<p>DumfriesJob and DescriptionGalloway Royal Infirmary CONSULTANT IN ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE</p><p>DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY REGION LAS The population of Dumfries and Galloway is 148,000, within a large geographical area of about 2,500 square miles. Dumfries and Galloway stretchesIN from Langholm in the East to Stranraer in the West, and from Kirkconnel and Carsphairn in the North down to the Solway Coast. There are a number of community hospitals in various towns throughout the region, and an intermediate unit – Garrick Hospital (with medicalEMERGENCY and surgical beds) in Stranraer.MEDICINE</p><p>Dumfries is a bustling market town with a population of approx. 48,000 and is situated in the eastern half of this delightful rural region. The River Nith runs through the town to the Solway coast and the city of Carlisle is approximately 45 minutes drive from Dumfries. Glasgow is within 1½ hours, Edinburgh and Newcastle within 2 hours,Ref: and Manchester and Liverpool within 2½ hours driving time from Dumfries.</p><p>Dumfries and Galloway offers the veryClosing best of Scottish Date: countryside...... from rugged cliffs and sandy beaches to forests, hills and rolling plains. You’re spoilt for choice in the range of activities on offer, with watersports, fishing, birdwatching, golf, mountain-biking or cycling along the network of rural roads . . . and much more. The Southern Upland Way runs for 212 miles from Portpatrick in the west to Cockburnspath in the eastern Scottish Borders, through some of Scotland’s wildest country. June 2015 Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary</p><p>1 DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY ROYAL INFIRMARY</p><p>Locum Appointment to Service in Emergency Medicine</p><p>THE POST</p><p>This are locum post is available from August 2015 until February 2016 which has become available owing to GP training posts not being filled. This is a post which will provide support to the junior and middle grade rota within the Emergency Department. The aim would be to provide training equivalent to ST1 training in Emergency Medicine. Educational and direct clinical supervision will be delivered by one of four consultants in Emergency Medicine. The Emergency Department Consultants are committed to training and developing all junior doctors equally and holders of these posts will participate in departmental teaching. They will be encouraged and supported in attending relevant courses. Ours is a relatively small department with an excellent team spirit. We have a proven track record helping junior doctors secure more formal training rotations.</p><p>The Emergency Department of the Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary</p><p>The Department works well as a team and morale, while tested by recent pressures, is high. We encourage doctors and nurses to develop skills they are interested in.</p><p>Being the only major unit for the whole of Dumfries and Galloway, we see a wide variety of medical, surgical and trauma patients, including a large number of children.</p><p>The Department can call on the services of a hospital Trauma Team and cardiac arrest team. The management of serious paediatric emergencies is supported by the paediatric consultants. </p><p>The monthly and weekly reports of the Unscheduled Care Collaborative show that the department’s performance against the 4 hour target is 96.5%. Flow 1 is nearly always100%. </p><p>The Emergency Department has recently been refurbished with improvement of the waiting room, the clinical area and the addition of a dedicated ED x-ray facility. The physical lay-out of the department includes consultation rooms and cubicles, a doctors’/nurses station, resuscitation room, a ‘minors flow’ area incorporating the ‘eye room’, an ENT/max-fax room with telemedicine facilities, a unit fully equipped for dealing with highly infectious patients, relatives room, consultant offices, other offices for the secretary, medical middle grades and nurses, a seminar room and a staff ‘coffee’ room. </p><p>There is a helicopter landing site outside the department. Patients are pushed in and out on trolleys, making an ambulance transfer unnecessary.</p><p>Staffing of the Department: WTE Consultant 4.7 4.7 Hospital Practitioners 5 5 ST 4 4 FY2 4 4 Nursing 31</p><p>2 The department’s senior nurse is Mrs Sally Votier. There are 2.5 Advanced Nurse Practitioners. The nursing auxiliaries perform generic nursing/porter roles.</p><p>IT system - The department uses the TOPAS patient management system. The department and the hospital use a digital radiology (PACs) system. </p><p>GP Out of Hours Service - The service for about three quarters of Dumfries and Galloway operates from accommodation adjacent to the Emergency Department. Appropriate patients can be referred from the ED to the OOH service and vice versa. It is intended that there should be increasing co-operation between the two units.</p><p>Stranraer - The Galloway Community Hospital was fully opened in January 2007 and has excellent facilities, including digital radiology linked to Dumfries. It has an Emergency Department which deals with about 11,000 patients annually, including some who are seriously ill or injured. </p><p>DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY REGION</p><p>The population of Dumfries and Galloway is 148,000. Dumfries and Galloway covers an area of 2400 square miles stretching from Langholm in the East to Stranraer in the West, and from Kirkconnel in the North down to the Solway Coast. There are a number of community hospitals in various towns throughout the region, and an intermediate unit in Stranraer – Galloway Community Hospital (with medical and maternity in-patient beds).</p><p>Dumfries is a market town with a population of approx. 48,000 and is situated in the eastern half of this delightful rural region. The River Nith runs through the town to the Solway coast and the city of Carlisle is approximately 45 minutes drive from Dumfries. Glasgow is within 1½ hours, Edinburgh and Newcastle within 2 hours, and Manchester and Liverpool within 2½ hours driving time from Dumfries.</p><p>Dumfries and Galloway offers the very best of Scottish countryside; from rugged cliffs and sandy beaches to forests, hills and rolling plains. You’re spoilt for choice in the range of activities on offer, with watersports, fishing, birdwatching, golf, mountain-biking or cycling along the network of rural roads, and much more. The Southern Upland Way runs for 212 miles from Portpatrick in the west to Cockburnspath in the eastern Scottish Borders, through some of Scotland’s wildest country.</p><p>There are many attractions, ranging from the University Town of Dumfries, Scotland’s National Booktown Wigtown, Artists’ Town Kirkcudbright, Castle Douglas Food Town to the historic monuments, castles and abbeys, beautiful gardens, fascinating museums throughout the region. The local Council is committed to investing in education, with high achieving schools that earn top marks in HM Inspector of Education Reports. Children are encouraged to develop their talents and interests, with first-class opportunities in music, arts and sports. High quality sport and leisure facilities are available throughout the region. Property offers exceptionally good value, at very competitive prices.</p><p> Population – 147,780 (2001 census ie 3% of Scottish population)</p><p>Age Population % Total Population > 65 years 28,445 19.2% > 75 years 12,558 8.5% > 85 years 3,039 2.1%</p><p>3 The proportion of population over 65 years is the highest in Scotland and is set to rise further to 24.4% by 2016. </p><p>NHS DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY</p><p>NHS Dumfries & Galloway became operational on 1st April 2003 when the two Trusts (Acute & Maternity and Primary Care) were dissolved and one NHS organisation was created, incorporating all NHS services along with the Health Board. NHS Dumfries & Galloway has led the process of integration and is seen as the model for the rest of Scotland to follow. Continuing new investment has resulted from the system always having met all financial and waiting times targets.</p><p>Structure The NHS Board has its headquarters on the Crichton site in Dumfries. Comprising executive and non-executive Directors, its key responsibility is to ensure delivery and development of the local Health and Community Care Plan. You can see a copy of the HCCP on the NHS Dumfries and Galloway website on www.nhsdg.scot.nhs.uk</p><p>Staff NHS Dumfries & Galloway employs approximately 4400 staff from a range of different clinical and non-clinical backgrounds, made up of the following broad groupings:</p><p>Nursing/Midwifery 49.1% AHPs 6.8% Administrative Services 17.9% Senior Management 0.5% Support Services 11.5% Healthcare Sciences 2.7% Medical & Dental 7.5% Medical & Dental Support 1.1% Emergency Services 0.4% Personal & Social Care 0.1% Other Therapeutic 2.4%</p><p>Services A wide range of services are provided from over 50 bases across the region. These services are provided via one of seven General Management Directorates – Operations, Acute, Diagnostics, Primary Care & Community Care – East, Primary Care and Community Care – West, Women’s & Children’s Services, and Mental Health. Most acute services are based at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary with a network of out-patient clinics held throughout the region and a range of acute services provided at the Galloway Community Hospital in Stranraer. The map below highlights the main service bases throughout the region.</p><p>STRATHCLYDE NHS</p><p>KIRKCONNEL SANQUHAR</p><p>MOFFAT BORDERS</p><p>THORNHILL Annandale & Eskdale Locality</p><p>Nithsdale Locality AYRSHIRE & ARRAN LOCHMABEN LANGHOLM DUMFRIES LOCKERBIE Stewartry Locality</p><p>NEWTON Gretna STEWART ANNAN Eastriggs Wigtown Locality CASTLE DOUGLAS STRANRAER DALBEATTIE Carlisle</p><p>CUMBRIA KIRKCUDBRIGHT</p><p>DUMFRIES and4 GALLOWAY Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary</p><p>Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary contains 352 staffed beds (+ 11 cots), and includes the Departments of:</p><p> Accident & Emergency Anaesthetics Cardiology Care of the Elderly/Acute Rehabilitation Dermatology Diabetes/Endocrinology ENT Surgery Gastroenterology General Medicine General Surgery Haematology Infectious Diseases Laboratory Services Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ophthalmology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Orthodontics Orthopaedic Surgery Paediatrics Palliative Care Respiratory Medicine Rheumatology Radiology Urology</p><p>5 The Education Centre</p><p>Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary is the recognised Post-Graduate Medical Centre for south- west Scotland and has been refurbished. The Education Centre at DGRI provides:</p><p> programme of weekly meetings, covering all specialties induction programme for junior doctors well-stocked library internet access superb audio-visual facilities 98-seat lecture theatre</p><p>DGRI Future Re-development </p><p>It is an exciting time in Dumfries and Galloway as a new District General Hospital is being built, due to open in 2018. Redesign of services at Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary is currently underway. NHS D&G have been given the approval to start planning for a ‘new build’ hospital on a site on the western outskirts of the town. This new build will ensure NHS Dumfries & Galloway staff are able to continue to provide high quality clinical care to the population of Dumfries & Galloway in a modern environment. Full information on the DGRI Redevelopment Project can be found on the NHS Dumfries & Galloway website – www.nhsdg.scot.nhs.uk </p><p>Please click on the link below to experience a walk-through of our new state of the art hospital. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=425ePpuzzy4&feature=youtu.be</p><p>Galloway Community Hospital</p><p>The Galloway Community Hospital is located in Stranraer, 75 miles from Dumfries. It opened in September 2006 replacing the former Dalrymple and Garrick Hospitals. Services provided at this site include Day Surgery (12 trolley area); Assessment & Rehabilitation (24 beds); Palliative Care (2 beds); Acute Medicine (20 beds); Maternity Services (2 beds); Renal Services (4 station unit haemodialysis); as well as Accident and Emergency, Anaesthetics, Laboratory, Radiology, Out-patients (provided by a number of Consultants and specialist nurses from Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary), and Out-of-Hours. Health professionals based in the Galloway Community Hospital include: Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, and Podiatry Services.</p><p>Midpark Hospital</p><p>A new Mental Health facility has opened in January 2012 on a site adjacent to the Crichton Campus. Facilities provided at the new site include - a 15 Bed elderly ward; 16 bed dementia/organic illness ward; 6 bed IPCU; 34 Bed adult (2 wards – 17 bed each); Acute hub accommodation; 8 Bed rehab recovery; 8 Bed rehab long stay; and Rehab hub accommodation. </p><p>These facilities have an average annual admission rate of over 700 and approximately 7,000 out- patient attendances per year. They provide a full range of psychiatric services for patients of all ages in the Dumfries & Galloway region. The Emergency Department is supported by a Psychiatric Liaison Nurse.</p><p>6 Community Hospitals</p><p>As well as the Galloway Community Hospital, there are a further eight Community Hospitals within Dumfries and Galloway:</p><p>Annandale & Eskdale Annan Hospital 24 beds (palliative care and rehabilitation) Lochmaben Hospital 16 beds (palliative care and rehabilitation) Moffat Hospital 12 beds (GP acute and rehabilitation) and Minor Injuries Unit Thomas Hope Hospital 12 beds (palliative care and rehabilitation)</p><p>Dumfries & Upper Nithsdale Thornhill Hospital 13 beds (rehabilitation)</p><p>Stewartry Castle Douglas Hospital 21 beds (GP acute and rehabilitation) and Minor Injuries Unit Kirkcudbright Hospital 14 beds (GP acute) and Minor Injuries Unit</p><p>Wigtown Newton Stewart Hospital 22 beds (GP acute, palliative care and rehabilitation) and Minor Injuries Unit (In some cases patients may be admitted directly from the DGRI Emergency Department to Community Hospitals through local General Practitioners)</p><p>7 QUALIFICATIONS</p><p>All candidates are required to be on the GMC Specialist Register.</p><p>TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE</p><p>General</p><p>Subject to the Board’s Terms and Conditions of Service, the post holder is required to:-</p><p>. Observe the Board’s agreed policies and procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters.</p><p>. Follow the Standing Orders and Financial Instructions of the Board.</p><p>. Comply with Health and Safety Policies, in particular in managing employees of the Board.</p><p>. Follow the Board’s personnel policies and procedures.</p><p>. Comply with all reporting requirements, systems and duties of action put in place by the Board to deliver research governance.</p><p>Salary </p><p>The salary for this post is paid as per the locum tenens appointments circular PCS (DD) 2015/1 and is a weekly rate of £1238.75 which is inclusive of 50% 1A banding. This is paid monthly.</p><p>Conditions of Service</p><p>The post is covered by the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff.</p><p>The post is non-resident, but temporary married or single accommodation can be made available. </p><p>The post involves engagement with the junior doctor rota with release for appropriate training on agreement with the supervising consultants.</p><p>ENQUIRY ARRANGEMENTS</p><p>For any further details please contact either Dr D Pedley, Clinical Lead – Critical Care (direct dial – 01387 241094); e-mail address: [email protected] </p><p>Arrangements to visit the department can be made through Patsy Pattie, Project Lead for Medical Recruitment on 01387 241790 or email: [email protected]</p><p>8 DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY ROYAL INFIRMARY</p><p>SELECTION CRITERIA</p><p>Appointment of:-</p><p>LAS / Clinical Fellow in Accident & Emergency</p><p>Job Requirement Essential Desirable</p><p>Qualifications Registered with GMC Particular interest in management of medical emergencies Experience Completion of FY2 training posts or equivalent Experience of accident and emergency work including paediatric emergencies Personal attributes Honest, trustworthy, hard working, ability to get on with colleagues. Good communicator Potential to cope with stressful situations and take responsibility Professional manner with patients, colleagues, nursing staff Commitment to support, development and improvement of the Emergency Departments of the DGRI and the Galloway Community Hospital Team working Willing to work within a Team and to co- operate with colleagues from other hospitals Practical requirements</p><p>Audit Well versed in audit process. Publications and presentations</p><p>Management ability Willingness to take on projects as required</p><p>9</p>
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