<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>NAME : CH. A. RAJENDRA PRASAD</p><p>NATIONALITY : INDIAN.</p><p>DATE OF BIRTH : 21-10-1963.</p><p>AGE : 49 years.</p><p>PRESENT EMPLOYMENT& : Professor of English Rank </p><p>ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE : CH. A. RAJENDRA PRASAD, Ph.D., Professor, Department of English and Communications & Director, School of Distance and Continuing Education Dravidian University Kuppam – 514275, Chittoor (Dist.), AP., India</p><p>: (Mobile): 00918985756921 Telephones : ( Off.) 08570-202677 </p><p>Fax : 0091-8570 278230 </p><p>Email IDs : [email protected]</p><p>: [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS M.A. English (1986) First Class Andhra University (Language and Literature) (AP, India)</p><p>PG Dip Linguistics (1987) II Class Andhra University </p><p>Ph.D. in English (1990) Awarded Andhra University </p><p>Ph.D. Area: Indian English Studies</p><p>Recent Academic Accomplishments: 1. Invited as a foreign thesis examiner for Ph.D. thesis evaluation by Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. (2008) &</p><p>Again in Feb., 2012</p><p>2. Invited to be a Foreign Reviewer of articles to be published in OSSREA (Organization of Social Science Research in East Africa)’s Journal. (since, 2008-2010)</p><p>3. Awarded a major UGC research project entitled, “ Teaching English Language through Literatures in English: Designing Course Developing Material.” (2009)</p><p>Aademic Distinctions : The thesis was adjudicated as’ Best Thesis’ and awarded Sir R.Venkata Ratnam Research Medal by Andhra University in 1992.</p><p>Teaching Experience : 22 years plus of teaching experience with Ph.D. , which includes 9 years and few months period teaching experience in 3 abroad universities: 3 and half a year in University of Asmara, Eritrea, North-east Africa, 4 and half a year Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, East Africa) and a year in Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. And one year plus in the present university.</p><p>Break-up of the Teaching Experience—Years-wise and Organization-wise: </p><p>(I) Taught( at Masters level) in the capacity of Lecturer & Head in the Post-Graduate Department of English, Sri Y.N. College, Narasapur (Affiliated to Andhra University, A.P., India) for 3 years. (August,1990- Nov.1994).</p><p>(ii) Taught(Masters level) in the capacity of Reader & Head (in the above-said institution) for 3 years. (Nov.1994-Jan.1997). After doing a foreign teaching assignment( in the University of Asmara) for about 2 and half years, resumed job in the parent institution in the said- capacity during the period, July 1999-August 2000. As another spell, after doing a one-year stint(Sept. 2000-July 2001) in the University of Asmara, resumed job in August, 2001 in the parent institution in the above-stated designation. (iii) Taught in the capacity of Asst.Professor of English-II in Asmara University, Asmara, Eritrea, February 1997- June 1999 ( Two years and a few months.) And again during the period, September, 2000-July 2001( About a year).( Total 3 years and a few months).</p><p>(iv) Taught in the capacity of Professor of English during the period, April, 2002 – July, 2006, in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Addis Ababa University ( for four years plus).</p><p>(v) Taught in the Department of English, Garyounis University, September, 2006- July, 2007 in the capacity of Professor of English. ( vi) Teaching as Professor & Head in the Department of English and Communications, Dravidian University since 9th June, 2008.</p><p>Courses Teaching/Taught :</p><p>In India in a Post-Graduate Department of English (M.A. English Programe) (Affiliated to Andhra University, India.) </p><p>Field Field English Language Literatures in English</p><p>1. ELT 1 Indian English Literature, 2 Shakespeare, 3 European Novel in English translation 4 British Novel In Asmara University: At Under-Graduate Level </p><p>1. Freshman English 1.African Literature, 2. Remedial English 2. Novel, 3. Sophomore English 3. Short Story, 4. Fundamentals of Literature 5. Poetry</p><p>In Addis Ababa University: </p><p>At Under-Graduation Level At MA Level : 1. Freshman English 1. Modern Narrative Theory. 2. Sophomore English 2. Contemporary Trends in African and Caribbean Literatures 3. Drama and English Language Teaching 3.Stylistic Analysis of Prose Fiction </p><p>In Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. 1. Introduction to Modern Linguistics 1. Literary Criticism 2. Research Methodology Again in India ever since June 9 th , 2008 In Dravidian University, Kuppam 1. Literary Criticism 2. Indian Writing in English 3. American Literature 4. Literary Periods and Movements 5. Modern Dravidian Literature</p><p>Research Guidance in Addis Ababa University: Ph.D. Level: 3 Candidates</p><p>1. “ ‘Audience-Authoring’: Improvised Drama as Means for Deterring the Spread of HIV/AIDS: A Case Study in Urban Ethiopia.” </p><p>2. ‘Gender, HIV/AIDS, Literature: Purpose-focused Short Story as an Effective Means of Intensifying Awareness about, and Deterrence of HIV/AIDS among Students of Colleges and Schools in Ethiopia. </p><p>3. ‘Moral Vision in Ethiopian Novel’: A Select Study. </p><p>Recognized Ph.D. Supervisor for the Following Universities in India: </p><p>1. Andhra University (Address: Visakhapatnam, AP, India) 2. Acharya Nagarjuna University (Address: Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, AP,India) 3. Dravidian University, Kuppam, AP, India. </p><p>Research Projects / Works Conceived During Foreign Teaching Assignments: 1. A mega research project worth 160,000 USD under DIF Scheme (Development and Innovation Fund (jointly proposed along with a colleague), Center for African Studies, has been conceived, and ultimately got approved by the Ministry of Education, Government of Ethiopia. </p><p>2. An English Language Text Book Writing Project has been accepted by CODESRIA. ( A Ghana-based major African research institute) The title of the project: Functional and Student-Centered Communicative English: An English Language Textbook for First/Second Year University Students.</p><p>Membership on Committees in Addis Ababa University ( during the teaching period):</p><p>1. Managing Editor, Ethiopian Journal of Language and Literature (EJOLL) 2 Member, DGC( Department Graduate Committee), DFLL, AAU. 3 Member, 18th ILS Conference Organizing Committee, AAU. ( Held in June, 2006. While in Asmara University:1. Member `Lecture Series Social Committee.’ (For the year 1998)</p><p>Previous Administrative Experience: Held the headship of the P.G. Department of English in Y.N.College(Affiliated to Andhra University, India) in the years 1990-1997 January& during the period, July 1999-August 2000.</p><p>Member, Board of Studies of English(PG), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India for the period, 16-9-2000 - 15-9-2003. </p><p>Coordinator: Acted as Coordinator for Sophomore English in Asmara University for the academic year, 2000-2001. </p><p>Administrative Experience in Dravidian University: Head, Department of English and Communications, 2008-2012 </p><p>Dean, School of Comparative Dravidian Lit.& Trans. Studies, (2009-2012) </p><p>Chairman Board of Studies (PG&UG), Department of English and Communications (2009-2012)</p><p>Member, Academic Senate, Dravidian University (2009-2011)</p><p>Editor: Dravidian Studies </p><p>Research Guidance: Awarded: Ph.D. 1</p><p>Books Published :3 </p><p>1. Title of the Book Published: The Function of Enigma in Arun Joshi: A Critical Study(An Andhra University Sponsored publication, India, 1995). 2. Research Methodology ( Dravidian University, 2009).</p><p>3. Cosmos in Logos—A Translation of Telugu Science Poetry into English (Dravidian University, 2009)</p><p>Published Articles& Reviews from the most recent to the Present ones Non-Literary Publications: 1. “Human Rights Education in : “Emerged” or “Emerging” India?— Indispensable Introspection for Curricular and Pedagogical Intervention.” Human Rights Education. Dravidian University Press, 2011. 2. Pedagogical Challenges and Prospects in the Age of Globalization www.academicJobs.in)</p><p>3. “Pursuit of Inter-disciplinary Education for Comprehensive Academic Development.” (www.academicJobs.in )</p><p>4. “Interfacing of Curriculum and Students’ Needs for Optimization of University Education.”( www.academicJobs.in ) 5. “Teaching and Learning as a Communication Act at Tertiary Level Education: An Ignored Pedagogical Dimension.” (University News, Vol 47, No.24, June 15-21, 2009) </p><p>5. Is Urbanization synonymous with progress in the developing world? (Ethiopian Herald, 25th Oct.,2005)</p><p>Under ELT/EFL Area 1. “Mimesis, Aesthetics and Discourse: Drama and English Language Teaching in the EFL Scenario Of Ethiopia.” 17th Annual Proceedings of Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2006. </p><p>2 . “Teaching English Language through Literature: Reader/Learner Centered Approach: A Case Study.” (Proceedings of the Second Annual Multi-Disciplinary Conference, Unity University College, Addis Ababa, December, 2003), pp.121-132</p><p>Under Literatures in English Area </p><p>1. “Gaps and Leaps: Literary Translation as a Mediating Means of Inter/Cross Cultural and Linguistic Communication—A Case Study.” Critical Expressions: Delhi: Mangalam Publishers, 2011, pp. 314-324.</p><p>2. “Generic Impact on Translation Activity: A Comparative Study of Translating Experience of ‘Science Poetry’ and Short Story”. Triveni, Oct- Dec., 2010. 3. “Harold Pinter—The Playwright That Unveiled Dumb Aches, Uncertainties … of Life: A Critique.” Triveni, Vol. 77, No.4, Oct-Dec, 2008. </p><p>3 “Logocentrism and a Priori Binary Opposition Vis a Vis Woman: the Narrative Politics in Ethiopian Folktales: A Study of Select Ethiopian Folktales.” Fabula, No. 48,2007, pp.100-109. </p><p>4. Style as Substance: The Interfacing of Means and Message in Beautyful Ones Aren’t Yet Born.” Conspectus: A Journal of English Studies (Vol. III, 2006), pp. 68-77. </p><p>5. A review published on an Australian novel, Neem Dreams by Inez Baranay in JAS (Journal of Australian Studies, </p><p> an Australian online Journal), Issue NO.34, June, 2005.</p><p>6. ‘Mother Africa and Beyond’—The Self-Portrayal of African Women: A Select Critical Reading of African Women’s Poetry ( Proceedings of the 14 th Annual Conference of the Institute of Languages Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2003), pp 100- 109.</p><p>7. A book review published on an Australian novel Lines in theSand by Anne Daveson in JAS (Journal of Australian Studies, an online journal) 5 Issue, March, 2002.</p><p>8. After Million Oppressions, A Mutiny’: In Defence of The God of Small Things(The Atlantic Literary Review, Vol. 2, No.1, Jan- March, 2001), pp.77- 83</p><p>9. A book review published in Jan. 2001 issue of Journal of Indian Writing in English.</p><p>1. “Darkness Pursues Butterfly” : A Reading of Sembane Ousmane’s Black Girl As A Story of ‘Racial Conflict’ and ‘Protest’(Triveni,Vol.66, No. 4, Oct-Dec., 1997) pp.60-63.</p><p>10. A Review on Slaves of Society. An Anthology of Short Stories by C.D. Irene( Indian Book Chronicle,Vol., 20, No., 8,1995)pp.6- </p><p>11. War and No Peace’ : A Study of Arun Joshi’s Homecoming(Triveni, Vol., 64, August, 1995, pp.,19-21.</p><p>12. ‘After the Fall’: A Critique on Arun Joshi’s The Apprentice. Indian Literature Today Ed.,R.K.Dhawan(New Delhi: Prestige,1994),pp.205-211.</p><p>13. ‘Fact and /or Fiction?’ : A Study of Kushwant Singh’s Delhi(Indian Book Chronicle,Vol. XX, No., 4, April, 1995), pp.8-10.</p><p>14.. ‘The Saga of City and Man’ : A Study of Ahmed Ali’s Twilight in Delhi (The Journal of Indian Writing in English,Vol. 23, Nos.1&2,1995)pp.125- 131.</p><p>15. ‘The Loss And Retrieval of A Noble Soul’ : A Critique on Dostooyesky’s Crime and Punishment(Triveni,Vol.,62,No.3, 1993)pp.58-61.</p><p>16. ‘Values Vs.Vagaries’ : An Approach to Arun Joshi’s The Gherao( Indian Scholar Vol.XII, No. 1, 1990), pp.61-70. </p><p>Translations-Published: [Translated from Telugu, an Indian language to English.] 1. 1 Short Story entitled, The Leader(Thulika, October, 2004). [ Thulika(www.thulika.net) is an online journal devoted to translations of Telugu fiction].</p><p>2. A poem entitled, Mother Africa (Eritrea Profile, Vol.6, No.9, May 8, 1999. </p><p>Conferences/ Seminars Organised : 1. Gave a Seminar on African Women’s Poetry in the Department of English, Asmara University, Eritrea, North-East Africa on 15th June, 2001. Topic: ‘ “Severed Tongues ... And Bitter Sweet Songs”- Humanist Feminism and the Triple Yoke of Gender, Race and Class.’ </p><p>2. Theme of the seminar: "Higher Education: Vision 2020”. </p><p>Acted as Convenor and Vice-chariman of the </p><p> state-level confernece held on 10th January, 2000 on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Sri Y.N.College(Affiliated to Andhra University) Narsapur, AP., India. & Title of the Paper Presented on the Occasion:</p><p>‘Self-financing Higher Education: Will It Turn Into A Spectre?</p><p>3. Coordinated a National Workshop on “Teaching Literatures in English: Contemporary Trends and Techniques.” March, 25-26, 2009, Dravidian University Campus. </p><p>4. Coordinated a national seminar on Tagore on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Tagore on 20-4-2011 in DU. 5. Organized a three-day international seminar on “Teaching Literatures in English for Cross Cultural Communications” during 8- 10 August, 2011 in DU. Conferences Attended& Title of the papers Presented Thereof 1. UGC National Seminar on Indian Literature in English Translation held during the period, 28-29, March,2009, organized by Department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal, AP, India. Title of the Paper:“Translating Science Poetry as Transcending Dichotomies: A Case Study of Kothapalli Satya Srimannarayana’s Science Poetry in Telugu.”</p><p>2. National Conference on Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching held on 10th Nov., 2007 in V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, AP, India. Title of the paper: Genre-specific Language Features of Texts (Lessons) for Comprehensive ELT: A Case Study. 2. 2nd Annual Translation Conference of Academy of Graduate Studies, Garyounis University, held during Nov.19-20,2006)</p><p>Title of the Paper: Gaps and Leaps …: Literary Translation as a Mediating Means of Inter/Cross Cultural and Linguistic Communication </p><p>4. Annual National Conference of College of Education (2006) held during, 5-6, May, 2006, in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Title of the Paper: Gender Sensitizing Curricula …: Moving from Margins to Center. </p><p>5. XVII Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies, Addis University held during 13-14th May, 2005.</p><p>Title of the Paper: Mimesis, Aesthetics and Discourse: Drama and English Language Teaching in the EFL Scenario of Ethiopia.</p><p>6. XVI Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies of Addis Ababa University held during 14 and 15 May, 2004.</p><p>Title of the Paper Presented: Gendering the ‘Un-gendered’ and Unveiling the ‘Hidden’ …: Gender and Narrative in Literary Studies.</p><p>7. II Inter-disciplinary Conference organized by Unity University, Addis Ababa during the period, June 23-242003. Title of the paper: Teaching English Language Through Literature: Reader- Centred Approach—A Case Study.</p><p>8. XV Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies (ILS), Addis Ababa University, held in Addis Ababa University, 29-30th May,2003.</p><p>Title of the Paper Presented: Logocentrism and a Priori Binary Opposition vis a Vis Woman: The Narrative Politics in Ethiopian Folktale—A Study of Select Ethiopian Folktales.</p><p>9. XIV Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies(ILS), Addis Ababa University, held in Addis Ababa University, 7-9, July, 2002. Title of the Paper Presented:‘Mother Africa and Beyond’: The Self- portrayal of African Women Poets. 10. Iaclals 2002 Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies--Annual Conference, held in Andhra University, 7-9 January, 2002. Title of the Paper Presented: ‘Anne Daveson’s Lines in the Sand --Racial Conflict and Beyond ...: An Attempt at Redefining of the Post-Colonial Novel. 11. Ist Eritrean Studies Association’s International Conference-‘Independent Eritrea: Lessons And Prospects’, held in Asmara(Eritrea) during 22-26, July, 2001.</p><p>Title of the Paper Presented: ‘Eritrea-An Utopia in the Making: The Complementary Role of Eritrean Women. 12. National Seminar on Indian English Literature held at Andhra University P.G.Extension Centre, Kakinada, AP., India, March 25-26,2000. Title of the Paper Presented: ‘A Matter of Million Oppressions and No Mutiny’: The God of Small Things As A Study Of Profound Social Concerns. </p><p>13. The 4th Annual Commonwealth Studies Conference held in University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, during March, 27-29, 1995. Title of the Paper Presented: ‘Fact and/or Fiction: A Study of K.Singh’s Delhi.</p><p>14. V International Commonwealth Conference held at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., India during March 20-23, 1993. Title of the paper presented: ‘After the Fall’: A Critique on Arun Joshi’s The Apprentice. </p>
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