<p>Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Edition #36</p><p>Dear Cathedral Parents,</p><p>I would like to welcome all parents of the Class of 2015, who are receiving this email for the first time. If you receive this email but have a friend who did not, please ask them to check their spam box. Often, unless told otherwise, a computer will automatically send a document of this length to the spam box. For new parents, these emails are sent out each Wednesday afternoon or evening of the school year to help you remain in touch with events here at Cathedral. . To help you with this process, once you are reading these parent emails regularly, new information is printed in red; older information is printed in black. Regular readers just “read the red!” . However, in addition to reading this, please also be sure to read your Insight Digital publication (link is given below) each month, also.</p><p>Parents, please note that we have added a PLC schedule for Thursday, May 5th, so we can meet and greet our Holy Cross Visitation Team. School will begin at 8:05 a.m. on that day.</p><p>The Honors Awards Program will be on Sunday, May 8th at 5:00 p.m. However, this year, invitations will be sent this week to parents of students to be honored will be sent via email. We will be mailing paper invitations only to families who do not have email.</p><p>Use these hyperlinks to find information quickly:</p><p>Advancement Choir News Service Announcements College Information Smart Quote Athletics Congratulations Theatre Band News Dates to Remember Tutoring Bookstore and Spirit Shop Mothers’ Club Cafeteria Menu Prayers Dates to Remember:</p><p>April: Fri, Apr 29 Spirit Assembly Schedule – Diversity Week Summary Session (2:46 – 3:10 p.m.) Sat, Apr 30 Prom</p><p>May: Sun, May 1 Annual Spring Open House on Sunday, May 1 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. 1 Spirit Shop open for this event from noon – 3:00 p.m. M-F, May 2-6 AP Exams Teacher Appreciation Week- May 2-6 Tues, May 3 Service Dinner 6:30 PM SLC Commons T-F, May 3-6 IB Exam Testing Tues, May 3 Drum major clinics – 3:30 – 5:00 pm – band room Wed, May 4 Drum major clinics – 3:30 – 5:00 pm – band room Thurs, May 5 PLC Schedule – School begins at 8:05 a.m., except students taking the AP English Literature Exam (begins at 7:30 a.m.). This will be so the faculty and staff is able to welcome the Holy Cross Visitation Team coming to our school El Cinco de Mayo – Atrium Drum major clinics – 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. in band room Thurs-Fri, May 5 – 6 Holy Cross Team visitation to Cathedral High School Fri, May 6 Amy’s Day – final for year – 6:00 – 7:15 a.m. in Cafeteria Closing School Liturgy from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. in Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center Sat, May 7 ComedySportz All Stars at 1:00 p.m. in Auditorium Tech Rehearsal for Spring Fling in auditorium from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. 6:00 – dinner for students in Spring Fling in Commons 7:00 p.m. – Spring Fling Concert in Auditorium SAT Test Sun, May 8 Honors Awards Program in Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center at 5:00 p.m. Mon, May 9 Drum major auditions – field – 7:00 a.m. M-F, May 9-13 AP Exams IB Exams Wed, May 11 Advanced Acting Recital at 7:00 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center College Cost Estimator follow-up – Commons – 6:30 p.m. Thurs, May 12 Theatre Awards at 7:00 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center Fri, May 13 Instrumental Spring Gala – auditorium (concert band, jazz band, percussion ensemble, orchestra) – 7:00 p.m. Sun, May 15 Orchestra Awards Banquet. Attend mass at St Johns - 11am, downtown Indy, followed by lunch and the Awards Banquet at Harry & Izzy's Restaurant M-F, May 16-19 IB Exams Mon, May 16 Classes will run period 1,2,3,4 (in this order); only these class will be held; full day of school Senior Exams, periods 1 & 2 Graduation Practice: Practice will be held after the exams in the Welch Activity Center. Caps and gowns and graduation tickets are distributed at this time to the Class of 2011. Band Awards – Cafeteria – 6:30 p.m. Mon, 5/16-Th, 5/19 Senior Exams Tues, May 17 Classes 5,6,7,8 (in this order) (full day of school) Senior Exams, Periods 5 & 6 Wed, May 18 Classes 4,3,2,1 (in this order) (full day of school) Senior Exams, Periods 4 & 3 2 Thurs, May 19 Classes will be period 8, 7, 6, 5 (in this order) (full day of school) Senior Exams, Periods 8 & 7. Talent Show – Auditorium Fri, May 20 Irish 500 Day Sat, May 21 Baccalaureate Mass – 10:00 a.m. – Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center Sun, May 22 Graduation – 1:00 p.m. – Clowes Hall, Butler University</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Mass Information:</p><p>From the Desk of the Chaplain ~ Daily Mass is offered in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Fr. Munshower encourages members of the Cathedral Family to contact him to have a mass said in memory of a loved one. If you are not able to pay the $10 Mass stipend, you may still submit an intention for our daily Mass. Please contact Fr. Munshower at 968-7362 for details and arrangements. Father also requests that, if you contract a Mass, that someone from your family tries to be in attendance on that day.</p><p>Communion Services and Masses begin at 7:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Chapel. Thurs 4/28 Thurs in Octave of RIP Mike Schaefer from Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClelland Easter Fri 4/29 Friday in Octave of RIP Robert Alerding from the Alerding family Easter Mon 5/2 Communion Service Private Petitions Tues 5/3 Sts. Philip and James RIP Michael Schaefer from Mark & Marilyn Haag Wed 5/4 Easter Weekday RIP Patty Ryan (LSA '76) from Renie Family Thurs 5/5 National Day of Prayer PLC Schedule - greet Holy Cross Visitation Team - no Mass Easter Weekday – All Fri 5/6 School Mass at 1:30 Mass only in the afternoon on this day. p.m.</p><p>Congratulations:</p><p>The following three Cathedral High School individuals represented Cathedral High School at the recent National Service Learning Conference in Atlanta, Georgia (April 5 – 8): Mrs. Katie Lewis, Meghan Garriott (’14) and Katy Hoeper (’13). They worked with teacher and students throughout the USA on the topic of Integrating Service Learning into high school curricula. </p><p>Congratulations to Clare Welch, who has received the 2011 CYO Spirit of Youth Award for her dedication to service at St. Luke. She will be honored with the other winners at the Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral on Tuesday, May 3rd. Clare, we are very proud of you and your contributions! Pat Zunk ('12) competed in the Ball State University’s "D is for Dog" Fencing Tournament on April 23. Pat tied for 3rd in the foil division, earning his first </p><p>3 rating as a competitive fencer. The Tournament was a fundraiser for local animal rescue shelters, which had recently suffered severe storm damage. Congratulations, Pat! Announcements: </p><p>Here's the link to the April Insight. This gives much Cathedral news, so you need to be aware of this publication in addition to the Parent Email. http://www.cathedral-irish.org/page.cfm?p=1162</p><p>~~~~~ Prom Tickets are being sold online. The cost is $55.00 and they will be sold on line. There is a link on our school website. Prom is being held Saturday, April 30th. All students are bussed to the prom from Cathedral no matter what time they arrive. Any student who might be late to prom should notify Mr. Greer of this possibility. There are no exceptions to this. Students leave cathedral at 7:00PM on buses and return from prom to Cathedral starting at midnight. Parents will valet park all cars when students arrive at Cathedral. If a student fails to make a check in point either at arriving at Cathedral; arriving at the prom site or back to Cathedral then parents will be notified.</p><p>Here are the nominees for Prom King and Queen. All voting will be done by email by juniors and seniors. Junior Class Prince Junior Class Princess Max Adams Lundy Birch Paul Arduini Sally Chamness Alec Bitar Keely McGrath Matt Dauby Megan Short Frank Leehmuis Elizabeth Witchger</p><p>Senior Class King Senior Prom Queen Connor Barthel Brittany Cassavant Reece Horn Sarah Dapper Steven Mueleman Aly Darragh Cameron Pate Heather Graham Matt Renie Ali Tigges</p><p>Prom Pictures: This year, the photographer will be at the Hyatt; you will NOT take pictures beforehand at CHS. There will multiple times throughout the night where you can get your photos taken. Please take a look at the website. We will also have fliers at lunch the rest of the week if you prefer to do it that way. http://www.prestigeindiana.com/prominfo/</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>On Thursday, May 5th and Friday, May 6th, the Holy Cross Visitation Team will be coming to Cathedral for an on-site visit as one of the last steps before the finalization of our sponsorship by the Brothers of Holy Cross. Our guests are:</p><p>4 Dr. Mary Anne Beiting, Principal of Hoban High School in Akron, OH Brother Robert Lavelle, C.S.C., Headmaster of Gilmour Academy near Cleveland, OH Mr. Brian Horgan, Head of Upper School at Gilmour Academy near Cleveland, OH Brother Ken Haders, C.S.C., President of Hoban High School in Akron, OH.</p><p>Attention Senior Parents: During the first part of May, the seniors’ health records will be placed in the seniors’ mailboxes. These are the original documents, not copies. Cathedral does keep the state required immunizations on the transcripts. These documents might be needed for your student’s “soon to be” college or university, so ask your senior to pick up these records. ~~~~~</p><p>CANCELLATION NOTICE: Archdiocesan Youth Ministry High School Graduation Mass, originally planned for May 1st, has been cancelled because of a low number of RSVP’s. . . Please be aware that this is not the graduation of Cathedral High School, which will take place at Clowes Hall (Butler University) on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. as planned.</p><p>2011 - 2012 CATHEDRAL DANCE TEAM TRY-OUTS! (You must be present all three days for tryouts!) WHEN: Monday, June 6th 4:00pm – 7:00pm Wednesday, June 8th 4:00pm – 7:00pm Friday, June 10th, 4:00pm – 6:00pm LOCATION: WAC (Welch Activity Center, main gym) WHO: All dancer’s with technical training who love to dance! WHAT TO WEAR: tank top or stretchy top, shorts, tennis shoes, jazz shoes or socks, hair pulled back BRING: water bottle, energy drink, energy snack I LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU ALL! Feel free to contact Lisa Verona with ANY questions at [email protected] or at (317) 408- 7621 DANCE TEAM is looking for some assistance this year with the following areas: costumes, competitions, fundraising, locker signs, etc…. Please contact me at the above number or email if you are interested. </p><p>~~~~~</p><p>El Cinco de Mayo Celebration Thursday, May 5, 2010 At 6:00 P.M. In the Atrium Cost $8.00 per person- Includes Mexican Buffet Fun, Food, & Festivities “Cinco de Mayo is a day of Mexican pride and heritage.” 5 “Unity in Fighting for Freedom” For reservations, please contact Mrs. Ramona Powell, Director of Diversity Email [email protected] or 317-968-7367</p><p>~~~~~ Amy’s Day will be held on Friday, May 6th. “Amy’s Day” is for parents and daughters (school-age) who choose to spend quality time together. o When: The 1st Friday of each month (except for School breaks in January/April) o From: 6:00 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. o Where: Cathedral High School Cafeteria…breakfast is served by Sahm’s for $7.00 per person (Not for profit). o Who: Daughters & any parent! (Fathers and daughters as well as mom/guardian(s)! o Why: Quality time with the ones you love. We have wonderful speakers that address topics such as: self-respect, dating, drinking and drugs, health & wellness, value of a close family, etc. We take requests as well. P.S. The sacrifice is worth it!! Can’t wait to see you at the next one on Friday, May 6th, 2011 at 6:00 a.m. Featured Speaker: A 2-time national championship basketball player from Butler University and will come with one of the assistant coaches. So come, bring your fathers and mothers, for a delightful end of the year Amy’s Day. Questions? Please contact: Kathleen Miller@ 317.257.3051 Barbara Hasbrook@ 317.432-5900 Anne Hasbrook - [email protected]</p><p>Adult volunteers are needed (although we were not given much advanced warning of this request): Mrs. Tina Foster, principal of Robert Lee Frost IPS #106, needs 8 volunteer proctors to help administer the ISTEP test starting Monday, April, 25th. This is a 45 minute commitment per day. The school is located at 5301 N. Roxbury Road (two blocks east of Cathedral; home of the summer concerts). If you are interested in even a one day commitment, please email Cindy Woods by replying to this email. [email protected]</p><p>The Cathedral High School Softball Team is collecting cube-sized Kleenex boxes, Tissues for Tears. A fellow player, Casey Williamson, from Bishop Chatard, lost her mother to Ovarian Cancer, in January of this year. This collection of Kleenex boxes will be given to Methodist Hospital, where Casey’s mother worked for over 20 years and where Casey ultimately was treated as well. We would like to help Casey with her mission. Please bring as many cube sized Kleenex boxes that you can, to the front office, between Thursday, April 21st and Friday, May 6th. The softball team plans to present Cathedral’s contribution at the City Tournament. For every 2 boxes donated, students will receive one service hour. Please help us, help her. Thanks, Cathedral High School Softball Team! ~~~~~ Here are examination times for Seniors, for Underclassmen, for AP and IB students. Please be aware that no exams will be given early, none will be 6 given on a different day (other than for extreme illness). If you have any questions about the above statement, please contact Mrs. Lisa Ford, Vice Principal for Academic Affairs.</p><p>Link to Senior Exams: http://www.cathedral- irish.org/uploaded/Files/Academics/Spring_Senior_Exam_Schedule_2011.pdf</p><p>End of Course Assessment/Senior Exam Schedule - May 2011 </p><p>Link to Underclass Final Exam Schedule: http://www.cathedral- irish.org/uploaded/Files/Academics/Spring_2011_Final_Exam_Schedule.pdf</p><p>Link to AP Exam Schedule: http://www.cathedral- irish.org/uploaded/Files/Academics/2011_AP_Times_and_Instructions.pdf</p><p>Link to IB Exam Schedule: http://www.cathedral- irish.org/uploaded/Files/Academics/2011_IB_Exam_Schedule.pdf</p><p>End-of-Course Assessment (ECA) Information: The week of May 16th Cathedral will be administering End of Course Assessments (ECA) in English 10, Algebra I and Biology. All students enrolled in English 10 and Biology 1 will take the ECAs for those courses. Students enrolled in Algebra will take the ECA if they have not already received a passing score on the exam. Students who need to retest in Algebra I and English 10 will also be testing this week. For the graduating class of 2012 and beyond, the ECA takes the place of the ISTEP+/GQE as a graduation requirement. All students in the class of 2012 and beyond must pass the ECAs for Algebra I and English 10. At this time Biology 1 is on a take only basis, which means it does not need to be made-up if not passed at this time. Questions? Please contact Mrs. Taria Butler in our Guidance Office or at [email protected] or at 317/968-7369.</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>New Project: Used Uniform Clothing Sale The Mother’s Club is beginning a Used Uniform Clothing Sale to aid some of our students. It will be held as part of the used book sale on May 26th and 27th. If your child has uniform shirts, pants, or sweatshirts that you will not be using again and are gently used, please drop them off with Mr. Greer before the final exams. These can be a big help to families of other students in the future. Questions? Please call Marci Taylor at 416-8261.</p><p>Hey Seniors!</p><p>7 “No more school, No more books…” Now what to do with your uniforms? We’ve got a solution: Let your underclassmen and women use them. If you’ve got gently used uniforms (no frayed pants or shirts with stains) you can drop them off in a box at the front office to be resold during the used book sale. </p><p>Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen, don’t feel left out!! You too can turn in uniforms that no longer fit you for others to purchase. Used Uniforms will be sold Thursday May 26th and Friday May 27th in the cafeteria in conjunction with the used book sale. </p><p>~~~~~</p><p>STUDENT / ATHLETE PARTICIPATION</p><p>Effective immediately, advocated by Methodist Sports Medicine/IU Health, the sports medicine provider for Cathedral Athletics, we will be adopting a new policy with regard to the timing of the completion/on file in Athletic Office of the IHSAA Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (annually) and HIPAA (one time for four years) forms. The attached document outlines the new policy.</p><p>Summary: Before any CHS student/athlete can participate in any preseason conditioning session, weight training, tryouts or any physical activity associated with Cathedral Athletics, they must have both forms on file with Maureen Sullivan in the Athletic Office. For the safety of the athlete and to help relieve personal liability, coaches should not allow any athlete to participate in any physical activity associated with their sport at any time.</p><p>The basic premise behind the “moving up” of the timing of this process is it just makes sense to have the kids medically checked out BEFORE they begin any strenuous physical activity associated with sports at Cathedral High School and not wait until the beginning of the actual designated season. It also allows for some lead time, if a previously unknown/undiagnosed medical condition does exist, to help eliminate the risk of physical participation and begin the course of treatment for the condition, to get them ‘back playing’ as soon as possible.</p><p>REQUIRED ATHLETIC MEDICAL PHYSICALS Any Cathedral High School student/athlete, who wishes to participate in any preseason, summer conditioning/weights/camps or authorized practices for any sport MUST have a completed an annual IHSAA Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form and a HIPAA Form (one time for four years) on file in the Athletic Office (Mrs. Maureen Sullivan) before being eligible to participate. Physicals for the 2011-2012 school year (including summer) must be completed after May 1, 2011 . All Cathedral High School student/athletes, who will be trying out for any sport, MUST have the following forms: IHSAA Physical Form HIPAA Form</p><p>8 These forms are available in the CHS Athletic Office or on the school website (www.cathedral-irish.org) under “ATHLETICS” and drop-down entitled ‘Forms’. (Transfer students to Cathedral, who intend on participating in an IHSAA sanctioned sport, must file an IHSAA ATHLETIC TRANSFER REPORT, to apply for eligibility to participate in an IHSAA sanctioned athletic contest. Forms are available from Mr. Jim McLinn, Director of Athletics, in the Athletic Office.) Once student/athletes have turned in all forms, they will be permitted to participate in all athletic conditioning activities. Coaches may not allow a student to participate before all forms are on file in the Athletic Office.</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>2011-2012 Cheerleading Tryout Information - Tryout clinic: April 25, 27, 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Final Tryout: Sunday, May 1, 2011 starting at 11:00 a.m. Click HERE to view all of the details! http://www.cathedral-irish.org/uploaded/Athletic_Pictures/Cheerleading/2011- 2012_Pics_and_Files/2011-2012_Cheer_Tryout_Info.pdf</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>The Zoo’s Recycling project from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st. If you choose to recycle with the, you will receive a $2.00 off coupon to the zoo. In partnership with Brightpoint, Inc. INDIANAPOLIS – Area residents are invited to join the Zoo in a mass recycling effort. For the Indianapolis Zoo’s fourth semi-annual Power Recycling Weekend presented by Brightpoint, Inc., the public can get rid of their clutter and help the environment. On April 30 and May 1, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the public can drop off their old electronics for recycling and documents for shredding in the Zoo parking lot. The Power Recycling Weekend is part of the Zoo’s continuing efforts as a leader in conservation to practice, encourage and empower environmentally responsible behavior. At last year's recycling event, the Zoo collected more than 17 tons of electronics. Brightpoint, Inc., a global FORTUNE 500 company providing quickly deployed, flexible and cost-effective wireless logistic solutions, is partnering with the Zoo on this recycling event. On-site complimentary document shredding will be provided by Ray’s Trash and Shred Monkey. Those who bring items for recycling will receive the satisfaction of helping shape the city’s ecology, as well as a $2.00 discount coupon on Zoo admission good until the end of the year. All computer hard drives will be double-swiped clean before they are destroyed. Please note that there is a $5 processing fee for TVs and monitors. Otherwise the service is free. Most electronics—including microwaves, cell phones, and computers—will be accepted during this event. Look for the special signs in the Zoo parking lot to find the drop off areas. Refrigerators, washers and dryers, and air conditioners will not be accepted. Electronics collection will be held rain or shine. </p><p>9 The following items can be recycling during the Indianapolis Zoo’s Power Recycling</p><p>Telephone systems Surge Protectors Cardboard Toner cartridges Cellular phones Palm Pilots/PDA’s Televisions Microwaves PC’s (personal computers) Motors Laptops/Notebooks CD’s/DVD’s/Blue Ray’s/Floppy Integrated Circuits (IC) disks/Thumb Drive’s Desktop Computers/CPU’s Computer boards Computer mice Electronic wiring CRT Monitor’s (no bare CRT Copiers tubes) Power cables Microphones Cash Registers Mainframe computers Electronic motors Laserdisc Players Satellite Components Scanners Metals - Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Computer Keyboards Nickel. Printers Batteries VCR/DVD/CD Players Cardboard Fax machines Phonebooks Games Systems, Xbox, DS, Sony, Plastics 1-7 Etc. Copy paper, (No carbon paper) Back-up power supplies systems Glass, (Amber, Green, Clear only) Power Supplies Styrofoam, (No dirty containers) Photocopiers</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Our Binford Farmers Market has opened its 2011 season at its convenient and visible location on Binford Boulevard at 62nd Street on the northeast side of Indy. Successive indoor Markets will take place on April 30th. Then we’ll move outdoors for our regular outdoor season that opens on May 7th and runs through October 29th in the same location. Please check our website for details about our 2011 vendor contracts for our Market that promises to be bigger and better this coming year. You are also welcome to look at our slideshows online to see the dynamics every Saturday morning during the past two years. www.BinfordFarmersMarket.com . There are some wonderful shots of your booth! Please contact me if you have questions. Thanks in advance for your possible interest in our exciting 2011 Market season. Jane Lommel, President of BRAG</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Camp Cathedral Summer 2011 - Register Online Today! This summer, Cathedral will be expanding on an already very successful summer camps program. We are happy to announce that 55 enrichment camps and 17 sports camps will be available to all Indianapolis areas students. We have assembled an excited, enthusiastic staff eager to </p><p>10 provide campers with a fun-filled, educational week on our beautiful campus. Registrations are limited so sign-up today! Thanks! Bryan K. Banschbach ~~~~~</p><p>Mothers’ Club:</p><p>Blue Book Birthday Announcements and Extra Books</p><p>Commemorate your student’s Birthday in the 2011-2012 Cathedral Blue Book Directory. These calendars are a valuable resource for your student and for you at home, office, or in your car. The Blue Book contains important school dates, athletic schedules, student handbook and directions to other schools. The names, addresses and home numbers of the entire student body and parents are included in the directory.</p><p>This year, we have made it easy for you to order and pay online. You can order send your order and payment via PayPal to [email protected] </p><p>To publish your student’s birthday in the Blue Book and/or to purchase additional books, please complete the form below or pay and order at www.paypal.com to [email protected].</p><p>Student Name and Birth Date: ______</p><p>______</p><p># additional blue books ____ x $8 = $ ____ </p><p># of Birthday Announcements ___ x $10 = $ ____</p><p>Total (additional books & birthdays) = $ ____</p><p>Parent Name: ______Phone: ______Email:______Each family will receive at least 2 directories, one for each student and one for the family. Additional blue books may be purchased for $8 each. The extra Blue Books will be available for pick up in the school office at the beginning of the school year.</p><p>Checks payable to: Cathedral Mother’s Club Please send payment and form by May 25 to: Cheryl Beckerich 6448 N Olney St Indianapolis, IN 46220 317-696-1595</p><p>11 Or order and pay via Paypal: Go to www.paypal.com. Click “send money” and follow the prompts to pay [email protected]. You will have to have or create a Paypal account, and you can use a credit card or checking account to complete the transaction. </p><p>Please put the following info in the message space: Student name and birthday, # of extra books, your name, email, and phone number.</p><p>You will receive an email confirmation from the Mothers Club to let you know we have your payment and all the information that we need.</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Tutoring available: 4 ways!</p><p>1. Theology Tutoring for freshmen: Before School: Mr. Schmidt in room 4131 Monday - Friday Dr. Caspersen in room 4242 - Tuesday and Thursday mornings Mr. Freije in room Monday – Friday After School: Ms. Dye in room 4243</p><p>2. Tutoring available mornings and afternoons every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the library provided by National Honor Society members. If you are interesting in being tutored, just show up at the library. The NHS tutors are scheduled for a week at a time and they sit at a table marked with a sign that says “Tutoring here”. </p><p>3. After School Tutoring AFTER SCHOOL T*TO*ING What’s missing? U---R! join Ms. Gallo in Rm. 2314 . . . 3:15-4:00. . .Tuesdays and Thursdays free of charge! Test prep. . . study skills. . .reading comprehension. . .writing skills. . .etc. No appointment necessary . . . everyone welcome! If your child needs help in math, please see Mrs. Hartman after school on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 4341.</p><p>4. Indianapolis Marion County Public Library (IMCPL) - Get an online tutor 2pm - 10pm seven days a week. Find a resource 24/7. IMCPL offers free online academic and career resources and tutoring from Tutor.com for all students & adults, and in Spanish too! All your students need is an IMCPL library card. Get a Library Card K-12 and college students can get help with homework, studying, projects, essay writing and test prep in every subject, including algebra, statistics, chemistry, physics, social studies and English. Adults can get help with resume writing, GED prep, and academic support. All sessions are online and one-to-one with a live tutor. Getting help is easy. Just go to www.imcpl.org and click on "Homework Help". 12 ~~~~~</p><p>Band News:</p><p>Interested in traveling with the Pride of the Irish Band to Hawaii in 2012? Anyone interested in traveling with the band may contact Kathy McCullough at [email protected] or 317/968-7350.</p><p>Choir News:</p><p>Treat yourself and help the choir at the same time at this week’s UNO Dough Raiser, Thursday, April 28 th through Sunday May 1 st! Just share/use the coupons (at link below) and visit the Clearwater Crossing UNO Chicago Grill on East 82nd Street. 20% of your check will go to Cathedral’s choir. Dine in or carry out! – you can easily order on-line and pick up on the way home from work. Please print and share the attached coupons with friends, family, and co-workers.</p><p>Mark your calendars and plan to attend the choir’s Spring Fling, “Hollywood”, on Saturday, May 7 th. The concert begins at 7 PM in the auditorium. Come enjoy an evening of live entertainment featuring music of Disco Divas & songs from Glee, Michael Buble, Beatles, Justin Bieber, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and more. In addition to senior recognition & awards presentation, it’s free and includes post-concert light refreshments. Invite family & friends!</p><p>“Singers in Motion” Vocal Camp for 3rd to 8th graders from June 27 to July 1, 2011. Interested? Check the website! Campers will be taught by outstanding singers of the Cathedral Choir Program under the direction of our choir director. Instruction will include vocal and movement activities, mini voice lessons and ear training activities such as playing choir chimes and rhythmic instruments. Camp will conclude with a Finale performance of all the campers on Friday at 7:00 p.m.</p><p>Interested in Traveling to Ireland with Cathedral’s Choir Families next July? Check out this proposal and get signed up at Music-Travel.com. Select trip #1107-1- 20. Contact Choir Director, Elaine Holloway, at [email protected] if you have any questions. </p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Theatre News:</p><p>Cathedral Drama Camp</p><p>Cathedral Drama Camp is a two week summer camp designed to instruct interested theatre students going into grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 for the 2011-2012 school year in basic theatre concepts and acting principles in order to prepare them for what to expect at the high school level, especially in the Cathedral Theatre Program.</p><p>13 The students will be coached by advanced students from the award winning Cathedral Theatre Department under the direction of Mr. Terry F. Fox, Director of Theatre at Cathedral High School. Instruction will include basic vocabulary, performance technique, improvisation, character study, and production. The camp will end with a performance recital by all campers. All campers will receive a Cathedral Drama Camp t-shirt. Enrollment will be limited to 30 students in each age group. </p><p>Who: Any student in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 for 2011-2012 school year. When: June 13-24, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., M-F. Where: Cathedral High School/O’Malia Performing Arts Center Cost: $150.00 per student. </p><p>CONTACT: Mr. Terry F. Fox, Director of Theatre Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, IN 46226 968-7344 [email protected]</p><p>REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS June 10, 2011</p><p>Name DOB School Grade Address (Street, City, Zip) Parent/Guardian (Required ) Parent E-mail Phone Number Emergency Name & Contact Number Physician’s Name & Contact Number T-Shirt Size Payment (Required) </p><p>968-7344 [email protected]</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Advancement:</p><p>SUMMER SMASH 2011 What better way to get your summer started than with a concert on the lawn at Cathedral High School! Gather your family, friends, and lawn chairs and let's have a party and some fun! Here are the details:</p><p>14 TOY FACTORY</p><p>For reservations, please click here or call 317.968.7311. </p><p>NEWS FROM THE BOOKSTORE & SPIRIT SHOP: </p><p>Dodge April Showers ~ Shop Cathedral! Be prepared this week for April showers … Cathedral umbrellas; convenient tote($15)& large golf umbrella ($25)! IRISH rain poncho ($25)~ Celebrate your Cathedral Mom and Grandma with great Mother’s Day gift ideas! New arrival: Cathedral tie ($25) navy & old gold; three great classic designs for Cathedral spirit and tradition ~ New arrival: Cathedral Football cap ($20)! Tote Bag Sale ~standard Irish tote with water bottle pouch ($4) ~ take 10% off all large totes this week! SUNDAY SHOPPING OPPORTUNITY: MAY 1 Noon – 3:00 p.m.</p><p>SHOP CATHEDRAL, GO IRISH! Regular hours 7:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. </p><p>INFORMATION FROM RISSE BROTHERS UNIFORM STORE (formerly CAMPUS OUTFITTERS) Cathedral logo uniform pants can only be purchased at our uniform provider, Risse Brothers Uniforms (formerly Campus Outfitters) 15 located at the Castleton area location 8284 Center Run Drive, Indianapolis phone: 5770-0898. Parents can now go to www.rissebrothers.com and pre-register if they would like to save time in the store, but not necessary. Get outfitted for Summer School early! Visit Risse Brothers during store hours: Tuesday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday 10 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., CLOSED Sunday and Monday. *Click here for Risse Brothers flyer (also posted on website under bookstore) *Click here for 2011-2012 uniform pricing and policy information (also posted on website under bookstore)</p><p>SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 BOOKLIST INFORMATION Summer School Textbook information is now available and posted on the Cathedral website. *Click here for Summer School Booklist Textbooks are available for purchase at www.mbsdirect.net or at the USED TEXTBOOK SALE to be held Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27.</p><p>CATHEDRAL FAMILY USED TEXTBOOK SALE ~ SAVE THE DATE! A Used Textbook Sale will take place in the school cafeteria on Thursday, May 26 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Friday, May 27 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Watch for more details on how to sell your books and purchase books at great savings! This sale is a service provided by the parents for Cathedral families. Special thanks to Sarah Bolger and Jan Cohoat for coordinating the sale. If you are available to help with set-up or during sale hours please contact Sarah Bolger: [email protected] . The 2011-2012 Cathedral Master Booklist will be posted to the website on or after May 4.</p><p>MBS DIRECT ON CAMPUS BOOK BUYBACK – FRIDAY, MAY 27 MBS Direct textbook provider will be on campus Friday, May 27 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (in cafeteria) to purchase used textbooks; it’s easy and convenient. *Click here for information and instructions. (also posted on website under bookstore)</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Parent/Student Used Book Sale 2011</p><p>The annual end of the year Parent/Student Used Book Sale will be held on Thursday, May 26th and Friday, May 27th in the cafeteria. Book drop-off will ONLY be on Thursday, May 26th from 11-4 and 5-8 PM. NO BOOK DROP OFF FRIDAY. NO EXCEPTIONS. Sale hours for Thursday will be from 5-8 PM and Friday from 9-1 PM. Book Sale volunteers will monitor and supervise the sale. For questions contact: Jan Cohoat at 432-0707 or [email protected] Sarah Bolger at 570-6991 or [email protected] </p><p>Please note the following guidelines: Only textbooks listed on the 2011-12 booklist can be sold. Booklist available on the Cathedral Bookstore webpage, beginning May 4th. Books must be in “good “condition and reviewed acceptable by monitors.</p><p>16 1. Every seller must have 1 completed form with their name, phone#, and list of each book title to be sold along with the price of each. </p><p>*This form is available on the Cathedral Bookstore webpage.*</p><p>2. Each book must have an envelope taped to the outside cover. The envelope must have the following info written on it: </p><p>Student or Parent’s name (Checks will be made payable to this person.) Phone # Book name Selling price </p><p>**TEXTBOOKS CANNOT BE LEFT AT THE SALE WITHOUT AN ENVELOPE and COMPLETED FORM. For pricing suggestions, go to Amazon.com, budgetbooks.com, or halfpricedbooks.com or any other used book resource. MBS Direct will be on campus Friday, May 27th for book buyback. </p><p>**Please remember to bring many checks or lots of cash. We cannot accept credit cards and will not be able to make change. Please price books in dollar amounts only. CHS is not responsible for returned checks or missing books.</p><p>**Any unsold books not claimed by Friday, May 27th by 1 p.m. become the property of Cathedral High School to benefit the Tuition Assistance Program and are considered a donation. We need volunteers to help with the sale. Please contact Sarah Bolger to help. [email protected]</p><p>Three Shifts available: Thursday, May 26th 11-4 PM Thursday, May 26th 5-8 PM Friday, May 27th 9-1 PM</p><p>~~~~~</p><p>Service Outreach News: The spirit of our service will be guided by Matt 25:35-36: “I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you gave to shelter. I was ill and you came to see me.” One religious writer, Mother Elvira Petrozzi, shares that Easter is the “feast of the running feet.” Believers arrived at the tomb tired and sad and they leave running! As the people of God, we bring the joy of salvation to everyone. This joy is shared in our service work. Thank you for your sincere actions of serving and sharing joy, often brought in “running” enthusiasm.</p><p>17 Class Service Projects We share the united gift of compassion and love with our brothers and sisters through our specific Cathedral projects. Another USO trip is planned for Saturday, May 7 to Camp Atterbury. On Wednesday, May 11, our sophomores will cook and serve a spaghetti dinner at Anna’s House for the local families who are being supported in their ESL classes and other development in their community. On May 14, we will serve lunch at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen. These May projects are on-going expressions of ministry and giving. Details on all of these class service projects are noted below in Service Opportunities. </p><p>Youth As Resources Grants: Students from Cathedral High School have successfully been awarded the following Youth As Resources grants from United Way totaling $3,525:</p><p>Grant Description Students Earning Grants Amounts Building Better Bonds With Students And Disabilities Teresa Schrader $763 Meaghan Searight Express Yourself Mentoring Magic Field Day IPS 106 Olivia Price $1,624 Grace Waltz Oaks Academy Neil Perry $1,138</p><p>Each of these grants will be used to support service outreach that these students are undertaking, either through a new organization called Best Buddies starting up in the new future, continuing IPS mentoring relationships and leadership, or a service project with the library at Oaks Academy next fall. Congratulations are warmly extended to all of these students for their initiative and leadership. More than $6,000 has been earned by students for service-related grants this year. Service Dinner On May 3, we will gather to celebrate wonderful service projects and actions which have been accomplished by students this year. Our dinner will take place at 6:30 PM in the SLC; join us for a special evening of salute to our Cathedral service. Email Mrs. Halstead with your RSVP. Service Hours on Power School Service hours may be viewed on Power School and are current for all hours received since the start of school. There is a small button in the upper right hand corner to view the service hour detail and summary by year. For the 2010-11academic year, service hours for seniors were due December 1, 2010 to </p><p>18 meet their total graduation requirement. For the academic year of 2010- 11, freshmen, sophomore and junior hours were due March 1, 2011. The service hours for all students has been shown on their third quarter report card. If the hours for this year are completed by April 1, hours earned after April 1 may be credited to the next year’s requirement. We are accepting service on a project basis as well. After Sep 1, hours will not be accepted more than sixty days after the date of service performance. Click here to go directly to service opportunities on the web.</p><p>Service Opportunities </p><p>Service Provided Organizati (Organized first by topical interest, Date & Location on date basis in the middle) Time</p><p>Food Support your local food pantries Various Weekly Drives with donations. locations.</p><p>After school programs including basketball at three Shepherd Brookside M-Th 1035 Olney locations. Mr. Tim Streett from Community 3:30-6 St. Shepherd Communities spoke at our 2010 Fall Service Luncheon.</p><p>Teen Court Help assist with the jury and legal M-Th Various representation for cases deferred 5:30- locations: by the Marion and Johnson Cty 7:45 3505 N. </p><p>19 juvenile probation departments. Wash. Click here for the introductory 777 Indiana information and here for the Ave. schedule. Tear Down Help with street ministry for the Sat 2:30- 1253 East the Walls homeless. Newsletter. Contact 5:30 St. Ministry Brian Walls. Web: TDWM.org. Various projects. Click details here. Website www.kibi.org. Great opportunities are possible to adopt Keep Indy 1029 of street for trash cleanup. Obtain Beautiful Anytime Fletcher recycling and reuse locations here. (KIB) 264 7555 Cathedral alum Andrew Brake class of 2000 works here and spoke at our Service Festival.</p><p>Organize food and clothing drive in your neighborhood to help the M-F Horizon 11033 E. homeless. Check the website for Call for House Washington needs. Help with computer tutoring times. this summer on Wednesdays.</p><p>Like to cook? Help re-prepare food for disadvantaged families and Th 4-8 1121 Second individuals by assisting in the PM; Southeaster Helpings cooking at Second Helpings. Must Sat 9-1 n be 16 yrs of age. See website for AM Inpls 46202 details. www.secondhelpings.org.</p><p>Help out by tutoring at IPS#14 once a week for one hour after school. M-Th School on See details on this flyer and 3:45- IPS#14 Wheels www.indysow.org Contact student 4:45 Alexis Cutshaw with questions.</p><p>4 locations Easter Help at Parents' Night Out for Fridays once a Seals special needs kids. 6-10 PM month </p><p>Adopt a resident from Westminster Village North For the Adopt a Westminst 63rd and Grandparent program details, click er Anytime Sunnyside here. Share your musical talent Village Dr and serenade the residents with cheerful melodies!</p><p>Cathedral Assist in serving food to the needy. Any 1350 N </p><p>20 Soup See Parish assistance schedule. Sunday Penn 46202 Kitchen and Sunday shifts.</p><p>Do puppetry and presentations regarding health and well being issues for children interest you? Community Kids On Join nurses from Community Children’ East The Block Hospital to develop and present s 1500 N. Puppet this well-being program for Program Ritter Team children. For details, click 46219 here. Contact Sherry McIntyre 355- 8702 or [email protected]. Assist in re-packing bulk foods St. Vincent (Wed,), client choice shopping Wed 5- De Paul Tu/Th/Sat, & client intake 7PM Pratt- (Tu/Th/Sat) for 3,000 families each Th 5-7 3001 E. Quigley week. P arish schedule Website: PM, 30th 46218 Food www.svdpindy.org. 921 1401. Sat 9-12 Pantry Cathedral alum Pat Jerrell leads this organization.</p><p>Help at the warehouse to pass out and collect furniture and household St. Vincent 1201 E. goods for relocated and Sat 8- De Paul Maryland disadvantaged families. Parish 12 Warehouse 46202 schedule. Website: www.svdpindy.org 687 8258</p><p>Work in the Habitat Home Store any Habitat Saturday; pls first contact Jessica in Home advance 921 2121 x114. Habitat 1022 E. Mor Habitat for Store Volunteer form. Must be 14 to work 22nd St e Humanity Sat 9 in Home Store; must be 16 for 46202 Info AM-2 builds. Cathedral alum Jennifer T-F 9-6 Coffey works here.</p><p>Assist with dynamic art programs at many schools this spring. Phone Various 823 9555 x 11 for Kaitlin Mariutto. downtown After Mor Art With a (ask to speak with Art With A and school e Heart Heart), email Lawrence M-TH Info [email protected]; Township Register online at website locations www.artwithaheart.us.</p><p>St. Mary’s Help with at risk children ages 3-5 M-Th At Ft Ben Child on half and </p><p>21 on early dismissal days Contact Brenta Clem at 361-4864 email [email protected]. Center days downtown Website http://www.stmaryschildcenter.org/. ings. </p><p>April- Agape Help with riding sessions. Flyer June for 24970 Mt. Therapeuti with information. Phone 317 773 spring Pleasant c Riding 7433 x 18. sessions Cicero IN . Come help out with mentoring of 5- 8th grade students as some of our Mon, mentors become involved in spring Tues, Mentoring sports. Here is our schedule: Varies by Wed or Magic Monday IPS 58; Tuesday IPS 106, school Thur Wed Belzer, Thursday IPS 15. 3:30-5 Contact Mrs. Halstead to sign up for this event. Skiles Test Field preparation and concession Fields Skiles Spring/ stands work are ways to assist the behind Baseball Summer Skiles Baseball/Softball program. Skiles Test Support 2011 Click here for more details. Elementary Johnson Rd. Have a love for animals? Attend an information session with a representative from the Humane Wed Mrs. Humane Society to learn about the agency’s April 27 Bundy’s Society needs and volunteer opportunities. 3:15 PM room 4127 Questions, pls. check with Mrs. Bundy. St. Andrew Help distribute food to needy Catholic families for agency that goes from Sat Church Food Link neighborhood to neighborhood. Apr 30 4050 E. 38th See video on you tube. Food link 8:30 – 12 Street website. 46218</p><p>Operation Sign up for the disaster Apply by Crossroads Safeguard preparedness camp. Deadline for May 6. of America Disaster application is May 6. The camp will Camp is Council Preparedn take place on June 13-17. For Jun 13- 7125 Fall ess application details, see 17, Creek Rd N. www.operationsafeguard.net. You 8:30 AM- may earn 10 service hours with this 4:30 PM</p><p>22 camp. Fri: St. Fri May Help with carb load dinner for John 6 Support Friday eve and come on Saturday to Catholic 6:30- For cheer on the team running to Church 8:30 PM Vocations support vocations in the Mini 4050 E. 38th Sat May Race Team Marathon on Saturday. Click here St 46218 7 during for details. Sat: race the race course The Binford Redevelopment area Starts will be hosting their famers market May 7 to Brag each Saturday. Students can help October 62nd and Farmers sell and assist the Farmer’s Market 29 Binford Market needs to develop community re- 8 AM- development. noon Travel to Camp Atterbury USO USO Sat May Lounge to support our soldiers Depart from Lounge 7 preparing for deployment. Save the CHS parking Camp 6-10:45 date! Click here for the permission lot Atterbury PM slip. Help cook and serve spaghetti dinner. Sophomore class project. Wed 303 Elder Anna’s Email Mrs. Halstead. Bring a friend. May 11 Rd House Meet in the SLC outside my office at 3:30- 46223 3:30 PM on Wed. A few extra 7:15 PM parents are needed as drivers. Help serve lunch to the homeless. 1350 N. Jr class service project. This is a lot Sat Cathedral Pennsylvani of fun. Email your participation if May 14 Soup a you need a ride down. See you 10:15- Kitchen 46202 there. You will need to ring the 1:30 buzzer. Help with the Brag clean upon Meet at Sat May Brag Clean Hague and Shadeland. This clean Lawrence 14 Up up with rely on high school help. North 8:30-11 For details, click here. Parking Lot 5845 Help check car seats and assist with State Farm Sat Sunnyside car seat education by the Car Seat May 14 Rd Sunnyside State Farm office. For Safety 9-1 Ste 1100 details, click here. 46235</p><p>Relay for Sign up to be a team for the May 14- Indiana Life Washington Township 15 School For Relay for Life. Benefits American 10 AM to The Blind</p><p>23 Cancer Society. 10 AM In the area around Cathedral, the Millersville CafeMarket will be Thursda starting this summer. Set up and ys break down is needed between 4- 4:30- Corner Millersville 7:30 at the corner of Fall Creek and 7:30 Parking Lot CafeMarke Emerson. Contact information for June 2 of Emerson t the events, which start June 2, can and each and Fall be found on their website. successi Creek Musicians and performers are also ve Thurs welcome to provide intermission nite. entertainment. Sign up to be a team for the Fall Creek June 4-5 Relay for Lawrence Township Valley 10 AM to Life Relay for Life. Benefits American Middle 10 AM Cancer Society School Sign up to be a team for the Carmel June 4-5 Relay for Carmel High 9 AM to Life Relay for Life. Benefits American School 9 AM Cancer Society</p><p>Come help with this celebration for Catholic adults with disabilities. Hosted by Special Nite June 7 Center St. Lawrence, it had more than 375 Out 6:30 14th and attendees last year. Click here for Meridian contact details and information.</p><p>Help cook and serve spaghetti dinner. Sophomore class project. Wed, 303 Elder Anna’s Email Mrs. Halstead. Bring a friend. June 8 Rd House Meet in the SLC outside my office at 4-7:30 46223 3:30 PM on Wed. A few extra PM parents are needed as drivers. Be a character in the park for WFYI. WFYI Let’s Did you always want to be Elmo, June 11 Meet PBS Cookie Monster, Cat in the Hat or Military 8:30- Kids in the Curious George. See the linked Park 4:30 Park Day details for size and age guidelines and contact information. Help serve lunch to the homeless. Jr class service project. This is a lot 1350 N. Cathedral Sat of fun. Email your participation if Pennsylvani Soup June 11 you need a ride down. See you a Kitchen 10-1:30 there. You will need to ring the 46202 buzzer.</p><p>24 Would a family enjoy adopting this July dinner opportunity? Help cook Wed, and serve spaghetti dinner. This is 303 Elder Anna’s July 13 a sophomore class project. Email Rd House 4-7:30 Mrs. Halstead your interest in 46223 PM leading this project in July. </p><p>Would a group enjoy serving lunch to the homeless on this July date? Sat Jul 1350 N. Cathedral Jr class service project. This is a lot 13 Pennsylvani Soup of fun. Email Mrs. Halstead with 10-1:30 a Kitchen your interest. All are welcome to PM 46202 help. M-F after Help to assist in the student school to Dayspring 1537 N. playroom with children. 8 PM. Center Central Transitional housing. 2 hr shift pls. Sat, Sun 8 AM-8 PM.</p><p>Help care for homeless animals. Hamilton Training sessions on the first 1721 Cty Tuesday or third Thursday. Contact Pleasant Anytime Humane Jennifer Borman at 829-3669. On Noblesville Society line application on the website 46060 under Shelter Programs/Volunteers.</p><p>M-Th 8-4 Assist in the packaging of food Gleaners 2nd Tu 6- 3737 boxes, senior boxes and weekend Food 8 1st and Waldemere kids back-sacks. Note new address Bank 3rd Sat 9- Ave 46241 and expanded hours. 12 AM</p><p>Hispanic Community Opportunities Sat 8-12 MedClini c Sat 9-11 14598 Assist in translation or story hour. Trinity Story Oakridge Rd Requires a commitment of approx. Free Clinic Hour, Carmel 30 volunteer hours a yr. 1&3rd 46032 Th. eve Eye Clinic</p><p>Anna's Help continue the ministry of Sat 9- 303 Elder </p><p>25 11:30 Lucious Newsom to pass out food or Wed 2ndth Wed Spaghetti dinner. Babysit Street, House 3:30-7 or on Thursday nights during ESL 46222 Thursda classes. y 6-8</p><p>For details about these service opportunities, this chart and other links on the Cathedral web site, click here If you have other problems with the linked documents, please proceed to the website to access links from the Service Opportunities area under On Campus/Service Outreach.</p><p>Please continue to turn to the most compelling areas of need to perform your service stewardship. Thank you for supporting your class service projects with enthusiasm and compassion. Should you desire to pursue an outreach project with an agency not listed, you may also consult the list of service agencies available by clicking here. By working with diligence and interest on your service, you should find yourself achieving about four hours of service each month. The balance of 2010 and 2011 provides rich opportunities to direct helpful hands and hearts to aid our community needs.</p><p>Service Reflection They say it takes a minute to serve a special person, An hour to appreciate them, A day to love them, But then an entire life to forget them.</p><p>May your Cathedral service personally enrich you and your spirituality, as we seek to address challenges faced by our brothers and sisters in our immediate community and world-wide.</p><p>Service hours for freshmen, sophomore and junior students for the academic year of 20010-11were due on March 1, 2011. Seniors graduation hours for the academic year of 2010-2011 were due on December 1, 2010. Click here for the 2010-11 Service Documentation. Click here for the 2009-10 Service Documentation form. Click here for the Service Hour Criteria. Hours will not be accepted more than sixty days after the date of service performance. Please check the service criteria because neighbor help, family help and working for a business without pay is not accepted as service hours. We always encourage our students to help their families and neighbors but we do not accept these efforts as service hours. We seek to perform our service in the spirit of Matthew 25:35-36.</p><p>College Information: 26 We mentioned to you in August the Senior Survey where you record any merit scholarships you were offered and list your college of attendance. This information is used for the graduation program and other Cathedral publications. It is now available for you in your senior mailboxes, a copy is attached here as well, and it is on the CHS website as well. Completing the survey is REQUIRED. If we don’t get a survey your information cannot be included in the graduation program.</p><p>We realize that some of you have not made your decisions yet or heard back on all scholarships. This is to get you started and give those who do know their decisions to get this completed. We will ask that all surveys are turned in to your college advisor by April 15 th . This gives us time to organize the information and get it to the printer. Thanks in advance for your cooperation, and please see your college advisor if you have any questions. Here is the survey: http://www.cathedral- irish.org/upload...lty/kpivonka//Senior_Survey_2011.docx</p><p>If your son or daughter is interested in a summer internship or college experience, please visit the Guidance page of the Cathedral website. Under “General Information,” there is a tab for “Summer Programs.” Please check weekly as new programs are always being added and several deadlines are approaching!</p><p>~~~~~ After Easter Menu and Price List for the Cafeteria: http://www.cathedral- irish.org/page.cfm?p=2091 It is also listed on our website under “On Campus!”</p><p>~~~~~ Athletics: </p><p>Girl's Track and Field SATURDAY AT THE MIDWEST PREP TRACK & FIELD INVITATIONAL MEET, THE LADY IRISH TRACK & FIELD TEAM HAD SOME OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES. The 4 x 100 relay team of Denisha Brown, Lexxus Betts, Aysha Jemison and Maddie Bryan placed first. Emma MacAnally finished 2nd in the 1600 meter run, Third place finishers included Stephanie Israel (Pole Vault) and Mallory Taylor (Discus). The 4 x 400 relay of Lexxus Betts, Katie Gordon, Aysha Jemison and Lauren Williams finished 6th and Olivia Johnson was 7th in the 300 hurdles.</p><p>Boy's Track and Field Lost to Zionsville by the score of 108-22.</p><p>Boy's Golf On Tuesday the Irish (159) golf team finished 3rd in a field of 3 behind Zionsville (151) and Carmel. (153)</p><p>Baseball On 4/23 at Victory Field the Fighting Irish beat Lawrence Central by the score of 7-3 behind the pitching and hitting of Dillon Peters. Record: 9-1</p><p>27 Lady Irish Tennis On Tuesday the girls tennis team lost to Carmel by the score of 4-1. The only team winning was the number one doubles team of Fry and Eckhart in straight sets.</p><p>The #1 doubles team of Meghan Fry and Caroline Sprunger and the #2 doubles team of Olivia Flynn and Brittany Noe also made it to the finals but both falling short with tough matches in the finals. The Lady Irish came in second behind a strong Floyd Central team. The Lady Irish have a big week ahead facing Carmel Tuesday evening and Brebeuf Wednesday. </p><p>Picture shows Olivia Flynn, Brittany Noe, Ashley Noe, Caroline Sprunger, Meghan Fry</p><p>Senior Night for our six senior girls will be Wednesday April, 27 at 4:30pm against Brebeuf at the Cathedral tennis courts. We are looking to get a big crowd so come out and support your SENIOR TENNIS PLAYERS! The match will be tough against Brebeuf at home so help cheer on the Irish to victory! Starts at 4:30 p.m.! Sincerely, your Tennis Team!</p><p>Softball On 4/20 the girls lost to Noblesville by the score of 8-0.</p><p>Boy's Volleyball On 4/20 the Fighting Irish Varsity team won in 4 sets: 25-22, 25-22, 20-25, 25-16. A super performance by John Uberto as he led the team with 14 digs, Andrew Alden finished with 7 kills along with Garrett Buechler finishing with 5 kills.</p><p>Last night our varsity squad played well against Center Grove dropping the match 20-25, 13-25 and 21-25. </p><p>Thursday 5:30 Freshman vs. Freshman 6:30 JV vs. Carmel 7:30 Varsity vs. Carmel</p><p>Boy's Lacrosse The Irish defeated Guerin 17-2.</p><p>Girl's Lacrosse The girls lacrosse team was defeated by Carmel on 4/18 by the score of 12-4.</p><p>IRISH Swimming & Diving Summer Programs Contact Paula Meyer: [email protected] or 317-525-3761 Hillcrest Country Club 6098 Fall Creek Road Indianapolis 46226</p><p>Swim Camp 28 This camp will cover evaluation and skill development of each of the competitive strokes. May 23-27, 2011 - 4:30 - 5:30 PM 10 and under swimmers 5:30 - 6:30 PM 11 and over swimmers</p><p>Register by May 20th to Coach Paula Meyer 317-525-3761 Fee for this week long camp is $25 payable to Hillcrest CC</p><p>Swim & Dive Lessons Swim Lessons M - Th 10:00-10:45 AM & 5:15-6:00 PM Dive Lessons Sundays 5:00-6:00 PM</p><p>Sessions: May 30- Ju 9, Ju 13- 16, Ju 20-30, July 11-21, July 25 - Aug 5. Fees: Swim Lesson Non-member fee: $75/Session Dive Lessons Non-member fee: $10/lesson Private lessons are available Register: At Hillcrest Pool 4:00-6:30 May 23 -27 or throughout the summer Call Coach Paula Meyer for more information at 317-525-3761</p><p>IRISH Swim Team Summer Conditioning This summer Cathedral students interested in IHSAA swimming should Plan on swimming M/Tu/Th/Fr at Hillcrest CC from 6:30 – 8:00 AM. Core Training will be an option on Tuesday/Thursday following swims until 8:45. This summer program fee is $25 for non HC members payable to HCC.</p><p>IRISH Diving Team The team is looking for students who have experience in diving and/or Gymnastics who are interested diving in high school. Please contact Coach Paula Meyer for summer opportunities at 317-525-3761</p><p>IRISH Biathlon Summer Series The IRISH team is sponsoring a series of 3 biathlons: Swim & Run Biathlon Series 7:15 AM Monday’s June 20, July 18, & August 8 Registration can be made at Hillcrest CC Pool or contacting Coach Paula Meyer at 317-525-3761. $15 fee payable to HCC.</p><p>Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (4-18-11) - Property of Billy Shepherd Sports Inc. and presented by the NFHS Some days in the classroom and on the playing field the student-athlete has a lot of information thrown at them and they may have trouble dissecting it all. I'm sure this has happened to you. If you don't understand a problem in math class or a new play being explained by your coach, ask questions. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having your teacher go over something again that you don't understand, and same with a coach. 29 It's better to be sure now, rather than wait until test day or game day, and not know the routine! For more on the student-athlete go to www.askbillyshep.com and www.nfhs.org. </p><p>~~~~~ Smart Quote: A winner listens, a loser just waits until it is their turn to talk. Prayers are requested: For the unemployed and under-employed; For Guy Vanderpool, grandfather of Tiah Nasser (’14), who is under Hospice care; (4/25) For the repose of the soul of Veronica (Tudy) West, grandmother of Emily Brelage (’09) ~ may she rest in peace; (4/25) For PJ Kervan (80), who suffered a major heart attack and is fighting for his life; he is the father of Jim (’09), Patrick (’12) and Matthew (’14) Kervan; (4/25) For the repose of the soul of Matt Leudeman (’07), brother of Michael Leudeman (’93) ~ may he rest in peace; (4/25) For the repose of the soul of Father Mel Bennett, priest-in-residence at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish ~ may he rest in peace; (4/20) For the repose of the soul of Elizabeth Kleva, great-grandmother of Jacob (’12) and Drew (’14) Bailey ~ may she rest in peace; (4/14) For healing for Lizzie Wagner (’13), who has been ill; (4/13) For healing for Helen Collins, recovering from surgery, and mother of Carolyn (’06), Catherine (’07) and Emily (’09) Collins; (4/13) For the repose of the soul of Bob Sullivan, father of Maureen Sullivan, grandfather of Bill (’99), Dan (’01), Charlie (07) and Peter (’08) Mattingly ~ may he rest in peace; (4/13) For the repose of the soul of Paul B. Kernel ‘48 ~ may he rest in peace; (4/12) For the repose of the soul of Regina I. Garrison, SAA ’70 sister of Peter Elsbergs (’70) ~ may she rest in peace; (4/12) For the repose soul of Edward Disser (3/29/11), grandfather of Adrienne ’05, Kevin ’07, Tim ’09, Stephen ’11 and Molly ’15 Bolger ~ may he rest in peace: (4/11) For the repose of the soul of Charles Regis Ellinger, grandfather of Kerry O’Donnell ’99, Kyle O’Donnell ’98 and Scott O’Donnell ’04, and his son-in-law Dennis O’Donnell ’72 ~ may he rest in peace; (4/6) For the repose of the soul of Tom Scheidler, grandfather of Caroline '11 and Olivia '09 Scheidler, and for healing of Thalia Scheidler, their grandmother, who is in the hospital at this time ~ may he rest in peace; (4/6) For the repose of the soul of Lakesha Long, who died in a car accident ~ may she rest in peace; (4/5) For healing for Deborah Roberts, who is battling breast cancer, and is the mother of Rachel (01), Bobby (’04), John (’07), Rose (’09) and Kathleen Roberts; (3/24) For those who are fighting cancer: For healing for Josh Fry (’14), recently diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma; (9/20) For Bill Lennon, father of teacher Lizabeth Bradshaw, who is fighting cancer; (1/4) For healing of Don Stephenson (’64), suffering with pancreatic cancer, father of Leah Stephenson Roggeman, (’93), brother of Diane Stephenson Moore, </p><p>30 (’67 St. Agnes), David (’65), Dan (’69), and Dennis (’71), uncle of Steve (’85), teacher Kim Jamell, great-uncle of Nick Jamell (’13) and Gina Jamell Snyder (’88). The family is praying for a cure, a period of prolonged remission and that the Holy Spirit envelope him and his family in an embrace of comfort, love and strength. (3/14) For healing for Grace Kelly, a 7th grade student at St. Louis de Montfort, who has been diagnosed with lymphoma; (1/10) For strength and healing for Paul B. Kernel (’48), who has been having radiation and chemotherapy for colorectal, lung and prostate cancer; also, his classmates ask that you send him an email at [email protected] to help with a pick-up of his spirits; (10/4) For Lana Bates, aunt of Collin Bates (’11), who is undergoing experimental cancer treatment; (10/21) For healing for Kari Doctor, sister-in-law of Coach Mark Doctor, who is fighting liver cancer; (10/26) For healing for Karen Gilmore, mother-in-law of teacher Dawn Gilmore, who is facing her second battle with breast cancer; (10/25) For healing for Bob Matthews (‘63) who is battling cancer, husband of Jenny Matthews (former ShamrAuction director), and father of Christy (’91), Tracy (’94) and Amanda (’00); For a return to good health for Andra Ignas, struggling with breast cancer and mother of daughters Brittany (12), Amanda (10) and Hannah (9th at North Central H.S.) and husband, Stan; For healing for Kathy Miller, fighting breast cancer, and mother of John (’06) Miller; For a return to health for Tracy Mirro, sister of one of our faculty members, fighting cancer; For healing for Cynthia Forgey, mother of Jennifer Jarrett (’94), who has ovarian cancer; For those who serve our country: . For Justin Mason (’05), USAF Academy graduate, is stationed at Wright- Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio; . For Douglas Ausenbaugh ('07) who is in his senior year at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York; . For Marco Caress (’09), who is in his 2nd year at West Point Military Academy; . For Katie Wacker (’10), who is a plebe at West Point Military Academy; . For Craig Thedwall (’99), going to Guam in October as part of the Navy Jag Corp unit for a three year stint. His wife Heidi Zawadzki Thedwall, (’99) and their new son, Malachy, will be along for this deployment; . For Daniel Hess ('07) who is in his senior year at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado; (8/12) . For Pvt. Erik Goertemiller (’06), currently in basic training at Ft. Benning Georgia with the US Army; . Please continue to pray for all of our soldiers, deployed or at home; and for all who protect us – soldiers, sailors, firefighters, police forces, and parents.</p><p>Meditation: Luke 24:13-35</p><p>31 “Their eyes were opened.” (Luke 24:31) There’s a well-known optical illusion of two women: One is young and pretty, the other old and haggard. If you’re familiar with this picture, you know that it’s impossible to see the two women at once. Most of us, if we stare long enough, will eventually see one portrait dissolve and the other emerge. But some people can process the image only one way. Though the visual data is right before them, they can’t see more than the girl or the crone. In a way, the Emmaus disciples were like that—unable to process the data and see the whole picture. There they were, trudging along and mournfully reviewing the events of the last three days. When a stranger asked what they were discussing, they spoke of Jesus as a prophet, described his death, and reported on the puzzling empty tomb (Luke 24:19-24). They had the signs, the fulfilled prophecies, even the story of women seeing angels. They even had Jesus himself as their traveling companion! But they still couldn’t process the events into a picture that made sense. Jesus enlightened them in two stages. First, he walked them through “all the scriptures” to show how every prophecy had been fulfilled in him. What a Bible study that must have been! And yet, these disciples needed even more. At day’s end, their hearts were burning, but their vision remained cloudy. Only at table were their eyes finally opened. Only then could they see Jesus present in the word as well as in the breaking of the bread. We, too, need the same double witness. Pope Benedict XVI tells us: “Word and Eucharist are so deeply bound together that we cannot understand one without the other… . The Eucharist opens us up to an understanding of Scripture, just as Scripture for its part illumines and explains the mystery of the Eucharist” (Verbum Domini, 55). How blessed we are that every Mass is an opportunity to receive Jesus in Word and in Eucharist! Let’s take advantage of it often and ask him to enlighten our minds and capture our hearts. Then, like our Emmaus brothers, we will be eager bearers of his great good news. “Lord Jesus, what return can I make for your goodness to me? Take and receive everything I am and have. Only let me see and serve you more and more.”</p><p>Blessings,</p><p>Principal Cathedral High School [email protected]</p><p>32</p>
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