<p>8th Grade Final Exam</p><p>Question 1 of 42</p><p>Kristina makes all A's and is at the top of her class. She got a letter in the mail from Harvard accepting her into their freshman class. </p><p>Which of the following is true?</p><p>A. Kristina got into Harvard because her father is rich and her parents are alumni. B. Kristina is not going to go to Harvard because she wants to go to Yale. C. Kristina didn't get in to Harvard because her grades aren't high enough. D. Kristina is going to Harvard because she is a good student.</p><p>Question 2 of 42</p><p>Which individual sentence shows cause and effect?</p><p>A. Earlier, George was sledding down the hill behind his house at the end of Jenkins Lane. B. He lost control on the thick layer of ice under the snow and ran into the fence. C. George's arm seemed to be broken. D. Fortunately, his elbow was only slightly scratched.</p><p>Question 3 of 42 His mom told him that when his grades improved, he could get his permit.</p><p>Which of the following lists the cause first, and then the effect?</p><p>A. get permit/improve grades B. grades stay the same/get permit C. get permit/grades stay the same D. improve grades/get permit</p><p>Question 4 of 42</p><p>Parker is my new, very active golden retriever. Because he is constantly in motion and energetic, he often pounces upon visitors and startles them with his enthusiasm. Yesterday he devoured one of my tennis shoes, two of Dad's socks, and the corner of our dining room carpet.</p><p>When left in the backyard, Parker likes to dig up flowers, chew on his dog house, and protect us from imaginary burglars by howling loudly. My father insists that I take him to dog obedience classes before he acquires more bad habits.</p><p>Which of the following would probably not be a reason that Parker is so loud and destructive?</p><p>A. He needs an outlet for all his energy. B. He is looking for mice or voles in the ground. C. He takes his anger out on everything. D. He feels he should protect his owner.</p><p>Question 5 of 42</p><p>Read the passage. Then answer the question below. Free Throws</p><p>The referee blows his whistle and crosses his wrists, signaling a foul. The game stops. Jack looks up at the scoreboard. Only three seconds left in the game, and his team is down by one. Jack walks to the free throw line as the other players take their places around the paint. His hands are moist with sweat. He wipes them on his shorts and then tucks in the back of his jersey. He slings the sweat from his hair as he shakes his head. His body has to move. His nerves are jumping, and he knows it. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. Calm down, he tells himself, and he repeats the words in his mind.</p><p>The ref makes the signal. “Two shots,” he says as he tosses the ball to Jack. Jack dribbles it once...twice...three times. He checks his hands, then his elbows. Bend at the knees, he tells himself. Now release and follow through. Swish! The ball arched and dropped perfectly through the net. The crowd erupts with celebration. Jack looks at the scoreboard as the scorekeeper adds the point. Tie game, he thinks. One more basket will win the game.</p><p>The referee bounces the basketball to Jack. He breathes deep and exhales slowly. He pushes the thoughts of victory and defeat out of his mind. His eyes glance to the crowd; they are all on their feet, all watching him. Stay calm, he thinks. He dribbles…one…two…three. Bend, release, and follow through, he thinks. The ball arches on its way to the goal. It hits the top of the rim and ricochets high in the air. Time stands still. The crowd holds its breath. The gym is silent except for the plunk, plunk, plunk of the ball as it comes down and bounces on the rim. It rolls to the right and finally drops through the cylinder.</p><p>The crowd sighs in unison. Instantly, they begin the victory dance. High fives and body slams ripple along the bleachers. The final three seconds tick off the clock. Jack feels his body lifted into the air as his teammates hoist him over their heads and carry him to the locker room.</p><p>Put the following events in order as they occurred in the story. 1. Jack is carried to the locker room. 2. Jack is fouled. 3. The game is tied. 4. Jack’s team wins the game. 5. The ball bounces on the rim.</p><p>A. 3-2-1-5-4 B. 3-2-5-4-1 C. 2-1-3-5-4 D. 2-3-5-4-1</p><p>Question 6 of 42</p><p>Life on the Prairie Elyse puts on her cloak and her boots by the light of the fire and heads to the barn, grabbing the pail Mama has placed by the door. “Don’t slosh the milk,” Mama reminds her from the sink.</p><p>“Yes, Ma’am,” the girl answers, and she pulls the heavy door closed behind her. The waning moon still hangs in the early morning sky, dimly lighting the path to the barn. The sun is a thin orange line just peeping over the horizon. The girl has followed this routine each morning at daybreak for more than a year, ever since she turned ten years old. She whistles as she swings the empty pail by its handle. Dawn is her favorite time of day.</p><p>The chickens that Papa had let out of the coop are scratching around the spring wagon for a chance kernel of grain. Elyse breathes in the fresh morning air, still damp with dew from the night. Buttercups seem to slumber in patches near the path. A lone strip of snow lingers on the ground beneath the eaves of the barn, reminding her of the last breath of winter that shivered through the countryside only a few days ago.</p><p>As Elyse grabs the cold metal latch and gives the barn door a strong pull, she hears a familiar noise from within. Papa has the pitchfork in motion as he pitches hay over the stall to the mare, who swishes her tail in gratitude.</p><p>Elyse fills a feed bucket half full of grain, takes the three- legged stool from the nail on the post, and walks toward the stall. The old milk cow is patiently waiting where Papa has put her, her udder swollen and taut. She turns her head and moos as if to tell Elyse, “Where have you been? I’ve been here for an hour.” Elyse dumps the grain in the feed box in front of the cow and latches its head in the stanchion. Then Elyse pulls up to the warmth of the cow and grabs hold of its teats. She squeezes, slowly and firmly, drawing the milk from the cow’s udder. The warm milk streams into the pail.</p><p>The barn cats are meowing impatiently and milling about their pan, eagerly waiting for Elyse to finish the milking. Bessie eats the grain from the box and tolerates Elyse until the pail is full. Elyse pats the cow. “Good job, ol’ girl,” Elyse says. “A full pail, with some for the cats.” As Elyse dribbles a little milk into the pan, the cats push their way in for a drink. “Not too much now,” Elyse says to the cats. “Mama will fuss if I waste it.”</p><p>Feeling neglected, Bessie stamps her foot and swats her tail. The girl turns back to Bessie and releases the cow’s head from the stanchion. Elyse leads her back to the stall where Papa has put her hay. The girl hangs the stool back on the nail and returns the feed bucket to the barrel. Then she heads back to the house, the cats following the shadow of the pail, hoping the girl sloshes the milk.</p><p>After she milks the cow, Elyse ______.</p><p>A. feeds the cats B. fills the feed bucket C. feeds the cow D. plays in the snow</p><p>Question 7 of 42</p><p>When writing an essay paper for an academic audience, you must be very attentive to grammar, format, and voice. The paper should always be broken into well-developed paragraphs. These should include transitional sentences linking them all in a logical manner. Before writing an academic paper, you should spend time free writing. Free writing is a type of writing where there is no organization, just simply getting ideas on paper. Some writers choose to do their free writing in a web diagram, Venn diagram, or in the format of some other graphic organizer. Some writers choose to simply list their ideas in no particular order. </p><p>What is the essential message in this passage?</p><p>A. When writing an essay paper for an academic audience, you must be very attentive to grammar, format, and voice. B. The paper should always be broken into well- developed paragraphs. C. These should include transitional sentences linking them all in a logical manner. D. Some writers choose to simply list their ideas in no particular order.</p><p>Question 8 of 42</p><p>It was a beautiful, bright sunny day last summer when Lisa went to the barn for her weekly horseback riding lesson. She was so excited! The birds were singing high in the trees as she leaped from her mother's van and ran into the barn. She gathered her saddle and bridle and practically skipped to the fence where her favorite horse, Country Cavalier, was tied and waiting for her. She took great pleasure in the fact that for the first time, she was able to saddle the horse all by herself. She was finally beginning to feel like a "real rider".</p><p>What is the main idea of this paragraph?</p><p>A. It was a beautiful and bright summer day. B. Lisa is having her weekly riding lesson. C. It is a happy time for Lisa. D. Lisa is proud and excited about her new skills.</p><p>Question 9 of 42</p><p>Pet therapy and specially trained pets can be very helpful for people suffering from mental and physical disabilities. Autistic, blind, deaf, and wheelchair bound people have benefited from having specially trained pets. Dogs are most often trained to serve the disabled. The breeds used are usually large, strong breeds with very friendly dispositions and calm natures. The dogs must also be very intelligent. They are trained to lead the blind safely and respond to sounds for the deaf. Dogs are even trained to be strong backs and retrievers for wheelchair bound individuals. Irish Wolfhounds are strong but not often trained to serve humans. They are sometimes trained to smell odors that cause severe allergic reactions in humans.</p><p>A variety of animals are used in pet therapy. Dolphins and horses seem to have an affinity for autistic individuals. Contact with them help the autistic to make contact with another living being. In hospitals and nursing homes, small breed dogs and cats provide companionship and comfort. They have also alerted personnel when a resident has fallen or is in crisis. Many people who benefit from the services provided by pets state that these pets are completely loving and do not judge the people they serve.</p><p>What is the topic sentence of the passage?</p><p>A. Autistic, blind, deaf, and wheelchair bound people have benefited from having specially trained pets. B. Dogs are most often trained to serve the disabled. C. Many people who benefit from the services provided by pets state that these pets are completely loving and do not judge the people they serve. D. Pet therapy and specially trained pets can be very helpful for people suffering from mental and physical disabilities.</p><p>Question 10 of 42</p><p>Read the passage. Then answer the question below. Tony Perez</p><p>Tony Perez was born in Cuba in 1942. When he was 18, he came to the United States to play baseball. Perez played infield for the Cincinnati Reds, but he was best known for his ability to hit the ball. Six times during his stint with the Reds, Perez hit at least 25 home runs and had at least 100 runs batted in (RBI). With his help the Reds won the World Series twice. After leaving the Reds, Perez spent three years with the Montreal Expos, where he averaged 15 home runs and 80 RBI a year. His last great year was with the Boston Red Sox in 1980. That season he hit 25 home runs and 105 RBI. In 1983, Perez played for the Philadelphia Phillies in his fifth World Series.</p><p>During his career, Perez had hit 339 home runs and was named an All-Star seven times. In 2000, Tony Perez was added to the Baseball Hall of Fame.</p><p>Which of the following sentences would best support the main idea of the article?</p><p>A. Perez’s father worked in a sugar factory in a town in Cuba. B. During his career Perez drove in more runs than any other Latin player. C. Perez is married and has two children, Orlando and Eduardo. D. While Perez loves the game of baseball, he has other interests as well.</p><p>Question 11 of 42</p><p>The students excitedly boarded the bus! The day had finally arrived! Time to go to Tennessee Funland, the best theme park around. Time for the end-of-year trip for the eighth graders at Dixieland Middle School! Samantha and her friends sleepily boarded the bus that would take them three hundred miles to the park. They pulled out their blankets and pillows, getting ready for a nice long nap while the bus sped toward the park. After all, it was only five o'clock in the morning. The chaperone took roll and the bus was off.</p><p>It seemed no time had passed and the bus was pulling into the parking lot at the park. Samantha and her friends packed their belongings into a backpack, got their tickets from the chaperone, and they were off in search of the scariest rollercoaster in the park.</p><p>The first one they came to was the Tennessee Tornado. It was the tallest rollercoaster in the world, had three loops, and, best of all, the riders had to stand on it since there were no seats. The girls rode this three times in a row.</p><p>They then decided to find out what the rest of the park offered. They rode four more rollercoasters, five different water rides, ate snow cones and pizza, drank sodas and hung out at the water park. The day was absolutely perfect.</p><p>Which of the following is the most logical conclusion?</p><p>A. The girls went home happy. B. The girls got lost. C. The girls got into an argument. D. The girls were caught in the rain.</p><p>Question 12 of 42 21st Century Schools Must Take Action</p><p>Obesity is a disease that is facing new generations every day. Younger and younger children are being reported by doctors to U.S. health organizations as being very overweight. Children now are exercising less than the children just ten years ago. What can be done to end this current trend? The person in charge of the public school systems in this country is looking for an answer. The government decided to start with school menus; most schools no longer offer items such as French fries, potato wedges, or sugary sodas. These high carbohydrate foods are high in calories and low in long-term benefits. They are being traded for salads, lean proteins, fruit juices, and bottled water. The next area to be made over in public schools is the physical education departments. Schools across the country are now focusing less on intramural sports and more on exercises that include all students, not just those who are interested in athletics. These types of exercises include offering walking or jogging courses, yoga, Pilates, etc. Schools must begin to be responsible for the physical well-being as well as the mental well-being of their students if this trend towards obesity is to be stopped.</p><p>What conclusion can you draw from this passage?</p><p>A. School menus are the reason that the current generation is facing obesity. B. High carbohydrate foods are the reason the current generation is obese and inactive. C. New menus are the only way that schools can help stop obesity in students. D. Increased activity and healthy eating habits is how this generation can fight obesity.</p><p>Question 13 of 42</p><p>How to Train a Puppy to Sit</p><p>When training a puppy to sit, it is important to keep the training sessions short. More than about ten minutes, and your puppy will lose interest and the training will be ineffectual. First you need to be prepared for the training session. Some owners prefer to use clickers - a device made of spring loaded metal that makes a clicking noise – as a reinforcement training tool, but for the purpose of this essay you will use small, chewy treats. Give the puppy a treat so he realizes what is in your hand and that it is something he enjoys. Give the command of “sit” in a firm, calm tone. Then raise the treat from in front of the puppy to a few inches above his head and slightly more forward toward him. This will cause the puppy to sit down in order to see the treat. Reiterate the command of “sit” and give the treat. Continuously lavish praise on your puppy when he completes the task correctly. Positive reinforcement is essential; negative reinforcement such as spanking and yelling only result in the puppy learning to fear you and makes them shy away from you. Puppies revel in higher pitches in your voice and displays of excitement such as “Yay!” and “Good puppy!” Repeat these steps five or more times in the ten minute training session. By the conclusion of the training session, your puppy should readily respond to the command “sit” when the treat is in view. Always terminate your training sessions on a good note by drawing the session to a close when the puppy has performed the command correctly. Follow these steps each day for five to seven days, and your puppy should be able to sit on command by the end of the week and will be prepared to move on to your next command.</p><p>What conclusion can you draw from this passage?</p><p>A. Training can be easy with planning and patience. B. Training is extremely hard and takes a long time. C. Training can be difficult unless you use treats. D. Training is fun and easy for most breeds of dogs.</p><p>Question 14 of 42</p><p>Teenagers need to be aware of the risks of drunk driving.</p><p>In which of the following would this statement most likely be found?</p><p>A. in literature distributed by companies that manufacture alcoholic beverages B. in a pamphlet distributed by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers C. in a school handbook D. in a brochure handed out at ballgames</p><p>Question 15 of 42 The day was hot and sunny. It was one of those spring days that gives a hint of the coming summer. The bleachers were filled with parents and fans cheering for their favorite athlete. This would be an exciting race. This was a race that would decide which runner would represent the United States in the Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece. Jack had practiced and trained for years for this day, and he was the favorite to win the race.</p><p>The starting gun fired, and the runners simultaneously leaped off the starting blocks. Jack took the lead over the other runners. Sweat poured down his face as he strained to reach the finish line.</p><p>Later, as Jack accepted the first place trophy, the smile on his face showed that he had reached his goal. All the years of training and perserverance had paid off.</p><p>Which of the following statements is a summary of this passage?</p><p>A. It takes years of hard work and training on the part of an athlete to participate in the Olympics. B. Reading health magazines, following a good diet and staying in training is very demanding. C. The Summer Olympics are held in Athens, Greece and are very difficult to enter. D. Athletes who wish to go to the Summer Olympics need strong financial backing from sponsors.</p><p>Question 16 of 42 from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens</p><p>"Uncle!" pleaded the nephew. "Nephew!" returned the uncle sternly, "keep Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine."</p><p>"Keep it!" repeated Scrooge's nephew. "But you don't keep it."</p><p>"Let me leave it alone, then," said Scrooge. "Much good may it do you! Much good it has ever done you!"</p><p>"There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say," returned the nephew. "Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that -- as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!"</p><p>The clerk in the Tank involuntarily applauded. Becoming immediately sensible of the impropriety, he poked the fire, and extinguished the last frail spark for ever.</p><p>How does the author reveal the nephew's character?</p><p>A. by his physical characteristics B. by what he says C. by what his uncle says about him D. by the clerk's reaction to him</p><p>Question 17 of 42</p><p>For every wrong under the Sun There is a cure or there is none; If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it.</p><p>What is the main idea of this verse?</p><p>A. The world is filled with bad things we cannot ignore. B. There is a solution for every bad thing we come across in the world. C. Correct what we can and do not be upset by those wrongs we cannot correct. D. All illnesses have cures.</p><p>Question 18 of 42</p><p>Read the following selection. Which sentence does not support the main idea? (1)Believe it or not, fireflies and bats have much in common. (2)Both are nocturnal, active only at night.(3)However, at night they both flash a greenish-yellow light to locate one another. (4)My science teacher calls this blinking a kind of mating call.</p><p>A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4</p><p>Question 19 of 42</p><p>Alejandro is going to Mexico to visit relatives. He has never been to Mexico, and he is excited to meet his aunts, uncles, and cousins. He wants to talk to them and find out all about their lives. However, Alejandro does not speak Spanish very well, and his family in Mexico does not speak English at all.</p><p>What prediction can you make?</p><p>A. Alejandro will expect his relatives in Mexico to learn English. B. Alejandro will learn as much Spanish as he can before he goes to Mexico. C. Alejandro will cancel his trip to Mexico since he can't communicate with his relatives.</p><p>Question 20 of 42 ______occurs when a character in a story remembers something that happened in the past.</p><p>A. foreshadowing B. conflict C. rising action D. flashback</p><p>Question 21 of 42</p><p>Teresa crept around the corner of the kitchen table and, standing on tiptoe, reached stealthily into the large mixing bowl. She plunged her hand into the cake batter up to the wrist. Grinning fiendishly, she pulled her hand from the bowl and tried to fit her entire batter-dripping fist into her eager mouth. "Teresa!" Betsy bellowed. "You greedy little villain!"</p><p>Teresa was off like a shot, back to the safety of her room to enjoy her loot in peace.</p><p>When she had methodically licked her hand clean, she was ready to make her second attack. Having been caught once, she had to make it good; there was no room for error. She thought long and hard before finally shrieking a blood- curdling cry of utter terror: "Snaaaake!"</p><p>The story is narrated from what point of view?</p><p>A. first person B. second person C. third-person limited D. third-person omniscient</p><p>Question 22 of 42</p><p>Which of the following sentences uses transitional words correctly?</p><p>A. Making tomato sauce is easy; therefore, brown onion in oil until the onion is soft. B. As a result, add a can of tomato paste and a can of tomato sauce. C. Then the ingredients may stick, you must stir the mixture while cooking over low heat. D. Gradually add water so that the sauce won't be too thick.</p><p>Question 23 of 42</p><p>Which of the following sentences is written correctly?</p><p>A. Lord and Lady Van Riper attended the auto race in Monaco. B. Lord and lady van Riper attended the auto race in Monaco. C. Lord and Lady Van Riper attended the auto race in monaco. D. Lord and lady Van Riper attended the auto race in Monaco.</p><p>Question 24 of 42</p><p>Which of the following sentences is written correctly?</p><p>A. Last may, Aunt patricia went to Canada. B. Last May, Aunt Patricia went to Canada. C. Last May, aunt Patricia went to Canada. D. Last may, aunt patricia went to canada.</p><p>Question 25 of 42</p><p>Select the correctly capitalized sentence.</p><p>A. My favorite episode of I Love Lucy is The candy factory. B. My favorite episode of I Love Lucy is The Candy Factory. C. My favorite episode of I Love Lucy is the candy factory. D. My favorite episode of I love Lucy is The candy Factory.</p><p>Question 26 of 42</p><p>Which of the following sentences is written correctly?</p><p>A. Shanda ran quick down the street. B. Shanda ran quicker down the street. C. Shanda ran quickly down the street. D. Shanda ran quicklier down the street.</p><p>Question 27 of 42</p><p>Which of the following sentences is written correctly?</p><p>A. Neither Sam nor Jake wants to play point guard. B. Neither Sam nor Jake want to play point guard. C. Neither Sam nor Jake does wants to play point guard. D. Neither Sam nor Jake do want to play point guard.</p><p>Question 28 of 42</p><p>My friend, John, went to an Asian island last spring as a reporter for a major travel magazine. Which of the following is a proper noun?</p><p>A. My B. John C. Asian D. spring</p><p>Question 29 of 42</p><p>Select the correct pronoun that agrees with its antecedent to fill in the blank.</p><p>Amy wanted Mr. Jenkins to let ____ go home from school and get the book report she left on the table.</p><p>A. I B. her C. them D. it</p><p>Question 30 of 42</p><p>Select the answer that correctly uses pronouns.</p><p>A. Me and her are going to the movies later tonight. B. They gave the second prize to he and Scott for most original project. C. I wanted to give the present to they, but they weren't home. D. She and I went to the mall to waste some time before the movie.</p><p>Question 31 of 42</p><p>Complete the sentence by choosing the correct pronoun. Even though Tayla is younger than Stephen, she is much taller than ______.</p><p>A. them B. him C. he D. they</p><p>Question 32 of 42 The students, especially Marisa, ______going on field trips to museums.</p><p>Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.</p><p>A. enjoys B. does enjoy C. enjoy D. was enjoying</p><p>Question 33 of 42</p><p>Which is the correct use of an apostrophe?</p><p>A. Theyr'e going to the the movies. B. Sara want's to get some popcorn. C. We're having a party this weekend. D. The teacher said there are too many desk's.</p><p>Question 34 of 42</p><p>Select the sentence that uses a colon correctly.</p><p>A. Stephanie had everything Julian was looking for, she was smart: beautiful, and had a great sense of humor. B. When applying for a job: it is important to remember one thing, confidence. C. Of all the auditions, Fred's was the only one with all the key elements: finesse, charm, and spontaneity. D. Andrew, why do you always try to: push people's buttons and draw attention to yourself?</p><p>Question 35 of 42</p><p>Which one of the following is punctuated correctly?</p><p>A. Sabrina baked some oatmeal cookies and a chocolate cake, they tasted terrible. B. Sabrina baked. Some oatmeal cookies and a chocolate cake. They tasted terrible. C. Sabrina baked some oatmeal cookies and a chocolate cake; they tasted terrible. D. Sabrina baked some oatmeal cookies, and a chocolate cake. They tasted terrible.</p><p>Question 36 of 42</p><p>What does this sentence need in the blank to make it correct? </p><p>I have several hobbies__skiing, fishing, riding, and reading.</p><p>A. ! (exclamation point) B. - (dash or hyphen) C. ; (semicolon) D. : (colon)</p><p>Question 37 of 42 Choose the sentence which uses commas correctly.</p><p>A. While running, through the forest he fell into a quicksand pit. B. While running through the forest, he fell into a quicksand pit. C. While, running through the forest he fell into a quicksand pit. D. While, running through the forest, he fell into a quicksand pit.</p><p>Question 38 of 42</p><p>Which is not a correct use of a comma?</p><p>A. "Please set the table," said Anthony's mother. B. Oh, I don't know when I sent the letter to grandma. C. While you were waiting, Emily was finishing her test. D. I said the sky was clear, she said it was going to rain.</p><p>Question 39 of 42</p><p>Which answer correctly uses quotation marks?</p><p>A. "Antoine said, What are you doing in there?" B. I wish I could go horseback riding with you," said Amy. C. "Why can't you take me to get ice cream?" whined Tommy. D. "What do you think you are doing? asked Grandpa.</p><p>Question 40 of 42</p><p>The boys raked the leaves in Mr. Smith's yard.</p><p>Which of Mr. Smith's responses to the boys would be a declarative statement?</p><p>A. "Stop! You should not do that!" B. "Why did you boys rake the leaves?" C. "Would you like me to pay you?" D. "I'll pay you each five dollars."</p><p>Question 41 of 42</p><p>Read the following paragraph. Congress is the legislative branch of our government. It consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Representatives are elected to two-year terms while senators are elected to six-year terms. The main job of Congress is to create and pass laws that govern the citizens of the United States. Congress is an important part of the checks and balances of our government. Which of the following sentences would add appropriate detail to the paragraph?</p><p>A. John F. Kennedy was a senator before being elected President of the United States. B. Every state has two senators, but representatives are apportioned by population. C. The Supreme Court can rule laws unconstitutional. D. Washington, D.C., does not have a senator.</p><p>Question 42 of 42</p><p>Identify the corrected run-on sentence. Our cat was sick we took her to the vet's office.</p><p>A. Our cat was sick. We took her to the vet's office. B. Fluffy was sick, we took her to the vet's office. C. Because we took her to the vet's office, our cat was sick. D. We took her to the vet's office, she was sick.</p><p>Copyright © Discovery Education Assessment 2010. Proprietary Information. All rights reserved. Discovery Education Page</p>
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