<p> METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Work Session Minutes Tuesday, March 18, 2008 Methacton High School</p><p>I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM</p><p>II. OPENING CEREMONY</p><p>III. ATTENDANCE</p><p>BOARD OF LATE SCHOOL DIRECTORS PRESENT ABSENT ARRIVAL Mr. Daniel B. Sattler, President X Mrs. Marijane Barbone, Vice President X Mr. Wilson P. Bohanak X Dr. Winifred S. Hayes X Mr. John P. Lynch X Mrs. Joyce E. Petrauskas X Mr. Grant T. Schanbacher X Mr. Michael J. Simeone X Mr. James T. Van Horn X</p><p>NON-VOTING MEMBERS Dr. Barbara E. Stevenson, Acting Superintendent X</p><p>OTHERS Mr. Paul R. Koehler, Board Treasurer Dr. Jane E. Martin, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Denis J. McCall, Director of Business Services Ms. Elizabeth Caskey – Student Representative Ms. Connie Y. Jiang – Student Representative Ms. Njeri Kimani – Student Representative Ms. Megan Patrylak – Student Representative</p><p>IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>Mr. Sattler: The Board met in executive session prior to this meeting to discuss a lawsuit currently in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas.</p><p>An executive session was also held on March 4, 2008 and March 17, 2008 to discuss the superintendent search. We are in the final stages of the superintendent search process.</p><p>V. PUBLIC COMMENT ON BOARD ACTION ITEMS</p><p>Mr. Sattler requested that all comments be limited to the two action items on the agenda. March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>John Andrews, Lower Providence 5-6 Building Project and enrollment concerns</p><p>Mark Landis, Worcester Response to Questions Heating System and the investment return</p><p>Jim Phillips, Worcester 5-6 Building Project</p><p>Jim Mollick, Worcester Response to Questions 5-6 Building Project and enrollment concerns</p><p>Ann Allebach, Eagleville Traffic Light at Arcola Loss of Property</p><p>Candy Allebach, Eagleville Traffic Light Loss of Property</p><p>VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It should be noted that public notice was given for this meeting in accordance with Act 84 of 1986.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the agenda as indicated.</p><p>Motion: Mrs. Barbone Second: Mr. Lynch Vote: 9-0 Result: Approved</p><p>VII. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION</p><p>A. FISCAL</p><p>1. PLANCON PART F FOR PROJECT #3361: NEW 5-6 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND ALTERATIONS TO 7-8 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL</p><p>Authorize the Administration and the Architect, EI Associates, to prepare and submit PlanCon F – Construction Documents, for Project #3361 known as New 5-6 Elementary School and Alterations/Additions to Arcola 7-8 Intermediate School, to the Department of Education for review and approval and release the project for bidding.</p><p>Mr. Vukmanic, E. I. Associates, explained the PlanCon F booklet distributed to the Board.</p><p>Page 2 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>Mr. Lynch: Commented on six concerns regarding the 5-6 building project. 1. Current and projected enrollments do not support the need for the 5-6 building. 2. Increased costs of almost 50%. 3. Site concerns with an already overcrowded area. 4. Management resources not available due to Woodland Project. 5. Wait until the new superintendent is onboard for ownership. 6. Can eliminate the modulars over time, not a real emergency. There is no justification for the project and would like to make a motion for the project to be postponed until growth in the district is clearly visible.</p><p>Mr. Sattler: Confirmed the motion by Mr. Lynch to postpone the project. Second: Mr. Bohanak Roll call vote to postpone the 5-6 building project: Mrs. Barbone No Mr. Bohanak Yes Dr. Hayes Yes Mr. Lynch Yes Ms. Petrauskas No Mr. Schanbacher Yes Mr. Simeone No Mr. Van Horn No Mr. Sattler No Result: Motion to postpone the 5-6 building project fails 5-4</p><p>Mr. Bohanak: Concerned about the location of the 5-6 building project and opposes the 5-6 building concept. Commented on the bond issues and reinvesting resources for K-5 programs. Concerned about costs and fiscal accountability and enrollment projections not justifying the project.</p><p>Mrs. Barbone: Commented on the fact that two administrations have determined that we are out of space. We owe students quality education not in hallways and modulars. Arcola will not be larger, there will be two smaller buildings which will work independently. The increased costs are unfortunate but are due to the delays in the project. We will not be the only school with a 5-6 concept. Enrollment projections and modulars justify the project, we are overcrowded now.</p><p>Dr. Hayes: Not problematic from a curriculum standpoint. Enrollment projections are showing our growth rate is not as rapid. Would like to take more time to study the enrollment growth. It would be prudent to wait for the new superintendent. Requested an alternate motion to wait until a permanent superintendent is in place and table the bid process.</p><p>Page 3 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>Mr. Van Horn: Waiting for a new superintendent is absurd. All superintendent candidates have experience in managing building projects. None have objected to the 5-6 concept. Enrollment is only a piece of the project. Home resales in Lower Providence are up and other factors come into play, such as, enrollment, modulars, special education needs, and home resales.</p><p>Mr. Simeone: Each day we delay the project, our middle school students are at risk due to the size of Arcola, which is the largest middle school in the county.</p><p>Ms. Petrauskas: The Act 34 Hearing resulted in overwhelming support to go ahead with the project.</p><p>Mr. Schanbacher: We should wait for the new superintendent so he can take ownership of the project from start to finish. Is in agreement with the reasons for the 5-6 concept.</p><p>Dr. Hayes: Agrees with the 5-6 concept and location of the project. Arcola is too large. The current building plan needs to be looked at by the new superintendent. Waiting a few months isn’t catastrophic.</p><p>Mr. Sattler: We need to get out of the modulars. Costs will increase if we wait. No one will lose their property. Growth is taking place. Educational transition is better with the 5-6 concept. We should act on this.</p><p>Mr. Lynch: Seconds Dr. Hayes’ amendment to postpone the project.</p><p>Dr. Hayes: Proposes an amendment to wait on PlanCon F until the new superintendent is in place.</p><p>Dr. Sattler: Asked for a roll call vote for an amended motion to Table PlanCon F until the a new superintendent is in place.</p><p>Mrs. Barbone No Mr. Bohanak Yes Dr. Hayes Yes Mr. Lynch Yes Ms. Petrauskas No Mr. Schanbacher Yes Mr. Simeone No Mr. Van Horn No Mr. Sattler No</p><p>Amended motion to Table PlanCon F fails 5-4.</p><p>Page 4 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the authorization and submission of PlanCon Part F as presented.</p><p>Motion: Ms. Petrauskas Second: Dr. Hayes Vote: 6-3 with Mr. Bohanak, Dr. Hayes and Mr. Lynch opposing Result: Approved</p><p>2. ADDITIONAL SCHEDULING SERVICES FOR NEW 5-6 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND ALTERATIONS TO 7-8 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL</p><p>Approve the proposal from Hill International, Inc. to develop and maintain the detailed scheduling services for the new 5-6 elementary school and alterations to the 7-8 intermediate school project for a fee of $49,220.00.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the proposal as presented.</p><p>Motion: Mrs. Barbone Second: Ms. Petrauskas Vote: 8-1 with Mr. Bohanak opposed Result: Approved</p><p>VIII. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS AND SCHEDULED SPEAKERS</p><p>A. Recognition of Guests</p><p>Methacton High School Girls Basketball Team – March 25, 2008</p><p>Mr. Kremm: Gave a presentation on Classrooms of the Future</p><p>Dr. Stevenson: Requested direction from the Board regarding the District’s participation in Classrooms of the Future. Administration recommends not participating.</p><p>Mr. Simeone: Classrooms of the Future is not suitable for our situation.</p><p>IX. REPORTS</p><p>A. CURRICULUM AND FEDERAL PROGRAMS - Dr. Jane E. Martin</p><p>Dr. Martin gave a report.</p><p>Page 5 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>B. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES </p><p>1. The following Arcola Intermediate School students took third place in the 25th annual Montgomery County MATHCOUNTS competition on February 23, 2008:</p><p>William Byrne Shashi Masireddy, Captain Reed Hostrander Evan McIntyre Daniel Hua Neel Mehta Sarah Kim Eric Todd Yumeng Liao Kelley Zhang</p><p>William Byrne finished in 4th place in the individual portion of the competition and will move on to the state level in Harrisburg.</p><p>2. The following Methacton High School students finished in 1st place at the Montgomery County’s Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition and will move on to the state level:</p><p>Katie Anderson Ritu Saxena Kristy Ghose Cassidy Shadle John Grillo Grace Soloff Andrew Hitchner Benjamin Song Jennifer Huang Janet Song Vinayak Kumar</p><p>Vinayak Kumar and Cassidy Shadle also earned perfect score awards.</p><p>Second Place winners were Mouleena Khan and Michelle LaSorda.</p><p>3. The following Arcola Intermediate School students finished in 1st place at the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition:</p><p>Naya Basu Joe Leone Kevin Chen Akash Majumdar Byron Fang Arjun Pothukuchi Alisha Kahn Danielle Senk Hale Soloff Pantelis Solomides Rikki Li</p><p>C. SUPERINTENDENT – Dr. Barbara E. Stevenson</p><p>Dr. Stevenson will give a report next week on graduation competency assessments.</p><p>X. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION</p><p>THE MINUTES SHALL NOTE THAT PUBLIC NOTICE WAS GIVEN FOR THIS MEETING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT 84 OF 1986. NOTICES AND ADVISEMENTS OF THESE MEETINGS WILL CARRY THE INTENT THAT LIMITED BUSINESS MAY BE </p><p>Page 6 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>CONDUCTED ON ANY SCHEDULED MEETING DATE.</p><p>A. CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES </p><p>Copies of the minutes of the work session held February 19, 2008 and the minutes of the regular meeting held February 26, 2008 were forwarded in advance to all members of the Board of School Directors.</p><p>2. FISCAL ITEMS</p><p> a. BILLS (Placeholder)</p><p>The bills that will be presented for Board approval are chargeable against the funds and accounts indicated. The list of bills recommended for approval will be provided prior to the regular meeting.</p><p>3. SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERSONNEL ISSUES:</p><p> a. RESIGNATIONS – CLASSIFIED</p><p>1) Sandra Fulmer, secretary to Coordinator of Technology. Effective March 7, 2008.</p><p> b. EMPLOYMENT – SUPPLEMENTAL</p><p>1) Approve the revised supplemental contract for Craig Corrao, Arcola News Journal, in the amount of $892.00.</p><p>2) Approve a supplemental contract for Lynda Bradley, Math Club Sponsor at Woodland Elementary School in the amount of $313.00.</p><p>3) Approve extended season pay of $15,981.30 for the following: </p><p>Craig Kaminski Girls Basketball $3,065.65 Kevin Kaminski Girls Basketball 2,456.52 Melissa Martinez Girls Basketball 584.78 Adam Slavin Boys Basketball 503.30 David Ford Boys Basketball 594.09 Greg Furman Boys Basketball 116.96 Bill Moser Wrestling 1,618.93 Tony Haley Wrestling 1,226.34 A. J. Maida Wrestling 1,076.10 Linda Kostelny Diving 273.80 Chris Nesensohn Swimming 1,024.88 Ben Yoder Swimming 1,024.88 Dean Wright Boys Winter Track 491.27 Lee Kapp Boys Winter Track 380.93</p><p>Page 7 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>Rob Ronzano Girls Winter Track 610.68 Charles Graham Girls Winter Track 337.02 Steve Mahan Girls/Boys Winter Track 595.17 c. ADDITIONS TO CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTE LIST</p><p>1) Noreen DiPrinzio 2) Jill Rotelle</p><p>END OF CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>B. FISCAL</p><p>1. TREASURER’S REPORT (Placeholder) It will be recommended that the Board approve the treasurer’s report for the month of February. The treasurer’s report will be provided prior to the regular meeting.</p><p>2. PLANCON PART H: PROJECT FINANCING – BOND SERIES 2008</p><p>Approve PlanCon Part H and the submission of documents for the General Obligation Bonds, Series A of 2008 to the Department of Education as prepared by Public Financial Management.</p><p>Mr. McCall: A correction should be made to the Obligation Bonds to include Series of 2008 as well as Series A of 2008.</p><p>C. PERSONNEL</p><p>1. EMPLOYMENT – CLASSIFIED</p><p> a. Joanne DeLeo, part-time general kitchen helper at Arcola Intermediate School. Hourly rate of $14.79. Effective March 10, 2008. This is a replacement position.</p><p>2. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE – PROFESSIONAL</p><p> a. Danielle Smith, guidance counselor at Arcola Intermediate School. Effective through the end of the 07-08 school year.</p><p> b. Jennifer Shin, science instructor at Arcola Intermediate School. Effective April 11, 2008 through the end of the 07-08 school year.</p><p>3. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE – CLASSIFIED</p><p> a. Robert Lundgren, part-time bus driver. Effective March 11, 2008 for approximately four (4) weeks.</p><p>D. POLICY AND PROGRAM ISSUES</p><p>1. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES</p><p>Page 8 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>Approve the commencement date of June 10, 2008 for Methacton High School Class of 2008. </p><p>2. FIELD TRIPS</p><p>Methacton High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) to State Leadership Conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania on March 31, 2008 to April 2, 2008. </p><p>3. TEXTBOOK ADOPTION</p><p>Approve the following textbooks for 2008-09: </p><p> a. Course: Oceanography - Grades 11 -12 Title: Life on an Ocean Planet Publisher: Current Copyright: 2006 Cost: $65.50 each x 180 copies = $11,790.00</p><p> b. Course: AP Calculus BC – Grade 11 -12 Title: Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (AP Edition) Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall Copyright: 2007 Cost: $75.47 each x 25 copies = $1,886.75</p><p> c. Course: U.S. History/Academic – Grade 11 Title: United States History Modern America Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall Copyright: 2008 Cost: $74.97 each x 350 copies = $26,239.50</p><p> d. Course: Honors Precalculus – Grade 10 -11 Title: Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach, 5th Edition Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Copyright: 2008 Cost: $113.07 each x 75 copies = $8,480.25</p><p> e. Course: Introduction to Java, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science AB – Grade 9-12 Title: Fundamentals of Java: AP Computer Science Essentials for the A and AB Exams Publisher: Lambert and Osborne Copyright: 2007 Cost: $75.00 each x 50 copies = $3,750.00</p><p> f. Course: Honors Biology – Grade 9-10 Title: Biology: Exploring Life Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall Copyright: 2006 Cost: $75.97 each x 200 = $15,194.00</p><p>Page 9 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p> g. Course: English – Grade 8 Title: Prentice Hall Literature Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall Copyright: 2007 Cost: $71.47 each x 450 copies = $32,161.50 h. Course: Reading – Grade 7 Title: Among the Hidden Publisher: Aladdin Books Copyright: 2000 Cost: $5.99 each x 120 copies = $718.80 i. Course: Reading – Grade 7 Title: Among the Impostors Publisher: Aladdin Books Copyright: 2002 Cost: $5.99 each x 120 copies = $718.80 j. Course: Reading – Grade 7 Title: Heir Apparent Publisher: Magic Carpet Books Copyright: 2004 Cost: $6.95 each x 120 copies = $834.00 k. Course: Reading – Grade 7 Title: Uglies Publisher: Simon Pulse Copyright: 2005 Cost: $8.99 each x 120 copies = $1,078.80 l. Course: Reading – Grade 7 Title: Maze Publisher: Harper Trophy Copyright: 1999 Cost: $5.99 each x 150 copies = $898.50 m. Course: Reading – Grade 7 Title: The City of Ember Publisher: Yearling Copyright: 2004 Cost: $5.99 each x 150 copies = $898.50 n. Course: English – Grade 6 Title: Elements of Language Publisher: Holt, Rinehart, Winston Copyright: 2009 Cost: $60.95 each x 450 copies = $27,427.50</p><p>Page 10 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p> o. Course: Reading/ILA – Grade K-6 Title: Storytown Publisher: Harcourt School Copyright: 2008 Cost: $405,981 Total </p><p> p. Course: Reading – T-1 and Special Programs Title: Imagine It! Publisher: SRA McGraw Hill Copyright: 2008 Cost: $40,901 Total </p><p>E. OTHER</p><p>MCIU BOARD OF DIRECTORS</p><p>1. Approve the nomination of Daniel B. Sattler to the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors for a one-year term.</p><p>XI. INFORMATION ITEMS</p><p>A. DATES FOR BOARD MEMBERS’ CALENDARS</p><p>March 18, 2008 Work Session Meeting 7:30 p.m. High School March 25, 2008 Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m. High School April 15, 2008 Work Session Meeting 7:30 p.m. High School April 22, 2008 Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m. High School</p><p>B. ADVISEMENTS</p><p>1. NEW TEXTBOOK FOR REVIEW</p><p>The following textbook for the 2008-09 school year is scheduled for adoption on April 22, 2008 and is currently available for review in the Assistant Superintendent’s office:</p><p>Course: Math – Grade 4 Title: Everyday Mathematics – Student Materials/Classroom Resource Package/Manipulative Kit Publisher: Wright Group/McGraw-Hill Copyright: 2008 Cost: $45,370 (budgeted)</p><p>2. STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS</p><p> a. Methacton High School art instructor, Mrs. Nancy Marcinko, received the Kutztown University Alumni Association’s Rothermel Alumni Award.</p><p>Page 11 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>This award recognizes the notable and distinguished achievements of alumni in their professional lives. Mrs. Marcinko will receive her award at a recognition ceremony on Alumni Day in May at Kutztown University. XII. OLD BUSINESS</p><p>No old business.</p><p>XIII. NEW BUSINESS</p><p>Mr. Bohanak: Questioned whether or not the board approved the individual for the position of special counsel for tax assessments.</p><p>Mr. Sattler: Explained that Courtesy of the Floor is for comments and questions should be put in writing. Commented on news stories involving Mr. Van Horn.</p><p>Mr. Sweet: Advised that issues involving Mr. Van Horn are not board issues and are not matters of the Board to take any action. </p><p>XIV. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR</p><p>Mark Landis, Worcester Waiver Request Obligation of the Board to respond to Mr. Van Horn’s actions</p><p>Unknown Thanked Mr. Lynch for his earlier comments Mr. Van Horn should be censured</p><p>Mrs. Barbone: Commented on the behavior and disrespect of some members of the community.</p><p>Ms. Petrauskas: Commented on disrespect among the community is unacceptable.</p><p>Mary Wust, Lower Providence Complimented the Board for their open dialogue this evening Comments from the community </p><p>Mr. Evans, Worcester Community can speak on election day Football lights</p><p>Mr. Sattler: Board needs further discussion on the football lights.</p><p>Dr. Hayes: Healthy discussion among the Board even though we disagreed. Dialogue from the community has to stop. There is an obsession to beat up and a lack of respect.</p><p>Candy Allebach, Lower Providence Requested no loss of property to be in writing Traffic on Eagleville Road Page 12 of 13 March 18, 2008 Work Session Minutes</p><p>Jim Mollick, Worcester Board members sound like socialists, community has the right to disagree and express opinions Architect and PlanCon F Questioned if Mr. Van Horn has a conflict of interest with the project Lawsuit and the sunshine law</p><p>XV. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>With a motion by Dr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Lynch, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.</p><p>Respectfully submitted,</p><p>Donna E. Koons Board Secretary</p><p>Page 13 of 13</p>
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