<p>Radford University Educational Leadership Program NCATE Report 2011 March 2011</p><p>William Flora, Ed.D. Assoc. Professor Program Coordinator Educational Leadership (540) 831-5140 [email protected]</p><p>1 II. Candidate Performance Assessment Framework:</p><p>Name of Assessment Type or When the Assessment Form of Assessment Is Administered 1 School Leadership Licensing Assessment Multiple choice and Last semester of the (SLLA) – Licensing Exam required by VA written response program DOE for school level leadership 2 EDEL 624 NCATE Assignment Written Response Course Specific –EDEL 624 EDUC 615 NCATE Assignment Written Response Course Specific – EDUC 615 3 EDEL 612 NCATE Assignment Written / Presentation Course Specific –EDEL 612 EDEL 626 NCATE Assignment Written/Presentation Course Specific – EDEL 626 EDEL 621 NCATE Assignment Written / Presentation Course Specific – EDEL 621 4 EDEL 690 -Internship Experience Supervisor /Mentor During the program supervised evaluation of student 5 EDUC 617 NCATE Assignment Written / Presentation Course Specific – EDUC 617 EDEL 614 NCATE Assignment Written/Presentation Course Specific – EDEL 614 EDEL 621 NCATE Assignment Written / Presentation Course Specific – EDEL 621 6 Candidate Dispositions and Professional Supervisor / Mentor During program – Characteristics Form assessment internship program component 7 [Alumni and employer surveys] Survey After completion of program 8 EDEL 631 NCATE Assignment Written / Presentation Course Specific – EDEL 630</p><p>2 III. List of Assessments APPLICABLE ASSESSMENTS FROM ELCC/SLLA – Educational Leadership SECTION II School Leadership Licensing Assessment Meets Standards: (SLLA) – Licensing Exam required by VA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 DOE for school level leadership EDEL 624 NCATE Assignment Meets Standards: 1, 3 EDUC 615 NCATE Assignment EDEL 612 NCATE Assignment Meets Standards: 1, 3, 4, 6 EDEL 626 NCATE Assignment</p><p>EDEL 621 NCATE Assignment Internship Experience(s) Meets Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7</p><p>EDUC 617 NCATE Assignment Meets Standards: 1,2, 3 EDEL 614 NCATE Assignment</p><p>EDEL 621 NCATE Assignment</p><p>Candidate Dispositions and Professional Meets Standards: Characteristics Form 1,2,3,4,5,6</p><p>Alumni and employer surveys Meets Standards:</p><p>EDEL 630 NCATE Assignment Meets Standards: 5, 6</p><p>IV. Assessments:</p><p>A. Assessment Description(s):</p><p>1. School Leadership Licensing Assessment (SLLA): The SLLA is an external examination developed and owned by Educational Testing Service (ETS) designed to evaluation minimum entrance level skills for educational leaders. It is utilized as a required component for school level </p><p>3 licensure in Virginia. Students take the SLLA in or following their last semester in the Radford University Educational Leadership Program. It is aligned to the ELCC/ISLLC standards by ETS and is designed to evaluate candidate competence in standards 1 – 6. The evaluation is administered and scored through ETS.</p><p>2. EDEL 624 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: Technology Planning / Visioning Provide a vision statement that addresses your proposed utilization and/or integration of technology during your first year as an administrator. Then list at least five specific goals supporting that vision. (Context of the assignment) The Superintendent has asked to use your work in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation with other principals to ensure their understanding of the use of technology. (You are not required to develop a PowerPoint for this question, just the vision statement and goals).</p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 3.3 3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 3 Clearly identified all stakeholders including faculty, staff and community in developing the vision statement. The statement must be inclusive of specific technologies and must provide at five specific examples.</p><p>2 Identified faculty and staff as stakeholders, but not include the community. Only three specific examples of technology integration are provided.</p><p>1 Developed a vision with less than two stakeholders identified. Less than three specific examples of technology integration are provided.</p><p>0 The vision was developed in isolation. The number of technology integration examples is irrelevant as the vision was not created with all stakeholders.</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>4 The assignment focuses on content understanding of the development, stewardship, and implementation of a specific visioning effort, the assignment specifically addresses content standard 1. It also overlaps with standard 3, which focuses on managing a school as an educational leader; this overlap is achieved through the implementation phase of the assignment which will allow the candidate to demonstrate specific skills in organizing staff and providing staff with growth opportunities in this area.</p><p>EDEL 615 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: Using a research based model for curriculum development, create a school improvement plan addressing the diverse needs of all students and stakeholders. ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5 3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 3 The Plan details specifically and in priority order a course of action. It proposes a need for visioning and collaboration with all stakeholders and is focused on improvements which promote increased student learning. </p><p>The Plan should adhere to an acceptable model of curriculum development, such as the Oliva Model, and should include: a statement of needs related to diverse needs of All students and society, curriculum goals/objectives and their alignment to standards, research-based instructional strategies, assessments aligned with curriculum and instruction, analysis/disaggregation of student data professional development to support student success. </p><p>A rationale for including each action is noted. The presentation must be free of spelling, grammar and mechanical errors.</p><p>2 The Plan explains a process for school improvement along with explanations for most actions. It speaks to collaborative efforts focused on improvement in student learning. Curriculum and instructional alignment was noted. The plan, while not written perfectly, contained less than five spelling, grammar or mechanical errors. </p><p>5 1 The Plan minimally details school problems and action steps for improvement. The presentation may contain unacceptable spelling, grammar or mechanical errors.</p><p>0 The Plan was ill-conceived, and it followed no logical sequencing of priorities to enhance student achievement or school improvement.</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>The assignment focuses on content understanding of the development, stewardship, and implementation of a specific instructionally based visioning effort, the assignment specifically addresses content standard 1. Candidates, utilizing specific research based models of curriculum development, must develop a plan for implementing curriculum in a school improvement model that will address the learning needs of all students. This requires candidates to demonstrate skill in visioning, implementation of improvement efforts, which requires skill in working directly with all stakeholders to move a plan to the implementation phase, and to assure that the diverse needs of all students are met. Based on the strong content understanding of visioning in this assignment, it is the main standard addressed.</p><p>3. EDEL 612 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: Visioning Assignment</p><p>Provide your definition of a Vision and explain how you believe it should be developed and implemented. The definition of a Vision and a framework for vision development / implementation must include the following components:</p><p> Stated in a clear / focused statement that is inclusive of all stakeholders Clearly articulated with in school processes and to all stakeholders Implementation plan clearly includes all stakeholders, secured resources, and implementation processes in a creative, collegial manner Demonstrates promotion / communication of vision to all stakeholders and aligns promotion / communication with school improvement efforts Again, you are NOT writing a vision, you are providing a definition and how it should be developed and implemented. </p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3</p><p>3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 6 3 Clearly stated definition and includes the four required components plus provides additional information regarding how stakeholders will be recruited into the visioning process</p><p>2 Clearly stated, explained and addressed each of the components of a vision definition</p><p>1 Cleary, stated, explained and addressed at least two of the components of a vision definition</p><p>0 Lacks understanding of vision definition or only addressed one of the components</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>The assignment focuses on the candidate’s ability to plan for implementation of a cultural development effort within an educational organization. It focuses directly on standard 1 which relates to the development, implementation, and support of visioning efforts for an educational leader. This requires that the candidate have strong and thorough understanding of all aspects of school culture and their impact on culture as they work to create a vision and move that vision into an educational organization. </p><p>EDEL 626 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: Understanding Systemic Change </p><p>Each student will be responsible for developing / creating an instructionally related building / program change that will give rise to substantial school, community relations issues (for example – converting from a traditional seven period per day schedule to an alternating day block schedule). Once the topic is selected, the student will develop in detail the process of implementing this change. Each response must address:</p><p> How will the change process be initiated How will the change process be implemented Who will be involved in the implementation process and how will they be involved Additional concerns that are related to the specific nature of the relations issue</p><p>The project should be well developed and thoroughly detailed.</p><p>7 ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3</p><p>3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 3 Clearly identified and articulated school community change issue A detailed development of a change process that is inclusive of at least four groups of stake holders A description of how the change process will be implemented And At least one additional school community relations issue specific to the identified change issue</p><p>2 Clearly identified and articulated school community change issue A detailed development of a change process that is inclusive of at least four groups of stake holders A description of how the change process will be implemented</p><p>1 Identified a school community relations issue but the development of stakeholder involvement and detail of the change process does not demonstrate a clear understanding of professional action based in the ISLLC standards </p><p>0 Does not clearly identify a change issue and demonstrates a lack of understanding of implementing change and how it impacts stakeholders or the response does not address the specific assignment</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>The assignment, at its center is the development and implementation of a very large, instructionally focused change effort in an educational setting. This assignment requires that students understand fully the greater picture of development and implementation of a large scale instructional change in an educational setting. Candidates must include and work with all stakeholders involved in the change. This includes both internal and external groups therefore, the close alignment to working with staff during instructional change/leadership and the alignment to standard 2. Visioning in this assignment is aligned with standard 1 through the candidate’s demonstration of understanding regarding the impact of change on 8 culture on school vision. There is also an alignment with standard 3, school management, as candidates must demonstrate an organizational understanding of an instructional change and how it relates to school operations. </p><p>EDEL 621 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: School Improvement Plan</p><p>Using data gathered from the VA DOE web site ( www.pen.k12.va.us ) select a school that is accredited warned and/or has not made AYP. Developed, based on that schools reported data, a school improvement plan with 3 short term goals (1 yr.) and three long range goals (3 yrs.). Explain carefully, how each goal will be implemented, evaluated, and how it impacts student learning. Each response must address:</p><p> The implementation process – who is involved in implementing the goals and how will each goal actually be achieved – an explanation of process. How will each goal be evaluated to not only ensure that it is implemented but that it achieves the expected out-come. How will each school improvement goal impact student learning.</p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2</p><p>3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 3 Response is clearly written and demonstrates a thorough understanding of school improvement processes and demonstrates a thorough understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Must contain 3 short term goals / 3 long term goals and demonstrate clearly and thoroughly the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>And 4 of the following:</p><p> Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff Response includes the use of technology to enrich student </p><p>9 learning and enhance student achievement Response includes specific reference to multiple stakeholders and their role in the improvement process Response includes a clear community relations plan involving the greater community and media Response includes involving specific stake holders in supporting a shared vision for student learning 2 Response demonstrates an understanding of school improvement processes and demonstrates an understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Must contain 3 short term goals / 3 long term goals and demonstrates an understanding of the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>And 3 of the following:</p><p> Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement Response includes specific reference to multiple stakeholders and their role in the improvement process Response includes a clear community relations plan involving the greater community and media Response includes involving specific stake holders in supporting a shared vision for student learning</p><p>1 Response demonstrates a vague understanding of school improvement processes and vague understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Contains less than 3 short term goals and/or less than 3 long term goals and demonstrates a vague connection to the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>And 2 or more of the following:</p><p> Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety</p><p>10 Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement Response includes specific reference to multiple stakeholders and their role in the improvement process Response includes a clear community relations plan involving the greater community and media Response includes involving specific stake holders in supporting a shared vision for student learning 0 Response is unclear and demonstrates little to no understanding of school improvement processes and demonstrates little to no understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Short term goals / long term goals if present are vague and they are not described / connected to the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>Response does not connect to standards and misses the focus of the assignment</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>The assignment requires that the candidate utilize data from an actual school in Virginia to develop a complete plan for school improvement including short and long term goals. This assignment must focus on the implementation of instructionally based improvement efforts. Since the focus is instructional leadership and the success of all students, Standard 2 is central to the assignment. The candidate must demonstrate understanding of leadership in moving staff, students, and community forward with school improvement efforts. Since the actual implementation of instructional change will impact management of the school organization, Standard 3 is also addressed. In order to fully implement a successful school improvement plan, the candidate will also have to demonstrate understanding of work with the greater community to fully implement successful improvement efforts. Therefore, Standard 4 is also addressed through the requirement of working with parents and community stakeholders in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan. </p><p>4. EDEL 690 NCATE Assessment – The internship manual is provided below. Each activity is identified with a specific ELCC/ISLLC standard and the total document represents each standard and substandard; activities are listed by standard for each standard addressed. Candidates are expected to complete a very thorough and defined practical/internship experience in school administration. (Please note that table of contents page numbering does not align with the numbering of this document)</p><p>11 Internship (EDEL 690) / Field Placement Manual</p><p>Educational Leadership Internship Manual Contents</p><p>Internship Overview ……….. Page 3-5</p><p>Course Embedded Activities Table ……….. Pages 6-10</p><p>Internship Forms / Overview ……….. Page 11-70 </p><p> Internship Application ……….. Pages 11-12 Internship Activity Check List ………. Pages 13-59 Time Log ………. Page 60 Professional Characteristics & Dispositions ………. Pages 61-70</p><p>Internship (EDEL 690) Overview</p><p>The Radford University Educational Leadership Program believes that the internship experience is an extremely valuable component in the formal training of educational leaders. It is an opportunity for students to actually engage in leadership training work in schools and community agencies. Students are to work with their advisor in determining placements and in establishing placement mentors. Direct Internship Hours: The internship experience is a minimum of 360 hours (6 graduate hours) spread across elementary, middle, high school, central office, and agency work. Students will complete work at each of the five afore mentioned levels working with diverse student populations. Students will sign up for internship in 2 – 6 hour segments.</p><p>Embedded Internship Hours: The internship experience is not limited to the direct internship hours. There are an additional 130 hours of embedded activities that supplement university curricula and provide additional opportunities for students to interact with school and district administrators as well</p><p>12 as agency personnel in the community. For specific information on these embedded activities and the course associated with each activity refer to the Internship Embedded Activities Chart (see table of contents for page number). </p><p>Mentors: Mentors are the supervising personnel working with an intern in a field placement. Mentors must be school or division level administrators or supervisory personnel in an agency setting. University staff in the Educational Leadership Program will work directly with students to acquire field placements and field mentors. Mentors are required to complete evaluations of interns. Mentors are also in communication with RU Educational Leadership staff during the intern placement to assure that interns are receiving a rich experience and to assure that the intern is performing duties and activities successfully.</p><p>Documentation / Record Keeping and additional Internship Requirements: Seminar Meetings: During each 2.0 graduate credit hour segment of internship (120 hours of direct internship hours) the intern will also attend two (2) Saturday seminars. Dates and times of the seminars will be made available to students at the beginning of each semester in which interns are serving in field placements. During the seminar meetings, interns will reflect on and share placement experiences, work with student data, respond to case analyses, and work on school improvement models. Focusing on direct connections between placements and improving student learning. Intern Documentation: Internship Application: Once the intern has worked with their University Advisor and/or the Internship instructor on a placement and selection of a mentor, the intern must submit an Internship Application. This provides documentation of the intended placement and intended mentor. Following submission of this form, Educational Leadership staff will contact the placement mentor. Time Log: Interns are required to keep a time log of field placement activities. The time log should be detailed and specific so that the minimum 120 hours of placement work can be documented and activities can be clearly understood. Reflection Paper and E-mails: Each intern will submit a reflection paper at the end of the intern experience. This paper is an opportunity for the intern to practice metacognitive understanding of the overall experience, how work is directly connected to student learning, and to provide a forum for student feedback on the experience which helps mentors and Educational Leadership staff to continually improve internship field experiences. Each intern will also submit four detailed emails to the internship instructor during the 120 hour direct internship placement. The emails provide specific information regarding student / mentor relations and specific information on placement experiences. The emails should be sent to the internship instructor at approximately quarter points across the placement. The emails supplement communications with the mentor and site visits by the instructor.</p><p>Mentor Documentation: Field Experience Check List: 13 The mentor will complete the Field Experience Check List, indicating completion of activities provided in the placement. Agency mentors are encouraged to submit an additional narrative of activities as agency work may differ from activities aligned with the ISLLC standards addressing school and district level leadership. The check list may be completed with both the intern and university staff present to facilitate discussion of the experience. The intern is not expected to have all 75 items completed until the full 360 hour direct internship program is completed. Candidate Dispositions Form: The mentor will complete the Candidate Dispositions Form for the intern. This allow for documentation of intern professional characteristics. Recommendation Letter: Each mentor will send a letter to the university supervisor (internship instructor). This letter is the mentor’s opportunity to reflect on the overall experience and provide additional feedback on the intern if needed. This allows university staff to continue to insure that mentors and interns feel the program is successful in developing future educational leaders.</p><p>Radford University Educational Leadership</p><p>Internship Program Course Embedded Activities Table</p><p>Course Course Title Total Student Assessments Index Embedded Activities Number Hours EDEL Intro. to 20 Shadow or Develop either 612 School observe your a written Administration school leader for paper, at least 4 hours PowerPoint, per week for five Wiki or Blog weeks or for a to total of twenty display/report hours. During on actions that this twenty hour were observed period you will regarding the look for use of the examples of Heart, Head where your and Hand of school leader has Leadership by displayed your school 14 characteristics of leader. the Heart, Head and Hand of Leadership. EDEL Supervision 20 Working with Working with 614 and Evaluation school school of Instruction administrators, administrators, counselors, and counselors, other agency and other personnel, agency students will personnel, understand the students will direct connection develop a between staff formal evaluation and evaluation improvement in process that student learning. will include constructs from schools and outside agencies focusing on an instrument that will improve instruction and student learning. EDUC Principles of 20 After working in select a 615 Curriculum a school professional Development developing and development assessing activity that professional needs to be development conducted to a needs, students target will understand audience. The and identify a audience professional needs to be development fully described plan. and be realistic in all aspects. The activity should include partnerships. The activity should have target goals identified. The 15 planned activity should have a direct relationship to content learned in the course. The activity should be more than just a typical PowerPoint presentation. To exceed expectations the project should involve Web 2.0 concepts. </p><p>The activity will be presented at the last class meeting. The project should be realistic enough so that it can be replicated and shared with all course members. All group members must participate in the development and presentation of the activity. EDEL Organization 20 1. Students will Instructors 621 and conduct will assess Management interviews with these of Public school level and imbedded Schools central office activities level personnel through the on budgetary assignment. of issues with a papers, focus on seminar 16 understanding discussions, monetary PowerPoint policy/procedures presentations and their relation and or to student additional learning. methods 2.Students will determined by interview current the instructor. or former administrators on a topic of organizational change and its impact on students, school, and division. 3.Students will attend a FAPT and or CMPT meeting focusing on involvement of other agencies in the effort to understand other agency(ies) impact on students. EDEL Technology 20 Students must Instructors 624 for School inventory their will assess Administrators school division these for specific imbedded technology activities devices providing through the specific data and assignment of images and must papers, also interview seminar multiple division discussions, staff (school level PowerPoint and central office presentations level) with a and or focus on additional technology and methods student learning. determined by the instructor. EDEL The School 20 Students will Students will 626 and work with agency develop and Community personnel present in Relations (DARE, class a Community workshop 17 Counseling framework, Services, based on a Community needs Health assessment organizations, conducted etc.) and school with agency level and school administration to personnel, that assess workshop will needs to address incorporate staff and school staff, community. community members and students. EDEL Legal and 10 Students must Instructors 630 Ethical meet with outside will assess Dimensions of of school these School agencies (such as imbedded Administration social services, activities police, through the community assignment of counseling papers, services, etc.) and seminar develop an discussions, understanding of PowerPoint the legal presentations connection and or between their additional agency services methods and students in determined by the local school. the instructor.</p><p>RADFORD UNIVERSITY School of Teacher Education and Leadership EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Application for an Internship 18 ======Part A: INFORMATION ABOUT THE STUDENT</p><p>Student’s Name______Student ID #______Student Address______Telephone (Home)______(Work)______E-mail:______Anticipated Date of Program Completion:______Student’s EDEL Program Advisor______======Part B: INFORMATION FOR RECORD KEEPING </p><p>Course Number and Title: EDEL 690 Internship Placement (Circle one): Elementary Middle High Central Office Agency ======Part C: INFORMATION ABOUT THIS FIELD PLACEMENT</p><p>Name of Administrator who will be your On-Site Supervisor: (Mr.) (Mrs.) (Ms.) (Dr.) ______Name of his/her school/Agency: ______Address of this school: ______</p><p>______Tel. # for this school / agency: ______======Part D: APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES ______Student’s Signature Date ______Advisor’s Signature Date Note: Students must apply for internships at least four weeks prior to the semester in which they plan to enroll in the internship. A separate form must be completed for each field placement.. Students cannot enroll in internship without permission of their advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain this form and complete it before using touchtone registration. ======Part E: REGISTRATION Once students have completed this form and obtained their advisor’s signature, they should then register for internship by emailing their advisor a request to be registered for a field placement. The email should include the students ID number and the requested number of internship hours.</p><p>19 Radford University Educational Leadership Field Experience Activities Check List</p><p>Administrative Intern Name :______</p><p>Administrative Intern Student ID #: ______Sem./Yr.______</p><p>Field Placement: _____Elem. _____MS ______HS ______CO ______Agency (check appropriate placement)</p><p>Mentor Name:______</p><p>School Division/Agency ______</p><p>School Name/Specific Agency______</p><p>Mentor Responsibilities:</p><p>The Administrative Mentor is to provide the intern with a wide scope of activities intended to expose the intern to a rich administrative experience. At the conclusion of the placement, the intern should have been involved in activities from simple administrative duties such as hall monitoring / bus duty to more complex undertakings such as working with committees, parent groups, and school issues such as long range planning / school improvement planning / budgeting and so on; this list is certainly not exclusive but intended to show the broad range of exposure that interns need to develop the skills and knowledge to become successful educational leaders. The Administrative Mentor is also to evaluate the intern’s performance in the field placement by completing the evaluation component of the Field Experience Activities Check List. Each performance indicator has five (5) rating choices. Please indicate the most accurate option, based on the intern’s performance, so that the feedback to the intern will serve a formative function in the continued professional growth of the intern.</p><p>Performance Rating Scale:</p><p>20 The performance rating scale is composed of five possible ratings. This rating scale is intended to provide the mentor with appropriate options for evaluating the intern’s level of performance in demonstrating the administrative tasks listed in each section of the Field Experience Check List. Additional evaluative information may be provided in the comment section at the discretion of the mentor where applicable or where completion of a performance indicator was not possible because of school level organizational structures, such as the lack of an organized parent association (PTA/PTO). Values for the evaluation rating scale are as follows: </p><p>Unsatisfactory (Should be utilized to indicate that the performance indicator was unsatisfactorily completed)</p><p>Needs Improvement (Should be utilized to indicate that the performance indicator was completed with minimal demonstration of administrative skill, knowledge and / or ability)</p><p>Progressing Satisfactorily (should be utilized to indicate that the performance indicator has been completed with demonstration of administrative skill, knowledge and or ability of an emerging educational administrator) </p><p>Proficient (Should be utilized to indicate that the performance indicator was completed with demonstration of administrative skill, knowledge and or ability equivalent to a new educational administrator) administrative skill, knowledge and / or ability)</p><p>Distinguished * (Should be utilized only when the performance indicator has been completed with demonstration of administrative skill, knowledge and or ability equivalent to that of a an experienced educational leader)</p><p>Not applicable or insufficient information to rate the candidate (Should be utilized to indicate that the performance indicator was not attempted or attempted but there was not sufficient evidence to rate the indicated performance)</p><p>The Final Evaluation Rating should be completed by the mentor after completing all performance evaluations in all the sub-sets of the Standard. The Final Evaluation Rating is an overall rating of the intern’s total performance as it relates to the standard; for example, after rating the intern on standard sections 1.1 thru 1.5 the </p><p>21 mentor would then complete the Final Evaluation Rating for Standard 1.0 as an indicator for overall performance as a Visionary Leader. For additional information on the mentor review process contact the Office of Educational Leadership at Radford University.</p><p>Section I: Visionary Leadership</p><p>Standard 1.0: Candidates who complete the program are education leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community. </p><p>Final Evaluation Rating (Standard 1):</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>______Mentor Initials</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 1.1: Develop a Vision</p><p>1. Review school vision/mission and discuss possible modifications of vision/mission with mentor to assure that vision/mission continues to align with long-term school goals.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): 2. Through discussion with mentor/administrative team, the intern will demonstrate a clear understanding of constituency groups involvement in the development, implementation and revision of a school vision. </p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>22 _____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>3. The intern will review student data, school data and community data and engage their mentor in a meaningful discussion regarding the use of data for school improvement and the overall enhancement of student learning.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>4. The intern will demonstrate an understanding that the school’s vision and goals area backed by a clearly defined and developed plan which is communicated to all involved.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 1.2: Articulate a Vision</p><p>5. The intern will discuss with the mentor how the mentor communicates school vision to constituent groups and the mentor will ask the intern to provide additional communication practices that may enhance promotion of the school vision. 23 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 1.3: Implement a Vision</p><p>6. The intern will plan and/or assist in the implementation of a student recognition program focusing on the theme of positive reinforcement of student learning and achievement.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>7. The intern will engage the mentor in a discussion of ways to obtain resources, which support school improvement goals.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>24 8. The intern will demonstrate an understanding that the school vision should drive school programs and how obstacles to program improvement may be overcome.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 1.4: Steward a Vision</p><p>9. The intern will communicate the school vision to staff, parents and students through appropriate interactions in the daily operation of the school.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>10. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of how school resources have been used to support schools goals.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>25 11. The intern will assist in the ongoing process of school improvement planning.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 1.5: Promote Community Involvement </p><p>12. The intern will detail the role of community groups in the support of school improvement and propose ways that this support could be acknowledged.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): Section II: Instructional / Cultural Leadership</p><p>Standard 2.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. </p><p>Final Evaluation Rating:</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>______26 Mentor Initials</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 2.1: Promote Positive School Culture</p><p>13. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of the value of individuals and diversity through interactions with staff, parents and students that result in fair and respectful treatment of all individuals.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>14. The intern will demonstrate a clear understanding of the importance of individual and group efforts by students and staff through positive recognition of student and staff contributions to the school community and culture.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>15. The intern will contribute to the school’s belief in high expectations for all through informal conversations with staff and students as well as modeling this belief by demonstrating high expectations during the daily operations of the school.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>27 _____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>16. The intern will participate in the planning or implementation of a PTA/PTO program focused on the enhancement of positive school climate.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>17. The intern will prepare a press release promoting an innovative and positive student learning activity occurring within the school - this release will be presented to and discussed with the mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>18. The intern will prepare or assist in the preparation of a school newsletter.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>28 _____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>2.2: Provide Effective Instructional Program</p><p>19. The intern will discuss with the mentor possible barriers to learning within the school and present ways to reduce the barriers and enhance the learning environment for all students.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>20. The intern will present to the mentor a outlined plan for incorporating technology and diversity awareness into the school curriculum in a way that will enhance student learning opportunities and promote an environment of high expectations for student and staff success.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>21. The intern will promote high expectations for student achievement through conversations with staff regarding learning opportunities for all students and, where appropriate work with staff on the implementation of instructional strategies to engage all learners.</p><p>29 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>22. The intern will assist staff with disaggregation and analysis of multiple forms of student achievement data for the purpose of instructional decision making to enhance student opportunities for enhanced academic achievement.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>23. The intern will lead or assist in an instructional meeting (faculty, department, team, grade-level, etc.) which focuses on school specific instructional issues.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>24. Observe and evaluate staff performance (interns are encouraged to observe teachers and discuss the observations with their mentor, but the evaluation process itself is not to be completed by them. However, it is desirable that students witness, when appropriate, the evaluation conference between teachers and principals).</p><p>30 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 2.3: Apply Best Practice to Student Learning</p><p>25. The intern will assist in the school wide analysis of Standardized test data, Standards of Learning Assessment data and a variety of other school data to help with decision making process for the overall enhancement of the learning environment.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>26. The intern will lead or assist a school based committee involved in the evaluation and planning for improvement of school level curricular or co-curricular programs (this may be achieved through work on SACS accreditation, School Improvement Planning/Biennial Planning, School Level Curriculum work, etc.).</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>31 27. The intern will evaluate the level of instructional incorporation of technology in the school, grade level, department – to be determined by mentor – and share the evaluation with recommendations for enhanced use of technology to provide additional learning opportunities for students.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 2.4: Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans </p><p>28. The intern will utilize available school level data, including but not limited to, student data, community data, scheduling data, assessment data and grade distributions to make recommendations for staff development topics designed to support school goals and improvement of the instructional program to the mentor/administrative team.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>29. The intern will work with individual staff to assist in the development of annual professional goals that support the school vision and a commitment to success for all students.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>32 Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p>30. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of life-long learning through discussions and appropriate modeling with staff and students.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>Section III: Organizational Management / Resource Allocation</p><p>Standard 3.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. </p><p>Final Evaluation Rating:</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate ______Mentor Initials</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 3.1: Manage the Organization</p><p>31. The intern with demonstrate an understanding of shared decision making processes through a discussion with their mentor focusing on consensus building techniques, 33 constituent involvement in decision making and the appropriate application of trend information in making informed decisions.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p>32. The intern will demonstrate effective conflict resolution skills and the confrontation of problems in an appropriate time frame by working with parents and students on student discipline issues.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p>33. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of the application of instructional and learning research along with knowledge of student growth and development in decision- making processes relating to the goals of the school by actively participating in administrative discussions centering on school improvement planning.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p>34 34. The intern will conduct an analysis of the school master schedule and discuss with the mentor the maximization of instructional time and building utilization, the intern, at the request of the mentor, may also be asked to make recommendations for improved time and building management.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p>35. The intern will demonstrate effective communication through the presentation of information at faculty meetings/department meetings/grade-level meetings and the development and dissemination of appropriate communications, ie. memoranda, announcements, etc. to staff.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p> 3.2: Manage Operations</p><p>36. The inter will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between building operations and instruction by analyzing operational issues such as transition times, student movement through the building, assignments for teacher duties, time allotments for lunch, and class instructional times. The analysis will be shared with the mentor and the intern, at the request of the mentor, may also be asked to make recommendations for improving the operational design of the building.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>35 _____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>37. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of the HVAC system, emergency procedures, and the computer controls for the schools operating systems </p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>38. The intern will assist the mentor in evaluating the appearance of the physical plant to assure a clean, attractive, and safe environment for students.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>39. The intern will review the school emergency plans in order to effectively assist in the event of a threat to the safety and well being of students.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>36 _____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>40. The intern will assist as needed with standardized test administration, student supervision and activities supervision to better understand the overall operations of the school.</p><p>Performance indicator completed ____ Yes ____ No Mentor Initials______Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 3.3: Manage Resources </p><p>41. The intern will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of resource alignment with school goals through a discussion focusing on the central theme of fiscal responsibility and the importance of assuring that all school resources are utilized to support school goals and enhance the opportunities for student learning.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>42. The intern will review purchasing procedures, bid policies, and school accounts in order to demonstrate to the mentor fiscal knowledge and an understanding of the responsibility (legal and ethical) placed on an administrator as the fiscal agent for the school.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>37</p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>43. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of the specific resource allocation needs (human, fiscal, and technical) of the Special Education population through observations of IEP meetings, interactions with Special Education staff, and discussions with the mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>Section IV: Collaborative Leadership </p><p>Standard 4.0: Candidates who complete the program are education leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. </p><p>Final Evaluation Rating:</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate ______Mentor Initials</p><p>38 Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 4.1: Collaborate with Families and Other Community Members</p><p>44. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of relationship building with community members, being visible in the community and being accessible to community members through a meaningful discussion with the mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>45. The intern, through appropriate interactions with parents and community members, will model fair and equal treatment of all school constituents.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>46. The intern will discuss with the mentor the importance of clearly developed plans for community relations and the importance of providing a variety of opportunities for staff to engage in community relations to promote school success and community support for the school’s future.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>39</p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 4.2: Respond to Community Interests and Needs</p><p>47. Through active participation in meetings with staff, Child Study Meetings and IEP meetings, the intern will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of utilizing family and community beliefs and expectations as part of appropriate decision making processes to benefit the educational experiences for children.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): </p><p>48. The intern will review the relationship between community services and the school and will demonstrate this understanding through conversations with the mentor. </p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>40</p><p>49. The intern will demonstrate an understanding of the value of both cultural diversity and the importance of individuals through conversations with staff, students, and their mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 4.3: Mobilize Community Resources</p><p>50. Through a discussion with the mentor, the intern will demonstrate an understanding of the school level efforts involved in developing partnerships with community groups and businesses to help support the school’s vision and to assist in resource allocation.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>51. The intern will review the current school business partnership(s) and discuss with the mentor the strengths and weakness of the current relationship(s) and at the mentor’s request, suggest ways to strengthen the school business relationship(s).</p><p>41 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>52. The intern will assist with a school level or PTA/PTO fund raising event as a way of modeling the nurturing of school / community relationship building.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>Section V: Professionalism and Character in Leadership</p><p>Standard 5.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner. </p><p>Final Evaluation Rating:</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>42</p><p>______to rate the candidate ______Mentor Initials</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 5.1: Acts with Integrity</p><p>53. The intern engages the mentor in a conversation about the mentor’s own personal set of values that guide their personal decision-making.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>54. The intern retrieves their own ethical platform from EDEL class work, and attempts to apply it while working as an intern in schools.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>55. The intern lists and discusses with their mentor those values, beliefs, and attitudes that the inter could model in school for the purpose of fostering high levels of performance from others.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>43 _____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>56. The intern, using the ethical platform formulated in class, will determine ways that aspects of that plan could be modeled or demonstrated while working in a school.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>57. The intern will draft the outline of a faculty meeting agenda item that details for the faculty expectations for school-wide integrity, fairness, and ethics in working with all constituency groups. (This item could be discussed with the mentor rather than handled in a faculty meeting.)</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 5.2: Acts Fairly</p><p>44 58. The intern will analyze administrative team actions and attempt to predict the effect that the actions will have on those involved. This analysis should be discussed with the mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>59. The intern will treat all individuals fairly and equitably with both dignity and respect. During the internship, and certainly at the conclusion, the mentor should discuss the intern’s success at meeting this goal.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>60. The intern will analyze the school’s diversity, and will discuss with the mentor ways that school administrators might continually foster sensitivity to and appreciation for these and other diverse groups that may become part of the school community.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable): 45 61. The intern will determine one school-related issue and predict how they think a majority of the community would perceive this issue. The intern will then discuss what should be the school’s administrative reaction and/or response to this issue.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 5.3: Acts Ethically</p><p>62. The intern will utilize the professional code of ethics created in class as one approach to dealing professionally with those at school. The intern will discuss ethical school issues with the mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>63. The intern will discuss with the mentor the quote “The buck stops here” as it pertains to the operations of the school.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>46</p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>64. The intern will engage an administrator in a conversation pertaining to ways that an administrator might wrongly benefit personally from leading a school rather than using an administrative position for the benefit of students as should occur. </p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>65. Using the professional code of ethics, the intern should discuss with a member of the administrative team their position pertaining to the issue of confidentiality in schools. The essence of this discussion should be to help the intern clearly define a position on confidentiality pertaining to school issues and school personnel.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>66. The intern will review the school/division organizational chart and engage a member of the administrative team in a discussion about the ethics of supporting your “supervisor.” The essence of the conversation should detail actions that should be taken when one finds it difficult to support one’s supervisory in a given decision or in general.</p><p>47 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>67. The intern will discuss with an administrator what role the community should play in both supporting and scrutinizing school occurrences.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>68. The intern will read the Code of Virginia, administrative contract, and school division policy detailing the legal and contractual obligations of school administrators to school systems and vice versa.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>69. The intern will read the school division’s Policy Manual to ascertain applicable school laws and policies with thought given to the application of those laws and policies in varied situations. This research should eventually lead to a discussion of these issues with a school administrator. 48 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>Section VI: The Big Picture – Understanding and Working in the Broad Scope of Educational Leadership</p><p>Standard 6.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. </p><p>Final Evaluation Rating:</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate ______Mentor Initials</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 6.1: Understand the Larger Context</p><p>70. The intern will identify three different strategies that could be utilized to convey to students, staff, or community the concept that schools operate exclusively for the support of and on behalf of students and their families. The intern will need to detail these three strategies for their mentor.</p><p>49 _____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>71. The intern will identify diverse community groups representative within the school’s population, and detail in a discussion with the mentor how the intern might foster ongoing discussion concerning school issues with representatives of these diverse groups as a way of garnering continual school support from various constituency groups.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>72. The intern will read The Code of Virginia and the school division’s Policy Manual to better understand that schools must work within the legal framework established by federal, state, and local authorities. The intern should be prepared to discuss with their mentor one federal, one state, and one local mandate imposed upon schools.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>50 6.2: Respond to the Larger Context </p><p>73. The mentor will document discussions between school administrators and various constituent groups (faculty, staff, students, PTA/PTO, community groups) changes, potential changes, trends, and issues in the ways that local schools might operate or be affected by their political, economic, social, or cultural environments. The intern should note how the administrator responds to questions, and the intern should discuss reactions to these responses, if needed, with the appropriate administrator.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p> 6.3: Influence the Larger Context</p><p>74. The intern will list various ways that local, state, or national policy is shaped to support student learning, attention should be given to times when and reasons why public policy appears to be at odds with local interests, the list is to be shared with the mentor.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>75. The intern will make a list of all the groups and individuals that they should have telephone numbers and addresses for if the intern were principal of this school. The </p><p>51 groups and individuals listed will present fundamental assumptions about the importance of these groups/individuals to the school. The intern will share this list with the mentor and engage the mentor in a discussion focusing on nurturing school support from community groups and individuals.</p><p>_____Unsatisfactory ______Needs Improvement ______Progressing Satisfactorily </p><p>_____Proficient ______Distinguished Not applicable or insufficient information </p><p>______to rate the candidate</p><p>Additional Comments (if applicable):</p><p>Certification of Completed Field Experience and Final Evaluation of Intern Performance:</p><p>Date of Final Evaluation ______</p><p>Mentor Signature______</p><p>*Intern Signature ______</p><p>*Intern signature indicates only that final evaluation was completed</p><p>52 Radford University Educational Leadership Internship Field Experience Time/Activity Log</p><p>Name______School/Agency______Semester ______Mentor______</p><p>DATE TIME ACTIVITY</p><p>Candidate Dispositions Educational Leadership</p><p>Candidate: ______Student #: ______Date: ______</p><p>53 School or Class: ______Person Completing Form: ______</p><p>Dispositions are the internal forces or tendencies that cause people to act in certain ways under given circumstances. Radford University expects successful professional education candidates to exhibit behaviors that demonstrate dispositions apparent in effective educators. Dispositions are the willingness of candidates to engage in positive, professional behaviors that support and advance the education and health and well being of students, and the productive functioning of programs, schools, and agencies. Circle the appropriate rating.</p><p>Unobserved Unobserved “N “ Observed “ Behavior, Behavior, P” O” Behavior U” Opportunity Opportunity Not Provided Provided</p><p>The candidate engages in behaviors that demonstrate:</p><p>54 Willingness to recognize, understand Willingness to investigate, examine and and support human differences. apply characteristics of successful professional educators.</p><p>O U NP O U NP</p><p>Behavioral Indicators: Demonstrate consideration for Behavioral Indicators: diversity of learners and learners’ Seeks professional growth needs in articulating support for opportunities to enhance the school vision to all stakeholders development of administrative skills [ISLLC 1.1, 1.2, 4.2] and demonstrates commitment to Demonstrates the ability to assess life long learning school culture using multiple methods and implement context- [ISSLC 2.4] appropriate strategies that capitalize Demonstrates the ability to manage on the diversity of the school time effectively and deploy community resources in ways to maximize [ISLLC 2.1] instructional leadership and student Engages staff in research based achievement instructional conversations which involve cultural sensitivities of a [ISSLC 3.1] diverse community Demonstrates the ability to organize [ISLLC 2.3] and manage decision-making Demonstrates sensitivity to culture processes including delegation of differences, respect for the rights of authority to maintain a focus on others, and confidentiality when teaching and learning working directly with all students and parents [ISSLC 3.1] Demonstrates the ability to seek [ISSLC 5.1] new resources to facilitate learning Demonstrates sensitivity to human [ISSLC 3.3] differences, respect for the rights of Demonstrates willingness to exam others, and confidentiality when and stay current with policy, laws, working directly with staff regulations enacted by local, state [ISSLC 5.1] and federal authorities that impact Comments: schools’ abilities to improve educational and social opportunities</p><p>[ISSLC 6.1, 6.3] Demonstrates a willingness to support students and staff in public and private arenas to actively support positive school climate [ISSLC 2.1] Comments:</p><p>55 Willingness to collaborate with families Willingness to reflect on professional and include their role as a major and practice. positive component of teaching and learning.</p><p>O U NP O U NP</p><p>Behavioral Indicators: Behavioral Indicators: Involves family and other Demonstrates consideration and stakeholders in school decision- sensitivity to student diversity when making processes focusing on working with others instruction and learners diverse [ISSLC 5.2] needs while demonstrating an Demonstrates respect for the rights understanding that schools are of others, confidentiality, and integral to the larger community dignity through honest interactions with others [ISSLC 4.1, 2.2] [ISSLC 5.1] Involves families in the education of Demonstrates professional their children demonstrating a belief reflection when debriefing decision- that families have the best interests making processes impacting of their children in mind professional growth with field [ISSLC 4.1] placement personnel [ISSLC Involves families, staff, students 2.4] and community in collaborative Demonstrates the ability to efforts to support a vision focusing understand political ramifications of on learning for all students instructional / management [ISSLC 1.3, 1.4, 1.5] decisions Support staff in the development of communications that promote [ISSLC 6.1] family and community collaboration Comments:</p><p>[ISSLC 4.1] Demonstrates ability to bring together the resources of family members and the community to positively affect student learning through such applications as work with PTO / A’s, Six year planning committees, school improvement teams, and other community service agencies. [ISSLC 4.3] Comments:</p><p>56 Candidate Signature: ______Evaluator Signature: ______</p><p>57 Candidate Dispositions Educational Leadership</p><p>Candidate: ______Student #: ______Date: ______School or Class: ______Person Completing Form: ______</p><p>Dispositions are the internal forces or tendencies that cause people to act in certain ways under given circumstances. Radford University expects successful professional education candidates to exhibit behaviors that demonstrate dispositions apparent in effective educators. Dispositions are the willingness of candidates to engage in positive, professional behaviors that support and advance the education and health and well being of students, and the productive functioning of programs, schools, and agencies. Circle the appropriate rating.</p><p>Unobserved Unobserved “N “ Observed “ Behavior, Behavior, P” O” Behavior U” Opportunity Opportunity Not Provided Provided</p><p>The candidate engages in behaviors that demonstrate:</p><p>58 Willingness to recognize, understand Willingness to investigate, examine and and support human differences. apply characteristics of successful professional educators.</p><p>O U NP O U NP</p><p>Behavioral Indicators: Demonstrate consideration for Behavioral Indicators: diversity of learners and learners’ Seeks professional growth needs in articulating support for opportunities to enhance the school vision to all stakeholders development of administrative skills [ISLLC 1.1, 1.2, 4.2] and demonstrates commitment to Demonstrates the ability to assess life long learning school culture using multiple methods and implement context- [ISSLC 2.4] appropriate strategies that capitalize Demonstrates the ability to manage on the diversity of the school time effectively and deploy community resources in ways to maximize [ISLLC 2.1] instructional leadership and student Engages staff in research based achievement instructional conversations which involve cultural sensitivities of a [ISSLC 3.1] diverse community Demonstrates the ability to organize [ISLLC 2.3] and manage decision-making Demonstrates sensitivity to culture processes including delegation of differences, respect for the rights of authority to maintain a focus on others, and confidentiality when teaching and learning working directly with all students and parents [ISSLC 3.1] Demonstrates the ability to seek [ISSLC 5.1] new resources to facilitate learning Demonstrates sensitivity to human [ISSLC 3.3] differences, respect for the rights of Demonstrates willingness to exam others, and confidentiality when and stay current with policy, laws, working directly with staff regulations enacted by local, state [ISSLC 5.1] and federal authorities that impact Comments: schools’ abilities to improve educational and social opportunities</p><p>[ISSLC 6.1, 6.3] Demonstrates a willingness to support students and staff in public and private arenas to actively support positive school climate [ISSLC 2.1] Comments:</p><p>59 Willingness to collaborate with families Willingness to reflect on professional and include their role as a major and practice. positive component of teaching and learning.</p><p>O U NP O U NP</p><p>Behavioral Indicators: Behavioral Indicators: Involves family and other Demonstrates consideration and stakeholders in school decision- sensitivity to student diversity when making processes focusing on working with others instruction and learners diverse [ISSLC 5.2] needs while demonstrating an Demonstrates respect for the rights understanding that schools are of others, confidentiality, and integral to the larger community dignity through honest interactions with others [ISSLC 4.1, 2.2] [ISSLC 5.1] Involves families in the education of Demonstrates professional their children demonstrating a belief reflection when debriefing decision- that families have the best interests making processes impacting of their children in mind professional growth with field [ISSLC 4.1] placement personnel [ISSLC Involves families, staff, students 2.4] and community in collaborative Demonstrates the ability to efforts to support a vision focusing understand political ramifications of on learning for all students instructional / management [ISSLC 1.3, 1.4, 1.5] decisions Support staff in the development of communications that promote [ISSLC 6.1] family and community collaboration Comments:</p><p>[ISSLC 4.1] Demonstrates ability to bring together the resources of family members and the community to positively affect student learning through such applications as work with PTO / A’s, Six year planning committees, school improvement teams, and other community service agencies. [ISSLC 4.3] Comments:</p><p>60 Candidate Signature: ______Evaluator Signature: ______</p><p>5. EDEL 617 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: Instructional Leadership Presentation</p><p>You are presenting before your school board at the request of your superintendent. During your presentation, a school board member politely interrupts you asking that you define specifically your phrase “instructional leadership.” After gathering your thoughts, you begin articulating what “instructional leadership” means to you. What is included in your response?</p><p>Create a handwritten or computer-generated web that specifically operationalizes / details your definition of instructional leadership.</p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 1, 2 3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 3 The web is detailed with instructional leadership traits including: Organization/Management/Safety as a priority that then allows for instructional leadership a promotion of a clear vision for student success an understanding of best practices and research-based solutions Knowledge of curriculum and related materials Knowledge of varied instructional models and strategies Knowledge of the learner and learner diversity Knowledge of assessment and data analysis Skills in working with others to promote improvements Knowledge of professional development models and strategies Earned respect for ethical, honest, and fair behavior. Support for continual learning and professional growth An understanding that school leadership exists in a political, social, economic, and cultural context. 2 The web notes that instructional leadership involves knowledge and skills in: Instructional models and strategies Curriculum development and support materials Learner needs 61 Assessment of student learning and data analysis Professional development to promote success</p><p>1 The web notes that instructional leadership involves knowledge and skills in Curriculum Instruction</p><p>0 The web fails to note knowledge and leadership in both curriculum and instruction.</p><p>62 This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>The candidate must focus on promoting a vision of student success; therefore, this assignment aligns with Standard 1. It also aligns with Standard 2 in that the focus of the assignment is to address instructional issues pertaining to the diverse needs of learners, utilization of data for instructional decision making, and knowledge of the curriculum.</p><p>EDEL 621 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>EDEL 621 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: School Improvement Plan</p><p>Using data gathered from the VA DOE web site ( www.pen.k12.va.us ) select a school that is accredited warned and/or has not made AYP. Developed, based on that schools reported data, a school improvement plan with 3 short term goals (1 yr.) and three long range goals (3 yrs.). Explain carefully, how each goal will be implemented, evaluated, and how it impacts student learning. Each response must address:</p><p> The implementation process – who is involved in implementing the goals and how will each goal actually be achieved – an explanation of process. How will each goal be evaluated to not only ensure that it is implemented but that it achieves the expected out-come. How will each school improvement goal impact student learning.</p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2</p><p>3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Score Rubric Narrative 3 Response is clearly written and demonstrates a thorough understanding of school improvement processes and demonstrates a thorough understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Must contain 3 short term goals / 3 long term goals and demonstrate clearly and thoroughly the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>And 4 of the following:</p><p> Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for </p><p>63 student learning, instruction, and safety Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement Response includes specific reference to multiple stakeholders and their role in the improvement process Response includes a clear community relations plan involving the greater community and media Response includes involving specific stake holders in supporting a shared vision for student learning 2 Response demonstrates an understanding of school improvement processes and demonstrates an understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Must contain 3 short term goals / 3 long term goals and demonstrates an understanding of the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>And 3 of the following:</p><p> Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement Response includes specific reference to multiple stakeholders and their role in the improvement process Response includes a clear community relations plan involving the greater community and media Response includes involving specific stake holders in supporting a shared vision for student learning</p><p>1 Response demonstrates a vague understanding of school improvement processes and vague understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Contains less than 3 short term goals and/or less than 3 long term goals and demonstrates a vague connection to the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>And 2 or more of the following:</p><p> Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve</p><p>64 Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement Response includes specific reference to multiple stakeholders and their role in the improvement process Response includes a clear community relations plan involving the greater community and media Response includes involving specific stake holders in supporting a shared vision for student learning 0 Response is unclear and demonstrates little to no understanding of school improvement processes and demonstrates little to no understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to improvement processes. </p><p>Short term goals / long term goals if present are vague and they are not described / connected to the implementation process, evaluation process, and how each goal impacts student learning.</p><p>Response does not connect to standards and misses the focus of the assignment</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>The assignment requires that the candidate utilize data from an actual school in Virginia to develop a complete plan for school improvement including short and long term goals. This assignment must focus on the implementation of instructionally based improvement efforts. Since the focus is instructional leadership and the success of all students, Standard 2 is central to the assignment. The candidate must demonstrate understanding of leadership in moving staff, students, and community forward with school improvement efforts. Since the actual implementation of instructional change will impact management of the school organization, Standard 3 is also addressed. In order to fully implement a successful school improvement plan, the candidate will also have to demonstrate understanding of work with the greater community to fully implement successful improvement efforts. Therefore, Standard 4 is also addressed through the requirement of working with parents and community stakeholders in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan. </p><p>EDEL 614 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: </p><p>EDEL 614 Supervision and Evaluation of Instruction Individual Assignment on Supervising and Evaluating Instructional Improvement</p><p>65 You are the Principal of Clintwood Middle School. This is your first year at Clintwood. Clintwood is a grade six through eight suburban middle school with four teams at each grade level. The student population is 1200; at present the population is 50% Caucasian, 20% African-American, 14% Hispanic, 10% Asian, 6% Other. </p><p>90% of eighth grade students are in Algebra I. The Algebra I test scores have been slowly declining over the past four years and for the past two have been 15 percentage points below the minimum pass rate of 70%; these low scores are keeping the school and division from meeting Accreditation Standards. Within sub-groups, Caucasian male and female students pass with generally high scores – ranging form 80% -95%, although males generally have about a 10% lower score than their female counterparts. African- American students have scores ranging from 55% - 80%, with males in this group having scores ranging from 55%-67%. Hispanic student scores range from 40%-60%, with males scoring slightly higher, but not significantly higher than females. Asian students have scored well in the past but over the last two years scores have dropped to 70% - 85%, with females scoring in the 70% range. The largest percentage of low test scores come from students on two teams the Rangers and the Rockets. </p><p>Mr. Rodriguez is the Algebra I teacher on the Rangers. He is a second year teacher. His predominate style is direct instruction with worksheets serving as the main guided practice format. Students indicate he does not teach the entire period because he gets tired of lecturing and doing practice questions on the board. Concepts are presented as rather matter of fact, and as isolated concepts. Little attention seems to be paid to the division Algebra I curriculum scope and sequence guide (based on state standards).</p><p>Mrs. Nguyen is the Algebra I teacher on the Rockets. She has been teaching at Clintwood for 10 years and was an algebra and geometry teacher at the high school for 8 years prior to that. Her teaching style is very similar to Mr. Rodriguez’s. Her students scored well in the past but the student population is not what it used to be. Her big complaint is students do not pay attention in class and fail to bring in homework.</p><p>It is very clear when data is disaggregated that these two teachers are central to the low score issues in your school. How will you work with these two teachers to improve instruction and student learning?</p><p>Assignment: </p><p>For each teacher, identify three instructional improvements which address specific needs of diverse learner groups and explain how you will work with the individual teacher to implement and evaluate these improvements. </p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2 66 3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Score Rubric Narrative 3 Response is clearly written and demonstrates a thorough understanding of school improvement processes as related to direct supervision of staff and the development of staff for the improvement of student learning (for all students) and demonstrates a thorough understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to staff development and instructional improvement</p><p>Must identify for each teacher identify three instructional improvements which address specific needs of diverse learner groups and explain how you will work with the individual teacher to implement and evaluate these improvements.</p><p>And all of the following:</p><p>• Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve • Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety • Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff • Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement</p><p>2 Response is clearly written and demonstrates an understanding of school improvement processes as related to direct supervision of staff and the development of staff for the improvement of student learning (for all students) and demonstrates a thorough understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to staff development and instructional improvement</p><p>Must identify for each teacher identify two instructional improvements which address specific needs of diverse learner groups and explain how you will work with the individual teacher to implement and evaluate these improvements.</p><p>And 2 of the following:</p><p>• Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve • Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for </p><p>67 student learning, instruction, and safety • Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff • Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement</p><p>1 Response demonstrates a vague understanding of school improvement processes as related to direct supervision of staff and the development of staff for the improvement of student learning (for all students) and demonstrates a thorough understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to staff development and instructional improvement</p><p>Must identify for each teacher identify one instructional improvement and explain how you will work with the individual teacher to implement and evaluate the improvement.</p><p>And 1 of the following:</p><p>• Response includes a focus on a learning environment based in data driven decisions, research, and best practices to assure all students achieve • Response indicates that resources allocation priorities are for student learning, instruction, and safety • Response includes professional growth opportunities for staff • Response includes the use of technology to enrich student learning and enhance student achievement</p><p>0 Response is unclear and demonstrates little to no understanding of school improvement processes focusing on instructional improvement through supervision of staff and demonstrates little to no understanding of ISLLC standards as they apply to working with staff for improvement. </p><p>Response does not connect to standards and misses the focus of the assignment</p><p>This assignment is given to all candidates in the program, during the course identified in the assignment title.</p><p>In this assignment, candidates must demonstrate understanding of the process of working with staff in the area of professional development and instructional improvement. This is directly </p><p>68 aligned with Standard 2. Moreover, they must demonstrate understanding of the needs of diverse learners in the process of instructional improvement. This activity also aligns with Standard 3 since developing and implementing instructional improvement will also incorporate the demonstration of knowledge of resource utilization and professional development implementation as a function of management and organization management. </p><p>6. Candidate Dispositions and Professional Characteristics Form:</p><p>Below is the candidate disposition form and professional characteristics form. Each item in the form is aligned to a standard. Like the Internship form, these items are directly focused on specific components of ELCC/ISLLC standards.</p><p>Candidate Dispositions Educational Leadership</p><p>Candidate: ______Student #: ______Date: ______</p><p>School or Class: ______Person Completing Form: ______</p><p>Dispositions are the internal forces or tendencies that cause people to act in certain ways under given circumstances. Radford University expects successful professional education candidates to exhibit behaviors that demonstrate dispositions apparent in effective educators. Dispositions are the willingness of candidates to engage in positive, professional behaviors that support and advance the education and health and well being of students, and the productive functioning of programs, schools, and agencies. Circle the appropriate rating.</p><p>Unobserv Unobserv Observ ed ed “ “ “ ed Behavior, N Behavior, O Behavi U Opportun P” Opportun ” or ” ity ity Not Provided Provided</p><p>The candidate engages in behaviors that demonstrate:</p><p>69 Willingness to recognize, understand Willingness to investigate, examine and and support human differences. apply characteristics of successful professional educators.</p><p>O U NP O U NP</p><p>Behavioral Indicators: Demonstrate consideration for Behavioral Indicators: diversity of learners and Seeks professional growth learners’ needs in articulating opportunities to enhance the support for school vision to all development of administrative stakeholders [ISLLC skills and demonstrates 1.1, 1.2, 4.2] commitment to life long Demonstrates the ability to learning assess school culture using multiple methods and [ISSLC 2.4] implement context-appropriate Demonstrates the ability to strategies that capitalize on the manage time effectively and diversity of the school deploy resources in ways to community maximize instructional [ISLLC 2.1] leadership and student Engages staff in research based achievement instructional conversations which involve cultural [ISSLC 3.1] sensitivities of a diverse Demonstrates the ability to community organize and manage decision- [ISLLC 2.3] making processes including Demonstrates sensitivity to delegation of authority to culture differences, respect for maintain a focus on teaching the rights of others, and and learning confidentiality when working directly with all students and [ISSLC 3.1] parents Demonstrates the ability to seek new resources to facilitate [ISSLC 5.1] learning Demonstrates sensitivity to [ISSLC 3.3] human differences, respect for Demonstrates willingness to the rights of others, and exam and stay current with confidentiality when working policy, laws, regulations enacted directly with staff by local, state and federal [ISSLC 5.1] authorities that impact schools’ Comments: abilities to improve educational and social opportunities </p><p>[ISSLC 6.1, 6.3] Demonstrates a willingness to support students and staff in 70 public and private arenas to Willingness to collaborate with families Willingness to reflect on professional and include their role as a major and practice. positive component of teaching and learning.</p><p>O U NP O U NP</p><p>Behavioral Indicators: Behavioral Indicators: Involves family and other Demonstrates consideration and stakeholders in school decision- sensitivity to student diversity making processes focusing on when working with others instruction and learners diverse [ISSLC 5.2] needs while demonstrating an Demonstrates respect for the understanding that schools are rights of others, confidentiality, integral to the larger community and dignity through honest interactions with others [ISSLC 4.1, 2.2] [ISSLC 5.1] Involves families in the Demonstrates professional education of their children reflection when debriefing demonstrating a belief that decision-making processes families have the best interests impacting professional growth of their children in mind with field placement personnel [ISSLC 4.1] [ISSLC 2.4] Involves families, staff, students Demonstrates the ability to and community in collaborative understand political efforts to support a vision ramifications of instructional / focusing on learning for all management decisions students [ISSLC 1.3, 1.4, 1.5] [ISSLC 6.1] Support staff in the development Comments: of communications that promote family and community collaboration </p><p>[ISSLC 4.1] Demonstrates ability to bring together the resources of family members and the community to positively affect student learning through such applications as work with PTO / A’s, Six year planning committees, school improvement teams, and other community service agencies. [ISSLC 4.3] Comments: 71 Candidate Signature: ______Evaluator Signature: ______</p><p>The Candidate disposition form is assessed of each candidate during the internship process. </p><p>7. Alumni Survey and Employer Survey:</p><p>8. EDEL 630 NCATE Assessment – The assessment and scoring rubric are presented below:</p><p>Assignment: Understanding and Influencing Legislation</p><p>All students will track one piece of state legislation of their choice that impacts public education. Each student will then write a letter to their state legislator describing the impact of that piece of legislation on public schools. The letter will outline how this policy will impact the district and will explain how this policy/legislative will or will not benefit students and family.</p><p>ISLLC Standard(s) Addressed:5.2, 5.3, 6.1 ISLLC 5.0 3= Exceeds Expectations 2=Meets Expectations 1= Below Expectations 0=Unacceptable Rubric Rubric Narrative Score 3 Student has a complete understanding of the impact of legislation on public schools Student has a complete understanding of relationship to district context Student demonstrates a complete understanding of appropriate writing skills in communicating with state representatives. Student demonstrates a complete understanding of legislative policy and how it impacts students and families Student demonstrates a complete understanding of the importance in influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context</p><p>72 2 Student has a general understanding of the impact of legislation on public schools Student has a general understanding of relationship to district context Student demonstrates a general understanding of appropriate writing skills in communicating with state representatives. Student demonstrates a general understanding of legislative policy and how it impacts students and families Student demonstrates a complete understanding of the importance in influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context</p><p>1 Student has demonstrates a lack of understanding of the impact of legislation on public schools Student has a general understanding of relationship to district context Student demonstrates a lack of understanding of appropriate writing skills in communicating with state representatives. Student demonstrates a lack of understanding of legislative policy and how it impacts students and families Student demonstrates a lack of understanding of the importance in influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context</p><p>0 Student demonstrates no understanding of the impact of legislation on public schools. Student demonstrates no understanding of relationship to district context. Student demonstrates no understanding of appropriate writing skills in communicating with state representatives. Student demonstrates no understanding of legislative policy and how it impacts students and families Student demonstrates no understanding of the importance in influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context OR Student response does not relate to the construct of the assignment</p><p>73 This assessment is given in the course titled in the assessment.</p><p>Candidates completing this assessment are focusing on Standard 5, which is an ethical application of law in an educational organization. In completing the assessment, candidates are demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the ethics of law in school leadership. Also associated with this assignment is demonstration of knowledge of the influence of a greater political realm thorough decision making.</p><p>74</p>
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