Mem·orial second • liquor sales BY KAREN GRIFFIN tures. Students will drink anyway ties of alcohol one night) are more but the Breezeway provides them of a harm than those who drink Memorial University placed with a safe atmosphere. The staff moderately. second in liquor sales in the prov­ has been trained to handle situa­ In a Canadian Campus survey­ ince. Liquor sal~s raajced in the tions that may arise. Students do - Students in university residences June 3rd issue of the Evening Tel­ seem to be drinking less and the were most likely to have reported egram listed the Sundance Saloon Breezeway does not entice them having had 5 or more and 8 or as number one, followed by Me­ to drink. That is why the Breeze­ more d:rinks pei: occasion at least morial University. way dges not have a shooter bar once since SepteJI1ber (70.4% and What does this mean ? Accord­ and does not provide table serv­ 44.2%, respectively) than students ing to the Breezeway's general ice. in other types of housing. manager, Gary Clarke, nothing. Clarke also says that he would Male ·students were also found The license mentioned is an insti­ think not having table service more likely to drink than female -tutional license and includes in would make students who really students, sexual. activity ls the -that quote, Bitters, the Breezeway, ~anted more alcohol would have ' thing which students regret more. ' ' . Sir Wilfred Grenfell College and - to get up from the table and go to Violence and sexiW assault are the Marine Institute. th.e bar to get more to drink. ·more frequent when alcohol is in­ . Clarke says however that the . He sees this as an encourage­ volved . information the Telegram received ment to drink less. People need to have more re­ through freedom of information is Both Novak and Clarke insist spect for the dangers of alcohol. It false. He could not provide any of that unlike bars downtown, the is a drug and it is dangerous said the sales for tlie Breezeway in the Breezeway . has both the money Saunders. past year as no record is kept of making side and the safety of their People tend to skip their Friday sales and is sent to the Newfound­ patrons· in m1nd where downtown . morning classes because ofhango- land Liquor Corporation. establishrilei1ts really only think vers and things.' Said Saunders. Clarke does say that sales are . ·about money. · She recommends people make down from other years which could Kathy Saunders, the wellness · sure they are drinking for the be for any number of reasons, such coordinator at MUN says that some right reasons, not for example, as the relocation of all Thompson of the taboo should be taken off as a stress reliever or out of lone­ Students Centre's amenities to the alcohol. liness. University Centre in January. "There is an obvious correla­ As a campus, Saunders said He also says that the profit from · tion between. alcohol consump­ the campus must look at what the Breezeway does go to fund the tion and academics and everyone kind of events are being · pro- . Day Care .centre. The Breezeway ., .He say$ that the Breezeway is in . looking for it!; fair share of profits. knows that." said Saunders. The moted, not to make alcohol a employs students, pays forCHMR, a difficult situation because it is in . Executive member of MUNSU, problem more so than people who taboo thing, encourage more scholarships, the lounge area in a political environment which Derek Novak also insists he would drink regularly is that they less non-alcoholic events and real- the school of music and various tells students don't drink exces- rather see people drink on campus likely to binge. The binge drink­ ize w~at message we are send­ other aspects of student life. siveJy and it is a business which is because there are more safety fea- ers ( those who drink 'vast quanti- ing. Is 1 safe sex' getting harder? ·. Latex allergies; sexually ·transmitted diseases and birth control · · BY KAREN GRIFFIN produ~ts . and · in some every day processing the latex. an. allergic reaction latex allergies strictly from items such as rubber balls, car "The whole problem is latex "It's_ really allergies to condom use" said Lisa Lyttle Tpink putting on a condom seats and of course the con- is not elastic if you take some chemicals that are allergens in of the Canadian Latex Allergy ruins 'the mood' ? Try putting dom. natural latex before it is proc- latex, it just happens that latex Association. "Just because on two or three condoms at The first widely accounted essed I would describe it a bit is the usable product if con­ you're allergic, does not mean once. case _was of a woman in Britain . .like wet cardboard. In order to dom were made out the latex of you _cannot use a condom." said Over the past twenty years, in 1979 who had a reaction to make it in to a usable product a tree you'd have no Lyttle. · latex allergies have gone from a pair of rubber gloves she was it goes through a process called problem."said Hanau The Durex company has non-existent to being part of wearing. vulcanization. Chemicals "Twenty years ago there were come up with the avanti con­ the daily lives of approxi­ Mark Hanau, an American known as vulcanizing agents no reported cases of latex al­ dom. "This condom is made of mately six percent of the popu­ member of The Latex Allergy and anticoxidants are used. to lergy this whole allergy has polyurethane which as a_simi­ lation. Support Group and Senior Ad- turn the condom in to it's final gone from zero to affecting six lar viral and barrier protection \ Latex is sap from a rubber visor on New Media Commu- shape." percent of the population and of the latex condom." said t~ee called Hevea brasilienis. · ni_cations to the group de- He s_ays that the chemicals twelve percent of hospital Lyttle. Latex is used in everything scribes the problem with latex · used to treat latex is what trig­ workers in twenty years." said "The A van ti ·· condom has from household rubber gloves, is ·actually ,not with latex but .. gers oµr reaction to these harm­ Han au been approved for sale in balloons, disposable ..medical with the chemicals used 1n ful ch.eniicals which triggers "Most people don't develop • Please see "Latex" page 2 ' NEWS REVIEWS ENTERTAINMENT QUOTE OF THE INSIDE WEEK \ ·, . What is your idea of 'The The Ontario government has Ian Foster · talks ·about Perfect Storm" ? Find out what "We want to stand in solidar­ News ....... " ..... ·. .... 1-3 approved the creation of pri­ Molson's Canada· Day Steven Kieswetter has to say" . ity with all. the other people in . .Op' lDlOns . •.•• . • ••• • • • • • • • •••4 vate, degree-granting institu­ simulbash featuring Third Eye about George Clooney's new the world and stand up for Entertainment ............ 5 - 7 tions. · Blind at Merlin's. film . peace,democracy and justice." Classifieds ..... , ..•...... ~ . 8 page3 page5 page6 Anne McGrl!.th page 3 ' 2 NEWS The' Muke Jul}" 7,' 2000 Latex Allergies •Continued from page I lubricant they use with the condom wearing one latex and one natu­ Canada but the company that because it will not t:reak. ral membrane condom each has the rights to it have de­ Health Canada has recom­ time you engage in sex. cided not to market it in mended that people -.yho are " This is a rather pathetic Canada, I have no idea why." irritated by latex condoms for attempt on behalf of Health said Lyttle. " For now people any reason, try using natural Canada to address the prob­ in Canada will have to get these membrane condoms. These are lem." said Lyttle by shopping so~th of the bor­ made of sheep membranes and Who is likely to be at risk for der order them." although they are not safe for allergies. to latex ? Mostly peo­ Lyttle cites another good protection against infection, ple who are most exposed to the · thing about the A van ti con­ they are good to guard against substance. Health professionals . dom however is that it is not pregnancy. are most likely to ~evelop an susceptible to petroleum based Recommendations to pre­ allergy to latex than the average products. People who use it vent against infection for a person. In fact, the risk has been will not have to be carefulofwhat latex sensitive person means cited at less than one percent., NOW OPEN· 3rd floor university centre the sulDDler experienced textbooks, books, eds r ... and much morel a MUNSU student service DlUSe It's the old TSC Information Centre I Post Office, and it's the old S'econdhand Bookstore all under one roof at our nice and bright. brand-spanking new location . The Attic is your place for postal services, bus passes, newspapers, Atlantic Lotto, fax services, experienced books and eds, and more. Memorial University of Newfoundland Students' Union Legal Aid~ MUNSU Office University Centre Room2000 737 .. 7633 Office Hours Monday to Thursday 2:30 pm .. 4_:30 pm Black and White ·and SE.RVICES 0 1-877·3~BLOOD (25663) Read All Ove The· Muse JuJy.?,•2000 NEWS 3 Ontario approves private universities BY RENEE SINGLETON is a positive move for the prov­ cult for tile middle and lower Decoys Instead of Dollars for name only. They depend on ac­ AND REKA SZEKELY (CUP) ince. The decision will mean classes to get into the universities Post-secondary Education. The cess to public funds," said greater flexibility and a ·wider that exist.
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