Productivity Is an Issue Researched at Several Levels

Productivity Is an Issue Researched at Several Levels

<p> Abstract Number: 007-0448 Productivity at operations, business and national levels</p><p>Attila Chikán Corvinus University of Budapest, Fővám tér 8., Budapest, H-1093, Hungary e-mail: chikan @ phone: +36-14825818</p><p>Krisztina Demeter Corvinus University of Budapest, Fővám tér 8., Budapest, H-1093, Hungary e-mail: krisztina.demeter @ phone: +36-14825824</p><p>POMS 18th Annual Conference Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. May 4 to May 7, 2007</p><p>Abstract</p><p>This paper focuses on labour productivity changes, examining its influencing factors, effects and their relationships at the level of operations, businesses and national economies. We start out from the standpoint that there are two sets of drivers at the operations level, which influence labour productivity growth: current working practices and action programs of improvement. The connection between these two sets of drivers and productivity changes are analyzed, then we examine characteristics of effects by country and by industry. Connections between productivity and business success are also investigated.</p><p>Data of the ISSM-IV Survey, for twelve countries and eight industries are used for the analysis.</p><p>Introduction</p><p>Productivity is a key performance indicator in all levels of the economy, from the shop floor through business enterprises to the national economy. In the most general terms, it measures</p><p>1 output relative to input. It is a core factor of economic growth (OECD, 2001) and an enabler of ensuring strategic advantage (Porter, 1980).</p><p>Irrespective of the importance of productivity both at macro and micro level, there are very few studies which approach them from an operational perspective (Wacker et al. 2006, Neely,</p><p>2005). Since logically macro productivity is kind of an aggregate measure of micro productivity, there is a natural need for understanding the connection of the two.</p><p>For achieving this understanding we believe that an important step can be made if we study those productivity drivers, which influence micro (firm) level productivity. According to our view the most important drivers can be found at the operational level.</p><p>If we want to explain the connections between various levels of productivity, we have to disclose very complex causes and effects. In this paper we have chosen to study the following issues:</p><p> What is the influence of operational level productivity drivers on company level</p><p> business success?</p><p> How industry-, and country-specific factors influence the effectiveness of various</p><p> productivity drivers?</p><p>Literature review</p><p>Among the types of input resources (labour, capital and intermediate, see OECD, 2001) labour productivity plays a particular role. Although the level of capital invested in businesses has increased heavily in the last decades, first in the US, and later in other industrialized countries, like Germany or Japan (van Ark and Pilat, 1993), labour productivity shows even more dynamics especially when we study operations level productivity drivers. From this point of view it is particularly important that labour productivity growth absorbs a large part</p><p>2 of capital productivity growth. A good example for that is the strong impact of ICT investments on labour productivity growth, as it is shown by Pilat et al. (2002). Gust and</p><p>Marguez (2004), examined international macro data from a different angle to discover connections between productivity growth and other measures. As they show, the more intense use of information technology and a less regulated labour market can lead to higher increase in productivity growth. The OECD productivity book also says (OECD, 2001), that although capital productivity can be measured separately, labour productivity measures incorporate some effects of capital productivity. </p><p>As for the connection of various levels of productivity which we wish to examine we have found the following in the literature: a.) There are very few papers which analyze the micro sources of labour productivity change, or even productivity change in general, in the operations management literature (Wacker,</p><p>2006; Hayes-Clark, 1986; Haasen, 1996). Although there are some elements investigated in more detail, their total contribution to labour productivity has not yet been researched. For example the effect of team size (Hoegl, 2005; Tohidi and Tarokh, 2006), the incentive system, including wages and other payments (Petersen and Snartland, 2004; Millea and Fuess Jr.,</p><p>2005, Conti, 2005; FitzRoy and Kraft, 1995), training (Conti, 2005), employee participation</p><p>(Zwick 2004). b.) The connection of labour productivity growth and business growth is unclear. As total productivity change is important in business success change we assume that labour productivity (including blue and white colour labour productivity) might be also a good predictor of business growth and leads to success on the long run. An important question is, however, what kind of industries we investigate. In Wacker et al. (2006) the small machine tool and non-fashion textile industries were used for the analysis and researchers did not find significant differences between industries. Whybark (1997) also drew the conclusion that in</p><p>3 the production area country differences seems to be larger than industrial ones. He used the same industries than Wacker (small machine tool and non-fashion textile) to draw the conclusions. </p><p>There are few papers which try to find explanation for productivity differences within firms.</p><p>Hayes and Clark (1986) compared 12 factories in 3 companies. They identified the following factors that affect total factor productivity the most: i) capital investment (connected with labour learning), ii) waste reduction (due to less rejects), iii) reduction of work-in-process</p><p>(due to faster product cycle times, or faster feedback about product failures) and iv) the reduction of confusion stemming from i-iii. c.) There are several international surveys which aim at comparing operations management practices and strategies in various countries. From among them Wacker et al. (2006) studied productivity issues. They examined 16 countries. In four of these countries (Germany,</p><p>Sweden, Bulgaria and Poland) production labour was the most productive resource. In seven countries (China, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Ireland, England, Wales, Hungary) non- production labour was the winner. Finally in five countries (Spain, USA, Japan, Russia,</p><p>Mexico) capital was the most productive resource. </p><p>According to Pagell et al. (2005) national culture is an important predictive factor of labour productivity. They examined how national culture (for example uncertainty avoidance or individuality, see Hofstede, 1980) affects some typical operations decisions, like supplier per parts, or ratio of export.</p><p>4 The research model</p><p>Our research model is the following:</p><p>Context: industry/country III </p><p>Drivers of labour productivity Labour Business change productivity performance (i) working practices I change II change (ii) improvement programs </p><p>According to this model we first (I) examine (i) actual working practices and (ii) implemented operations improvement programs, as labour productivity change drivers. Next, the connection between labour productivity change and business performance change is analyzed</p><p>(II). Finally, the context is examined to see to what extent the industry and/or the country</p><p>(cultural, social, legal environment) affects (or more precisely related to) the drivers of labour productivity change, labour productivity itself and business performance change (III).</p><p>We use international data to analyze components and effects of labour productivity change.</p><p>Although we use firm data for the analysis, our objective is to see industry and country specific effects. </p><p>Survey data</p><p>We have used IMSS (International Manufacturing Strategy Survey) data for our analyses.</p><p>IMSS-IV data bank extends to 711 observations from 23 countries from the time period between 2005 February and 2006 March. The objective of IMSS is to study international manufacturing strategies, their implementation and resulting performances in operations. For details of the survey see the IMSS website (</p><p>5 researchnet/Welcome.html), the summary book of IMSS-I (Lindberg et al., 1998) or some articles which used previous rounds of the survey (eg. Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001).</p><p>In our paper we use the data of 12 countries where the number of observations is equal to or higher than 30. Table 1 contains the structure of the data. </p><p>Table 1.: Distribution of companies by country and industry Industry ISIC code Electroni Communi- Instrumen Automotiv other Country Metal Machine Office c cation t e vehicle Total (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) Argentina 24 6 1 5 1 1 5 1 44 Belgium 16 4 0 4 4 0 1 3 32 China 7 10 2 13 2 1 3 0 38 Denmark 10 8 1 7 2 5 1 1 35 Hungary 22 9 0 4 6 1 9 3 54 Italy 8 19 0 4 7 1 2 4 45 New Zealand 12 13 0 4 0 0 0 1 30 The Netherlands 20 13 4 13 0 5 3 5 63 Sweden 26 20 0 9 4 5 12 5 81 Turkey 5 13 0 2 1 0 9 5 35 USA 13 0 3 1 1 2 4 8 32 Venezuela 20 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 29 Total 183 115 11 69 28 21 55 36 518</p><p>Our survey included two labour productivity measures: labour productivity change in the last</p><p>3 years (1 = deteriorated more than 10%; 2 = stayed about the same; 3 = improved 10%-30%;</p><p>4 = improved 30%-50%; 5 = improved more than 50%) and labour productivity compared to competitors (Relative to our main competitor(s), our performance is 1 = much worse; 3 = equal; 5 – much better). We decided to use the first one for the following reasons:</p><p> Managers are usually better in estimating the progress of their own company as</p><p> compared to themselves than in relation to the competitors.</p><p> The scale we used for measurement is more objective.</p><p> Several companies, especially the small ones do not have the resources to carefully</p><p> follow the changes at their competitors. The number of answers reflects this statement.</p><p>6 We have 511 valid answers for the labour productivity change variable, while only</p><p>394 for the comparison with the competitor.</p><p> There is a high correlation between the two variables (Pearson correlation: 0,411,</p><p> p=0,000) which suggests that the two variables can substitute each other to some</p><p> extent.</p><p>Two groups of variables were used to find the drivers of labour productivity change. One group of variables relates to everyday working practices. The following variables were used.</p><p>1. What proportion of your direct employees’ compensation is based on incentives? _ % of compensation 2. What proportion of your total work force work in teams?: In functional teams _____ % In cross-functional teams ____ % 3. How many hours of training per year are given to regular work-force? ______hours per employee 4. How many of your production workers do you consider as being multi-skilled? ______% of total number of production workers. 5. To what extent do employees give suggestions for product and process improvement (number of suggestions per employee per year, 1- no suggestion, 3-few, about five, 5-many, more than ten)? 6. How frequently do your production workers rotate between jobs or tasks? (1-never, 5-frequently) 7. To what extent is your workforce autonomous in performing tasks? (1-no autonomy, 5 - high)</p><p>The other group contains action programs implemented in the last three years in order to increase production efficiency. The following action programs are considered: (the possible answers were from 1 = not used at all to 5 = in full operation).</p><p>1. Expanding manufacturing capacity</p><p>2. Restructuring manufacturing processes and layout to obtain process focus and streamlining</p><p>3. Undertaking actions to implement pull production</p><p>4. Undertaking programs for quality improvement and control</p><p>5. Undertaking programs for the improvement of your equipment productivity</p><p>6. Undertaking programmes to improve environmental performance of processes and products</p><p>7. Increasing performance of product development and manufacturing through e.g. platform design,</p><p> standardization and modularisation</p><p>8. Increasing the organizational integration between product development and manufacturing </p><p>9. Increasing the technological integration between product development and manufacturing </p><p>7 10. Engaging in process automation programs</p><p>11. Implementing Information and Communication Technologies and/or Enterprise Resource Planning</p><p> software</p><p>12. Implementing actions to increase the level of delegation and knowledge of your workforce </p><p>13. Implementing the Lean Organisation Model by e.g. reducing the number of levels and broadening the</p><p> span of control.</p><p>14. Implementing Continuous Improvement Programs through systematic initiatives </p><p>15. Increasing the level of workforce flexibility following your business unit’s competitive strategy </p><p>We have used four measures for business performance change: change of gross output, market share, return on sale, (ROS) and return on investment (ROI). The scale in each case was the same like for labour productivity change: 1 = deteriorated more than 10%; 2 = stayed about the same; 3= improved 10%-30%; 4 = improved 30%-50%; 5 = improved more than</p><p>50%.</p><p>Drivers of labour productivity change</p><p>In order to find the drivers of labour productivity, we divided the sample to three groups on the basis of labour productivity change. Group 1 includes companies where managers reported more than 10% decrease or the same level of labour productivity in the last 3 years</p><p>(1 or 2 on the scale). Group 2 contains companies where the change of labour productivity has moderately increased (3 score). Group 3 consists of companies with high level of labour productivity change (4 of 5 scores). We compared the effects of everyday working practices</p><p>(Appendix 1) and action programs (Appendix 2) on labour productivity in case of Group 1 and 3 (called low and high productivity companies).</p><p>The more intense use of teamwork (both functional and cross-functional), higher level of training and higher self-dependence is characteristic at dynamically improving (high productivity change) companies. The rest of working practices are not significantly different, but usually better for high productivity growth group. The only exception is the use of</p><p>8 multifunctional workers, where the low productivity group has higher average but the difference is not significant. In case of action programs the use of all but one program is significantly more characteristic for the high productivity group. In other words, it means that programs which lead to changes in the working methods and practices can increase productivity. The method of work is less relevant than the changes themselves, which continuously force people to rethink their way of work.</p><p>We found that there is a significant size difference between companies with low and high productivity (average size for low productivity group is 340 employees, and for high productivity group is 639 employees, F=8,45, p=0,04). In order to control this effect, we examined a subsample: SME companies from the same productivity groups across the same variables. According to EU definition companies employing less than 250 employees can be considered as small and medium sized. In our sample 84 companies (60%) of the low productivity group and 47 companies (47%) of the high productivity group are SMEs. We compared these two groups of companies. Significance levels can be seen in the last column of Appendix 1 and 2.</p><p>The majority of differences remained significant as compared to the original sample results.</p><p>There are some differences, however. One variable, direct incentives, is significant in the</p><p>SME sample and non-significant in the original one. It means that among SMEs an important source of higher productivity is to make workers interested in the performance of the company. In larger companies that is not so important (or at least no so easy). Some variables are far from significance in the SME sample: action programs of automation and ICT, for example. ICT is a coordination tool, and larger firms require more coordination, smaller companies might not gain so much. Also, larger firms produce in larger amounts which can help in faster return of investing in automation. It might not be a relevant action program for small companies (their values is 2,29 and 2,55 for low and high productivity SMEs,</p><p>9 respectively). Functional teamwork provides more improvement opportunities in larger firms where communication among groups is more complex – it might not be so important in smaller companies with several informal links. Worker flexibility does not depend on company size, the values we got for the two groups are similar to the values of the original sample (2,87 and 3,17, respectively). </p><p>Connection between labour productivity change and business performance changes</p><p>Productivity is an important factor of business success. If the amount of inputs decreases for the same level of output that can mean a reduction in cost levels (if wages remains stable or increase slower than productivity). This automatically leads to profit increase.</p><p>Really, looking at the data (Table 3) we can see highly significant correlations between labour productivity change and business performance changes. Companies with higher labour productivity could increase their business success as measured by sales, market share, ROS or</p><p>ROI, or, alternatively, successful companies could invest in increasing labour productivity.</p><p>This result can be seen in Table 2.</p><p>Table 2: Business change statistics (1-5 scale)1 Low productivity High productivity N Mean N Mean F Sign. Labour productivity change in 3 years 140 1,94 102 4,12 3546,77 0,000 Sales change in 3 years 131 2,78 91 3,26 9,85 0,002 Market share change in 3 years 124 2,33 86 2,97 28,28 0,000 ROS change in 3 years 122 2,15 85 2,69 15,70 0,000 ROI change in 3 years 114 2,17 81 2,72 14,97 0,000 Total business change in 3 years2 111 2,34 76 2,86 22,38 0,000 1 Meaning of scale: 1= deteriorated more than 10%; 2 = stayed about the same; 3= improved 10%-30%; 4 = improved 30%-50%; 5 = improved more than 50% 2 The „Total business change in 3 years” variable was created by taking average of the sales, market share, ROS, ROI changes for each company.</p><p>10 Table 3: Correlation between labour productivity change and business changes Standard Correlation with Significance N Mean deviation labour prod. change (2-tailed) Sales change in 3 years 479 2,94 1,088 0,153(**) 0,001 Market ratio change in 3 years 417 2,46 1,004 0,233(**) 0,000 ROS change in 3 years 458 2,56 0,863 0,188(**) 0,000 ROI change in 3 years 437 2,46 1,034 0,182(**) 0,000 Total business change in 3 years 398 2,59 0,777 0,230(**) 0,000</p><p>** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).</p><p>Quite interestingly, the most significant correlation is with market share change, which suggests, that labour productivity can provide an important source of market competitiveness.</p><p>The measures of business success change have a high correlation, but they reflect different angles of company performances. We made a composite index of these four measures by calculating the average. (Cronbach alpha is 0,79 for the four variables.) The correlation of this index with labour productivity is significant. </p><p>Figure 1 shows how labour productivity change and business change moves country by country (with casewise deletion of missing values). Labour productivity change is larger in the majority of countries. Two exceptions are Argentina and Belgium. In China and Turkey labour productivity growth is much larger than in other countries but their business growth is less dynamic. These countries started from lower levels of labour productivity, they work now on reducing the gap. Their productivity level might be not so high yet to be of competitors to more developed countries. Anyhow, the co-movement of labour productivity growth and business performance growth seems to be supported both by Table 3 and Figure 1.</p><p>We have examined the industry wise relationship of the same composite index with labour productivity (Figure 2). The industry wise business performance change and labour productivity change are in less close correlation than in the country wise analysis. Comparing the data in Figure 1 and Figure 2 we can see that the fluctuation of labour productivity change by country is much bigger than by industry.</p><p>11 Figure 1: Labour productivity growth and business performance growth in various countries</p><p>Business performance change Labour productivity change</p><p>3,5</p><p>3</p><p>2,5</p><p>2</p><p>1,5</p><p>Figure 2: Labour productivity growth and business performance growth in various industries</p><p>Business performance change Labour productivity change</p><p>3,5</p><p>3</p><p>2,5</p><p>2</p><p>1,5</p><p>Country and industry wise differences</p><p>We have examined the effects of productivity drivers on labour productivity both by countries</p><p>(12 countries) and by industries (8 industries). The results can be found in Appendices 5, 6, 9,</p><p>10. The following conclusions can be drawn from these calculations.</p><p>12 Appendix 5 and 6 show that far higher number of significant correlations can be found between action programs and productivity growth, than between the latter and working practices. This can be explained by considering that while working practices are established characteristics of companies, action programs cause more dynamic effects. Therefore the former can have great influence on the level of productivity, while its change, what we examine, can be caused more by the latter. Also, there are important differences between countries; when examining the effects of action programs: some work more in a few countries, some others in several. The country-wise differences in the correlation of action programs and productivity change are also important: in some countries several programs have great impact (in China eight, in the Netherlands seven, in Italy six), while in other countries (Hungary, Sweden) none. To explain these phenomena country-specific studies should be conducted.</p><p>Industry-wise differences (Appendix 9 and 10) show similar pattern: action programs have more effect than working practices. The explanation can be the same like in case of countries.</p><p>It is striking, that there are extremely few industries where working practices matter to a significant extent. There are two industries where the correlation between action programs and labour productivity growth is frequently significant: they are the electronic industry and the machine industry.</p><p>Appendix 5 and 8 gives an opportunity to compare the strength of effects of action programs by country and by industry. In order to see more clearly if there are specific countries or industries causing the differences we made a factor analysis for action programs. Before doing that the consistency of action variables was tested. Only capacity expansion had to be deleted and the Cronbach alpha of the remaining 14 action programs is 0,869. Figure 3 contains the factor scores by countries, while Figure 4 shows the factor scores by industries. </p><p>Figure 3: Action programs factor scores by country</p><p>13 Action factor</p><p>0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 a a s k a m y d y y n l r l A n r d e n n e e u i a a i a S i</p><p>-0,1 w a n k t d u t h l r g I e g m a e U z n l e a l u C n e n N r e e w e h u T e n -0,2 e g S B Z T r e h D H t A V -0,3 e N -0,4 -0,5</p><p>Figure 4: Action programs factor scores by industries</p><p>Action factor</p><p>0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 l n t l e e c e e a l i a n o n c v t t c i i i n i e e i t f t</p><p>-0,1 o h o f a h m r o m c T o t c e u a i c m r v t n e</p><p>-0,2 o m r s l t u e e n u i h m a t m o o c</p><p>The least active countries in implementing the action programs is Hungary and New Zealand, the most active is Turkey, Denmark, USA and China. The spread of values is somewhere between -0,45 and +0,45. In industry comparison the spread is smaller (from -0,15 to 0,5) and there are only two industries, instruments and automotive which causes differences.</p><p>Results of the factor analysis (Figure 3 and 4) support the findings of Whybark (1997) that in production management country differences are generally larger than industry differences.</p><p>There are only two industries (instruments and automotive) where there is a bit larger</p><p>14 deviance from the otherwise quite smooth set of data. Country wise data are much more volatile. It is important to note, however that both country-wise and industry-wise analysis show significant differences.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Our research was based on the hypothesis that operations level characteristics have significant effect on labour productivity changes which influence business success. Also, we assumed that these effects can be different by country and by industry. We found there is rather scarce literature both on the subject of connection between productivity at various levels of the economy and on the differences which the environment of operations (industry-specific and country-specific ones) causes on productivity growth. We used the International</p><p>Manufacturing Strategy Survey questionnaire data for the analysis.</p><p>The following main conclusions result from our analysis:</p><p>- There is a significant size difference between low and high productivity</p><p> companies, the larger companies showing higher rate of productivity growth.</p><p>- There is a high degree of correlation between labour productivity</p><p> change and business performance change, measured by sales, market share, ROS, ROI or</p><p> by a composite index of the four. The industry-wise business performance change and</p><p> labour productivity change are in less close correlation then in the country-wise analysis.</p><p>- There is a far higher correlation between action programs and</p><p> productivity growth than between the latter and everyday working practices. This can be</p><p> explained by the more dynamic influence of action programs.</p><p>- It is a very general and we believe important conclusion (which</p><p> supports the results of Whybark, 1997) that country differences in production practices (in</p><p>15 our case in causes and effects of productivity changes) are larger than industry</p><p> differences. This calls attention to the limits of globalization of production and the</p><p> importance of differences in culture, habits and social circumstances.</p><p>References</p><p>Conti, G. (2005): Training, productivity and wages in Italy, Labour Economics, Vol. 12, pp. 557-576</p><p>FitzRoy, F. R. and Kraft, K. 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Teamwork (% of workers) 117 13,56 87 26,89 15,96 0,000 0,007 Hours of training/year 125 24,28 91 35,07 4,60 0,033 0,042 Multi-skilled (% of prod. Workers) 132 54,67 98 49,37 1,86 0,174 0,139 Worker suggestion (1-5)* 137 2,66 99 2,89 3,20 0,075 0,110 Rotation of prod. Workers (1-5)* 138 3,07 100 3,23 1,55 0,215 0,884 Self dependence (1-5)* 134 2,90 101 3,22 6,55 0,011 0,048 * Meaning of scale: 1= not characteristic, 5 = highly characteristic ** Significance level for SMEs within the low versus high productivity group</p><p>Appendix 2: Use of action programs in low and high productivity groups (1-5 scale)* Low High Significance productivity productivity SME** Action programs N Mean N Mean F Sign. Capacity expansion 138 2,99 99 3,57 15,08 0,000 0,003</p><p>18 Process focus 137 3,01 99 3,66 18,81 0,000 0,069 Pull production 136 2,54 98 3,33 28,68 0,000 0,020 Quality programs 136 2,82 101 3,43 20,32 0,000 0,008 Machine productivity 136 2,46 101 3,38 54,56 0,000 0,000 Environment 134 2,39 97 3,15 22,77 0,000 0,000 Product development improvement 135 2,81 99 3,17 7,59 0,006 0,022 Organiz. Integration 135 2,68 99 3,09 9,51 0,002 0,058 Technological integration 134 2,96 99 3,23 3,59 0,059 0,825 Automation 135 2,46 98 2,93 10,47 0,001 0,192 ICT and/or ERP 133 2,94 99 3,28 4,90 0,028 0,225 Delegation and training 136 2,70 101 3,00 5,77 0,017 0,059 Lean model 137 2,53 99 3,09 16,87 0,000 0,019 Continuous improvement 136 2,65 100 3,20 13,88 0,000 0,064 Worker flexibility 136 2,85 100 3,25 8,60 0,004 0,118 * Meaning of scale: 1= deteriorated more than 10%; 2 = stayed about the same; 3= improved 10%-30%; 4 = improved 30%-50%; 5 = improved more than 50% ** Significance level for SMEs within the low versus high productivity group</p><p>19 Appendix 3: Drivers of labour productivity change - country differences for working practices</p><p>Working practices Arg Bel Chi Den Hun Ita N Z Net Swe Tur USA Ven Total F* Direct incentives 10,49 5,11 23,58 12,74 59,27 8,26 0,52 5,89 5,20 10,56 7,17 14,84 14,18 25,794 (% of workers) Functional teamwork 37,20 35,20 61,78 67,12 62,08 37,10 45,50 57,80 69,61 43,50 32,03 43,22 52,15 6,524 (% of workers) Cross-func. Teamwork 20,59 15,60 23,32 13,55 26,02 13,45 15,00 20,71 15,16 20,62 26,21 31,07 20,02 1,854 (% of workers) Hours of training/year 25,20 30,38 83,44 42,69 12,76 33,79 28,48 22,52 24,20 22,44 21,91 39,13 29,86 10,631 Multi-skilled 48,68 54,03 22,62 62,29 40,43 52,58 65,41 60,56 73,17 51,44 43,91 41,72 53,28 11,663 (% of prod. workers) Worker suggestion 2,75 2,56 3,19 2,63 2,81 2,67 2,77 2,76 2,28 2,83 2,46 2,93 2,68 3,062 (1-5) Rotation of prod. 3,11 3,41 2,57 3,50 2,81 3,02 3,47 3,16 3,71 2,86 3,12 3,40 3,20 5,780 workers (1-5) Self dependence (1-5) 3,20 2,93 3,00 3,36 2,85 3,23 3,00 3,02 3,39 2,79 2,49 2,93 3,05 3,194 *bald numbers reflect significant differences between countries at p<0,01 level, bald italic at p<0,05</p><p>20 Appendix 4: Drivers of labour productivity change - country differences for action programs Action programs Arg Bel Chi Den Hun Ita NZ Net Swe Tur USA Ven F* Capacity expansion 3,30 3,07 3,69 2,81 3,40 3,34 3,33 2,89 3,35 3,63 3,00 3,00 2,327 Process focus 3,40 3,23 3,37 3,44 2,81 3,15 3,10 3,48 3,33 3,49 3,54 3,24 1,505 Pull production 2,93 2,87 3,03 2,97 2,62 2,77 2,39 3,10 2,67 3,11 3,15 2,80 1,507 Quality programs 3,35 3,06 3,22 3,00 2,96 3,07 2,73 3,19 2,80 3,54 3,49 3,18 2,301 Machine productivity 2,84 3,00 3,11 2,86 2,75 2,78 2,59 2,89 2,58 3,31 3,03 3,07 1,655 Environment 2,84 2,77 3,00 2,63 2,43 2,73 1,73 2,42 3,12 3,46 2,69 2,79 5,067 Product development impr. 2,91 3,13 2,97 3,23 2,72 2,98 2,38 2,98 2,76 3,06 2,97 3,00 1,654 Organizational integration 2,82 2,81 2,78 3,12 2,62 2,76 2,71 2,57 2,65 3,29 2,94 3,23 2,090 Technological integration 3,18 3,35 3,43 3,26 2,67 3,12 2,96 2,70 2,93 3,26 3,29 2,77 2,386 Automation 2,76 3,00 2,89 2,97 2,09 2,86 2,26 2,68 2,79 2,76 3,34 2,33 3,910 ICT and/or ERP 2,98 3,29 3,16 2,89 2,56 3,33 2,26 3,28 2,84 3,47 3,29 2,97 3,589 Delegation and training 2,81 2,68 3,08 3,25 2,53 2,73 2,86 2,81 3,18 2,94 2,83 2,55 2,559 Lean model 2,81 2,87 2,97 2,72 2,53 2,75 2,72 2,77 2,67 3,00 2,94 2,68 0,645 Continuous improvement 2,93 2,81 3,16 2,72 2,31 2,73 2,64 2,90 3,17 3,21 3,14 2,97 2,571 Worker flexibility 2,95 3,50 3,00 3,31 3,00 2,82 3,03 3,02 3,04 2,82 2,74 2,61 1,721 *bald numbers reflect significant differences between countries at p<0,01 level, bald italic at p<0,05</p><p>21 Appendix 5: Correlations between labour productivity and working practices by country Working practices Arg Bel Chi Den Hun Ita N Z Net Swe Tur USA Ven Direct incentives Pearson Correlation 0,215 -0,171 -0,263 0,075 0,257 -0,137 0,337 0,123 -0,004 -0,119 -0,382 -0,043 (% of workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,171 0,394 0,139 0,676 0,081 0,411 0,146 0,366 0,972 0,503 0,034 0,841 N 42 27 33 33 47 38 20 56 75 34 31 24 Functional teamwork Pearson Correlation 0,010 0,330 -0,048 -0,112 -0,086 0,049 0,184 0,297 0,218 0,200 0,040 0,165 (% of workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,951 0,115 0,793 0,542 0,558 0,792 0,348 0,023 0,074 0,257 0,831 0,442 N 41 24 32 32 49 31 28 58 68 34 31 24 Pearson Correlation 0,374 0,271 -0,174 0,104 0,128 0,440 0,434 0,030 0,232 0,195 0,160 0,074 Cross-func. Teamwork (% of workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,016 0,200 0,348 0,585 0,401 0,017 0,021 0,829 0,088 0,269 0,382 0,738 N 41 24 31 30 45 29 28 55 55 34 32 23 Pearson Correlation 0,165 0,461 0,066 0,009 0,000 -0,005 0,266 0,012 0,062 -0,211 0,229 -0,166 Hours of training/year Sig. (2-tailed) 0,302 0,020 0,719 0,961 1,000 0,975 0,199 0,929 0,614 0,231 0,193 0,459 N 41 25 32 34 52 38 25 61 69 34 34 22 Multi-skilled Pearson Correlation -0,171 0,003 -0,166 -0,109 0,197 0,055 -0,043 0,170 0,117 -0,024 -0,123 0,041 (% of prod. workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,266 0,987 0,347 0,540 0,165 0,737 0,827 0,188 0,318 0,891 0,487 0,834 N 44 30 34 34 51 40 28 62 75 34 34 28 Worker suggestion Pearson Correlation 0,091 0,074 -0,092 -0,220 -0,047 -0,099 0,063 0,188 0,118 -0,261 0,211 0,482 (1-5) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,559 0,692 0,597 0,211 0,748 0,531 0,750 0,143 0,305 0,129 0,230 0,008 N 44 31 35 34 50 42 28 62 77 35 34 29 Rotation of prod. Pearson Correlation 0,129 0,106 -0,022 0,001 0,178 0,106 0,147 0,137 0,230 0,266 0,101 0,000 workers (1-5) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,404 0,571 0,895 0,994 0,206 0,499 0,455 0,287 0,044 0,122 0,577 1,000 N 44 31 37 35 52 43 28 62 77 35 33 29 Pearson Correlation 0,321 0,126 0,124 0,190 0,075 0,221 -0,076 0,228 0,124 -0,047 0,268 0,215 Self dependence (1-5) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,034 0,515 0,466 0,275 0,599 0,149 0,708 0,075 0,285 0,793 0,126 0,262 N 44 29 37 35 52 44 27 62 76 33 34 29</p><p>22 Appendix 6: Correlations between labour productivity and action programs by country Action programs Arg Bel Chi Den Hun Ita N Z Net Swe Tur USA Ven Capacity expansion 0,186 0,172 0,123 0,335 0,200 0,068 0,083 0,375 -0,071 -0,076 0,379 0,192 0,232 0,372 0,483 0,050 0,159 0,674 0,675 0,003 0,537 0,666 0,025 0,358 Process focus 0,303 -0,075 0,173 0,378 0,131 0,223 0,139 0,354 0,075 0,056 0,127 0,404 0,048 0,694 0,321 0,025 0,359 0,161 0,488 0,005 0,519 0,751 0,467 0,045 Pull production -0,063 0,200 0,194 0,233 0,160 0,538 0,302 0,350 0,132 0,116 0,340 0,113 0,689 0,289 0,263 0,178 0,268 0,000 0,134 0,005 0,258 0,507 0,049 0,590 Quality programs 0,170 0,471 0,538 0,198 -0,026 0,018 0,120 0,219 0,088 0,268 -0,023 -0,114 0,276 0,009 0,001 0,262 0,854 0,912 0,542 0,090 0,447 0,119 0,895 0,572 Machine productivity 0,009 0,114 0,492 0,343 0,159 0,217 0,124 0,360 0,220 0,286 0,317 0,181 0,952 0,548 0,002 0,047 0,266 0,174 0,537 0,004 0,054 0,095 0,064 0,367 Environment 0,304 0,010 0,437 0,195 -0,127 0,308 0,423 0,402 0,014 0,197 0,321 -0,053 0,047 0,957 0,008 0,270 0,429 0,050 0,025 0,001 0,902 0,256 0,060 0,793 Product dev. Impr. 0,049 0,368 0,368 -0,193 0,106 0,358 0,131 0,157 -0,051 -0,093 0,036 0,000 0,751 0,042 0,027 0,274 0,458 0,020 0,515 0,222 0,671 0,597 0,838 1,000 Organiz. Integration 0,222 0,091 0,459 -0,103 0,032 0,397 -0,163 0,160 0,042 0,052 0,287 0,165 0,147 0,625 0,005 0,568 0,826 0,009 0,427 0,213 0,727 0,769 0,095 0,420 Technological integr. -0,004 0,184 0,066 0,067 -0,078 0,246 -0,224 0,312 0,073 0,214 0,102 -0,016 0,977 0,331 0,701 0,710 0,596 0,116 0,271 0,013 0,546 0,218 0,561 0,938 Automation -0,125 0,463 0,330 0,337 -0,183 0,503 0,042 0,230 0,202 0,113 -0,044 0,000 0,431 0,010 0,046 0,051 0,193 0,001 0,842 0,079 0,081 0,524 0,806 1,000 ICT and/or ERP 0,200 -0,045 0,274 -0,185 0,070 0,045 -0,087 0,060 0,017 0,158 0,068 0,034 0,205 0,813 0,101 0,294 0,622 0,773 0,678 0,647 0,886 0,371 0,706 0,862 Delegation and training 0,198 0,259 0,426 0,022 0,198 0,166 -0,082 0,267 -0,031 -0,058 0,124 -0,242 0,203 0,166 0,009 0,899 0,164 0,280 0,684 0,036 0,789 0,748 0,477 0,216 Lean model 0,161 0,232 0,184 0,276 0,092 0,292 0,206 0,164 0,196 0,400 0,092 -0,116 0,303 0,217 0,283 0,109 0,522 0,054 0,303 0,206 0,091 0,021 0,597 0,563 Continuous impr. 0,249 -0,079 0,350 0,340 0,044 0,290 0,147 0,123 0,184 0,124 0,285 -0,071 0,107 0,671 0,034 0,045 0,762 0,056 0,473 0,345 0,115 0,491 0,097 0,721 Worker flexibility 0,037 0,267 0,183 0,245 0,156 0,335 0,019 0,245 0,195 0,238 0,287 -0,217 0,815 0,146 0,278 0,155 0,274 0,026 0,926 0,060 0,094 0,183 0,100 0,277</p><p>23 Appendix 7: Drivers of labour productivity – industry differences by working practices machin electroni Communi instrumen automotiv other Working practices metal office Total F e c -cation t e vehicle Direct incentives (% of workers) 15,04 15,36 5,00 12,13 19,06 8,97 20,59 14,65 14,95 0,745 Functional teamwork (% of workers) 53,61 48,67 50,83 51,23 43,33 54,38 55,49 51,23 51,65 0,923 Cross-func. Teamwork (% of workers) 17,04 18,37 33,33 24,13 24,17 27,38 16,89 20,94 19,74 0,256 Hours of training/year 27,72 27,06 32,50 39,94 30,94 33,91 27,18 28,00 29,84 0,678 Multi-skilled (% of prod. Workers) 52,01 56,19 53,33 49,34 56,94 46,56 52,54 57,19 53,04 0,813 Worker suggestion (1-5) 2,68 2,78 2,00 2,85 2,94 2,75 2,46 2,52 2,70 0,210 Rotation of prod. Workers (1-5) 3,16 3,19 3,17 3,15 3,67 3,44 3,06 3,26 3,20 0,510 Self dependence (1-5) 3,06 3,19 3,00 3,11 2,56 3,50 2,69 3,03 3,05 0,031</p><p>24 Appendix 8: Drivers of labour productivity – industry differences by action programs</p><p> communicatio instrumen automotiv other Action programs metal machine office electronic Total F Sig. n t e vehicle Capacity expansion 3,03 3,49 2,50 3,02 3,24 3,53 3,63 3,56 3,26 3,444 0,001 Process focus 3,12 3,37 4,13 3,37 3,33 3,68 3,52 3,47 3,33 1,825 0,081 Pull production 2,70 2,92 3,50 3,10 3,14 3,16 3,07 2,74 2,90 1,652 0,119 Quality programs 3,02 2,84 3,25 3,18 3,19 3,16 3,54 3,15 3,08 2,235 0,031 Machine productivity 2,76 2,73 2,63 2,80 3,00 2,68 3,30 2,82 2,83 1,585 0,138 Environment 2,72 2,48 2,00 2,68 2,81 3,42 3,28 2,68 2,74 3,522 0,001 Product development impr. 2,69 2,99 2,88 3,02 3,05 3,37 3,28 2,79 2,92 2,791 0,008 Organizational integration 2,70 2,72 2,63 2,78 2,95 3,58 3,04 2,94 2,82 2,366 0,022 Technological integration 3,04 2,95 2,75 2,92 3,05 3,42 3,54 2,85 3,05 2,011 0,052 Automation 2,84 2,49 2,75 2,68 2,71 2,89 2,80 2,65 2,71 0,970 0,452 ICT and/or ERP 2,95 2,82 3,50 3,05 3,33 3,26 3,22 3,12 3,02 1,229 0,285 Delegation and training 2,81 2,79 2,75 2,90 2,62 3,53 2,96 3,00 2,87 1,874 0,072 Lean model 2,71 2,66 3,00 3,02 2,71 3,11 2,96 2,88 2,80 1,085 0,372 Continuous improvement 2,86 2,79 3,25 2,97 2,48 3,16 3,22 3,00 2,91 1,436 0,189 Worker flexibility 2,93 3,09 3,38 3,10 2,86 3,37 2,85 2,91 3,00 0,968 0,454</p><p>25 Appendix 9: Correlations between labour productivity and working practices by industry(grey cells are significant)</p><p>Correlations of labour productivity electroni Communi instrumen automotiv other metal machine office and … c -cation t e vehicle Direct incentives Pearson Correlation 0,108 -0,013 0,595 0,057 0,154 0,050 0,097 0,177 (% of workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,166 0,899 0,070 0,659 0,471 0,845 0,537 0,325 N 165 100 10 63 24 18 43 33 Functional teamwork Pearson Correlation 0,144 0,105 -0,071 0,171 -0,105 0,130 0,100 0,274 (% of workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,070 0,294 0,867 0,195 0,643 0,595 0,498 0,143 N 159 102 8 59 22 19 48 30 Cross-func. teamwork Pearson Correlation 0,087 0,179 -0,205 0,288 0,209 0,066 0,318 0,589 (% of workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,287 0,081 0,596 0,030 0,364 0,802 0,038 0,001 N 150 96 9 57 21 17 43 29 Hours of training/year Pearson Correlation 0,017 0,101 0,531 0,239 0,383 0,144 -0,104 -0,080 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,832 0,319 0,114 0,069 0,049 0,533 0,474 0,665 N 163 100 10 59 27 21 50 32 Multi-skilled Pearson Correlation -0,069 -0,146 -0,042 0,133 -0,130 -0,212 0,003 0,004 (% of prod. workers) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,364 0,140 0,902 0,297 0,517 0,355 0,984 0,980 N 176 104 11 63 27 21 53 33 Pearson Correlation 0,134 -0,041 0,276 0,083 0,248 0,390 0,123 -0,055 Worker suggestion (1-5) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,074 0,667 0,411 0,513 0,223 0,089 0,385 0,761 N 179 111 11 64 26 20 52 33 Pearson Correlation -0,006 0,022 0,000 0,151 0,050 -0,114 0,088 0,067 Rotation of prod. workers (1-5) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,938 0,821 1,000 0,229 0,805 0,621 0,526 0,710 N 178 111 11 65 27 21 54 33 Pearson Correlation 0,061 0,110 0,535 0,183 0,177 0,264 0,087 0,119 Self dependence (1-5) Sig. (2-tailed) 0,420 0,251 0,090 0,144 0,378 0,261 0,530 0,509 N 175 111 11 65 27 20 54 33</p><p>26 Appendix 10: Correlations between labour productivity and action programs by industry (grey cells are significant)</p><p>Correlations of labour electroni Communi instrumen automotiv other productivity and … metal machine office c -cation t e vehicle Capacity expansion Pearson Correlation 0,116 0,179 0,546 0,185 0,383 0,454 0,225 -0,115 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,125 0,061 0,103 0,140 0,059 0,039 0,110 0,525 Process focus Pearson Correlation 0,101 0,092 -0,415 0,417 0,091 0,523 0,284 0,216 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,183 0,345 0,233 0,001 0,664 0,015 0,042 0,228 Pull production Pearson Correlation -0,023 0,329 0,222 0,356 0,230 0,439 0,271 0,359 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,760 0,001 0,537 0,004 0,279 0,046 0,052 0,040 Quality programs Pearson Correlation 0,037 0,152 0,415 0,219 0,613 0,173 0,136 0,289 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,628 0,111 0,205 0,085 0,001 0,467 0,336 0,103 Machine productivity Pearson Correlation 0,109 0,339 0,541 0,312 0,325 0,124 0,368 0,164 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,149 0,000 0,107 0,013 0,106 0,593 0,007 0,362 Environment Pearson Correlation 0,046 0,330 0,443 0,340 0,108 0,232 0,153 0,321 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,552 0,000 0,172 0,007 0,598 0,324 0,294 0,069 Product dev. Impr. Pearson Correlation -0,024 0,063 0,128 0,231 0,159 0,364 0,128 0,243 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,753 0,517 0,708 0,066 0,468 0,105 0,360 0,181 Organiz. Integration Pearson Correlation -0,030 0,153 -0,203 0,345 0,387 0,097 0,055 0,569 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,690 0,110 0,550 0,005 0,068 0,677 0,697 0,001 Technological integr. Pearson Correlation -0,081 0,151 -0,284 0,186 0,309 0,210 0,054 0,184 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,292 0,116 0,397 0,140 0,151 0,361 0,702 0,314 Automation Pearson Correlation 0,016 0,251 0,718 0,251 0,054 0,023 0,055 0,096 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,832 0,009 0,013 0,045 0,788 0,922 0,693 0,595 ICT and/or ERP Pearson Correlation -0,083 0,102 0,000 0,319 -0,048 0,023 0,213 0,368 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,273 0,297 1,000 0,010 0,811 0,922 0,130 0,035 Delegation and training Pearson Correlation 0,040 0,058 0,394 0,264 0,108 0,300 0,123 0,190 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,595 0,549 0,231 0,037 0,599 0,186 0,386 0,289 Lean model Pearson Correlation 0,132 0,164 0,358 0,192 0,199 0,207 0,090 0,288 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,081 0,086 0,280 0,131 0,341 0,382 0,526 0,104 Continuous impr. Pearson Correlation -0,022 0,172 0,415 0,311 0,110 0,217 0,168 0,566 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,776 0,072 0,205 0,013 0,599 0,358 0,234 0,001 Worker flexibility Pearson Correlation 0,105 -0,004 0,169 0,184 0,069 0,443 0,115 0,597 Sig. (2-tailed) 0,165 0,965 0,642 0,149 0,737 0,050 0,419 0,000</p><p>27</p>

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