<p> 1</p><p>UNISON EAST MIDLANDS EDUCATION PROGRAMME 2017 </p><p>- CONTENTS -</p><p>STEWARDS PASSPORT COURSES PAGE The Organising Steward: Stewards Passport Modules 1 & 2 3 TUC Union Representatives Stage 1 3 Online UNISON Stewards Course: Stewards Passport Modules 1 & 2 4 ERA Re-accreditation 5 Advanced Representation, Campaigning and Negotiating Skills: 6 Stewards Passport Modules 3, 4 & 5</p><p>HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES PASSPORT COURSES PAGE Organising for Safety: Health & Safety Representatives Passport Modules 1 & 2 7 Advanced Representation, Campaigning and Negotiating Skills: Health & Safety 6 Representatives Passport Modules 3, 4 & 5 </p><p>UNION LEARNING REPRESENTATIVES (ULR) PASSPORT COURSES PAGE Union Learning Representatives: ULR Passport Module 1 8 Union Learning Representatives Stage 2: ULR Passport Module 2 9 Leading on Learning and Understanding Funding: ULR Additional Passport 10</p><p>LIFELONG LEARNING CO-ORDINATOR PASSPORT COURSES PAGE Introduction to the Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Role: 11 Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Passport Module 1 Advanced Representation, Campaigning and Negotiating Skills: 12 Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Optional Passport Module Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Optional Passport Module: 13 Leading on Learning and Understanding Funding: LLC Additional Passport</p><p>BRANCH OFFICER TRAINING PAGE General information 14</p><p>FINANCE PAGE Finance Training Pathway 15 On-Line Branch Accounting (OLBA) 15 Objective Based Budgetting for Branches 16 Finance and the Organised Branch 16 Treasurers Forum 16 2</p><p>WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVE & BRANCH DEVELOPMENT COURSES PAGE</p><p> Mental Health Awareness 17 Social Media 17 Strategic Campaigning 17 Thompsons Briefings: Employment Law & Dealing with Personal Injury Claims 18</p><p>NATIONAL WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMME: PAGE 2016 EMPLOYMENT LAW COURSES Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE 19 Race and Sex Discrimination Law 20 Disability Discrimination Law 20 Unfair Dismissals and Employment Tribunals 21 Maternity and Parental Rights 21 Branch Welfare Officer Training 22</p><p>FREE COURSES FOR MEMBERS PAGE General information 23 Build your Confidence 24 Develop your Job Skills 25 Interview Skills 26 Manage your Stress 26 Women’s Assertiveness 27 Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing 28</p><p> Introduction to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Word Next Steps 29 Introduction to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Excel Next Steps 29-30 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft PowerPoint Beyond the Basics 30 Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language 31</p><p>OTHER COURSES/INFORMATION PAGE Courses for your Branch 32 Open University and UNISON Partnership 32 Lifelong Learning in UNISON: Developing our members – building our branches 32 Discounts, bursaries and grants 33</p><p>HOW TO APPLY FOR A REGIONAL COURSE PAGE General information – How to Apply for a Regional Course 36 Course fees and cancellation guidelines 37 Course information 38 Completed Passport Form 40 Application to the Employer for Time Off 41 Course Application Form 42 Proportionality and Fair Representation Form 43 3</p><p>STEWARDS PASSPORT COURSES</p><p> The Organising Steward (5 days) (Stewards Passport Modules 1 & 2) Course fee to branches: £75 Aimed at: New stewards AND experienced stewards who require ERA accreditation. </p><p>Location Course dates Course Closing date code for applications Lincoln Drill Hall, Freeschool 23, 24, 25 & 30, 31 Jan 2017 02170001 4 Jan 2017 Lane, Lincoln LN2 1EY Derby 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 March 2017 02170002 13 Feb 2017 Leicester 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 May 2017 02170003 10 April 2017 Nottingham, Regional Office 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 May 2017 02170004 17 April 2017 Northampton 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 June 2017 02170005 22 May 2017 Lincoln 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 July 2017 02170048 12 June 2017 Derby 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Sept 2017 02170049 14 Aug 2017 Leicester 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 October 2017 02150050 25 Sept 2017 Nottingham 6, 7, 22, 23 & 24 Nov 2017 02170052 9 Oct 2017 Nottingham 20, 21 Nov & 29, 30 Nov, 1 Dec 02170051 23 Oct 2017 Northampton 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 December 2017 02170066 6 Nov 2017</p><p>This is a fundamental first course – attendance is essential for all new stewards. The course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out the role of a steward in UNISON. The course covers the following: Certification as being competent to accompany members at disciplinary and grievance hearings in order to comply with the Employment Relations Act 1999. Working with members to tackle issues in the workplace. Working with members in resolving individual problems. Handling grievance, disciplinary and similar types of cases as the representative of UNISON members within your workplace, including knowing where and when to seek advice and guidance, and understand how procedures work in practice.</p><p> TUC Union Representatives Stage 1: (60 – 72 hours of guided learning) Course fee to branches: Contact TUC for details</p><p>Aimed at: New stewards.</p><p>This course is the starting point of your UNISON/TUC education as a steward. It is equivalent to Modules 1 to 5 of the UNISON Stewards Passport. Therefore, once you have completed this TUC course you will have completed your UNISON Stewards Passport and received your ERA Accreditation. Apply directly to the TUC on 0115 9146414 or email [email protected]. 4 Due to government funding cuts this provision may be subject to change after July 2017. 5 Online UNISON Stewards Course (Stewards Passport Modules 1 & 2)</p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any new steward who is unable to attend The Organising Steward course in person and who requires ERA accreditation. </p><p>Location Course dates Course code Closing date for applications Wherever you 17 January – 6 March 2017 National Course 3 January 2017 have internet 25 April – 13 June 2017 apply direct 13 April 2017 access 25 September – 11 Nov 2017 11 September 2017</p><p>The course will use the same high quality materials, the same tutor support, the same networking with other UNISON stewards but will be accessed online from the workplace or local/employer learning centre. It will be delivered in a friendly, encouraging way by expert tutors.</p><p>Delegates will access the course via the Internet and work interactively on tasks with tutors and other course participants. Course activities contain discussion forums, quizzes and workplace activities.</p><p>Course length - consists of approximately 30 hours (5 - 7 hours per week). </p><p>On completion of the online course Stewards will be awarded ERA accreditation and be able to represent members. </p><p>Employers must allow stewards time off to sit at a computer to complete the course as well as time off to complete any research that is required as part of the course. </p><p>The course is delivered using a web-based learning environment and delegates can access course materials whenever is convenient. The course includes some group work, where delegates will be expected to work with fellow learners. At the start of the course, the tutor will set a timetable outlining the activities that need to be completed and a date when they should be submitted.</p><p>To register for a place on this course please use the link below https://www.tuceducation.org.uk/findacourse/courses/63 </p><p>(From this link click on course directory, then sort by online courses then find the ‘UNISON Stewards course’. This needs to be actioned no later than 2 weeks before the start date of the course).</p><p>Any queries please contact UNISON Learning & Organising Services, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY, or email [email protected] or ring 0207 121 5383. 6 ERA Re-accreditation (1 day) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £15</p><p>Aimed at: ERA stewards who need be re-accredited.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for 2016 Code applications Nottingham, Regional Office 24 January 2017 02170042 20 December 2016 Derby 23 March 2017 02170043 23 February 2017 Leicester 15 June 2017 02170044 18 May 2017 Lincoln 13 September 2017 02170045 16 August 2017 Northampton 20 November 2017 02170046 20 October 2017 </p><p>This course is aimed at UNISON’s more experienced workplace representatives and branch officers who are representing members. </p><p>After the introduction of the Employment Relations Act (ERA), UNISON launched a process for the accreditation, ERA certification and training of all stewards. This includes a commitment to provide regular training for UNISON representatives. </p><p>This course is part of that commitment, training our representatives to do their job on behalf of the union and keeping them up to date with any changes. </p><p>NOTE: If you are an ERA accredited steward, attendance on this course will count towards your ERA re-accreditation. Therefore, after the course your ERA re-accreditation date will be extended to reflect 5 years from the date of the course in line with NEC policy. 7 Advanced Representation, Campaigning and Negotiating Skills (5 days) (Stewards / Health & Safety Representatives Passports Modules 3, 4 & 5)</p><p>Course fee to branches: £100</p><p>Aimed at: Stewards AND health & safety representatives with some representation experience who have completed The Organising Steward or Organising for Safety Modules 1 and 2 at least 6 months ago. Also available to lifelong learning co-ordinators as an optional Passport course.</p><p>Location Course dates Course Closing date for code applications Lincoln 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 February 2017 02170006 23 January 2017 Leicester 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 April 2017 02170007 6 March 2017 Nottingham 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 June 2017 02170008 8 May 2017 Regional Office Northampton 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 September 2017 02170053 28 Aug 2017 Derby 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 November 2017 02170054 16 Oct 2017</p><p>This course is in 3 distinct parts as outlined below and aims to ensure you have all the skills you need to become an experienced representative:</p><p>1. Representing a member who is facing disciplinary action. This is based around a case study and video and shows an entire disciplinary hearing from start to finish.</p><p>2. Negotiating with your line manager or senior management on behalf of your members. </p><p>3. Campaigning – which at this time of cuts and redundancies will be an important aspect of your role. This might include being involved in a large regional campaign, or organising a campaign in your workplace. </p><p>NOTE: If you are an ERA accredited steward, attendance on this course will count towards your ERA re-accreditation. Therefore, after the course your ERA re-accreditation date will be extended to reflect 5 years from the date of the course in line with NEC policy. 8</p><p>HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES PASSPORT COURSES </p><p> Organising for Safety (5 days) Health and Safety Representatives Passport Modules 1 & 2 Course fee to branches: £50</p><p>Aimed at: New and potential health & safety representatives, stewards and branch officers who want to find out more about the union’s role in health & safety, and existing health & safety representatives who need refresher training.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Nottingham 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 March 2017 02170009 6 February 2017 Regional Office Northants 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 July 2017 02170010 5 June 2017 Leicester 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 October 2017 02170055 4 Sept 2017 Lincoln 27, 28, 29, 30 Nov & 1 December 02170056 30 October 2017 Derby 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 December 2017 02170057 13 Nov 2017</p><p>This course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out your role as health & safety representative. </p><p> Advanced Representation, Campaigning and Negotiating Skills (5 days) (Stewards / Health & Safety Representatives Passports Modules 3, 4 & 5)</p><p>Course fee to branches: £100</p><p>Aimed at: Stewards AND health & safety representatives with some representation experience who have completed The Organising Steward or Organising for Safety Modules 1 and 2 at least 6 months ago. Also available to lifelong learning co-ordinators as an optional Passport course.</p><p>Location Course dates Course Closing date for code applications</p><p>For course details see page 6 9</p><p>UNION LEARNING REPRESENTATIVES (ULR) PASSPORT COURSES</p><p> Union Learning Representatives (3 days) Stage 1: Union Learning Representatives (ULR) Passport Module 1 Course fee to branches: £45</p><p>Aimed at: New Union Learning Representatives (ULRs).</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Lincoln 23 February and 2, 9 March 2017 02170047 26 January 2017 Northampton 27 April and 4, 11 May 2017 02170058 30 March 2017 Nottingham 8, 15, 22 June 2017 02170059 11 May 2017 Nottingham 4, 11, 18 December 2017 02170060 6 November 2017 Regional Office</p><p>This 3-day course enables ULRs to: develop their skills and knowledge about the role.</p><p> talk to members and identify their learning needs.</p><p> understand how the role fits within the branch structure.</p><p> relate UNISON’s priorities to the role of the ULR.</p><p> influence the learning and development strategy within the workplace.</p><p> feel confident working with employers to plan learning opportunities within the workplace.</p><p> build contacts and information networks, collect and record information.</p><p> find out about government policies and programmes for lifelong learning. 10</p><p> Union Learning Representatives (3 days) Stage 2: Union Learning Representatives (ULR) Passport Module 2 Course fee: £45 Aimed at: Union learning representatives who have completed Module 1.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Nottingham 20, 27 Sept & 4 October 2017 02170062 23 August 2017</p><p>ULR Stage 2 builds on the UNISON ULR Module 1 and TUC Stage 1 training, looking in depth at: working with partners, providers and employers on learning</p><p> education systems and accessing learning, along with education assessment tools</p><p> developing ICT skills</p><p> tools and systems for supporting learners with information and guidance</p><p> getting involved in Adult Learners Week</p><p> disability and access to learning</p><p> supporting learners 11</p><p> Leading on Learning and Understanding Funding (6 days) Union Learning Representative (ULR) Additional Passport Module</p><p>Course fee to branches: £90</p><p>Aimed at: Existing lifelong learning co-ordinators and ‘lead’ union learning representatives involved in discussions with management and leading on learning in their workplace.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Nottingham 22, 23, 24 May & 19, 20 21 June 2017 02170063 24 April 2017</p><p>This course has been included within the ULR Passport to support experienced ULRs who are involved in negotiation with employers.</p><p>Module 2 – Leading on Learning</p><p>This course has been developed in recognition that lifelong learning co-ordinators and ULRs are being involved in more and more discussions with training and development managers and human resources leads. Very often these are meetings clouded in ‘HR speak’. This module aims to help you to understand the language of training managers and give you confidence to be involved in their discussions. </p><p>The course will help you to:</p><p> understand the terms used in business and training planning. (What are performance indicators? How do you do a SWOT analysis?). understand workforce development plans and how these affect training in the workplace. look at how unions can be involved in workforce development. understand how the business plans, workforce development and training plans relate to each other. consider training options available to staff.</p><p>Module 3 – Understanding Funding</p><p>This module will also look at how training and education is funded and the bodies which provide this funding or influence the education that is on offer. This will hopefully demystify who does what and what their role is. </p><p>It will enable you to: </p><p> understand how Further Education courses are funded. look at funding streams to pay for work based training. recognise which bodies are involved in setting the training for different sectors and how UNISON influences this. 12 give you the skills to assess education providers to ensure we get the best training for our members. 13</p><p>LIFELONG LEARNING CO-ORDINATOR PASSPORT COURSES</p><p>The role of branch lifelong learning co-ordinator is still fairly new to UNISON. However, it is one that is vital in supporting learning for our members. They are the link between the union learning representatives (ULRs) and the branch committee and give support to the ULRs.</p><p>Please visit the regional website at www.unison.org.uk/east-midlands for more information or contact Gavin McCann, Regional Learning and Development Organiser on 0115 8475446.</p><p> Introduction to the Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Role (2 days) Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Passport Module 1</p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Stoke Rochford Hall, Grantham 14, 15 October 2017 02170017 12 August 2017</p><p>This module seeks to give new lifelong learning co-ordinators an understanding of the role and ideas on how to get started. It concentrates on working with the branch and helping to establish the branch as a ‘learning branch’. </p><p>Undertaking a new role can be daunting but there are some simple steps to take along the way and it is important that you do not feel as if you are doing this alone. If you are a lifelong learning co-ordinator working on your own, this course will help you to find support and get started. Others will be part of a larger branch education team and the course will look at ways to share tasks and work as a team. The course will look at:</p><p> what exactly the lifelong learning co-ordinator’s role is. how to work with the branch to ensure they are fully involved in what the co-ordinator and ULRs are doing. mapping learning which is already taking place in your branch. recruiting and supporting ULRs. drafting learning agreements. working with providers to develop courses for members. 14</p><p> Advanced Representation, Campaigning and Negotiating Skills (5 days) Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator: Optional Passport Module</p><p>Course fee to branches: £100</p><p>Aimed at: Stewards AND health & safety representatives with some representation experience who have completed The Organising Steward or Organising for Safety Modules 1 and 2 at least 6 months ago. Also available to lifelong learning co-ordinators as an optional Passport course.</p><p>Location Course dates Course Closing date for code applications Lincoln 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 February 2017 02170006 23 January 2017 Leicester 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 April 2017 02170007 6 March 2017 Nottingham 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 June 2017 02170008 8 May 2017 Regional Office Northampton 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 September 2017 02170053 28 Aug 2017 Derby 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 November 2017 02170054 16 Oct 2017</p><p>This course is in 3 distinct parts as outlined below and aims to ensure you have all the skills you need to become an experienced representative:</p><p>1. Representing a member who is facing disciplinary action. This is based around a case study and video and shows an entire disciplinary hearing from start to finish.</p><p>2. Negotiating with your line manager or senior management on behalf of your members. </p><p>3. Campaigning – which at this time of cuts and redundancies will be an important aspect of your role. This might include being involved in a large regional campaign, or organising a campaign in your workplace. </p><p>NOTE: If you are an ERA accredited steward, attendance on this course will count towards your ERA re-accreditation. Therefore, after the course your ERA re-accreditation date will be extended to reflect 5 years from the date of the course in line with NEC policy. 15 Leading on Learning and Understanding Funding (6 days) Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Additional Passport Module</p><p>Course fee to branches: £90</p><p>Aimed at: Existing lifelong learning co-ordinators and ‘lead’ union learning representatives involved in discussions with management and leading on learning in their workplace.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Nottingham 22, 23, 24 May & 19, 20 21 June 2017 02170063 24 April 2017</p><p>This course has been included within the ULR Passport to support experienced ULRs who are involved in negotiation with employers.</p><p>Module 2 – Leading on Learning</p><p>This course has been developed in recognition that lifelong learning co-ordinators and ULRs are being involved in more and more discussions with training and development managers and human resources leads. Very often these are meetings clouded in ‘HR speak’. This module aims to help you to understand the language of training managers and give you confidence to be involved in their discussions. </p><p>The course will help you to:</p><p> understand the terms used in business and training planning. (What are performance indicators? How do you do a SWOT analysis?). understand workforce development plans and how these affect training in the workplace. look at how unions can be involved in workforce development. understand how the business plans, workforce development and training plans relate to each other. consider training options available to staff.</p><p>Module 3 – Understanding Funding</p><p>This module will also look at how training and education is funded and the bodies which provide this funding or influence the education that is on offer. This will hopefully demystify who does what and what their role is. </p><p>It will enable you to: </p><p> understand how Further Education courses are funded. look at funding streams to pay for work based training. recognise which bodies are involved in setting the training for different sectors and how UNISON influences this. give you the skills to assess education providers to ensure we get the best training for our members. 16</p><p>BRANCH OFFICER TRAINING </p><p> Branch Officer Training – 14 & 15 OCTOBER 2017 Venue: Stoke Rochford Hall, near Grantham, Lincolnshire </p><p>NON-RESIDENTIAL WEEKEND (2 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Course Course Closing date for Code applications Chairs 02170011 12 August 2017 Secretaries 02170012 12 August 2017 Treasurers 02170013 12 August 2017 Communication Officers 02170014 12 August 2017 Labour Link Officers 02170015 12 August 2017 Equalities Co-ordinators, SOG Officers & Equality Reps 02170016 12 August 2017 Lifelong Learning Co-ordinators 02170017 12 August 2017 Young Members 02170018 12 August 2017</p><p>All Branch Officer Training courses are open to current branch officers and those interested in standing for any of these positions which will give an insight into what is involved in the role. Please visit the regional website at www.unison.org.uk/east-midlands for more information on individual course modules.</p><p>Course sessions will take place at Stoke Rochford Hall starting on Saturday from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm and on Sunday from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm. For those delegates attending, UNISON will provide refreshments, lunch and an evening meal (at 7.00 pm) on Saturday; and for Sunday, morning refreshments and lunch.</p><p>As this is a non-residential event NO ACCOMMODATION will be provided. Delegates who require overnight accommodation should contact their branch to discuss the provision/booking of accommodation. On-site accommodation (bed & breakfast) at the Hall can be booked (subject to availability) at a discounted rate to UNISON delegates of £75 per person for Bed & Breakfast (Standard Rooms) and £125 per person Bed & Breakfast (Superior Rooms). To make a booking please contact Stoke Rochford Hall direct on 01476 530 337 – ask for Reservations and quote code 45000.</p><p>NB: Stoke Rochford Hall terms include the provision that no cancellation charges will apply up to 12 noon on the day of arrival, but full costs will be charged after 12 noon.</p><p>Course places will be allocated and confirmed to applicants after the closing date. Branches are responsible for payment of travel/subsistence claims. On-site crèche facilities will not be provided, however a homecare allowance is available.</p><p>Full details of UNISON’s regional cancellation/non-attendance charges can be found in the section at the end of this booklet. Please visit the regional website for a specific application form for this event or contact the Learning & Member Development Team on 0115 8475457. 17</p><p>WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVE AND BRANCH DEVELOPMENT COURSES</p><p> FINANCE TRAINING PATHWAY </p><p>Aimed at: Branch Officers, any member of the Branch Executive Committee and / or branch budget holders.</p><p>The following financial training and education is available:</p><p>E Learning – this will introduce you to a fictional UNISON Branch and take you through the various aspects of using On-Line Branch Accounting (OLBA) during a financial year. This is available to you within OLBA so you will need your OLBA user ID and password. </p><p>OLBA Release notes – these appear as a manual taking you through the various stages of OLBA – it is useful to print these in advance and use them for reference as you start inputting. These can be found within OLBA - once you have logged on press the help button on the right hand side on the home screen. </p><p>Help within OLBA – this can be found within OLBA once you have logged on. There are various documents here that can help you use and organise OLBA to meet your branch needs. Importantly, it gives you information on how to deal with the year end.</p><p>If you need guidance on how to access any of the above go to the regional website at www.org.uk/east-midlands - click on Education and Training – Resources to find the Treasurers Starter Pack. </p><p>Any queries please contact Janet Guest, Regional Education Organiser – [email protected]</p><p> UNISON On-Line Branch Accounting Course (OLBA) </p><p>This course is run by Head Office and courses will be advertised as they are released. This course is very similar to the E Learning and is based on actually using OLBA. Therefore, if you do not have access to OLBA please do not apply for the course. </p><p>If you would like to be placed on a waiting list please email your details as soon as possible to [email protected] quoting course code 02-17-0067 18</p><p> Objective Based Budgeting for Branches (Short Workshop) </p><p>This course aims to gain an understanding of the Joint Assessment of Branch Organisation process (JABO) and Objective Based Budgeting, an understanding of committed costs, participation, building local capacity and optional costs, plus the financial information that forms part of JABO.</p><p>Branches wishing to run this workshop should discuss arrangements with their Regional Organiser.</p><p> Finance And The Organised Branch </p><p>This is NOT an OLBA course. It deals with the other aspects of the treasurer’s role regarding how finance supports the organising, negotiating and campaigning work the branch undertakes, along with all the other work the branch does. It forms part of the Branch Officer Training weekend (see previous page for details for the training weekend).</p><p>Treasurers Forum (1 day) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any member of the Branch Executive Committee and / or branch budget holders.</p><p>Location Course date Course Code Closing date Leicester 7 March 2017 02170068 7 February 2017</p><p>Please note this is not a training session but a forum to discuss branch finances along with any other issues. This follows a pilot forum which was very successful. Delegates felt the pilot day was well structured with opportunities given to problem solving issues raised. </p><p>Programme for the day to include:</p><p> Current issues - please bring along a list of problems, concerns or issues you have New treasurer welcome pack Member expenses (including honoraria) Asset management OLBA (On-Line Branch Accounting) Budgeting Year end accounts 1-1 sessions (as required)</p><p>To register please complete an education course application form found at the back of this programme or on the regional website. 19 Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Venues and dates for the following 3 courses will be advertised separately</p><p> Mental Health Awareness (1 day) Course fee to branches: £15</p><p>Aimed at: All workplace representatives, NOT members. The course is specifically aimed at workplace representatives who support their members. The aims of the course are to: examine what we mean by ‘mental illness’ look at what employers can do to maintain mental health at work identify some of the common signs and symptoms of poor mental health in the workplace discuss/explore strategies for intervention/support for members experiencing mental ill health understand what causes stress for us in our union roles review strategies for coping with stress </p><p> Social Media (1 day) Course fee to branches: £15 </p><p>Aimed at: All workplace representatives. This course is strictly limited to 10 places per course – places will not be allocated until after the closing date. This course is aimed at both Branch Communications Officers and other Branch Officers who are interested in using or finding out more about social media. It will help participants: to develop knowledge about the of range social media</p><p> to increase confidence of branch communications officers in using social media</p><p> to debate the pros and cons of social media use</p><p> to apply a strategic approach to using social media as part of branch work </p><p> develop a social media action plan</p><p> Startegic Campaigning (1 day) Course fee to branches: £15 </p><p>Aimed at: All workplace representatives. This course will cover the following aspects of campaigning as well as giving delegates the opportunity to share their experiences in campaigning within their branch:</p><p> What makes an effective campaign Building a campaign team Finding a good campaigning issue Developing a campaigning message 20 Who are our targets and allies? Devising a strategy Tactics which fit the strategy Taking the campaign forward Thompsons Briefings</p><p> Employment Law Update (AM) Dealing with Personal Injury Claims (PM) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £15</p><p>Aimed at: Branch officers and workplace representatives.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications UNISON 25 April 2017 02170065 28 March 2017 Regional Office</p><p>Thompsons Solicitors have worked closely with UNISON since the union was formed in 1993. These sessions are an ideal opportunity for branch officers and workplace representatives, who need to keep abreast of the ever changing nature of workplace regulations, to be briefed on a current legal topic by a solicitor specialising in workplace and industrial relations issues. These are intended to be interactive sessions with an opportunity to ask questions. The day will incorporate the following briefings:</p><p>Employment Law Update: Employment law is constantly changing either by the passing of new legislation or through case law. This briefing will cover the main changes to the laws affecting trade unions and industrial relations. </p><p>Dealing with Personal Injury Claims: Millions of pounds in compensation is won for UNISON members by Thompsons Solicitors every year. This briefing will be led by a specialist solicitor working on personal injury claims and will cover the law on personal injury, the requirements for winning a case, time limits, a review of some common compensation claims and why some types of cases, e.g. stress cases, are very difficult to win. </p><p>NOTE: Attending the Employment Law update (AM session) will count towards your ERA re-accreditation. Therefore, after the course your ERA re-accreditation date will be extended to reflect 5 years from the date of the course in line with NEC policy. 21</p><p>NATIONAL WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMME: 2017 EMPLOYMENT LAW COURSES</p><p>To apply for a national course please complete a national course application form available from www.unison.org.uk/content/uploads/2015/11/Employment-Law-Courses-2016-2.pdf</p><p>Return forms to: UNISON Learning & Organising Services, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY </p><p>Queries should be referred via email to [email protected] or by direct contact on Tel 0207 121 5383 / Fax 0207 121 5758.</p><p>NOTE – Allocation of places will be in line with UNISON principles of proportionality and fair representation as soon as possible after the closing date and not on a first come first served basis. In the event of courses being oversubscribed, selections will be made on the basis of achieving fair representation and proportionality, as set out in UNISON rules, and will also ensure a fair spread of participants from regions and sectors where appropriate.</p><p>Where places on courses are cancelled without good cause, charges will be levied as follows: Places cancelled within two weeks of the start of the course = 50% of the course cost. Places cancelled within one week of the start of the course = 100% of the course cost.</p><p>COURSE FEES: Residential £125 per delegate, per day Non-Residential £75 per delegate, per day</p><p> Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE (3 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: (see above)</p><p>Accommodation, travel and care costs plus a £10 per day out-of-pocket allowance will be paid from national level</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications UNISON Centre 21, 22 & 23 March 2017 National course 8 February 2017 130 Euston Road - apply directly London 7, 8 & 9 November 2017 National course 26 September 2017 NW1 2AY - apply directly</p><p>This course will help workplace representatives develop their understanding of contracts of employment and members’ potential rights on redundancy. It will enable them to recognise relevant legal issues when dealing with casework, campaigning and negotiating. It also covers unilateral variation of contract; TUPE; unfair dismissal in the context of changing contracts; redundancy & TUPE. It does not cover unfair dismissal in the areas of capability and misconduct. 22 Race and Sex Discrimination Law (3 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: (see above)</p><p>Accommodation, travel and care costs plus a £10 per day out-of-pocket allowance will be paid from national level</p><p>Location Course Course Code Closing date for Dates applications UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, 11, 12 & 13 National course 30 May 2017 London NW1 2AY July 2017 - apply directly </p><p>This course will help workplace representatives to recognise direct and indirect race and sex discrimination when dealing with casework in the branch. It will help them understand the questions to ask when interviewing members with potential cases.</p><p>It will give them an overview of legislation and time-limits; understanding the questionnaire procedure; introduction to law on sexual harassment. It does not cover how to run a tribunal case. The course does not cover the law on pregnancy and maternity/paternity which is covered in the Maternity and Parental Rights course.</p><p> Disability Discrimination Law (2 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: (see above)</p><p>Accommodation, travel and care costs plus a £10 per day out-of-pocket allowance will be paid from national level</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications UNISON Centre, 28 & 29 March 2017 National course 15 February 2017 130 Euston Road - apply directly London NW1 2AY 21 & 22 November 2017 National course 7 October 2017 - apply directly</p><p>This course will help workplace representatives when representing members and negotiating with employers around disability issues by increasing their understanding of how often disability discrimination law applies and how it can be used to put pressure on employers to take positive steps. </p><p>The course covers identifying potential cases of disability discrimination in the workplace, who disability discrimination law applies to, how to interview members with a potential case, the extent of the employer’s duties to make reasonable adjustments, the relationship between sickness issues (e.g. back injury, depression) and disability discrimination, and recognising time-limits.</p><p>It does NOT cover how to run a tribunal case. 23 Unfair Dismissals and Employment Tribunals (3 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: (see above)</p><p>Accommodation, travel and care costs plus a £10 per day out-of-pocket allowance will be paid from national level</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road 19, 20 & 21 National course - 6 August 2017 London, NW1 2AY September apply directly 2017</p><p>This course will help representatives to use the law to underpin negotiations with employers on dismissal issues in internal disciplinary hearings, and to develop analytical skills useful in all areas of their work. </p><p>While workplace representatives are not expected to represent at tribunal cases, understanding the importance of time limits and evidence gathering at an early stage will ensure sound groundwork should a case eventually go to tribunal. This course covers the law of unfair dismissal, who can claim unfair dismissal and what makes a dismissal unfair, especially in the context of misconduct. It follows a misconduct dismissal through every stage of preparation for a tribunal case, finishing with a mock video of the tribunal hearing. </p><p>This course does NOT cover unfair dismissal in the context of redundancy, contract variation or TUPE as that is the subject of the Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE course.</p><p> Maternity and Parental Rights (1 day) </p><p>Course fee to branches: (see above)</p><p>Accommodation, travel and care costs plus a £10 per day out-of-pocket allowance will be paid from national level</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications UNISON Centre, 130 Euston 25 May 2017 National course 11 April 2017 Road, London NW1 2AY – apply directly 19 October 2017 National course 7 September 2017 – apply directly</p><p>This course is for UNISON workplace representatives who need to advise members on maternity and parental rights or who are looking to improve on statutory rights through negotiation.</p><p>It will help you understand the complex law relating to maternity rights and give you an opportunity to compare negotiated contractual agreements with statutory rights to identify opportunities for seeking improvements. 24 Branch Welfare Officer Training (2 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: (see above)</p><p>Accommodation, travel and care costs plus a £10 per day out-of-pocket allowance will be paid from national level</p><p>Region Course Venue Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Northern, North West, Leeds 3 & 4 May 2017 National 29 March 2017 Yorkshire and course Humberside - apply directly (Scotland to run their own) Greater London UNISON Centre, 10 & 11 May 2017 National 22 March 2017 South East and 130 Euston Road course East Midlands London NW1 2AY - apply directly (Eastern to run their own) East Midlands UNISON Regional 4 & 5 July 2017 Contact Lesley Bailey Office, Nottingham [email protected]</p><p>South West, Wales, Bristol 19 & 20 July 2017 National 6 June 2017 West Midlands course - apply (Northern Ireland to directly run their own)</p><p>This training will help Branch Welfare Officers to: </p><p> Understand their role and the confidentiality it involves Understand the UNISON Welfare charity structure and staff responsibilities Understand the application process and areas where welfare can assist members Develop influencing and communication skills and practice active listening Promote ‘There for You’ to managers and as a part of recruitment drives Practice presentation skills and to handle problems in an assertive manner Understand the importance of promoting and publicising 'There for You' 25</p><p>FREE COURSES FOR UNISON MEMBERS</p><p>Important information for UNISON members when applying for UNISON's Personal Development Courses</p><p>The courses described in this section are FREE to all UNISON members. To apply for a place on any of these courses, you will need to complete the Course Application Form and Proportionality and Fair Representation Form which are available towards the back of this programme. </p><p>Application forms for courses advertised in the FREE Courses for UNISON Members section only require a branch signature if members wish to claim travel/subsistence expenses which are payable by the branch.</p><p>Members who wish to make a claim, should they be successful in gaining a place, should place a tick in the claim expenses box on the application form. UNISON will forward your forms to your branch for consideration. </p><p>Please note places are not allocated to courses until after the closing date when all applicants will be contacted with further details.</p><p>If you are not sure who your Branch Secretary/Education Co-ordinator is, or how to contact them, you can find out by contacting UNISONdirect on 0845 0857 857.</p><p>N.B. We will be unable to process your application unless it is fully completed. </p><p>These courses are also advertised in our separate Free Courses for Members Programme 26</p><p> Build Your Confidence (2 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any UNISON member who would like to feel more confident. The course follows a similar format to Women’s Assertiveness but is a mixed course, available to men and women.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Lincoln 5, 6 April 2017 02170019 8 March 2017 Nottingham 11, 12 July 2017 02170020 13 June 2017 Regional Office Derby 9, 10 November 2017 02170021 12 October 2017</p><p>This could will help you to: explore issues around confidence investigate your idea of a confident person recognise body language and unspoken communication raise awareness of different behaviour types and hidden agendas deal with criticism constructively look to the future</p><p>By the end of the course, you will be able to: better understand your own confidence identify and use confident behaviour communicate assertively plan the changes required to behave in a more confident manner identify development opportunities</p><p>“Enjoyed the course and found it very interactive. The two days went very quickly!” 27 Develop your Job Skills (1 day) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: UNISON members who would like to develop their skills in looking for new job opportunities in their existing workplace or outside.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date for Code applications Nottingham 16 March 2017 02170022 7 February 2017 Regional Office Lincoln 5 July 2017 02170023 7 June 2017 Northampton 19 September 2017 02170024 22 August 2017</p><p>During the workshop, you will have an opportunity to look at the following:</p><p> What are my skills? Marketing techniques Gathering information for a CV Completing application forms Hunting for jobs Career action planning</p><p>By the end of the workshop, you will have:</p><p> an understanding of the concept of ‘self marketing’ identified goals related to job search activities developed and practised skills and techniques – CV preparation and completing application forms the ability to identify future career opportunities and set personal goals in pursuit of these</p><p>“A very informative and well presented course which left me in a far more positive frame of mind for the future” 28 Interview Skills (2 days) Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any UNISON member who wants to improve their practical skills in applying for work and producing materials that are current and relevant in today’s job market.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Derby 11, 12 May 2017 02170025 13 April 2017 Leicester 9, 10 October 2017 02170026 11 September 2017</p><p>This course, developed by UNISON and the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association) includes as part of the two days, individual activities, group discussions, the use of IT and mock interviews. It is also a useful follow-on course for anyone who has previously attended the UNISON ‘Develop Your Job Skills’ workshop. By the end of the course, you will be able to:</p><p> present yourself appropriately at an interview answer the interviewer’s questions appropriately reflect on your performance in an interview develop an interview specific plan with SMART actions “The course delivered more than I was expecting!”</p><p> Manage your Stress (1 day) Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any UNISON member who wants to know more about stress and how to develop positive coping strategies. This 1 day workshop has been developed by UNISON and RE: Training. </p><p>Location Course Dates Course Closing date Code for applications Northampton 20 February 2017 02170027 23 January 2017 Leicester 5 June 2017 02170028 8 May 2017 Nottingham 9 October 2017 02170029 11 Sept 2017 Regional Office The workshop will consider both the causes of stress and positive approaches to managing stress. By the end of the workshop you will be able to:</p><p> define what is meant by the term ‘stress’</p><p> identify how and when stress affects you</p><p> explore the implications of stress for yourself and your colleagues</p><p> select from different strategies that are used to manage stressful situations</p><p> create your own, basic, stress management plan 29 “Brilliant course! Tutor very approachable and informative”</p><p> Women’s Assertiveness (2 days) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any UNISON woman member who would like to feel more confident.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Leicester 8, 9 February 2017 02170030 11 January 2017 Northampton 17, 18 May 2017 02170031 19 April 2017 Lincoln 20, 21 September 2017 02170032 23 August 2017</p><p>This friendly and supportive two-day course is aimed at women who want to take positive steps towards building their self-confidence and learn how to behave and communicate assertively.</p><p>The course will help participants to:</p><p> assess and understand issues around confidence and assertiveness investigate their idea of a confident woman recognise body language and unspoken communication raise awareness of different behaviour types and hidden agendas say no deal with criticism constructively look to the future</p><p>By the end of the course, you will be able to:</p><p> better understand your own confidence and assertiveness issues identify and use confident behaviour communicate assertively plan the changes required to behave in a confident and assertive manner identify development opportunities</p><p>“The course was excellent! The tutor created a fun and insightful learning environment!” 30 Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing (1 day) </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any UNISON member who wants to increase their awareness of mental health isssues to explore how to improve their own wellbeing. This new, one-day workshop has been developed by UNISON and RE:Training.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham Regional Centre 22 February 2017 02170033 25 January 2017 Lincoln 7 June 2017 02170034 10 May 2017</p><p>By the end of the workshop you will be able to:</p><p> define what is meant by the term ‘mental health’ explore the stigma of mental health identify the signs, symptoms and risk factors of common depressive and anxiety disorders identify how to support someone in a crisis situation know where to go to for further support identify ways to develop your own positive wellbeing</p><p>“ Really enjoyed the course. Great tutor!” 31 Free IT Courses offered through UNISON and the WEA </p><p>Course fee to branches: £0 Courses include: Introduction to Microsoft Word and the Next Steps, Introduction to Microsoft Excel and the Next Steps, Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint and Beyond the Basics.</p><p> Introduction to Microsoft Word (1 Day) </p><p>Aimed at: New users of Microsoft Word who wish to become more productive. Delegates should have basic IT skills.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham Regional Centre 8 March 2017 02170035 8 February 2017</p><p>This one-day course is perfect for the complete beginner or the basic user to get up-to-speed with the latest features of Microsoft Word. Quickly and easily create powerful, professional looking letters and documents and build your confidence using the latest version of Word. </p><p> Gain a working knowledge of the basic features of Microsoft Word Utilise and apply basic text editing and formatting skills Set up document pages and print documents Gain an understanding of tables Create professional look letters</p><p> Microsoft Word Next Steps (1 Day) This course presumes you have some experience of using Microsoft Word or have attended the Microsoft Word introductory level course. This one-day course will enhance your existing knowledge of Word. You will gain an understanding of creating and managing simple styles, templates, sections, complex automatic numbering, managing tables and how to make mail merge easier.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham Regional Centre 15 March 2017 02170036 15 February 2017</p><p> Introduction to Microsoft Excel (1 Day) Aimed at: New users of Microsoft Excel who want to become more productive. No prior knowledge of Excel is needed but basic IT skills are required.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham Regional Centre 10 May 2017 02170037 12 April 2017</p><p>This course is designed to provide an introduction and overview of the basic features of Microsoft Excel. Upon completion of this course you will have an understanding of creating 32 spreadsheets, basic calculations, handling simple lists of data, charts and be able to print out formatted sections of the spreadsheet. Microsoft Excel Next Steps (1 day) </p><p>This one-day course presumes you have some experience of using Excel or have attended the Introduction to Excel course. It is intended to advance your skills and confidence with the package. Upon completion you will have an understanding of advanced formatting, search data using criteria based searches, be able to analyse and summarise data and customise charts.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham 17 May 2017 02170038 19 April 2017 Regional Centre</p><p> Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint (1 day) Aimed at: New users of Microsoft PowerPoint who want to become more productive. No prior knowledge of PowerPoint is needed but basic IT skills are required.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham 14 November 2017 02170039 17 October 2017 Regional Centre </p><p>Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful graphics presentation application for producing slides and slide shows. It also offers rich speaker support and aids to help you create truly effective presentations. The objectives of this one-day course are to equip you with the skills to produce a professional-looking presentation utilising its text handling, outlining, drawing, graphing and ClipArt features.</p><p> Microsoft PowerPoint Beyond the Basics (1 Day) </p><p>This course presumes you have some experience of using PowerPoint or have attended the Introduction to PowerPoint course. </p><p>This one day course will provide you with the knowledge to develop your existing PowerPoint skills to improve and make effective slide presentations. The course is aimed at those who wish to customise or modify their presentations with multimedia applications, action objects and animation. PowerPoint has the ability to make presentations engaging, creative and personalised.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Nottingham 21 November 2017 02170040 24 October 2017 Regional Centre 33 Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language (1 day) Course fee to branches: £0</p><p>Aimed at: Any UNISON member that has regular contact with members of the public and/or a deaf or hard of hearing colleague and who would like to ensure a more accessible working environment and service.</p><p>Location Course Dates Course Code Closing date for applications Leicester 16 June 2017 02170041 19 May 2017 Derby 19 October 2017 02170041 21 September 2017</p><p>This new course has been developed between UNISON and the Nottinghamshire Deaf Society and will be delivered by experienced deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users, accompanied by interpreters.</p><p>During the workshop, you will: </p><p> consider the challenges deaf people face every day; both as service users and employees</p><p> consider the confidence issues raised around approaching a deaf service user, customer or colleague, and how that can lead to dissatisfaction and awkwardness on both sides</p><p> have an opportunity to learn and practise some British Sign Language (BSL), which will include the manual alphabet, greetings, numbers and time and family signs. You will be given time to practise your new-found skills, and to ask the trainer for any vocabulary specific to your job.</p><p>By the end of the course, you will be able to:</p><p> demonstrate an increased knowledge and understanding of effective communication with deaf and hard of hearing people increase your confidence in communicating with deaf or hard of hearing colleagues and service users provide a more accessible service to the deaf community provide a better working environment for deaf employees</p><p>“One of the best courses I have ever attended” 34</p><p>COURSES FOR YOUR BRANCH</p><p>Please visit the regional website at www.unison.org.uk/east-midlands for details of short activities/workshops that normally your Regional Organiser can deliver specifically for your branch (unless otherwise stated). </p><p>These are arranged in your workplace but in the first instance contact your Branch Education Co-ordinator to express your interest.</p><p>OPEN UNIVERSITY AND UNISON PARTNERSHIP</p><p>“UNISON in conjunction with the Open University have helped me to regain my confidence in learning new skills.”</p><p>Please visit the regional website at www.unison.org.uk/east-midlands for details on the UNISON/Open University (OU) Partnership.</p><p>LIFELONG LEARNING IN UNISON DEVELOPING OUR MEMBERS – BUILDING OUR BRANCHES</p><p>UNISON aims to give all members the opportunity to get back into learning, to develop new skills, build self confidence and experience the enjoyment of learning and the satisfaction of achievement.</p><p>Lifelong learning in UNISON is also about helping branches to recruit new members, retain existing ones and develop new workplace representatives. Many members who have completed ‘Return to Learn’ and ‘Women’s Lives’ courses go on to become involved in the union, particularly as Union Learning Representatives (ULRs). </p><p>Please visit the regional website at www.unison.org.uk/east-midlands for a link to more information. 35</p><p>DISCOUNTS, BURSARIES AND GRANTS</p><p>Do you know about the financial support that UNISON can offer for learning? UNISON wants to help members realise their potential. Because we know how difficult it is to afford training and development at the moment, we offer financial support to members taking part in general non-vocational education, or in vocational education relevant to work in the public services, as well as learning discounts from a number of providers. We also offer grants to members studying on Trade Union and Labour Movement or Women’s Studies courses.</p><p>Anyone applying must be a member of UNISON for at least 4 weeks prior to their application, have no arrears of subscriptions and continue to pay all membership subscriptions throughout the time that he/she is in education and training supported by the award.</p><p>TRADE UNION AND LABOUR MOVEMENT OR WOMEN’S STUDIES GRANTS</p><p>UNISON offers various bursaries for members studying on trade union, labour studies or women’s studies courses. The deadline for receipt of applications is 28 July. Decisions on grants are deferred until then so that all applications can be considered at the same time against the criteria. Applications after that date will be considered if funding is still available. </p><p>For all grants listed above a copy of your course registration and proof that you are personally meeting the cost of fees will be required before a grant can be paid. This can be a receipt for fees or a copy of your student loan agreement. </p><p> Certificate or Diploma Grants for members on Trade Union and Labour Movement or Women’s Studies courses: UNISON offers a limited number of grants towards course costs for members studying part-time. Course costs include fees, residential sessions, travel, and course books. The number and size of grants offered depends on course costs and the number of applicants. It is usually around £300. Preference is given to members who do not already have a qualification at this level or above. We are keen also to hear from members who are actively involved in their branch. </p><p> BA Grants for members on Trade Union and Labour Movement or Women’s Studies courses: A limited number of grants of up to £500 towards course costs for members studying part-time. Course costs include fees, residential sessions, travel, and course books. Members may want to apply to the government backed Student Loan Company for a fee loan. The number and size of grants offered depends on course costs and the number of applicants. </p><p> Masters Degree Grants for union representatives studying the Trade Union and Labour Movement or Women’s Studies A limited number of grants of up to one-third of annual fees are available to union reps studying part-time at their own expense. The size and number of grants will depend on fees charged and the number of applications received. These grants are aimed at UNISON activists wishing to further their trade union experience and consideration will be given to the level of activity of applicants within their branch. 36 LEARNING DISCOUNTS FOR UNISON MEMBERS </p><p>NATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE (NEC)</p><p>The NEC offers educational opportunities and second-chance learning to people for whom attending regular classes at a school or college would not be possible. </p><p>The NEC provide distance learning courses which include GCSEs and A Levels, and qualifications in childcare and early years. They offer a 10% discount to UNISON members on all its courses. Simply quote your UNISON membership number when enrolling. The full list of courses can be found at www.nec.ac.uk.</p><p>FREE Taster Opportunity! To help you find out whether distance learning courses are for you, the NEC is offering UNISON members a free taster course, Children’s Growth and Development. To find out more, go to: https://www.nec.ac.uk/content/nec-working-partnership-unison</p><p>THE OPEN COLLEGE OF THE ARTS £50 off distance learning OCA tutored arts and craft courses for UNISON members and their families. See their website at www.oca-uk.com. </p><p>BIRKBECK, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 10% off all accredited Birkbeck courses (certificates, undergraduate and postgraduate) as long as you study at a level that is not lower than or equivalent to any existing qualifications you may hold. Birkbeck is London’s part-time evening university. </p><p>CILEX TUTORIAL COLLEGE UNISON members are entitled to a 5% discount on law courses (excluding legal practice course or postgraduate Diploma in Law). See their website: www.cilexlawschool.ac.uk</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON 10% discount on course fees for trade union members. For more information contact Beverley Fielding, Centre for Lifelong Learning Administrator; [email protected].</p><p>OPEN UNIVERSITY AWARDS Open University (OU) Awards are available to UNISON members undertaking 30 and 60 point OU courses up to and including undergraduate level at their own expense. No awards are available for masters degree study or above. Awards are made as follows:</p><p> 60 point courses £200 30 point courses £100</p><p>Awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted. Available on 1 January and 1 September each year. 37 UNISON LEARNING GRANTS </p><p>These grants of approximately £100 are intended to help members who are undertaking study at their own expense, up to and including undergraduate level, on the following types of courses:</p><p> Trade Union and Labour Studies where an applicant has not received a bursary. Non-vocational education up to and including undergraduate level, e.g. GCSEs, A Levels, Access courses, leisure/recreational courses. Vocational education relevant to public service work up to and including undergraduate level.</p><p>UNISON Learning grant applications are dealt with on a first come, first served basis until funds are exhausted and are available on 1 January and 1 September each year. Learning grants are not available for Masters Degree study or above. </p><p>Application criteria for bursaries, grants and awards and an application form are set out in more detail on the UNISON website at:</p><p> https://www.unison.org.uk/get-involved/learning-development/financial-support/</p><p>For more information contact the Bursaries Administrator on 020 7121 5116 or email [email protected]</p><p>IMPORTANT</p><p>To ensure you receive up-to-date information on new courses and developments please check that your personal details are correct.</p><p>Go to the UNISON website https://www.unison.org.uk/my-unison/</p><p>To access your details you will need your membership number.</p><p>If you are a first time user you will also need to register your account with a password.</p><p>Alternatively contact the UNISON Learning & Member Development Team on 0115 8475457 or email [email protected] 38</p><p>HOW TO APPLY FOR A REGIONAL COURSE </p><p>Course application procedure Select the course you wish to attend and complete two forms - an Application Form and a Proportionality and Fair Representation Form. These forms can be found at the back of this programme or obtained via your branch, the Learning & Member Development Team at the UNISON Regional Centre, or via the regional website at www.unison.org.uk/east-midlands/. Courses offered within this programme are free to members. However, the course fees shown (mainly for activist training) and travel/subsistence expenses are paid for by your branch. You will therefore need to seek branch approval before you can attend. Completed application forms should be given to your Branch Education Co-ordinator or Branch Secretary to sign.</p><p>NOTE - Application forms for courses advertised as ‘FREE’ in the ‘Free Courses for UNISON Members’ section only require a branch signature if members wish to claim travel/subsistence expenses which are payable by the branch. Members who wish to make a claim if their application is successful should tick the ‘I wish to claim travel/subsistence expenses box’ on the application form. The Learning & Member Development Team will then forward their form to the branch for consideration.</p><p>Information on the Proportionality and Fair Representation Form is used when courses are over-subscribed, in order to allocate places to ensure fair treatment. This form does not have to go through your Branch but can be sent directly to the Learning & Member Development Team. All information provided will be treated in confidence. </p><p>Application Forms and Proportionality and Fair Representation Forms should be sent to the following address before the advertised closing date for receipt of applications: Learning & Member Development Team UNISON Regional Centre, Vivian Avenue, Nottingham, NG5 1AF or via email – [email protected] You can request to receive, via an email, acknowledgement of receipt of your application form. This acknowledgement is NOT a guarantee of a place. Places are only allocated after the course closing date and not on a first come, first served basis. Where courses are over- subscribed, places are allocated to eligible applicants via a selection process using the information given on the Fair Representation and Proportionality form. All applicants will be contacted after the closing date. To summarise, the application procedure is as follows: Complete the Application Form. Give your Application Form to your Branch Secretary/Education Co-ordinator to sign. Complete the Proportionality and Fair Representation Form. Forward both Forms to the Learning & Member Development Team.</p><p>Confirmation of a place on a course All course applicants will be contacted after the closing date and advised whether or not they have a place. Successful delegates will be provided with details of the course arrangements, e.g. venue, start times and other relevant information. If you require time off to attend the training you are advised to seek this provisionally, pending confirmation of a place. We may cancel a course if there is insufficient interest to make it viable but where possible we will offer alternatives. If you are unsure about your application or the course status please contact the Learning & Member Development Team on 0115 8475457or email [email protected] 39</p><p>COURSE FEES AND CANCELLATION GUIDELINES</p><p>Fees payable by branches The course fees payable by branches are stated alongside the relevant course. Unless otherwise advertised, branches will be invoiced for all course fees/cancellation charges after the course event (please do not send any payment with application forms). Branches are responsible for paying delegates’ travel and subsistence claims.</p><p>As this programme is prepared in advance, course costs may vary from the cost advertised in previous years. </p><p>Additional regional courses which may be arranged, but not shown in this programme, are subject to the same terms and conditions, including costs.</p><p>Payment of Course Fees by branches Where course fees are applicable, branches will be sent invoices via email after the event. All payments should be made to UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY.</p><p>Appeals against Course Fee Charges (Invoices) IMPORTANT: Appeals against invoice payments should be directed in the first instance to the Regional Education Organiser, Janet Guest. </p><p>Courses held at more than one venue Where it becomes necessary to use more than one venue, delegates will be allocated a place and advised which venue to attend. If a delegate chooses to attend the other venue, which has occurred in the past, the branch will be charged the full cost of the first venue and / or any other related charges the venue provider passes on to UNISON plus the normal course fees.</p><p>Cancellations If, for any reason, delegates cannot attend a course for which they have applied, it is essential they contact the Learning & Member Development Team, who will seek to fill the place from waiting lists. The current charging policy in respect of cancellations is as follows:</p><p>Charges Regional Courses</p><p>Cancellations after closing date but prior to NO CHARGE start of the course and replacement delegate can be found</p><p>Cancellation after closing date but prior to COURSE FEE CHARGED start of the course but NO replacement or actual costs, whichever is the greater delegate can be found</p><p>Failure to attend the course COURSE FEE CHARGED or actual costs, whichever is the greater</p><p>Cancellation of dependant or other care FACILITATION COSTS CHARGED facilities 40</p><p>COURSE INFORMATION</p><p>What are the courses like? UNISON courses are run in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Everybody’s views and experiences are valued and listened to. Most of the time you will be working with other people in small groups. You will not be lectured at or ‘put on the spot’.</p><p>Course confirmation and course times Places are not allocated until after the closing date – successful applicants will be issued with course joining details (approx 2 weeks prior the course) which includes venue details and course programme - course times may vary but usually take place from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm each day. In the absence of confirmation applicants should contact the LMD Team for information. </p><p>What if I have responsibilities at home? UNISON provides a homecare allowance if you incur costs whilst you are attending a training event, which are additional to those you would normally have to pay for the care of dependants. For example if you are a part-time worker and you attend training on your day off then you are entitled to claim a care allowance.</p><p>The scale of the allowance changes from time to time and current rates can be obtained from the Learning & Member Development Team. You are required to provide a receipt.</p><p>Facilities for members with specific needs We seek to ensure that the venues we book, materials provided, etc. meet the needs of our members who have identified a specific need on their course application form. Due to the wide varieties of facilitation available it is important that you let us know as soon as possible about your individual requirements.</p><p>Catering and dietary requests Where catering is provided at courses UNISON will endeavour to make provision for specific dietary requests. However, it should be noted that where training takes place at the UNISON Regional Centre, provision is limited to that available from local caterers and hot food is not available.</p><p>Delegates with specific dietary needs are requested to specify these in detail on the application form. When course places are confirmed, delegates who have indicated a need will be asked to provide further information prior to the start of the course. Please note that menus/meals cannot be changed on the day of the course.</p><p>Time off Stewards, health & safety representatives and union learning representatives have a legal right to paid time off to attend relevant training. If this applies you will need to ensure that you have arranged time off with your employer in order to attend a course. You should ensure that you allow sufficient time to make these arrangements.</p><p>There is a form available for you to use. You can find this at the back of this programme, on our website or you can contact the Learning and Member Development Team for a copy. Please give the completed form to your Branch Education Co-ordinator or Branch Secretary for branch records, keeping a copy for your own information. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RETURN THIS TO THE REGIONAL OFFICE. If you have any problems then speak to your Branch Education Co-ordinator or Branch Secretary. 41 Part time workers If you attend a course for which paid time off is available and the course hours exceed those you normally work, you are entitled to receive pay or time off in lieu for those hours from your employer. Please ask for help if you experience problems in exercising these rights.</p><p>Expenses Travel and subsistence costs for all courses are the responsibility of your Branch. You should check with your Branch Education Co-ordinator or Branch Secretary to find out how to claim these.</p><p>Materials for some courses For some courses you will be asked to bring along materials or resources, e.g. copies of grievance or disciplinary procedures, your Steward bag etc. You may need to contact your Branch Education Co-ordinator or Branch Secretary for assistance in obtaining these items.</p><p>Venues Unless otherwise stated, the majority of the regional courses are NON-RESIDENTIAL. Delegates requiring overnight accommodation should seek approval for this from their branch prior to making any arrangements, as the cost of this will need to be met from branch funds. Branches are responsible for the booking of accommodation and payment of any costs in this respect.</p><p>Branch Employed Staff Generally the courses offered in this programme are for members, workplace representatives and officers of UNISON and are not offered to staff employed by the branch. However, it has been agreed that branch employed staff can attend workplace representatives courses as long as their branches pay the relevant course fees and it is clear that they are branch employed (e.g. on the course register). Branch employed staff should not be attending training aimed at NEC employed staff only.</p><p>Passport Courses To enable workplace representatives to gain the relevant skills and knowledge to carry out their roles with confidence, UNISON provides training in key areas/modules which are collectively known as Passports and includes those for Stewards, Health and Safety Representatives, Union Learning Representatives and Lifelong Learning Co-ordinators.</p><p>Stewards and Health, Safety Representatives and Union Learning Representatives (ULRs) are encouraged to complete their Passport and attend modules within 18 months to 2 years from appointment.</p><p>Stewards Modules 1 and 2 are combined into a 5-day course entitled ‘Organising Steward’. Once completed, a Steward will become accredited as an Employment Relations Act (ERA) Steward and can represent members in their workplace. Stewards are not entitled to represent members until they have been accredited. Alternatively there is an ‘Online Stewards Course’ which consists of approximately 30 hours, approximately 5-7 hours per week.</p><p>For Health and Safety Representatives the first course is ‘Organising for Safety’, again a 5-day course, and for ULRs there is also a 3-day Stage 1 course. </p><p>Completion of Passports Please advise us once you have completed your Passport - a form to confirm Passport completion can be found on the next page. 42 Have you completed your Passport?</p><p>If you have completed your Passport please complete and return the form below. </p><p>I've completed my *Stewards / Health & Safety Representatives / Union Learning Representatives / Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator Passport / Passport to Leadership</p><p>(*please delete as appropriate)</p><p>Name ……………………………………….</p><p>Address ………………………………………………………………....</p><p>…………………………………………………………………………….</p><p>………………………………………………………………………….....</p><p>Branch …………………………………………………………………...</p><p>Membership No. ………………………………………………………..</p><p>PLEASE RETURN TO: - LEARNING & MEMBER DEVELOPMENT TEAM UNISON REGIONAL CENTRE VIVIAN AVENUE NOTTINGHAM NG5 1AF 43 APPLICATION TO THE EMPLOYER FOR TIME OFF This form is for UNISON members to apply for time off, with pay, from employers to attend training courses. Once completed it should be retained by the employee or Branch as authorisation to be away from the workplace. It is important either you or your line manager notifies HR of the dates you are absent from work.</p><p>PART A – This section to be completed by the UNISON member Full Name of UNISON member</p><p>UNISON Membership No</p><p>Home Address (include Postcode)</p><p>Contact Details</p><p>Employer’s Name</p><p>Workplace/Section</p><p>UNISON Course Title</p><p>Course Dates</p><p>Venue</p><p>Details of time off requested (ie no of days/hours) Workplace Representative Signature Date </p><p>PART B – This section to be completed by the Line Manager Name of Line Manager</p><p>Job Title of Line Manager</p><p>Employer name</p><p> YES I confirm that the above named UNISON workplace (tick box as appropriate) representative can be released with pay to attend the training as detailed above NO I am unable to grant release for the following reason: (tick box as appropriate)</p><p>Line Manager’s Signature</p><p>Date 44 COURSE APPLICATION FORM</p><p>Name Male Female Identify in some other way Home address Branch</p><p>Position in branch</p><p>Membership number</p><p>Daytime phone number Mobile phone number</p><p>Email address – this will be used to contact you regarding the course including joining details</p><p>Emergency contact name and tel. number</p><p>Course title</p><p>Course code Course date(s)</p><p>Course venue / location (town)</p><p>Dietary requirements – please be specific</p><p>Facilitation requirements – please give details (e.g. disabled parking, large print, braille etc)</p><p>I wish to claim care allowance for a child/adult dependant for additional costs incurred rI wish to claim travel/subsistence expenses from my branch if I am successful in gaining a place and note that this can only be claimed if my application is authorised by the branch</p><p>Signature of applicant ……………………...... Date ………….... To be completed by your Branch Education Co-ordinator / Branch Secretary I confirm the applicant has branch approval to attend the above course.</p><p>Signed …………………………… Print Name...... Date…………..... *Branch Education Co-ordinator / Branch Secretary (*please circle as appropriate) On behalf of the branch I accept the terms and conditions of this booking and agree to abide by ALL charges inc non-attendance/ cancellation fees as advertised in the Education Programme or specific course advertisement. Once fully complete and countersigned, please return this form to the UNISON Learning & Member Development Team, UNISON Regional Centre, Vivian Avenue, Nottingham NG5 1AF Please note, your application may be declined if you do not return a completed Proportionality and Fair Representation form in addition to this application form.</p><p> Please tick if you wish to receive an acknowledgement of receipt via email N.B. The information you provide and the record of your attendance of UNISON education courses may be shared within UNISON to ensure that membership and branch records are accurate and up to date. Course information may also be used for statistical purposes. 45 PROPORTIONALITY AND FAIR REPRESENTATION FORM</p><p>NAME MEMBERSHIP NO BRANCH COURSE TITLE/DATES Have you previously applied for a course and been rejected? If “YES” please state reasons: Course Cancelled Course Oversubscribed Other – please state Please tick the following boxes that apply 1. Which of UNISON’s service groups are you in? Local Government Health Care Higher Education Energy Police & Justice Community Water, Environment and Transport 2. Are you? Female Male r Identify in some other way 3. How would you describe your ethnic origin? 4 Bangladeshi 3 Chinese 5 Indian 6 Pakistani 15 Asian UK 8 Asian Other 0 Black African 1 Black Caribbean 14 Black UK 2 Black Other 12 White UK 11 Irish 13 White Other r Other mixed heritage 4. UNISON has self-organised groups for women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, black, and disabled members. In which, if any, of the groups do you participate? Women members Black members Disabled members Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender members 5. What is your age group? 16 - 26 27 - 39 40 - 49 50+ 6. Which UNISON subscription band are you in? Band Yearly income £ Band Yearly income £ A Up to 2,000 B 2,001 to 5,000 C 5,001 to 8,000 D 8,001 to 11,000 E 11,001 to 14,000 F 14,001 to 17,000 G 17,001 to 20,000 H 20,001 to 25,000 I 25,001 to 30,000 J 30,001 to 35,000 K 35,000 + 7. How many hours per week do you work? Less than 16 16-29 30-34 35 or more</p><p>8. In which occupational group is your job? Managers Technical Professional Personal and caring services Administrators Clerical and secretarial Other non-manual Other manual Other occupation (please specify) ………………………………………. UNISON is committed to achieving fair representation and proportionality in all its structures. The Education and Training Committee asks each course applicant to fill in this form to assist us in achieving this aim. This form is used to select, monitor & evaluate participation in regional education/ branch training opportunities. Thank you for your co-operation. Please note, you do not have to disclose this information to your Branch. You may prefer to photocopy this form and send it direct to: UNISON, Learning & Member Development Team, Vivian Avenue, Nottingham NG5 1AF. 46</p>
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