Tamworth Borough Council

Tamworth Borough Council

<p>Tamworth Borough Council Landlord Services</p><p>Tenancy Support Directory 2015 Mental Health and Learning Difficulties</p><p>Support Referral process Contact details Comments Agency</p><p>Community East Single Point of Andrew Ward, Services are provided to adults who require mental Mental Access. Sir Robert Peel hospital health assessment and care from specialist mental Health Team They are at - Plantation Lane health practitioners. Mile Oak East SPA Tamworth Care is provided through the Care Co-ordination David Perry Suite Staffs B78 3NG process and promotes improvement in the individual's St Michael’s Court condition or quality of life through the process of Trent Valley Road Tel: 01827 308820 recovery. Lichfield WS13 6EF A wide variety of interventions such as Cognitive Tel 0300 55 55 001 Behavioural Therapy (CBT),Eye Movement FAX 01543 418901 Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Peer Recovery Activity, Group work and individual treatments</p><p>Changes – Open to anyone Wellbeing Centre Range of programmes including Tamworth suffering from mental at:Tamworth Office distress and isolated 6 Lady Bank  Peer support groups Tamworth  Foundation Wellness B79 7NB  Art Sessions 01827 311 006  Work 4 U  Wellness Programmes [email protected]  Mutual Support Groups  Anger Management Web: www.changes .org.uk</p><p>Mind Open Tel: 0300 123 3393  Provide support and advice to anyone with mental health problems Text: 86463  Information site for raising awareness and Email: [email protected] campaigns</p><p>Web: www.mind.org.uk Young Minds Helpline for parents or Tel: 0808 802 5544  Helpline for parents or carers of young people carers of children and with mental health concerns young people Email: [email protected]</p><p>Web: www.youngminds.org.uk Mencap Self-referral Mencap Direct Provide services and activities for adults with profound (Tamworth and multiple learning disabilities including: and Lichfield) 0808 808 1111  Advocacy 9am to 5pm Monday to  Housing Friday.  Learning  Leisure Email [email protected]  Work Care First Via social worker, Care First Management Provide Skills for Life for people who learn differently community nurse and/or Services Limited including: carer to Glenys or Wayne on 0121 308 Tel: 0121 358 8150  Communication and independence skills 6555. Referral pack will  Making choice be sent out to complete. carefirstltd.co.uk  Road and health and safety awareness  Food hygiene and culinary skills</p><p> Social skills, confidence building and more Older People </p><p>Support Referral process Contact details Comments Agency</p><p>Bromford Self referrals accepted Bromford Floating Support Floating support service for a wide range of support Support from any person residing needs for people aged 16 and over in the Tamworth in Tamworth or you can 01543 496282 area. Specially trained support workers can deliver a ask your Tenancy personalised service suited to your needs Staffswest.referrals@bromfo Sustainment Officer to rd.co.uk make a referral on your behalf. Age UK Open Helpline – 01785 78849  Information and advice service around welfare South Staffs benefits, community care, housing and transport Email:  Care and help at home helpline@ageuksouthstaffs.  Day opportunities for people with dementia and org.uk other complex needs</p><p>Alzheimers Self referral Helpline 0300 222 1122 Support offered for sufferers and carers including: Society Alzheimer's Society  Dementia advice West Midlands Area Office  Awareness raising and information service 8-9 Windsor Court  Dementia support service Trent Valley Road  Activity group cognitive stimulation Lichfield WS13 6EU</p><p>Tel: 01543 255 955 WEL Open or via referral WEL Limited Provides 24 hour telecare services for elderly/vulnerable people with 24 hour support Tel: 01323 644422</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Web: www.welbeing.org.uk Physical/Sensory Impairments</p><p>Support Referral process Contact details Comment Agency</p><p>Action for Via contact numbers for Local Action Team –  Information on sight loss Blind People offices North Walls  Assistive technology Stafford ST16 3AD  employment advice (18-64)  welfare rights Tel: 01785 254572  technology & computer service  housing advice Email:  events for children, young people and families Stafford@actionforblindpeop  drop in resource centre le.org.uk  counselling services  mobile sight loss service Self referral or agency Mandy Tucker Provide post-16 support for people with a sensory Autism & referral (ASSIST Manager) impairment and for people who have an autism Sensory spectrum disorder. Support The Flash Ley Centre, in Staffs Hawksmoor Road, Specialist support teams: Stafford. ST17 9DR  hearing impairment team  visual impairment team Tel: (01785) 356835  ASSIST team Fax: (01785) 356841  Autism outreach team Mobile /SMS – 07816 316297</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Web: http://www.staffordshi re.gov.uk/education/ASSIST Rowan Open The Rowan Organisation  Direct Payment and Personal Budget support Organisation Eliot Park Innovation Centre service Barling Way, Nuneaton  Provide person-centred support CV10 7RH  Provide telephone and face to face support (service delivered at  Provide safeguarding advice customer’s home)  Assistance with recruiting carers  Provide a national information service National Information Service Tel: 02476 642947</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Deafblind UK Open Deafblind UK  Provide communicator guides who encourage self advocacy Information and advice line:  Homecare service 01733 358100  Information and advice service  Support for carers Email: [email protected]  Peer support and social groups Birmingham Referral Birmingham Institute for the  Assist people to live independently and provide Institute for Deaf support service the Deaf The Deaf Cultural Centre  Activities and youth club for young people (BID) Ladywood  Provide social work services Birmingham B16 8SZ  Assisting with employment  Cancer care information Tel (voice): 0121 246 6100  Training and learning Minicom: 0121 246 6101  Interpreting facilities Email: [email protected] Domestic Abuse Victims</p><p>Support Who can Referral Contact details Comments Agency access process Staffs Men, Via 24 24 hour helpline  Specialist domestic abuse outreach support for men, Women’s women and hour 0870 2700 123 women and children in the community Aid children helpline  Refuge accommodation for women and children (by agency enquiries@staffordshirewome  Boys accommodated in refuge up to age 16 or naid.org  Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA) customer)  Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) www.staffordshirewomensaid.  Accepts agency and self-referrals org</p><p>Pathway Men, Agency 01543 676800 (24 hrs)  Specialist domestic abuse outreach support for men, women and and self women and children in the community children referrals [email protected]  Refuge accommodation for women and children accepted  Boys accommodated in refuge up to age 15 www.pathway-project.co.uk  Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA)  Accepts agency and self-referrals Arch Men Agency 01782 222421  Specialist domestic abuse outreach support for men Domestic and self  Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Violence referrals [email protected] Services for accepted rg.uk Male Victims www.archnorthstaffs.org.uk Savana Victims of Agency 01782 221000  Specialist sexual abuse counselling for men, women sexual and self and children abuse referrals (24 hr message line – staff will  Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) accepted return call within 2 days) Website - www.savana.org.uk</p><p>Victim Victims of Helpline 0300 303 1977 Trained volunteers offer: Support domestic  Someone to talk to in confidence abuse Monday – Friday  Information on police and court procedures 8.00am – 8.00 pm  Information about compensation and insurance</p><p>Website: www.victimsupport.org National Victims of Helpline 0808 2000 247  Freephone 24 hour Domestic Violence helpline Domestic domestic  Translation facilities for callers whose first Violence abuse 24 hour helpline language is not English, and a service for callers Helpline who are deaf or hard of hearing are available Website: www.nationaldomesticviolence helpline.org.uk Broken Support for Helpline 0300 999 5428  Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and Rainbow (LBGT) transgender (LGBT) people experiencing people Website: domestic violence experiencin www.brokenrainbow.org.uk g domestic violence Forced Anyone Helpline 0207 008 0151  The Foreign and Commonwealth Office Forced Marriage being forced Marriage Unit is dedicated both to preventing Unit into 24 hour helpline British nationals being forced into marriage marriage overseas and to assisting anyone in the UK Website: faced with the prospect of being forced into a www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and- marriage living-abroad/when-things-go- wrong/forced- marriage/information-for- victims</p><p>Forward African girls Helpline 0208 960 4000  An African Diaspora led UK-registered campaign and women and support charity dedicated to advancing and Website: safeguarding the health and rights of African girls www.forwarduk.org.uk and women, in particular female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced and child marriage Karma Victims of Helpline 0800 5999 247  Supporting all victims of honour based abuse Nirvana honour and forced marriage based Website: abuse and www.karmanirvana.org.uk forced marriage Respect Men in Helpline 0808 801 0327  Advice and support for men in abusive Men’s abusive relationships Advice Line relationship Website: s www.mensadviceline.org.uk National Anybody Helpline 0808 802 0300  Provides guidance and information to anybody Stalking affected by who is currently, or has previously been, affected Helpline stalking or Monday to Friday 9:30am – by harassment or stalking harassment 4pm (except Wednesdays were we open at 1pm Website: www.stalkinghelpline.co.uk Email: [email protected]</p><p>Domestic Abuse Perpetrators</p><p>Support Who can Referral Contact details Comments Agency access process</p><p>Arch Male Male Agency and 01782 222421  Male perpetrator programme Perpetrator perpetrators self referral Programme of domestic accepted [email protected] Website: abuse http://www.archnorthstaffs.org.uk/domestic-violence-services</p><p>Respect People who National 0808 802 4040  Confidential helpline for people who are abusive Phone line are abusive helpline and/or violent towards their partners to partners Monday – Friday  Practitioners can access advice and guidance 10.00 am – 1.00 pm 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Website: http://www.respectphoneline.org.uk/phoneline.php Families, Children and Young People</p><p>Support Function Referral Contact details Comments Agency process</p><p>Staffordshire Safeguarding Open or via Child Protection Concerns should be For concerns around a child’s safety or Social Children, agency reported immediately to the First how they are treated. Services Vulnerable Response Team on: Adults and 0800 1313 126, or family Support Email: [email protected]</p><p> www.staffordshire.gov.uk Children’s To assess and Open 01785 278 072  Work with children, young people and Disability meet the their families, as well as schools and Service needs of Email: [email protected] other partners children and  Information on the Blue Badge parking young people Website: www.staffordshire.gov.uk scheme  Support to help make the transition from school to adult life Information on equipment and adaptations Homestart Support to Health Philip Dix Centre, Corporation Street,  Homestart – emotion and families with visitor, social Tamworth, Staffs. B79 7DN practical support in the family home children under services or Tel 01827 62400 5 self referral Fax: 01827 69813</p><p>Email: [email protected] Sure Start Families with Self referral Telephone 0300 111 8007 Place for children to learn, play and Children’s children 0-5 socialise Centres Website: www.staffordshire.gov.uk/childrenscentres Also offers practical advice on parenting, local childcare options, access to family health services and links to job opportunities. Young Anyone under Open Southern Staffordshire Young Carer’s Service for under 18’s caring for Carer’s 18 who is Project someone who is ill, disabled or misusing Project caring for substances such as drugs or alcohol. someone Tel: 01785 606675 Support offered to those who provide care including housework, shopping, www.staffordshire.gov.uk cooking, bathing, etc. Bromford Any person in Self referral 10 Eldwick Court, Eshton Way, Bromford Support helps vulnerable, Floating need Stonydelph, Tamworth B77 4NL disabled and disadvantaged people Support realise their potential through the Tel: 893732 provision of supported housing, skills, Or by referral training and employment opportunities. Cornerstone Support, Local Tamworth Cornerstone Housing Provides supported housing, training Housing training and housing Association, The Old School House, 2 and education services to vulnerable Association education authority, Woodhouse Lane, Amington, Tamworth, and disadvantaged people aged 16 – 25 services children’s B77 3AE years. and social services Tel: 01827 319918 Also provides programmes for non departments Website: www.t-c-h-a.co.uk resident young people who find it . Self difficult in mainstream schools. referrals Foodbank Emergency Agency Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: Provides Emergency Food Boxes to food vouchers referral 12.30 - 3.00pm families in crisis</p><p>The Manna House, 258-264 Glascote Vouchers supplied by agencies Road, Glascote, Tamworth, Staffs. B77 including doctors, health visitors, social 2AT workers, CAB, council and police</p><p>Enquiries: 01827 302434</p><p> [email protected] Childline Helpline for Open 0800 1111 Helpline and counselling service for children and children and young people including parents www.childline.org.uk bullying</p><p>Parents can contact: Chat online with a counsellor Family Lives 0808 800 2222 Information for adults page Victims and Witnesses of Anti Social Behaviour</p><p>Support Referral Contact details Comments Agency process</p><p>Victim Open or referral by Support line Offer free confidential support to people affected by crime. Support landlord or other Provide someone to talk to in confidence, information on agency 0808 168 9111 police and court procedures, links to other sources of help, help with criminal injuries compensation, practical and emotional support.</p><p>Tamworth has it’s own Anti Social Behaviour Victim & Witness Support Champion – you can ask your landlord or the police to refer you.</p><p>Mediation Services</p><p>Support Referral Contact details Comments Agency process</p><p>Right Referral by Tamworth Request referral through Services available – family mediation and information, Mediation Borough Council Tenancy Sustainment Team community and neighbourhood mediation and information. Landlord Services Please contact the Tenancy Mediation can be face to face or shuttle (the mediator will Sustainment Team on 01827 mediate between rooms if you cannot share the same space. 709491 or email: estatemanagementteam@tamw orth.gov.uk General Support</p><p>Support Function Referral Contact details Comments Agency process</p><p>Tamworth Advice on Referral by Ask your landlord or support worker to Advice and assistance in money, welfare Advice tenancy frontline make a referral on your behalf benefits, tenancy issues, homelessness, Partnership issues workers etc. (TAPS) Crime Reporting Anonymous 0800 555 111 For reporting crime anonymously Stoppers crime helpline</p><p>Citizens Advice and Drop in The Philip Dix Centre General information and advice including Advice assistance advice Corporation Street Welfare Benefits, Debt, Housing, Bureau service Tamworth Employment, Family, Immigration and Staffordshire B79 7DN Consumer Rights</p><p>Telephone Advice Line 01827 305950</p><p>Website: www.tamworthcab.org.uk Email: [email protected]</p><p>RSPCA Reporting Phone or  Report cruelty to animals cruelty to online 24 hour cruelty line – 0300 1234 999  Report an animal in distress animals  Get advice on animal welfare Web: www.rspca.org.uk True Vision Reporting Open 999 or 112 (SMS emergency text)  Report Disability and other Hate Hate Crime Crimes and www.report-it.org.uk  Online reporting facility extremism Online reporting form  Information on hate crime  Reporting terrorist and extremist information  Education support CEOP (Child Reporting Open 999 in emergencies  Advice for parents, carers and Sexual CSE (Child guardians Exploitation Sexual Enquiries: 0870 000 3344  Advice for teachers Protection Exploitation)  Advice for children and young Online) www.ceop.police.uk people Online reporting form  Online reporting CRUSE Bereavement Self referral Tel: 01543 433479 Trained volunteers provide face-to-face counselling support and practical advice National helpline: 0844 477 9400</p><p>Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Staffordshire People who Self referral Tel: 0300 111 8010  Home Care Services to remain Cares need help to Text/SMS (for hearing impaired) 07814 independent at home live 194 111  Meals on Wheels (small charge) independent Minicom users: 01785 276207  Equipment and adaptations</p><p>Email: [email protected] Royal British Anyone who Open Services include: Legion has served in Tel: 0808 802 8080  Financial assistance the Armed  Personnel recovery centres Forces and Website:  Dementia care family www.britishlegion.org.uk  In home services  Companionship, etc. Samaritans Anyone in Open Samaritans, Philip Dix Centre, Corporation Samaritans provide confidential non- distress, Street, Tamworth, Staffs. B79 7DN judgemental emotional support, 24 hours despair or a day for people who are experiencing thoughts of Tel: 01827 215888 (local) feelings of distress or despair, including suicide 08457 909090 (national) those which could lead to suicide</p><p>Email: [email protected] Tamworth Report crime Open To report crime or serious ASB Police 101 Staffordshire Free home Open Tel: 08451 221155 Offer free home fire risk check service Fire & fire checks with fire safety advice and free life Rescue [email protected] saving equipment such as smoke alarms Service To book a free home fire risk check, tel: 0800 024 1999 CHOICES Counselling Open The Cottage Healing Centre, CHOICES offer one-to-one, group work, Counselling services 114 Lichfield Street, family work, on-site training, and the Tamworth. unique field of Equine Assisted B79 7QB Psychotherapy (EAP) in the Staffordshire area. [email protected]</p><p>Tel: 07536-062893 Fax: 01827-59376</p><p>Substance Misuse</p><p>Support Function Referral Contact details Comments Agency process</p><p>One Support for Agency or Tel: 0161 831 2400  Provide services for anyone with substance Recovery misusing self misuse problems substances referral Website: Adsolutions.org.uk/onerecoverystaffordshire Alcoholics Alcohol Self Tel: 0845 769 7555  Meetings are held in Tamworth on Mondays Anonymous misuse referral and Fridays at 8pm at St Johns RC Church, Website: St Johns Road, Tamworth, B79 7EX www.alcoholic-anonymous.org.uk </p>

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