Euro Class Creative Writing and Drama Performance Project School year 2017-2018 Dramatis Personae Scenes : Land of the Geats, Kingdom of the Danes, Grendel's swamps Drama teams 1. BEOWULF’s departure from the land of the Geats Lucie DURAND, Capucine GRANCHER and Nejma LOUVARD 2. BeEOWULF’s arrival at the kingdom of the Danes GOMARIN Ninon and Anaelle MADELINE-DELAMARE 3. BEOWULF’s arrival at the kingdom of the Danes, variation 1 Chama SAINTEMARIE, Juliette HODENCQ, Valéri MENDEZ and BELLANGER Marie 4. BEOWULF’s arrival at the kingdom of the Danes, variation 2 Kendra MBENGUE, Angèle GORGELIN and Gabriel COHEN 5. BEOWULF’s arrival at the kingdom of the Danes, variation 3 Lise ENGERANT, Ethan TOCQUEVILLE, Lélia BODDAERT, Espérance HOUDAN and Luca CIUCCI 6. HROTHGAR meets Beowulf in modern-day society Louise PIGNE and Erin COCHET 7.BEOWULF’s arrival at the kingdom of the Danes, variation 4 Karla MBENDE, Karim KARIMLI, Océane ABID and Romane HUCHELOUP 8.BEOWULF’s arrival at the kingdom of the Danes in modern-day society and GRENDEL's death Ariane ANQUETIL, Léane SAMPIL and Madison CARTIER 9. Banquet to celebrate BEOWULF's victory over GRENDEL Lucien PAUVERT, Louise ROBINET and Stéfania ASUTAY 10. BEOWULF fights GRENDEL's MOTHER Léo CHEVALIER, Albertine LAUDE and Juliette PALOMBA BEOWULF, Lucie HYGELAC,Capucine HYGD, Nejma Enter BEOWULF, self-confident. BEO. Good morning, my King and Queen. HYGELAC. Nice to see you, Beowulf. HYGD. What brings you here? BEO. I have something important to tell you. HYGELAC. I know what you’re going to say… I know your desire to become a king! BEO. No, it’s not that! I have decided to go and kill Grendel. HYGD. Is it the monster which terrorises the kingdom of the Danes? BEO. Yes, it is. I want to kill him without any weapons but my strength! HYGD. No! It’s very dangerous Beowulf, don’t leave! BEO. I know it is…just for average people and I’m not that kind and… HYGELAC. Stop! You know that you can die! Grendel is a monster! BEO. You know me and you know that I will never die. HYGD. But if you die, I will never see you again… BEO. Of course! I will be dead. HYGELAC. When do you want to leave? BEO. Right now! HYGD. Are you sure? BEO. Yes love…if I don’t go, who will do that? Silence HYGELAC. So, how many men do you want to go with you? BEO. Alone! I want to kill Grendel myself! I don’t need anybody. HYGD. You are unconscious! But I think you can do it, you are so strong, smart, amazing, robust... HYGELAC. Hmm, Hmm…I get it! I can’t stop you Beowulf. Go and kill him. HYGD. I trust you, you will come back. BEO. I will fight Grendel until death! Anaelle, King HROTHGAR Ninon, BEOWULF Enter BEOWULF BEOWULF. Oh! Where am I and where is the king? I have been looking for him for two days. HROTHGAR. I’m Hrothgar, king of the Danes, welcome to my mead hall. BEOWULF. I’m Beowulf, everyone say that I’m the strongest warrior. What can I do for you? HROTHGAR. I need help because I have a little little little little problem… BEOWULF. What is your little little little little problem ? HROTHGAR. Oh, just an ogre who wants to eat me and all my citizens… Can you help me, please? BEOWULF. I can try but I’ve never fought an ogre before. HROTHGAR. Don’t worry, it’s easier than a dragon. BEOWULF. But I’ve never fought a dragon either. HROTHGAR. Just wait and see… BEOWULF. It’s okay, I’m going to fight this… thing? HROTHGAR. Thank you so much! BEOWULF. What am I going to do?!! [Exit BEOWULF] KING HORTHGAR,Chama WIGLAF, Juliette BEOWULF, Marie UNFERTH, Valéri Enter WIGLAF and BEOWULF. MESSENGER. Who are you, strangers ? WIGLAF. We are here to help the king and to kill Grendel ! MESSENGER. Then, follow me. Here are some people who want to see you, good Lord. HROTHGAR. Could you introduce yourself ? BEOWULF. I’m Beowulf, the strongest of warriors. I have the strength of 30 men in my handgrip. [Everyone is very impressed] I have travelled to help you, Hrothgar and defeat Grendel with my bare hands. HROTHGAR. I, Hrothgar, King of the Danes, have built this huge mead-hall called Heorot for my great warriors. I can’t stop Grendel. My dear Beowulf, I accept your help, come and sit with us. UNFERT to Hrothgar. Are you sure that we can trust them ? WIGLAF. It’s an honour to fight for you. I’m Wiglaf, Beowulf’s best friend. UNFERTH. Are you strong enough to defeat Grendel ? He is an ogre, descendant of Cain. He has been killing Scyldings for 12 long years. BEOWULF. I’m sure ! UNFERT. You’re such a liar ! WIGLAF. You don’t know who you are talking about. You've never seen him when he is fighting ! UNFERT. I don’t care about what you say, you are useless. Beowulf, come and fight like a man ! BEOWULF, walking to him angry. I’m not afraid of you, I’m gonna hit you ! [They grab each other's clothes] HROTHGAR. Enough ! Unferth, you’re just my retainer. Now, get out ! I don’t want to see you anymore. [two guards get out him] BEOWULF, Gabriel KING HROTHGAR, Angèle QUEEN WEALHTHEOW, Kendra KING HROTHGAR and QUEEN WEALHTHEOW, powerless to defend their kingdom against Grendel's attacks will be helped by BEOWULF, for he has left his homeland to come and help them. BEOWULF. King Hrothgar, Queen Wealhtheow, I came here to help you. KING H. My dear Beowulf, you finally left your homeland to rescue us. QUEEN W. Thank you for coming. KING H. All the warriors who tried to kill Grendel are dead, you need to be very careful to fight him. BEOWULF. Yes, I know and this is how I’m going to fight Grendel at night, Grendel’s plan is to enter Hereot and kill everybody while we sleep. The warriors are going to sleep but not me, I will pretend to be asleep. And when Grendel attempts to kill someone, I will jump on him. Then, the warriors will take their swords and help me. QUEEN W. Nice, but we must tell you about a few of Grendel’s magical powers we already know. KING H. He has a magic shield that protects him from any attack. BEOWULF. I don’t know, but it’s not a problem I will fight him with my hands while the warriors will fight him with their swords. I would succeed by catching Grendel’s neck in order to strangle him. So his magic shield will be useless in this situation. KING H. It’s a very good idea but if you suceed in catching him, you will need to be very careful because he’s a giant, so if you fall, you will be very hurt. QUEEN W. Yes, it’s true and we wouldn’t like you to come back being hurt by Grendel. BEOWULF. A fight is the call of duty for a warriors what ever the dangers. I’m a warrior, so my duty is to protect the others even if the confrontation is risky. So, if they need it, I will fight to death. KING H. Yeah maybe but you’re not a warrior of the kingdom but from an other one, so the fact that you have come to help us is already a lot for us, that’s the reason why I don’t want you to be hurt during the fight. BEOWULF. I understand but the giant doesn’t frighten me, I’m the strongest warrior. Moreover, I am grateful to you for what you've done for my father, that’s why I really want to protect the inhabitants of your kingdom. QUEEN W. Okay it’s your choice. But how many warriors do you need ? KING H. We have many reliable and motivated warriors. BEOWULF. I think it’s better if my warriors come with me rather than yours. KING H. No, I’m sorry but if you want to go with warriors, they must come from our kingdom. BEOWULF. But why ? I think I will be more efficient if they are my warriors. QUEEN W. We are very sorry but it’s very important for the kingdom that the warriors come from our country so if you don’t agree you can go back to your home. BEOWULF. Sorry I didn’t think that was so important. So I need fifty warriors reday for tomorrow's battle. KING H. That’s okay, tomorrow afternoon, fifty warriors will wait for you. BEOWULF. All right ! Good night my Lord! KING H. Good luck, great warrior! QUEEN W.} + = BEOWULF KING HROTHGAR, Lise BEOWULF, Lélia DUNUT, Espérance ISAAC, Luca NEWTON, Ethan The scene starts in the harbour, BEOWULF arrives on his ship with his two warriors. He's landing [ upstage centre] and he walks to the king [ centre stage] of the Danes called KING HROTHGAR who is standing with his counsellor who is also his fool. KING H. One dayyyymy priiince will coooome....My dear Beowulf! I 've waited to see you for so long! And you're finally here! Did you hear about that creature living in the swamps, that ogre?! BEO. Yes, I have. That's why I'm here. KING H. Oh great!! Now, take my gift! Donut, come here! DUNUT who was behind KING HROTHGAR[ centre stage right ]walks towards BEOWULF with a lion in a cage.
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