<p> BYLAWS Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing</p><p>Adopted by Committee: May 17, 1999 Approved by COTCO: August 25, 1999 Change to Section Approved by COTCO - November 2001 Editorial change to proxy section – April 2000 Editorial change to Membership section - May 2001</p><p>1. REGULATIONS</p><p>1.1 These Bylaws are subject to the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, and are in accordance with the ASTM Bylaws. Committee E-28 will hereinafter be referred to as the Committee.</p><p>1.2 This edition of the Committee Bylaws was adopted and approved under the Regulations dated November 1998.</p><p>2. SCOPE</p><p>2.1 Mechanical testing is the determination of the properties or the mechanical states of a material that are associated with elastic and inelastic reactions to force or that involve relationships between stress and strain. The scope of the Committee shall be the promotion of knowledge and advancement in methods of mechanical testing by:</p><p>2.1.1 Formulating, maintaining, and promoting superior quality standard test methods, practices, and guides which involve the measurement of mechanical properties or quantities from which such properties may be derived.</p><p>2.1.2 Sponsoring technical meetings and symposia independently or in cooperation with other organizations.</p><p>2.1.3 Encouraging research and development of mechanical test methods.</p><p>2.1.4 Standardizing the terminology used in or relating to mechanical test methods and apparatus.</p><p>2.1.5 Cooperating with other standardizing bodies in the interest of national and international standardization.</p><p>2.1.6 Aiding and advising those interested in the preparation of standard test methods, practices, and guides and the development of apparatus for mechanical tests.</p><p>2.1.7 Conducting round-robin testing where appropriate to validate procedures and methods.</p><p>2.2 The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM Committees and other organizations having mutual interests.</p><p>1 3. MEMBERSHIP</p><p>3.1 The Regulations describe the procedures for becoming a Committee member.</p><p>3.2 Maintaining Main Committee Membership—Main committee membership shall be terminated for failure to return main committee letter ballots. An ongoing review of the voting membership shall be conducted and a warning letter of pending termination sent to those voting members who have failed to return the last two consecutive main committee letter ballots. In the absence of circumstances acceptable to the Executive Subcommittee, failure to return the next main committee letter ballot shall result in termination of committee membership.</p><p>3.3 Maintaining Subcommittee Membership -- Subcommittee membership shall be terminated for failure to return subcommittee ballots. An ongoing review of the voting membership shall be conducted and a warning letter of pending termination sent to those voting members who have failed to return the last two subcommittee ballots. Failure to return the next subcommittee ballot shall result in termination of subcommittee membership in the absence of circumstances acceptable to the subcommittee chairman. The terminated subcommittee member may appeal to the committee's executive subcommittee for consideration of reinstatement.</p><p>3.4 Resignation and Termination</p><p>3.4.1 Resignations shall be reported to ASTM Headquarters by the member or the Membership Secretary.</p><p>3.4.2 Termination—The terminated member may appeal first to the Executive Subcommittee and then, if necessary, to the Committee of Technical Committee Operations (COTCO) for consideration of reinstatement.</p><p>3.5 Honorary Members—Individuals recognized for long and outstanding service can be elected as Honorary Members of the Committee. Honorary members are lifetime members of the Committee and are exempt from rules pertaining to inactivity. ASTM membership must be maintained. Honorary members shall be nominated by the Honors and Awards Subcommittee or the Chairman of the Committee and elected by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Subcommittee. Honorary members will be presented with a suitable certificate; will be named each meeting in a roll call of honorary members; and shall be accorded affiliate membership in E-28 if they so desire.</p><p>4. CLASSIFICATION AND VOTING INTEREST.</p><p>4.1 Classification—The General Classification System shall be used with each member being classified according to the scope of the Committee as follows:</p><p>4.1.1 Producer: A member who represents an organization that produces and/or sells examination instruments, testing instruments, reference materials, calibration devices, and/or calibration services.</p><p>4.1.2 User: A member who represents an organization that procures or uses examination instruments, testing instruments, reference materials, calibration devices, and/or calibration services.</p><p>2 4.1.3 General Interest: A member who represents an organization that can be classified as neither a producer, nor a user.</p><p>4.1.4 Consultants: Classification of consultants shall be as defined in the Regulations.</p><p>4.2 Voting Interest</p><p>4.2.1 Voting Interest is defined in the Regulations.</p><p>4.2.2 Criteria for use in determining separate voting interests shall be as follows:</p><p> Each distinct organization represents one voting interest.</p><p> Divisions or subsidiaries of a multi-division corporation may represent separate voting interests provided they have separate chief executive officers, produce unique and quite different product lines, and have separate research and development departments. In lieu of these distinctions being applicable, other criteria may be used to show that a division or subsidiary is a distinct organization entitled to be designated as a separate voting interest.</p><p> Identification of official voting members and non-official voting members may be done independently for the Committee and for each of the subcommittees, such that a given member may have official voting status for his voting interest in certain subcommittees (or in the Committee) but not have that status in others.</p><p> The member of the Committee or subcommittee having official voting status for a particular voting interest may be changed, by the voting interest informing the Membership Secretary and the ASTM Staff Manager of the Committee in writing.</p><p>5. ELECTION AND DUTIES OF COMMITTEE OFFICERS AND THE EXECUTIVE SUBCOMMITTEE</p><p>5.1 Officers—The officers of the Committee shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Membership Secretary and Secretary, who will hold those same offices in the Executive Subcommittee. No two officers of the Committee shall represent the same voting interest. The number of officers classified as producers should not exceed those classified as users and general interest. The term of office and number of consecutive terms shall be determined by the Regulations.</p><p>5.1.1 Chairman—The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and the Executive Subcommittee. The Chairman is an ex officio member of all subcommittees of the Committee.</p><p>5.1.2 Vice-Chairman—The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman in the discharge of the chairman's duties, preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairman and shall perform other duties as delegated by the Chairman. He shall, as part of his normal duties, serve as Chairman of the Long-Range Planning Subcommittee and serve as Chairman of the Executive Subcommittee Task Group on Committee Bylaws.</p><p>5.1.3 Recording Secretary—The Recording Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Committee and Executive Subcommittee, keep the minutes, which shall be prepared and sent to the ASTM Staff Manager within 45 days of the end of the meeting, conduct 3 the correspondence for the Committee, and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the chairman. The Recording Secretary shall be the repository of copies of all Executive Subcommittee correspondence. At the end of the term of office, the Recording Secretary shall transmit to the succeeding Recording Secretary all such correspondence files. </p><p>5.1.4 Membership Secretary—The Membership Secretary shall maintain a current and complete roster of members of the Committee and Subcommittees, shall work closely with ASTM Staff, shall determine applicants voting status and place applicants on the membership rolls subject to ratification of the Executive Subcommittee, shall review the membership of the committee and present a report on membership at Executive Subcommittee meetings, and shall function as the recording secretary in the absence of the recording secretary.</p><p>5.2 Executive Subcommittee—The Executive Subcommittee shall be composed of (1) the officers of the Committee, (2) the Chairmen of the subcommittees, and (3) up to three members at large. The Executive Subcommittee shall give executive direction to the Committee.</p><p>5.3 Members-at-Large—The Chairman of the Committee, with Executive Subcommittee approval, may appoint up to three Members-at-Large. Members-at- Large shall be distributed as evenly as possible to represent the diversity of interests and products included in the activities of the Committee so that the goal of a balanced Executive Subcommittee is promoted. The Members-at-Large shall perform duties as assigned to them by the Chairman. </p><p>5.4 Nominating Committee—In preparation for a letter ballot to be concluded by December 1 of the odd-numbered years, the Chairman of the Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee, to be approved by the Executive Subcommittee, consisting of at least three members of the Committee. Balance of interest shall be represented by the members of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees. This slate, plus nominations made from the floor at a Committee meeting, shall be sent to letter ballot to the Committee. Space shall be provided on the letter ballot for "write-in" votes. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for election, unless otherwise restricted by the Regulations.</p><p>5.5 Vacancies—Vacancies in elective office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Subcommittee, except for Chairman where the Vice-Chairman shall succeed. The appointee shall serve until the next regular biennial election of officers. Filling an unexpired term shall not affect the eligibility requirements for election of officers in the Regulations.</p><p>4 6. SUBCOMMITTEES</p><p>6.1 The Executive Subcommittee shall establish the subcommittees and approve the scope and activities of each.</p><p>6.2 Classification—Subcommittee members shall be classified according to the scope of the subcommittee, following the provisions of article 4 of these bylaws.</p><p>6.3 Subcommittee Leadership:</p><p>6.3.1 The Chairman of the Committee, with Executive Subcommittee approval, shall appoint the chairmen of the subcommittees.</p><p>6.3.2 The chairman of a subcommittee may appoint additional leadership, including vice-chairman, secretary, or task group chairmen, as needed to achieve efficient operation.</p><p>6.3.3 Task Groups—Task groups with specific assignments may be appointed or discharged by the chairman of a subcommittee.</p><p>6.4 Discharge— Upon completion of its work or for other good reasons, a subcommittee may be discharged or put on inactive status by the Executive Subcommittee. A subcommittee so discharged or deactivated may be reconstituted if later developments make such a course desirable. The leadership of any discharged subcommittee shall transmit all records of permanent interest to the ASTM Staff Manager.</p><p>6.5 Service Functions/Subcommittees:</p><p>6.5.1 The Long Range Planning Subcommittee shall be led by the Committee Vice- Chairman. This subcommittee shall address long range planning for the technical committee. This Subcommittee shall periodically evaluate Committee operations relative to Committee scope, industry needs, and other related activities. It shall develop and recommend to the Executive Subcommittee a long range plan that considers Committee performance and future direction.</p><p>6.5.2 The Editorial and Terminology Subcommittee serves as a resource for other subcommittees that need assistance with issues regarding the form and style of standards. The Subcommittee also maintains responsibility for the form, style, and organization of the Committee's terminology standard and serves as a resource for other subcommittees that need assistance with the development of definitions.</p><p> Definitions of terms are developed by the technical subcommittees for inclusion in the standards under their jurisdiction. The Editorial and Terminology Subcommittee may develop definitions of terms that are common to mechanical testing in general for inclusion in the Committee’s terminology standard.</p><p> Once annually, at a time corresponding to the publication of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards containing the Committee's terminology standard, the ASTM Editor shall, with the assistance of the Chairman of the Editorial and Terminology Subcommittee, editorially include in the Committee's terminology standard, the terms approved in the Committee's technical standards which are not specific to a particular 5 standard. These terms shall be listed in the Committee's terminology standard with an attribution to the originating subcommittee.</p><p> When a term is editorially included in the Committee's terminology standard and another definition for the term already appears with the same originating subcommittee attribution, the existing definition shall be replaced with the new definition.</p><p> When a term is editorially included in the Committee's terminology standard and another definition for the term already appears with a different originating subcommittee attribution, both definitions shall appear in the Committee's terminology standard.</p><p> Maintenance of terms in the Committee's terminology standard attributed to a subcommittee remain the responsibility of the originating subcommittee. Terms without subcommittee attribution, or with multiple attributions, shall be the responsibility of the Editorial and Terminology Subcommittee</p><p>6.5.3 The Honors and Awards Subcommittee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, submission of nominations for the ASTM Award of Merit, Committee Honorary Members, Committee Certificates of Appreciation and various other Committee and Society awards.</p><p>6.5.4 The Symposia and Workshops Subcommittee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, encouraging subcommittees and the Committee to sponsor symposia and workshops and assist in the planning and execution of symposia and workshops.</p><p>7. MEETINGS</p><p>7.1 Committee Meetings:</p><p>7.1.1 Number of Meetings—Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held preferably twice a year or as often as necessary to carry out the business of the Committee. Special meetings of the Committee may be held at the call of the Chairman, with Executive Subcommittee approval, or at the written request of at least 15 voting interests of the Committee.</p><p>7.1.2 Time and Place—Establishment of the time and place of all meetings of the Committee shall be the responsibility of the Executive Subcommittee. Meeting places for regular meetings should be established at least two years in advance.</p><p>7.1.3 Meeting Contracts—All ASTM meetings that involve a contract shall be negotiated and the contract executed by the President of ASTM or a designee thereof in accordance with ASTM Board Policy.</p><p>7.1.4 Meeting Notices—Notices of all meetings should be mailed to the members of the Committee by ASTM Headquarters at least six weeks in advance of the meeting.</p><p>7.1.5 Quorum—Committee members, or their authorized representatives, representing not less then 5% voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.</p><p>7.2 Executive Subcommittee Meetings—Meetings of the Executive Subcommittee shall be held at the call of the Chairman or upon written request of not less than 10% but not 6 fewer than three members of this subcommittee. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.</p><p>7.3 Subcommittee Meetings—Meetings of the subcommittees are normally held prior to the meeting of the Committee when there is business to be transacted. Special meetings may be held at any time on four weeks' notice from the chairman of the subcommittee or upon written request of at least five voting members of the subcommittee.</p><p>7.3.1 Meeting Notices and Agenda—The Chairman, Secretary, and Staff Manager of the Committee shall be notified 30 days in advance of all meetings of the subcommittees and shall receive meeting notices, agendas, and minutes of these meetings.</p><p>7.3.2 Quorum—Subcommittee members, or their authorized representatives, representing not less than 10% of the voting interests, but not fewer than three voting members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.</p><p>7.4 Meeting Rules—The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Committee and subcommittee meetings in all cases, except where these rules are in conflict with the Regulations, the Committee Bylaws, or ASTM Bylaws.</p><p>7.5 Proxy— See Section 9.5 of the ASTM regulations for Information on proxies. The form to be used for the assignment of proxies is located in the appendix of the ASTM Regulations and on the ASTM website (www.astm.org).</p><p>8. BALLOTS</p><p>8.1 Subcommittee -Recommendations for all actions on standards and provisional standards shall be approved in accordance with Subcommittee and Main Committee Procedures on Standards in the Regulations.</p><p>8.2 Committee -Recommendations involving new, revised, or reapproved standards, or withdrawal of standards shall be submitted to ASTM Headquarters for a letter ballot of the Committee [see Main Committee and ASTM Procedures on Standards in the Regulations].</p><p>8.3 Review -Subcommittees shall review annually standards under their jurisdiction, and ballot standards for reapproval, revision, or withdrawal in their fourth year of publication. A status report shall be submitted to the Committee annually [see Regulations for further detail].</p><p>7 8.4 Administrative Letter Ballots</p><p>8.4.1 Amendments to these Bylaws, election of Committee officers and other administrative matters shall be approved by Committee administrative letter ballot.</p><p>8.4.2 Issuance of an administrative letter ballot:</p><p> An administrative letter ballot shall be authorized by a motion passed at a meeting of the Main Committee or by the Executive Subcommittee. Administrative letter ballots shall be conducted by ASTM headquarters.</p><p> The administrative letter ballot shall indicate a return date, which shall not be fewer than 30 days after the date of mailing.</p><p> The administrative letter ballot shall contain a statement providing the reason for balloting each item.</p><p>8.4.3 Administrative Letter Ballot Voting Requirements:</p><p> An affirmative vote of a simple majority of the combined affirmative and negative votes by all members is required with not fewer than 60% of all members returning ballots. Ballot items returned unmarked shall be considered as abstaining.</p><p> All administrative letter ballots received after the return date, or as soon thereafter as a 60% return is achieved, will be considered as not having been returned.</p><p>8.4.4 Statements Accompanying Votes—All written statements accompanying administrative letter ballots received prior to the closing date, or as soon thereafter as a 60% return is achieved, shall be considered.</p><p>8.4.5 Negative Votes:</p><p> Negative votes received on administrative letter ballots shall be acted upon by the Executive Subcommittee. At its discretion, the Executive Subcommittee may appoint a task group to review negatives and recommend action to the Executive Subcommittee.</p><p> A motion to find a negative vote not related to the item being balloted or not persuasive requires an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by the Executive Subcommittee members on the action. Negative votes found “not related” shall be taken up as an item of new business by the Executive Subcommittee.</p><p> A statement of the reason(s) for the action(s) taken on negative votes and a record of the vote shall be recorded in the Executive Subcommittee minutes. Publication of the minutes constitutes notification of the negative votes.</p><p>9. REPORTS</p><p>9.1 Subcommittee Reports—The chairman of each subcommittee shall submit a report to the Committee at each regular meeting covering the progress of the work and the recommended actions. If a verbal report is presented, a written report (or minutes) shall</p><p>8 be sent to the Secretary and Staff Manager within 45 days. If a subcommittee fails to present a report at two consecutive meetings of the Committee, it shall be required to show cause to the Executive Subcommittee why it should not be discharged.</p><p>10. AMENDMENTS</p><p>10.1 Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member at a regular meeting of the Committee or by the Executive Subcommittee. A Committee administrative letter ballot shall be authorized by approval of two-thirds of the members in attendance at a Committee meeting or at an Executive Subcommittee meeting.</p><p>10.2 Amendments to these Bylaws shall be adopted by Committee administrative letter ballot in accordance with 8.4 of these Bylaws, provided that the amendments do not conflict with the ASTM Bylaws or the Regulations.</p><p>10.3 If an amendment is adopted in accordance with 8.4 of these Bylaws, all disapprovals and comments shall be evaluated by the Executive Subcommittee. If deemed acceptable, appropriate changes should be made. When substantive changes are made in response to negatives and comments, the changes shall be reballoted by the Main Committee. After the amendment has been approved by the Committee on Technical Committee Operations (COTCO), the amended Bylaws shall be distributed to all members of the Committee.</p><p>ASTM E-28 Subcommittee Scopes June 3, 2002 </p><p>Subcommittee E28.01 – Calibration of Mechanical Testing Machines & Apparatus</p><p>Chairman: Michael Tovey Tovey Engineering 22602 N. 17th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: (623) 434-5110 Fax: (623) 434-5130</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to methods for the calibration of mechanical testing machines and instruments used to determine the mechanical properties of material as required by the product specifications of the Society.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.02 – Ductility & Flexure Testing</p><p>Chairman: John H. Kelly 303 Camelot Drive Burlington, Ontario L7L 2E9 Phone: (905) 632-8072 Fax: (905) 632-2063</p><p>9 Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28, as applied specifically to ductility and flexure testing of metallic materials, and to standardize the nomenclature and definitions related to ductility and flexure.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.03 – Elastic Properties</p><p>Chairman: Andre Van Leuven J. W. Lemmens, Inc. Suite 230 3466 Bridgeland Dr St Louis MO 63044-2606 Phone: (314) 770-2200 Fax: (314-291-8595</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to the initiation, conduct, and report of work upon the elastic properties of metals and other materials and to prepare methods of determining such properties.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.04 – Uniaxial Testing</p><p>Chairman: Melinda Caporossi AK Steel Middletown Works 1801 Crawford St. Middletown, OH 45043 Phone: (513) 425-3649</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28, as applied specifically to static tests involving uniaxial force application and the elastic and inelastic reactions of metallic materials. Specific functions include, but are not limited to, standardization of terminology, test systems, test procedures and reporting of mechanical properties of metallic materials.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.06 – Indentation Hardness Testing</p><p>Chairman: S. R. (Sam) Low NIST Room B-254 Building 223 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Phone: (301) 975-5709</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to methods of test for indentation hardness of metallic materials and to maintain hardness conversion tables for indentation hardness tests of certain metallic materials.</p><p>10 Subcommittee E28.07 – Impact Testing</p><p>Chairman: Chris N. McCowan NIST, Div. 853 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 Phone: (303) 497-3699 Fax: (303) 497-5030</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to the impact testing of metallic materials. </p><p>Subcommittee E28.10 – Effect of Temperature and Stress Relaxation</p><p>Chairman: James T. Hartman, Jr. Allied Signal Engines 302-1 P.O. Box 52181 Phoenix, AZ 85072-2181 Phone: (602) 231-4058 Fax: (602) 231-1547</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to methods of test for determining the mechanical properties of metallic materials at elevated temperatures and at cryogenic temperatures.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.12 – Accreditation of Mechanical Testing Laboratories</p><p>Chairman: Gary E. Miller Allegheny Ludlum Steel Leechburg Works Kisk Avenue, P.O. Box 15656 West Leechburg, PA 15656 Phone: (724) 845-0384 Fax: (724) 845-4693</p><p>Scope: The subcommittee will facilitate the accreditation of Mechanical Testing Laboratories by: 1. Keeping informed of the generic guides and standards published by ASTM and international societies as being applicable to all laboratories. 2. Advising the subcommittees responsible for standards on mechanical test methods of changes in those standards, which would bring them into closer compliance with the published generic standards for accreditation. 3. Soliciting opinions from users of laboratory services, suppliers of laboratory services, and assessors of laboratory competence to arrive at a consensus </p><p>11 regarding the application to mechanical test methods of the generic guides and standards. 4. Publishing new practices based on Item 3 above which state the consensus regarding the quantitative level, or degree, to which a mechanical testing laboratory should implement the published qualitative requirements of the general standards.</p><p>Examples of specific items to be considered are: a) The education, training and experience of the personnel who perform and report the tests. b) The responsibility of the laboratory with regard to the accuracy of the reference standards used to calibrate the equipment. c) The responsibility of the reference standards vendor with regard to the accuracy of the reference standards used to calibrate the testing laboratory equipment. d) The types of records which should be available to the accreditor and the amount of detail that should be included.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.13 – Residual Stress Measurement</p><p>Chairman: Leonard Mordfin Consultant 100 Bureau Drive – Stop 8553 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8553 Phone: (301) 975-6168 Fax: (301) 975-4553</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to the measurement of residual stresses in materials.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.14 – Strain Gages</p><p>Chairman: Robert B. Watson Measurements Group, Inc. P.O. Box 27777 Raleigh, NC 27611 Phone: (919) 365-3800 Fax: (919) 365-5420</p><p>Scope: To implement the functions of Committee E-28 as applied specifically to strain gages and their use and to the standardization of nomenclature and definitions related to strain gages.</p><p>12 Subcommittee E28.15 – Automated Testing</p><p>Chairman: Murray Nicolson Instron Corp. 100 Royall St. Canton, MA Phone: (781) 575-5544</p><p>Scope:</p><p>Subcommittee E28.90 Executive Subcommittee</p><p>Chairman: Earl A. Ruth Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Co., Inc. Easton Road, P.O. Box 429 Willow Grove, PA 19090-0429 Phone: (215) 675-7100 Fax: (215) 441-0899</p><p>Scope: To set policy for Committee E-28 and associated subcommittees according to the Rules and Regulations of the Society. To provide a forum for, and resolution of, business introduced to the committee.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.91 – Editorial Review and Terminology</p><p>Chairman: Leonard Mordfin Consultant 100 Bureau Drive – Stop 8553 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8553 Phone: (301) 975-6168 Fax: (301) 975-4553</p><p>Scope: To serve as a resource for the Committee in matters pertaining to the form and style of standards and in the development of definitions of terms.</p><p>13 Subcommittee E28.92 – Awards</p><p>Chairman: James T. Hartman, Jr. Allied Signal Engines 302-1 P.O. Box 52181 Phoenix, AZ 85072-2181 Phone: (602) 231-4058 Fax: (602) 231-1547</p><p>Scope: To plan and oversee Committee E-28 activities pertaining to the creation and issuance of awards commemorating contributions of individuals involved in the standardization of mechanical testing.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.93 – Papers & Symposia</p><p>Chairman: Chris N. McCowan NIST, Div. 853 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 Phone: (303) 497-3699 Fax: (303) 497-5030</p><p>Scope: The papers and symposia subcommittee is concerned with timely and effective presentation and publication of papers in the field of mechanical testing of materials.</p><p>To this end it shall: 1. Invite, review, and schedule papers for sessions and conduct sessions at annual meetings and other occasions except when these functions are delegated to others, such as symposia chairmen. 2. Assist symposia chairmen and others in planning, organizing and conducting meetings. 3. Review papers submitted for publication and maintain a list of reviewers and their field of competence.</p><p>14 4. Maintain and improve the quality, presentation and discussion of papers in meetings. 5. Submit broad plans for sessions and symposia to the Executive Subcommittee.</p><p>Subcommittee E28.94 – USA TAG to ISO/TC 164</p><p>Chairman: J. A. Millane Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Co., Inc. Easton Road, P.O. Box 429 Willow Grove, PA 19090-0429 Phone: (215) 675-7100 Fax: (215) 441-0899</p><p>Scope: To administer and coordinate U.S. participation in the writing and development of international standards in Technical Committee ISO/TC 164 on Mechanical Testing of Metals through ANSI (American National Standards Institute) the official US Member Body to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).</p><p>Subcommittee E28.95 – Precision and Bias Statements</p><p>Chairman:</p><p>Scope:</p><p>Subcommittee E28.96 – Long Range Planning</p><p>Chairman: David Heberling Southwestern Ohio Steel 1701 M.A.D.E. Drive Middletown, OH 45044 Phone: (513) 785-6422 Fax: (513) 785-6425</p><p>Scope: To develop and maintain long range plans for Committee E-28.</p><p>15</p>
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