Curriculum Vitae s295

Curriculum Vitae s295

<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Molly ENGLE, Ph.D.</p><p>Oregon State University 101c Ballard Hall Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Home: (541) 757-1143 Work: (541) 737-4126 Fax: (541) 737-4423 E-mail: [email protected] Blog: </p><p>A. EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION</p><p>University of Arizona 1983, Ph.D. Major: Program Evaluation/Research Design (specializing in health-related fields) Minor: Learning and Development Dissertation: Factors Affecting the Reduction of Narrative Data</p><p>1973, M.S Major: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing; Minor: Sociology Thesis: Effects of Disrupted Family Group on the Length of Time in Treatment for Emotionally Disturbed Children</p><p>1971, B.S.N Major: Nursing</p><p>2011—present Professor with tenure, College of Education, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2007—2011 Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Adult Education and Higher Education Leadership, College of Education, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2007 Feb–Sept Principal Investigator; Evaluation of the Five Star Restoration Program: How to improve program effectiveness through program improvement, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 2005 Oct-present Evaluation Specialist, Extension Administration. Oregon State University, Corvallis OR.</p><p>2004 Oct-2005 Assessment Specialist, Academic Programs and Academic Assessment, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR.</p><p>2004 Jan-Sept Evaluation Specialist, Oregon Food and Nutrition Program and </p><p>1 Extension Service Family and Community Development Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. </p><p>1998-2003 Evaluation and Grants Specialist, Office of Personnel and Organizational Development, Oregon Extension Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR</p><p>1998-2007 Associate Professor, with tenure, Department of Public Health, College of Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.</p><p>1997-1998 Principal Investigator – “Documenting a critical care pathway in Orthopedic and primary care practices”, funded by Alabama Department of Public Health.</p><p>1997-1998 Scientist - Center for Metabolic Bone Disease, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1996-1998 Evaluation consultant - Division of Allied, Dental, Public Health Professions Consultant Group, HRSA-BHPr.</p><p>1996-1998 Principal Investigator - An analytical framework for public health special projects grant outcomes, HRSA 240-96-0016.</p><p>1995-1998 Associate Professor - Graduate Faculty, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1995-1998 Scientist - Injury Control Research Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1995-1998 Scholar - Center for Health Risk Assessment and Disease Prevention, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1995-1998 Scientist - Center for Aging, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1995-1998 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. </p><p>1994-1998 Associate Professor, Department of Health Behavior, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1994-1998 Associate Professor - Behavioral Medicine Unit, Division of General and Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>2 1993-1998 Principal Investigator - Substance Use Awareness Intervention for Community Obstetric Practices, R01 DA08441.</p><p>1993-1994 Consultant - Research and Evaluation, HealthEast, St. Paul MN.</p><p>1993-1998 Scientist and Member Project Assessment Core - Center for Health Promotion, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1992-1995 Adjunct Assistant Professor - School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>1992-1993 Director of Research and Evaluation - Senior Services/Bethesda Hospital, HealthEast, St. Paul MN</p><p>1992-1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Health Behavior, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL</p><p>1991-1994 Assistant Professor - Behavioral Medicine Unit, Division of General and Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1991 Principal Investigator - Impact evaluation of national Geriatric Education Centers program, HRSA 91-442[P].</p><p>1990-1994 Evaluation Consultant - American Society on Aging, San Francisco, CA. </p><p>1990-1993 Director of Evaluation - Comparative Substance Abuse Treatment for the Homeless Grant Project (U01 AA08819), Department of Medicine, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1990-1991 Co-Director (Co-Principal Investigator) - Geriatric Education Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1989-1995 Associate Scientist - Injury Control Research Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1988-1995 Associate Scholar - Center for Health Risk Assessment and Disease Prevention, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1988-1995 Associate Scientist - Center for Aging, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1986-1987 Co-Director - Statewide Survey of Alabama’s Elderly, Center for Aging, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>3 1987-1991 Assistant Professor of Education in Medicine - Office of Educational Development, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1985-1991 Program Director - Geriatric Education Center (GEC), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1984-1987 Educational Evaluator; Instructor of Education in Medicine, 1985- 1987 - Office of Educational Development, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>1982-1984 Program Associate for Allied Health Programs and Medical Content - Health Programs Department, The American College Testing Program, Iowa City, IA.</p><p>1980-1982 Patient Instructor - Preparation for Clinical Medicine Office, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ..</p><p>1980-1981 Research Assistant - Office of Medical Education, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>1980-1981 Research Assistant - Preparation for Clinical Medicine Office (PCM), College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>1979-1982 Research Associate/Assistant for Evaluation and Nutrition Consultation - Nutrition “Super Stars” Project, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>1978-1979 Health Coordinator - Tucson Association for Child Care, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>1977 Summer Psychiatric Nurse Consultant - Cochise County Behavioral Health Services, Bisbee, AZ.</p><p>1976-1978 Instructor - Department of Nursing, Cochise College, Douglas, AZ. </p><p>1974-1975 Therapist - Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Conducted outpatient therapy groups; served as an after-care therapist for individual clients, including follow-up and home visits. </p><p>1973-1976 Instructor - College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>1973 Summer Therapist (Volunteer) - Tohono O’odham (Papago) Mental Health Service, Sells, AZ.</p><p>1972-1973 Therapist - Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. </p><p>4 1971-1972 Residential and day treatment nurse for emotionally disturbed children - Arizona Children’s Home Association, Tucson, AZ. </p><p>B. TEACHING, ADVISING AND OTHER ASSIGNMENTS:</p><p>1. Instructional Summary Credit Courses (Lecture, Preceptorship, Course work) Course Master . Health Behavior/Public Health 641: Applied Research Methods, Winter, 1998 (University of Alabama at Birmingham);  H576: Program Planning and Proposal Writing, Spring 2000 (Oregon State University). Guest Lecture: . NTR 736 - Scientific Methods, Topic: Quasi-Experimental Design, Scientific Writing, Designs for Inquiry; February 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992; approx. 30 . PHB 500 - Introduction to Public Health Education, Topic: Program Evaluation,20 February 1994; . AHE 621 – Research Perspectives, Topic: Institutional Review Board, May 2007, June 2007, June 2008 Non-Credit Courses and Workshops University of Alabama at Birmingham 1. Writing for Publication in Scientific Journals. Workshop Co-Instructor, Eight, 10 week seminars. 1985 – 1992, 10 – 15 participants each seminar 2. Curriculum for Clinical Investigators: Biomedical Writing. Seminar Leader: ; January 1992, 15 participants Oregon State University As an OSU Extension Service Evaluation Specialist, I assist faculty in the design, implementation, analysis, and reporting of evaluations of their community-based programs, and I advise the Vice Provost of Outreach and Engagement, the Associate Vice Provost of Extension and the Associate Vice Provost of E-Campus regarding building evaluation capacity within the organization. 1. Evaluating community-based educational intervention programs Situation: All OSU Extension Faculty are expected to evaluate their activities (herein called individual programs or IP), yet individual faculty member’s capacity to evaluate his/her programs vary widely. Faculty collaborations lead to increased rigor in individual program evaluations and improved individual evaluation capacity. Method: Individual, small group, and workshop activities provided opportunities to evaluate community-based educational intervention programs including the following: Workshop 1. Evaluating Extension Programs, presenter, Sept, 1998; 30 participants 2. Using Logic Modeling to Evaluate Extension Programs, presenter, Sept 1999; 2000; 30 participants 3. Searching the World Wide Web for Funding Information and Agency Sites, presenter, Sept 1999; 2000; 15 participants </p><p>5 4 .Collecting Data, presenter, Sept 1999 2000; 30 participants 5. Developing Effective Programs, presenter, June 2002, 12 participants 6. Success with Promotion and Tenure: Planning your program from beginning to end, presenter, Sept 2001. 30 participants 7. Western Region Evaluation Capacity Training (say “west”), coordinator, presenter, facilitator. September 2011- January 2013. 30 participants. Small group teaching 1. What is Evaluation? presenter, June 2002. 12 participants. 2. Logic Modeling and evaluating programs, presenter, five workshops 1998 - 2001 10 participants.</p><p>Table 1. Number of individual teaching by Extension program area and evaluation skill October 2005 – June 2008 Evaluation teaching Program Area Overview Designin Implementin Analyzin Reportin g g g g Agriculture 240 21 13 4 4</p><p>Family and 3 3 3 2 2 Community Development (FCD) Forestry 9 9 7 4 4</p><p>4-H* NA NA NA NA NA</p><p>Sea Grant 2 2 2 1 0</p><p>Administration 5 5 3 1 1</p><p>EESC 2 2 1 0 0</p><p>Outside OSU 10 10 4 2 0 Extension *The 4-H program area has an internal evaluator who provides resources to the 4-H faculty.</p><p>Results/Impacts: Successful evaluation implementation, data analysis and reporting. Successively increasing rigor in evaluation designs, survey design, implementation strategy, data analysis and reporting. Increased number of faculty complying with IRB requirements (see Table 2 and 3 below).</p><p>6 Table 2. Number of approved IRB applications by program area, 2000-2008 </p><p>YEAR PROGRAM AREA Not 4-H FCD Ag Forestry Sea Grant EESC EX Admin AREC TOTAL specified N % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % 2000 2 11 8 42 4 21 0 0 1 5 2 11 1 5 1 5 0 0 19 100 2001 1 4 13 54 4 17 0 0 4 17 1 4 0 0 1 4 0 0 243 100 2002 0 0 13 65 6 30 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 100 2003 0 0 9 60 2 13 2 13 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 1 7 15 100 2004 0 0 10 67 4 27 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 100 2005 0 0 13 62 4 19 1 5 0 0 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 100 2006 2007 20082 Total 3 3 66 58 24 21 3 3 6 5 8 7 1 0.8 2 2 1 0.8 114 100.61 1Results greater than 100% due to rounding 22008 results are for January – July only</p><p>7 Table 3. Number of Faculty completing Certificates of Education by Program area 2000-2008 Program Area Agriculture Forestry 4-H FCD Sea Grant Admin* 28 13 34 22 8 3 *Administration includes EESC Related scholarly activities: Individual and co-authored manuscripts and presentations document evaluating community-based educational intervention programs and related activities. See pages 11 – 18 (publications); and 19 – 30 (presentations). 2. Building organizational capacity in program evaluation and related areas Situation: Developing a corporate culture of evaluation requires a coordinated effort involving the administration, specialists, and support staff. Supporting the evaluation activities is key in developing corporate capacity. Methods: Individual faculty consultation, grant submission, report reviews, group brain storming and white paper development. Results/Impacts: Grant submission to Natural Fisheries and Wildlife Foundation; concept paper on Center for Natural Resources Evaluation within the Institute of Natural Resources, Extension Service reporting system revised and implemented, Related scholarly activities: Individual and co-authored manuscripts and presentations document building corporate capacity in program evaluation. See pages 11 – 18 (publications), and 19 – 30 (presentations). Curriculum Development Workbook, Writing for publication in Scientific Journals” 1985. Revised, 1986. Mediated Materials: Engle, M. (Producer), & Medical Television (Director). (1986). UAB GEC Interdisciplinary core curriculum seminars [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Executive Producer, Production Administrator), & Medical Television (Producer, Director). (1987). It’s never too late to change [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Executive Producer, Production Administrator), & Medical Television (Producer, Director). (1987). Preventing falls and other injuries in the elderly [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), & Medical Television (Producer, Director). (February 1988). Legal and ethical issues by Mark Elovitz, Ph.D. [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator) & Medical Television (Producer, Director). (June 1988). Musculoskeletal diseases by John Reveille, M.D. [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), Medical Television (Director), & UAB Geriatric Education Center (Producer). (January 1989). No easy answers: Ethical dilemmas in health care for the elderly [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Service. Engle, M. (Executive Producer, Production Administrator), & Medical Television (Producer, Director). (1989). Memory problems and Alzheimer’s disease: What </p><p>8 can you do? [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), Medical Television (Director), & UAB Geriatric Education Center (Producer). (September 1989). No easy answers: Hard choices at the end of life [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), Medical Television (Director), & UAB Geriatric Education Center (Producer). (1990 ). No easy answers: Aging; religion and health [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator) & Medical Television (Producer, Director). (1990). Falls and falls prevention by Marilyn Gossman, Ph.D. [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), Medical Television (Director), & UAB Geriatric Education Center (Producer). (1990). No easy answers: Rationing health care resources. [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), Medical Television (Producer, Director), & East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission (Executive Producer). (1991). Listen and learn: Hearing loss and what you can do about it . [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. (Production Administrator), Medical Television (Director), & UAB Geriatric Education Center (Producer). (1991). Influenza Vaccine and the Elderly . [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. (Executive Producer), Schumacher, J. (Assistant Producer), Medical Television (Director). (1994). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: A Series (ten videotapes). [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. & Goldenberg, R.L. (1994). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: Considering Tobacco Use. In Engle, M. (Executive Producer), Schumacher, J. (Assistant Producer), Medical Television (Director ). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: A Series (ten videotapes). [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. & Sokol, R.J. (1994). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: Identifying the Pregnant Woman at Risk. In Engle, M. (Executive Producer), Schumacher, J. (Assistant Producer), Medical Television (Director). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: A Series (ten videotapes). [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services.</p><p>Engle, M. & Nelson, L. J. (1994). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: Risk Management and Malpractice Issues . In Engle, M. (Executive Producer), Schumacher, J. (Assistant Producer), Medical Television (Director). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: A Series (ten videotapes). [Videotape]. </p><p>9 Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. & Woods, J. R. (1994). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: Drug Abuse in Pregnancy. In Engle, M. (Executive Producer), Schumacher, J. (Assistant Producer), Medical Television (Director). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: A Series (ten videotapes). [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Engle, M. & Woods, J. R. (1994). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: Medical and Obstetric Complications of Substance Abuse. In Engle, M. (Executive Producer), Schumacher, J. (Assistant Producer), Medical Television (Director). Substance Abuse and the Pregnant Woman: A Series (ten videotapes). [Videotape]. Birmingham, AL: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Media Services. Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Trainees: GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISING Student Role on Committee Degree Status Completion date Oregon State University Tammy Henderson GSR Ph.D. Completed 1999 Laurel Sharmer Member Ph.D. Completed 2000 Lori McGraw GSR Ph.D. Completed 2002 Erica Kirsch Member MS. Completed 2002 Christina Kakoyannis Member Ph.D. Completed 2004 Cristian Dogaru GSR MS Completed 2004 Chris Nelson GSR Ph.D. Completed 2007 Mel Zanjani Member Ph. D. Completed 2012 Sue Goff Member Ph.D. Completed 2012 Kellie Walker Member M.S. Completed 2012 Charlotte Guebels GSR Ph.D. Completed 2011 Jenni Newby Member Ph.D. In process 2014 Khalid Almutariri GSR Ph.D. In process 2016 Michelle Marie GSR Ph.D. In process 2012 Alethia Miller Member M.S. In process 2013 Lindsay Myers GSR M. S. In process 2014 Sandra Kellogg Chair Ph.D. Withdrew 2009 Zelda Zimmerman Member Ph.D. Withdrew 2005 David Lane Chair Ph.D. Withdrew 2008 University of Alabama at Birmingham Carrington, Michaella Member MS Completed 1985 Barnhill, Kathy Member MS Completed 1988 Slater, Alana Member MA Completed 1989 Gardner, Marilyn Member Ph.D. Completed 1999 Taggart, Helen Member Ph.D. Completed 2000 Johnson, Kimberly Member MPH. Completed 2000 International Reader Livingston, Jennifer Reader MEd. Completed 1999 Kohn, Fay Reader Ph.D. Completed 2003</p><p>Team or Collaborative Efforts PH 490: Systems Thinking and Planning, Fall, 1998; 1999; 2000 (Oregon State University)</p><p>10 International Teaching Engle, M. (November 1986). Determining the effectiveness of a geriatric education curriculum. Invited lecturer to the faculty, Kyushu University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan.</p><p>2. Student and Participant/Client Evaluations 3. Peer Teaching Evaluations 4. Advising (not applicable) 5. Other Assignments (not applicable)</p><p>C. SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY 1. Publications Peer Refereed/ Reviewed Publications</p><p>Khanna, S., Cheyney, M. & Engle, M. (2009). Cultural competency in health care: Evaluating the outcomes of a cultural competency training among health care professionals. Journal of the National Medical Association, 101, 886-892.</p><p>Braverman, M. T. & Engle, M. (2009). Advancing extension evaluation: perspectives on theory, method, and use. Journal of Extension, 47, </p><p>Braverman, M. T., Engle, M., Arnold, M. E, & Rennekamp, R. (Eds.) (2008). Program evaluation in a complex organizational system: Lessons from Cooperative Extension. New Directions for Evaluation, no. 120. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass</p><p>Braverman, M. T., Engle, M. Arnold, M. E., & Rennekamp, R. (2008). Editors’ Notes. In M. T. Braverman, M. Engle, M. E. Arnold, & R. Rennekamp (Eds.), Program evaluation in a complex organizational system: Lessons from Cooperative Extension. New Directions for Evaluation, no. 120. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.</p><p>Rennekamp, R. & Engle, M. (2008), A Case study in organizational change: Evaluation in Cooperative Extension. In M. T. Braverman, M. Engle, M. E. Arnold, & Rennekamp (Eds.). .), Program evaluation in a complex organizational system: Lessons from Cooperative Extension. New Directions for Evaluation, no. 120. San Francisco, Jossey- Bass.</p><p>Knowles, C., Hansen, E., & Engle, M. (2008). Oregon Wood Fest: Assessing the Educational Impact. Journal of Extension, 46, 4</p><p>William, R. D., Engle, M., Goodell, P. B., & Koplinka-Loehr, C. (2006). Whole Systems Inquiry: Designing Large Educational Events. Journal of Extension, 44, 5.</p><p>Engle, M., Altschuld, J.W., Kim, Y.C. (2006). 2002 Survey of evaluation preparation </p><p>11 programs in universities: An update of the 1992 American Evaluation Association- sponsored study. American Journal of Evaluation, 27, 1, 353-359.</p><p>Schuster, E., Zimmerman, Z., Engle, M., Smiley, J., Syversen, E., & Murry, J. (2003). Investing in Oregon’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP): Documenting Costs and Benefits. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 34, 4, 200-206.</p><p>Simon-Brown, V., Withrow-Robinson, B., Engle, M., Reed, A. S., & Broussard, S. (2003). Art as Catalyst for Conversation. Women in Natural Resources 24, 1, 25 - 30.</p><p>Withrow-Robinson, B., Broussard, S., Simon-Brown, V, Engle, M., & Reed, A. S. (2002) Seeing the Forest: Art about forest and forestry. Journal of Forestry 100, 8 -14. </p><p>Engle, M. (2001). [Review of From Needs Assessment to Action: Transforming Needs into Solution Strategies.] Evaluation and Program Planning, 24, 329-330.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Engle, M., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Lerner, M., Caldwell, E.M., Michael, M., & Carr, J. (September 2000). Linking practice and science in the substance abuse treatment for homeless persons. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 36, 297- 313.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Engle, M., Reynolds, K., Houser, S.H., Mukherjee, S., Caldwell, E, Kohler, C., Phelan, S.T., Raczynski, J. M. (April 2000). Measuring Self-Efficacy in Substance Abuse Intervention in Obstetric Practices. Southern Medical Journal, 93, 406- 414.</p><p>Houser, S.H, Engle, M., Schumacher, J.E., Caldwell, E., Kohler, C., Phelan, S.T., Raczynski, J. M., Reynolds, K.D. (March 2000). Resolving data collection issues related to confidentiality and sensitive information. Journal of AHIMA.</p><p>Engle, M. (1999, Winter). [Review of Qualitative Data Analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd Ed.)]. American Journal of Evaluation, 20, 159-160.</p><p>Garon, B., Engle, M., & Ormiston, C. (1997). A randomized control study to determine the effects of unlimited oral intake of water in patients with identified aspiration. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 11, 139-148.</p><p>Garon, B.R., Engle, M., Ormiston, C. (1996). Silent Aspiration: Results of 1000 video fluoroscopic swallow evaluations. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 10, 121-126.</p><p>Engle, M. (1995). [Review of Evaluation Fundamentals: Guiding Health Programs]. Evaluation Practice, 16, 291-293.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Caldwell, E., Engle, M., Carr, J., & Michael, M. (1995). Validity of self-reported crack cocaine use among homeless persons in </p><p>12 treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 12, (5), 335-339. </p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Engle, M., Caldwell, E., (1995). Treatment outcome as a function of treatment intensity with homeless persons abusing cocaine. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 14, 73-85.</p><p>Garon, B.R., Engle, M., & and Ormiston, C. (1995). Reliability of the 3-oz water swallow test utilizing cough reflex as sole indicator of aspiration. Journal of Neurological Rehabilitation, 9, 139-143.</p><p>Schumacher, J. E., Milby, J. B., Raczynski, J. M., Engle, M., Caldwell, E., & Carr, J. (1994). Demoralization and threats to validity in a randomized clinical trial: The Birmingham Homeless Research Demonstration Project. In K. J. Conrad (Ed.), Critically evaluating the role of randomized experiments in program evaluation. New Directions for Program Evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.</p><p>Altschuld, J. W., Engle, M. Cullen, C., Kim, I., & Macce, B. R. (1994). What is the current status of evaluation programs? An updated directory of programs. In J. W. Altschuld & M. Engle (Eds.), The preparation of professional evaluators: Issues, perspectives and current status. New Directions for Program Evaluation, no. 60. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.</p><p>Altschuld, J.W. & Engle, M. (1994). Editors Notes. In J. W. Altschuld & M. Engle (Eds.), The preparation of professional evaluators: Issues, perspectives and current status. New Directions for Program Evaluation, no. 60. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.</p><p>Altschuld, J.W. & Engle, M. (Eds.). (1994). The preparation of professional evaluators: Issues, perspectives, and current status. New Directions for Program Evaluation, no. 60. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.</p><p>Engle, M. (June 1994). [Review of Program Evaluation: Forms and Approaches]. Evaluation Practice, 15, 201-203.</p><p>Hoegerman, G.S., Schumacher, J.E., Phelan, S.T., Engle, M., & Raczynski, J.M. (1993). Perceptions of substance use by community obstetricians. AMERSA Substance Abuse, 14, 89-96.</p><p>Raczynski, J. M., Schumacher, J. E., Milby, J. B., Michael, M., Engle, M., Lerner, M. & Woolley, T. (1993). Comparing two substance abuse treatments for the homeless: The Birmingham project. Alcohol Treatment Quarterly, 10, 217-233.</p><p>Engle, M. (1992). Geriatric Education Centers’ Evaluation Strategies: A Summary. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 12, 59 - 67.</p><p>Tinsley, A. M., Houtkooper, L. B., Engle, M., & Gibbs, J. C. (1985). Evaluation of implementation methods using a nutrition-fitness curriculum in fifth and sixth grades. </p><p>13 Journal of Nutrition Education, 17(3), 100-104.</p><p>Engle, M. (May 1984). Factors affecting the reduction of narrative data. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona, 1983). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44/11-A, 3325.</p><p>Tinsley, A. M., Houtkooper, L. B., Engle, M., & Gibbs, J. (1981). A nutrition and physical fitness test for fifth and sixth graders. Journal of Nutrition Education, 13(3), 95-96. </p><p>Myers, C. J. & Engle, M. (1980). Project Module: A case study exemplifying Murphy’s Law. Education New Mexico.</p><p>Peer Refereed Abstracts </p><p>Engle, M., Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Lerner, M., Caldwell, E., Michael, M., & Carr, J. (May 1995). Cooperation among research, service, and community organizations in the substance abuse treatment of homeless individuals. Proceedings, International Society for Quality Assurance in Health Care annual meeting (Abstract). 11.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1992). Listen and learn: Hearing loss and what you can do about it (A program for senior citizens and their families). Proceedings Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting (Abstract). 12.</p><p>Calkins, E., Karuza, J., Feather, J., Saunders, M., Freiburger, R., Engle, M. (November 1991). Strategies for recruitment of physicians in diffusion of medical technology and dissemination efforts involving policy adoption and change. Gerontologist, 31, 2 (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M. (1991). Developing an impact evaluation protocol for Geriatric Education Centers. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Workshop for Key GEC staff. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida Geriatric Education Center (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1991). Meeting practitioners’ needs for information on ethical issues. Proceedings Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M. & Hughes, G.H. (October 1989). It’s never too late to change. The Gerontologist, 29, 157A (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M. & Hughes, G.H. (October 1989). No Easy Answers: Ethical dilemmas in the health are for the elderly. The Gerontologist, 29, 183A (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1989). Preventing falls and other injuries in the elderly. The Gerontologist, 29, 215A (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M. (1989). Preventing falls and other injuries in the elderly. Proceedings, 10th Annual </p><p>14 Meeting, Southern Gerontological Society, Charleston, SC (Abstract). </p><p>Engle, M. (1989). It’s never too late to change. Proceedings, 10th Annual Meeting, Southern Gerontological Society, Charleston, SC (Abstract).</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G. H., Karuza, J., Connelly, R., Fink, A., Beck, J. C., & Kahl, A. (1989). Geriatric Education Centers: What effect? Proceedings Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Tampa, FL (Abstract).</p><p>Allman, R. M., Engle, M., & Heinsohn, M. E. (1989). Knowledge and attitudes after an inpatient geriatrics rotation for medical residents and students. Proceedings Southern Region annual meeting, Society of General and Internal Medicine. (Abstract).</p><p>Barnhill, K., Wooldridge, N. H., Engle, M., & Tiller, R. E. (1988). Effectiveness of an audiovisual nutrition education program for adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis. Proceedings, North America Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Orlando, FL. (Abstract) Ped. Pulmon., Supp #2.</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G. H., & Jackson, R. F. (April 1987). Older workers view of alternative formats: A message for employers. Proceedings Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting. (Abstract).</p><p>Invited publications</p><p>Engle, M. (2007, October). Program Evaluation. In S. Boslaugh, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Epidemiology, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.</p><p>Engle, M. & Altschuld, J.W. (2003, Winter).An Update on university-based evaluation training. Evaluation Exchange, IX, 4, 13.</p><p>Engle, M. (August 2001). On Institutional Review and Human Subjects Use or Why Do Extension Faculty Need To Make An IRB Application? Hear it from the Board. - aea/AEA_HearItFromTheBoardAugust2001.pdf</p><p>Engle, M., & Kratt, P. P. (1999). Health promotion in health care settings. In R. DiClemente & J. M. Raczynski (Eds.), Handbook of health promotion and disease prevention. New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation.</p><p>Galvin, M. M., Gardner, M., & Engle, M. (1999). Health promotion with older populations. In R. DiClemente & J. M. Raczynski (Eds.), Handbook of health promotion and disease prevention. New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation.</p><p>Engle, M. (1996). [Review of The Unfinished Health Agenda: Lessons from Hawai’i]. Evaluation and Program Planning, 18, 4, 349-350.</p><p>Milby, J.B., Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Engle, M., Caldwell, Michael, M., & Carr, J.</p><p>15 (1995). Treatment for homeless cocaine abusers: Retention, process, and outcome. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph #153. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. Volume II.</p><p>Schumacher, J. E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Caldwell, E., Engle, M., Michael, M., & Carr, J. (1995). Treatment intensity and outcome with homeless substance abusers. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph #153, The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. Volume II.</p><p>Engle, M. & Penney, N. E. (June 1994). Evaluation ‘93 Presidential Strand Introduction. Evaluation Practice, 15, 121-122.</p><p>Raczynski, J.M., Schumacher, J. E., Milby, J. B., Michael, M., Engle, M., & Lerner, M. (1993). Comparing two substance abuse treatments for the homeless: The Birmingham project. In K. J. Conrad, C. I. Hultman, & J. S. Lyons (Eds.), Treatment of the chemically dependent homeless: Theory and implementation in fourteen American projects, (pp.217- 233). New York: The Haworth Press.</p><p>Engle, M. (September/October 1993). [Review of Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of maternal origin in Shakespeare’s plays, Hamlet to The Tempest]. Women’s Studies International Forum, 16, 5, 546-547. </p><p>Engle, M. (1990). Little old ladies are much maligned: Diversity reconsidered. Education in Gerontology, 16, 341-348.</p><p>Engle, M. (1990). [Review of The Feminist Spectator as Critic]. The Arts Education Review of Books, 5, 16-17.</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G. H., & Jackson, R. F. (July 1989). Statewide Survey of Alabama’s Elderly: The State of the elderly; the elderly of the state. Alabama Health Issues, 3, 1-7.</p><p>Non refereed/reviewed manuscripts</p><p>Engle, M. (Fall 1993). Geriatric Behavioral Program Instrument Assessment Pilot Study Final Report. MedStaff UPDATE, 8, (4), pp.8. (Available from HealthEast Medical Affairs, HealthEast Bethesda Lutheran Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, 559 Capitol Blvd, St. Paul MN, 55103). </p><p>Engle, M. (1984). Factors affecting the reduction of narrative data. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED247300).</p><p>Nonrefereed papers </p><p>Milby, J.B., Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Caldwell, E., Michael, M., Engle, M., Lerner, M., Woolley, T. (September 1993). Results of the Birmingham cooperative substance abuse treatments for the homeless research demonstration project. Paper presentation, 7th</p><p>16 NIAAA/NIDA Homeless Research Demonstration Project Working Group meeting, Washington, D.C.</p><p>Milby, J.B., Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Caldwell, E., Michael, M., Engle, M., Lerner, M., Woolley, T. (September 1993). Treatment outcome results of the Birmingham comparative substance abuse treatment for the homeless research demonstration project. Paper presentation, 7th NIAAA/NIDA Homeless Research Demonstration Project Working Group meeting, Washington, D.C.</p><p>Calkins, E., Karuza, J., Wade, C., Engle, M., Folks, D., Saunders, M., & Freiburger, R. (September 1991). Dissemination of medical protocol. Symposium presentation, Seventh Workshop for Key Staff of Geriatric Education Centers, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Engle, M. (September 1991). Results of the data analysis of the national Geriatric Education Center impact evaluation study. Symposium presentation, Seventh Workshop for Key Staff of Geriatric Education Centers, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Engle, M. & Karuza, J. (September 1991). Strategies for data collection: modalities for contributing to Healthy People 2000. Symposium presentation, Seventh Workshop for Key Staff of Geriatric Education Centers, San Antonio, TX</p><p>Engle, M. (September 1990). Developing an impact evaluation protocol for GECs. Symposium presentation, Sixth Annual Workshop for Key Staff of Geriatric Education Centers, Clearwater Beach, FL.</p><p>Engle, M. (June 1989). Evaluation, research and unconditional love. Paper presentation, Fifth Annual Workshop for Key Staff of GEC’s, Milwaukee, WI.</p><p>Engle, M. (February 1989). Demographics of Alabama’s elderly. Paper presentation, Statewide Survey of Alabama’s Elderly Workshop, Montgomery, AL.</p><p>Engle, M. (December 1988). Alabama’s elderly are healthy. Paper presentation, Alabama Aging Network Training Conference, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Technical Reports:</p><p>Engle, M. (1993). Geriatric Behavioral Program Instrument Assessment Pilot Study. Final report prepared for Medical Director, Geriatric Behavioral Program, HealthEast Bethesda Lutheran Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, St. Paul MN.</p><p>Engle, M. (1993). Medicare reimbursement from skilled nursing facilities. Prepared for Vice - President for Senior Services, HealthEast, St. Paul MN.</p><p>Engle, M. (1992). Use of telemetry with patients experiencing a cerebral-vascular accident. Prepared </p><p>17 for the HealthEast CVA/Managing Total Care Committee, HealthEast, St. Paul, MN.</p><p>Engle, M. & Jackson, J. R. (1991). Results of the national Geriatric Education Centers impact evaluation data analysis. Prepared for the Bureau of Health Professions (HRSA/DHHS 91-442[P]). </p><p>Engle, M. (1990). Developing an impact evaluation protocol for Geriatric Education Centers. Prepared for the Gerontological Society of America and the Bureau of Health Professions (HRSA/DHHS).</p><p>Hughes, G. H., Engle, M., Caldwell, J. A., Schnaper, H. W., & Jackson, R. F. (1987). Statewide Survey of Alabama’s Elderly. Prepared for the Alabama Commission on Aging, Montgomery, AL.</p><p>Hughes, G. H., Engle, M., Jackson, R. F., Roman, M., & Hill, R. (1987). Training private sector employers in older employee policy models. Prepared for the Alabama Commission on Aging, Montgomery, AL and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Center for Aging, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Engle, M. (1985). Biomedical technician prediction study. Prepared for Patricia A. Amos, M.A., Assistant Dean, School of Allied and Community Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham.</p><p>Maisiak, R. S., Engle, M., & Saddler, M. (1985). An evaluation of the first cycle of a post- mastectomy exercise-support program. Prepared for Alabama Division, Inc. of the American Cancer Society and the University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center.</p><p>Engle, M. (1985). Summer oncology assistantship evaluations. Prepared for Donn J. Brascho, M.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham.</p><p>Engle, M. (1985). Scientific writing workshop follow-up evaluation. Prepared for Bill Weaver, Ph.D., Office of Educational Development, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham.</p><p>Engle, M. (1984). Clinical communication course: Subjective evaluation form summary. Prepared for Jane L. Daw, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham.</p><p>Jackson, J. & Engle, M. (1984). American cancer society youth smoking survey: Final report. Prepared for the Alabama Division, Inc. of the American Cancer Society.</p><p>Engle, M. (August 1984). Narrative data preliminary summary: Resources consultant survey responses. Prepared for the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Special report on “A survey of the process by which resources consultants select and </p><p>18 acquire audiovisual materials.” Contract #N01-LM-2-3511.</p><p>Houtkooper, L. B., Engle, M., Rudy, J., Tinsley, A., & Gibbs, J. (October 1982). Final Report. Nutrition Super Stars Program and Sports-Nutrition Program. Arizona Department of Education, A.G. Contract No. 1587. No. 187.</p><p>Houtkooper, L. B., Engle, M., Simmons, L., Petersen, K., Davidson, M., Tinsley, A., & Gibbs, J. (October 1981). Interim Report. Nutrition Super Stars and Arizona Nutrition Education and Training Program, Nutritional Education Regional Resource Centers. Arizona Department of Education, A.G. Contract No. 1587. No. 187.</p><p>Engle, M. (1981). The existence of an underlying unitary construct in nutrition education: A factor analysis study. Research report to Department Nutrition and Food Science, University of AZ.</p><p>Houtkooper, L. B., Tinsley, A., Gibbs, J., & Engle, M. (September 1980). Final Report. Innovative Nutrition Education Demonstration Project. U. S. D. A., Food and Nutrition Service, section 18 - Child Nutrition ACT. Grant No. 59-3198-8-20.</p><p>Engle, M. (1976). Teaching psychiatric nursing in Arizona community colleges: A preliminary survey. Report to the Faculty, Department of Nursing, Cochise College, Douglas, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (1973). Risk taking and birth order. Research report to the Psychiatric-Mental Health Faculty, College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (1971). Self-esteem and pain medication requirements for elective surgery adolescents. Research report to the Faculty, College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>2. Professional meetings, symposia, and conferences Peer refereed presentations, symposia, posters </p><p>Engle, M. (October, 2012). Discussant, Evaluator credentialing an certification revisited: where have we come in the last decade? Think tank, hosted by Michelle Baron. Presented at Evaluation 12, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Engle, M. (October, 2012). Doing As: Outreach and engagement in capacity building. Poster accepted for presentation at 13th National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.</p><p>Kleibacker, M., Engle, M., Emanuel, R., Burris, F., Siemens, T., Giannico, G., Godwin, D., & Ahrens, G. (May 2012). Evaluating a system of disparate parts; A case for a watershed education team. Paper presented at Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals annual conference, Hendersonville, NC. </p><p>19 Engle, M. (May 2012). Diversity redefined: Not the usual intersection. Poster presented at the Canadian Evaluation Society annual meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 2011). Values, deep culture, and resistance. Paper presented on the panel, Developing Approaches that Place a Positive value and Reduce Resistance to Evaluation Process, at Evaluation 2011, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting Anaheim, CA.</p><p>Engle, M. & LaBelle, C. (October 2011). Deep Culture and Social Media: The Changing Face of Engagement. Poster presented at the 12th National Outreach Scholarship Conference, East Lansing, MI.</p><p>Engle, M. Maddy, D. J., & Cleland, L. (October 2011). From Engaged Partners to Successful Outcomes--The County College Experience. Poster presented at the 12th National Outreach Scholarship Conference, East Lansing, MI.</p><p>Engle, M. & Carey, M. A. (November 2010). Evaluation 201: Evaluation skills needed after coursework. Skill building workshop presented at Evaluation 2010, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 2010). Evaluator’s role in organizational transformation. Invited panel presentation at Evaluation 2010, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Engle, M., Carey, M. A., Scheirer, M.A., Hegedus, A. M. (November, 2009). Can whole systems be evaluated? If so, How? Think Tank presented at Evaluation 2009, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Manchester, J. & Engle, M. (November, 2009). Understanding contextual factors to build capacity among people who don’t think they are evaluators. Think Tank presented at Evaluation 2009, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Engle, M. & Hegedus, A. (November, 2009). Using systems tools to understand multi-site program evaluation. Skill building workshop presented at Evaluation 2009, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Engle, M. & Hegedus, A. (November, 2008). Using systems tools to understand multi-site program evaluation. Skill building workshop presented at Evaluation 2008, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Denver, CO.</p><p>Bondi, M. Enquist, M. & Engle, M. (May, 2008). Tree School…an educational model that makes a difference! Paper presented at the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals annual meeting, Madison, WI.</p><p>Khanna, S., Cheyney, M. & Engle, M. (March, 2008). Cultural Competency Training for Health Care Providers: Outcome Evaluation: Using Post- then Pre- Testing. Paper </p><p>20 presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting, Memphis, TN. </p><p>Engle, M. & Hegedus, A. (November 2007). Using systems tools to understand multi-site program evaluation. Skill building workshop presented at Evaluation 2007, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Engle, M., Lavinghouse, R., Phillips, C., & Carey, M. A. (November 2007). One size may fit all: Lessons learned from multi-site evaluations. Panel presentation at Evaluation 2007, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Staben, M. & Engle, M. (November 2006). Using Reach of Communications as a Measure of Impact. Poster presentation at Evaluation 2006, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Portland, OR.</p><p>William, R. D., Jepson, P. E., Engle, M. (April 2006). Connecting IPM Practices, Priorities, and Strategic Directions. Symposium presentation at the 5th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium. St. Louis, MO. </p><p>Altschuld, J. W. & Engle, M. (November 2004). Evaluation Curricula: Whither Thou Goest. Symposium presentation at Evaluation 2004, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Atlanta, GA </p><p>Lambert, B., Holburt, M. & Engle, M. (May 2004). Barriers That Oregon’s Watershed Councils and Soil and Water Conservation Districts Face in Conducting Educational Programming on Salmon and Watersheds. Presented at the 4th Annual Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals. Wheeling, WV.</p><p>Engle, M., Altschuld, J.A., Rallis, S. F., & Krueger, R. (November 2002). Reflections on evaluation as a systemic process that reforms systems. Presented at Evaluation 2002, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Crystal City, VA.</p><p>Rallis, S. F., Engle, M., King, J.A., & Patton, M.Q (November 2002). All evaluation is a stage: Acting out organizational challenges to evaluation. Symposium presented at Evaluation 2002, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Crystal City, VA.</p><p>Engle, M., Altschuld, J.W., Nagao, M., Grudens-Schuck, N., Hicks, K., & Chaytor, K. (November 2002). The changing face of evaluation training: A global view. Paper presented at Evaluation 2002, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Crystal City, VA.</p><p>Engle, M. & Krueger, R. (November 2002). Expansion of the association: a town hall meeting. Lead at Evaluation 2002, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Crystal City, VA.</p><p>21 Engle, M. (November 2002). Evaluation: A systemic process that reforms systems. Presidential address. Presented at Evaluation 2002, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Crystal City, VA.</p><p>Schuster, E., and Engle, M. (August 2002). Single Event Nutrition Classes Show Positive Outcomes. Poster presentation at Society for Nutrition Education, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Reed, A. S., Simon-Brown, V., Withrow-Robinson, B., Broussard, S. & Engle, M. (June 2002). Engaging the Public in Dialog: Seeing the Forest: Art About Forests and Forestry. Research report presented at the 3rd Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference. Naples, Florida</p><p>Simon-Brown V., Reed, A. S., Withrow-Robinson, B., Broussard, S. & Engle, M. (June 2002). Engaging the Public in Dialog: Seeing the Forest: Art About Forests and Forestry. Poster presented at the 3rd Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference. Naples, Florida. </p><p>Engle, M, with Arnold, M. E., Padden, J., Schmotzer, J., Capelin, S. (November 2001). So you woke up this morning and found out you were an evaluator? Chair and Discussant, panel presentation at Evaluation 2001, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, St. Louis, MO. </p><p>Broussard, S, Engle, M., Reed, A.S., Simon-Brown, V., Withrow-Robinson, B. (July 2001). Predators Beside a Mountain Stream: Using Art To Engage the Public in Dialogue Around Forestry Issues: Seeing the Forest: Art about Forests & Forestry. Paper presented at International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Lorne, Australia.</p><p>Simon-Brown, V.; Reed, S.; Withrow-Robinson, B; Broussard, S.; Engle, M. (September 2001). Engaging the Public in Dialog: Findings from “Seeing the Forest: Art about Forests & Forestry.” Paper presented at Society of American Foresters, Denver, CO.</p><p>Engle, M., with Smith, M.F., Andrews, M. P., Tajeu, K. S., Michael, J. A., Cooksy, L. J., Nelson, P. T. & Taylor-Powell, E. (November, 2000). Tales from the trenches: real life examples using logic models. Chair and Discussant, panel presented at Evaluation 2000, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Honolulu, HI. </p><p>Engle, M. Taylor-Powell, E., Cooksey, L. J., Nelson, P.T., Tajeu, K.S., Andrews, M. P., Smith, Where no evaluator has gone before (with apologies to Gene Roddenberry) (November 2000). Chair and Discussant panel presented at Evaluation 2000, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Honolulu, HI </p><p>Engle, M., Patton, M.Q. McLaughlin, J. A., Wholey, J.S. (November 2000). Logic models: Chair and presenter, panel presentation at Evaluation 2000, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Honolulu HI.</p><p>William, R.D., King, J., Engle, M., and Bella, D. (September 2000). Practicing participatory </p><p>22 diagramming to enhance whole systems inquiry: Natural resource issues, watersheds, and organizations. Paper presented at ALARPM/PAR World Congress, University of Ballarat, Victoria Australia.</p><p>William, R.D., Engle, M. (September 2000). Integrating Whole Systems Inquiry and other Approaches: Dilemmas and Discoveries Associated with Exploration, Assessment, and Action. Paper presented at ALARPM/PAR World Congress, University of Ballarat, Victoria Australia.</p><p>Engle, M., Clark, C.D., Manfredi, T., Rockwell, S.K., & Redfield, D. (November 1999). Human subjects review and Extension Service: Implications for Evaluators. Chair, Panel presented at Evaluation>99--the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1999). Writing skills for professional publication. Professional Development Workshop presented at Evaluation ’99, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Engle, M., Sargent, L., Cohen, P. (April 1999). Basic writing skills for professional publications. Workshop presented at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 11th annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Engle, M., Reynolds, K., Houser, S., Mukherjee, S., Caldwell, E., Kohler, C., Phelan, S., & Raczynski., J.M. (March 1998). Self-efficacy in substance use interventions among obstetric practices. Paper presentation, NIAAA Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy meeting, Washington, D.C.</p><p>Engle, M., & Kratt, P. (November 1997). Chair, book review/discussion. Qualitative Data Analysis. Presented at Evaluation ’97, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, San Diego, Ca.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1997). Discussant—panel session, Credentialing, Chair Jim Altschuld. Presented at Evaluation ’97, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, San Diego, Ca.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1997). One size fits all evaluation of community-based projects. Paper presentation in a panel session on community-based evaluations, chaired by Laura Leviton. presented at Evaluation ’97, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. San Diego, Ca. </p><p>Engle, M., Sargent, L., & Cohen, P. (May 1997). How to Get Published: The Peer Review Process. Workshop presentation, 9th annual meeting of Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M., Phelan, S., Kohler, C., Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Reynolds, K. (December 1996). Recruiting provider practices for participation in office-based, health-</p><p>23 promotion research. Paper presentation, 8th annual international National Institute for the clinical application of Behavioral Medicine conference, Hilton Head, SC.</p><p>Garon, B.R., Engle, M., Ormiston, C. (October 1996). Silent aspiration: 1000 video fluoroscopic swallow evaluations. Paper presentation, 8th Annual Stroke Rehabilitation Conference, Cambridge, MA.</p><p>Grandt, N., Marah, T., Johnson, L., Engle, M., Bartsch, D. (March 1996). Documenting nurses= and physicians’ knowledge of and attitudes toward pain and its management. Paper presentation, Nursing Interventions to Promote Adult Health and Quality of Live Outcomes Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1995). Implementing Community-Based Primary Care Projects. In Scheirer, M.A. (Chair), Evaluating the Implementation of Health-Related Programs. Panel presentation, Evaluation ’95, the International Evaluation Conference, joint annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1995). Preparation of professional evaluators. In Ottoson, J. (Chair) What is Evaluation Anyway? Panel presentation, Evaluation ’95, the International Evaluation Conference, the joint annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society. Vancouver, B.C., CANADA.</p><p>Engle, M. (September 1995). Evaluating community-based health promotion projects. Workshop presentation, Training Workshop for Senior Health Services Managers from the People=s Republic of China, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Caldwell, E., Raczynski, J.M., Engle, M., Michael, M., & Carr, J. (June 1995). Prediction of treatment success among homeless cocaine abusers. Paper presentation, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc., annual meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.</p><p>Milby, J. B., Schumacher, J. E., Raczynski, J. M., Caldwell, E., Engle, M., Michael, M., Carr, J. (June 1995). Addiction and homelessness severity outcomes from a controlled study of day treatment. Paper presentation, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc., annual meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M., Kohler, C., Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Lerner, M., Caldwell, Michael, M., Carr, J. (May 1995). Using focus groups to measure client satisfaction in substance abuse treatment for homeless persons. Paper presentation, International Society for Quality in Health Care annual meeting, St. Johns, Newfoundland, CANADA.</p><p>Engle, M., Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Lerner, M., Caldwell, E., Michael, M., & Carr, J. (May 1995). Cooperation among research, service, and community organizations in the substance abuse treatment of homeless. Paper presentation, International Society for Quality in Health Care annual meeting, St. Johns, </p><p>24 Newfoundland, CANADA.</p><p>Engle, M. (May 1995). What happened to the value in evaluation?: A luncheon discussion. Colloquium presentation to the Newfoundland Chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society, St. John=s, Newfoundland, CANADA.</p><p>Kratt, P. P., Presley, D., Leeper, J., Engle, M., Roseman, J.M. (April 1995). Predicting Falls in Adults Age 55 and Older. Paper presentation, Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Engle, M., Caldwell, E., Cox, G., Drake, R., McHugo, G., Lapham, S., Shipley, T., Stahler, J., & Wright, J. (April 1995). A comparison of health, substance use, and homelessness between old and not old substance abusing homeless individuals. Paper presentation, Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Garon, B.R., Engle, M., & Ormiston, C. (April 1995). Reliability of the 3-oz. water swallow test utilizing cough reflex as sole indicator of aspiration. Paper presentation, Minnesota Speech and Hearing Association annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Engle, M., Cox, G., Drake, R., McHugo, G., Lapham, S., Shipley, T., Stahler, J., Wright, J., Caldwell, E. (February 1995). Old and not old homeless: A comparison of health substance use and homelessness. Paper presentation, UAB Center for Aging Scientific Seminar Series, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Altschuld, J.W. & Engle, M. (November 1994). Considerations for the future: The preparation of evaluators. In Eastmond, N. (Chair), Follow-ups to AEA’s Survey of Evaluation Training Programs, panel presentation, Evaluation ‘94, the 1994 American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.</p><p>Engle, M., & Sargent, L. (November 1994). Left behind but not forgotten: Evaluating a method for documenting medication omission errors. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘94 - the 1994 American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.</p><p>Milby, J. B., Schumacher, J. E., Raczynski, J. M., Michael, M., Engle, M., Caldwell, E., Carr, J. (August 1994). Efficacy of day treatment and work therapy for homeless substance abusers. In R. Heubner (Chair), Effective interventions for homelessness: Outcome for substance abuse, employment, and homelessness. Symposium presentation, American Psychological Association annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Caldwell, E., Engle, M., Michael, M., Carr, J. (June 1994). Treatment intensity and outcome with homeless substance abusers. Paper presentation, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. annual meeting, Palm Beach, FL.</p><p>Milby, J.B., Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Engle, M., Caldwell, E., Michael, M., Carr, J. (June 1994). Treatment for homeless cocaine abusers: Retention, process and outcome.</p><p>25 Paper presentation, College on Problems of Drug Dependency annual meeting, Palm Beach, FL.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Engle, M., Caldwell, E., Carr, J. (March 1994). Comparing substance abuse treatments for the homeless. Paper presentation, Alabama Behavioral Medicine Association continuing education program, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Raczynski, J.M., Engle, M., Caldwell, E., Carr, J. (March 1994). Bridging the gap between practice and science in the substance abuse treatment for the homeless. Paper presentation, Association of Schools of Public Health and Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine Public Health Symposium and Prevention ‘94, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Altschuld, J. W., Engle, M., Cullen, C., Kim, I., & Macce, B. R. (November 1993). Results and implications of AEA’s survey of evaluation training programs. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘93 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Dallas, TX.</p><p>Altschuld, J. W. & Engle, M. (Co-chairs). (November 1993). Results and implications of AEA’s survey of evaluation training programs. Panel presentation, Evaluation ‘93 - the 1993 American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Dallas, TX.</p><p>Engle, M. (July 1993). Evaluating impact of Geriatric Education Centers. Paper presentation, XVth Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Budapest, Hungary.</p><p>Schumacher, J.E., Milby, J.B., Raczynski, J.M., Michael, M., Woolley, T.E., Engle, M. (March 1993). Efficacy of day treatment with homeless substance abusing individuals. Paper presentation, Southeastern Psychological Association annual meeting, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Engle, M., Cox, G., Drake, R., Lapham, S., Stahler, J., Woolley, T.E., Wright, J.D. (March 1993). Old Homeless: Who are they? A demographic picture of homeless substance abusing individuals over age 50. Paper presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Hoegerman, G. A., Schumacher J. E., Phelan, S. T., Engle, M., & Raczynski, J. M. (November 1992). Community perceptions of substance abuse in their practice. Paper presentation, Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, Bethesda, MD.</p><p>Altschuld, J.W., Engle, M., Mertens, D., Covert, R., Eastmond, N. (November 1992). Structuring a Program to Prepare Professional Evaluators. Panel presentation, Evaluation ‘92 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1992). Listen and learn: Hearing loss and what you can do about it. (A program for senior citizens and their families). Media presentation, Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting, Nashville, TN.</p><p>26 Engle, M. (March 1992). No Easy Answers: Rationing health care resources. Media presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1992). Evaluating the impact of geriatric education. Paper presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Calkins, E., Karuza, J., Feather, J., M. Saunders, Freiburger, R., & Engle., M. (November 1991). Strategies for recruitment of physicians in diffusion of medical technology and dissemination efforts involving policy adoption and change. Symposium presentation, Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1991). Broadening the horizons of HIV research: Including clinical staff and patient participants. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘91 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Karuza, J., Calkins, E., Wade, C., Engle, M., Saunders, M., Freiburger, R., & Blandford, D. (October 1991). Technology dissemination, knowledge transfer and program evaluation: The case of evaluating the effectiveness of dissemination of medical technologies using Geriatric Education Centers. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘91 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1991). Evaluating the impact of the Geriatric Education Centers. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘91 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1991). Determining national impact of the Geriatric Education Center program. Panel presentation, Conducting and using local program evaluations for larger-scale decision making, Evaluation ‘91 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1991). Role of education and the elderly. Invited presentation, 20th annual Alabama Junior College/School of Health Related Professions Linkage Workshop, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Heinsohn, M., Allman, R., Siegal, A., Jackson, J. J., & Engle, M. (May 1991). Effectiveness of an inpatient rotation for geriatric education. Paper presentation, American Geriatric Society annual meeting, Chicago, IL. </p><p>Engle, M. (April 1991). Listen and Learn: Hearing loss and what you can do about it/aging and hearing changes. Media presentation, Administration on Aging (AoA) Region IV Health Promotion Conference, Atlanta, GA. </p><p>Engle, M. (March 1991). Meeting practitioners’ needs for information on ethical issues. Paper presentation, the Southern Gerontological Society annual meeting, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1991). No Easy Answers: Aging, religion and health. Media presentation, </p><p>27 American Society on Aging annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1991). No Easy Answers: Hard choices at the end of life. Media presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1991). Evaluating the impact of multidisciplinary geriatric education programs. Paper presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1990). Developing an impact evaluation protocol for Geriatric Education Centers. Paper presentation, Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, Boston, MA</p><p>Karuza, J. & Engle, M. (October 1990). Linking geriatric education evaluations and medical outcomes. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘90 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Washington, DC.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1990). Considering evaluating impact of training programs: Issues, approaches, problems. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘90 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Washington, DC.</p><p>Engle, M. & Hughes, G.H. (April 1990). No easy answers: Ethical dilemmas in the health care for the elderly. Media presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M., Simpson, D., Hilker, M.A., Papsidero, J., & Karuza, J. (March 1990). Evaluating geriatric education: Pros and cons of impact education. Workshop presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M. (April 1990). Evaluation strategies of Geriatric Education Centers: A Summary. Symposium presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M. & Hughes, G.H. (November 1989). It’s never too late to change: Wellness promotion for the older adult. Media presentation, Gerontological Society of America, annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Engle, M. & Hughes, G.H. (November 1989). No easy answers: Ethical dilemmas in the health care for the elderly. Media presentation, Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1989). Preventing falls and other injuries in the elderly. Media presentation, Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.</p><p>Karuza, J. & Engle, M. (October 1989). Evaluating geriatric education efforts: Towards developing patient care as outcome criteria. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘89 - the </p><p>28 American Evaluation Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M., (October 1989). Australasian Evaluation Society Annual Meeting: Evaluation down under. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘89 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G. H., & Jackson, R. F. (July 1989). Evaluating older employees’ view of alternative work formats. Paper presentation, Australasian Evaluation Society National Evaluation Conference annual meeting, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia.</p><p>Engle, M. (July 1989). Resistance and stakeholder conflict. Paper presentation, Australasian Evaluation Society National Evaluation Conference annual meeting, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia. </p><p>Engle, M. (March 1989). Creativity and the older person. Paper presentation, Alabama Gerontological Society, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G.H., Karuza, J., Connelly, J.R., Fink, A. Beck, J.C., & Kahl, A. (March 1989). Geriatric Education Centers: What effect? Panel presentation, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Tampa, FL.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1988). Stakeholder resistance: A form of bias. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘88, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1988). Issues with sample/subject selection. Panel presentation, Issues in evaluating health promotion, Evaluation ‘88, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M., Karuza, J., Todd, J. A., & Redfield, D. (October 1988). Evaluating impact: Is this THE evaluation issue confronting Geriatric Education Centers? Panel presentation, Evaluation ‘88, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Fabacher, D., Engle, M., & Karuza, J. (March 1988) Evaluating geriatric education programs: Approaches and issues. Workshop presentation, American Society on Aging annual meeting, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Engle, M., Fabacher, D., Fox, R. D., & Karuza, J. (October 1987). Evaluating Geriatric Education Centers: Approaches and issues. Symposium presentation, Evaluation ‘87 - the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.</p><p>Engle, M. (April 1987). Evaluating employment practices in business and industry. Symposium presentation, the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C.</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G. H., & Jackson, R. F. (April 1987). Older workers and alternative work formats: Preserving a valuable resource. Paper presentation, Southern </p><p>29 Gerontological Society annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M., Hughes, G. H., Jackson, R. F., Roman, M., & Hill, R. (February 1987). Older workers view of alternative work formats: A message for employers. Paper presentation, Alabama Gerontological Society annual meeting, Mobile, AL.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1986). Project quality control through evaluation. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘86 - the 1986 annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association (successor organization of the Evaluation Network and the Evaluation Research Society), Kansas City, MO.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1986). Resistance: A new look at stakeholder/ evaluator conflicts. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘86 - the 1986 annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association (successor organization of the Evaluation Network and the Evaluation Research Society), Kansas City, MO.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1985). The evaluation was a success but the program died: Evaluating a workshop on scientific writing. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘85 - the 1985 joint annual meeting of the Evaluation Network and the Evaluation Research Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. </p><p>Engle, M. (October 1985). The world doesn’t run on numbers alone: A comparison of two evaluation. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘85 - the 1985 joint annual meeting of the Evaluation Network and the Evaluation Research Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1984). Personal and situational biases in the classification of open- ended interviews. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘84 - the 1984 joint annual meeting of Evaluation Network and Evaluation Research Society, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Engle, M. (April 1984). Factors affecting the reduction of narrative data. Paper presentation, American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 1983). Effects of prior impressions and evaluator/coder characteristics on evaluation. Paper presentation, Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual meeting, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1983). Client satisfaction and the elusive client. Paper presentation, Evaluation ‘83, the 1983 joint annual meeting of Evaluation Network and Evaluation Research Society, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Engle, M. & Myers, C. J. (October 1980). Murphy said it best: A discussion of the evaluator’s role with ‘Super Stars’. Paper presentation, Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual meeting, Las Cruces, NM.</p><p>Myers, C. J. & Engle, M. (October 1980). Project module: A case study exemplifying Murphy’s Law. Paper presentation, Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association </p><p>30 annual meeting, Las Cruces, NM.</p><p>Engle, M. & Meredith, K. E. (October 1979). Getting the most from item analysis: Another look at parallelness. Paper presentation, Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association annual meeting, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Invited presentations</p><p>Engle, M. (November, 2011). Organizing chair, “25 years of values: American Association (AEA) values: Then, now, and tomorrow. Panel presented at Evaluation 2011, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.</p><p>Engle. M. (November 2009). Invited discussant, “The impact of evaluation capacity building activities.” Presented at Evaluation 2009, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Engle, M. (November, 2008). Invited discussant. “Course-evaluation designs I: Improvement Oriented Practices.” Presented at Evaluation 2008, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 2007). Invited discussant, “Higher education assessment and evaluation in a context of use and policy development.” Presented at Evaluation 2007, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 2007). Invited discussant, “A foot in each world: An evaluator in an assessment world.” Presented at Evaluation 2007, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>Engle, M. (November 2006). Invited presentation, “What were the key issues or challenges for AEA during your administration as President? What milestones occurred?”. Presented at Evaluation 2006, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Portland, OR. </p><p>Engle, M and others. (November 2006). Invited discussant, panel presentation, “Needs assessment in Centers for Public Health (CPHP) preparedness: Strategies and Issues.” Presented at Evaluation 2006, the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Portland, OR.</p><p>Engle, M & Altschuld, J.W. (November 2005). Invited discussant. Panel: Building System- Wide Evaluation Capacity Through Graduate Evaluation Training: The Case of the Government of the Northwest Territories in Canada. Presented at Evaluation 2005, the joint annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA </p><p>Engle, M. (November 2005). Applying the Guiding Principles for Evaluators in the Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs. Invited presentation. Panel: “Applying the </p><p>31 Guiding Principles for Evaluators in Practice: Ethical Dilemmas Across Different Content Areas of Evaluation Practice.” Presented at Evaluation 2005 the joint annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA.</p><p>Engle, M. and others (November 2005). Invited discussant. Panel: How will the American Evaluation Association Respond to United States and International Conference Attendees Feedback? at Evaluation 2005,joint annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA </p><p>Engle, M. (September 2005). How does IRB relate to the Guiding Principles? Invited workshop, leader, presented at OPEN (Oregon Program Evaluator’s Network) annual meeting, Portland, OR.</p><p>Engle, M., & Smith, N. (November 2003). Role of Board Members on the American Evaluation Association Board of Directors. Invited presentation at Evaluation 2003, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Reno, NV.</p><p>William, R. , Engle, M., Goodell, P., Koplinka-Loehr, C. (April 2003). Whole systems thinking applied to IPM. Invited presentation at the 4th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.</p><p>Tulleners-Lesh, A., Carey, M.A., Nigh,W., & Engle, M. (November 2002). Improving interventions and evaluations: using a systematic, community and theory-based process. Invited discussant at Evaluation 2002, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Crystal City, VA</p><p>Engle, M., Rallis, S, King, J. A., Patton, M. Q. (November 2001). What’s happening here? RESISTANCE. Barriers to mainstreaming, the psychology in evaluation. Chair and Discussant, Invited panel presented at Evaluation 2001, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, St. Louis, MO. </p><p>Bernstein, D., J., Engle, M., Greene, J. C., Kirkhart, K. E., & Shaddish, W. R. Doctoral roundtable. Invited roundtable presented at Evaluation 1998, the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Engle, M. (September 1995). Surveying Health Needs of the Elderly. Invited workshop presentation, Training Workshop for Senior Health Services Managers from the People’s Republic of China, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Engle, M. (April 1993). Creating a culture for research and evaluation within an organization. Paper presentation, Minnesota Chapter American Evaluation Association, St. Paul, MN.</p><p>Weaver, B. & Engle, M. (February 1992). Writing for publication in scientific journals. Invited Presentation, Clinical Pathology Seminar, Department of Pathology, University of</p><p>32 Alabama School of Medicine—UAB, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Engle, M. (October 1986). Developing, implementing, and evaluating the Nutrition Super Stars program. Invited presentation, Nutrition Journal Club, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Engle, M. (February 1985). Narrative data reduction in seminar evaluation. Invited symposium presentation, University of Arizona, Department of Educational Psychology, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (May 1979). Applying behavioral modification in every-day situations. Invited paper presentation, Arizona Food Service Association annual meeting, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (May 1976). Theoretical framework for adolescent growth and development. Invited paper presentation, Fifth Annual Maternal-Child Health Conference, College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (March 1975). Anorexia nervosa—update on treatment: A case presentation. Invited paper presentation, Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (September 1974). The use of experiential group in the training of mental health professionals. Invited paper presentation, Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Engle, M. (September 1974). Two treatment approaches to anorexia nervosa. Invited paper presentation, Nursing Grand Rounds, College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. </p><p>3. Grant Activities: Funded Title: Innovative Nutrition Education Demonstration Project: Nutrition Super Stars Source: US Dept. of Agriculture. Role: Program evaluator and nutrition consultant. P.I. Ann Tinsley, Ph.D., R.D.; June C. Gibbs, M.A., Co-Principal Investigators Period of Support: November 1978 - September 1980. Direct Costs: $95,000</p><p>Title: Nutrition Super Stars Program, Sports Nutrition Program, and Arizona Nutrition Education and Training Program, Nutrition Educational Regional Resources Center Source: Arizona Department of Education Role: Program Evaluator and Nutrition Consultant PI: Ann Tinsley, Ph.D., R.D., and June C. Gibbs, M.A., Principal Investigators Period of Support: October 1980 - October 1982</p><p>33 Direct Costs: $126,000 Title: Geriatric Education Center Source: Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Role: Program Director, Evaluation Specialist, 1985 - 1993; Co-Principal Investigator, 1990 - 1991 PI: Glenn H. Hughes, Ph.D.  Initial Period of Support: October, 1985 - September, 1988 Direct Costs:$1,228,557  Continuation: October, 1988 - September, 1990 Direct Costs:$1,581,305  Competing Continuation/New Award: October, 1990 - September, 1993 Direct Costs:$1,229,401</p><p>Title: Employment of Older Workers Source: Alabama Commission on Aging Role: Evaluation Specialist PI: Glenn H. Hughes, Ph.D. Period of Support: October 1985 - February 1987 Direct Costs: $85,857</p><p>Source: Alabama Commission on Aging. PI: Glenn H. Hughes, Ph.D. Period of Support: October 1985 - September 1987 Direct Costs: $174,851 A. Title: GERONET - a data base of individuals involved in aging related activities Role: Project Director/Evaluator B. Title: Nutrition Education Demonstration Project for East Alabama and Jefferson County - wellness promotion program for the elderly in nutrition centers Role: Project Co-Director C. Title: Statewide Survey of Alabama’s Elderly - surveyed 1000 Alabama’s elderly Role: Co-Director/Evaluator</p><p>Title: Alzheimer’s Videotape Source: East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Project Director, Production Administrator, Head, Evaluation Core PI: Glenn H. Hughes, Ph.D. Period of Support: October 1, 1987 - September 1988 Direct Costs: $7,000</p><p>Title: Medical Rehabilitation, Research and Training Center in Prevention and Treatment of Secondary Complications of Spinal Cord Injury Source: National Institute of Disabilities, and Rehabilitation Research</p><p>34 Role: Evaluator, Training and Dissemination Programs (Barbara Hall Key, Director of Training) PI: Samuel L. Stover, M.D. Period of Support: June 1, 1988 - May 31, 1993 Direct Costs: $3,500,000</p><p>Title: Model Collaborative Intervention Project for the Hearing-Impaired Elderly in Rural Alabama Source: Administration on Aging Role: Head, Evaluation Core; Production Administrator PI: Glenn H. Hughes, Ph.D. Period of Support: October 1990 - February 1992 Direct Costs: $82,976 </p><p>Title: Diffusion of Medical Technology Using Geriatric Education Centers Contract Source: Bureau of Health Profession, Health Resources and Services Administration, Dept. of Health and Human Services. Role: Co-Director UAB Subcontract; Head, Evaluation Core PI: Evan Calkins, M.D., Co-Principal Investigator, Jurgis Karuza, Ph.D., Co-Principal Investigator, Western New York Geriatric Education Center, Buffalo, NY Period of Support: October 1990 - September 1992 Direct Costs: $405,028</p><p>Title: Comparative Substance Abuse Treatments for the Homeless Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Role: Investigator, Director of Evaluation PI: Jesse B. Milby, Ph.D. Period of Support: September 1990 - August 1993 Direct Costs: $1,993,025</p><p>Title: Analysis of National Geriatric Education Center Impact Evaluation Data Source: Bureau of Health Professions, HRSA, DHHS Role: Principal Investigator PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Period of Support: May 1991 - November 1991 Direct Costs: $15,741</p><p>Title: Substance Abuse Awareness Intervention for Community Obstetric Practices Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse Role: Principal Investigator PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Period of Support: September 1993 - August 1997 (with a one-year no-cost extension) Direct Costs: $885,134</p><p>Title: Demonstration Grant Program for Residential Treatment for Women and Their </p><p>35 Children Source: Alabama State Department of Mental Health Role: Investigator, Evaluation specialist Sub-contract PI: Joseph E. Schumacher, Ph.D. Period of Support: October 1993 - September 1998 Direct Costs (Subcontract): $249,857</p><p>Title: Bridging the Gap Between PHS and Practice in Risk Reduction Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Role: Investigator, Evaluation Core PI: James M. Raczynski, Ph. D. Period of Support: September 1993 - September 1998 Direct Costs - $5,825,475</p><p>Title: Initiating Abstinence in Dually Diagnosed Homeless Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse Role: Investigator PI: Jesse B. Milby, Ph.D. Period of Support: December 1994 - November 1997 Direct Costs: $1,673,247</p><p>Title: HIV Prevention in African-American Adolescent Females Source: National Institute Mental Health Role: Investigator PI: Ralph DeClemente, Ph.D. Period of Support: September 1995 - August 1998 Direct costs: $1,878,590</p><p>Title: Osteoporosis Educational Grant Source: Merck Pharmaceuticals Role: Co-PI PI: Karin Straaton, M.D. Period of Support: 1996-1998 Direct costs: $10,000</p><p>Title: An Analytical Framework for Public Health Special Project Grant Outcomes Source: Health Resources and Services Administration Role: Principal Investigator/Project Director PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Period of Support: September 1996 - September 1997 (with a one-year no-cost extension) Direct costs: $109,248</p><p>Title: Documenting Osteoporosis Care Pathway in Orthopedic and Primary Care Practices Source: Alabama Department of Public Health</p><p>36 Role: Principal Investigator PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Period of support: May 15, 1997 - September 30, 1998 Direct costs: $25,000</p><p>Title: Pacific Northwest Collaborative Nutrient Management Education Program Source: Western Region SARE/USDA Role: Cooperator, Evaluation support PI: Dan Sullivan, Ph.D. Period of support: January, 2001  December, 2002 Direct costs: $99,352</p><p>Title: Linking IPM and Resource Conservation to Improve Water Quality and Farm Profit: Phase II Source: CRESS, USDA: IREECG Program: In Water Quality Role: Cooperator, Evaluation support PI: Ray William, Ph.D. Period of support: October 15, 2003  November 14, 2006 Direct costs: $480,498</p><p>Title: Rural Livelihoods Consortium Source: Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation and Development Role: Evaluation specialist PI: Rebecca Johnson, Ph.D. Period of support: January 2005 – December 2006 Direct costs: $2.2M</p><p>Title: Evaluation of the Five Star Restoration Program Source: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Role: Principal Investigator PI: Molly Engle Period of Support: February 2007 – September 2007 Direct costs: $70,000</p><p>Approved But Not Funded:</p><p>Title: Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking PI: William C. Bailey, M.D. Role: Project Manage Submitted to: NHLBI</p><p>Title: Child Sexual Abuse Curriculum for Professionals PI:C. Michael Brooks, Ed.D. Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Evaluation, Data Manager</p><p>37 Submitted to:</p><p>Title: American Cancer Society Mini-Grant: Evaluating the STRETCH Program PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Role: Principal Investigator Submitted to: American Cancer Society/UAB, July 1986</p><p>Title: Rehabilitation Research Career Development Project PI: Samuel L. Stover, M.D. Role: Senior Faculty Evaluator Submitted to:</p><p>Title: Parasuicide Intervention for Adolescents PI: David E. Hanna, Ph.D. Role: Evaluator/Data Manager Submitted to: NIMH, July 1988</p><p>Title: Rural Elderly Research Center PI: Glenn H. Hughes, Ph.D. Role: Head, Evaluation Unit Submitted to: NIA, October 1989 Title: Long Term Care and Minority Elders PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Role: Principal Investigator Submitted to: NIA, October 1990</p><p>Title: CVD Risk Reduction in a Constituency-based Minority Program PI: James M. Raczynski, Ph.D. Role: Director of Evaluation Submitted to NHLBI, July 1993</p><p>Title: Increasing Dental Practice Awareness of Geriatric Care PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Role: Principal Investigator Submitted to: NIDR, July 1996</p><p>Title: Developing Affective Self-Report Scales for Native Youth PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Role: Principal Investigator Submitted to: NIMH, October 1995</p><p>Title: Enabling Performance Measurement Activities in States and Communities PI: Molly Engle, Ph.D. Role: Principal Investigator Submitted to: March of Dimes March 1997</p><p>38 Title: Evaluative Prompts: Building a Seamless Bridge Between Learning and Evaluation PI: Ray D. William, Ph.D. Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Project Director Submitted to: NSF, May 2003</p><p>Title: Early Childhood Leadership Directions PI: Sharon Rosenkoetter, Ph.D. Role: Evaluation Director Submitted to: US Department of Education, July 2004</p><p>Title: Leadership Training Project PI: Jeff McCubbin, Ph.D. Role: Evaluation Consultant Submitted to: May 2005</p><p>D. SERVICE 1. Service to the University: Periodic Responsibilities</p><p>University of Alabama at Birmingham Career participant, UAB Women’s Career Fair, sponsored by Career Services, January, 1985 Volunteer, Subject Screening, Smoking Cessation Study, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, October, 1985 Model and Consultant for Peace of Mind: Breast Self Examination ; patient education videotape produced for the Comprehensive Cancer Center Breast Evaluation Unit, January, 1986 Contributor, UPDATE, the UAB Center for Aging quarterly newsletter, 1987 to 1991 Judge, Dept. of Medicine Trainee Research Symposium, 1997 Internal grant proposal reviewer for Center for Health Promotion, University of Alabama at Birmingham Coordinator, faculty development, scientific writing, Department of Medicine Department of Medicine Clinical Practice Advancement Committee, 1991 - 1992 School of Medicine Scientific Paper Review Group, Co-Director, 1989 - 1992 Center for Aging Advisory Committee, 1985 - 1991 Continuing Education Advisory Committee and Ad Hoc Curriculum Development Committee; College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 1974-1976</p><p>Oregon State University OSU College of Education Faculty & Staff Quality Committee, member 2011-2013; chair 2012-2013. OSU College of Education Financial Affairs Committee 2009-2011 OSU Institutional Review Board 2004 – 2009; Co-Chair 2006 - 2009 OSU Faculty Senate Library Committee 2004 – 2007. Chair, 2005 - 2007 OSU Faculty Senate Advancement of Teaching Committee 2002 – 2005</p><p>39 OSU Women’s Center Advisory Board 2005 - 2008 Assessment of Educational Programs Task Force, 2002 – 2003 OSU Extension Service Annual Conference Planning Committee, 1999 - 2001. Doctoral Writing Exam Committee, Department of Public Health, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 1999-2003</p><p>2. Service to the Profession American Evaluation Association (AEA) Extension Education Evaluation topical Interest Group, Western Region Board Member (2011-2013) AEA 25th Anniversary Planning Committee Chair 2011 AEA International Committee – Member 2004 – 2006; Chair – 2005 AEA Task Force on Association Management Structure – Chair 2004 AEA President-Elect, 2001; President, 2002; Past President/Secretary/Ombudsperson 2003 AEA Board Liaison to Nomination and Elections committee, 2001 – 2003, Chair and Board Liaison to AEA Finance Committee 2002-2003; Liaison to AEA AMC Monitoring Committee 2002-2003 AEA Extension Education Evaluation Topical Interest Group, Western Region Board Member (1999-2001) AEA Program Co-Chair for Evaluation ‘93, AEA 1993 annual meeting, Dallas, TX AEA Board Liaison to Nominations and Elections Committee - 1992 - 1994 AEA Topical Interest Group: Health Evaluation - Member 1986 - present; Program Chair – 1987 - 2002, 2004 AEA Membership and Recruitment Committee - Member 1989 - 1992; Chair - 1989 – 1991 American Society for Aging (ASA) Education Committee - Member 1990 to present; Evaluation Subcommittee Chair - 1990 to 1992 ASA Membership Committee - Member, Alabama State Coordinator -1990 - 1991 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division I Paper/Proposal Reviewer - 1983 - 1989 AERA Special Interest Group: Research on Evaluation - Member 1981 - 1993; Program Chair - 1986 - 1993; Paper/Proposal Reviewer - 1985 - 1993 Sigma Theta Tau National Nursing Honor Society, Beta Mu Chapter Publicity Chair, 1975, 1976; Membership Selection Committee, 1976 Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 1995 - 1999 Associate Editor, Evaluation Practice, 1993 - 1995 Proposal reviewer, Extension Education Evaluation Topical Interest Group, American Evaluation Association, 2007 – present Proposal reviewer, Health Topical Interest Group, American Evaluation Association, 1986 – 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006 Proposal reviewer, Society for Prevention Research, 1998 – 1999 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2013 - present Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Extension, 2007 – 2010; 2010 - 2013 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 1996 - 1999 Manuscript reviewer, American Journal of Evaluation (formerly Evaluation Practice), 1997 – present. Manuscript reviewer, Evaluation Practice, 1991 - 1997 </p><p>40 Manuscript reviewer, Evaluation and Program Planning, 1994 - present Manuscript reviewer, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 1992 - 1993 Manuscript reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, 1988 Book reviewer, American Journal of Evaluation, 1999-present Book reviewer, Stanford University Press, 2010 Book reviewer, Evaluation and Program Planning, 1994 - present. Book reviewer, Evaluation Practice, 1993 - 1997 Book reviewer, The Arts Education Review of Books, a quarterly publication from The Ohio State University, 1988 - 1989. Book reviewer, Women’s Studies International Forum, a quarterly international publication. Book reviewer, Merrill Publishing Company. </p><p>3. Service to the Public (professionally related)</p><p>Reviewer, UC ANR, November 2013 Reviewer, NSF PRIME, March 2013 Reviewer, NIMH Small Business Research Initiative, January 2006 Reviewer, NIMH Loan Repayment Program, April 2005, March 2006 Reviewer, NIMH grant expert review, Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (B/START), April 2004 Reviewer, NIMH grant expert review panel, Developing Centers on Interventions for the Prevention of Suicide (DCIPS), April 2004 Reviewer, NIMH grant Special emphasis expert review panel, Interventions and Practice Research Infrastructure program (IP-RISP), March 2001 (center), October 2001 (center), July 2003 (center), October 2003 (center), April 2004 (center), July 2004 (individual), February, 2005 (individual), March 2006 (individual) Reviewer, SAMHSA grant expert review panel, cooperative agreement to evaluate housing approaches for persons with serious mental illness, Part II, August 1998 Reviewer, SAMHSA grant expert review panel, cooperative agreement to evaluate housing approaches for persons with serious mental illness, May 1997 Reviewer, SAMHSA grant expert review panel, cooperative agreements for demonstration sites for employment of severely mentally ill, March 1995 Chair, SAMHSA grant expert review panel, cooperative agreements for coordinating center for grants on employment of severely mentally ill, March 1995 Reviewer, expert panel review, Evaluating CMHS Mental Health Care Provider Education Program in HIV/AIDS, October 1995</p><p>4. Service to the Public (non-professionally related)</p><p>Arizona Cochise County (Arizona) County Health Planning Council: Systems Development Committee, Chair - 1977-1978; Committee Member, 1977-1979 Alabama Vice-President, UAB Bowling League, 1986-1987 Office of the Mayor, City of Birmingham, Task Force for Drug Abuse, 1986 - 1987</p><p>41 Auditor, Obelisk Award Selection, Theater Group, 1985-1987 Board Member, Ms. Senior America of Alabama, 1992 Oregon Volunteer, Corvallis Public Library, 1999 - present Adams Parent Teacher Organization, Chair, 1999 – 2001, Parent Representative 2000- 2002, Secretary, 2005 – 2007 Linus Pauling Parent Teacher Organization, Secretary, 2008 – 2009; Chair, 2009 – 2010 Corvallis High School, Beyond CHS (an after high school preparation office) 2010 - present St. Anselm Episcopal Ministry of Higher Education, Board Member 2005 – 2007, Chair 2006 – 2007; 2010 – present; Secretary 2011-present. Furniture Share, Board Member, 2009 – present; Secretary, 2011-present</p><p>AWARDS AND HONORS:</p><p>1. National and International Awards</p><p>Robert B Ingle Service Award, given for outstanding service to and for the evaluation profession by the American Evaluation Association, November 2009. Inaugural Visiting Scholar, Community Health and Promotion Service Branch, Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention, 2005 – 2007 National 1st Place Winner, Educational Technology category of the 2004 NEAFCS National Awards Program (Ellen Schuster, Holly Berry, Janice Smiley, Renee Carr, Molly Engle, Steven Dodrill, and Bob Rost). Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals’ (ANREP) 2002 Innovative Program Award for Seeing the Forests: Art about Forests and Forestry in Oregon. National Resource and Environmental Management 2002 Flagship Award for Seeing the Forests: Art about Forests and Forestry in Oregon. CSREES Nutrition, Diet, and Health Base Program Team, 2002 Program of Excellence Award for Positive EFNEP Cost-Benefit Analysis for State with Small Sample Size. American Evaluation Association (AEA) President-Elect, 2001; President, 2002; Past President/Secretary/Ombudsperson (2003) Nominee, International Health Professional, 2004, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England Nominee, International Educator of the Year, 2004, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England Who’s Who in the World, 22th Edition, 2004 Who’s Who in American Women, 24th Edition, 2004 Who’s Who in American Education, 6th Edition, 2004-2005 Who’s Who in America, 59th Edition, 2005 Who’s Who in Medicine and Health Care, 5th Edition, 2004 Honored Member, American Registry of Outstanding Professionals, 2003-2004 ed. Honored member, Strathmore’s Who’s Who Millennium Edition 2000-2001 Who’s Who of American Women, 21st Edition, 1998 Consultant, Division of Allied, Dental, Public Health Professions Evaluation Consultant Group, HRSA-BHPr, 1996 - 1998</p><p>42 Member, First US Public Health Service Annual Evaluation Panel, 1994 AEA Board Member-at-Large - 1992 through 1994 Post-doctoral Fellowship, Gerontological Society of America, 1990 Fellowship, Health Sciences Consortium, 1989 Fellowship, National Institute of Mental Health, 1972-1973</p><p>2. State and Regional Awards Western Region Finalist-1st Place in the Educational Technology category of the 2004 NEAFCS National Awards Program (Ellen Schuster, Holly Berry, Janice Smiley, Renee Carr, Molly Engle, Steven Dodrill, and Bob Rost).</p><p>3. University and Community Awards OSU Extension Association Search for Excellence Award for Outstanding Leadership in Educational Programming. Tree School – an educational model that makes a difference 2006 (with Michael Bondi and Merrily Enquist) Oregon State University Extension Association Team Award for Smart Start Eating and Reading 2005. (Janice Smiley, Nancy Kershaw, Dana Baxter, Molly Engle, Deb Schreiber, ,Holly Berry, Maureen Quinn, Lynn Steele, Carolyn Rabb, with Ellen Schuster, Evie Brookhyser, Aidee Quezada, Mary Arnold, Luz Lores-Lezcano). College of Forestry Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Extended and Continuing Education, Seeing the Forest: Art about Forests and Forestry in Oregon (Brad Withrow- Robinson, Viviane Simone-Brown, Molly Engle, and Scott Reed). Awarded January, 2003 OSU Extension Association Search for Excellence Award for Outstanding Leadership in Educational Programming. Seeing the Forest: Art about Forest and Forestry. 2000 (with A. Scott Reed, Vivian Simon-Brown, Brad Withrow-Robinson) Graduate Academic Scholarship, University of Arizona, 1981-1982 Initiate, Alpha Alpha Chapter, Pi Lambda Theta, National Educational Honor Society, 1978 Initiate, Charter Member, Beta Mu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, National Nursing Honor Society, 1974</p><p>43</p>

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