Format for Mandatory Disclosure As Per AICTE Norms

Format for Mandatory Disclosure As Per AICTE Norms

<p> Format for Mandatory Disclosure as per AICTE Norms</p><p>Mandatory Disclosure updated on 15th August 2017 1 AICTE File No. 1-3327226687 Date and Period of last approval 30th March 2017 (2017-18)</p><p>2 Name of the Institution MODI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY Address of the Institution Modi Education Complex, Dadabari Ext., Kota-324 009</p><p>City and Pin Code Kota-324 009 State /UT Rajasthan Phone number with STD code 0744-2504169 & 2505421 FAX number with STD code 0744-23910752 Office hours at the Institution 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Academic hours at the Institution 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Email : [email protected] Website Nearest Railway Station (dist in Km) Kota Railway Station, 12 Km Nearest Airport (dist in Km) Kota Airport, 4 Km</p><p>3 Type of Institution Private-Self Financed Category (1) of the institution Non Minority Category (2) of the institution Co-Ed 4 Name of the organization running the SRD Modi Vidya Niketan Society, Kota Institution Address of the Organization Modi House, Kotri-Gumanpura Road, Kota - 324007</p><p>Registered with Registrar office, Kota</p><p>Website of the organization (Society or Trust website) 5 Name of the affiliating University RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, Address Rawatbhata Road, Kota - 324010 Latest affiliation period 2017-18 6 Name of Principal / Director Dr.N.K. Joshi Exact Designation Professor-Director Phone number with STD code 0744-2504169 & 2505421 FAX number with STD code 0744-23910752 Email [email protected] Highest Degree Ph.D Field of Specialization MCA & Management 7. Organizational Chart: </p><p>8 Student feedback mechanism on institutional governance/faculty performance</p><p>Students give formal feedback on the prescribed parameters, which reviewed by the top management and the faculty w.r.t. improvement, level up-gradation. Informal feedback also taken by the top management from time to time to ensure continual improvement.</p><p>9. Grievance redressal mechanism for faculty, staff and students</p><p>Grievance redressal mechanism at MIMT underlines accountability and monitoring towards the faculty, staff and students. A five member committee monitors and addresses the complaints /suggestions received from the stakeholders and appropriate action is taken by the committee. A complaint/suggestion box has been placed on the each floor.</p><p>10 Name of the Programmes approved by AICTE</p><p> a. MCA i. Level :- Post Graduate ii. Approved Intake :– 120 iii. 1st year of approval by the council :- 2001 iv. Duration :- 3 YEARS (6 SEMESTER) v. Fees:- 27500 per Semester vi. Admission Procedure :- As per State Govt. Guidelines vii. Professional Membership :- Computer Society of India </p><p> b. MBA i. Level :- Post Graduate ii. Approved Intake :– 120 iii. 1st year of approval by the council :- 2002 iv. Duration :- 2 YEARS (4 SEMESTER) v. Fees:- 27500 per Semester vi. Admission Procedure :- As per State Govt. Guidelines vii. Professional Membership: - Zonal Centre of IIM-Kolkatta.</p><p>11. Placement Details</p><p>MBA – 2016-17</p><p>MCA – 2016-17</p><p>12. Teaching Staff</p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Dr. N.K. Joshi </p><p>Designation Director</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 19-Nov-2001 Institution Qualifications with UG B.SC ( II Div ) PG MCA ( I Div ) PhD - Completed Class/Grade </p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 16 Yrs Industry 6 Yrs Research </p><p>Papers Published National 10 International 3</p><p>Papers Presented in National 4 International 1 Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level  MCA  Voice Reorganization System from Deptt. of Science & Technology PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Govt. of Rajasthan, Project of MCA students.  E-purse from Deptt. of Science & Technology Govt. of Rajasthan, Project of MCA students Books Published / IPRs/ Java Technologies, Management Information System, Programming Patents In ‘C’</p><p>Professional Memberships Computer Society of India </p><p>Consultancy Activities Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Rajasthan Technical University, Kota Professional Institutions University of Kota, Kota</p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Trilok Gupta </p><p>Designation Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Sep-2015 Institution Qualifications with PG M.SC UG B.SC 12 II 10 I Div PhD Completed Class/Grade CS I Div I Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 1 yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International 3</p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Kamal Kulshreshtha</p><p>Designation Associate Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Jul-2005 Institution PG MCA ( I UG Qualifications with Div ), B.SC ( II 12 10 PhD - Class/Grade MTech Div ) (Pursuin g)</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 11 Yrs Industry 3 Yrs Research </p><p>Papers Published National 3 International 2</p><p>Papers Presented in National 2 International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level  MCA  Online Auction from PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Deptt. of Science & Technology Govt. of Rajasthan, Project of MCA students Books Published / IPRs/ Computer Science for Class VI to XII, Published by Mittal ( Exellent ) Patents Book Depot, Mathura ( UP )</p><p>Professional Memberships CSI, IEEE</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mrs. Deepali Tripathi </p><p>Designation Associate Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 10-July-2006 Institution PG M.Tech UG Qualifications with (8.5cgpa) 12 (I 10(I PhD BSC(PCM) Class/Grade MCA (I Div) div) div) (Pursuing) II MSc (Maths) II</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 15 Yrs Industry 2 Research </p><p>Papers Published National 2 International 5</p><p>Papers Presented in National 10 International 8 Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA, MTech “ The C Scanner” Problem and Solution Book by S.R.V. publications, Books Published / IPRs/ New Delhi in 2003 Patents “Programming with C and Computer Fundamentals” By Dhanpat Rai publications, New Delhi in 2005.</p><p>Professional Memberships IEEE, ACM-CSTA, Computer Society of India, IAENG</p><p>Member of Technical Committee of IndiaCom-IEEE Conference, Consultancy Activities Reviewer in IJCSBI Awards RPSC SET, Oracle Certified Java Professional</p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mrs Usha Jain </p><p>Designation Associate Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 3-Dec-2005 Institution PG UG B.Sc 12 (Sci- Qualifications with MTech 10 II Chem(Ho Bio) II PhD Class/Grade (CSE) I Div ns) I Div Div Div Industry 2.5 Total Experience in Years Teaching 11 Yrs Research Yrs</p><p>Papers Published National 1 International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards RPSC SLET - 2013</p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Ms. Neha Gupta </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Aug-2009 Institution PG( MC UG( BSc 12 Qualifications with A- I - I 10 ( I- ( PCB- I PhD Class/Grade Division Division Division) Division) ) ) Teaching 7 yrs Total Experience in Years Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National 1 International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University </p><p>PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level MCA</p><p>Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Jogindra Singh </p><p>Designation Associate Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 16-July-2008 Institution PG Qualifications with UG II MCA I 12 I Div 10 II Div PhD Class/Grade Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 8.1 Yrs Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University </p><p>PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level MCA</p><p>Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Mr.Ramakant Gautam </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1.01.2011 Institution Qualifications with PG( I UG( II 12(II 10(III PhD Class/Grade Div.) Div.) Div) Div) Teaching 5.8 Total Experience in Years Industry Research Yrs</p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Mr Rashmi Gupta </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 02-SEPT-2013 Institution PG 12% Qualifications with UG BSC(IT) 10% Mtech(CS) (PCB) PhD Class/Grade 76% (59%) 75% 64% Research Total Experience in Years Teaching 3 years Industry Yrs (1 year)</p><p>Papers Published National 2 International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Ms.Harpreet Kaur Hora</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 31-08-2015 Institution PG UG 12(COMMER Qualifications with 10 (MCA) I Bsc(IT) CE) PhD Class/Grade I DIV DIV I DIV I DIV Total Experience in Teaching 1 yr Industry Yes Research Years </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships </p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards GOLD MEDALIST (Bsc(IT))</p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Mrs. Kalpana Sharma</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the Institution PG UG Qualifications with MTECH (I 12 10 B.Sc IT ( I Div PhD Class/Grade Div) I Div I Div ) MCA ( I Div)</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 5 yrs Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Ashfaq Ahmed </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-10-2013 Institution PG UG 12th 10th Qualifications with M.C.A B.C.A. Biology (First PhD Class/Grade (First (First (First Division) Class) Class) Division)</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 3 Yrs Industry Yrs Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr Vinod Sharma </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Sep-2015 Institution PG Qualifications with UG (B.SC (MCA) I 12 I Div 10 I DIv PhD pursuing Class/Grade I Div ) Div Industry 11 Total Experience in Years Teaching 6 yrs Research months</p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International 4 Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards RPSC SLET ( 2012)</p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* Mrs Bhuvnesh Rathore </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Sep-2015 Institution Qualifications with PG UG PhD Class/Grade </p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 1 Yrs Industry Yrs Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr Vineet Jain Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 01-MAY-2014 Institution PG Qualifications with UG (BCA) (MCA) I 12 II Div 10 I DIv PhD Class/Grade I Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 2.3 yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mrs Tanvi Sharma </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Jan-15 Institution PG UG BE Qualifications with MTech CSBE CS 12 I Div 10 I Div PhD Class/Grade CSE I Div I Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 1.6 yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr Swapnil Gupta </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 2-Sep-2013 Institution PG Qualifications with UG (BCA) (MCA) I 12 II Div 10 I DIv PhD Class/Grade I Div Div Total Experience in Years Teaching 3 yrs Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Raj Kumar Chouhan</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Sep-15 Institution Qualifications with PG UG (B.A) 12 II 10 II Div PhD Class/Grade (MCA) III Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 1 yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Ms. Parul Agarwal </p><p>Designation Associate Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 20-Aug-2008 Institution UG Qualifications with PG MSc BCom. 12 (I Div) 10 II Div PhD Pursuing Class/Grade I.T.(I Div) (I Div) Research 1.5 Total Experience in Years Teaching 8 Yrs Industry yrs</p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field Security University RTU,Kota University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Dr.N.K.Joshi MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Ms. Priya Khandelwal</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the Institution Qualifications with PG (MCA) I UG (BCA) I 12 II Div 10 II DIv PhD Class/Grade Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level </p><p>Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Deepak Harsora</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Apr-2013 Institution PG UG Qualifications with MCA ( I BCA (( I 12 I Div 10 II Div PhD Class/Grade Div ) Div )</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 3.5 Yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Bumendra Sharma</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Sep-2015 Institution Qualifications with PG (MCA) UG(B.Sc 12 III 10 II PhD Class/Grade I Div CS) I Div Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 1 yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mrs Bhuvnesh Rathore </p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Sep-15 Institution PG Qualifications with UG MCA I 12 I Div 10 II Div PhD Class/Grade B.A II Div Div</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 1 yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Arshad Hussain</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 6-Oct-2012 Institution PG UG Qualifications with MCA ( I BCA ( I 12 II Div 10 II DIv PhD Class/Grade Div ) Div)</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 4 yrs Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* Mr. Abdul Zabir Alam</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor</p><p>Department Computer Applications</p><p>Date of Joining the 1-Apr-2013 Institution </p><p>UG Qualifications with PG B.SC (I 12 II Div 10 II Div PhD Class/Grade MCA ( I Div) Div)</p><p>Total Experience in Years Teaching 3.5 Yr Industry Research </p><p>Papers Published National International </p><p>Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University Projects at Masters level PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs MCA Books Published / IPRs/ Patents </p><p>Professional Memberships</p><p>Consultancy Activities </p><p>Awards </p><p>Grants fetched </p><p>Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* UPASANA TYAGI</p><p>Designation ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 31/07/2008 Institution Qualifications with UG : B. COM. PG : M.B.A PhD Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching : 4.5 Industry : Research Papers Published National : One International Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level : 50 Books Published / IPRs/ ONE Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* MUSTAFA HUSSAIN</p><p>Designation ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 31/08/2009 Institution Qualifications with UG : B. COM. PG : MMS PhD Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching : 5 Industry : Research Papers Published National : International Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level : 40 Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* RAMNEET KAUR</p><p>Designation ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 3/7/2008 Institution Qualifications with UG : B. A. PG : MBA PhD Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching : 3.5 Industry : Research Papers Published National : International Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level : 40 Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* JAYESH JOSHI</p><p>Designation ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 05/03/2011 Institution Qualifications with UG : B. A. PG : MBA PhD Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching : 3 Industry : Research Papers Published National : International : Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level : 20 Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* SHRUTI MEHTA</p><p>Designation ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 01/11/2011 Institution Qualifications with UG : B. COM. PG : MBA PhD Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching : 3 Industry : Research Papers Published National : International : Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level : Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* MEENAL KHANDELWAL</p><p>Designation ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 4/8/2012 Institution Qualifications with UG : B.COM. PG : M.B.A. PhD Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching : 3 Industry Research Papers Published National International Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>Name of Teaching Staff* ASHISH BHATNAGAR Designation ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 02/09/2013 Institution Qualifications with UG : B.Sc. PG : M.B.A. PhD : NO Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching: 3 Industry Research Papers Published National International Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions Name of Teaching Staff* MANISHA BHATNAGAR</p><p>Designation ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department MANAGEMENT STUDIES Date of Joining the 02/09/2013 Institution Qualifications with UG : B.COM. PG : M.B.A. PhD : NO Class/Grade Total Experience in Years Teaching: 2.5 Industry Research Papers Published National International Papers Presented in National International Conferences PhD Guide? Give field & Field University University PhDs / Projects Guided PhDs Projects at Masters level Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Professional Memberships Consultancy Activities Awards Grants fetched Interaction with Professional Institutions </p><p>13. Non Teaching Staff</p><p>Administrative Staff</p><p>Staff Name DOB Designation Highest Experience(Years Appointment Degree ) Date RAMESHWAR 12/8/1974 OFFICE M.A 18 1/11/2001 POTTER ASSISTANT</p><p>NAHUSH 10/7/1975 LIBRARIAN M.Lib 12 4/1/2011 VYAS YUVRAJ 23/09/1992 LAB . DIP IN 4 16/11/2015 NAGAR TECHNICIAN HARDWARE PARMANAND 12/7/1976 ADMINISTRATI M.COM 23 1/9/2003 PARET VE OFFICER</p><p>NEHA 3/9/1992 LAB SUPDT M.Sc.IT 8 1/8/2015 AGARWAL</p><p>ANUSUYA JAIN 8/1/1990 LAB SUPDT M.Sc.IT 3 26/09/2013</p><p>UMESH 1/1/1988 8 OFFICE BA O LEVEL 6 1/8/2011 KUMAR ASSISTANT SHARMA</p><p>RAKESH 8/11/1984 OFFICE M.A., DIP. IN 12 11/3/2006 RATHORE ASSISTANT COMPUTER JYOTI GUPTA 7/1/1974 ASST. M..LIS, 3 7/22/2010 LIBRARIAN M.Phil.</p><p>MANORAMA 12/30/1991 LAB SUPDT M.Sc. IT 1 8/1/2015 JAIN LOKESH 5/2/1989 BOOK LIFTER B.A. 2 8/1/2015 KUMAR SHARMA ANKIT GOYAL 5/10/1985 OFFICE B.A., M.A. 9 12/22/2007 ASSISTANT</p><p>JAYESH JOSHI 24/08/1982 TPO MBA 6 5/3/2011</p><p>CLASS-4</p><p>Staff Name DOB Designation Highest Experience(Years Appointment Degree ) Date HARIOM 8/6/1986 PEON X 4 1/7/2010</p><p>AJAYKUMAR 6/12/1984 PEON XII 8 15/07/2006 SANGAT MANJU BAI 12/7/1962 SWEEPER 8 16/08/2012</p><p>MAAN SINGH 4/10/1989 PEON XII 6 5/22/2010 HADA MUKESH 1/26/1984 PEON XII 10 1/7/2006 KUMAR NARAYAN 4/17/1970 SWEEPER 9 5/22/2010</p><p>14. Infrastructure Information : a) Classrooms / Tutorial Room Facilities b) Computer Centre Facility</p><p> c) Library Facilities</p><p> d) Auditorium / Seminar Halls </p><p> e) Conference Halls f) Cafeteria /Canteen</p><p> g) Indoor Sports Facilities</p><p> h) Outdoor Sports Facilities i) Hostel</p><p>15. Academic Sessions :- As per AICTE, State Govt. and RTU guidelines 16. Counseling / Mentoring :- Yes 17. Career Counseling :- Yes 18. Medical facilities :- Yes 19. Student Insurance :- Yes 20. Students Activity Body :- Yes 21. Cultural Activities :- Yes 22. Sports Activities :- Yes 23. Literary Activities :- Yes 24. Magazine / Newsletter :- Yes 25. Technical activities / :- Yes TechFest 26. Industrial Visits / Tours :- Yes </p>

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