<p>1</p><p>Haverford College Alumni Weekend May 25-28, 2017 (Memorial Day Weekend) Tentative Schedule as of January 2017 Please note: All events with the R icon will require advance registration. </p><p>Alumni weekend schedule Please note: All events with the R icon require advance registration. </p><p>THURSDAY, MAY 25 Overnight dormitory housing is available for early arrivals. </p><p>Registration Desk Open Thursday, noon–Saturday, 7:00 p.m. CFG Lobby</p><p>Magill Library Open 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. In the Sharpless Gallery: "Expanding the Universe" Learn about astronomy, the telescope, and Haverford, curated by Victor Medina del Toro '17. Stop by to see other smaller and pop-up exhibits on the main floor of Magill to see how we are supporting classes and scholarship.</p><p>White Science Library Open 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Hilles Hall </p><p>Class of 1982 Presents: An Art Exhibit 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The John B. Hurford ’60 Humanities Center Stokes Hall, Room 102</p><p>“Sharing Our Stories: Voices from Haverford College” 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Magill Library, Group Study Room Have a story you would like to share? Know someone with a story you want others to hear? Use this chance to have your voice heard by recording an oral history. Sharing Our Stories: Voices from Haverford College strives to capture the rich facets of student life at Haverford College and the impact of a Haverford education from alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion as well as those who are members of the LGBTQ community. Consider making your contribution to the Archives and keep alive the stories that make Haverford unique for generations to come.</p><p>For more information please contact, Krista Oldham College Archivist/Records Manager at [email protected], 610-896-1284.To schedule a time to share your story, contact Catherine Toia, associate director of Alumni and Parent Relations, at [email protected] or 610-795-7923. </p><p>Class of 1967 Trip to the Barnes Foundation R 1:00–5:00 p.m. Stokes Bus Bay Meet the bus at 1:00 p.m. to arrive at The Barnes Foundation by 2:00 p.m. We will return to campus by 5:00 p.m. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration for this event closes on April 21. 2</p><p>Class of 1967 Dinner R 6:30–8:00 p.m. Home of Chuck and Sharon Hardy, Bala Cynwyd</p><p>Casual dinner hosted by members of your class. Van transportation will be available.</p><p>FRIDAY, MAY 26 </p><p>The Arn ’76 and Nancy Tellem Fitness Center Open 6:00 a.m.– 8:00 p.m. Douglas B. Gardner ’83 Integrated Athletic Center (GIAC) </p><p>Registration Desk Open Until Saturday, 7:00 p.m. Whitehead Campus Center </p><p>The Coop Open for Breakfast 8:00–11:00 a.m. Whitehead Campus Center, 1st Floor </p><p>Magill Library Open 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. In the Sharpless Gallery: "Expanding the Universe" Learn about astronomy, the telescope, and Haverford, curated by Victor Medina del Toro '17. Stop by to see other smaller and pop-up exhibits on the main floor of Magill to see how we are supporting classes and scholarship.</p><p>White Science Library Open 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Hilles Hall </p><p>Class of 1982 Presents: An Art Exhibit 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The John B. Hurford ’60 Humanities Center Stokes Hall, Room 102</p><p>John G. Bullock, Maxfield Parrish, and George, Mary and William Vaux: Photographers of the Real 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Marshall Fine Arts Center, Atrium Gallery </p><p>Haverford College alumni have played an important role in the development of photography since its co-inventors Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot announced its birth in 1839. This exhibition features photographs, manuscripts and related works that bring together important photographs that John G. Bullock (1854-1939) Haverford 1874, Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966) Haverford 1892, and George Haverford 1884 (1863-1927), William (1872-1908) Haverford 1893 and their sister Mary Vaux Walcott (1860-1940) made during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. All were birthright Quakers born in Philadelphia and its environs; and they were nurtured by Philadelphia culture and its traditions. John G. Bullock was one of the chief proponents of photography as a fine art. By virtue of his memberships in Philadelphia Photographic Society and the Photo-Secession under the leadership of Alfred Stieglitz, Bullock played a major role in the establishment of the institutional infrastructure for the promotion locally and nationally of photography as a fine art form. The Vaux brothers and sister used photography to document the Canadian Rocky Mountains as an aspect of their scientific studies of glaciers. The Vaux’s work continues to be relevant due to increasing concern regarding climate change. Later they became associate members of the Photo-Secession. Maxfield Parrish was an artist who is best known for his illustrations, many of which appeared in the Philadelphia based Saturday Evening Post. Parrish used his photographs as study aids for his artwork. He made beautiful 3 images based on a keen observation of the landscape, light and form. Parrish’s photographs have not been seen in generations. This exhibition is made possible by recent gifts to Haverford’s Fine Art Photography Collection by Tina Vaux McCauley, a descendant of the Vaux family and Robert Bishop, a descendant of John G. Bullock, and by a recent acquisition of Maxfield Parrish’s photographs.</p><p>Bookstore Open 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Whitehead Campus Center, Ground Level </p><p>“Sharing Our Stories: Voices from Haverford College” 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Magill Library, Group Study Room Have a story you would like to share? Know someone with a story you want others to hear? Use this chance to have your voice heard by recording an oral history. Sharing Our Stories: Voices from Haverford College strives to capture the rich facets of student life at Haverford College and the impact of a Haverford education from alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion as well as those who are members of the LGBTQ community. Consider making your contribution to the Archives and keep alive the stories that make Haverford unique for generations to come.</p><p>For more information please contact, Krista Oldham College Archivist/Records Manager at [email protected], 610-896-1284.To schedule a time to share your story, contact Catherine Toia, associate director of Alumni and Parent Relations, at [email protected] or 610-795-7923. </p><p>The Coop: Open for Lunch 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Whitehead Campus Center </p><p>Class of 1967 Walking tour of Campus 11:30 –12:30 a.m. Meet in the lobby of the Whitehead Campus Center. Two golf carts will be available if needed. </p><p>Jacob P. Jones Society Celebration Lunch featuring Darin Hayton, Associate Professor of History and Chair of History Department R Noon–2:00 p.m. Founders Common Room By invitation only for Jacob P. Jones Society members. For more information on life income gifts and charitable bequests, please contact Steve Kavanaugh, director of gift planning, at [email protected] or 610-896- 1141. </p><p>All-Alumni Trip to The Barnes Foundation R Noon–4:00 p.m. Stokes Bus Bay Meet the bus at noon to arrive at The Barnes Foundation by 12:45 p.m. We will return to campus by 4:00 p.m. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration for this event closes on April 21. </p><p>Class of 1967 Presents a Faculty Discussion … R 3:00-5:00 p.m. Stokes Auditorium</p><p>Class of 1957 Welcome Reception 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. 4</p><p>CPGC Café, Stokes 104</p><p>Class of 1982 Bi-Co Social and Welcome Drinks 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. By the arch located between Magill Library, Chase Hall and the Infirmary</p><p>Class 1992 Social and Welcome Drinks R 4:30–6:00 p.m. Marshall Fine Arts and Patio</p><p>Classes of 1996 Welcome Drinks R 4:30–6:00 p.m. Founders Courtyard</p><p>Class 2001 Social and Welcome Drinks R 4:30–6:00 p.m. Lloyd Green</p><p>Opening Reception for John G. Bullock, Maxfield Parrish, and George, Mary and William Vaux: Photographers of the Real 5:00 - 7:00 pm Marshall Fine Arts Center, Atrium Gallery </p><p>Haverford College alumni have played an important role in the development of photography since its co-inventors Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot announced its birth in 1839. This exhibition features photographs, manuscripts and related works that bring together important photographs that John G. Bullock (1854-1939) Haverford 1874, Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966) Haverford 1892, and George Haverford 1884 (1863-1927), William (1872-1908) Haverford 1893 and their sister Mary Vaux Walcott (1860-1940) made during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. All were birthright Quakers born in Philadelphia and its environs; and they were nurtured by Philadelphia culture and its traditions. John G. Bullock was one of the chief proponents of photography as a fine art. By virtue of his memberships in Philadelphia Photographic Society and the Photo-Secession under the leadership of Alfred Stieglitz, Bullock played a major role in the establishment of the institutional infrastructure for the promotion locally and nationally of photography as a fine art form. The Vaux brothers and sister used photography to document the Canadian Rocky Mountains as an aspect of their scientific studies of glaciers. The Vaux’s work continues to be relevant due to increasing concern regarding climate change. Later they became associate members of the Photo-Secession. Maxfield Parrish was an artist who is best known for his illustrations, many of which appeared in the Philadelphia based Saturday Evening Post. Parrish used his photographs as study aids for his artwork. He made beautiful images based on a keen observation of the landscape, light and form. Parrish’s photographs have not been seen in generations. This exhibition is made possible by recent gifts to Haverford’s Fine Art Photography Collection by Tina Vaux McCauley, a descendant of the Vaux family and Robert Bishop, a descendant of John G. Bullock, and by a recent acquisition of Maxfield Parrish’s photographs.</p><p>Alcoholics Anonymous Reception 5:30–6:30 p.m. Bryn Mawr College, Thomas, London Room </p><p>All-Alumni Welcome Dinner R 6:00–8:00 p.m. Dining Center </p><p>Class of 1957 Reception and Dinner R 6:00–8:00 p.m. Dining Center, Faculty Dining Room 5</p><p>Class of 1962 Dinner 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. At the Home of Marge and Matt Strickler Devon, PA</p><p>Class of 1967 Buffet Dinner with President Kim Benston 6:00-8:30 p.m. Founders Common Room</p><p>Class of 1982 Bi-Co Reception and Dinner 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dining Center, Bryn Mawr Room</p><p>Class 2001 Dinner on your Own 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Green</p><p>Class of 1972 Bi-Co Dinner at BMC 6:30-8:00 p.m. Bryn Mawr College</p><p>Dessert Under the Tent R 7:00–9:00 p.m. Founders Green Tent (in case of rain: Dining Center) Featuring the piano jazz stylings of the Emmet Cohen Trio</p><p>Class of 2012 gathering 8:00 p.m.–midnight Tired Hands Fermentaria 35 Cricket Terrace, Ardmore, PA Cash bar. </p><p>Class of 1967 Gathering 8:30-10:00 p.m. Lloyd Green Join classmates for refreshments and reflections.</p><p>Class of 2007 Meet-up 9:00 p.m.–midnight Dining Center Oval </p><p>Late night party 9:00–11:00 p.m. Roache & O’Brien’s 560 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, PA Join your classmates for drink specials at one of Haverford’s favorite off-campus locations. Cash bar. </p><p>Step Sing at Bryn Mawr 9:00–10:30 p.m. Bryn Mawr College, Taylor Steps (in case of rain: Thomas Great Hall) </p><p>Bi-Co Party R 10:30 p.m.–12:00 a.m. Bryn Mawr College, Goodhart Hall, Music Room Join your Bi-Co classmates for drinks, sweet treats, and socializing on Bryn Mawr’s campus after Step Sing. 6</p><p>SATURDAY, MAY 27 </p><p>The Arn ’76 and Nancy Tellem Fitness Center Open 6:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. Douglas B. Gardner ’83 Integrated Athletic Center (GIAC) </p><p>Breakfast R 7:30–10:00 a.m. Dining Center </p><p>Registration Desk Open Until 7:00 p.m. Whitehead Campus Center Lobby </p><p>Yoga R 8:30–9:30 a.m. Douglas B. Gardner ’83 Integrated Athletic Center (GIAC), Dana Swan Room Whether you need to be relaxed or re-energized, join Dana Miller ’86 of New York City’s Stay @ Om Yoga for a great start to your day. Bring your own mat or borrow an athletic mat (yoga mats are not available). Some familiarity with yoga is helpful. Questions? Email [email protected]. </p><p>Haverford Arboretum tour: “Reminiscing and Renewal—a tour of Class trees” R 8:30–9:30 a.m. Magill Library Meet at the Magill ramp for this historic tour of campus led by one of our staff horticulturists.</p><p>Class of 1957 Van Tour of Campus R 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Meet the Bus at Stokes Bay</p><p>Bookstore Open 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Whitehead Campus Center, Ground Level </p><p>HaverCamp R Open 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. Ira De A. Reid House Daylong childcare services for children ages 3–13 are staffed by energetic Haverford students and overseen by a certified teacher. Three sessions (morning, afternoon, and evening) each cost $35 per child and $15 for each additional child. Activities include a nature walk, story time, arts and crafts, and a supervised trip to the family carnival and magic show. unfortunately, we are unable to provide care for children who are under the age of three or who are not toilet-trained. Upon arrival, sign in your child at the camp’s headquarters at the Ira De A. Reid House. You may stop in to see your child at any time throughout the day. To maintain a safe counselor-to.camper ratio, pre-registration is required; we are unable to accommodate walk-ins. Please note that the Ira De A. Reid House is closed to visitors during Alumni Weekend with the exception of HaverCampers and their parents. </p><p>Class of 1982 Presents: An Art Exhibit 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The John B. Hurford ’60 Humanities Center Stokes Hall, Room 102</p><p>Class of 1957 Campus Van Tour 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Meet the van at Stokes Bus Bay</p><p>John G. Bullock, Maxfield Parrish, and George, Mary and William Vaux: Photographers of the Real 7</p><p>10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Marshall Fine Arts Center, Atrium Gallery </p><p>Haverford College alumni have played an important role in the development of photography since its co-inventors Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot announced its birth in 1839. This exhibition features photographs, manuscripts and related works that bring together important photographs that John G. Bullock (1854-1939) Haverford 1874, Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966) Haverford 1892, and George Haverford 1884 (1863-1927), William (1872-1908) Haverford 1893 and their sister Mary Vaux Walcott (1860-1940) made during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. All were birthright Quakers born in Philadelphia and its environs; and they were nurtured by Philadelphia culture and its traditions. John G. Bullock was one of the chief proponents of photography as a fine art. By virtue of his memberships in Philadelphia Photographic Society and the Photo-Secession under the leadership of Alfred Stieglitz, Bullock played a major role in the establishment of the institutional infrastructure for the promotion locally and nationally of photography as a fine art form. The Vaux brothers and sister used photography to document the Canadian Rocky Mountains as an aspect of their scientific studies of glaciers. The Vaux’s work continues to be relevant due to increasing concern regarding climate change. Later they became associate members of the Photo-Secession. Maxfield Parrish was an artist who is best known for his illustrations, many of which appeared in the Philadelphia based Saturday Evening Post. Parrish used his photographs as study aids for his artwork. He made beautiful images based on a keen observation of the landscape, light and form. Parrish’s photographs have not been seen in generations. This exhibition is made possible by recent gifts to Haverford’s Fine Art Photography Collection by Tina Vaux McCauley, a descendant of the Vaux family and Robert Bishop, a descendant of John G. Bullock, and by a recent acquisition of Maxfield Parrish’s photographs.</p><p>Magill Library Open 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. In the Sharpless Gallery: "Expanding the Universe" Learn about astronomy, the telescope, and Haverford, curated by Victor Medina del Toro '17. Stop by to see other smaller and pop-up exhibits on the main floor of Magill to see how we are supporting classes and scholarship.</p><p>“Sharing Our Stories: Voices from Haverford College” 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Magill Library, Group Study Room Have a story you would like to share? Know someone with a story you want others to hear? Use this chance to have your voice heard by recording an oral history. Sharing Our Stories: Voices from Haverford College strives to capture the rich facets of student life at Haverford College and the impact of a Haverford education from alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion as well as those who are members of the LGBTQ community. Consider making your contribution to the Archives and keep alive the stories that make Haverford unique for generations to come.</p><p>For more information please contact, Krista Oldham College Archivist/Records Manager at [email protected], 610-896-1284.To schedule a time to share your story, contact Catherine Toia, associate director of Alumni and Parent Relations, at [email protected] or 610-795-7923. </p><p>All-Alumni Toast to Haverford with President Kim Benston 10:30 a.m.–noon Roberts Hall, Marshall Auditorium Join classmates and President Benston for a mimosa toast to Alumni Weekend, the recipients of the Alumni Awards, and Reunion Class Gift achievements. Hear what’s new at the College including an update on Lives That Speak: The Campaign for Haverford. </p><p>All-Alumni Music and Food Truck Festival 11:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Founders Green (in case of rain: Dining Center) 8</p><p>Join us for an afternoon music festival featuring talented alumni band members: Joti Rockwell ’97, guitarist Glitter: Jayme Gukas '97, Michael Bonfigio, Stephen Horcha, Melissa Kramer, Issac Turner. Have-we-Mettes: Walker Anderson VII,'11, Jonathan Colvson '12, Matt Gerard '11, Rosalie Hooper '12, Lulu Krause '12, Julie Singer '12 Red 40: Caitlin Antram, Jonathon Colvson '12, Jess Conda , Ben Diamond '11, Zachary Kuzel, Matteo Scammell, Martha Stuckey, Alice Yorke</p><p>Pay as you go and enjoy a variety of cuisines and treats from several of the area’s best food trucks: Love Food Truck, Nick’s Roast Beef, Hai Street Kitchen, The Tot Cart, Milk and Sugar, Love Hot Dogs, Smokin Tacos, Abuelita’s Empanadas, WOW Wagon. </p><p>Picture Perfect Noon–4:00 p.m. Gather with your friends on Founders Green for an open-air photo booth brought to you by the Office of Annual Giving. Digital and/or print copies will be provided at no charge. </p><p>Scarlet Sages Luncheon R Noon–1:30 p.m. Dining Center, West Wing At this special luncheon, for alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion and beyond, we officially welcome the Class of 1967 into the Scarlet Sages. </p><p>Jacob p. Jones Society Sweet Treat Social 1:00–2:00 p.m. Founders Green (in case of rain: Dining Center) Join us for a sweet treat in front of the Milk and Sugar Truck, sponsored by the Jacob P. Jones Society. Stop by and learn why Jones was so important to Haverford. </p><p>The Class of 1967: Are Liberal Arts Relevant in the 21st Century? Discuss... 1:00-2:30 p.m. Hilles 109</p><p>All-Alumni Trip to The Barnes Foundation R 1:00–4:00 p.m. Stokes Bus Bay Meet the bus at 1:00 p.m. to arrive at The Barnes Foundation by 1:45 p.m. We will return to campus by 4:00 p.m. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration for this event closes on April 21. </p><p>Student-Led Walking tour of Campus featuring Tritton and Kim dorms and Sharpless renovations 1:30–2:30 p.m. Meet in the lobby of the Whitehead Campus Center. </p><p>Class of 1962 Presents: Perspectives of the Good Life Presenter: Lee H. Yearly '62, the Walter Y. Evan-Wentz Professor of Oriental Philosophies, Religions, and Ethics at Stanford University. 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Sharpless Auditorium This session will rely on a trust in what talking together about great texts can do to and for us. Several short texts drawn from China and the West, will passed out, either poems or more theoretical pieces. They are chosen because they are accessible and, most important, because they seem to set our issues of perspectives that are especially relevant to people at our stage (or stages) of life. This will not be a formal presentation. The presenter will briefly introduce the texts and, if need be, facilitate the discussion.</p><p>Class of 1972 Memorial 9</p><p>1:45–2:30 p.m. Haverford Meeting House</p><p>Class of 2007 Outdoor gathering 2:00–4:30 p.m. Leeds Green (Magill side) </p><p>Class of 2012 Drinks and Outdoor games 2:00–4:30 p.m. Founders Green </p><p>Class of 1957 Presents Rapid Changes on Earth and Beyond 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Chase Auditorium</p><p>Class of 1992 Outdoor gathering 2:00–4:00 p.m. Cricket Pavilion (in case of rain: Alumni Field House) Join your classmates near the Cricket Pavilion for outdoor games and a chance to visit and reconnect. </p><p>The Class of 1967 Presents Professor Emeritus Roger Lane 2:30-4:00 p.m. Stokes Auditorium All alumni will be welcome as Roger Lane, in attempting to determine "Just When Were The Good Ol' Days?' will examine various candidates for The Worst of Times as well as The Best of Times. The emphasis will be on personal experiences, especially those of Fords from the classes of 1967 through 2017, as while attending an ever- changing Haverford College they had simultaneously to deal with Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll and an often conflicted national history..... Argument Discussion to follow. </p><p>1977 Bi-Co Discussion Life Transitions: Planning for What Comes Next 2:30-4:30 p.m. Sharpless Auditorium</p><p>Class of 1982 Presents a Bi-Co Panel: “Political Activism in 2017: Turning Good Intentions into Powerful Action”, moderated by Robert Elwood ‘82 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Founders Common room</p><p>HaverCamp presents the 19th annual family fun fair 2:30–4:00 p.m. Lloyd Green (in case of rain: Alumni Field House) Children and parents can cool off with water ice while a magician performs and a balloon sculptor dazzles the audience. Join us for games, bounces, soft pretzels, face painting, and more. </p><p>Class 1997 Outdoor gathering 2:30–4:00 p.m. Lloyd Green (in case of rain: Alumni Field House) Join your classmates near Lloyd Green for a chance to visit and reconnect. </p><p>Class 2002 Drinks and Outdoor games 2:30–4:00 p.m. Founders Green (in case of rain: Alumni Field House) Join your classmates near Founders Green for a chance to visit and reconnect. </p><p>Class of 1962 Presents From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. 10</p><p>Hall Building (based on the teaching of Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and on his book of this title.) Presenter: Donald W. Adams, PhD, CSL. '62 Format: "What is your aim as you grow older?" First, a short introductory presentation of Reb Zalman's vision toward becoming a sage and spiritual elder as the final stage of life. Then, several challenging questions will be posed, each then discussed in audience dyads followed by a harvesting of wisdom generated. The program with begin and end with some music and readings conducive to deeper contemplation of one’s own life path as it pertains to one's personal personal process of Sage-ing. Presentation Philosophy: The Age-ing to Sage-ing movement (see: www.sage-ing.org) uses the Quaker and Circle approaches for evolving personal and group wisdom. Each voice matters. Respectful listening and authentic speaking lead to personal understandings and consensual conclusions. We will promote these practices in this program. This program is open to the Class of 1962 and others wishing to join.</p><p>Class of 1972 Panel Discussion 4:00-5:30 p.m. Hilles 109</p><p>Class of 1987 presents: a preview screening of Brown's Canyon, directed by John Helde ’87 This is a private on-campus screening. All alumni from all classes are welcome. 4:00–6:00 p.m. Chase Auditorium Setting out with dreams of a new business and inner peace, two self-help gurus plan to resuscitate their careers by co-hosting a women’s mindfulness retreat in the Utah wilderness. When surprise guests, a mudslide and a bowl of spoiled chili thwart their plans, their own lives unravel over one awkward weekend. Director John Helde ’87 worked together with the cast to improvise the script for this mid-life comedy/drama shot in one location over ten days. </p><p>50th Reunion BiCo Gathering 4:30–5:30 Cope Field and Cricket Pavilion</p><p>Haverford Class of 1967 hosts the Bryn Mawr Class of 1967 for a casual gathering filled with refreshments, laughter and shared memories.</p><p>Class of 1977 Bi-Co Happy Hour, Bryn Mawr College 5:30-7:00 p.m. Hospitality Suite, Bryn Mawr College</p><p>Class of 1982 Bi-Co Reception 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Hospitality Suite, Bryn Mawr College</p><p>CLASS PHOTO GATHERING TIMES Bring your camera! Meet your classmates on Saturday on the front steps of Founders Hall (in case of rain: Founders Lobby). A photographer will help organize your group and will assist spouses and friends who wish to take photos with your camera. Share your photos! #fordreunion Twitter and Instagram: @haverfordedu Snapchat: @hcblksquirrel Class Photo Year Time 1957 4:00 p.m. 1962 4:30 p.m. 1967 6:00 p.m. 11</p><p>1972 1:15 p.m. 1977 2:00 p.m. 1982 2:15 p.m. 1987 3:45 p.m. 1992 1:45 p.m. 1997 2:30 p.m. 2002 1:30 p.m. 2007 1:00 p.m. 2012 12:45 p.m.</p><p>Lambda Gathering: “Haverford Life Then and Now” R 3:00–4:00 p.m. Stokes Hall, Room 104—Center for Peace and Global Citizenship (CPGC) Café Join a conversation facilitated by a student member of the LGBTQ community. </p><p>Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) Open House, in partnership with the Multicultural Alumni Action Group (MAAG) R 4:00–5:00 p.m. Stokes Hall, Room 106—Multicultural Center </p><p>Alcoholics Anonymous Reception 5:30–7:00 p.m. Bryn Mawr College, Thomas, London Room </p><p>Wine and Cheese Reception with Faculty 6:00–7:00 p.m. Dining Center, West Wing All alumni and faculty are welcome to join us for this kickoff to the evening’s festivities. </p><p>Haverford College Dining Services presents “Saturday Class Dinners: a cruise around the Mediterranean” R 7:00–9:30 p.m.* Please join us for a festive dinner experience featuring food and flavors from around the Mediterranean. Please join us for a festive dinner experience featuring food and flavors from around the Mediterranean Sea. The menu will include such items as spanakopita, spicy chickpea stew, chicken tagines, and more.All class dinners will be held under tents on Founders Green with the exception of 50th Reunion and beyond Beer and wine are included with dinner. Please note dietary restrictions when you register. Note: Due to limited space in the tents, dinner sold out last year. Be sure to register in advance as tickets at the door may not be available. </p><p>All Alumni Class Party Under the Tents with Alumni Band Dingo 8 :00 – 10:00 p.m. Dingo: James Pabarue '72, Duitch Sloan (wife of Heywood '71), Robert Sandhaus '71, Robert Schnaars (son of James '45), Michael Stehney '71 and David Yager '71-72. </p><p>Class of 1977 Bi-Co Dance Party 8:30-10:30 p.m. Bryn Mawr College</p><p>Class of 1957 After Dinner Discussion 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. Pendle Hill Room, Dining Center</p><p>Class of 1967 Dessert and Social 9:00-11:00 Founders, Common Room 12</p><p>Class of 1987 party 9:00 p.m. Class Tent on Founders Green</p><p>Class of 1991 party 9:00 p.m. Class Tent on Founders Green </p><p>Class of 1996 party 9:00 p.m. Class Tent on Founders Green </p><p>Class of 2002 party 9:30 p.m. Marshall Fine Arts Center Patio</p><p>Class of 2007 party 9:30 p.m. Founders Courtyard and Gest 101 </p><p>Class of 2012 party 9:30 p.m. Drinker House </p><p>Classes of 2002, 2007 and 2012: Late night food truck 10:30 p.m. Outside Drinker House Enjoy delicious Philly favorites from Say Cheese Philadelphia. </p><p>SUNDAY, MAY 28 The Arn ’76 and Nancy Tellem Fitness Center Open 7:00 a.m.–noon Douglas B. Gardner ’83 Integrated Athletic Center (GIAC) </p><p>All-Alumni Brunch R 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Dining Center Full brunch is available or “grab ‘n’ go” (cash only) coffee and bagels in the lobby. </p><p>Nature trail run or family walk 8:30–9:30 a.m. Meet outside the Observatory All alumni and their families are invited for a fun run/walk along the nature trail. </p><p>Class of 1962 Memorial Service 9:00–10:30 a.m. Founders, Common Room</p><p>Class of 1982 Presents: An Art Exhibit 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The John B. Hurford ’60 Humanities Center Stokes Hall, Room 102</p><p>Yoga R 9:30–10:30 a.m. Douglas B. Gardner ’83 Integrated Athletic Center (GIAC), Dana Swan Room 13</p><p>Whether you need to be relaxed or re-energized, join Dana Miller ’86 of New York City’s Stay @ Om Yoga for a great start to your day. Bring your own mat or borrow an athletic mat (yoga mats are not available). Some familiarity with yoga is helpful. Questions? Email [email protected] </p><p>John G. Bullock, Maxfield Parrish, and George, Mary and William Vaux: Photographers of the Real 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Marshall Fine Arts Center, Atrium Gallery </p><p>Haverford College alumni have played an important role in the development of photography since its co-inventors Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot announced its birth in 1839. This exhibition features photographs, manuscripts and related works that bring together important photographs that John G. Bullock (1854-1939) Haverford 1874, Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966) Haverford 1892, and George Haverford 1884 (1863-1927), William (1872-1908) Haverford 1893 and their sister Mary Vaux Walcott (1860-1940) made during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. All were birthright Quakers born in Philadelphia and its environs; and they were nurtured by Philadelphia culture and its traditions. John G. Bullock was one of the chief proponents of photography as a fine art. By virtue of his memberships in Philadelphia Photographic Society and the Photo-Secession under the leadership of Alfred Stieglitz, Bullock played a major role in the establishment of the institutional infrastructure for the promotion locally and nationally of photography as a fine art form. The Vaux brothers and sister used photography to document the Canadian Rocky Mountains as an aspect of their scientific studies of glaciers. The Vaux’s work continues to be relevant due to increasing concern regarding climate change. Later they became associate members of the Photo-Secession. Maxfield Parrish was an artist who is best known for his illustrations, many of which appeared in the Philadelphia based Saturday Evening Post. Parrish used his photographs as study aids for his artwork. He made beautiful images based on a keen observation of the landscape, light and form. Parrish’s photographs have not been seen in generations. This exhibition is made possible by recent gifts to Haverford’s Fine Art Photography Collection by Tina Vaux McCauley, a descendant of the Vaux family and Robert Bishop, a descendant of John G. Bullock, and by a recent acquisition of Maxfield Parrish’s photographs.</p><p>Bookstore Open 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Whitehead Campus Center, Ground Level </p><p>Quaker Meeting for Worship 10:30 a.m. Haverford Friends Meeting House 855 Buck Lane, Haverford, PA </p><p>Class of 1982 Sunday Collection 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Gest 101</p><p>Final Departure 1:00 p.m. All guests must vacate the dorms by 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Please return your room key at either Registration or brunch at the dining center on Sunday morning or you will incur a $150 fee (as the College is required to change the locks on that room). </p><p>Events are subject to change. Visit haverford.edu/alumniweekend for the latest updates. </p>
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