USOO6165500A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,165,500 Cevc (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 26, 2000 54 PREPARATION FOR THE APPLICATION OF WO 88/07362 10/1988 WIPO. AGENTS IN MINI-DROPLETS OTHER PUBLICATIONS 75 Inventor: Gregor Cevc, Heimstetten, Germany V.M. Knepp et al., “Controlled Drug Release from a Novel Liposomal Delivery System. II. Transdermal Delivery Char 73 Assignee: Idea AG, Munich, Germany acteristics” on Journal of Controlled Release 12(1990) Mar., No. 1, Amsterdam, NL, pp. 25–30. (Exhibit A). * Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros- C.E. Price, “A Review of the Factors Influencing the Pen ecution application filed under 37 CFR etration of Pesticides Through Plant Leaves” on I.C.I. Ltd., 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year Plant Protection Division, Jealott's Hill Research Station, patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 6EY, U.K., pp. 237-252. 154(a)(2). (Exhibit B). K. Karzel and R.K. 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A61K 9/127 Primary Examiner-Gollamudi S. Kishore 52 U.S. Cl. ....................... 424/450; 428/4022; 424/94.3 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Davidson, Davidson & Kappel, 58 Field of Search .................................... 424/450, 1.21, LLC 424/9.321, 9.51, 417, 96.3; 428/402.2; 57 ABSTRACT 436/829; 935/54 The invention relates to a preparation for the application of 56) References Cited agents in the form of minuscule droplets of fluid, in par ticular provided with membrane-like Structures consisting of U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS one or Several layers of amphiphilic molecules, or an 4,911,928 3/1990 Wallach .................................. 4244so amphiphilic carrier Substance, in particular for transporting the agent into and through natural barrierS Such as skin and FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Similar materials. The preparation contains a concentration 0 102 324 3/1984 European Pat. Off.. of edge active substances which amounts to up to 99 mol-% O 211647 2/1987 European Pat. 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O O Cd Od O cd 9 L) O ld C ld E S 9 N ld CN N (uu) LWWIO s ONWISIS U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 9 of 21 6,165,500 L N C/O Z C L D C S s O Cd O Cd O Cd o 9 COO Cld rC cyCd CNO 9 5 (uu) NOLIVIN3OO&WONWLS' 33WWIO s ONWISIS U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 10 of 21 6,165,500 t t i I N % IW S % I s s s I ZP 3 U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 11 of 21 6,165,500 (%)OOO19N3SOO U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 12 of 21 6,165,500 CfO d O CfO n1 L L COs H CN ves O (%) OOO19 NISOO U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 13 of 21 6,165,500 3. 2 - D CO 4. me Z CC 4. d O s N1 LL Y s s D O O O d 9 Y S. (IP/6u) OOO19 NINOLTdO3SOOn 19 U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 14 of 21 6,165,500 U N CO 2. CC L d s S SL rS. CYS SN 8w s Ysa N- (uu) NOLIVIAO O&WONWLS "WWI Vs 9 3. l d O O o Lo O Cl co n d S N ONWISIS U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 15 of 21 6,165,500 LL N CMO 2. c L d as S O Co O C 2 lc) 33 S. S Ne' \ (uu) NO WINOO&WONWLS "3LWWIO O U SR s 2 S. o ONWISIS U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 16 of 21 6,165,500 079909GZ0ZG?0||G (Ou|Ou])08NEEMLJOOLS ( uu OOv) OO U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 17 Of 21 6,165,500 g 4. - D CfO 4. s H Z CC 4. d O NC U Y s o O s Se va g (p/6u) OOOT9 NINOIL dO3SOOnTS) U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2000 Sheet 18 of 21 6,165,500 3 4. - D 3 CO 2 Ol Z D CC Z CNS2 isan C O & CO Na VN L esa 1.
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