<p> DIRECTORATE OF STATE AUDIT: ANDHRA PRADESH: HYDERABAD</p><p>(i) THE PARTICULARS OF ORGANISATION, FUNTIONS AND DUTIES</p><p>ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT</p><p>LEVEL OF THE OFFICE HEAD OF THE OFFICE</p><p>STATE OFFICE DIRECTOR AT HYDERABAD</p><p>REGIONAL OFFICES REGIONAL DEPUTY DIRECTORs</p><p>VISAKHAPATNAM, ELURU, ONGOLE, KURNOOL, WARANGAL & HYDERABAD.</p><p>DISTRICT LEVEL DISTRICT AUDIT OFFICER</p><p>AT ALL REVENUE DISTRICT HEAD QUARTERS</p><p>FUNCTIONS & DUTIES</p><p>To conduct an audit in respect of any local authority or any other authority specified in the schedule in the manner provided by or under this Act and to recover the cost of audit in respect of such authorities as may be specified by the Government.</p><p>Authorizes and certifies the Pensionary benefits to all retired class IV employees in all State Government Departments, Secretariat Departments, Police constables, Head Constables of Police Departments and Forest Guards of Forest Department. Employees of A.P. Housing Board, A.P. State Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad; Employees of A.P. Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad, Employees of A.P. Khadi & Village Industries Board, Hyderabad. (ii) POWERS AND DUTIES OF ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES:</p><p>(1) DIRECTOR:</p><p>Is the head of the department and exercises general control and superintendence over all officers and subordinates staff of the department.</p><p>Exercises all powers conferred by the Government on all Heads of Departments from time to time.</p><p>May inspect the accounts of Local Authorities and other authorities specified in the Schedule to the AP State Audit Act, 1989.</p><p>May condone the audit of accounts of any Local authority or other authority, where the audit is not possible due to loss of records on account of floods, fire and theft and other natural calamities in consultation with the heads of Administrative Departments of the local authorities or other authorities concerned.</p><p>Can initiate disciplinary action against the authorities who are found negligent in enforcing and misusing the powers under the provisions of the Act and the rules and they are liable for disciplinary action in accordance with the procedure laid down in A.P. Civil Service (CCA) Rules 1991</p><p>Responsible for proper conduct of audit of all auditable institutions in the State and furnishes such reports to Government as may be required.</p><p>Can call for all the files including the files relating to confidential nature which are not produced to auditors, by the Chief Executive Officer and deal with them in accordance with the standing instructions for the handling and custody of such documents issued from time to time in this regard.</p><p>May conduct the audit of non-notified gram panchayats on group basis at Mandal Headquarters or at such other places as specified. Appointing authority in respect of Audit Officer, State Audit.</p><p>Exercises disciplinary powers over all officers and subordinates.</p><p>Approves and issues surcharge certificates in respect of Universities.</p><p>(2) REGIONAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR:</p><p>Zonal head of the Department. Acts as liaison officer between the Director and the District Audit Officers in the Districts.</p><p>Appointing/transferring/disciplinary authority in respect of Assistant Audit Officer (First level Gazetted post) and Senior Auditor.</p><p>Responsible for conducting audit issue of audit report of Zilla Parishads in his zone. </p><p>(3) DISTRICT AUDIT OFFICER:</p><p>Head of the District of this Department. </p><p>Appointing/transferring/disciplinary authority in respect of Junior Auditor, Typist, Record Assistant and Attender.</p><p>Responsible for overall conducting/ approving/ issuing of Audits in the District in respect of the institutions under the audit fold of the department. Preparation of District Consolidated Audit Report of each District.</p><p>Authorizes and certifies the of Pensionary benefits to all retired class IV employees in all State Government Departments, Police constables, Head Constables of Police Departments and Forest Guards of Forest Department at District Level and Class IV Employees of A.P. Secretariat Department and A.P. Housing Board, A.P. State Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad; Employees of A.P. Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad, Employees of A.P. Khadi & Village Industries Board, Hyderabad at Directorate.</p><p>(4) ASSISTANT AUDIT OFFICER:</p><p>First level Gazetted officer conducting Audits at the field level with the assistant of Senior Auditors and Junior Auditors. Head of the office in certain independent offices and also drawing and disbursing officer in respect of their staff.</p><p>(iii) THE PROCEDURE FOLLOWED IN DECISION MAKING PROCESS INCLUDING CHANNELS OF SUPERVISION AND ACCOUNTABILITY:</p><p>The channels of supervision and decision making process are:</p><p>(1) Junior Auditor/Senior Auditors Assistant Audit Officer Audit Officer Director</p><p>(2) Junior Auditor/Senior Auditors Assistant Audit Officer Regional Deputy Director/Deputy Director Director</p><p>As regards accountability, all staff members are governed by A.P. Civil Service (conduct Rules) 1964 and A.P. State Audit Rules, 2000.</p><p>(iv) THE NORMS SET BY IT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS:</p><p>The Action Plan of audit for the year drawn by the Director shall be followed by the Subordinate staff. (v) THE RULES REGULATIONS INSTRUCTIONS MANUALS AND RECORDS HELD BY IT UNDER ITS CONTROL OR USED BY ITS EMPLOYEES FOR DISCHARGING ITS FUNCTIONS:</p><p>1. Andhra Pradesh State Audit ACT, 1989 (Act 9 of 1989)</p><p>2. Andhra Pradesh State Audit Rules, 2000.</p><p>3. Specific Acts/Rules and Government Orders governing the various institutions which are included in the Schedule to the A.P.State Audit Act.</p><p>4. All other rules and government instructions issued from time to time incidental to and connected with the audit of various institutions and service conditions of the Government employees.</p><p>(vi) A STATEMENT OF THE CATEGORIES OF DOCUMENTS THAT ARE HELD BY IT OR UNDER ITS CONTROL:</p><p>No document connected with public service are held by the Department.</p><p>(vii) THE PARTICULARS OF ANY ARRANGEMENT THAT EXISTS FOR CONSULTATION WITH OR REPRESENTATION BY THE MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC IN RELATION TO THE FORMULATION OF ITS POLICY OR IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF.</p><p>The Department is entrusted with the audit on the accounts of the authorities listed in the schedule to A.P. State Audit Act, 1989, as such no arrangement exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof (viii) A STATEMENT OF THE BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES CONSISTING OF TWO OR MORE PERSONS CONSTITUTED AS ITS PART OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF ITS ADVICE AND AS TO WHETHER MEETINGS OF THOSE BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTTEES, AND OTHER BODIES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OR THE MINUTES OF SUCH MEETINGS ARE ACCESSIABLE FOR PUBLIC :</p><p>No Boards, Councils, Committees And Other Bodies exist in this department</p><p>(ix) A DIRECTORY OF ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES:</p><p>Furnished in Annexure I.</p><p>(x) THE MONTHLY REMUNERATION RECEIVED BY EACH OF ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES INCLUDING THE SYSTEM OF COMPENSATION AS PROVIDED IN ITS REGULATIONS.</p><p>Furnished in Annexure II.</p><p>(xi) THE BUDGET ALLOCATED TO EACH OF ITS AGENCY, INDICATING THE PARTICULARS OF ALL PLANS, PROPOSED EXPENDITURES AND REPORTS ON DISBURSEMENTS MADE:</p><p>The Department is under Non-Plan. </p><p>Budget Estimates furnished in Annexure- III</p><p>(xii) THE MANNER OF EXECUTION OF SUBSIDY PROGRAMMES, INCLUDING THE AMOUNTS ALLOCATED AND THE DETAILS OF BENEFICIARIES OF SUCH PROGRAMMES.</p><p>No subsidy programmes connection with any benefit is entrusted to the department. (xiii) PARTICULARS OF RECIPIENTS OF CONCESSIONS, PERMITS OR AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED BY IT:</p><p>NIL</p><p>(xiv) DETAILS IN RESPECT OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO OR HELD BY IT, REDUCED TO AN ELECTRONIC FORM.</p><p>The following documents which were issued by the departmental authorities only in respect of the employees of this department.</p><p>Audit: 1. Information regarding completion of audit of the institution under the audit purview of this department</p><p>2. Information relating to and connected with Surcharge Certificates issued.</p><p>Accounts: 1. Budget of the Department. 2. Cash Book. 3. Vouchers. 4. Acquittance Register.</p><p>Establishment: 1. Appointment /promotion orders. 2. Orders placing on probation and declaration of probation. 3. Seniority list. 4. Exemption from passing tests 5. Transfer orders. 6. Leave sanction orders. 7. Training orders. 8. L.T.C. sanction orders 9. No objection Certificates 10. Increment sanction orders 11. Sanction order of advances 12. Pay fixation orders. 13. Additional charge allowance sanction orders. 14. Permission to study in evening colleges 15. Retirement notifications 16. Retirement orders 17. PPOs, GPOs and CPOs 18. Declaration of Home Towns 19. Statement of electronic equipment. 20. Tools and Plants Register</p><p>(xv) THE PARTICULARS OF FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO CITIZENS FOR OBTANING INFORMATION, INCLUDING WORKING HOURS OF LIBRARY OR READING ROOM, IF MAINTAINED FOR PUBLIC USE.</p><p>This department has no interface with citizens in any manner whatsoever, not applicable to this department.</p><p>(xvi) THE NAMES AND DESIGNATIONS AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF THE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER.</p><p>The officers are proposed by designation in view of the change of the officers from the present place of work due to promotion, transfers, retirement, suspension, reversion and deputation to Foreign Service.</p><p>SL.No. District Designation of the State Public Information Officer 1 Srikakulam District Audit Officer, State Audit, Srikakulam 2 Vizianagaram District Audit Officer, State Audit, Vizianagaram 3 Visakhapatnam District Audit Officer, State Audit, Visakhapatnam 4 Regional Deputy Director, State Audit, Visakhapatnam 5 Deputy Director, State Audit, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 6 East Godavari District Audit Officer, State Audit, Kakinada 7 West Godavari District Audit Officer, State Audit, Eluru 8 Regional Deputy Director, State Audit, Eluru 9 Krishna District Audit Officer, State Audit, Machilipatnam</p><p>10 Guntur District Audit Officer, State Audit, Guntur 11 Audit Officer, State Audit, Guntur, Nagarjuna University, Guntur 12 Prakasam District Audit Officer, State Audit, Ongole 13 Regional Deputy Director, State Audit, Ongole 14 Nellore District Audit Officer, State Audit, Nellore 15 Chittoor District Audit Officer, State Audit, Chittoor 16 Deputy Director, State Audit, TTD, Tirupati 17 Audit Officer, State Audit, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 18 Kadapa District Audit Officer, State Audit, Kadapa 19 Ananthapur District Audit Officer, State Audit, Ananthapur 20 Kurnool District Audit Officer, State Audit, Kurnool 21 Regional Deputy Director, State Audit, Kurnool 22 Khammam District Audit Officer, State Audit, Khammam 23 Warangal District Audit Officer, State Audit, Warangal 24 Regional Deputy Director, State Audit, Warangal 25 Audit Officer, State Audit, Kakateeya University, Warangal 26 Karimnagar District Audit Officer, State Audit, Karimnagar 27 Adilabad District Audit Officer, State Audit, Adilabad 28 Medak District Audit Officer, State Audit, Medak at Sangareddy 29 Mahabubnagar District Audit Officer, State Audit, Mahabubnagar 30 Nalgonda District Audit Officer, State Audit, Nalgonda</p><p>31 Nizamabad District Audit Officer, State Audit, Nizamabad 32 Rangareddy District Audit Officer, State Audit, Rangareddy 33 Hyderabad Regional Deputy Director, State Audit, Hyderabad 34 Director of State Audit, Andhra Pradesh, 6th Floor, Insurance Buildings, Tilak Raod, Abids, Hyderabad 35 Deputy Director, State Audit, Osmania University, Hyderabad.</p><p>(xvii) SUCH OTHER INFORMATION AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED AND THEREAFTER UPDATE THESE PUBLICATIONS EVERY YEAR.</p><p>The information in respect of the item (xiv) will be made available for the period from 1-10-2005 onwards</p><p>Sd. P.Ramaiah DIRECTOR State Audit, A.P. Hyderabad</p><p>ANNEXURE-I DIRECTORATE OF STATE AUDIT ANDHRA PRADESH: HYDERABAD</p><p>Sl. Name Designation Office in which No. working 1 2 3 4 1 P.Ramaiah Director Directorate of State Audit, A.P., Hyderabad 2 G.M.Majid Deputy Director -do- 3 G.Vijaya Kumari Deputy Director -do- 4 A.Kanaka Durga Devi Audit Officer -do- 5 B.Vijaya Bharati Audit Officer -do- 6 N.Lakshmi Audit Officer -do- 7 T.Venugopal Audit Officer -do- 8 K.Narasimha Murthy Audit Officer -do- 9 K.Indira Audit Officer -do- 10 G.Janardhan Rao Audit Officer -do- 11 N.V.Sya Raju Audit Officer -do- 12 Ch.Drakshamani Audit Officer -do- 13 D.Prasanna Assistant Audit Officer -do- 14 B.Narayana Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 15 M.Sree Devi Assistant Audit Officer -do- 16 Ch Prasada Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 17 Sunayana Chowhan Assistant Audit Officer -do- 18 A.Padma Assistant Audit Officer -do- 19 Y Ramasubbamma Assistant Audit Officer -do- 20 A Subramanyam Assistant Audit Officer -do- 21 YV Subba Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 22 LD Teja Assistant Audit Officer -do- 23 B Kanakabhisheka Kumari Assistant Audit Officer -do- 24 D Rajeswara Reddy Assistant Audit Officer -do- 25 S Aruna Devi Ganesh Assistant Audit Officer -do- 26 A Krishna Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 27 S Srinivas Assistant Audit Officer -do- 28 Ch Naraiah Assistant Audit Officer -do- 29 B Sridhar Assistant Audit Officer -do- 30 Y Prasada Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 31 D Venkata Raju Assistant Audit Officer -do- Sl. Name Designation Office in which No. working 1 2 3 4 32 A.DHANRAJ YADAV Senior Auditor -do- 33 S.S.PRAKASH Senior Auditor -do- 34 PRASAD Senior Auditor -do- 35 N.R.PAPA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 36 M.SRINIVASACHARYULU Senior Auditor -do- 37 AHMED MUKTAR ALI Senior Auditor -do- 38 S.GAYASUDDIN AHMED Senior Auditor -do- 39 K.SRINIVAS Senior Auditor -do- 40 A.GANGA BHAVANI Senior Auditor -do- 41 G.RAMESH Senior Auditor -do- 42 D.BASAVAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 43 T.RAJESWAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 44 KSRINIVASA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 45 K.SUBBA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 46 A.ANJALI DEVI Senior Auditor -do- 47 MUKKTAR SULTANA Senior Auditor -do- 48 J.ARUNA KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 49 P.V.BHAGYALAKSHMI Senior Auditor -do- 50 T.S.R.DIVAKAR Senior Auditor -do- 51 T.VANI KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 52 A.VENUGOPAL RAO Senior Auditor -do- 53 B.KALYANI Senior Auditor -do- 54 N.PADMAJA Senior Auditor -do- 55 R.SRILALITHA Senior Auditor -do- 56 K.RAJENDER REDDY Senior Auditor -do- 57 K.ANJAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 58 C.SARADA Senior Auditor -do- 59 D.V.N.MURALI Senior Auditor -do- 60 A.GANGAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 61 S.VENKATESWARLU Senior Auditor -do- 62 A.SUKKAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 63 I.CHANDRAKALAVATAMMA Senior Auditor -do- 64 D.N.UMA RANI Senior Auditor -do- 65 D.SARASWATHI Senior Auditor -do- 66 S.SRAVANTHI Senior Auditor -do- 67 G.SHOBHA Senior Auditor -do- 68 G.LALITHASREE Senior Auditor -do- 69 P.SYAMALA Senior Auditor -do- 70 T.PADMAVATHI Senior Auditor -do- 71 A.MALLESWAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 72 I.PARAMESWAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 73 MVN SATYANARAYAN RAO Senior Auditor -do- 74 M.ARAUNA KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- Sl. Name Designation Office in which No. working 1 2 3 4 75 PVSSN MURTHY Senior Auditor -do- 76 CH.MASTANAMMA Senior Auditor -do- 77 K.P.SOMAYAJULU Senior Auditor -do- 78 B.SAROJA Senior Auditor -do- 79 S.LAKSHMINARAYANA Senior Auditor -do- 80 M.DURGA BHAVANI Senior Auditor -do- 81 K.GANGA MEENAKSHI Senior Auditor -do- 82 R.LALITHA KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 83 P.PRATAP REDDY Senior Auditor -do- Sd. P.Ramaiah DIRECTOR</p><p>ANNEXURE-II DIRECTORATE OF STATE AUDIT:ANDHRA PRADESH: HYDERABAD</p><p>S. Name Designation Office in Gross salary No. which working for the month of August- 2005 (Rs) 1 2 3 4 5 1 P.Ramaiah Director Directorate of 31,593 State Audit, A.P., Hyderabad 2 G.M.Majid Deputy Director -do- 28,772 3 G.Vijaya Kumari Deputy Director -do- 18,482 4 A.Kanaka Durga Devi Audit Officer -do- 17,384 5 B.Vijaya Bharati Audit Officer -do- 14,622 6 N.Lakshmi Audit Officer -do- 13,300 7 T.Venugopal Audit Officer -do- 19,188 8 K.Narasimha Murthy Audit Officer -do- 18,679 9 K.Indira Audit Officer -do- 17,134 10 G.Janardhan Rao Audit Officer -do- 17,174 11 N.V.Sya Raju Audit Officer -do- 17,623 12 Ch.Drakshamani Audit Officer -do- 17,134 13 D.Prasanna Assistant Audit Officer -do- 11,309 14 B.Narayana Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 17,244 15 M.Sree Devi Assistant Audit Officer -do- 11,309 16 Ch Prasada Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 10,674 17 Sunayana Chowhan Assistant Audit Officer -do- 10,035 18 A.Padma Assistant Audit Officer -do- 17,663 19 Y Ramasubbamma Assistant Audit Officer -do- 12,135 20 A Subramanyam Assistant Audit Officer -do- 14,126 21 YV Subba Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 16,145 22 LD Teja Assistant Audit Officer -do- 14,126 23 B Kanakabhisheka Assistant Audit Officer -do- 16,626 Kumari 24 D Rajeswara Reddy Assistant Audit Officer -do- 11,309 25 S Aruna Devi Ganesh Assistant Audit Officer -do- 10,317 26 A Krishna Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 18,172 27 S Srinivas Assistant Audit Officer -do- 12,473 28 Ch Naraiah Assistant Audit Officer -do- 12,150 29 B Sridhar Assistant Audit Officer -do- 10,317</p><p>S. Name Designation Office in Gross salary No. which working for the month of August- 2005 (Rs) 1 2 3 4 5 30 Y Prasada Rao Assistant Audit Officer -do- 12,060 31 D Venkata Raju Assistant Audit Officer -do- 12,135 32 A.DHANRAJ YADAV Senior Auditor -do- 17,134 33 S.S.PRAKASH Senior Auditor -do- 16,150 34 PRASAD Senior Auditor -do- 16,110 35 N.R.PAPA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 16,150 36 M.SRINIVASACHARY Senior Auditor -do- 15,724 ULU 37 AHMED MUKTAR ALI Senior Auditor -do- 15,158 38 S.GAYASUDDIN Senior Auditor -do- 14,128 AHMED 39 K.SRINIVAS Senior Auditor -do- 9,845 40 A.GANGA BHAVANI Senior Auditor -do- 10,647 41 G.RAMESH Senior Auditor -do- 12,473 42 D.BASAVAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 9,472 43 T.RAJESWAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 14,316 44 KSRINIVASA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 9,755 45 K.SUBBA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 9,755 46 A.ANJALI DEVI Senior Auditor -do- 13,330 47 MUKKTAR SULTANA Senior Auditor -do- 10,647 48 J.ARUNA KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 16,621 49 P.V.BHAGYALAKSHMI Senior Auditor -do- 10,647 50 T.S.R.DIVAKAR Senior Auditor -do- 15,629 51 T.VANI KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 9,755 52 A.VENUGOPAL RAO Senior Auditor -do- 15,649 53 B.KALYANI Senior Auditor -do- 10,467 54 N.PADMAJA Senior Auditor -do- 9,473 55 R.SRILALITHA Senior Auditor -do- 9,193 56 K.RAJENDER REDDY Senior Auditor -do- 9,473 57 K.ANJAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 17,264 58 C.SARADA Senior Auditor -do- 16,110 59 D.V.N.MURALI Senior Auditor -do- 14,147 60 A.GANGAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 15,148 61 S.VENKATESWARLU Senior Auditor -do- 11,714 62 A.SUKKAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 12,135 63 I.CHANDRAKALAVAT Senior Auditor -do- 12,060 AMMA 64 D.N.UMA RANI Senior Auditor -do- 10,035 65 D.SARASWATHI Senior Auditor -do- 10,630</p><p>S. Name Designation Office in Gross salary No. which working for the month of August- 2005 (Rs) 1 2 3 4 5 66 S.SRAVANTHI Senior Auditor -do- 11,384 67 G.SHOBHA Senior Auditor -do- 12,150 68 G.LALITHASREE Senior Auditor -do- 12,230 69 P.SYAMALA Senior Auditor -do- 16,606 70 T.PADMAVATHI Senior Auditor -do- 12,100 71 A.MALLESWAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 12,100 72 I.PARAMESWAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 17,174 73 MVN SATYANARAYAN Senior Auditor -do- 12,150 RAO 74 M.ARAUNA KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 10,035 75 PVSSN MURTHY Senior Auditor -do- 8,649 76 CH.MASTANAMMA Senior Auditor -do- 8,649 77 K.P.SOMAYAJULU Senior Auditor -do- 16,140 78 B.SAROJA Senior Auditor -do- 13,713 79 S.LAKSHMINARAYANA Senior Auditor -do- 15,118 80 M.DURGA BHAVANI Senior Auditor -do- 8,481 81 K.GANGA MEENAKSHI Senior Auditor -do- 9,283 82 R.LALITHA KUMARI Senior Auditor -do- 8,152 83 P.PRATAP REDDY Senior Auditor -do- 7,657 84 KURMAIAH Senior Auditor -do- 11,339 85 E.RAGHUPATHI SARMA Senior Auditor -do- 9,503 86 V.SRINIVASA RAO Senior Auditor -do- 7,892 87 S.SANTOSH KUMAR Senior Auditor -do- 9,473 88 P.P.JAYALAKSHMI Senior Auditor -do- 14,126 89 LALSINGH Senior Auditor -do- 10,677 90 P.LAKSHMAN RAO Senior Auditor -do- 12,135 91 P.V.LEELA PRAMODH Senior Auditor -do- 9,785 92 P.L.PRASUNAMBA Senior Auditor -do- 16,113 93 A.NAGESWAR REDDY Senior Auditor -do- 9,755 94 N.VIJAYA LASKHMI Senior Auditor -do- 16,540 95 P.MALLESWARI Senior Auditor -do- 9,785 96 D.MADHAVI Senior Auditor -do- 8,391 97 P.S.BHAGYA LAKSHMI Senior Auditor -do- 10,316 98 B.NARSIMHULU Senior Auditor -do- 9,533 99 D.GOVARDHAN RAO Senior Auditor -do- 10,072 100 BVN DHANA Senior Auditor -do- 7,021 LAKSHMI</p><p>S. Name Designation Office in Gross salary No. which working for the month of August- 2005 (Rs) 1 2 3 4 5 101 P.JYOTHI Senior Auditor -do- 7,021 102 B.VIJAYA LAKSHMI Senior Auditor -do- 7,021 103 P.SUDHAKAR RAO Senior Auditor -do- 7,021 104 G.MAMATHA Senior Auditor -do- 7,021 105 MURTUJA AHMED Junior Auditor -do- 9,193 106 S.ANJANEYULU Junior Auditor -do- 8,361 107 SYED RIZVAN ALI Junior Auditor -do- 7,905 MAZHAR 108 K.HANUMANTHA RAO Junior Auditor -do- 5,798 109 MOHAMMED AHMED Junior Auditor -do- 7,419 110 G.NIRANJAN Junior Auditor -do- 6,294 111 KHLS KISHORE Junior Auditor -do- 5,665 112 A.V.POTHA RAJU Junior Auditor -do- 5,665 113 K.VARA PRASAD Junior Auditor -do- 5,534 114 R.SANJAY Junior Auditor -do- 5,964 115 B.HEMEMA Junior Auditor -do- 6,459 116 SK.MUJATABA ALI Junior Auditor -do- 5,534 117 S.T.NAGA LAVANYA Typist -do- 8,292 118 B.MAHESH Typist -do- 6,419 119 C.JAYALAXMI Typist -do- 6,584 120 P.NARASIMHA RAO Record Assistant -do- 7,865 121 H.SEETA RAMA Record Asst. -do- 5,798 LAKSHMI 122 SYED FAROOQ ALI Record Asst -do- 5,964 PASHA 123 G.MADHAVA REDDY Allwyn Staff -do- 11,309 124 M.NARENDRA PRASAD Allwyn Staff -do- 11,384 125 P.CHINNANNA Allwyn Staff -do- 10,035 126 MOHD.KHAYA VALI Allwyn Staff -do- 10,035 127 MOHD.SIRAJUDDIN Allwyn Staff -do- 9,193 128 B.SRINIVAS Allwyn (Worker) -do- 9,193 129 A.NARSING RAO Allwyn (Worker) -do- 9,193 130 T.SHIVA KUMAR Allwyn (Worker) -do- 8,912 131 G.ASHOK Allwyn (Worker) -do- 9,193 132 CH.LAKSHMINARAYANA Driver -do- 7,445 133 MOHD.ALLAUDDIN Attender -do- 7,910 134 R.KHADER BABA Attender -do- 7,865 135 ABDUL JALEEL KHAN Attender -do- 7,865</p><p>S. Name Designation Office in Gross salary No. which working for the month of August- 2005 (Rs) 1 2 3 4 5 136 BURANUDDIN Attender -do- 7,865 137 NOHD. SADIQ KHAN Attender -do- 7,220 138 BEJI RAO Attender -do- 7,865 139 P.MALLESHAM Attender -do- 7,865 140 MIR AKBAR ALI Attender -do- 7,865 141 P.DAMAYANTHI Attender -do- 7,885 142 J.LAKSHMI NARAYANA Attender -do- 8,112 143 N.SANTOSH KUMAR Attender -do- 8,609 144 S.GANGARAM Attender -do- 8,624 145 P.MALLESH Attender -do- 5,534 146 A.SUDHAKAR RAJU Attender -do- 5,665 147 M.RAJ KUMAR Attender -do- 5,534 148 MOHD.KHAMRUDDIN Attender -do- 6,625 149 J.RUKKAMMA Attender -do- 6,823 150 MD.ABDUL RAWOOF Attender -do- 5,534 151 K.SANTHA KUMARI Attender -do- 5,412 152 P.SYAMALA Attender -do- 4,445 153 S.BALAKRISHNA Attender -do- 4,445 154 K.VITTAL Attender -do- 7,260</p><p>Sd. P.Ramaiah DIRECTOR, STATE AUDIT: AP., HYDERABAD ANNEXURE-III (DIRECTORATE)</p><p>STATE AUDIT DEPARTMENT INFORMATION REGARDING BUDGET - ESTIMATE 2005-06 (RUPEES IN THOUSAND) MAJOR HEAD- 2054- Treasuries & Accounts Administration MINOR HEAD- 098 – State Audit Department SUB HEAD – (01) Head Quarters Office Head B.E. 2005-06 (01) 010-Salaries: 011 Pay 1,41,76 012 Allowances 47,72 013 Dearness Allowance 56,71 TOTAL (010 Salaries) 2,46,19 020-Wages 10 110-Domestic Travel Exp: 111 Travelling Expenses 5,00 TOTAL(110 DT Exp.) 5,00 130-Office Expenses 131-Utility Payments 6,50 132-Other Office Expenses 12,75 TOTAL (130 Off.Exp.) 19,25 140 Rates, Rents & Taxes 9,01 240-Petrol, Oil & Lubricants 15 280-Profesional Services 281 Pleader Fees 10 284-Other Payments TOTAL (280 Pro.Ser.) 10 310-Grants-in-aid 312 Obseques Charg. 4 TOTAL(310 G.I.A) 4 TOTAL(500 O.Char.) 510-Motor Vehicles 30 Non-Salary 33,95 TOTAL (S+N) 2,80,14 MINOR HEAD. 003 Training S.H. (10) for Training 200 other Administrative Services 3,39 Sd. P.Ramaiah DIRECTOR, STATE AUDIT: AP., HYDERABAD</p>
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