<p> THE LNM Institute of Information Technology, Gram – Rupa Ki Nangal, Post – Sumel, Via – Jamdoli, Jaipur- 302031. Tel. : +91 141 5191757, 5191741 Fax : +91 141 5189214 Web: www.lnmiit.ac.in</p><p>TENDER DOCUMENT FOR AIR COOLING MACHINES INSTALLED AT ‘LNMIIT, JAIPUR FROM OCTOBER 01 st , 2017 TO SEPTEMBER 30 TH , 2018</p><p>Index: 1. About the Institute 2. Notice Inviting Tender 3. Procedure 4. Technical Bid 5. Terms & Conditions 6. Arbitration 7. Financial Bid</p><p>8. Contract Agreement. 1. About the LNMIIT:</p><p>The Govt. of Rajasthan and the Lakshmi Usha Mittal Foundation belongs to Mr. L.N. Mittal, the steel tycoon, jointly established The LNM Institute of Information Technology (LNM IIT), in 2002. The LNM IIT is an autonomous non-profit organization and granted the Deemed University status, by the UGC in 2006. The sprawling Institute campus, spread over 100 acres, has all the features of a contemporary technological university. Presently, about 1,300 students are studying and residing on campus. We are outsourcing various services like Security, Housekeeping, Gardening, Bus, IT-help desk, Mess-food, Air-cooling and AC, R.O. water etc. on contract basis.</p><p>2. Notice Inviting Tender</p><p>The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur (hereinafter referred to as the “LNMIIT”, an educational institute, invites sealed tenders for the “Comprehensive - Annual Maintenance Contract” of Air Cooling Machines installed at various locations within the campus.</p><p>3. Procedure</p><p>A. Contract (Terms & Conditions) Technical Bid and Financial Bid original document can be collected on payment of Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) against the cost of the Tender documents from LNMIIT on all working days from September 7th, 2017 to September 15th, 2017. Any other copy of tender document is not be considered,</p><p>B. Please read and understand the terms and condition carefully. Also you are requested to visit the institute during the working hours to get clear idea about the work.</p><p>C. Technical bid along with Earnest Money (EMD) Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) will be deposited through a Demand Draft only in favour of ‘The LNM Institute of Information Technology’ payable at Jaipur. Earnest money (EMD) demand draft and supporting documents and financial bid must be filled, signed and sealed in separate envelops and put both the sealed envelopes into the one envelop. Without earnest money your tender will not be entertained. These must be deposited on or before 3:00PM September 15th, 2017. D. Write “Tender for AMC of Air Cooling Machines” over the main envelope and clearly mention the “Technical bid” and “Financial bid” in other two envelopes. E. The technical bid shall be opened first and only the eligible Vendors selected by Committee shall be considered in the financial bid which shall be opened on a date further fixed by the Tender Committee. The committee may decide to visit any or all sites as given by the bidder.</p><p>F. The LNMIIT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.</p><p>G. The main envelop should be address/send before due date and time to (by hand/speed post only and not by courier):</p><p>Purchase Officer. The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Gram: Rupa Ki Nangal, Post: Sumel, Via: Jamdoli, Jaipur 302031 (Raj.) 4. TECHNICAL BID (To be submitted on Separate Sealed Envelope)</p><p>Sealed copy of the document along with other documents and details to be given. Technical Bid should indicate the following information along with the self-attested photocopies of the supporting documents:</p><p>A Name & Address of the Company and attach the . Profile of the company.</p><p>B Proof of incorporation/inception of the . Agency/company (attach self attested copy)</p><p>C PAN Number (attach self attested copy) .</p><p>D GST registration number, if any (attach self attested . copy)</p><p>E Client list with respective work scope of similar . nature within last three years. (attach self attested copy) F Any other relevant documents (attach self attested . copy)</p><p>G Satisfactory Performance certificates from the . minimum 3 Agencies where the Contractor has maintained atleast a capacity of 20 lakhs+ CFM Air Cooling Machines at a time during the last 3 years. (attach self attested copy) *write NA in front of whichever is not applicable </p><p>Name & Signature of the authorized Person of the firm along with seal</p><p>Enc: 1. DD for EMD 2. Copies as above 5. Terms & Conditions for Annual Maintenance Contract for the Repairing & Servicing work of the Air-Cooling Machines.</p><p>SCOPE OF WORK- a.i. Attend break down calls and repair of unit. a.ii. Preventive Maintenance. a.iii. Repair of blower motor, water circulating pumps, float valve, electrical starters, bearings, fan belts, motor pulley, Shafts canvass connections any other repairing required for running of air washer, cleaning of pads (every 4 weeks). a.iv. Replacement of blower, cellulose pads and air washer metallic body enclosure will not be under AMC. However, vendor will provide manpower & consultancy for these items without any additional cost.</p><p> i. This being a comprehensive annual maintenance contract, for the period from 01.10.2017 to 30.09.2018, the bidder is requested to inspect all the “Air-Cooling Machines” and become well acquainted very carefully about the nature of work required to be carried out and then quote rates accordingly to make the “Air-Cooling Machines” in perfect working order & to maintain the same in working order till 30.09.2018. At the end of the contract period, the bidder shall hand over the “Air-Cooling Machines”, in perfectly working order to the new agency. In case, any of the “Air-Cooling Machine or part of it” is found not in perfectly working condition at the time of handing over, the cost incurred by the institute in getting the “Air-Cooling Machine or part of it” repaired from other agency, shall be deducted from the amount payable to the tender. ii. The Bidder shall use only new and original genuine spares including all other consumable parts etc. and be shown to the Project Manager of authorized person before its use, which are needed for the repair of the unit. Nothing shall be supplied by the institute. Old replaced parts / material will be the property of the bidder and the rates are to be quoted by the bidder accordingly. Record for the purchase and utilizing the materials along with the purchase bills shall be maintained by the agency and the same shall be shown to the Project Manager as and when demanded by him. iii. If, the work is not found satisfactorily, the work can be got done from another agency at the risk & cost of the bidder. A service log book has to be maintained by the bidder, in which all the repair and maintenance work shall be indicated and duly signed by the project manager or any other person assigned by the project manager. iv. Institute will provide nothing to the bidder, except free electricity & water at fixed points, for the completion of the assigned repair works. The rates are to be given accordingly. v. The repair works as far as possible be done at the Institute during Institute working hours. vi. The Institute will pay no separate charges for cartage for taking the machines or parts to the bidder repair site, if so required for any repair. The rate is to be quoted inclusive of all such charges, if applicable, for any type of such repair. vii. While taking the unit for repairs to Bidder workshop if required so, the Bidder shall inform the Project Manager in writing, regarding Serial No. of various accessories of the unit and take written permission and the unit shall be brought back within reasonable time. During this period, the bidder shall have to make stand by arrangements for other “Air-Cooling Machine or part of it” at his own level and nothing extra shall be payable for it. During transit of the machine or part from the site to the workshop or vice versa, the safety of the material is the responsibility of the bidder, and he should ensure that the machine or part is not damaged or stolen in transit. viii. After getting back the unit duly repaired, the Sr. No. will be verified by Institute. The compressor can be replaced if required, by the bidder by original one of the same manufacturer with intimation to the Project Manager in writing ix. The Contractor shall adopt all safety measures, which are essential for the execution of the work. The Institute shall not be responsible for any mis-happening if occurred while doing the work; this may please be noted very carefully. The contractor is advised to have the insurance of his staff / workers against any mis-happening while attending the work at his own level. x. Bidder is required to deploy a team of minimum three, well trained technicians, which may be increased as per the requirement without payment of any additional charge, during the peak seasons, i.e., March to October. During Off season period the bidder is required to undertake preventive service activities, of which he should prepare the schedule and submit to the office of Project & Maintenance Manager well in advance. Maintenance technicians shall report daily in the institute campus between 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., except Sunday to attend the complaints as soon as the same is received. xi. Technicians deployed at the site shall mark their daily attendance at main gate on routine basis. xii. Institute may ask to station a team of two technicians during night hours for managing and rectifications of complaints. xiii. The Service Engineer will report and coordinate with the Project Manage or any other maintenance staff authorized by the Project Manager. The Mobile numbers of the service engineer shall be informed to the Project Manager to have immediate contact with him. xiv. Any complaint shall be entertained within 4 hours period from the time of reporting the complaint, otherwise the Institute may impose monetary penalty of Rs. 500/- for each failure, in addition to the cost of repairing charges, if the repairing is got done from another agency. xv. Log book / service report shall be maintained for all day to day working and to be got checked and verified by the Project Manager or any authorized person deputed by him. The log book shall have all records machine wise up to date. xvi. Preventive / routine maintenance shall also be recorded and shall be duly signed by the concern person / user. xvii. Payment shall be made on monthly basis after receiving the bill from the bidder on satisfactory report from the Project Manager, subject to TDS and any other taxes as applicable. xviii. Prices shall be quoted inclusive of applicable taxes and levies. xix. All rights are reserved with the Institute to consider / reject partly or completely any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. xx. The institute has all rights to terminate the contract at any time even when it is in progress. xxi. The number of RO machines may be added or less then the numbers shown above, as decides by the Project Manager due to any reason. xxii. Bidder to quote the prices of the blowers of required capacity and cellulose pads. The prices shall be valid for the period of one year. The bidder may be asked to replace any of such part, if the institute found it necessary to replace the same for proper functioning of system. Specifications of the blowers and Pads are as under: a) Blowers- 15000 CFM, 20G GI frame designed at the static pressure of 50 mm and 600 RPM. Make: Zeco/Edgetech</p><p> b) Cellulose pads- 8” thick. Make: Munters </p><p>Project & Maintenance Manager</p><p>I / We have inspected the Air-Conditioners, read the above terms & conditions carefully and hereby agree to do the repair work on the above conditions of the Institute as per rates mentioned by me / us on the enclosed Performa.</p><p>Signature of the contractor with seal & full Address. ______Penalty for non-compliances & Termination of contract: If the complaint is not attended within the date and time specified in xiii above, institute may impose a penalty maximum of Rs. 500/- for each failure. Either party can terminate the contract by giving one month’s advance notice in writing.</p><p>Violation of Agreement: Must submit all the deliverables as per agreement Any compliant will not attended within the stipulated time will treat as a violation.</p><p>Renewal of this agreement: The contract may be renewed yearly up to maximum of 3 years based on satisfactory services rendered during the year up to a maximum increase up to 5% over the total contractual rate.</p><p>Payment Terms: Monthly Payment shall be made within 7 days after receiving the bill (with MIS as mentioned above). All payments are subject to TDS, WCT etc. as applicable. </p><p>6. Arbitration</p><p>All disputes and differences arising between us in connection with this contract shall as far as possible be settled mutually failing which all such disputes shall be referred to arbitration and settlement under provision of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and as amended from time to time or any such law for the time being in force in India. Subject to jurisdiction of Jaipur only. Financial Bid (in separate sealed envelope) THE LNM INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Gram – Rupa Ki Nangal, Post – Sumel, Via – Jamdoli, Jaipur- 302031. Tel.: +91-141-5191741, 5191757 Fax: +91-141-5189214 Web: www.lnmiit.ac.in</p><p>7. Name of Work: - Annual Maintenance Contract for Air-Cooling Machines (complete unit, in all respect) Qty. Total Rate per CFM S No. Items CFM CFM per capacity Capacity Year Amount 1 Annual Maintenance Contract for servicing and maintenance of “Air- Cooling Machines (complete unit, in all respect)” to keep them always in perfect working condition & maintain them till the end of contract period & as per the terms and conditions enclosed.</p><p> a. Administration Block 2500 4 10000 3500 2 7000</p><p>5500 1 5500 b. Boys Hostel-I 15000 25 375000 22000 7 154000 c. Boys Hostel-II 15000 18 270000 22000 6 132000 d. Boys Hostel-III 30000 12 360000 e. Girls Hostel 15000 18 270000 f. Guest House 10000 1 10000 g. Lecture hall 10000 10 100000 15000 4 60000 h. Mess-A 3500 3 10500 4500 1 4500 12000 2 24000 15000 1 15000 i. Mess-B 4500 3 13500 12000 1 12000 15000 2 30000 j. MME Block 15000 7 105000 k. Sport Complex 8000 2 16000 15000 1 15000 Total Amount</p><p>*Price including cost of material, manpower, taxes, statutory obligations, other chargeable. We have read and agree to 1. Terms and conditions of Annual Maintenance Contract 2. Rules pertaining to Job specification. Signature of the Proprietor or Authorized Representative</p><p>Name of the Signatory:______</p><p>Rate offer for supply of below material, for the validity of one year if required by the institute:</p><p>S No. Items UOM Price 1 15000 CFM, 20G GI frame Each blower, designed at the static pressure of 50 mm and 600 RPM. Make: Zeco/Edgetech</p><p>2 8” thick cellulose pads. Make: Sq ft Munters</p><p>*Prices shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes, transportation etc. Nothing extra shall be paid over the quoted price.</p>
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