Increased Phenotypic Differentiation and Reduced Corticosteroid Sensitivity

Increased Phenotypic Differentiation and Reduced Corticosteroid Sensitivity

<p> Lo 1</p><p>1 Increased phenotypic differentiation and reduced corticosteroid sensitivity </p><p>2 of fibrocytes in severe asthma</p><p>3</p><p>4 Chun-Yu Lo MD *#$, Charalambos Michaeloudes PhD *$, Pankaj K Bhavsar PhD *, Chien-</p><p>5 Da Huang MD#, Chun-Hua Wang MD#, Han-Pin Kuo MD# and Kian Fan Chung MD*</p><p>6</p><p>7 8 * Airway Disease Section, National Heart and Lung Institute, 9 Imperial College London and Biomedical Research Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK.</p><p>10 # Department of Thoracic Medicine, Chang Gung Medical Foundation, Chang Gung</p><p>11 University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan</p><p>12 $ These authors have contributed equally to this work.</p><p>13</p><p>14 Corresponding author: Professor Kian Fan Chung, National Heart and Lung Institute,</p><p>15 Airway Disease Section, Guy Scadding Building, Dovehouse Street,</p><p>16 London SW3 6LY; e-mail: [email protected]; Telephone: 0044 20 75947959</p><p>17</p><p>18 This work was supported by the Chang Gung Medical Research Project (CMRP) grant</p><p>19 G3A0872 and the National Institute of Health Research Respiratory Disease Biomedical</p><p>20 Research Unit at the Royal Brompton Hospital and Harefield Foundation NHS Trust and</p><p>21 Imperial College London. Lo 2</p><p>22 ABSTRACT</p><p>23 BACKGROUND: Patients with severe asthma are less responsive to corticosteroid therapy</p><p>24 and show increased airway remodelling. The mesenchymal progenitors, fibrocytes, may be</p><p>25 involved in the remodelling of asthmatic airways. We propose that fibrocytes in severe</p><p>26 asthma are different from those from non-severe asthma. OBJECTIVE: To examine the</p><p>27 survival, myofibroblastic differentiation and C-C chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) expression in</p><p>28 blood fibrocytes from patients with severe and non-severe asthma, and study the effect of</p><p>29 corticosteroids on fibrocyte function. </p><p>30 METHODS: The non-adherent non-T (NANT) cell fraction of blood mononuclear cells was</p><p>31 isolated from healthy subjects and patients with non-severe and severe asthma. Total and</p><p>32 differentiating fibrocytes were identified by their expression of CD45, collagen I and α-</p><p>33 smooth muscle actin using flow cytometry. The expression of CCR7 and of the</p><p>34 glucocorticoid receptor (GR) was measured by flow cytometry.</p><p>35 RESULTS: Increased numbers of circulating fibrocytes, with greater myofibroblastic</p><p>36 differentiation potential were observed in patients with severe asthma. Dexamethasone</p><p>37 induced apoptosis, leading to reduction in the number of cultured fibrocytes and total NANT</p><p>38 cells from healthy subjects and patients with non-severe asthma but not from patients with</p><p>39 severe asthma. Dexamethasone reduced CCR7 expression in fibrocytes from patients with</p><p>40 non-severe asthma but not from patients with severe asthma. GR expression was attenuated in</p><p>41 fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma. </p><p>42 CONCLUSIONS: Patients with severe asthma have elevated numbers of circulating</p><p>43 fibrocytes that show enhanced myofibroblastic differentiation and that are less responsive to</p><p>44 the effects of corticosteroids. </p><p>45</p><p>46 KEY MESSAGES Lo 3</p><p>47  Patients with severe asthma have a higher number of circulating fibrocytes which</p><p>48 have a higher capacity to undergo myofibroblastic differentiation in culture.</p><p>49  Fibrocytes of patients with severe asthma are more resistant to the induction of</p><p>50 apoptosis and to the inhibition of CCR7 expression by corticosteroids.</p><p>51 CAPSULE SUMMARY</p><p>52 Patients with severe asthma have increased circulating fibrocytes which show a propensity to</p><p>53 differentiate into myofibroblasts and are relatively corticosteroid-insensitive. Altered</p><p>54 fibrocyte function may contribute to the exaggerated airway remodelling observed in these</p><p>55 patients.</p><p>56 KEY WORDS</p><p>57 Fibrocytes, asthma, corticosteroids, remodelling, myofibroblasts, glucocorticoid receptor,</p><p>58 CCR7, non-adherent non-T cells, PBMCs</p><p>59 ABBREVIATIONS </p><p>60 ASM, Airway smooth muscle; α-SMA, α-smooth muscle actin; PBMCs, peripheral blood</p><p>61 mononuclear cells; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; NANT, Non-adherent non-T cell </p><p>62</p><p>63</p><p>64</p><p>65</p><p>66 INTRODUCTION</p><p>67 The airways in asthma are characterised by airway wall remodeling, including thickening of Lo 4</p><p>68 the airway smooth muscle (ASM) layer and subepithelial fibrosis, which could contribute to</p><p>69 airflow obstruction (1). ASM layer thickening and subepithelial fibrosis in asthma may result</p><p>70 from ASM cell (ASMC) hyperplasia and hypertrophy (2;3), and increased numbers of</p><p>71 myofibroblasts (4) in the airway wall. A proportion of asthmatic patients suffer from severe or</p><p>72 refractory asthma which is difficult to control despite receiving high doses of inhaled and</p><p>73 sometimes oral corticosteroids (5). These patients show increased airway wall remodeling,</p><p>74 with augmented subepithelial fibrosis and ASM thickening, which may contribute to the</p><p>75 persistent airflow obstruction in these patients (6-8). </p><p>76 Fibrocytes are bone marrow-derived circulating mesenchymal progenitor cells that express</p><p>77 leukocyte markers such as CD34 and CD45 but also mesenchymal markers such as pro-</p><p>78 collagen and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) (9). Fibrocytes migrate to the lung in response</p><p>79 to inflammation, and home on to the airway wall where they differentiate into</p><p>80 myofibroblasts. One mediator of fibrocyte migration to the lungs is the C-C chemokine</p><p>81 receptor 7 (CCR7) (10;11). CCR7 is expressed on circulating fibrocytes (12), while the expression</p><p>82 of its ligand, chemokine (C-C) motif ligand (CCL)-19, is increased in the ASM of patients</p><p>83 with asthma which implicates an important role of CCR7 in the homing of fibrocytes to</p><p>84 asthmatic airways (13). Fibrocytes are more abundant in the circulation of asthma subjects</p><p>85 with chronic airflow obstruction, and they have been localised to the ASM compartment in</p><p>86 the airway wall of patients with severe refractory asthma (12;14). At the tissue site, fibrocytes</p><p>87 can differentiate into myofibroblasts (15) which mediate subepithelial fibrosis through the</p><p>88 release of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (4) and may also contribute to increased ASM</p><p>89 mass (16). </p><p>90 Corticosteroid insensitivity is a feature of severe asthma. Corticosteroids are less effective in</p><p>91 suppressing the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from peripheral blood mononuclear</p><p>92 cells (PBMCs) (17;18) and alveolar macrophages (19) from patients with severe asthma. ASMCs Lo 5</p><p>93 from patients with severe asthma are also resistant to the anti-proliferative and anti-</p><p>94 inflammatory effects of corticosteroids (20;21). Moreover, T lymphocytes from patients with</p><p>95 severe refractory asthma, and PBMCs exposed to interleukin (IL)-17 and IL-23 are resistant</p><p>96 to the induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by corticosteroids (21-23). However, the effect</p><p>97 of corticosteroids on fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma is not known. </p><p>98 We hypothesized that patients with severe asthma have higher numbers of circulating</p><p>99 fibrocytes with increased differentiation potential and decreased sensitivity to the effects of</p><p>100 corticosteroids. We therefore determined the number of total and differentiating fibrocytes in</p><p>101 the non-adherent non-T (NANT) cell fraction of PBMCs of healthy subjects and patients with</p><p>102 non-severe and severe asthma, immediately after isolation and also following culture. We</p><p>103 also compared the expression of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in fibrocytes and the effect</p><p>104 of dexamethasone on the number of fibrocytes and the expression of CCR7 in these cells. The</p><p>105 effect of dexamethasone on apoptosis was also studied in fibrocytes isolated from the</p><p>106 adherent fraction of PBMCs.</p><p>107</p><p>108</p><p>109</p><p>110</p><p>111</p><p>112 MATERIALS AND METHODS</p><p>113 Study population</p><p>114 Healthy subjects and patients with non-severe and severe asthma were recruited. Subjects Lo 6</p><p>115 with FEV1 reversibility of less than 12% or with a provocative concentration of methacholine</p><p>116 causing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20) of less than 8 mg/mL were diagnosed as asthmatics.</p><p>117 Severe asthma was defined according to the ATS guidelines for refractory asthma, with the</p><p>118 presence of at least one of two major criteria for corticosteroid usage, and at least two minor</p><p>119 criteria (24). Patients with non-severe asthma had perfect control of their symptoms using</p><p>120 inhaled beclomethasone (0-1000 µg/d or equivalent). Current smokers and ex-smokers with</p><p>121 a smoking history of greater than 5 pack-years were excluded. All patients provided informed</p><p>122 consent and the study has been approved by the National Research Ethics Service Committee</p><p>123 London - Chelsea (REC 08/H0708/109).</p><p>124 Isolation of circulating fibrocytes from the non-adherent non-T (NANT) cell fraction</p><p>125 Non-adherent non-T (NANT) cells were isolated from peripheral blood as previously</p><p>126 described (12). PBMCs were isolated from whole blood using density gradient centrifugation</p><p>127 with Ficoll-PaqueTM PLUS (GE HealthCare, Uppsala, Sweden). Adherent cells were removed</p><p>128 by adherence and the non-adherent cell fraction was depleted of T cells using magnetic beads</p><p>129 coated with anti-CD3 mAb (Miltenyi Biotec, Auburn, California). The resulting NANT cells</p><p>130 were cultured in Iscove Modified Dulbecco medium (IMDM; Sigma-Aldrich, Ayrshire, UK)</p><p>131 containing 30% FBS and 1% BSA at 37 °C and 5% CO2 for the required time periods in the</p><p>132 presence or absence of the required treatments. The number of viable NANT cells was</p><p>133 determined by Trypan blue staining and haemocytometer counting. </p><p>134 Fibrocytes were identified in freshly isolated or cultured NANT cells as CD45+/collagen I+</p><p>135 cells, whilst differentiating fibrocytes as α-SMA+ cells, using flow cytometry. NANT cells</p><p>136 were fixed using 0.5% paraformaldehyde, washed twice with PBS and permeabilised using</p><p>137 BD FACS™ Permeabilizing Solution 2 (BD Biosciences, San Jose, California). Cell pellets</p><p>138 were incubated with mouse anti-human collagen I antibody (Millipore Corporation, Lo 7</p><p>139 Temecula, California) followed by a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated anti-</p><p>140 mouse secondary antibody (DAKO A/S, Glostrup, Denmark). Cell pellets were then</p><p>141 incubated with an allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated mouse-anti-human CD45 antibody</p><p>142 (BD Biosciences). In some experiments cells were also stained using a phycoerythrin (PE)-</p><p>143 conjugated mouse anti-human CCR7 antibody (BD Biosciences). Stained cells were analysed</p><p>144 using a BD FACSCantoTM II flow cytometer. The relevant isotype antibody controls were</p><p>145 used for every flow cytometry experiment.</p><p>146 Isolation of fibrocytes from adherent PBMCs </p><p>147 In some experiments fibrocytes isolated from the adherent fraction of PBMCs were used.</p><p>148 Briefly, PBMCs were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) (Sigma-</p><p>149 Aldrich) supplemented with 10% FBS for 3 days. Non-adherent cells were then removed and</p><p>150 adherent cells were cultured for a further 3 days in the presence of the required treatments.</p><p>151 Viable cells were counted and the percentage of fibrocytes was determined as described</p><p>152 above.</p><p>153 Determination of GR expression in fibrocytes</p><p>154 NANT cells were fixed, stained with an APC-conjugated mouse anti-human CD45 antibody</p><p>155 (BD Biosciences) and permeabilised as described above. Cell pellets were then incubated</p><p>156 with a FITC-conjugated mouse anti-human collagen I antibody (Millipore), and a rabbit-anti-</p><p>157 human GR antibody (Abcam, MA, USA) followed by a PE-conjugated goat-anti-rabbit</p><p>158 antibody (Abcam). Stained cells were analysed by flow cytometry as described above.</p><p>159 Determination of apoptotic NANT cells using Annexin V and propidium iodide (PI)</p><p>160 staining</p><p>161 Apoptosis of NANT cells was analysed by Annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) staining Lo 8</p><p>162 using the FITC Annexin V/Dead cell apoptosis kit (Invitrogen) according to the</p><p>163 manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, NANT cells were treated as required, washed in PBS</p><p>164 and then were incubated with FITC-conjugated annexin V and PI, and analysed by flow</p><p>165 cytometry. Annexin V-/PI- were considered live cells, Annexin V+/PI- as apoptotic and</p><p>166 annexin V+/PI+ as late apoptotic cells. </p><p>167 Statistical analysis</p><p>168 Data are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical analysis was</p><p>169 carried out using the GraphPad Prism v.5 software package (GraphPad Prism Software Inc,</p><p>170 San Diego, CA). Results were analysed using the Friedman test for intra-group comparisons,</p><p>171 and the Kruskal-Wallis test for comparisons between healthy and non-severe and severe</p><p>172 asthmatic groups, followed by Dunns post test. Correlations between parameters were</p><p>173 determined by Spearman’s rank correlation. p<0.05 was considered as statistically</p><p>174 significant.</p><p>175</p><p>176 RESULTS</p><p>177 Increased circulating fibrocytes in patients with severe asthma</p><p>178 Immediately after isolation there was no significant difference in the number of NANT cells</p><p>179 per mL of blood between the three groups (See Figure E1 in the Online Repository).</p><p>180 However, the NANT cells of severe asthma patients contained a higher percentage of</p><p>181 fibrocytes compared to that of non-severe asthma patients and healthy subjects, whilst the</p><p>182 percentage of circulating fibrocytes in non-severe asthma patients was higher than in healthy</p><p>183 subjects (Figure 1A and B). These differences were thus reflected in the absolute number of</p><p>184 fibrocytes per mL of blood which was increased in severe asthmatics compared to non-severe</p><p>185 asthmatics and healthy subjects, but also in non-severe asthmatics compared to healthy Lo 9</p><p>186 subjects (Figure 1C). The number of circulating fibrocytes in severe asthmatics who were on</p><p>187 oral prednisolone was not significantly different from that of patients who were not (See</p><p>188 Figure E2 in the Online Repository), suggesting that systemic corticosteroid therapy did not</p><p>189 affect the number of circulating fibrocytes. Moreover, the number of fibrocytes per mL of</p><p>190 blood showed an inverse correlation with the pre-bronchodilator FEV1% (Figure 1D) and</p><p>191 FEV1/FVC ratio (Figure 1E). </p><p>192 Increased differentiation of fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma</p><p>193 We observed an increase in the number of fibrocytes in the NANT cells from healthy subjects</p><p>194 and patients with non-severe asthma following culture, peaking after 3 days in culture, whilst</p><p>195 the number of fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma did not increase (Figure 2A). We</p><p>196 employed single α-SMA staining to identify differentiating fibrocytes as we have established</p><p>197 that the majority cells in the NANT cell population expressing α-SMA are fibrocytes (data</p><p>198 not shown). The number of differentiating fibrocytes in the NANT cells of healthy subjects</p><p>199 increased with time, peaking after 3 days (Figure 2B). The changes in α-SMA-positive cells</p><p>200 were followed by an increase in adherent “spindle-shaped” cells, which peaked after 10 days</p><p>201 in culture, indicating that fibrocytes can fully differentiate into myofibroblasts-like cells (See</p><p>202 Figure E3 in the Online Repository). We observed an increase in the number of</p><p>203 differentiating fibrocytes in the NANT cells of all groups, which also peaked after 3 days in</p><p>204 culture (Figure 2B). However, the number of differentiating fibrocytes in the NANT cells</p><p>205 from patients with severe asthma was higher compared to healthy subjects and patients with</p><p>206 non-severe asthma at day 3 (Figure 2B). </p><p>207 Effect of corticosteroids on apoptosis of NANT cells and fibrocytes </p><p>208 Dexamethasone (10-8-10-6 M) treatment for 3 days led to a concentration-dependent reduction</p><p>209 in the number of fibrocytes and differentiating fibrocytes from healthy subjects and patients Lo 10</p><p>210 with non-severe asthma, but had no effect on those from patients with severe asthma (Figures</p><p>211 3A and 3B). Dexamethasone (10-8-10-6 M) also reduced the number of the total NANT cells</p><p>212 from healthy subjects and patients with non-severe asthma but not those from patients with</p><p>213 severe asthma (Figure 3C). </p><p>214 We determined the percentage of apoptotic NANT cells both at baseline and after</p><p>215 dexamethasone treatment. Immediately after isolation, the percentage of live and apoptotic</p><p>216 cells was similar in all groups (Figure 3D). After 3 days in culture, untreated NANT cells</p><p>217 from patients with severe asthma contained a higher percentage of live cells and a lower</p><p>218 percentage of early apoptotic cells compared to healthy subjects, suggesting increased</p><p>219 survival of severe asthmatic NANT cells (Figures 3E). Dexamethasone caused a reduction in</p><p>220 the percentage of live cells whilst increasing the percentage of early and late apoptotic cells</p><p>221 in NANT cells from healthy subjects (Figure 3F) and patients with non-severe asthma (Figure</p><p>222 3G). However, dexamethasone did not modulate the percentage of live and apoptotic NANT</p><p>223 cells from patients with severe asthma (Figure 3H). Similarly, when the data was expressed</p><p>224 as a total percentage of apoptotic cells, NANT cells from patients with severe asthma showed</p><p>225 a higher percentage of live, and a lower percentage of apoptotic, cells compared to those from</p><p>226 healthy subjects (See Table E1 in the Online Repository). Moreover, dexamethasone caused a</p><p>227 significant decrease in the percentage of total apoptotic cells from healthy subjects and</p><p>228 patients with non-severe asthma but had no effect on those from patients with severe asthma</p><p>229 (See Table E1 in the Online Repository). </p><p>230 Dexamethasone (10-7 M)-induced reduction in NANT cell (Figure 4A), fibrocyte (Figure 4B)</p><p>231 and differentiating fibrocyte (Figure 4C) numbers was prevented by the GR antagonist</p><p>232 RU486 (10-6-10-5 M), confirming that this effect is GR-mediated.</p><p>233 Corticosteroid insensitivity of fibrocytes on CCR7 expression in severe asthma Lo 11</p><p>234 No significant difference was observed in the baseline percentage of CCR7-positive</p><p>235 fibrocytes between the three groups (Figure 5A-B). However, dexamethasone (10-8-10-6 M)</p><p>236 treatment for 3 days led to a concentration-dependent decrease in the percentage of CCR7-</p><p>237 positive fibrocytes (Figure 5A and C) and the CCR7 MFI ratio (Figure 5D) in NANT cells</p><p>238 from patients with non-severe asthma, but had no significant effect on those from patients</p><p>239 with severe asthma. Thus, the expression of CCR7 on the fibrocytes of patients with severe</p><p>240 asthma is resistant to the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone.</p><p>241 GR expression in fibrocytes in severe asthma </p><p>242 We compared the expression of GR in fibrocytes in freshly isolated NANT cells from healthy</p><p>243 subjects and patients with non-severe and severe asthma (Figure 6A). Both the percentage of</p><p>244 GR-positive fibrocytes (Figure 6B) and the GR MFI ratio (Figure 6C) were lower in patients</p><p>245 with severe asthma compared to healthy subjects and patients with non-severe asthma. The</p><p>246 percentage of GR-positive cells and GR MFI ratio were also reduced in the whole NANT cell</p><p>247 isolated from patients with severe asthma compared to healthy subjects and patients with</p><p>248 non-severe asthma (See Figure E4 in the Online Repository).</p><p>249</p><p>250</p><p>251 Effect of dexamethasone on fibrocytes isolated from adherent PBMCs</p><p>252 The percentage of fibrocytes and differentiating fibrocytes in adherent PBMCs increased in a</p><p>253 time-dependent manner peaking after 10 days in culture (See Figure E5 in the Online</p><p>254 Repository). Treatment with dexamethasone (10-7 M) for 72 hrs led to a decrease in the</p><p>255 number of fibrocytes and differentiating fibrocytes from healthy subjects, and this effect was</p><p>256 prevented by RU486 (10-6 M) (Figures 7A and 7B). Dexamethasone (10-7 M) also reduced the</p><p>257 number of fibrocytes and differentiating fibrocytes from patients with non-severe asthma but</p><p>258 had no significant effect on those from patients with severe asthma (Figures 7C and 7D). Lo 12</p><p>259 Thus, fibrocytes isolated from the adherent fraction of PBMCs of severe asthmatic patients</p><p>260 are also resistant to corticosteroid-induced apoptosis.</p><p>261</p><p>262</p><p>263</p><p>264</p><p>265</p><p>266</p><p>267</p><p>268</p><p>269</p><p>270</p><p>271</p><p>272 DISCUSSION</p><p>273 We have demonstrated that, immediately after isolation, there is a higher number of</p><p>274 fibrocytes in the circulating blood of patients with severe asthma compared to healthy</p><p>275 subjects and patients with non-severe asthma. Furthermore, we showed that, when placed in</p><p>276 culture, fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma have a greater capacity to differentiate</p><p>277 into myofibroblasts compared to fibrocytes from healthy subjects and patients with non-</p><p>278 severe asthma. Dexamethasone decreased the number of NANT cells, including fibrocytes,</p><p>279 from healthy subjects and patients with non-severe asthma but had no effect on those from Lo 13</p><p>280 patients with severe asthma. In line with these findings, dexamethasone reduced the</p><p>281 percentage of live NANT cells, and increased the percentage of apoptotic NANT cells from</p><p>282 healthy subjects and patients with non-severe asthma but had no effect on those from patients</p><p>283 with severe asthma. Fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma were also resistant to the</p><p>284 inhibition of CCR7 expression by dexamethasone and showed reduced GR expression</p><p>285 compared to those from healthy subjects and patients with non-severe asthma. Thus, patients</p><p>286 with severe asthma have a higher number of circulating fibrocytes that have a greater</p><p>287 capacity to differentiate into myofibroblasts while showing relative corticosteroid</p><p>288 insensitivity both in terms of apoptotic response and suppression of CCR7 expression. </p><p>289 The airway wall in severe asthma is characterized by increased ASM thickening and sub-</p><p>290 epithelial fibrosis, features of a remodelling process (6-8). We show that fibrocytes are more</p><p>291 abundant in the circulation of patients with severe asthma and have an increased capacity to</p><p>292 differentiate into myofibroblasts compared to healthy subjects and patients with non-severe</p><p>293 asthma. Our data are in line with findings by Saunders et al showing increased numbers of α-</p><p>294 SMA-positive fibrocytes in the lamina propria of patients with severe refractory asthma and</p><p>295 in the ASM bundles of patients with asthma of all severities, suggesting that fibrocytes can</p><p>296 migrate to the airway wall of these patients and differentiate into myofibroblasts (14).</p><p>297 Myofibroblasts exhibit a phenotype between fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells that</p><p>298 involves secretion of ECM proteins (25) but also expression of smooth muscle-specific</p><p>299 proteins (26). The number of myofibroblasts in the airways of patients with asthma was found</p><p>300 to be correlated with the extent of subepithelial fibrosis (4). Myofibroblasts have also been</p><p>301 detected in the ASM bundles of patients with asthma, therefore possibly contributing to the</p><p>302 increased ASM mass (16). Thus, patients with severe asthma may have a greater pool of</p><p>303 circulating fibrocytes which can readily differentiate into myofibroblasts upon migration to</p><p>304 the airway wall, contributing to the remodelling process. Lo 14</p><p>305 Patients with severe asthma show exaggerated airway remodelling despite being on high</p><p>306 doses of inhaled and sometimes oral corticosteroid treatment (6-8). We, therefore, determined</p><p>307 the effect of corticosteroids on the function of fibrocytes isolated from these patients. Our</p><p>308 data show a reduction in the number of fibrocytes and differentiating fibrocytes from healthy</p><p>309 subjects and patients with non-severe asthma in response to exposure to dexamethasone,</p><p>310 which was prevented by the GR antagonist, RU486. Moreover, dexamethasone reduced the</p><p>311 number of total NANT cells whilst increasing the percentage of apoptotic NANT cells,</p><p>312 implicating GR-mediated apoptosis in this effect. Hayashi et al have also recently reported</p><p>313 dexamethasone-induced inhibition of the proliferation of circulating fibrocytes of healthy</p><p>314 subjects (27). Dexamethasone also led to a reduction in the expression of CCR7 in the</p><p>315 fibrocytes from patients with non-severe asthma, in line with reports in dendritic cells (28;29),</p><p>316 suggesting that corticosteroids may have an inhibitory effect on the migration of fibrocytes.</p><p>317 Intriguingly, dexamethasone had no effect on both the number or on the expression of CCR7</p><p>318 in fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma indicating that these cells show relative</p><p>319 corticosteroid insensitivity. This may result from the lower GR expression levels we observed</p><p>320 in fibrocytes from severe asthma. Indeed, PBMCs from patients with asthma treated with IL-</p><p>321 2 and IL-4 show reduced GR-alpha expression accompanied by corticosteroid insensitivity,</p><p>322 including resistance to dexamethasone-induced apoptosis (23). However, other mechanisms</p><p>323 such as reduced histone deacetylase activity (17) and p38 mitogen activated protein kinase-</p><p>324 dependent GR phosphorylation (18-20;30) may also be involved. Dexamethasone also failed to</p><p>325 induce apoptosis and reduce the number of total NANT cells from patients with severe</p><p>326 asthma. NANT cells from patients with severe asthma also exhibited lower levels of GR</p><p>327 expression compared to healthy subjects and patients with severe asthma. Thus, the relative</p><p>328 corticosteroid insensitivity we observed in fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma also</p><p>329 extends to non-fibrocyte cells. Nonetheless, as we have shown that NANT cells from patients Lo 15</p><p>330 with severe asthma show increased survival, we cannot exclude the possibility that the failure</p><p>331 of dexamethasone to reduce the number these cells is a result of an inherent resistance to</p><p>332 apoptosis.</p><p>333 We have previously demonstrated relative corticosteroid insensitivity in PBMCs (17), alveolar</p><p>334 macrophages (19) as well as ASMCs (20) from patients with severe asthma. We now extend this</p><p>335 observation to show that in patients with severe asthma, circulating progenitor cells such as</p><p>336 fibrocytes may also exhibit an altered response to corticosteroids. This finding may have</p><p>337 important implications in understanding the mechanisms underlying the increased</p><p>338 remodelling observed in these patients. </p><p>339 The most commonly described method of isolating fibrocytes from blood uses the adherent</p><p>340 fraction of PBMCs (31;32). However, fibrocytes are also abundant in the non-adherent fraction</p><p>341 of PBMCs (12;33). We found that fibrocytes isolated from the adherent fraction of PBMCs of</p><p>342 patients with severe asthma were also resistant to the pro-apoptotic effect of dexamethasone,</p><p>343 suggesting that both adherent and non-adherent fibrocyte populations show the same pattern</p><p>344 of response to corticosteroids in vitro.</p><p>345 A limitation of our study is that it does not provide direct evidence for the role of fibrocyte-</p><p>346 derived myofibroblasts in the development of airway remodelling in severe asthma. A study</p><p>347 involving tracking fluorescence-labeled fibrocytes in a mouse model of allergic asthma has</p><p>348 shown recruitment of fibrocytes from the circulation to the bronchial tissue and</p><p>349 differentiation into myofibroblasts in response to allergen exposure (15). Similar studies in</p><p>350 animal models of severe asthma may provide a clearer picture of the involvement of</p><p>351 fibrocytes in the development of airway remodelling in this disease.</p><p>352 Fibrocytes are potentially important cells involved in the airway wall remodeling in asthma</p><p>353 (10). Our study demonstrates that patients with severe asthma have elevated numbers of Lo 16</p><p>354 circulating fibrocytes which show an aberrant phenotype involving a heightened ability to</p><p>355 differentiate into myofibroblasts and relative resistance to the effects of corticosteroids.</p><p>356 Fibrocytes could thus play a central role in the development and persistence of airway</p><p>357 remodelling in severe asthma and could be an important therapeutic target. </p><p>358 359 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 360</p><p>361 We thank João Pedro Carvalho da Purificacao Rocha for recruiting the subjects and</p><p>362 Kirandeep K. Chana, Po-Jui Chang, Chih-Ming Weng, and Kang-Yun Lee for their technical</p><p>363 help and advice.</p><p>364</p><p>365</p><p>366</p><p>367</p><p>368 References</p><p>369</p><p>370 (1) Jeffery PK. Remodeling and inflammation of bronchi in asthma and chronic 371 obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Am Thorac Soc 2004; 1(3):176-83.</p><p>372 (2) James AL, Elliot JG, Jones RL, Carroll ML, Mauad T, Bai TR et al. Airway 373 smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia in asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 374 185(10):1058-64.</p><p>375 (3) Woodruff PG, Dolganov GM, Ferrando RE, Donnelly S, Hays SR, Solberg 376 OD et al. Hyperplasia of smooth muscle in mild to moderate asthma without changes in cell 377 size or gene expression. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 169(9):1001-6.</p><p>378 (4) Brewster CE, Howarth PH, Djukanovic R, Wilson J, Holgate ST, Roche WR. 379 Myofibroblasts and subepithelial fibrosis in bronchial asthma. 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(D-E) Correlation of</p><p>486 fibrocyte numbers with FEV1 % predicted (D) and FEV1/FVC ratio (E) was determined using</p><p>487 Spearman’s rank correlation. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001. RS: Spearman’s rank</p><p>488 correlation.</p><p>489 Lo 20</p><p>490 Figure 2: Number of fibrocytes and differentiating fibrocytes in cultured NANT cells</p><p>491 from healthy subjects and patients with non-severe and severe asthma. The number of</p><p>492 fibrocytes (Col I+/CD45+ cells; A) and differentiated fibrocytes (α-SMA+ cells; B) were</p><p>493 determined in NANT cells from healthy subjects (n=5-18) and patients with non-severe</p><p>494 (n=4-18) and severe asthma (n=5-38) after 3-14 days in culture. Bars represent mean ± SEM.</p><p>495 * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs day 0 for each patient group. ## p < 0.01 vs healthy</p><p>496 day 3. $$ p < 0.01 vs non-severe asthma day 3.</p><p>497 </p><p>498 Figure 3: Effect of dexamethasone on fibrocyte and differentiating fibrocyte number.</p><p>499 (A-C) NANT cells from healthy subjects (n=9) and patients with non-severe (n=10) and</p><p>500 severe asthma (n=12) were cultured for 3 days in the presence or absence of dexamethasone</p><p>501 (10-8-10-6M). The number of fibrocytes (Col I+/CD45+ cells; A), differentiating fibrocytes (α-</p><p>502 SMA+ cells; B) and total NANT cells (C) was determined. Data are expressed as fold change</p><p>503 compared to untreated control. (D-E) The percentage of live, and early and late apoptotic</p><p>504 NANT cells from healthy subjects (H; n=6) and patients with non-severe (NSA; n=6) and</p><p>505 severe asthma (SA; n=6) was determined immediately after isolation (D), or after 3 days in</p><p>506 culture in the absence (E) or presence of dexamethasone (10-7M; F-H). Data points and bars</p><p>507 represent mean ± SEM. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 vs untreated for each group. #</p><p>508 p<0.05, ## p<0.01 vs healthy. $ p<0.05, $$ p<0.01 vs non-severe asthma.</p><p>509</p><p>510 Figure 4: Effect of GR inhibition on dexamethasone-induced reduction in fibrocyte</p><p>511 number. NANT cells from healthy subjects were treated with dexamethasone (10-7M) in the</p><p>512 presence or absence of RU486 (10-6-10-5 M) and total NANT cell (A), fibrocyte (Col</p><p>513 I+/CD45+ cells; B) and differentiating fibrocyte (α-SMA+ cells; C) numbers were Lo 21</p><p>514 determined after 3 days. Bars represent mean ± SEM of 6 donors. * p<0.05. </p><p>515</p><p>516 Figure 5: Effect of dexamethasone on CCR7 expression in fibrocytes from patients with</p><p>517 non-severe and severe asthma. (A) Representative flow cytometry scatter plots from one</p><p>518 experiment per group are shown. (B) The percentage of CCR7+ fibrocytes (Col</p><p>519 I+/CD45+/CCR7+ cells) was determined in NANT cells from patients with non-severe</p><p>520 (NSA; n=10) and severe asthma (SA; n=12) immediately after isolation or after 3 days in</p><p>521 culture. Horizontal lines represent the median for each group. * p<0.05, ** P<0.01 and ***</p><p>522 P<0.001. (C-D) The percentage of CCR7+ fibrocytes (C) and the median fluorescence</p><p>523 intensity (MFI) ratio (D) after treatment with dexamethasone (10-7M) for 3 days was</p><p>524 determined in the NANT cells of the same patients. Data points represent mean ± SEM. *</p><p>525 p<0.05, *** p<0.001 vs untreated. # p<0.01 vs non-severe asthma. </p><p>526 Figure 6: GR expression in fibrocytes from healthy subjects and patients with non-</p><p>527 severe and severe asthma. (A) Representative flow cytometry scatter plots from one</p><p>528 experiment per group are shown. The percentage (B) and median fluorescence intensity</p><p>529 (MFI) ratios (C) of GR+ fibrocytes (Col I+/CD45+/GR+ cells) were determined in freshly</p><p>530 isolated NANT cells from healthy subjects (H; n=10) and patients with non-severe (NSA;</p><p>531 n=8) and severe asthma (SA; n=7). Horizontal lines represent medians. ** p<0.01. </p><p>532</p><p>533 Figure 7. Effect of dexamethasone on the number of fibrocytes derived from adherent</p><p>534 PBMCs. (A-B) Adherent PBMCs from healthy subjects (n=6) were placed in culture for 3</p><p>535 days followed by incubation with dexamethasone (10-7 M), in the presence or absence of</p><p>536 RU486 (10-6 M), for a further 3 days. The number of fibrocytes (Col I+/CD45+ cells; A) and</p><p>537 differentiating fibrocytes (α-SMA+ cells; B) was determined. (C-D) Adherent PBMCs from Lo 22</p><p>538 healthy subjects (n=6), and patients with non-severe (n=5) and severe asthma (n=6) were</p><p>539 placed in culture for 3 days followed by incubation with dexamethasone (10-7 M) for a further</p><p>540 3 days. The number of fibrocytes (Col I+/CD45+ cells; C) and differentiating fibrocytes (α-</p><p>541 SMA+ cells; D) was determined. Bars represent mean ± SEM. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, ***</p><p>542 p<0.001.</p><p>543</p><p>544</p>

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