City d ing too much for A-B? It's true, some say 3 ~ Community Newspaper Company www.allstcmbrightontab.com FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Vol. 10, No. 13 46 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ ELECTIO --.....-.......L ME 1cH OD· Race nears finish line By Audltl Guha STAFF WRITER Tuesday is around the comer, wh~n voters will decide who gets to wear the District City Councilor hat inAllston-Brighton. Both canrudates hope the . weilther will cooperate and people wi 11 come out and vote on Election Day. Local polls will be open from ' 8 a,m. to 8 p.m. Incumbent Jerry McDermott of Brighton is busy with his cam­ paign and said he is "cautiously optimistic." "I've been out knocking on d<>ors, and my volunteers are on the phone and sending out mail­ e~i" he said. '1t's been a good run, I've lost 10 pounds." His challenger, Area Planning Action Council Director Paul Creighton of Allston, who has been clamoring for more debates, said he believes he ran a strong campaign and is hoping for the lx>:st. "I'm pumped; we are coming down tbestretch and come on it, as tht•y say at the racetrack," he said. "I feel we've been very well re­ ceived. There are a lot of problems in the community that aren't being rAJ 'TO 8'1 DAVID GORDON A headless motorcyclist, who would not give hi name, made an appearance for the fifth straight Halloween, pfovldlng the children of North Allston with a spooky reminder addressed, and we really do need a of the need to always wear a helmet. whole new approach to this job." I New look Creighton said he wants to build a new identity for the neighbor­ lf .. hood instead of letting it becoming He~~~!s bik=~~=~h~orth~:!~~?n allowe:~n ·~~~~t~~u~~ one huge dormitory or health cen­ '"""'"" Spooking Ille sttee" fur more than five I agreed the Llnehans, also out on lbeir tet for senior citizens. s trick or treaters milled about yea• Ji, the headless biker is a well-loved House dlec ted porch, hanrung out candy to a family of ''We can try and bring it back to Alrue Street in Allston Monday vi~11or, one who everyone said they were Houses were ela rately decorated pink fairies. a place where people want to live A evening, everyone stopped at }()(l~ mg forward to this year. with cobwebs, ghosts, ouls and pump- Residents also pointed to another tradi- m1d raise their kids and have some the sound of a motorbike. ~11ting on a porch decorated with intri- kins. Many had ghostl sound effects and tion - the brown house at the comer of vluiety like you should have in the A headless biker in a white shirt and catr jack-o-lantems. some from pump- creepy dark lighting. Costumes ranged Everett and Alrue streets, kno\l{n as the city," he said. black cape, theredofthe cut-offneckjust kin· grown in the back yard, Leanna fromtheusualfairi~es superheroes to a Creepy House. McDermott said he has been viiible over his white shirt and tie, quietly Cn;..1mer -.aid she was waiting for the CIA agent and a Batm in a stroller. ''Walk by and you'll see why," they very active in the community and zoomed down the street among claps and bil.1·r to pass at about 6 p.m. Trick or treating wi his son, Michael grinned. ELECTION, page 15 cheers. "It's a real family street," she said. Cullinane was also g about the head- As a group of kids passed, wondering A new trarution of the North Allston ''1l1ough there are kids you see on Hal- less biker. ''We haven' seen him yet, but if they want to go knock on the door of Where to vote in A·B, neighborhood, teeming with costumed lowc..-en you never see all year ... Every he's been around for about five years," he the darkened house, they jumped and page7 children and adults handing out candy on ye.1r, I shut off the lights early because we said "I think it's kind ofcoo l no one knows shrieked when a loud, amplified voice TAB endorsements, Halloween, everyone knew about him, run out of candy. We get about 100 kids whoitis-andlkno everyone here." HEADLESS, page 14 page 12 Enjoying end-of-fast food aint by numbers? By Audltl Guha breaks his fa,t at sundown with istan, Hussain, 35, was born in STAFF WRITER iftar-evening prayers and meal. England and grew up in Boston. He wakes up before the sun Along with Muslims all over He sa.td he hasn't missed a single rises and partakes of suhoor or the world, se"cn-year Allston resi­ fast in 12 years. sehri, a fruits and water meal be­ dent Tahir Hussain has been ob­ "You fast because it makes you fore the daylong fast. He goes to serving the holy ritual of ab ti­ think of those less fortunate, it the gym for a four-hour workout, nence durin Ramadan, the ninth teaches you a lot of patience and takes a bath and goes to work. month of the lslarnic lunar calen­ self-control, and makes you appre­ In the afternoon, he reads the dar and one ot the five pillars of Is­ ciate things you take for granted Koran for an hour. He stays with­ lamic faith. - like food, water and shelter," out any food or water all day and While his p;irents are from Pak- RAMADAN, page 15 City: We will rebuild Ringer By Crystal D. Vogt sonist two w"eks ago. Pollak said that the new play­ CORRESPONDENT Residents were concerned ground equipment would be in­ Boston Parks and Recreation about the pt'nding investigation stalled next spring, probably in Department Commissioner Anto­ into the recent arson of play May, though it all depended on nia M. Pollak held a community equipment for the lot. the weather. ... meeting at the Jackson/Mann Pollak hl aded the morning "Everyone is welcome in the School Theater Saturday and meeting with adrutional support park, as long as they abide by the PHOTO BY ZAAA TZNIEV promised the city would install from Lt. Dan Linskey and Capt rules," she said. erome Bradshaw Jr., 3, grimaces while getting his face painted at I st weekend's Brian Honan new tot lot equipment this spring, William Ev.tns from the Boston Pollak explained that the Parks Community Festival at the West End House. after it was destroyed by an ar- Police. RINGER, page 15 '.\IAEL Call For a.Free Market Analysis! CH I KOPH:\Cl'IC: Dover orlgage Loans Covered by !~ FINE ORIENTAL RUGS & CARPETING Localknowledge. ' MEDICARE :~•l'" sports FREE IN-HOME erienced answers. AD Sizes & Widths 4 4 II= Auto DESIGN Shawmut~21 Properties. --~ CONSULTATION Many Styles ] Work Injuries & RUG TRIAL Peoples & Colors 134 Tremont Street• Brighton Federal Savings Bank All AMERICAN HOME AID, INC. Your Neigltborhood Realtor® Allston 229 :\onh Hanan! Street Medic~! Supplies -~---- 556 Caml1ridge "t., Brighton Brighton 435 \1arket Street ~~~~~~~~~~- ---- Tel. 617-787-2121 (617) 254-0707 • wwv..pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brighton 7 98238 60009 2 (617) 787-8700 v.-ww.dawtrn.19.com \f ..,. fDlt 617-713-4300 www.C2lshaw1nut.co1n ----v--- .,.- ~. Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, Novembe1 4, 2005 www.allstonbrightontab.com Brighton w Jman hit with ~hocking weapon: Ti!S,~:r -. I;$ ,_. By Erin Smith ton Road in Bi lghton about 4:28 Not worried scene for bruises to h~r back.. pass certain safety and training regional director for Amnes~- srAFF WRITER p.m. last Wellnesday when an The victim turned down Kil- The suspect, who is descnbed requirements to be granted state ternational USA, said he ""'81- Police are warning residents to unknown mall follo~g her syth Road and walked through a as a 22-year-old white male, approval. comes alternatives •tO ~~t be vigilant in the wake of a Taser fired an elect11c shock rnto her rear parking lot to her Colliston about 6 feet tall and 160 pounds, So far, only police in Green- thut not enough is knowu' ~t attack on a Brighton woman who back with a Tu er, Boston Police Road apartment with the suspect was last seen wearing a black field, Freetown, Raynham and th effects of Tasets-fe,t. was stalked on her way home said. still following her, police said. nylon jacket and blue jeans. The Methuen are approved to use Rubenstein attriquted ~O from a Brookline T stop last A Taser, or a stun gun, is a The victim told police she was sus~~as.bl~ck hair and brown Tasers, said Katie Ford, spokes- deaths in the U.S. anfC~ada:to week. weapon used tu subdue a per on not wonied by the man's pres- eyes, lice said. woman for the state Executive Tuser-related injuries. Although Police Capt. William Evans by sending all electric current ence and assumed he would Po ce notified the sexual as- Office of Public Safety. th flectric weapons were noabe said this was a first for the com- through the body at a l~vel that is going to an apartment upstairs. sault unit of the attack, according Brookline Police had been -only factor in most deaths, 'lai'irs munity, as they have never dealt less than fatal but still severe But just as she was opening her to reports, but Evans said there is weighing purchasing Tasers for may have led to fatalities for.Jn­ with Taser attacks before.
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