County Borough of Blaenau Gwent s1

County Borough of Blaenau Gwent s1

<p> COUNTY BOROUGH OF BLAENAU GWENT</p><p>REPORT TO: LEADER AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE</p><p>REPORT SUBJECT: EBBW VALE TOWN CENTRE REGENERATION PROGRAMME, POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL SCHEMES</p><p>REPORT AUTHOR: SIMON DOBBS – REGENERATION DIVISION</p><p>LEAD OFFICER/ RICHARD CROOK, DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENT AND REGENERATION</p><p>Summary Report</p><p>1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT</p><p>1.1 To provide an update on progress and implementation of the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme (EVTCP), and to seek authority to progress, subject to funding, the additional schemes identified in Section 4.2 of the Detailed Report.</p><p>2.0 LINK TO CORPORATE STRATEGIES</p><p>2.1 Single Integrated Plan (SIP)</p><p>The schemes contained within this report fall under two of the themes, these being;</p><p> Thriving Communities  Vibrant Communities</p><p>2.2 Blaenau Gwent Corporate Improvement Plan;</p><p>Improvement Objective 2012/13 “Town Centres are more vibrant, attractive and viable as a result of physical regeneration and town centre management for the benefit of shoppers and businesses”.</p><p>2.3 Welsh Assembly Government, Turning Heads</p><p>SP2: A Perception Changing Landscape.</p><p>2.4 Extract from the Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council</p><p>1 Deposit Local Development Plan</p><p>The Vision incorporates the Community Strategy Vision of making Blaenau Gwent ‘a better place to live, work and visit’.</p><p>3.0 SUMMARY</p><p>3.1 A number of the projects identified within the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme have now been completed. The Detailed Report sets out the progress on each of the incomplete projects, along with the proposed timescales for their completion. </p><p>3.2 The Council has also received notification of a further £1,025,000 funding that will enhance the existing Town Centre Regeneration programme. Formal notification is anticipated in March 2014.</p><p>3.3 The proposed additional schemes are listed below: - 1. Additional funding for the implementation of the Mechanical Link. Safeguard against potential unforeseen increased costs. </p><p>2. Additional Physical Regeneration Grants a) Proposed Community Housing Hub. b) Refurbishment and Extension of Ebbw Vale Library. c) Refurbishment and Improvement of the rear of properties along Market Street adjacent to the proposed Bus Interchange. (Physical Regeneration Grants). d) Proposed Canopy, Market Street (Physical Regeneration Grant). e) Physical Regeneration Grants Waiting List (21 properties).</p><p>3. Enhancement of Town Centre Public Open Space, Eureka Place.</p><p>3.2 The schemes identified above have been assessed and scored, based on criteria identified in the Matrix (Appendix 1).</p><p>3.3 Additional funding has been sought as a safeguard against potential unforeseen costs during the implementation of the Mechanical Link. If not required it can be made available to support further grant applications from the Physical Regeneration Grant waiting list.</p><p>2 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS</p><p>4.1 It is recommended that the Executive Committee: -  Notes the progress of the individual projects identified in the initial Town Centre Regeneration Programme;  Approves the additional projects outlined in paragraph 4.2 of the Detailed report.</p><p>3 Detailed Report</p><p>1. PURPOSE</p><p>1.1 To provide an update on progress and implementation of the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme (EVTCP), and to seek authority to progress, subject to funding, the additional schemes identified in Section 4.2 of the Report.</p><p>2. BACKGROUND</p><p>2.1 In May 2010, funding approval was received from the Wales European Funding Office (WEFO) for EU Convergence funding, matched by an approval from the Welsh Government for HOVP and Target Match Funds. A total funding programme of £12.23m was secured towards the following work in Ebbw Vale Town Centre:-</p><p> The Northern Gateway.  Cross Valley Links.  Church Street, Regeneration.  Public Realm enhancement rear of Bethcar Street/Market Street provision of new Bus Interchange and Taxi Rank.  Physical Regeneration Grants.  Bank Square /Screening of access yard.</p><p>The above schemes have been designed and implemented, or are in the process of being implemented, as a direct result of a number of consultation documents prepared, on behalf of the Welsh Government and Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. These documents are referenced in Section 10 of this report.</p><p>2.2 The Regeneration Division has been successful in negotiating additional funding totalling £1,025,000 from the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) Convergence Programme. Formal written confirmation is expected in March 2014. </p><p>2.3 The additional funding will enable further schemes to be developed that will help strengthen the original Ebbw Vale Regeneration Programme</p><p>3. PRESENT POSITION</p><p>3.1 The information below provides an update on the six key schemes within the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme:-</p><p>4 Northern Gateway</p><p>3.2 Scheme complete within agreed timescales and budget.</p><p>Cross Valley Links</p><p>3.3 Phases 1, 2 and 3 have been completed within budget. These phases have seen improvements to the pedestrian links at; </p><p> Christchurch Hill,  Station Road/Steelworks Road, Queen Square Hill/The Rookery. (which includes the construction of the Equality Act compliant Rookery Ramp)  Wesleyan Row and Libanus Road and the renovation and upgrading of the Grade 2 listed Cenotaph. </p><p>3.4 The fourth Phase of the Cross Valley Links scheme will be the introduction of the proposed Mechanical Link, Landscaped Access Steps and low impact Cycle Path from the Town Centre to The Works. The works contained within this phase including the steps and cycle path are be completed by February 2015.</p><p>3.5 The Executive Committee approved the report 4th September, 2013 to proceed with the Mechanical Link scheme.</p><p>Church Street, Regeneration</p><p>3.6 Phase 1 was completed in July 2013 within budget. Works included significant streetscape improvements, which have enhanced the environmental quality of the public realm to Spencer Street, Church Crescent, Church Street, Armoury Hill and Armoury Terrace. Artworks have been introduced into the rebuilt Armoury Hill retaining wall.</p><p>3.7 Phase 2 was completed in October 2013 within budget. Works included the creation of a new Car Park/Events Area to the rear of the former Ebbw Vale Institute (EVi) and the refurbishment of Mount Street. </p><p>3.8 Two Physical Regeneration Grants are currently being implemented in this area. These schemes are scheduled for completion by the end of March 2014. However, there are still a small number of properties, which will require grant support. The renovation of these additional buildings will ensure that Church Street is restored to the 5 highest of standards. </p><p>Public Realm Enhancements rear of Bethcar Street/Market Street which will include the provision of Bus Interchange and Taxi Rank </p><p>3.9 The Bus Interchange/Taxi Rank Project is being implemented in Two Phases. </p><p>3.10 Phase 1, (The Walk) including the area from the Ex-Serviceman’s Club through to the Walk junction was completed November 2013 within budget. This phase incorporated junction improvements, carriageway resurfacing with associated paving, lighting, street furniture and the creation of a new car park at the top of Queen Square Hill. The project also included improved pedestrian access to the town centre.</p><p>3.11 Phase 2. This phase is currently ongoing. Works include the provision of the new Bus Interchange and Taxi Rank with a revised road layout, bespoke bus shelters, improved lighting and street furniture. This phase is scheduled for completion by the end of May 2014.</p><p>Physical Regeneration Grants (PRG) – Ebbw Vale </p><p>3.12 Eighteen properties in Ebbw Vale have been renovated with assistance from the Physical Regeneration Grants Programme. A further 2 schemes have been offered grants and are nearing completion. This budget is now fully committed and will be completed by the end of March 2014.</p><p>3.13 The PRG waiting list currently stands at 21. This waiting list has continued to grow as a result of the implementation of a number of high quality refurbishment schemes and increased publicity. </p><p>Bank Square/Screening of Rear Access Yard</p><p>3.14 Bank Square Public Realm Improvements are nearing completion. Outstanding works include; completion of the lighting and a small area of granite paving including pointing. Works will be completed as soon as possible, weather permitting, The scheme has a deadline of end of March 2014.</p><p>6 4. OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION</p><p>4.1 In anticipation of a positive outcome from WEFO to the bid for the additional £1,025,000 funding, the schemes below are presented for consideration.</p><p>4.2 An outline of the potential schemes are provided below:-</p><p>1 Additional Finance for the Mechanical Link</p><p>The Mechanical Link forms part of the wider Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme (EVTCP). This Link is the final Phase of the Cross Valley Links Scheme. It will also incorporate the Landscaped Access Steps and low Impact Cycle Path (which will be the subject of a separate tender exercise).</p><p>The budget identified for the implementation of the Mechanical Link, as highlighted in the 4th September 2013 report to Executive, was originally based on funding identified from the value engineering of contracts to date, for each of the projects. A number of these contracts have recently been completed and their final costs are currently being assessed and evaluated against the original estimated costs. The additional £200,000 identified for the Mechanical Link, will act as a ’buffer’ and will ensure that there is sufficient budget to implement the project, should any of the completed schemes go over budget. </p><p>Clarification has been sought from WEFO in relation to the £200,000. Confirmation has been given that should this funding not be required for the Mechanical Link project then it can be utilised for the implementation of additional PRG grants</p><p>2 Physical Regeneration Grants (PRG) Two major properties have been identified which will benefit from PRG. These are highlighted in 2(a) and (b) below:</p><p>A further 21 Schemes are registered on the Physical Regeneration Grant waiting list. Each property will be evaluated on the condition of the building and the impact that the scheme will bring to Ebbw Vale Town Centre. The grant programme is currently over subscribed in relation to the existing available budget. However, the additional funding will ensure that an increased number of properties can be refurbished.</p><p>7 This grant programme is considered vital for the continued economic regeneration of the area, as it helps improve buildings, retain and create jobs and improves the local environment.</p><p>2(a) Community Housing Hub (Physical Regeneration Grant) The Church Street redevelopment incorporates a number of building refurbishment projects. Number 20 Church Street is a large three storey double fronted derelict building. There is a proposal to refurbish this property for use as a Community Housing Hub. This Hub will provide a one stop shop for existing and proposed housing tenants for Blaenau Gwent as a whole.</p><p>This building will be converted for use by the Council’s Housing Section. A number of Housing Associations operating in the County Borough have requested office space in the building namely, United Welsh Housing Association, Tai-Calon and Melin Homes. This Scheme will be the first of its kind in Wales.</p><p>The creation of the Housing Hub will have a major impact and benefit to Church Street. This proposal will encourage people to visit the area, so helping to strengthen the viability and vitality of the area.</p><p>2(b) Ebbw Vale Library Refurbishment and Extension (Physical Regeneration Grant) The scheme will see the refurbishment and extension of the Library building. This project will upgrade the existing provision and include additional and much needed floor space. The scheme is being developed in collaboration with Leisure Services.</p><p>2(c) Refurbishment and Improvements to rear of properties along Market Street adjacent to proposed Bus Interchange The rear of Market Street, Ebbw Vale directly overlooks the proposed Bus Interchange. Fourteen properties are in need of renovation, to ensure this area of the Town Centre is improved to complement the quality of design of the Bus Interchange. It is proposed to designate the rear of Market Street Numbers 5A to 21 as a priority grant area. </p><p>The proposed grants will be targeted specifically for the rear of the buildings. Should an owner wish to undertake a full restoration scheme on a property this will be looked at favourably, budget permitting. </p><p>8 These grants will be run in accordance with the current Physical Regeneration Grants Terms and Conditions.</p><p>2(d) Proposed Canopy, Market Street Interest has been shown from the owners of the Multi Storey Car Park and the associated building to upgrade their properties in Market Street. One element of this scheme will be the introduction of a Canopy fitted to the front façade of the properties adjoining the Multi Storey Car Park. Please refer to Appendix 2 for artist impression. (The owners are currently evaluating their proposed scheme to ascertain whether it is feasible in the current economic climate).</p><p>This building facade is visually unattractive while the shops themselves, although well maintained, are dated. The introduction of this canopy, together with the improvements to the existing shops, should improve their desirability and could appeal to a potential wider market.</p><p>This scheme is anticipated will prove to be beneficial to the viability of the Town Centre, and should be attractive to multi national companies. </p><p>3. Enhancement of Town Centre Public Open Space, Eureka Place This scheme will see the upgrade of the public park to the rear of Bethcar Street, leading to the residential areas of Eureka Place and Pennant Street. The site is located to the east of the Town Centre and adjoins the Ginnels and Alleyways (GAPs) Public Art scheme. </p><p>Proposals are to improve the steps, fencing, lighting, seating and landscaping in this area. This will create a safer and more attractive pedestrian link to the Town Centre while providing an area within which people can relax (see Appendix 3).</p><p>The link is well used. Increased footfall is expected, especially from school children when the Mechanical Link is introduced, as it will be the most direct route from the residential areas of Eureka Place and Pennant Street to the college and school.</p><p>It should be noted that all schemes are to be completed by March 2015, as set out in the funding requirements.</p><p>Please refer to Table 1 for estimated costs required for each of the schemes above.</p><p>9 4.3 The schemes identified above have been assessed and scored based on criteria identified in the Matrix (Appendix 1).</p><p>5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS</p><p>5.1 The implementation of the additional schemes will be possible, as additional finance has been confirmed verbally by WEFO under their Convergence Programme. (Formal written confirmation is expected in March 2014). </p><p>5.2 Schemes have been assessed on costs, available budget and priority of importance to the Town Centre. (Please refer to Matrix Appendix 1 and Table 1 below).</p><p>5.3 Clarification has been sought from WEFO in relation to the £200,000 allocation to the Mechanical Link. Confirmation has been given that should the funding not be required for this project then it can be utilised for the implementation of additional PRG grants. </p><p>5.4 All schemes to date have been implemented/completed within allocated budgets. The final completion date for all schemes under the WEFO Convergence programme is March 2015.</p><p>5.4 No additional finance will be required from the Blaenau Gwent Capital Programme. Match funding will be secured from the private sector through contributions towards the grants. The table below gives an estimated cost breakdown for each of the proposed projects.</p><p>5.5 Table 1 Task Cost Funding Comments Availability Mechanical Link £200,000 EU Convergence Additional Funding allocated to the Mechanical Link. Physical £450,000 EU Please see matrix for Regeneration Convergence, waiting list. Grants. Private Sector Inward Investment Refurbishment and £300,000 EU Convergence improvement to the rear of Market Street adjacent to proposed bus terminal. Enhancement of Approx EU Convergence Town Centre Public £75,000 10 Open Space, Eureka Place Total Cost £1,025,000 Written confirmation of additional funding expected from WEFO (March 2014).</p><p>6. RISK IMPLICATIONS</p><p>6.1 A number of risks have been identified in relation to the possible implementation of the proposed schemes. These are;</p><p> Failure of grant applicants to obtain appropriate permissions i.e. Planning/Building Regulations etc.  Failure to secure all the Market Street property owners buy in to improve the rear of their properties adjoining the Proposed Bus Interchange, will result in only a partial scheme being implemented. This will not have the desired effect of regeneration all this area.  Failure to prepare design option for the implementation of the enhancement of Town Centre Public Open Space at Eureka Place. The preparation of these designs will allow both the Regeneration and Consultancy Departments to fully evaluate the scheme for benefits and costs.  Failure to utilise finance to complete the Church Street Regeneration Scheme, in relation to property improvements. There is a risk that a small number of properties will remain in a derelict condition.  Failure to deliver schemes on time and within budget.</p><p>7. PERFORMANCE IMPLICATIONS</p><p>7.1 The Schemes identified within this report will further enhance the targets set for the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme, in relation to the number of properties improved, jobs created and safeguarded and square metres of public realm improved. </p><p>In February 2012 Mott MacDonald Ltd was commissioned by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council (BGCBC) to evaluate the effectiveness of the town centre regeneration programme in Ebbw Vale, as outlined in the Project Business Plan (2010) and the Urban Design Framework (2002).</p><p>Its commission is to identify the effectiveness of the Ebbw Vale 11 regeneration activity and investment initiatives. The evaluation will involve the following: </p><p> A baseline study at the point of appointment (October 2012) completed; </p><p> A mid-term evaluation of progress one year later (October 2013), </p><p> A final evaluation (mid 2015). </p><p>The evaluation of the Ebbw Vale regeneration programme will address the following tasks:</p><p> To reflect on whether the overall aim and objectives of the regeneration programme have been met; </p><p> To assess the overall vitality and viability of the Ebbw Vale Town Centre. </p><p>In total the schemes carried out in Ebbw Vale to date have seen the introduction of: </p><p> 3.05 Hectares of public realm enhancement  5 Art projects.  Refurbishment of 18 Commercial Properties. (which includes 2 nearing completion). Totalling 2235 m2 of property improvements  Safeguarded 37 Jobs (To be confirmed at end of programme. Monitoring exercise currently ongoing).  Created 5 Jobs and 13 Part time and full time (To be confirmed at end of programme. Monitoring exercise currently ongoing).</p><p>8. STAFFING IMPLICATIONS</p><p>8.1 The implementation of the additional schemes will have implications on existing staffing resources from Officers of Regeneration and the Technical Services Departments. However, it is anticipated that the work can be carried out within existing resources and that no additional capacity is required.</p><p>12 9. PROPOSALS</p><p>9.1 The additional schemes identified in section 4 (above) will further strengthen the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Regeneration Programme (EVTCP), currently being implemented. The schemes will be carried out using the additional £1,025,000 funding from the Welsh European Funding Office.</p><p>It is proposed that the additional projects be agreed by CMT, for consideration and approval by the Executive Committee.</p><p>10. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE</p><p>10.1 A number of Policy Documents were used in the preparation of this report. These include:</p><p> Blaenau Gwent Community Strategy – 2010-2030.  Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council – A Vision for Blaenau Gwent.  Blaenau Gwent Regeneration Strategy 2009.  Turning Heads – A Strategy for The Heads of The Valleys 2020.  Shared Intelligence Report (2002) – Blaenau Gwent Regeneration Programme.  RPS Chapman Warren, Ebbw Vale, Urban Design Framework 2002.  RPS Chapman Warren, Church Street Masterplan – Adopted 2006.  Blaenau Gwent Local Development Plan up to 2021.  Living In Blaenau Gwent in 2009.  Welsh Government Vibrant and Viable Places May 2013. </p><p>11. CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN</p><p>11.1 Initial consultation was undertaken with WEFO, in order to ascertain whether the proposed schemes are eligible for grant assistance, before the bid for the additional funding was submitted.</p><p>11.2 Ongoing consultation is carried out quarterly with the Ebbw Vale Town Centre Members/Executive Meeting and the Ebbw Vale Business Forum.</p><p>11.3 A report that references a number of the Schemes contained within this report has been presented to both meetings of the CAMWG and</p><p>13 Corporate Management Working Group on the 11th March and 10th July 2013 respectively. The report was agreed in principle.</p><p>April 2014</p><p>14</p>

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