<p> The Following Scholarships are Available to C-1 Students: ** Amounts may vary year to year **It is the student's responsibility to pick up or download the scholarship application and complete the forms as instructed. There will be directions on the application as to what to do with the completed application. Some applications are available in the counseling office from Mrs. Bentley or Mrs. Smithson. New entries and changes to scholarships are highlighted in red.</p><p>Scholarship Description Amount A Access Missouri Undergraduate student enrolled full time, an EFC of $12,000 or less Varies ACT Poster Concept Design a poster that encourages other students to attend college and to take the ACT as their college entrance exam. $5,000 Contest http://www.actstudent.org/postercontest AFA Scholarship Fact Sheet AFA Scholarship $3,200 Essay, community service, etc. Must be filled out electronically and then printed off. AFS Intercultural Study abroad – many different areas. For more information visit www.afs.org/usa Varies Program Scholarships Alice Madden Barton Pursuing a career in cosmetology or barbering. Varies Cosmetology School All-USA High School USA TODAY honors outstanding COLLEGE students with the All-USA Academic Teams. Academic Team $2,500 For more information or to apply visit: www.allstars.usatoday.com Scholarship Program Designed to encourage underrepresented minority students to enter the field of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. American Chemical African American, Hispanic, or American Indian high school seniors or college freshman, sophomores, or juniors Society Scholars $2, 500 pursuing a college degree in the chemical sciences or chemical technology are eligible to apply. For more Program information or to apply visit: http://chemistry.org/scholars American Legion Auxiliary Health Entering a health career; financial need. Local $400 Careers Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Past Nursing career. Must be a member of a veteran's family. 3 letters of recommendation and a personal letter $500 President Parley Nurses Scholarship Scholarships available include: Lillie Lois Ford, M.D. Jack Murphy, Charles L. Bacon, Erman W. Taylor, Joseph J. Frank, Shane Dean Voyles American Legion Applications available at http://www.missourilegion.org/default_016.htm $500-$1,000 Scholarships Descendant of veteran with at least 90 days active service and an honorable discharge. Photocopy of discharge needed. AXA Achievement Demonstrated outstanding achievement in activities in school, community, or the work place. www.axa- Community $2,000 achievement.com Scholarship AXA Achievement Well-rounded, determined to succeed and have achieved excellence outside the classroom - at a job, sport or $10,000- Scholarship Program extracurricular activity. To download an application www.axa-achievement.com 25,000 B B*SEW IN Have completed one semester of a FACS class, taken the ACT, and accepted to college. www.bsewinn.com Click $500 Scholarship on FACS tabs - go to FACS Student Scholarship section and download the correct state form. Marguerite Ross Barnett Memorial Need-based scholarship for students who are employed while attending a postsecondary school part-time Varies Scholarship The Austin Beck Memorial Wrestling Class rank, GPA, ACT, must be wrestler. Local scholarship $500 Scholarship Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or full-time undergraduate student enrolled at a two or four-year Beef Industry institution for the following school year. Students must be pursuing careers in the beef industry. Fields of study may $1,500 Scholarship include: education, communications, production, research or any other area involved with the beef industry. For more information or to apply visit http://www.nationalcattlemensfoundation.org/ John T. Belcher All seniors can apply, BUT each school may submit one nominee. 500 word essay. See counselor for information Memorial Scholarship and questions. $750-$1,500 (MO School Board http://www.msbafuturebuilders.org/documents/Belcher_Fillable%20Information%20Form.pdf Association) Charles B. Bell Click here for information and to apply: Conservation $250-$600 http://confedmo.org/cfm2/index.php/programs-and-activities/scholarships Scholarship Best Buy @15 Solid grades, involved in volunteer community service or work experience http://www.bestbuy- $1,000 Scholarship Program communityrelations.com/scholarship.htm# Beta Sigma Phi Member, or child or grandchild of a member International $1,000 http://www.betasigmaphi.org/admin/data/downloads/bsp_scholarships.pdf Scholarship BigSun Organization High school senior, will be attending a post-secondary institute and currently involved in a sport at an institution or Scholarship for $500 in the community. http://www.bigsunathletics.com Athletes Bour Memorial Academics, financial need, multiple recipients up to $4,000 Scholarship Breaking Traditions Students participating in a nontraditional program at any Missouri public community college or Linn State Technical Non-Traditional Varies College. Questionnaire and short essay. http://www.missouricareereducation.org/project/btaward/ Scholarship Brielpohl Family Plan to go to University of Missouri-Columbia. Rank in top 10% of class and entering the field of engineering. No $5000 Scholarship application is necessary. The counselor must be notified of intent and university acceptance. Enroll full-time study at a 4 year college or university, plan to major in one of the following: Science, Technology, Buick Achievers Engineering, Math, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, or Design. Are interested in a career $2,000 Scholarship in the automotive or related industries. http://www.buickachievers.com Burger King Scholars 2.5 or higher GPA, Work 10 hrs per week, 40 weeks per year, Activities, Community Service, Financial need. $1,000 Foundation Award https://www.scholarshipamerica.org/burgerkingscholars/ Helen L. and Ben C. Academics and financial need. Local scholarship $400 Butler Scholarship</p><p>Robert C. Byrd Honors Based on academics only; 90th percentile on ACT, file a statement of registration status certifying that you are Scholarship registered with the selective service or that, for a specific reason, you are not required to be registered. $1,500/yr for http://www2.ed.gov/programs/iduesbyrd/index.html 4 years C C-1 Academic Partners 3.0 GPA, financial need, 2 references Varies (CAPS) Scholarship Careers in Agriculture 2/4 yr agronomy or related crop production curriculum. Demonstrate leadership abilities & academic $1,000 Scholarship performance. Applications can be downloaded at http://www.winfield.com/News/ECMP2-0173060 Cargill/UNCF Minority student, be enrolled at a UNCF institution, or school specified by Cargill, at least a 3.0 GPA, financial need $5,000 Scholarships Central MO District Secondary Principals' Principal is member of CMDSPA. Must be middle or secondary education major. One applicant per school. $500-$1,000 Association Scholarship Central Methodist Visit their website for more information on available scholarships and grants: University (CMU) Varies http://www.centralmethodist.edu/finaid/scholarships.php Scholarships The Chapel of Four Chaplains Annual Seniors only. For essay topic and guidelines, visit the website http://www.fourchaplains.org/programs.html#yosp $300 - $1,000 Essay Contest The Chapel of Four Seniors only. One project per school is permitted. 6 people and 1 faculty member per team. The team identifies a Chaplains Annual problem of need in their community of in the United States. Examples: alcohol/drug abuse, homelessness, disaster $750 - $1,000 Project Lifesaver relief. For more information go to http://www.fourchaplains.org/programs.html#yosp Scholarships The Chapel of Four Seniors only. Any form of flat art, except photography, is eligible. Artwork must reflect the theme "Making the Chaplains National Art World a Better Place Through Service and Sacrifice". For more information go to $500 - $1,000 Contest http://www.fourchaplains.org/programs.html#yosp Christian Colleges Log onto www.christianconnector.com to be automatically entered in the scholarship drawing $2,500 Scholarship Drawing Diane Christodoulou Any Missouri LD student who will be graduating in the spring and can meet college entrance requirements is eligible $500 Memorial Scholarship http://www.ldastl.org CHS Foundation High Pursue an agricultural-related degree from a two or four year college School Scholarship $1,000 http://www.chsfoundation.org/scholarshipprog.html Program The Class of 1977 2.5 GPA or above, list of activities $500 Memorial Scholarship Class of 1978 2.5 GPA or above, must graduate from Lafayette Co. C-1 $500 Memorial Scholarship CME Pork Industry Pursue a career in the pork industry, enter a two-year swine program or four-year college of agriculture, letter, essay, $2,500 Scholarship Program references http://www.nppc.org/programs/scholarships/ Jack Coats Memorial Academic, citizenship and past service to community. Local scholarship. $500 Scholarship Coca-Cola Two Year GPA of 2.5 or higher, complete 100 hours of community service, will is or will enrolled in 2 or 4 year college $1,000 College Program https://www.coca-colascholars.org/ CollegeSTEPS One hundred high school seniors will be randomly selected to receive a tuition prize. Monthly drawings October Program Scholarship $1,000 -May. Sign up at www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps Sweepstakes Must submit voice tape and application for radio scholarship. Must submit essay for music industry Conclave Radio-Music scholarship. Broadcasting field; music or music business. Valid at three schools. $17,000 Industry Scholarship http://www.radioscholarships.com/form.php The Conservation Foundation of Assist students in five areas of natural resource management: fisheries, forestry, wildlife, parks and recreation and Missouri Ed Stegner $1,000 soil and water conservation. Plan to enroll in Missouri college or university, financial need Natural Resource Scholarships Cooperative Education GPA 3.0 or better, one page resume, one page essay, must be accepted and plan to enroll for the academic year at $2,500 Scholarship Program one of the following National Commission Member Colleges. www.co-op.edu or contact College of the Ozarks. Corder Lions Club 3.0 GPA, Corder resident. Local scholarship $400 Scholarship Corder VFW Financial need, academic. Local scholarship $500 Scholarship Council for America's 9-12 grade, Essay on religious freedom, its history, current importance and relevance in their lives. First Freedom Student $750-$3,000 http://www.firstfreedom.org/education/students.html Competition Country Mart See counselor for information or visit www.mycountrymart.com $250-$1,000 Scholarship Promotion Crossties Cowboy Church Equine Show evidence of participating in Equine related activities while attending college or university Varies Scholarship D Daedalian Scholarship Senior. Accepted to accredited college or university, demonstrated desire and potential to become a military for Potential Military $500 pilot. http://apollo.daedalians.org/flights/4/scholarships/application Pilots Daughters of American Must be a farmer, rancher or be the wife, daughter or other close relative of a farmer, rancher, or other person Agriculture employed in agriculture, must be an economic or financial need, knowledge of or work experience in agriculture $500 Scholarship http://www.americanagriwomen.org/daughters-american-agriculture David R. Davis Agriculture student, C+ GPA, Financial need. Must be entering Ag-related field. $100 + Memorial Scholarship DEKALB Ag Youth Pursuing agricultural-related degrees and demonstrate strong leadership skills and community involvement. FFA $2,500 Scholarship membership is not required to be eligible. http://www.asgrowanddekalb.com/dekalb100/pages/scholarship.aspx Delta Sigma Phi Men Male attending University of Missouri, ACT, school improvement, community activities, leadership roles $500 of Achievment.pdf John Dennis Students planning to major in criminal justice. Must attend a Missouri College or University. GPA of 2.0 or higher. $1,000 Scholarship See counselor for more information. Department of Natural Resources Minority or other under represented students. Bachelor or Master Degree - 3.0 GPA, Essay, 3 letters of $2,000 per Environmental recommendation, listing & summary of school and community activities, transcript. year Education Scholarship www.dnr.mo.gov/hr/index.html Program DeVry University Variety of scholarships available $1,000 + Scholarships http://www.devry.edu/financial-aid-tuition/scholarships/devry-scholarships.jsp The Dillenkoffer College tuition grants to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered high school seniors, 2.75 GPA, community and $10,000 Endowment school involvement. www.dillenkoffer.org Samuel Duncan 3.0 GPA, Leadership and financial need. Education major $125 Memorial Scholarship E EF Educational Tours Global Citizens Sophomores or Juniors. Essay, application can be downloaded - http://www.eftours.com/globalcitizen - Ten day $1,000 Awards & expenses paid educational tour of Europe. Scholarships Elks Lodge Financial need, leadership and scholarship. For information visit http://www.elks.org/ENF/scholars/ $1,000- Scholarships (National See counselor for application. $60,000 and Local) Minimum ACT 20, 4-H membership at time of graduation, interview, 2.75 GPA. Local scholarship. More John and Kathryn information and applications available at: English Memorial http://www.westcentralelectric.com/index.php? $1,000 Scholarship option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=39&Itemid=85 ESA (Epsilon Sigma 3.0 GPA or upper 25% of class or 22 ACT, 2 letters of recommendation, essay, $5 processing fee. Alpha) Foundation $500-$1,500 http://www.epsilonsigmaalpha.org/scholarships-and-grants Scholarship Essay on Ayn Rand's For students in grades 9-10. Essay contest. 5 different cash award areas. www.aynrand.org/contests Varies Novelette Anthem The Gary W. Evans 3.0 GPA, participant in 2 or more sports during the final two years of high school, 3 letters of recommendation $1,000 Memorial Scholarship Excellence through Seniors, 500 word essay. For rules and info go to http://studentcenter.ja.org/Learn/Ethics/Pages/EthicsContest.aspx $5,000 Ethics Essay Contest F FCS Financial Must be a relative (child or grandchild) of FCS Financial customer. Applications available online at $1,000 Scholarship Program https://www.myfcsfinancial.com/scholarships/ Donald Fischer Plan to pursue a degree in agricultural or agricultural related field, essay, letters of recommendation $500 Agricultural Memorial (FIRE) Foundation for Individual Rights in High School Senior, 700-1200 word essay, http://www.thefire.org/contests $1,000-$5,000 Education Essay Contest (FRED) Foundation 1 letter from OPASTCO member, 1 letter of recommendation, 250-750 word typed essay, statement of financial for Rural Education need, description of plans after school, list of school/community activities (awards, clubs) $500-$5,000 and Development http://www.fred.org/scholarships.html Free Scholarships for 200 different scholarships for minorities. All with different due dates. http://www.blackexcel.org/200- Varies Minorities Scholarships.html G 3.5 GPA, have financial need, are dependent children of employees who have or had a career in the financial services The GAR Scholarship $12, 500 industry www.gordonrich.org Gates Millennium Available to entering Hispanic American, African American, Asian American and Native American first year Varies Scholar students, 3.3 GPA, leadership skills, significant financial need www.gmsp.org Brandon Gieselman Current or former member of Laf. Co 4-H Club or FFA Chapter http://www.thcf.org/ or Memorial 4-H/FFA $500 Application available in counselors office or online at link above Scholarship Great Clips for Hair Essay, recommendation, cosmetology. For additional information and to apply visit $500 Scholarship http://www.greatclips.com/stylists/scholarship-program CHELSEA LEANN Student at Lafayette Co. C-1 or Lexington High School, GPA of 2.5 or higher, Financial Need, letter of GUILFORD Varies recommendation SCHOLARSHIP H The Hagan Scholarship Must have attended as a junior & seniors in high school, 3.5 GPA, ACT of 23 or higher, have an unmet financial $2,000- Foundation need of $2000 or more. http://www.hsfmo.org $10,000 Hall Family From employee at Hallmark, Top 1/3 of class, SAT/ACT up to $1,500 Scholarship Program The Harrington Academic achievement, Essays, Resume, accepted as full-time student in an accredited postsecondary Foundation College Varies institution. www.theharringtonfoundation.org Scholarship Program Rosa L. Hayes Academic, ACT/SAT. Must pursue career as registered nurse. Varies Memorial Scholarship Higginsville American Legion Post 223 Citizenship, GPA, extra-curricular activities. Local, 9 scholarships available $500 Scholarship Higginsville Business C+ Average; for female only $500 Women Higginsville Little Student at Lafayette Co. C-1 playing softball or baseball, must have participated in Higginsville Little League League Baseball- Varies Baseball/Softball program, GPA of 2.0 or higher Softball Scholarship Higginsville Rotary Club Scholarship and GPA, extra-curriculars, top 50% of class, citizenship. Local scholarship-5 recipients $250-$750 Walter & Pearl Luehrman Scholarship Higginsville Women's Financial need, B+ GPA, citizenship, leadership. Local scholarship. $250 Civic Club Scholarship Hispanic Heritage Hispanic heritage, minimum of 2.75 GPA, recommendation, personal statement. $2,000+ Youth Awards www.HispanicHeritageAwards.org/youth.php The Hispanic www.hsf.net Varies Scholarship Fund Holocaust Grades 9-12, Essay to promote the study of Holocaust. Scholarships and prizes will be awarded. To get contest $1,000-$5,000 Remembrance Project rules, guidelines and entry forms go to http://holocaust.hklaw.com/ amount Darrick K. Homfeld announced Senior attending Lex La-Ray Memorial Scholarship prior to graduation CW & Delores Plan to attend a vocational, trade school, or community college pursuing a degree or appropriate certification in Hook/FFA Booster Varies fields related to and supportive of agriculture, must be an FFA member Club Scholarship House of Heavilin Essay required. Beauty college program $500 The Edward and Harri Huscher Family 3.0 GPA, Community Service, Essay, Academics, Extra-curricular activities $2,000 Scholarship I Imagine America Application online only. www.petersons.com/cca $1,000 Scholarship Program Independence College Essay required $500 of Cosmetology J U.S. high school student, write a 1000 word or less essay, subject must be an elected official in the U.S. who served JFK: Profile in after 1956 and must demonstrate an understanding of Pres. Kennedy’s definition of political courage. $500-$5000 Courage Essay Contest www.jfklibrary.org Journey First Presbyterian Church Higginsville Presbyterian church member Varies Scholarship K Kansas City Associated Equipment Pursuing an associate of applied science degree or certificate in either Diesel Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Repair, $1,000 Distributors have a minimum 2.5 GPA or above, Essay Scholarship Keppra Family An epilepsy patient or family member/caregiver of epilepsy patient, academic achievement, positive role model, Epilepsy Scholarship $5,000 participation in activities, essay, 3 letters of recommendation, photo, transcript www.keppra.com Program KFC Colonel's GPA of 2.75 or higher, financial need, plan to pursue a bachelor's degree, public college within their state of legal $5,000 per Scholars Program residence, demonstrate financial need. www.kfcscholars.org year Doug Kleinbeck Memorial Scholarship GPA of 2.75 or higher, demonstrates a character of service and selflessness, essay and 1 letter of recommendation. $500 Application.pdf KMBC-TV/Hy-Vee Scholar Athlete 3.0 GPA, athlete, can nominate up to five outstanding seniors $1,000 Awards KMZU “Radio” Don Pursue a career in broadcasting. Provide complete application, personal statement and an audio or video submission Sibley Memorial $1,500 between 3 and 5 minutes on why you want to pursue a career in broadcasting. Scholarship Kohl's Kids Who Care Recognition Age 6-18. Volunteer activities. www.kohlskids.com $5,000 Scholarship L Lafayette Co. C-1 EA 3.0 GPA, Local scholarship, essay required. $500-$750 Scholarship Lafayette Co. C-1 MSTA Local 3.0 GPA, 100 word essay, college or university $250 Scholarship Lafayette County C-1 MSTA Student Must be a graduate of Lafayette Co. C-1, Due prior to semester of student teaching. $200 Teaching Scholarship Lafayette Co. major in agriculture field, must be 4-H or FFA member, 2 letters of reference Cattlemen's $500 http://outreach.missouri.edu/lafayette/4-H.shtml Scholarship Lafayette Regional Health Center $2,000/semest Senior or alumni enrolled in human health-related profession Auxiliary er Scholarship.pdf Earl Langkop Entering food-related field $100+ Scholarship Laptop Scholarship 1,000-word essay. See counselor for essay details. Email essay to [email protected] laptop Program Lex La-Ray Technical Attend post-secondary training. See counselor $500 Center Lindenwood Must have applied for admission at Lindenwood University, essay, 2 reference letters, transcript, have filed the University's Black and $7,000 FAFSA White Scholarship Charles Lyons Academics, extra-curricular, financial need. Local; more than one awarded. Get required original from the $1,000 Memorial Scholarship counselor's office. M Joe L. Mann Jr. 1 senior male selected by committee $2,000+ Memorial Fund Son/Daughter of one of the following: Active duty or reserve U.S. Marine, U.S. Marine who has received Honorable Discharge, Medical Discharge, or was killed while serving in U.S. Marine Corps, Active duty or reserve U.S. Navy Marine Corps Corpsman who is serving or has served with the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy Corpsman who served with the U.S. $500 - Scholarship Marine Corps who received Honorable Discharge, Medical Discharge or was killed while serving in the U.S. Navy $10,000 Foundation OR The grandchild of one of the following: U.S. Marine who served in the 4th Marine Division during WWII, U. S. Marine who served in the 6th Marine Division, U.S. Marine who served in the 531 Gray Ghost Squadron are is/was members of these associations. GPA 2. 0, Essay, family income is $80,000 or less www.mcsf.org Cheryl K. Markley Entering a field that specialized in working with children, have a GPA of 3.0 or better, qualities of dependability, $1,000 Memorial Scholarship initiative, responsibility, and leadership. Masonic Merit 3.0 GPA, class rank, extra-curricular activities, financial need. Varies Scholarship Masonic Ruth Lutes 3.0 GPA, class rank, extra-curricular activities, financial need. Must be going into nursing or teaching. Varies Bachmann Scholarship Masonic Samuel Smith 3.0 GPA, class rank, ACT score, extra-curricular activities, financial need. Varies Stewart Scholarship Masonic Youth Merit 3.0 GPA, class rank, Extra-curricular activities, financial need. Must be a member of the Masonic Youth Varies Scholarship Organization. McDonald's McDonald's employee, 15 hours per week for at least one year or child of employee $1,000 McScholar Scholarship The Leo & Sam McDonnell Graduating high school senior or currently attending an eligible post-secondary institution, applicant or immediate $2500 Scholarship family member must be an R-CALF USA member in good standing. www.r-calfusa.com Foundation The McKelvey Foundation High school seniors who have demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit by owning and operating their own business while up to $10,000 Entrepreneurial in high school. www.mckelveyfoundation.org Click on Entrepreneurial Scholarship Scholarship Metropolitan Community College (MCC) Scholarships MCC - Blue River -Board of Trustees Rank in top 20% of class, essay, 2 letters of recommendation. In-district tuition up to 64 credit hours. $4,000 Scholarship MCC - Blue River Junior or senior in good standing, take 3 hour college course Jan. - May, 2.0 or higher GPA required. Must be -Partners in Excellence $250 received by deadline date. http://www.mcckc.edu Program MCC - Blue River -President's Rank in top 20% of class, essay, 1 letter recommendation. In-district tuition up to 64 credit hours. $4,000 Scholarship MCC - Blue River Assorted for a variety of majors or programs, minimum GPA of 2.0, essay, and one letter of recommendation. In- -Program $300-$600 district tuition up to 12 credit hours. Enhancement Grant MCC - Blue River Leadership ability, recommended by superintendent or counselor, 2.0 GPA or above, essay. In-district tuition up to -Superintendent's $1,800 30 credit hours. Leadership Grant MCC - Foundation Check out website for requirements. Can receive more than one scholarship. Varies Scholarships http://mcckc.edu/pubs/campusScholarshipLists.pdf MCC - Institutional Check out website for requirements. Each campus manages their own scholarships. Varies Scholarships http://mcckc.edu/main.asp?P=GSNonfoundation a candidate for training in the Practical Nursing Program or an Associate Degree in Nursing, LPN or RN Program, Meyer Foundation resident of Lafayette, Ray, Carroll, Johnson or Saline county, intend to work for Meyer Foundation for two years Varies Trust following graduation and/or licensure MFA Foundation Scholastic progress, citizenship, extra-curricular activities, education plans, financial need, ACT. Local scholarship $2,000 Scholarship Mid America Mensa Education & Research Essay presenting academic, vocational and career goals. http://www.mensafoundation.org/scholarships $100 - $1,000 Foundation Scholarships Minority Teaching rank in top 25% of class & 75%ile ACT, attend college/ University in MO, be enrolled in teacher education program. $3,000 Scholarship Minority & Underrepresented Academically talented minority and underrepresented individuals pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an Environmental Varies environmental course of study Literacy Scholarship Program Miss Cheerleader of Open to grades 9-12, do not have to be currently cheerleading, not based on financial need American Tuition Varies www.misscheerleaderofamerica.com Scholarship Missouri 4-H Present or previous 4-H members. 1 application considered for several scholarships, 3.0 GPA, ACT score -- College $500 - $1,000 Foundation applicants must have a 2.75 GPA http://www.mo4h.missouri.edu/ Missouri Association of Building Officials & Major that the committee deems beneficial to the organization such as code technology, engineering, architecture and $1,000 Inspectors Memorial fire science. 2 letters of recommendation, essay. http://www.maboi.com Scholarship(MABOI) Missouri Association of Mutual Insurance ACT, GPA, Financial need, extra-curricular. Must attend Missouri 2 or 4 year college. $1,000 Companies Missouri Bankers Foundation Major in field related to banking, 2 letters recommendation www.mobankers.com $500 Scholarship Missouri Baptist High School senior or first-year student at Hannibal LaGrange College or Southwest Baptist University, 10-20 page $2,000 Heritage Scholarship research paper http://www.baptistparchments.org/article164484.htm The Missouri Bar Juror Appreciation Week Seniors, poster design, only digital entries will be accepted. www.mobar.org/contest $500 Poster Contest Missouri Missouri Conservation Conservation Pursing a degree in Biology, Wildlife Management, Forestry, Fisheries, Ecology, Agriculture, Criminal Justice or a Agents Association Agents field of study closely related to the preceding subjects. GPA of 2.5 or above, transcript, essay. www.moagent.com Scholarship Association Scholarship Missouri Corn Growers Association Must be MO resident from a MO farm or rural area, major in agronomy or related subject www.mocorn.org $750 Scholarship Missouri Council of Legally blind MO resident www.moblind.org Go to Forms & Applications link, then to the link Scholarship and Varies the Blind and National Guidelines & Application Federation of the Blind Missouri Farm Bureau Pursuing a degree or appropriate certification in fields related to and supportive of agriculture. This includes, but is Foundation for not limited to Heavy Equipment Operations, Electronics, Welding, Diesel and Farm Machinery Repair. Parent or $500 Agriculture Vocational Guardian must hold a current Farm Bureau membership. Scholarship Missouri Gaming Contest-submit in 3 different areas - article that has been published in school newspaper between Jan 1and Feb. 28, Association Project 21 or a poster that has been displayed in a public area at school for 1 week during Jan. 1 and Feb. 28 and video must be $1,000-$1,500 Scholarship viewed in school meeting or forum between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28 Missouri Independent (2 of the 3)-3.5 GPA, top 10%, 20 ACT. One application from each member bank-business related career. Bankers Association $1,000 Applicant must be employed or the dependent of an employee at the member bank. Scholarship Missouri Industry Attend a 2 year technical college, essay, school can submit one applicant $500 Scholarship Missouri Insurance Attend MO college, interest on intent of pursuing an insurance, risk management or actuarial science course of $1,500 Education Foundation study. www.mief.org Missouri Journalism & Anyone in grades 7-12, write a report or draw a poster. The theme is available on the website. The top three $100-$500 Poster Contest students in each category will win either cash prizes or savings bonds. www.gcd.oa.mo.gov Missouri Junior Selection based on academics and leadership aptitude, but also special emphasis for demonstrating leadership Chamber International aptitude for the future. Award winner’s applications are forwarded to the US Junior Chamber International Senate $250 (JCI) Senate for possible selection for an additional $1,000 scholarship. http://www.mojcisenate.org Scholarship The Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation Want to become a teacher, Missouri resident www.morta.org $1,000 (MRTF) Scholarship To assist students seeking further education in facilities maintenance related fields. This training includes but is not Missouri School Plant limited to: Electrical; heating, ventilating, and Air Conditioning, Automated HVAC Control Systems, Plumbing and $500 Managers Association Carpentry. Recommended by a member of the Missouri School Plant Managers Association from our school. http://www.MSPMA.com Missouri Science & Technology () Scholarships MO S&T - Acacia Young men, strong academic and leadership skills. NO regard to financial need. www.mst.edu $100-$500 Scholarship MO S&T - Departmental Varies. Contact UMR admissions/ financial aid office www.mst.edu Varies Scholarships MO S&T - Vernon A. Senior male planning to Missouri University of Science & Technology, GPA of 3.2 or better, academic merit, extra- C. Gevecker Memorial $500 curricular involvement, community service, work experience, leadership, and character. Scholarship MO S&T - Sigma PHI Leadership, academics and activities. Outstanding male. $500 Epsilon Balanced Man MO S&T - Kappa Sigma Fraternity Beta- Male, must a Kappa Sigma pledge, Rank in top 20 % of class, ACT 28 or higher www.mst.edu $500 Chi Chapter Freshman Scholarship Missouri Sheep Must be or have been a 4-H or FFA member with a sheep project, or have had a sheep project a minimum of five $750 Producers Scholarship years www.missourisheep.org/youthprograms.htm Missouri Show-Me Chapter, Soil and Major in a conservation or natural resource-related field such as soil science, land use planning, forestry, wildlife $1000-$1500 Water Conservation management and many others. http://swcs.missouri.edu/ Society Missouri Society of Accounting degree (or its equivalent), attend Missouri College, academic achievement, leadership potential, and a CPAs/LEAP $500 written "viewpoint". www.leap-forward.com Scholarship Program Missouri Society of 3.0 GPA; ACT score, etc. Engineering major; - Must have Adobe Acrobat to view and print. http://www.mspe.org Professional Engineers $1,500 Click on “Educational Foundation" and "To provide Scholarships" Scholarships Missouri Society of Professional Major in land surveying, or land surveying-related field (mathematics, topography, and drafting), 1 letter of $1,500 Surveyors-Robert V. recommendation, renewable www.missourisurveyor.org Pirrie Scholarship Missouri State Fair Exhibitor at State Fair in FFA or 4-H. Types of exhibits include livestock, FFA Building exhibits and FFA Hams, $1,000-$2,500 Scholarship agriculture. www.mostatefair.com Missouri State Fair Must have participated in the Missouri State Fair as a youth exhibitor in the FFA or 4-H divisions, be an active 4-H Youth in Agriculture $,1000 or FFA member at the time the scholarship is awarded www.mostatefair.com Scholarship Tuition & feels for 30 Missouri State Promise Missouri resident, meet admissions requirements, apply for admission by March 1, submit the FAFSA by March 31, credit hours Scholarship total household income at or below federal poverty level. www.missouristate.edu/promise and an $800 per year book allowance Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA) Central Senior planning a career in education, good character and good scholarship and an aptitude for college, essay, $500 Regions Teachers resume, 1 letter of recommendation. Association Student Scholarship Missouri State University (MSU) Scholarships MSU - Art and Design Portfolio, 3 letters of reference Varies Scholarship MSU - Departmental Varies. Contact particular department at SWMSU. www.missouristate.edu Varies MSU - Multicultural Top 50% of class. Leadership in multicultural activities. Need not be minority student. See counselor for Leadership $4,275 application. Scholarship MSU - Scholarships Board of Governors, Based on application for admission $1,000-$4,275 Academic & Recognition Missouri State University (MSU) Top 10% + 30 ACT or 1320 SAT. Renewable. See counselor for application. Fees, room, Presidential board Scholarship Missouri United Letter from pastor, statement of goals, transcript, and picture. Two scholarships to choose from - can apply for Methodist Foundation $500-$1,500 both. www.mumf.org Scholarship Missouri Valley College (MO Valley) Scholarships Missouri Valley Son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter of a Missouri Valley College alumnus who has earned a four-year degree at College Alumni $500 MVC, GPA 3.0, demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities in extracurricular activities Legacy Scholarship Berri Mitchell Seniors that have a history of asthma and allergies, have succeeded academically, and have shown an interest in Memorial AAFA-KC $2,000 school and the community. College Scholarship Monsanto/National Association of Farm Broadcasting 18 ACT, Farm family, career in Agriculture, engaged in production agriculture www.monsanto.com or $1,500 Commitment to www.nafb.com or www.ffa.org Agriculture Scholarship MSAE Excellence Member of the Student Council of an MACS member school, demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities in school Through Leadership $1,500 & community, demonstrate academic proficiency Scholarship MSPE Western Plan to major in Engineering, 3.0 GPA, minimum score of 29 in Math & 25 in English on ACT, attend one of the Chapter Scholarship $500-$1,000 MO Schools of Engineering. See counselor for list of schools Program N National Academy of Outstanding Academic excellence and personal integrity. Minimum 2.0 or C GPA. 4 year degree program - $25 $200-$5,000 American Scholars- application fee. http://www.naas.org/ USA National Awards Program The National CO-OP Have GPA of 3.5 or better, be accepted to one of the National Commission Partner Institution, Essay. www.co- $6,000 Scholarship Program op.edu The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) http://www.uaex.edu/aqfi/ in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey – Biological Resources Division (USGS-BRD) are offering competitive 4-year full undergraduate scholarships to qualified high school seniors. Selected students will be part of the UAPB-USGS National Cooperative Fisheries Scholarship (NCFS) program, the National Cooperative goal of which is to train culturally diverse students for careers in fisheries biology and natural resources management Varies Fisheries Scholarship and conservation. For further information or to apply contact: Ms. Denise Haynes, Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Mail Slot 4912, Pine Bluff, AR 71601, Phone: (870) 575-8107 Haynes),or 8968 ( Main departmental number), Fax: (870) 575-4637, E-Mail: [email protected] National Farmers Organization Farm Career in agriculture, essay, 2 reference letters, photo. http://www.nfo.org/Scholarships/Default.aspx $1,000 Kids for College Scholarship National Farmers Union Foundation Farmer Union member, 2 letters of recommendation, essay. www.nfu.org, click on education, then click on $500 Stanley Moore scholarship programs. Scholarship National Farmers Union Foundation Essay, two letters of recommendation, Farmers Union member. http://nfu.org/wp- $2,000 Hubert K Seymour content/hubert_seymour_application.pdf, click on education, then scholarship programs. Scholarship National Federation of Demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit/initiative. Not based on financial need. Nominated by a dues paying member of Independent Business NFIB. Call 1-800-634-2669 to be nominated. See counselor for an application or download at: $1,000 (NFIB) Free Enterprise www.NFIB.com/YEF Scholars Awards The National Federation of Demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit and initiative through examples such as starting his/her own business, Independent Business participating in organization such as: DECA, Junior Achievement, FBLA, FFA, NFTE, etc. Not based on financial $1,000 (NFIB) Young need. www.NFIB.com/YEA Access key-NFIB Entrepreneur Award National FFA FFA Members, Ag related majors, see counselor for booklet or go to www.ffa.org Click on “Programs,” then the Agriculture Varies “Scholarship” link. Scholarships National FFA Submitted electronically, required signature page must be mailed. http://www.ffa.org - Click on “Scholarship” link. Varies Collegiate Scholarship National Honor Leadership, activities. See National Honor Society sponsor for application. Only 2 senior applicants per school. $1,000 Society Scholarship National Merit PSAT score & SAT score. See counselor $2,000 Scholarship National Multiple High school seniors who have MS or who have a parent with MS; or high school (or GED) graduates of any age who Sclerosis Society have MS or who have a parent with MS can apply. Plan to attend a post secondary school for the first time. $1,000-$3,000 Scholarship Program Applications done online only. http://www.nationalMSsociety.org/scholarship National Peace Essay Anyone in grades 9-12, 1500 word essay, contest winners receive money for their college or university studies. up to $10,000 Contest www.usip.org/ed/npec National Rural Education Association Grades 9-12. For application go to www.nrea.net/events.htm $200-$400 (NREA) Essay Contest National School Plant High School senior or freshman, sophomore, junior in college, based on ACT, school activities, essay, 2 letters of Management $500-$1,500 recommendation. www.NSPMA.com Association National Wild Turkey Seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or better, copy of current hunting license required, school activities, community service, Federation leadership, essay and autobiography, 3 letters of recommendation. See counselor for application. $250-$1,000 Conservation www.nwtf.org Scholarships Navy Weather Service Plan to get degree in science or engineering-fields of study include meteorology, oceanography, or aero-engineering, $500-$2,000 Scholarship be sponsored by current member of NWSA - College students may apply NCGA Academic Must be entering at least your second undergraduate year at a junior college, college or university, be pursuing a Excellence in degree in agricultural, agribusiness, or an ag vocation field, must be an NCGA member or son/daughter of an NCGA $1,000 Agriculture member Scholarship Program Nelnet Scholarship Drawings held monthly through April. Can enter every day for a better chance. Open to high school juniors and $1,000- Drawing seniors. www.nelnet.com/win $25,000 The Lois Jackson Must be a member of Masonic Youth Organization, 2 letters of recommendation $500 Newman Youth Fund Normans Jewelry & Bridal Shoppe Junior and senior students; must register in person at Normans to be entered in the drawing $500 Scholarship NSPE Educational Foundation Maureen High school senior, member of an ethnic minority: African-American, Hispanic, or Native American, major in field L. & Howard N. $5,000 of engineering, GPA, community involvement Blitman, P.E., Scholarship NSSAR George S. & Grades 10-12, Essay associated with the American Revolution, The Declaration of Independence or the Framing of Stella M. Knight Essay $500 the United States Constitution. http://www.sar.org/youth/knightrl.htm Contest Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU) Scholarships</p><p>NWMSU - Alumni Son, daughter or spouse of alumnus, online only, only sections 1 & 2 of application needed $250 NWMSU - Booth Major in one of the following: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Business Education, International Business, Office College of Business & $2,250 - non- Information Systems, Computer Management Systems, Broadcasting, Journalism, Agriculture, Marketing, Professional Studies renewable Management, or Computer Science. Scholarship NWMSU - Freshman Departmental Online only, resume, essay, 3 letters of recommendation, major in one of the areas awarding departmental awards Varies Scholarships NWMSU - Freshmen No scholarship application needed, Admission Index of 110 - 139, Apply for admission $500 Merit NWMSU - Louise $3,750 per Smith Gillis Family & Beginning freshman majoring in a family and consumer sciences program. Renewable for up to 8 trimesters. 3.5 trimester or Consumer Science GPA and essay total $30,000 Freshmen Scholarship NWMSU - Charles Hawkins Accounting Scholarship & Karen Plan on majoring in accounting. Freshmen year only. $250 Hawkins Memorial Accounting Scholarship NWMSU - Peter J. Maintained a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above from 9th grade through the first semester of their senior Greve Memorial TKE year. Must be an accepted entering freshman by Northwest Missouri State University and nominated by a TKE $1,000 Alumni Scholarship alumnus. No specific major is required. http://www.nwtke.com/content/scholarship NWMSU - Honors Admissions Index of 185 or above, $2,500 NWMSU - Martin Luther King Jr. Underrepresented ethnic group, online only, resume, 2 essays, letters of recommendation $5,000 Scholarship NWMSU - Missouri Online only, resume, essay, letters of recommendation $500 Boys or Girls State NWMSU - Multicultural Underrepresented ethnic group, online only, resume, 2 essays, letters of recommendation $750-$2,000 Leadership in state fees + NWMSU - Presidential Admissions Index of 185 or above, resume, essay, letters of recommendation. Online only. room and Scholarship of Merit meals NWMSU - Regent's Varies with qualifications. Levels 1, 2, or 3 $750-$1,500 Scholarship NWMSU - Only accepted online at www.nwmissouri.edu Varies Scholarships Nuts, Bolts and For a college scholarship a minimum 3.0 GPA or for a trade/technical school scholarship a minimum 2.0 GPA, Thingamajigs member of FMA, TPA or OPC, OR the employee of a member company, child of a member, the child of a member $2,000-$5,000 Scholarships company’s employee http://www.nutsandboltsfoundation.org/Scholarships.cfm O Oh, The Places You’ll Go! College Essay – www.ohtheplaces.org $5,000 Scholarship A member off FFA for 4 years, must attend MO University College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, or an Orscheln FFA institution offering four year courses in agriculture or agir-related services, exhibit leadership potential, good $1,000 Scholarship character, moral traits, be self-motivated and good scholastics. http://explorelife.missouri.edu/financial.asp Ottawa University up to full Presidential Scholars 3.5 GPA, 25 ACT, rank in upper 1/3 of class tuition Scholarship P Individual who will be preparing to do their student teaching during the upcoming school year, must be an alumni of Bob Pace Scholarship Varies Lafayette County C-1 School District 100% tuition Park University Park Must have a 3.75 GPA or above and an ACT score of 28. http://www.park.edu/admissions/mcafee.pdf or 100% room & McAfee Scholarship http://www.park.edu/admissions/freshman.pdf board PEO Chapter EK For female only, GPA of 2.5 or above, leadership and community involvement Varies Scholarship The Paula M. Perrine 3.0 GPA, participation in a major sport. Local $300 Memorial Scholarship Anyone 13 years or older who registers will be automatically entered. To register: visit www.petersons.com/studentnetworks Select the first option: I have received an ID Code and Password for the Thomson Peterson's Competitive or Regional Colleges student online survey from my High School Guidance Counselor. Use the $5,000 Scholarship Giveaway following code and passwords to log in: Your high school code: 261400, Regional Colleges Password: HGC-RG, Competitive Colleges Password: HGC-CC William C. Pevestorff Must be a graduate of Lafayette Co. C-1, Must be entering third year of undergraduate school, majoring in areas Higginsville Lions $500 having to do with sight or hearing. Club Scholarship Fund Phi Delta Kappa International Education major, academics, essay, recommendations, school & community activities. www.pdkintl.org $1,000-$5,000 Scholarship The Physical Therapy of Higginsville Pursuing medical education, GPA, ACT score. $500 Scholarship Presidential Freedom Can nominate 2 students, outstanding service to community/100 hrs $500 Scholarship The Purnell-Scott Family Memorial Academic performance, leadership, community service, financial need $1,250 Scholarship Q</p><p>R Maurice R. Rabius C+ GPA, Agriculture student, Financial need. Majoring in agriculture $100+ Memorial Scholarship Ray-Carroll County Only children or grandchildren of Ray-Carroll members are eligible for this scholarship. Grain Growers Varies Must be received in the Richmond office by the deadline date. Scholarship Donna Reed Performing Arts Students majoring in Acting, Musical Theatre, Vocal. www.donnareed.org $4,000 Scholarship The Renno Memorial Entering the field of Education, have a 3.0GPA, Essay. $500 Scholarship Forest Riekhof 3.0 GPA, extra-curriculars. Local, UMC $500 Memorial Scholarship The Road Sweepstakes Open to all seniors-submit form online www.53EducationLending.com/TheRoad $530 Rotary District 6040 4- Way Test Speech Seniors only, Speech on merits of 4-way test www.rotary.org/newsroom/rotarian/0401/ethics.html March 1 Contest Rural Missouri Available to COLLEGE JUNIORS OR SENIORS majoring in Education, plan to teach in a rural school system $1,000 Scholarship Fund S SAE Engineering Engineering or related science major, 3.2 GPA, ACT, top 15% of class $1,000 Samsung Scholarship Essay, must have teacher to sponsor student http://www.SamsungScholarship.com Varies Criteria for Janice M. Scott Memorial.doc Janice M. Scott GPA 3.0 or higher, 4 year college or university, demonstrated leadership ability, letters of recommendation, financial $2,500 Memorial Scholarship document, essay Shelter Insurance Top 20% of senior class. Achievement, leadership, citizenship $1,500 Foundation Kenneth L. Short Interest in a career in the food service/hospitality industry, academic achievement, work experiences, participation in $1,000 Memorial Scholarship student, school, and community activities. www.opaafood.com/scholarship The Herman & Micky Simmons Memorial 2.5 GPA, citizenship, financial need. Evidence of career goals; local scholarship $500 Optimist Scholarship Susan Skelton Memorial For female only, GPA of 2.5 or above, financial need considered Varies Scholarship.pdf Sons of the American Contestants shall be in the sophomore, junior or senior grade of the contest year. See counselor for more Revolution Knight $500-$2,000 information. Essay Contest Southeast Missouri State University Several university/department scholarships are available. Visit SEMSU website at www.semo.edu Varies (SEMSU) Staats Awards & Missouri Association Minimum 2.5 GPA, 2 page essay, Essay, 2 letters of recommendation, applications available through M.A.F.F. of Fairs & Festivals $1,000 member fair boards or in the counselor's office. Past Presidents Scholarship Program Starke-Blosser $1,000/yr, 4 Financial need. Active in community, 2.5 GPA or above, 2 awarded Memorial Scholarship yrs State Fair Community College Scholarships- See counselor for more information. Varies assorted State Kid's Chance Ages 16-25. Child of seriously injured worker or killed in work accident www.mokidschance.org $1,700-$2,000 Scholarship St. Louis College of Pharmacy Faculty Competitive exam. $1,500 Memorial Scholarship St. Louis College of Pharmacy Presidential Upper 1/3 and ACT 26+ $1,500 Scholarship St. Louis University- Assorted Financial need, admission to SLU. Varies Scholarship/Grants The James H. Stoner 3.0+ GPA, citizenship, need. Entering field of education $250 Memorial Scholarship The Dr. Donald M. Minority student with ACT of 27 or above planning to University of Missouri-Columbia $10,000 Suggs Scholarship The Sweeney Family Pursue a career in trade industry. Must be planning to enroll in a post-secondary program at accredited trade school. $1,000 Trade Scholarship Selection will be based on citizenship and career goals. T Ralph Thieman Senior from C-1 attending accredited institution. Local scholarship; multiple recipients. Varies Education Fund/Earl MUST HAVE COPY OF ACCEPTANCE LETTER FROM COLLEGE. and Maxine Smarr Scholarship Fund Tieman-Blackburn Children of Post 478 members. One general and one nursing scholarship available. $1,500 Post 478 Scholarship The Marla Tobin 3.0 GPA, Health Related Careers, 1 or more school activities $1,000 Scholarship Truman State University Automatic, competitive & departmental based -- on application for admission Varies Scholarships Tylenol Scholarship Leadership in Community & School activities. Application available at retail stores. $1,000- Fund http://www.tylenol.com/scholarship $10,000 U Union Plus Education Anyone whose parent is a member of a union and their union participates in the Union Plus Program. Foundation Union Plus $500-$4000 www.unionplus.org Scholarship Program United Negro College Kansas City Initiative Scholarship, attend UMKC or a UNCF school. African, Asian, Hispanic or Native American Varies Fund ancestry. United Producers, Inc. Must be a Preferred Member of UPI or a child of a Preferred Member, Essay, Purse a career in agriculture or Agriculture $1,000 agriculture-related fields of study. www.uproducers.com Scholarship University of Central Missouri (UCM) Scholarships UCM - Academic 20 ACT & Valedictorian or Salutatorian or top 25% of class & 25 ACT www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships $1,500 Excellence UCM - Achievement Departmental Awards for potential in major- www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships $200-$600 Awards UCM - Alumni Legacy Child or grandchild of alumnus, 3.0 GPA. Character, leadership, achievement $500 Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Clay and Oma Preference shall ge given to a student who, because of parent's income, does not qualify for federal financial Varies Anderson Scholarship assistance. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Aquila Senior attending high school served by Aquila, rank in upper 25% of class, parent/guardian is residential or Varies Scholarship commercial Aquila customer, 300 word essay www.cmsu.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Lucy Bergman Plan to be an active participant in the Dept. of Theatre at UCM, demonstrate leadership and service. Memorial Scholarship Varies www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarship in Theatre UCM - Beta Sigma Psi Religious affiliation with the Lutheran Church, minimum 3.0 GPA, Demonstrates good character, leadership and - Pi Chapter Alumni Varies service. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - A. Ralph Be an Eagle Scout in the Boys Scouts of America, a member of the Order of the Arrow and/or Mic-O-Say of the Boy Boxell Eagle Scout Scouts of America, demonstrate good character and leadership, demonstrate service to his church and Boy Scout Varies Scholarship troop www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - A. Ralph Hold a valid amateur radio license, demonstrate good character, leadership and service. Boxell N0OHD Varies www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - Paul E. Plan to pursue a degree in teacher education www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Varies Brattstrom Scholarship UCM - Michael E. Plan to pursue a degree in Aviation Technology, active member of the Civil Air Patrol as a cadet who passed the Bush Aviation Varies Mitchell Test. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - Paul E. & Show promise of leadership and academic ability in the field of instrumental music, audition information available at Marjorie C. Carson Varies www.ucmo.edu/musicauditions Music Scholarship UCM - Cesar Chavez Be of Hispanic descent, minimum 2.5 GPA, financial need www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarship Varies Scholarship UCM - Department of Major in either chemistry or physics. See application for what science majors fall under this umbrella. Chemistry and Physics Varies http://www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Achievement Award UCM - Distinguished Full ride appx. 28 ACT, Top 5 % of class, competition www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholars Award $9,000 UCM - Don Essig Audition and be accepted as a participant in the UCM Marching Band audition information available at Varies Memorial Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Frank and Pursue a degree in Music, audition and be accepted as a member of UCM band or orchestra, primary performance Barbara Fendorf instrument in brass, woodwind or percussion, minimum of 3.0 GPA, audition information available at Varies Scholarship in Music www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Plan to pursue a major or minor in speech communication, be an active participant in the forensics program in high UCM - Jeffrey Floyd school, demonstrate contribution, performance, scholarship & leadership in forensic activities in high school. Varies Forensic Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Roy D Geary Be a graduate of Lafayette Co C-1 High School or Holden High School, GPA of 2.0 or above, demonstrate financial Varies Scholarship need http://www.ucmo.edu/foundation/scholarships/documents/misc/geary.pdf UCM - Mildred I. Missouri resident, plan to pursue a degree in Computer Science or Electronics, minimum ACT of 23, earned 3 units Varies Harmon Scholarship of math and/or computer science in high school. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - High School Top 25% of class & 20 ACT www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships $500 Recognition Award UCM - Thelma French Kappelman Student with a handicap disability. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Varies Scholarship UCM - Mary Anne Good moral character, show promise of leadership and academic ability in the field of mathematics and computer Kennedy Mathematics Varies science. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - Ruthe Boles Plan to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Education degree with emphasis in history, minimum 3.0 GPA, minimum Koenig Memorial Varies 3.0 GPA in all history classes taken. www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship Has participated in 75% of the Heart of America Junior Classic Bowling Tournaments for the year, earned minimum UCM - Aaron M. cumulative point totals based on tournament participation, high games/series & tournament awards, has participated Kreeger Memorial Varies in city, state, regional and national tournaments, has been active in bowling organizations Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Leadership Attend Boys or Girls State www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships $1,000 Award UCM - Math and Computers Academic Achievement. Math or computer majors www.math-cs.ucmo.edu/scholarships Varies Scholarships UCM - Student majoring in computer science, actuarial science or mathematics, financial need, 3.2 GPA or above, ACT 24, NFS-Mathematics and preference given to women, minorities or students with disabilities. $4,000 Computer Science www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholar UCM - The Karla and Exclusively for students choosing to pursue an undergraduate degree in any area of Special Education through the Jerry Neal Special $1,000 University of Central Missouri Education Scholarship UCM - President's Top 25% and ACT22, Renewable, Completion of the Mo College Preparatory Studies Certificate $1,000 Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Gordon R. and Pursue a degree in teacher education, minimum GPA of 2.5, financial need will be considered. Eula A. Renfrow Varies www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - Joseph Ezra Minimum 3.25 GPA, interested in journalism or genealogy, financial need will be considered Roop Memorial Varies www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - Albert and June Scholle UCM only, 300 word essay, www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships $1,200 Scholarship UCM - Dova Lee Female student, good character, leadership & academic ability, minimum 2.5 GPA Shelton Memorial Varies www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - Sisters of Female African American student, good character, leadership & service, financial need will be considered. Ujima Helen Guyton Varies www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarship Warren Scholarship UCM - Stahl Specialty Minimum 3.0 GPA, be worthy, deserving and of good moral character, promise of leadership and academic ability in Varies Scholarship one of the fields of Technology www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Awarded to the outstanding designee of the annual technology competition hosted by CMSU, minimum 2.0 GPA, UCM - Stahl plan to pursue a degree in Agriculture Technology, Automotive/Power Technology, Aviation Technology, Speciality Excellence Technology Education, Electronics Engineering Technology, Electronics Technology, Computer-Aided Drafting and Varies in Technology Award Design Technology, Graphic Arts Technology-Management, Industrial Technology or Industrial Technology- Manufacturing Management www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Taiwan Plan to pursue a degree in Industrial Technology, be worthy, deserving and of good moral character, show promise Varies Commemorative of leadership & academic ability, preference shall be given to student from Taiwan. Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - Ona Ada Incoming female freshman, degree in teacher education, good character, leadership and service, preference will be Tipton Steffen Varies given to students who are residents of rural Missouri www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships Scholarship UCM - University 28 ACT, Top 5% of class or 3.75 GPA www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships $4,050 Scholar Award UCM - Katherine H. Pursuing a degree in teacher education, minimum GPA of 2.5, demonstrate financial need, have been a former Varies Wilson Scholarship patient at Children's Mercy Hospital www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships UCM - World War II Rank in upper 15% of class, show promise of leadership and service, financial need will be considered Varies Memorial Scholarship www.ucmo.edu/foundscholarships University of Missouri – Columbia (MU) Scholarships MU - Alumni Essay, upper 20% of class or ACT 26 or higher. http://www.mizzou.com/scholarship $500 - $5,000 Scholarship MU - Beta Sigma Psi Beta Sigma Psi, the National Lutheran Fraternity, is giving away a scholarship to an incoming freshmen male student $1,000 Merit Scholarship at MU who demonstrates scholastic achievement and active participation in their communities and churches. </p><p>MU - Curators Scholar 28 ACT and Top 5% of class or top 5 in class $3,500 Award MU - Delta Sigma Phi Male attending University of Missouri-Columbia. Academic success, ACT score, school involvement, community Men of Achievement $500 activities, and leadership roles. Will be under no obligation to join Delta Sigma Phi. Academic Scholarship MU - Departmental & Other General See counselor for more information Varies Scholarships MU - Excellence 27 ACT and top 15% of class $1,500 MU - Albert F. Helix Leadership, extra-curricular, Attend MU; must be male $500 Memorial MU - Kappa Alpha Male, 3.0 GPA. Gentlemen Scholarship Program $400 Order MU - Missouri Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Outstanding male $500-$1,000 Epsilon Fraternity Balanced Man MU - Ponder Minority Minority students who are pursuing a Business or Accountancy degree, based on class rank, ACT/SAT score, GPA, $5,000 Scholarship financial need, ethnicity, and geographic location. http://business.missouri.edu/1656/default.aspx MU - Theta Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho Major in an agriculture related field, male, not required to join fraternity $500 Fraternity MU - Robert J. Business major, 4 years, outside the top 10% of class, ACT score in the 22-27 range, FAFSA must be completed. Trulaske Sr. $7,000 http://www.business.missouri.edu/scholarships Scholarship MU - Sam Walton Attend Mizzou, Business Major., work in retailing, Renewable for 4 years. FAFSA must be mailed by 2/14. $6,375 Scholarship www.business.missouri.edu MU - Walton Have an interest in retail, ACT of 27 to 36 range, top 10% of class, completion of the FAFSA. If receive this Scholarship in $7,000 scholarship-required to work a part-time job in the retail industry. http://business.missouri.edu/1656/default.aspx Business MU - Zeta Phi chapter Male attending University of Mo-Columbia, academic achievement, commitment to making both the university and of Beta Theta Pi up to $8,000 community better places, desire to achieve Fraternity Scholarship University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) Scholarships UMKC - Chancellors Top 10% of class or 23 ACT $1,500 Scholar Award UMKC - Curators Top 5% of class, 28 ACT $3,500 Scholar Award UMKC - Institute for Majoring in Elementary Education or Middle School Math/Science. Have to make commitment to teach in an urban $33,000 over Urban Education district upon graduation. 4 years Scholarship UMKC - Talent Scholars Housing Top 10% of class, leadership $3,500 Award Full Fees 4 yrs. (room 4 UMKC - Trustee's yrs, $500 Top 5% of class, 3.5 GPA, ACT 30/need 2 of 3 criteria Scholars Program books each year, $10,000- $14,000) UMKC - Top 25% of class $1,000 Undergraduate Award Upromise Scholarship GPA 3.0, must be Upromise member - if not join for free and apply for scholarship www.upromise.com $2,500 U.S. Bank Internet Selected through a random drawing process. Student plan to attend a four year college in a full-time course of $1,000 Scholarship study. There is a scholarship search on this website http://www.usbank.com/scholarship U.S. Junior Chamber International (JCI) Grants to seniors planning on furthering their education. Grant must be used for educational expenses in the first $1,000 Senate Foundation year of full-time study. Application online at http://www.mojcisenate.org/forms.html or http://tinyurl.com/62j4rt Scholarship Program U.S. Service Congressional nomination, academics, extra-curricular. Request further information from counselor Full ride Academies USA Today, Sammy Outstanding senior scholar athletes. Application online only. www.bodybymilk.com $7,500 Scholar Athlete, Milk Mustache Award USA Funds Access to Financial need, 50% of scholarships targeted to students who are from a minority group or are physically disabled in Education $750 - $1,500 addition to having financial need. www.usafunds.org - click on links then choose scholarships Scholarships GPA of 3.0 or better, at least a 21 ACT or combined verbal and math score of 1000 or more on the SAT, attend on USDA 1890 National of the seventeen 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Institutions, study agriculture, food, or other related disciplines, Full ride Scholars Program demonstrate leadership and community service. http://1890Scholars.Program.USDA.gov. USDA/1890 National Attend one of the eighteen 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Institutions, study agriculture, food, or natural Varies Scholars Program resource sciences and related majors, have GPA of 3.0 or above http://www.ascr.usda.gov/1890programs.html V The Ventures Scholars Based on PSAT, PLAN and ACT scores, 3.0 GPA, underrepresented minority group, first-generation college-bound Varies Program student, interest in math, science, engineering or technology based career. www.venturescholar.org/application Vietnam Veteran Survivor Grant & Public Safety Officer Eligibility criteria available at www.dhe.mo.gov Varies or Employee’s Child Survivor Grant THE ROGER VORWARK Plan to go into Fire or Emergency Services (could include health related fields such as Emergency Room Nursing, Varies MEMORIAL Highway Patrol and EMT) SCHOLARSHIP W Wal-Mart/Sam Walton ACT, GPA 2.5 or better, need, activities. Can not be an employee or the son or daughter of an employee. Applicant Community $1,000 must have Higginsville Wal-Mart store number to apply. www.walmartfoundation.org Scholarship Program Washington Crossing Career in government service, essay. Must be received by Jan. 15. For additional information and an application go Foundation $1,000-$5,000 to www.gwcf.org Scholarship West Central Electric GPA 3.0 or higher, minimum ACT 18, parent current West Central Electric Member. Cooperative $500 www.westcentralelectric.coop **then click on youth programs Scholarship West Central Electric Cooperative and Linn Graduate of a high school within the WCE area, must attend Linn State Technical College, have a GPA of 2.5 or State Technical $2,400 per higher, 3 letters of recommendation, interview, must agree to work at WCE for four years after completion of College Electrical year degree. www.westcentralelectric.coop Distribution Systems Scholarship West Central School Administrator Association 1 applicant per school, education major, need, GPA, rank, activities $500 Educational Scholarship Program Western Missouri Medical Center Health related field Varies Auxiliary Health Careers Scholarship Missouri resident, graduating high school senior OR have completed one or two full years at a Missouri community James L. and Nellie M. college and is planning to transfer to a four year college or university, GPA of 2.5 or higher, family adjusted gross Westlake Scholarship Varies income of $50,000 or less. TYPE IN THE FOLLOWING LINK www.sms.scholarshipamerica.org/westlake OR Program SEE COUNSELOR FOR MORE INFO Whiteman AFB Dependent of an active or retired military member residing in local area. This includes guard or reserve. Officers' Spouses' Club $1,000 www.orgsites.com/mo/whitemanesc or www.orgsites.com/mo/whitemanocs Scholarship Must be RECEIVED by April 30. Senior with asthma, achieved high level of excellence in one of the following: Will to Win performing arts, visual arts, community service, athletics or science. Have GPA of 3.5 or higher. $5,000 Scholarship http://www.willtowinscholarship.com Dean R. and John H. Woltemath Need- desires self-improvement. Local. No application/selected by committee $100+ Scholarship Fund Mitchell Wooden Agriculture or Construction Majors, Essay Varies Memorial Scholarship Only one applicant per senior English teacher. Must be currently enrolled in the recommending teacher’s class. Must Writers Hall of Fame provide an entry portfolio concerning certain information. For more information see the counselor or one of the $500 - $1,000 Scholarship English teachers. X Y Z </p>
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