Request for Quotes (RFQ)

Request for Quotes (RFQ)

<p> ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF WORK Template Request for Quotes (RFQ) Asta Training Solicitation Number: </p><p>BACKGROUND – </p><p>PennDOT purchased scheduling software, Asta Powerproject, which has become the standard for project scheduling throughout the Department. The next phase of the implementation includes a multitude of training so PennDOT employees, business partners and contractors can become familiar with Asta as we continue this transition. The Department has transitioned to having all schedules submitted in Asta or an Asta compatible format, which will allow PennDOT to review schedules electronically. This will allow for the creation of monitoring charts and the tracking of production rates more readily. </p><p>OBJECTIVE - </p><p>The objective of this project is to revise existing Asta training materials, create new training material and provide training on the Asta software for the PennDOT design and construction community on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), Business Leadership and Administrative Services Office (BLASO), Technical Training and Development Section (TTDS). </p><p>REQUIREMENTS – </p><p>The term of the contract shall be upon Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017.</p><p>The awarded Contractor shall implement the following when instructing each course:</p><p> Application of Adult Learning Theory throughout delivery.</p><p> Hands-on activities combined with facilitated discussion of essential learning factors with application to a technical environment providing the opportunity for participants to share experiences and solutions.</p><p> PennDOT-related transportation scenarios to stimulate awareness and discussion.</p><p>1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES – </p><p>The awarded Contractor shall:</p><p> Not use participant contact information for any reason outside the scope of this project. </p><p> Not subcontract the in-classroom teaching without the expressed knowledge and consent of the TTDS Project Manager. </p><p> Acknowledge that all PennDOT copyright training materials, detailed outlines of program agenda, lesson plans and facilitation aids are property of PennDOT.</p><p> Have the necessary number of instructors available for each class scheduled. This would include a substitute instructor on standby for any unforeseen circumstances.</p><p> For costing purposes, estimate one (1) instructor per course. Due to the number of courses to be presented, the vendor should have two instructors available at the same time so that two courses may be offered simultaneously. PennDOT will provide subject matter experts to assist each instructor with training.</p><p> Proofread all necessary course materials for completeness, including all grammatical and punctuation errors. </p><p> Revisions of the course materials, which shall include a participant workbook and classroom exercises.</p><p> Creation of course materials. </p><p> Provide in an electronic medium, all the printable materials in its original format as well as in a PDF format and a detailed explanation on how the materials shall be put together. PennDOT shall be responsible for all printed course materials, including any publications where applicable.</p><p> In order to add or substitute instructors, the awarded Contractor must provide in advance of training, a written request to the Project Manager, who will determine if this is acceptable.</p><p> Provide the TTDS Project Manager with a detailed log of items included in the invoice along with an OS-501 Confirmation of Services form. </p><p>TASK A: TRAINING </p><p>2 A1: Asta Training (Max 20 students per class) </p><p>Deliverable: Fifteen (15) Course Offerings - Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017.</p><p>Training shall be a 2-day course, totaling 15 hours with a focus on project managers located in PennDOT’s 11 districts. The Asta training must emphasize the importance of the fundamentals of scheduling and understanding the departments scheduling software, including Asta Powerproject, the Asta Web Portal, and Asta Project Comparison Tool. </p><p>Learning Outcomes: The training must address the following to ensure participants will have working knowledge of the learning outcomes upon completion of this course: </p><p> Fundamentals of scheduling</p><p> o Predecessors</p><p> o Successors </p><p> o Lags/leads</p><p> o Baselines</p><p> How to log into the Asta Web Portal</p><p> How to download Asta schedules into Asta Web Portal Check in/ Check out schedules</p><p> Progress schedules in Asta Web Portal and Asta Powerproject </p><p> How to create views within Asta Powerproject </p><p> How to create filters within Asta Powerproject</p><p> How to sort activities within Asta Powerproject </p><p> o How to create monitoring charts</p><p> Knowledge of Asta Powerproject files</p><p> Creating a schedule, via Asta Web Portal and Asta Powerproject</p><p> How to Import P6, P3, Microsoft project files into Asta Powerproject</p><p> How to create a baseline </p><p>3  How to reschedule branch </p><p> How to input resource loaded schedules as well as interpret them</p><p> How to use the Asta Project Comparison Tool for analysis reasons</p><p> How to print a schedule within Asta Powerproject </p><p>A2: Asta Construction Essentials Training (Max 20 students per class) </p><p>Deliverable: Fourteen (14) Course Offerings - Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017.</p><p>Training shall be a 1-1/2 day course, totaling 12 hours with a focus on construction personnel located in PennDOT’s 11 districts. The training must emphasize the importance of the fundamentals of scheduling and understanding the departments scheduling software, including Asta Powerproject, the Asta Web Portal, and Asta Project Comparison Tool.</p><p>Learning Outcomes: The training must address the following to ensure participants will have working knowledge of the learning outcomes upon completion of this course: </p><p> How to log into the Asta Web Portal</p><p> How to download Asta schedules into the Asta Web Portal Check in/ Check out schedules</p><p> Progress schedules in the Asta Web Portal and Asta Powerproject </p><p> How to create views within Asta Powerproject </p><p> How to create monitoring charts</p><p> Creating a schedule, via Asta Web Portal and Asta Powerproject</p><p> How to Import P6, P3, Microsoft project files into Asta Powerproject</p><p> How to review resource loaded schedules</p><p> How to use the Asta Project Comparison Tool for analysis reasons</p><p> How to print a monitoring chart within Asta Powerproject </p><p> How to review/interpret a schedule that was submitted by the contractor.</p><p> o Such as but not limited to:</p><p>4 . Critical Path Changes</p><p>. Milestone completion date changes</p><p>. How to view the calendars that were submitted by the Contractor</p><p> How to review logic that is within the schedule submitted by the Contractor. </p><p>Presentation: Contractors shall provide a unit cost per class for Task A as shown on the Cost Matrix, Attachment B, all inclusive of the Contractors cost to provide the courses as described with the exception of materials for students. The presentation cost shall include travel time to the training location, costs incurred for overnight stays, as well as subsistence entitlement. </p><p>Travel costing shall conform to the requirements of the most current version of Commonwealth Management Directive 230.10, Travel Allowances, which can be found at: nt_administrative_support_%28205-260%29/208571 </p><p>Subsistence costing shall conform to the requirements of the most current version of U.S. General Services Administration rates and are available on the U.S. GSA website at: radio&utm_term=HP_01_Requested_perdiem&utm_campaign=shortcuts</p><p>Materials: PennDOT’s policy is to print course materials through PennDOT’s Graphic Services Center. No later than forty-five (45) days prior to the first class of each fiscal year, the awarded Contractor is to provide, in an electronic medium, all presentation and printable material in its original format, as well as in a PDF format, and a detailed explanation of how the materials are to be put together.</p><p>Class Location: The actual location of each course will be determined by the TTDS Project Manager during the validity period of the PO resulting from this RFQ and be based on local need and a rational distribution throughout PennDOT districts. The Contractor shall, for costing purposes, estimate that from August 2016 to June 2017, fifteen (15) Asta Training courses and fourteen (14) Asta Construction Essentials Training courses are to be held. The Asta Training courses will be conducted regionally and the Asta Construction Essentials Training courses will be conducted in all 11 Districts as well as three regional trainings. </p><p> 5ED99ABB85257E840058C762/$File/Map_of_Districts.pdf</p><p>5 PennDOT shall provide the awarded Contractor with an instructor packet at each course location. This packet shall consist of name tents, sign-in sheets, student evaluations, an instructor evaluation, and a UPS return envelope. The Contractor shall submit the completed sign-in sheets, student evaluations and instructor evaluation to PennDOT, BLASO, TTDS, 400 North Street, 7th Floor, Harrisburg, PA within two (2) weeks of the end of the course. PennDOT will be responsible for administering any certificates to the students.</p><p>PennDOT will provide a standard classroom setting at each course location with a projector, screen, white board and/or flip charts, markers for both the white board and flip charts. </p><p>A brief description and summary of the learning objects for each course listed in the statement of work can be found at the PennDOT Training Calendar ( The course materials are available for review during the procurement period. Please send an email to PD- BLASOProcurement no later than 1:00 p.m. on July 22, 2016 to request a link to the course materials.</p><p>When requesting payment for work completed under Task A: Training, the awarded Contractor shall include a list of courses presented to include the date and the location of the training along with an OS-501 Confirmation of Services form.</p><p>TASK B: MANDATORY PLANNING SESSION</p><p>Deliverables: Two (2) Individuals attending One (1) Mandatory Planning Session – Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017.</p><p>Within three (3) weeks of the Notice to Proceed, a meeting will be scheduled with the awarded Contractor, the TTDS Project Manager, and other PennDOT assigned attendees to confirm a thorough understanding of the project. The meeting shall take place at PennDOT’s central office located at 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17120. The mandatory planning session will last no more than two (2) hours. </p><p>Cost shall be based on the time of the awarded Contractor’s Project Manager and one (1) instructor or developer. The Contractor shall provide a deliverable cost in the Cost Matrix, Attachment B that includes all costs associated with this task, including travel. Each deliverable is for one person to attend the mandatory planning session.</p><p>6 Topics of the meeting shall include, but not be limited to:</p><p> Schedule of work to be completed and any issues or clarifications.</p><p> Deployment of a plan to track actual work completed against scheduled work.</p><p> Attendance plans, course location plans, and a tentative course rollout schedule.</p><p> Invoicing procedures. </p><p>When requesting payment for work completed under Task B: Mandatory Planning Session, the awarded Contractor shall include the date of the meeting, along with an OS-501-Confirmation of Services form.</p><p>TASK C: COURSE REVISONS</p><p>Deliverable: The following deliverables are called for in Task C: Course Revisions and Updates.</p><p>C1: Course Revisions – Notice to proceed through June 20, 2017.</p><p>Course revisions should include revising and updating all the Asta Training materials in Task: A1. The revisions will update the manual to Phase 2 of the Asta release and version 14 of Asta Powerproject. The proposed Phase 2 Changes are as follows:</p><p> The solution shall ensure that the sections on the home page that detail information on Projects, Progress, Users and Business Partners become URLs that take the user to a page listing those projects or users. For example, clicking on “projects awaiting approval” will take the user to a list of those projects only. The project names will again be URLs taking the user to the project details page for that project.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that the users can see and filter on Project Manager, Project Type, Title (or project description), float, progress period and let date/project completion date as additional categorizing features in the project section</p><p> The solution shall ensure that the users can add more than one Project Manager and Business Partner/Contractors during the creation of the project. </p><p>7  The solution shall ensure that a date and time stamp along with the Progress Period are associated with every version of the schedule. In previous testing, file length was an issue. The solution shall maintain the current file length to not exceed file length limitations.</p><p> The solution shall ensure the baseline name and description are associated with the versions that are the assigned baselines. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that the user who approved the version of a schedule be shown. </p><p> The solution should ensure the ability to create a log in message that will be displayed to everyone who logs into the Asta Web Portal with a timeframe of how long the message will be active for.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that users can change information in the project creation process until a project is saved. Currently, if a user attempts to change the Business Partner from what was selected on the previous page, the portal aborts the creation of the project.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that the users can progress / view activities up to a set look ahead that will be detailed and agreed upon in the Design Document.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that a rejection comments box be associated with each activity that is being rejected. While this could be implemented, the concern is that it could make the progress approval page significantly bigger and more difficult to navigate.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that during the creation of a schedule within the Web Portal the user has the ability to select Design or Construction or Both. Users for Design will only be able to see schedules that are toggled Design or Both and Construction users will only be able to see schedules that are toggled Construction or Both. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that upon review of the schedule or progress instead of having an approve button it is switched to accept. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that when entering, reviewing and approving progress all the activities show up on one list, currently the user has to select all the summary activities to enter, review and approve the activities listed under it. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that each project file is identified as a design or construction project. </p><p> The solution will ensure that the files uploaded are a valid .pp file. </p><p>8  The solution will clean up any temporary files that are created during the upload process.</p><p> The solution will ensure that at the creation of a construction .pp project file, it will not generate and store the GUID. </p><p>. The solution will evaluate the uploaded .pp file to determine if it is a construction file. If it is, the solution will not look for the GUID in the file.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that the Admin, Portfolio Manager, and Project Manager role can add a business partner firm to an existing project if one does not exist. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that the Admin, Portfolio Manager, and Project Manager role can add additional business partner firms to an existing project. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that the Admin, Portfolio Manager, and Project Manager roles can add Project Managers from other districts to the projects.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that only the Admin, Portfolio Manager and user that checked out the project can cancel the checkout lock placed on a project. </p><p> The solution shall ensure that Admin and Portfolio Manager Roles can change the progress method after a project is created for in-house projects.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that the Portfolio Manager roles can add an internal user within their district or remove an internal user within their district.</p><p> The solution shall ensure that we create roles that have the same access rights as Design. Create a role for Construction- Project ACE- same access as Portfolio Manager. Create a role for Construction- IIC- same access as Project Manager. Create a role for Contractor- same access as Project Manager. </p><p>. The solution shall ensure that a Project Manager and IIC can change the status of a project. </p><p>Any proposed updates must be submitted to the PennDOT Subject Matter Expert for review and approval prior to implementation. The awarded Contractor shall use the developed course materials as a guide for any revisions and/or modifications to the coursework. </p><p>C2: Status Meetings - Notice to proceed through June 30, 2017.</p><p>The purpose of the meetings is to review the revisions and determine their accuracy. The Contractor (one (1) person) shall assume up to three (3) meetings that will last no more than two (2) hours each. The three (3) meetings are an estimate and not a guarantee. The meetings shall take place at PennDOT’s central office location at 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, as</p><p>9 determined by the TTDS Project Manager. Travel costs and travel time should be included in the cost of each meeting.</p><p>C3: Pilot Offering - Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017</p><p>The pilot offering should be a presentation of the Asta Training with the revisions completed. During the pilot, the TTDS Project Manager will allow time for participants to offer feedback on the training course. The pilot deliverable shall include completion of revisions identified during the pilot offering. The pilot offering, to be held in Harrisburg, should include travel costs and travel time.</p><p>During the revisions of the course, the awarded Contractor will work closely with PennDOT Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and the TTDS Project Manager. The awarded Contractor will provide a development schedule that incorporates sufficient time for PennDOT review and approval. </p><p>When requesting payment for work completed under Task C: Course Revisions, the awarded Contractor shall include a summary of the modifications and/or changes completed along with an OS-501 Confirmation of Services form.</p><p>TASK D: COURSE DEVELOPMENT </p><p>Deliverable: The following deliverables are called for in Task D: Development. </p><p>D1: Development of the Asta Construction Essentials Training Instructor Manual - Notice to Proceed through December 31, 2016. </p><p>This development must comprise topics under Task A2, Asta Construction Essentials Training- Learning Outcomes. The Asta Training manual (created January 2016) should be used as the basis for developing the Asta Construction Essentials Training manual. The development should include a PowerPoint presentation of the training course with detailed instructor notes, classroom exercises, visual aids, and any other materials needed to present the training course. </p><p>10 D2: Development of the Asta Construction Essentials Training Participant Manual. Notice to Proceed through December 31, 2016. </p><p>This development must comprise topics under Task A2, Asta Construction Essentials Training- Learning Outcomes. The revised Asta Training manual (created January 2016) should be used as the basis for developing this manual. The participant manual should include an outline of the training course, pages that correspond to the PowerPoint slides, exercises that reinforce the use of Asta in a construction environment. </p><p>D3: Status Meetings - Notice to Proceed through December 31, 2016. </p><p>The purpose of the meetings is to review the development of the Asta Construction Essentials Training materials and presentation. The Contractor (one (1) person) shall assume up to three (3) meetings that will last no more than two (2) hours each. The three (3) meetings are an estimate and not a guarantee. The meetings shall take place at PennDOT’s central office location at 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Travel costs and travel time should be included in the cost of each meeting.</p><p>D4: Pilot Offering - Notice to Proceed through December 31, 2016. </p><p>The pilot offering should be a presentation of the Asta Construction Essentials Training. During the pilot, the TTDS Project Manager will allow time for participants to offer feedback on the training course. The pilot deliverable shall include completion of revisions identified during the pilot offering. The pilot offering is to be held in Harrisburg and the deliverable should include travel costs and travel time.</p><p>During the development of each course, the awarded Contractor will work closely with PennDOT Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and the TTDS Project Manager to clarify learning outcomes, target audiences, methods of presentation, measurement of learning and other details of the courses. At the Mandatory Planning Session, a development schedule shall be created that incorporates sufficient time for PennDOT review and approval. The course material developed shall include an instructor guide, participant workbook, classroom exercises, visual aids, and any other material needed to present each course.</p><p>11 The Contractor shall provide a deliverable cost in the Cost Matrix, Attachment B, which includes all cost associated with the development of the Asta Construction Essentials Training course.</p><p>When requesting payment for work completed under Task D: Course Development, the awarded Contractor shall include a summary of the work completed along with an OS-501 Confirmation of Services form.</p><p>OTHER REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>1. Contractor Submission Package </p><p>Submission package should be kept to a reasonable length not exceed twenty (20) pages. This excludes table of contents, dividers, supportive Appendices, and resumes. Resumes should be limited to two (2) pages for each individual resume. Your submission package must be emailed to the following email address: PD-BLASOProcurement.</p><p>1. Suppliers must complete and submit the following documents:</p><p> a. Proposal based on requirements listed in Attachment A</p><p> b. Cost Matrix – Attachment B</p><p> c. Domestic Workforce Utilization Form – Attachment C</p><p>2. Term:</p><p>The term of the contract shall be upon “Notice to Proceed” through June 30, 2017.</p><p>3. Insurance: </p><p>In accordance with ITQ Contract Number 4400008567, Part IV – Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 27b, Insurance, and the awarded Contractor will be required to provide a current certificate of insurance to PennDOT.</p><p>12 4. Payment: </p><p>Payment will be based upon the successful completion and written acceptance of each deliverable identified in the section Tasks and Deliverables of this RFQ. Each deliverable payment will be based on the agreed cost in the awarded Contractor’s Attachment B, Cost Matrix, or as agreed to in the final contract. Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager Form OS-501, Attachment D, and substantiating documentation as notification of each deliverable completion. PennDOT Project Manager will certify successful completion and acceptance of each deliverable. Invoices must be submitted after acceptance of each OS-501. All invoices must be sent to the following address:</p><p>COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA</p><p>PO BOX 69180</p><p>HARRISBURG, PA 17106</p><p>The Contractor may also submit invoices electronically using the E-Invoicing Program website.</p><p>Payment to the Contractor will be based on timely completion and acceptance (in writing) of deliverables outlined within Tasks and Deliverables.</p><p>5. Estimated Quantities:</p><p>All quantities are estimated. Estimated quantities may be changed based on the need of the program. PennDOT reserves the right to request a change in quantities for any of the deliverables when anticipated quantities exceed those established. PennDOT reserves the right to add or delete training courses identified during the period of this Purchase Order (PO). PennDOT also reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment, emergencies, and other reasons important to the technical training program.</p><p>6. Award: </p><p>Selection will be determined by best value criteria. Please refer to the attached Expedited RFQ Template for Training Services.</p><p>Questions:</p><p>13 Direct all questions concerning this Contract to Kate Gotshall, Issuing Officer, at PD- BLASOProcurement. All questions must be submitted by 1:00 PM on July 20, 2016. All Contractors will be notified of the responses to the questions by July 22, 2016.</p><p>14</p>

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