<p> West Walton Parish Council</p><p>The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of West Walton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th December 2012 in West Walton Village Hall at 7.15pm.</p><p>Present Cllr Richard Mayhew (Chairman), Cllrs Amanda Cuthbert, Chris Gray, Christine Holden, John Jewson & Bernie Ward. Emma Bateman (Clerk). Members of the Public - Paul Williman</p><p>196/12 Apologies - To consider accepting apologies for absence Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Joyce Brown, Roy Groom, Bob Kidger and David Ward and County Cllr Tony Wright.</p><p>197/12 Public Participation - To suspend the meeting to allow public participation Mr Williman asked if there had been any progress with plans for purchasing of land for a new cemetery. Cllr Mayhew advised that there had been no further progress.</p><p>198/12 Grant of Dispensation by Parish Council to Councillors to allow precept setting The Parish Council of West Walton agreed to grant dispensation to each councillor for the purpose of Precept Setting as without a dispensation the number of councillors prohibited from participating would be more than one half of the Parish Councillors who would be entitled to vote at a meeting of the council transacting the business. Signed applications are received by the Clerk.</p><p>199/12 Minutes - To approve the minutes of the council meeting on 2012 Cllr Gray proposed the minutes having been previously circulated as a true record of the meeting held on Tuesday 13th November 2012, seconded by Cllr B Ward. Agreed</p><p>200/12 Matters dealt with since the last meeting – to receive information on matters dealt with arising from the last meeting. 1. Swings – The new swings have now been modified and a guarantee has been received for the modification against failure – normal wear and tear is not covered. Councillors agreed that the remainder of the invoice can now be paid. 2. Internal Drainage Board – the phase 3 work has commenced at the allotments.</p><p>201/12 Declarations of Interest - To record declarations of interest in any item to be discussed 1. Cllr Mayhew declared an interest in Finance 2. Cllr Gray declared an interest in Finance 3. Cllr Cuthbert declared an interest in Allotments</p><p>202/12 Planning Matters - To consider planning applications as listed plus any others received after publication of the agenda, receive decisions from Borough Council, note any appeals and report any planning enforcement issues. 12/01850/F – Extension to kitchen at 2 Lynn Road, Walton Highway. Support.</p><p>203/12 Financial Matters – A)To approve payments as listed overleaf and to accept receipts Payments I. Mr Gray Cemetery & Playing Field Maint 444.96 444.96 II. Fenland Leisure Products Remaining Balance Swings 1400.00 2080.0 III. CGM Ltd Grass Cutting 227.62 273.14 IV. E.ON Streetlight Maintenance 324.90 389.88 V. Warrick Stone Concrete Posts for allotments 153.00 183.60 VI. Mrs E Bateman Clerks Salary & Expenses 375.94 375.94 VII. Mr R Mayhew Expenses 50.90 50.90</p><p>Receipts None Cllr Holden proposed all payments be made, seconded by Cllr B Ward. Agreed.</p><p>B)To look at the Books of Account Cllr Holden looked at the Books of Accounts. C)To note Grounds Maintenance Costs for 2013 NCS Ltd – Playing Field Maintenance £1478 per season, year 4 of a 5 year contract. CGM Ltd – £113.81 per occasion, same price as 2012 season, year 2 of 3.</p><p>D)Precept – To discuss precept requirements for 2013/14 1. Village Hall - Councillors discussed the requirements of the Village Hall and requested Cllr Kidger to provide 3 quotes for the flat roof repairs. Underwriting of the Village Hall to come from the Capital Reserve. 2. Inclusions – Legal Fees for Playing field land swap £2,000, Parish Plan £1,000, Water tap at Allotments approx £1,500, 2 x 35 litre dog waste bins approx £550. Also, to consider running costs of School House.</p><p>204/12 Correspondence – To receive items for information 1. NCC Norfolk Gritting Routes leaflet 2. NCC Advice re The Willows, Business Park proposed Incinerator 3. Kate Leedell Concerns regarding parking on Salts Road at school times –clerk reported to NCC & Police 4. NCC & Police Response to complaint re Parking on Salts Road 5. MHS November Newsletter 6. HomeStart Request for Donation 7. Age UK Request for Donation 8. FLP Letter of guarantee for modification to swings 9. Norse Landscape Development 10. Anglian Water Survey on property 11. NALC Consultation on Local Government Transparency 12. English Heritage War Memorial awarded listed building status 13. Norfolk Police SNAP information & information on reporting of highway and parking issues. 14. MHS Newsletter</p><p>205/12 Mary Dale Charity – to agree committee members 1. Mr Williman has sorted out the documents received from Mrs Knights regarding the Mary Dale Charity. The Committee last met in 2004, Mrs Betty Porter and Mr Peter Ward were the trustees then and are willing to continue for the time-being. 2. The Bank Account is dormant with a balance of £1258.06. A death certificate is required to change the signatories from the Late Mr Knights to another trustee. Mr Williman will arrange this in the New Year. 3. The Charity is not considered a Charity by the Charity Commission as the income is less than £5K. Originally the Constitution stated that the trustees should be the Vicar, a member of Norfolk Education Committee, 3 Parish Councillors and a Co-opted member. 4. The Council agreed for Mr Williman to continue dealing with the Mary Dale Charity. </p><p>206/12 Allotments – to note the new layout for the smaller allotment plots and agree the rent scheme 1. Councillors agreed for the plots will be divided into 1/8th acre plots and to be charged at £12.50 per plot (£100 per acre pro rata). 2. Colin Perkins and Cllr Mayhew will put the stakes in to indicate where each plot is.</p><p>207/12 Cemetery – to receive any request for memorials, reports of faults or concerns None.</p><p>208/12 Village Hall – to receive a report from the representative Nothing reported.</p><p>209/12 Playing Field – to receive any reports from the playing field representatives Nothing reported.</p><p>210/12 School House 1. Clerk to check when the Lottery Grant is to be received. The publicity regarding the Grant does not seem to have been reported in the EDP or local papers. 2. Clerk to check with Electric and Water companies about supply and billing.</p><p>211/12 Villagers’ concerns – to receive villagers concerns reported to Councillors Cllr Cuthbert attended the Bin Changes Meeting new rubbish bins will be issued late Feb/early March. Larger rubbish bins and will be collected 2-weekly, food waste collected weekly in smaller container – can only use biodegradable bags to line it @ £1.15 per roll of 15 bags, kitchen caddies will be issued also. Clerk to be advised about sales of bags. Some people can opt to keep the smaller black bin if space is an issue. All new collections start on 2/4/13 with Kier as the contractor. KLWNBC will review recycling in 2014, planning to recycle 50% of waste.</p><p>212/12 Highways – To receive reports of road and footpath faults 1. School Road – pothole o/s No 77. 2. River Road – slow signs to be repainted in the road, on the bends of the two corners.</p><p>213/12 Streetlighting – To receive any reports of streetlight faults 1. Street light o/s No73 School Road intermittent flickering. 2. Street light No 66 Salts Road not working. 3. Lynn Road C570 approaching mini roundabout on B198 3 lights off –report to NCC.</p><p>214/12 Next Agenda – to receive items for the next agenda Precept</p><p>215/12 Date and Time of next meeting – Tuesday 8th January 2013 at 7.15pm in West Walton Village Hall.</p><p>Meeting closed at 9.05pm</p>
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