opportunities. Quote being obtained for improvements to parking area.</p><p>12. LENGTHSMAN SCHEME REPORT Cleaning up after hedge flailing.</p><p>13. PARISH PATHS SCHEME REPORT Clean up after high winds has taken place. Path from Arkstone to Thruxton has undergone improvements.</p><p>14. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE Formal consultation starts 7 Sep 15 and runs for 6 weeks. Mr & Mrs Walker kindly agreed to post leaflets to all residents and businesses in Kingstone and Thruxton for a cost of £400.00, this option was proposed as the best solution by Mr Rowan, seconded by Mr Piotrowski and agreed unanimously. R Craine to email statutory consultees letter on 1 Sep 15, Mr Madison to prepare six folders. Thanks were given to Mr Rowan for his hard work and leadership on getting Plan this far. Minutes of previous meetings signed as a true record.</p><p>15. FINANCE Invoices for payment: Clerk’s wages - £382.04. No NI due. Tax to HMRC - £8.20. Parish Paths - £540.91. External audit completed successfully, no issues raised. Invoice - £120.00. Internal auditor - £40.00. Kirkwells - £1380.00. All payments unanimously agreed. Balances: The balance for the current account as at 12 August 2015 was £9969.14. The balance of the deposit account as at 12 August 2015 was £3602.04. Finance Working Group reviewed accounts, no issues found.</p><p>16. PLANNING</p><p>RC Page 2 19/8/15 2 Craine Page 3 19/8/15 KTPC/RC/2 152281 - Outbuildings at Brookfield House, Thruxton, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9BB: Proposed change of use of outbuilding to separate residential dwelling. Decision: No objection. 152228 - Land at Allensmore Nurseries, Madley Airfield, Brompton Road, Hereford, Proposed new tunnel frames (Polytunnels). Decision: No objection.</p><p>17. COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW No comments to be made at present.</p><p>18. ALLPAY BROADBAND Allpay pulling out of broadband market. Meeting to be held at Allensmore Friday 21 Aug 15 to try and get answers to what is being done to get faster broadband in area. Allpay have not answered Cllr. Johnsons letter, so no update on their intentions or timetable. Mrs Wright to update Council on findings of meeting.</p><p>19. LATE NIGHT BUS SERVICE HEREFORD-KINGSTONE Alan Lewis to ask Transport Company if late night bus can come through Village and not do last drop at Dews Corner. Mr Lewis issued a warning that if service is not used it will cease in April 2016.</p><p>20. WHITEHOUSE DRIVE 106 MONEY To be put on next agenda. Letter of complaint to be sent re: development at Whitehouse Drive. Cllr. Johnson to supply contact details on whom to send complaint to. Building on hold at moment but drainage 106 condition likely to be signed off in next few days and then building will commence again. Cllr. Johnson had spoken to Herefordshire Council who reported that the land owner, Mr Clive Watkins, has taken responsibility for drainage and any future flooding problems. Cllr. Johnson has asked for assurance that enforcement will be used if any issues arise. Cllr. Johnson has asked for a copy of all 106 conditions.</p><p>21. NOISE AT GOOSES FOOT FARM Manager at farm has been extremely helpful and has asked that all deliveries are done before 10pm.</p><p>22. TO CONSIDER CONDITION OF ARCHIHAUS FIELD Field has a lot of ragwort in it. Letter to be sent to Robert Watkins asking if field can be cleaned up. ACTION: R Craine.</p><p>23. TO NOTE INFORMATION SHEET Noted.</p><p>24. MATTERS NOTIFIED TO CLERK FOR AGENDA OF NEXT MEETING a. Whitehouse Drive 106 money.</p><p>25. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 30 September commencing at 7.30 pm at the Village Hall.</p><p>The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.</p><p>RC Page 3 19/8/15 3</p>
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