<p> Shopping in an Department Store</p><p>Scene One (backpack)</p><p>Rick wants to have a fancy new backpack and now he is in the Sportswear Department.</p><p>Clerk: May I help you? Rick: Yes, I’d like to take a look at that beautiful backpack. Clerk: Which one? Rick: The black one over there. Clerk: Sure, just a second. Here you are. Rick: How much is this? Clerk: It’s $999. Rick: Gee! That’s almost $1,000. Are you kidding? I don’t think I can afford it. Clerk: Then, what about the green one over here. It’s on sale and it’ll only cost you $499. Rick: But it looks kind of old-fashioned. I want a backpack that is in fashion. Clerk: Then, this is the one you can’t miss. You see the bands here? They are removable. And if you buy the bag, we’ll give you 5 different colors of bands. And, every time you change the bands, your bag will look different. Rick: That sounds cool! Clerk: And, actually, this bag is now the most popular item in our store. Rick: Well, then, I think I’ll take it. Clerk: That’s a smart decision. How would you like to pay, cash or credit card? Rick: I’m too young to have a credit card. I’ll pay for it with cash. (Looking for his wallet in his pocket.) Where is my wallet? I remember to have it here. I must have lost it somewhere in this building. Clerk: Stay calm, young man. I suggest you to go the Lost and Found. Maybe they have your wallet there. Rick: I’m really sorry, lady. I didn’t mean to play a trick on you. I really remembered that I had my wallet with me. Clerk: Don’t worry. Just go and I hope I can hear good news from you pretty soon.</p><p>Useful Vocabulary </p><p>1. fancy (adj.) 別緻的、花俏的</p><p>1 ◎ She wore a fancy dress to the dancing party last night. 她昨晚穿了一件別緻的洋裝去參加舞會。 2. backpack (n.) 背包 ◎ Jimmy bought a new backpack for his daughter. Jimmy 買了一個新的背包給他女兒。 3. afford (v.) 負擔得起 ◎ None of my friends can afford to buy a new car. 我的朋友之中無人買得起一部新車。 4. old-fashioned (adj.) 過時的、老舊的 ◎ These old-fashioned hats are now on sale. 這些過時的帽子正在特價中。 5. band (n.) 帶子 ◎ She tied ten chopsticks together with a robber band. 她用橡皮筋將十枝筷子捆在一起。 6. removable (adj.) 可拆除的、可移動的 ◎ This toaster has two removable parts, so it's easy to clean it. 這台烤麵包機有兩個地方可拆卸, 所以很容易清理。 7. wallet (n.) 皮夾 ◎ He is glad to find the wallet he lost three days ago. 她很高興找回了三天前遺失的皮夾。 8. pocket (n.) 口袋 ◎ Teresa's parents don't give her pocket money. Teresa 的雙親沒有發零用錢給她。</p><p>Useful Idioms and Phrases</p><p>1. Sportswear Department 運動用品部門 2. kind of…. 有點…. 3. Lost and Found 失物招領處 4. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人</p><p>Useful Expressions</p><p>1. Are you kidding? 不會吧!你在開玩笑嗎? 2. That sounds cool! 聽起來很棒!</p><p>2 ******************************************************************* </p><p>Scene Two (At the Lost and Found/Information Center) (Part I) With the help of the receptionist, Rick is now at the Lost and Found. Receptionist: How can I help you sir? Rick: I’m looking for my wallet. It’s very precious to me. Not only because I have many important cards in it but also it’s a birthday gift from my mom. Receptionist: I understand. I’ll do my best to help you. Now, can you please describe a little about your wallet, for example, the color and the material? Rick: It’s dark brown, and it is a leather wallet. Receptionist: Well, we have more than 10 wallets of this kind. Could you give me more specific details? Rick: Oh, yes. If you open the wallet, you’ll see a sticker on the left. That’s a picture of my family. It is only 6 months old, so it is in very good condition. By the way, it is made in Italy. Receptionist: Well. I think that’s enough. Now, can you please wait here and file this form while I’ll go checking for you? Rick: Yes, please. Later, the receptionist returns with Rick’s wallet. Receptionist: Well, I think you’re looking for this one, aren’t you? Congratulations. Rick: Thanks. I’m so glad to have it back. Let me take a good look at it. The ID card, student card and the cash. Thank God, I didn’t even lose a bit. Just 5 minutes ago, I thought I was in hell, but now it seems that I’ve risen to the heaven. I’m so happy. Thank you so much lady. Receptionist: Don’t mention it. It’s always our pleasure to help our customers. Just be careful next time, ok? Rick: I will, thanks.</p><p>(Part II) Cathy: I want to buy some bedding for my niece, Angel, as kind of wedding present. She is going to get married next month. What do you think? Chris: Whatever you say, I'll support you. Actually, I think it's a great idea. Cathy: Oh, Chris, you are so sweet. Let's check which floor is houseware on? Chris: Maybe we can ask the front desk for help. (Both heading the front desk.) Receptionist: May I help you? Chris: Yes. Could you show us which floor houseware is on?</p><p>3 Re: No problem. It's on the seventh floor. You can go up there by escalator or elevator. C&C: Thanks a lot. 。 ………….</p><p>Useful Vocabulary </p><p>1. receptionist (n.) 櫃檯服務人員 ◎ Tom wants to be a receptionist at a hotel when he grows up. Tom 長大後想成為飯店的接待員。 2. precious (adj.) 珍貴的 ◎ Nothing is more precious than time. 沒有什麼比時間更寶貴。 3. describe (v.) 描述 ◎ He described the beautiful scenery of Mt. Ali in details. 他仔細地描述阿里山的優美景色。 4. material (n.) 材質 ◎ What's the material of this coat? 這件大衣的料子是什麼? 5. leather (n.) (adj.) 皮革(的) ◎ This sofa is covered in real leather. 這沙發是真皮的。 6. specific (adj.) 具體的、確切的 ◎ My boss never gives us specific instructions. 我的老闆從不給我們明確的指示。 7. detail (n.) 細節 ◎ Can you give me more details about how to apply for a new job? 你能告訴我更多有關於應徵工作的細節嗎? 8. sticker (n.) 貼紙 ◎ The wall is covered with stickers of his favorite cartoon character. 牆上貼滿了他最愛的卡通人物的貼紙。 9. pleasure (n.) 榮幸 ◎ It's my pleasure to help you. 能幫助你是我的榮幸。 10. bedding (n.) 寢具、床組 ◎ The bedding department is on the tenth floor. 寢具部門在 10 樓 11. wedding (n.) 婚禮</p><p>4 ◎ When is your wedding? 妳的婚禮在何時? 12. housewares (n.) 家飾用品 ◎ They are going to buy some housewares. 他們要去買一些家飾用品。 13. escalator (n.) 手扶梯 ◎ The new shopping mall has decorated every escalator with pink ribbons. 新的購物中心用粉紅色的絲帶裝飾每個手扶梯。 14. elevator (n.) 電梯 ◎ Many airports have both elevators and escalators. 許多機場既有電梯也有手扶梯。</p><p>Useful Idioms and Phrases</p><p>1. dark brown 深棕色 2. be in hell / heaven 猶如身處地獄中 / 天堂中 3. Don't mention it. 不用客氣。 4. front desk 服務台</p><p>******************************************************************* </p><p>Scene Three (bedding)</p><p>Cathy: Chris, look here. This bed cover looks so cozy and delicate. And the color happens to be Angel's favorite------pink. What's more, it's on sale. They offer 30% off because of the anniversary… Chris: Take your time. Don't rush to make any decision. There are many stores selling bedding, so we can tour around before we make the final decision. Cathy: Chris, you're right. Saleswoman: Welcome to D&C Bedding. Want me to show you around? You are very lucky because there are several sets of bedding on sale. You'd better grasp the golden opportunity. Anything you prefer? Chris: My wife like the pink one on display. Cathy: What's its texture? Sales:You really have an eye for bedding. It's 100% cotton-made, imported from France. It is interwoven with silk. The embroidered pattern is exclusively hand- made by leading designers. It is said that they imitate the royal style of the reign of Louis XIV, very classical. It will make you feel like living in a palace.</p><p>5 Cathy: OK. We'll take this one. You are so persuasive. Chris: How much does it cost? Sales: Its original price is NT$30,000. Minus discount, the total price is NT$21,000. Is that OK with you? Chris: How about NT$20,000, if I pay in cash? Sales: Oh, I'm sorry. There is no bargain here. But if you have our VIP card, I can offer you a lower price. And you can also charge it.</p><p>Cathy: Do you know " customers are always right?" Sales: Take it or leave it. You are asking too much. This is the cheapest price I can offer you. Besides, it is the season's hit, the chanceof a lifetime. Chris: Cathy, no need to argue with her. She is so unreasonable. Let's go somewhere else to buy. Cathy: Sorry, lady, maybe next time. See you. </p><p>Useful Vocabulary </p><p>1. cozy (adj.) 舒適的 ◎ Although the sofa is expensive, it is very cozy. 這張沙發雖然貴,但坐起來很舒適。 2. delicate (adj.) 精緻的 ◎ The carpet has a very delicate pattern of flowers. 這張地毯的花樣很精緻。 3. anniversary (n.) 週年紀念、週年慶 ◎ My parents went to France to celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary. 我的雙親到法國慶祝結婚 30 週年。 4. grasp (v.) 緊握 ◎ You have to grasp the rope with both hands when climbing up the cliff. 當你攀爬峭壁時,你必須用雙手緊握繩索。 5. opportunity (n.) 機會 ◎ This is a good opportunity for you to improve your English speaking ability. 這是你增進英文口說能力的大好機會。 6. texture (n.) 質地 ◎ I like the smooth texture of this material. 我喜歡這種質地光滑的材料。 7. interweave (v.) 交織而成 (三態:interweave interwove interwoven) ◎ The nightgown is made of silk interwoven with gold threads.</p><p>6 這件睡衣是由蠶絲與金線交織而成的。 8. embroidered (adj.) 刺繡的 ◎ She bought an elegant hat with embroidered butterflies on it. 她買了一頂繡有蝴蝶圖案的高雅帽子。 9. exclusively (adv.) 獨有地 ◎ The club is open exclusively to foreign businesspeople. 這間俱樂部只對外國商人營業。 10. imitate (v.) 模仿、仿照 ◎ Peter is good at imitating the way our principal talks. Peter 很會模仿我們校長說話的樣子。 11. classical (adj.) 經典的、古典的 ◎ Gone with the Wind is undoubtedly a classical novel. "飄" 的確是一本經典的小說。 12. palace (n.) 皇宮 ◎ She dreams to decorate her new house as a palace. 她夢想將她的新家裝潢得像皇宮一樣。 13. persuasive (adj.) 有說服力的 ◎ What she said is pretty persuasive. 她所說的話頗具說服力。 14. original (adj.) 原來的、起源的 ◎ The original price of this piano is too expensive. 這架鋼琴的原價太貴了。 15. unreasonable (adj.) 不可理喻的 ◎ Stop making up any unreasonable excuse! You can't fool me anymore. 不要再編造任何荒謬的藉口了! 你再也騙不了我。</p><p>Useful Idioms and Phrases</p><p>1. bed cover 床單 2. tour around 四處走走逛逛 3. had better ( + 原形動詞) 最好…. 4. on display 展示中 5. the Reign of Louis XIV 法國路易十四王朝</p><p>Useful Expressions</p><p>7 1. They offer 30% off. 這商品打七折 (即降價三成)。 2. Take your time. 別急、慢慢來。 3. You really have an eye for bedding. 你果真是家飾用品的專家。 4. There is no bargain here. 我們不接受講價。 5. Customers are always right. 顧客至上。 6. It is the season's hit. 這是當季的熱賣商品。</p><p>********************************************************************</p><p>Scene Four (Cosmetics)</p><p>Clerk: What can I do for you? Jessie: Oh, I'm just looking, thank you. Clerk: Okay. Take your time. Just call me if you want anything. Jessie: Yes, thank you. (A few minutes later.) Clerk: Did you find anything interesting? Jessie: Oh, Yes. Can you show me these lipsticks? Clerk: Sure, any particular color? They are the fashion now. Jessie: I prefer purple or pink. I look younger in these colors, I think. Clerk: You do have good sense about colors. Purple and pink are the most popular among young ladies. How about this one? Violet. Jessie: Looks good. May I try it on? Clerk: Certainly. Let me help you. (The clerk helps Jessie put on lipstick.) Clerk: You look just great with purple. Jessie: Yeah. Purple becomes me. Well, how much is it? Clerk: It's NT$ 780. Jessica: Ok, I'll take this one. Clerk: Is there anything else you might need? Foundation? Blush? Or eyebrow pencil? Jessie: No, thanks. I've shopped some cosmetics a few weeks ago. Maybe next time. But I'd like to buy perfume for my mom's birthday gift. Which perfume would you recommend for a lady in her fifties? Clerk: A lady around fifty….. Well, I believe this one with floral note would be perfect for your mom. It sells like hotcakes. Some of my customers even bought three bottles at a time. Let's see if you like the smell… Jessie: Hmm, it smells good. Is this on sale now? Clerk: Sorry! It isn't. Our prices are all fixed.</p><p>8 Jessie: So, how much is it? Clerk: It's NT$ 2,880. (Jessie can't believe the price that she has just heard.) Jessica: Excuse me, how much is it again? Clerk: NT$ 2,880. Jessica: (Murmur to herself.) Sheer robbery! Clerk: The price depends on the quality. It contains oils from more than ten different kinds of natural flowers. Jessica: Since I've bought a lipstick, can you give me a discount on the perfume? Clerk: I'm really sorry. I'm afraid I can't. But I can give you a bottle of body lotion for free. Jessica: All right. How much do they come to? Clerk: That'll be NT$ 3,660. Cash or Credit? Jessica: Cash. (Jessie gives NT$ 4,000 to the clerk.) Clerk: Here's your change 340 dollars. Thank you very much. Have a good day. Jessica: You, too.</p><p>********************************************************************</p><p>Useful Vocabulary </p><p>1. lipstick (n.) 口紅 2. particular (adj.) 特定的 ◎ He is very particular about food. 他對飲食特別講究。 3. among (prep.) 三者以上….之間 ◎ I saw him among the crowd. 我在人群中看見他。 4. violet (n.) 紫羅蘭色 ◎ A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage. 聚光燈投射一道紫光在舞台上。 5. foundation (n.) 粉底 = base 6. blush (n.) 腮紅 = rouge 7. eyebrow pencil (n.) 眉筆 8. perfume (n.) 香水 9. recommend (v.) 推薦 ◎ What would you recommend me to order in that Italian restaurant? 你會推薦我在那家義大利餐廳點些什麼呢?</p><p>9 10. floral (adj.) 花的 ◎ He chose a carpet with floral pattern. 他挑選了一塊有花卉圖案的地毯。 11. note (n.) 香水氣味 ◎ I don't like perfume with herbal note. 我不喜歡草本香味的香水。 12. customer (n.) 顧客 ◎ Customers are always right. 顧客至上。 13. fixed (adj.) 固定的 ◎ The interest rate on the loan is fixed. 這貸款的利率是固定的。 14. quality (n.) 品質 ◎ I prefer quality to quantity. 我較重質而不重量。 15. contain (v.) 包含 ◎ Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌所含的酒精成分很高。 16. discount (n.) 折扣 ◎ We give a special discount of ten percent for cash. 如果用現金購買,我們給予九折優待。 17. body lotion (n.) 身體乳液 18. change (n.) 零錢 ◎ How much have you got in change? 你有多少零錢?</p><p>Useful Idioms and Phrases</p><p>1. put on… 擦上… 2. in one's fifties 五十多歲 3. on sale 特價中</p><p>Useful Expressions</p><p>1. May I try it on? 我可以試穿嗎? 2. It sells like hotcakes. 十分暢銷/大熱賣</p><p>10 3. Sheer robbery! 貴得太離譜(猶如搶劫一般)! 4. How much do they come to? 總共多少錢? 5. Cash or credit? 付現還是刷卡? 6. Have a good day. 願你有美好的一天。</p><p>Self –Test Questions Scene One Part I. Reading Comprehension(5, 15%) ( )1.What does Rick want to buy? (A)a backpack (B)suitcase (C)a souvenir (D)guidebook ( )2.What did Rick lose? He lost his ______. (A)purse (B)wallet (C)handbag (D)schoolbag ( )3.Which following description about his wallet is NOT true? (A)It's dark brown (B)It's made of genuine leather (C)There is a sticker inside (D)It's in poor condition </p><p>Part II. Cloze In(3, 15%)</p><p>(A)afford (B)congratulations (C)pleasure (D)removable (E)precious</p><p>1. It's my ______to be your guest. Thanks for inviting me to join this party.</p><p>2. The screen door is ______. So, it's easy to wash it 3. My father is out of employment now. Therefore, we can't ______a fancy car. 4. Youth is the most _____ thing in our lives. Once we lose it, we'll never recover it. 5. ______to you on your job promotion and pay raise. You must be very excited.</p><p>You score is ______</p><p>******************************************************************</p><p>Scene Three</p><p>11 Part I. Reading Comprehension(5, 15%)</p><p>( )1. Why does Cathy want to buy bedding? It is because ______. (A)shopping is her cup of tea (B)she wants to get rid of the old one (C)bedding is one of the latest promotions (D)her niece is getting married</p><p>( )2. Originally, Cathy intends to buy the pink bedding on sale. Which following statement concerning the bedding is NOT TRUE? (A)It's original price is NT$21,000. (B)Its design is quite delicate. (C)It is a nice bargain. (D)It can make you have a nice sleep.</p><p>( )3. Why does the clerk fail to sell the bedding to Cathy? (A)Chris insists on lowering the price. (B)The quailty is not good enough. (C)The pink one is not available now. (D)She is reluctant to pay in cash.</p><p>Part II. Cloze In(3, 15%)</p><p>(A)unreasonable (B)original (C)exclusively (D)bargain (E)anniversary</p><p>1. After hours of negotiating, a ______was finally reached.</p><p>2. This golf club is ______for men, so no women will be admitted.</p><p>3. It's extremely ______to expect a 3-year-old kid to make a living on his own.</p><p>4. This is only a fake. The ______painting of Mona Lisa is in another museum.</p><p>5. There will be a concert to mark the 10th ______of founding this hospital.</p><p>You score is ______</p><p>******************************************************************* Scene Four Part I. Reading Comprehension(5, 15%) ( )1.In the end, what does Jessie buy altogether?</p><p>12 (A)perfume and foundation (B)perfume and lipstick (C)blush and birthday cake (D)violet and eyebrow pencil ( )2.How much do they cost? (A)$3,000 (B)$3,400 (C)$4,000 (D)$5,000 ( )3.Does the clerk offter Jessie any discount? (A)No, the price is fixed. (B)Yes, she has 20% off. (C)No, it's duty free. (D)Yes, she is a regular customer.</p><p>Part II. Cloze In(3, 15%)</p><p>(A)fixed (B)quality (C)particular (D)recommend (E)contains</p><p>1. The soup ______5 different kinds of Chinese herbs. 2. My doctor ______that I do exercise regularly and eat less fat. 3. Mary is ______about the food she eats. That is, she is critical with food. 4. There is no bargain here and the price is all ______. 5. Products with good ______are always popular among customers.</p><p>You score is ______</p><p>*******************************************************************</p><p>【原文翻譯】Shopping in an department store (Translation) 百貨公司購物 Scene One (backpack) Rick wants to have a fancy new backpack and now he is in the Sportswear Department. 瑞克想買一個新奇的背包,現在他來到了運動用品部門。 Clerk: May I help you? 需要服務嗎? Rick: Yes, I’d like to take a look at that beautiful backpack. 我想看看漂亮的背包。 Clerk: Which one? 哪一個? Rick: The black one over there. 那邊那個黑色的。 Clerk: Sure, just a second. Here you are. 好的,稍後一會。這就是你要的。 Rick: How much is this? 多少錢? Clerk: It’s $999. 。九百九十九元</p><p>13 Rick: Gee! That’s almost $1,000. Are you kidding? I don’t think I can afford it. 天啊!快一千元了。別開玩笑了,我想我是買不起的。 Clerk: Then, what about the green one over here. It’s on sale now and it’ll only cost you $499. 這個藍色的如何?現正打折,只要四百九十九元。 Rick: But it looks kind of old-fashioned. I want a backpack that is in fashion. 但那看起來有點過時。我想買流行的背包。 Clerk: Then, this is the one you can’t miss. You see the bands? They are removable. If you buy the bag, we’ll give you 5 different colors of bands. And, every time you change the bands, your bag will look different. 那你絕對不能錯過這一個。你看它的背帶是可移動的。如果你買的話還會送你 五種不同顏色的帶子。你一換背帶,背包就會看起來不一樣。 Rick: That sounds cool! 太帥了! Clerk: So, actually, this bag is now the most popular item in our store. 事實上,這個包包目前是本店最暢銷的貨品。 Rick: Well, then, I think I’ll take it. 那我就買這個好了。 Clerk: That’s a smart decision. How would you like to pay, cash or credit card? 真是明智之舉。你要付現或者刷卡? Rick: I’m too young to have a credit card. I’ll pay cash. (Looking for his wallet in his pocket.) Where is my wallet? I remember having it here? I must have lost it somewhere in this building. 我年紀還太小,沒有信用卡。我付現。(找口袋的皮夾)我的皮夾呢? 我記得明明在這裡? 我一定是掉在百貨公司某個地方。 Clerk: Stay calm, young man. I suggest you go to the Lost and Found. Maybe they have your wallet there. 年輕人,冷靜點。我建議你去失物招領處看看。或許找得到。 Rick: Sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to play a trick on you. I really remembered that I had had my wallet with me. 抱歉我並非有意要耍你,我真的記得有帶皮夾。 Clerk: Don’t worry. Just go and I hope I can hear good news from you pretty soon. 別擔心。希望很快有你的好消息。</p><p>Scene Two (At the Lost and Found/ Information Center) Part I With the help of the receptionist, Rick is now at the Lost and Found. 在接待員的協助下,瑞克到了失物招領處。 Clerk: How can I help you sir? 需要服務嗎?</p><p>14 Rick: I’m looking for my wallet. It’s very precious to me. Not only because I have many important cards in it but because it’s a birthday gift from my mom. 我要找我的皮夾。對我很珍貴。不只因為裡面有很多重要的卡,而且也是媽媽 送我的禮物。 Clerk: I understand. I’ll do my best to help you. Now, can you please describe a little about your wallet, for example, the color and the material? 我了解。我會盡力協助你。請你描述一下顏色和材質? Rick: It’s dark brown, and it is a genuineleather wallet. 是深咖啡色、真皮製的。 Clerk: Well, we have more than 10 wallets of this kind. Could you give me more specific details? 我有十多種這樣的皮夾。可否再說仔細點? Rick: Oh, yes. If you open the wallet, you’ll see a sticker on the left. That’s a picture of my family. It is only 6 months old, so it is in very good condition. By the way, it is made in Italy. 好的。打開皮夾左側有一個貼紙。是我全家的照片。而且才買了六個、還狠新。還 有,是義大利製造的。 Clerk: Well. I think that’s enough. Now, can you please wait here and file this form while I’m going to check for you? 這樣就可以了。請稍等並填妥表格,我去找找看。 Rick: Yes, please. 好的。</p><p>Later, the clerk returns with Rick’s wallet. 一會兒,店員帶著它的皮夾回來。 Clerk: Well, I think you’re looking for this one, aren’t you? Congratulations. 這應該是你要找的吧?恭喜了! Rick: Thanks. I’m so glad to have it back. Let me take a good look at it. The ID card, student card and the cash. Thank God, I didn’t even lose a bit. Just 5 minutes ago, I thought I was in hell, but now it seems that I’ve risen to the heaven. I’m so happy. Thank you so much, lady. 謝謝。真高興找回我的皮夾。我看看,身分證、學生證、現金。謝天謝地,全部原 封不動。五分鐘前我想我完蛋了,但現在我好像到了天堂。我好高興,小姐 感激不盡。 Clerk: Don’t mention it. It’s always our pleasure to help our customers. Just be careful next time, ok? 別客氣。為顧客服務是我們的榮幸。下次要小心點! Rick: I will, thanks. 我會小心的,謝了。</p><p>15 Part II Cathy: I want to buy some bedding for my niece, Angel, as kind of wedding present. She is going to get married next month. What do you think? 我想買寢具給我姪女安琪,作為生日禮物。她下個月結婚。你說好不好? Chris: Whatever you say, I'll support you. Actually, I think it's a great idea. 不論妳說什麼都好。事實上,我覺得很棒。 Cathy: Oh, Chris, you are so sweet. Let's check which floor is houseware on? 喔,克利斯,你真會說話。我們找找看家用品在哪一層樓? Chris: Maybe we can ask the front desk for help. 或許可以去櫃檯問問。 (Both heading the front desk.) (兩人去了櫃檯。) Receptionist: May I help you? 需要幫忙嗎? Chris: Yes. Could you show us which floor houseware is on? 是的。請問家用品在哪一層樓? Re:No problem. It's on the seventh floor. You can go up there by escalator or elevator. 好的。 在十一樓。你們可以搭手扶梯或電梯前往。 C&C: Thanks a lot. 多謝了。</p><p>Scene Three (bedding) …………. Cathy: Chris, look here. This bed cover looks so cozy and delicate. And the color happens to be Angel's favorite------pink. What's more, it's on sale. They offer 30% off because of the anniversary… 克利斯,你看這兒。這個床罩看起來很舒服而且細緻。顏色又是安琪的最 愛----粉色。因為週年慶還打七折呢。 Chris: Take your time. Don't rush to make any decision. There are many stores selling bedding, so we can tour around before we make the final decision. 慢慢來,先別急著做決定。還有很多家店賣寢具,先逛逛再買吧。 Cathy: Chris, you're right. 克利斯,你說的對。 Saleswoman: Welcome to D&C Bedding. Want me to show you around? You are very lucky because there are several sets of bedding on sale. You'd better grasp the golden opportunity. Anything you prefer? 歡迎光臨 D&C 寢具店。要我帶你們逛逛嗎?你們真幸運,現有幾組寢具在 特價。好好把握這個好機會。有沒有中意的? Chris: My wife like the pink one on display. 我太太喜歡展示的那件粉色的。 Cathy: What's its texture? 是什麼料子作的?</p><p>16 Sales: You really have an eye for bedding. It's 100% cotton-made, imported from France. It is interwoven with silk. The embroidered pattern is exclusively hand- made by leading designers. It is said that they imitate the royal style of the reign of Louis XIV, very classical. It will make you feel like living in a palace. 你真是很有眼光。它是百分百棉製的,由法國進口。有縫入絲線,上面的刺繡 圖案則是一流設計師特別手工縫製的。據說是仿路易十四朝代的王室風格非 常古典。會使你猶如置身王宮般。 Cathy: OK. We'll take this one. You are so persuasive. 好吧,就選這個吧。 你很有說服力。 Chris: How much does it cost? 多少錢呢? Sales: Its original price is NT$30,000. Minus discount, the total price is NT$21,000. Is that OK with you? 原價三萬,扣掉折扣一共是兩萬一。可以嗎? Chris: How about NT$20,000, if I pay in cash? 兩萬可以嗎?如果付現的話。 Sales: Oh, I'm sorry. There is no bargain here. But if you have our VIP card, I can offer you a lower price. And you can also charge it. 喔,很抱歉。這裡是不二價,但如果你有貴賓卡我可以再算便宜一點。而且你 還是可以刷卡付賬。 Cathy: Do you know " customers are always right?" 你可知「顧客永遠是對的」? Sales: Take it or leave it. You are asking too much. This is the cheapest price I can offer you. Besides, it is the season's hit, the chanceof a lifetime. 要不要買隨你 便,你要求太多了。這是最低價了。而且這是當季熱賣品,機會難得 喔!</p><p>Chris: Cathy, no need to argue with her. She is so unreasonable. Let's go somewhere else to buy. 凱西,別跟他吵,他根本就不可理喩。我們去別地方買吧。 Cathy: Sorry, lady, maybe next time. See you. 抱歉了小姐,也許下次再光顧。再見</p><p>Scene Four (Cosmetics) Clerk: What can I do for you? 需要服務嗎? Jessie: Oh, I'm just looking, thank you. 我隨便看看 Clerk: Okay. Take your time. Just call me if you want anything. 那你慢慢看。有需要儘管叫我。</p><p>17 Jessie: Yes, thank you. 謝謝 (A few minutes later.) Clerk: Did you find anything interesting?有發現有趣的東西嗎? Jessie: Oh, Yes. Can you show me these lipsticks?這些口紅可以看看嗎? Clerk: Sure, any particular color? They are the fashion now. 當然。特別要什麼顏色 嗎?它們都是最流行的。 Jessie: I prefer purple or pink. I look younger in these colors, I think. 我喜歡紫色或粉色,我擦這些顏色看起來特別年輕。 Clerk: You do have good sense about colors. Purple and pink are the most popular among young ladies. How about this one? Violet. 你很懂顏色。紫色和粉色最受小姐們歡迎。這支你覺得如何?紫羅蘭? Jessie: Looks good. May I try it on? 看起來不錯。可以試擦嗎? Clerk: Certainly. Let me help you. 當然。我幫你。 (The clerk helps Jessie put on lipstick.) Clerk: You look just great with purple. 你擦紫色很好看。 Jessie: Yeah. Purple becomes me. Well, how much is it? 是啊。紫色很適合我。多少錢? Clerk: It's NT$ 780. Jessica: Ok, I'll take this one. 好,我買這支。 Clerk: Is there anything else you might need? Foundation? Blush? Or eyebrow pencil? 還要別的嗎?粉底?腮紅?眉筆? Jessie: No, thanks. I've shopped some cosmetics a few weeks ago. Maybe next time. But I'd like to buy perfume for my mom's birthday gift. Which perfume would you recommend for a lady in her fifties? 不了,謝謝。幾週前才買了一些化妝品。下次吧。我倒想買香水給媽媽作為生 日禮物。你有什麼可以推薦給五十幾歲的女士呢? Clerk: A lady around fifty….. Well, I believe this one with floral note would be perfect for your mom. It sells like hotcakes. Some of my customers even bought three bottles at a time. Let's see if you like the smell… 嗯,五十幾歲的女士?我想這個有花香的香水最適合你媽了。很熱門,有些 客戶甚至一次買三瓶。看看你喜不喜歡這個味道? Jessie: Hmm, it smells good. Is this on sale now? 嗯,很香。有打折嗎? Clerk: Sorry! It isn't. Our prices are all fixed. 沒有,我們都是不二價的。 Jessie: So, how much is it? 多少錢? Clerk: It's NT$ 2,880. (Jessie can't believe the price that she has just heard.)</p><p>18 Jessica: Excuse me, how much is it again? 對不起,你說多少錢? Clerk: NT$ 2,880. Jessica: (Murmur to herself.) Sheer robbery! 這簡直是搶劫嘛! Clerk: The price depends on the quality. It contains oils from more than ten different kinds of natural flowers. 價錢全看品質。它含有十幾種天然的花。</p><p>Jessica: Since I've bought a lipstick, can you give me a discount on the perfume? 既然我有買口紅,香水可以打折嗎? Clerk: I'm really sorry. I'm afraid I can't. But I can give you a bottle of body lotion for free.很抱歉,恐怕不行。但我可以送你一瓶身體用的乳液。 Jessica: All right. How much do they come to?好吧,那總共多少錢? Clerk: That'll be NT$ 3,660. Cash or Credit? 付現或刷卡? Jessica: Cash. (Jessie gives NT$ 4,000 to the clerk.)付現 Clerk: Here's your change 340 dollars. Thank you very much. Have a good day. 這是找的錢,謝謝。一切順利! Jessica: You, too.你也是。</p><p>The End</p><p>********************************************************************* * Staff: Playwrights: Ann Wu, Jessica Wu, Pamela Kao Coordinator: Pamela Kao Cosmetics: Jessica Wu Costume: Ann Wu Cameraman: Anny Dai Editors: Shang-bin Chen, Wei-tsung Wang</p><p>Cast: Ann, Bright, Danny, Kannie, Jessica, Jenny, Pamela, ZuZu </p><p>Acknowledgement: Thanks Windance, especially Ms Li, for allowing us to shoot our film there.</p><p>19</p>
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