<p> GLOUCESTERSHIRE BOWLS ASSOCIATION A Member of Bowls England.</p><p>WOMEN’S DIVISION President Pat Stiley.</p><p>Minutes of Management Meeting held 27.06.13 at Falcon B.C.</p><p>President Pat Stiley opened the meeting at 10.05a.m by welcoming everyone.</p><p>Present: President Pat Stiley, SVP Anne Beaven, JVP Gill Hodder, B.E Delegate Lindsay Collin, Treasurer Maddie Hale, Match Secretary Myra Savage, area representatives Chris Magee, Trish Nunn, Angela Wildsmith and Secretary Margaret Tully. 1. Apologies: I.P.P Pat MacGregor and area Rep Ann Jones. 2. Amendments to minutes dated 26.04.13: None 3. Minutes dated 26.04.13 were signed as a true record. 4. Matters arising: 1. Item 12 - Uniform update </p><p>M.T reported that she had met with Angela Harris. A.H had placed an order with new supplier to the value of £1060 which arrived on time. Sizing was different to last supplier and A.H is sorting it out. M.T reported that she was concerned about reimbursement of out of pocket expenses as A.H had not claimed them for the last three years. Treasurer had contacted A.H who decided to waive them. M.T asked A.H to list value of remaining stock once the last delivery had been distributed. A.H recommends County should keep a small amount of popular sizes to the value of £250.00. The uniform account I kept separate from any other financial transactions. A.H requested that if the new supplier is more reliable and business like after placing two further orders she would like to relinquish the responsibility of county uniforms. M.T commented that A.H had done a good job under very frustrating circumstances for the last three years. M.H said she would be willing to take on the finance for uniforms but not the ordering or distribution.</p><p>A.O.B 1 – Issues concerning future President’s Day.</p><p>After a lengthy discussion, covering many issues concerning future invitations to past presidents to future presidents’ days. The initial enquiry was not to cause embarrassment either to County or disrespect to G.C.W.B.A past presidents in any way. Those present commented as follows:</p><p> Past presidents of G.C.W.B.A were an association in their own right, they offered support and guidance when required.</p><p> Past presidents meet twice a year and play one game a year.</p><p> To date there are seventeen G.C.W.B.A past presidents but only two G.B.A lady past presidents and two G.B.A gentlemen. </p><p> President’s Day is an upheld tradition in G.B.A Women’s Division.</p><p> President’s Day is an ideal way of introducing club members to the county.</p><p> It is an enjoyable event.</p><p> President’s Day is a ‘thank you’ gift to the County for the members’ support.</p><p> It is a considerable financial commitment.</p><p>1 As G.B.A evolves the current presidential team are less likely to have contact with G.C.W.B.A past presidents.</p><p> It would be helpful to have list of categories of people to invite as a form of protocol in president’s job spec, being mindful of seating capacity within clubs.</p><p> The question was asked whether president’s day should continue.</p><p>The general consensus of opinion was to put the above to the delegate’s for further discussion.</p><p>A.O.B 2 – Issue of Bristol Comp Secs.</p><p>It was reported that one of the three Bristol competition secretaries had now retired and had an e mail so it was likely that she would be able to cope with comps in that area.</p><p>5.Correspondence</p><p>1. Letter from Avonmouth concerning interclub comp.</p><p>2. Received B.E Minutes dated 8th May</p><p>3. Received B.E County News doc. </p><p> i. Resolved not to support request that Johns is played midweek</p><p> ii. A small increase for championships and competitions 2014</p><p> iii. Resolved that regional finals will be played on grass greens until further notice.</p><p> iv. Reg 50 updated to enable counties to determine dress code from ¼ finals onwards.</p><p> v. Together with affiliation fees, a stipulated umpires fee (£100.00) will be implemented 2014 for national comps. </p><p>4. Four banning letters sent. </p><p>6.Treasurer’s report.</p><p>Match profit & loss to date:- JT invitation day 66.00 Somerset 40.00 Oxford 213.25 Leicester 273.75 Worcester -131.00 JT Devon -214.00 Berkshire 61.50 Cambridge -217.75 Hampshire -243.00 Hereford 123.50 N’Hants 200.00 JT Wilts 205.00 Walker Cup Dorset -273.50 Surplus to date £103.75</p><p>Bucks, as it is at home, should make a surplus but Beds is at Oxford & with cost of coach & teas will probably make a substantial loss.</p><p>2 Then there are 2 home & 2 away games left plus JT versus Cornwall, & the WC regional final.</p><p>My original estimate for match losses this year was around £1000 & I don’t think we shall be far off.</p><p>Selectors expenses & cost of stickers to date = £250.00. </p><p>The good news is our healthy bank balance =</p><p>Cash in hand as at 20th June 1 year corporate investment £12,000 BIA 7,620 Current a/c 1760 Cash in hand 32 £21412 (includes £120.19 interest earned) Treasurer asked for committee’s recommendation concerning markers for semi and finals days. After discussion it was agreed to pay markers £5.00 per session and umpires £10.00 per session. It was reported that ten clubs advised changes in their membership. Draft 2014 competition forms were discussed and amendments suggested. It was agreed to change the deadline for competition entries to 30th September 2013. The G.B.A joint affiliation forms to be adapted to cover those members entitled to free handbooks.</p><p>7. B.E Delegate’s report. It was reported that as far as administration is concerned it is a quiet time of year before the championships begin. The Committee’s attention was drawn to the following: Umpires’ fees Coach bowls – B.D.a document B.E County News available on website B.D.A news letter.</p><p>8. Match Secretary’s report.</p><p>It was reported that all matches are proceeding well.</p><p>We are more than halfway through the season and after a poor start we are on a roll winning the last three on the trot. We had a good win over Wilts in John ‘s Trophy on Saturday and a super win over Dorset in Walker Cup on Sunday.</p><p>Another win in MEL league on Monday against Northants completed the hat trick. This was a very busy weekend and thoughts might have to be given to moving this Northants match to another day as they have the same busy weekend next year as we do. Match Sec at Leamington and G.B.A match secretary will liaise in the hope of finding a different date for 2014 match. It is felt that it is a lot of pressure on mostly the same players and also officers.</p><p>The Walker Cup regional finals on 14th July will be held at Cotswold, G.B.A play Herefordshire. Devon play Somerset so that will eliminate one strong county.</p><p>We have not had any MEL league tables yet which would be good to have to see exactly what is happening. MT to perhaps contact MEL Secretary and find out if a league table might be forthcoming.</p><p>G.B.A would just like to thank all clubs that have so far hosted matches for County. Their hospitality has been second to none and the County is grateful to them. There had been a glitch regarding provision of appointed umpires for the Johns match at Redland Green. County co-ordinator John Heal attended this match and discussed future requirement of G.B.A Women’s Division.</p><p>9. Competitions update. Competition secretaries are in process of collecting trophies in readiness for presentation on finals day. Labels will be available for trophies. There have been a couple of minor hitches that have been rectified this year and remedied next year. </p><p>3 A query was raised concerning an entry made from one club when the member moved to another club earlier this year. Reference was made to county competition rules. There was nothing that could be used that was specific to this query. A vote was taken on whether the competitor was allowed to continue to play out of new club after membership of original club ceased 30th June. The result of vote was in favour to allow her to continue to play out of new club – nine votes to one. Confirmation was sought from Bowls England. They confirmed that this was acceptable as far as they were concerned. </p><p>10. Selection Committee. A letter was received from Cheltenham area representative appreciating the difficulties that selectors are experiencing by being restricted by the non-availability of players when players are needed for club league games. The players are needed to play in leagues but want to support county. The letter suggested that perhaps propositions were sent in for a league rule change to apply for postponement of league game as happens when two or more players have County competitions on league evenings or are on presidential tour. A recommendation was made by Johns team manager that it would be helpful to have Johns players available for the first three matches of the season. This year Johns players were involved in league games so were not available for selection. This is understandable as the number of club members is decreasing year on year. County had a responsibility to make all Johns players aware that they can only be considered for a place in the squad if they play in the early matches. These players can then lobby for league rule changes at the respective A.G.M’s.</p><p>11. G.B.A update. Work is continuing on review of constitution, rules and regulations. County coach has been invited to attend next meeting to discuss the changes concerning E.B.C.S and B.D.A and how they affect County. </p><p>12. National Benevolent Triples Day update. A reminder to all clubs was circulated last month. To date 24 entries had been received, closing date is 30th June. 13. Arrangements for delegates meeting 24.07.13 in absence of secretary. a) P.S to oversee refreshments b) M.S to contact Peter Harrison for access to hall and after meeting closing on 07720 559271 c) If propositions are received they are to be e mailed to Myra. d) M.T to send out agenda a fortnight before meeting. e) Officers with reports to be e mailed to M.S before meeting. f) M.S to take minutes. M.T to distribute them by e mail on return. g) Competition entry forms will be in envelopes for distribution. h) Attendance register for delegates & officers will be available.</p><p>14. Update re President’s Day 07.07.13. To date thirty two clubs are sending representatives, we are still awaiting four replies. Twenty-four officers have accepted invitations along with five club guests and seventeen other guests. Table setting, table plan, flowers and food are all in hand. The game – President V Senior Vice President will begin at 1.30p.m. Parking vouchers will be available from club after 2.p.m. 15. Leamington attendance. M.S will be in the tent. M.T will attend second week P.S will travel most days. A.B & G.H will travel every day. L.C will attend some days and is willing to help out where & when needed</p><p>A.O.B 1. Team Manager reported that a lot had been learnt from the two Johns games. First game was disappointing mainly due to the squad not being available to play together in the three county matches before hand. This could be remedied next year. Second Johns was a positive result. Walker Cup was played in very cold poor weather conditions with one rink playing well together, the skip on other rink carried her rink and got an overall narrow win with her last wood. A request was made that extra consideration might be given to home greens for 2014. 2. M.T pointed out a review was required now that the two year trial was at an end . There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.47p.m. </p><p>4 Signed……………………………………. Date………………………</p><p>5</p>
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