<p>Social Studies 10-1 Final Exam Study Guide</p><p>The following is a chapter by chapter breakdown of key terms, questions and cases which are all relevant to the material covered in Social Studies 10-1. Social Studies 10 Final Exam Review Guide</p><p>To help you better prepare for the final exam, please read the following instructions. The instructions will provide you with an explanation of how to focus your study time and complete the package.</p><p>Instructions: Use your PPT Notes, Text, and Provide an example from the course wherever possible</p><p>Key Terms: In point form, define the term and in 2 or 3 sentences, simply explain its connection to the main (highlighted) question within the respective chapter and accompanying notes.</p><p>Key Questions: In 2 or 3 sentences, provide a short response which answers the question using some of the main ideas and case studies of the chapter and accompanying notes.</p><p>Case Studies: In 3-4 sentences briefly summarize the details of each case. </p><p>CHAPTER 1 To what extent does globalization shape your identity?</p><p>Key Terms Globalization Collective vs. Individual Identity Context Key Questions 1. What are some different understandings (dimensions) of globalization? 2. How do individuals and collectives express who you are? What are some individual and collective aspects of identity? (23-25) 3. How are people and the environment affected by globalization?</p><p>Case Studies Struggle of the Lubicon Cree to affirm their identity (32-33) Story of the Coltan Miners in DRC (36-37)</p><p>CHAPTER 2 To what extent do identity and the forces of globalization shape each other? Key Terms Transnational Corporation (45) Media Concentration (49) Media Convergence (49) Economies of Scale (50) Biodiversity (54) Stereotyping Homogenization (58) Acculturation (58) Accommodation (58) Assimilation (58) Integration Cultural Revitalization (61) Key Questions 1. What are some forces of Globalization? a. Trade (44-45) b. Transportation (46) c. Communication Technology (47) d. Media (48-49) 2. Define each dimension of globalization: a. Economic b. Political c. Environmental d. Social 3. List 3 ways forces of globalization present challenges to identity? 4. List 3 ways forces of globalization provide opportunities to affirm and promote identity? 5. Draw the identity chart from the notes showing the paths to assimilation and acculturation.</p><p>Case Studies Guillermo Touma and Workers Unions (p. 53) The Story of the Banana Wars and how each dimension of globalization impacts nations (50-55) The Cultural Revitalization of the Métis People</p><p>CHAPTER 3 To what extent is identity affected by communication technology and the media in a globalizing world?</p><p>Key Terms Digital Divide (69) Propaganda (73) Techno-isolation (75) Pop Culture (82) Universalization of Pop Culture Hybridization (83)</p><p>Key Questions 1. How is identity affected by opportunities to communicate with people around the world? 2. Who creates pop culture (also how is it created) and who spreads pop culture? 3. Describe one way diversity is influenced by the media and communication technologies? a. Diversity and Global Media Concentration 4. How is identity affected by media coverage of world events? (76-77) 5. Describe one way diversity is affected by the dominance of American Media?</p><p>Case Studies ONLP (69) APTN (70-71) Al-Jazeera (73) September 11th (76-77) Live 8 (80) CHAPTER 4 To what extent can people respond to globalizing forces that affect identity? Key Terms Affirmation of identity Cultural Content Laws (102) Cultural Diversity (104) CRTC CBC Public Broadcasting Key Questions 1. How do people affirm and promote their language in a globalizing world? a. Endangered Languages (91) 2. How do people affirm and promote their culture in a globalizing world? a. Cultural Revitalization (96-97) 3. How do international organizations affirm and promote languages and cultures in a globalizing world? a. UNESCO (104) b. La Francophonie (105) c. Assembly of First Nations (106) Case Studies The Story of the Ladakh Culture and its response to globalization(98-99) Kanai People (100) La Francophonie and The Assembly of First Nations (p.105-107)</p><p>CHAPTER 5 To what extent did early globalization affect peoples of the world? Key Terms Historical Globalization(116) Age of Discovery Colonization Old (European) Imperialism vs. New Imperialism (117) Mercantilism (122) Capitalism Industrial Revolution Grand Exchange (131)</p><p>Key Questions 1. Why and how did globalization begin? a. Identify the key trade routes. (116) b. List the 3 rounds of Globalization. (117) 2. How did the foundations (main roots) of historical globalization affect people? a. List each of the foundations and briefly explain their causes, effects, and overall significance. b. What were the key new Ideas and technologies? (121) c. How did competition factor in? 3. How did the consequences of historical globalization affect people? a. What role did disease play? (125) b. What were the results/consequences of contact? c. How were differences a factor? (126) d. What affect did slavery have on people? (127-130) 4. How did the development of Capitalism lead to industrialization and what impact did it have on people? a. What are the main principles of capitalism according to Adam Smith? b. Why was capitalism embraced by citizens in Europe? c. What were some of the opportunities and challenges created by capitalism for citizens in Europe and the colonies? Case Studies Indo-Arabic Number System (114) Columbus discovers America (118) Bartolome de La Casas (126) Olaudah Equiano (127) The Story of Cheap Labor (128-129)</p><p>CHAPTER 6 To what extent do the legacies of historical globalization affect people of the world? Key Terms Ethnocentrism (138) Eurocentrism (138) Scramble for Africa (140) New Imperialism Legacies of Imperialism Migration & Displacement (146-147) Depopulation (148) Deindustrialization (151) Indentured Labor (152)</p><p>Key Questions 1. What are some legacies of historical globalization? a. Provide two examples of European Imperial Rule and the legacies left behind b. Explain in brief the story of King Leopold and the Congo (141) 2. How has cultural contact affected people? a. When Indigenous people are displaced? b. How was Chinua Achebe affected? (147) c. Why was Africa depopulated? (148) 3. How has the exchange of goods and technologies affected people? a. Describe effects of Europeans on Indigenous ways of life. 4. What are some legacies of imperialism? a. List the legacies of imperialism from the notes and link them to the following case studies: India b. What impact did the British East India Company have? (150) c. What type of monopoly was India affected by? d. What was de-industrialization and how did affect India? e. How did people in India respond? f. Why was India partitioned? Rwanda – see CH. 8 of this handout Canada – see CH. 7 of this handout</p><p>Case Studies Mohandas Gandhi (152 and video: India - Revolutions Series) Partition of India and nuclear conflict Myanmar (154) CHAPTER 7 To what extent have the legacies of historical globalization affected Canada?</p><p>Key Words Cultural Mosaic (180) Multiculturalism (181) Cultural Pluralism (181) Quiet Revolution (183) Seven Years War Numbered Treaties Indian Act Residential Schools</p><p>Key Questions 1. How did historical globalization affect Canada? a. List the forces which drive colonization. (162) b. What impact did the fur trade have on colonization? (163) 2. What are some legacies of historical globalization in Canada? a. Why was the Seven Years War important? (170) b. Identify key legacies of Early French Rule (171) c. Identify key legacies of Early British Rule (172) 3. How has historical globalization affected Indigenous peoples in Canada? a. Indian Act (177, 200-201) b. The Numbered Treaties (175) c. Residential Schools (178-179) d. Legacy of Civil Conflict over self-government and land claim issues (Oka Crisis, Crisis at Attiwapaska) 4. How do some legacies of historical globalization continue to affect Canada? a. Impact of Multiculturalism Policies (181) b. Movements like the Quiet Revolution (183)</p><p>Case Studies (Ch. 7) Destruction of the Beothuk (165) The Story of the Hudson’s Bay Company (166-167) Phil Fontaine (178) The Quebecois and Francophone Tradition (183)</p><p>CHAPTER 8 To what extent have attempts to respond to the legacies of historical globalization been effective?</p><p>Key Terms Genocide (190) Gacaca Courts (192) Apartheid (197) Enemy Aliens (199) NGO’s (202-203) Key Questions 1. How effectively have people responded to the legacies of historical globalization? a. What is the Story of Rwanda (189-190 & Video: Ghosts of Rwanda – see notes from CH. 6 Scramble for Africa) b. Causes (short term and long term) and lasting effects c. Role of Imperialism in causing genocide 2. How effectively have governments responded to the legacies of historical globalization? a. How effective were the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs, Statement of reconciliation, and Residential school apology in addressing legacies of imperial rule of Aboriginal people in Canada? b. How did the world respond to South Africa and apartheid (197) c. How did the government deal with Japanese, Ukrainian and German Internment d. What are some legacies of the Indian Act? Residential Schools? (200-201) 3. How effectively have organizations responded to the legacies of historical globalization? a. Explain why NGO’s are necessary in today’s world. (202) 4. How does historical globalization continue to affect the world? a. Why do we give Foreign Aid? (207)</p><p>Case Studies Genocide in Rwanda o UN and Romeo Dellaire Apartheid in South Africa o Nelson Mandela Japanese Internment in WWI German and Ukrainian Internment in WWII Legacies of the Indian Act</p><p>CHAPTER 9 To what extent did world events shape contemporary economic globalization?</p><p>Key Terms Economic globalization (216) Reparations (220) Demand Side Economics Supply Side Economics Free Market Capitalism Basic values associated with left and right wing economic spectrum</p><p>Key Questions 1. What does economic globalization mean? a. Understand the factors that affect the global economy. (218) 2. How did 20th century world events shape contemporary economic globalization? How did each of the following create global issues and help to expand globalization? a. WWI : Treaty of Versailles (220) b. Russian Revolution: Communism (221) c. Great Depression: Market Economy d. WWII: Outcomes and development of Super Powers 3. What factors laid the foundations of contemporary global economics? a. Creation of United Nations b. Bretton Woods? (226) i. The World Bank (initial and current role) (228) ii. The IMF (228) (initial and current role) iii. G.A.T.T. (initial and current role) c. Keynes vs. Hayek vs. Friedman – What did they believe? (227) d. What role did the Cold War and the eventual collapse of Communism play in limiting/expanding trading networks</p><p>Case Studies (Chp 9) Consequences of WWI (Treaty of Versailles Notes) Reasons for WWII (223) Peoples Republic of China and the rise of China documentary (232-233)</p><p>CHAPTER 10 To what extent do contemporary factors contribute to expanding globalization?</p><p>Key Terms Outsourcing (238) Containerization (240 & 46) Trade Liberalization (244) Free Trade (244) E-Commerce (254-255) Consensus (244) Sanctions (245)</p><p>Key Questions 1. What 4 key factors (forces) contribute to expanding globalization? (238-241) 2. How did the development of Free Market policies spread across the world? (Trade Liberalization, Free Trade, Privatization, Foreign Investment, Limited Government Intervention) 3. How do international agreements and organizations contribute to expanding globalization? a. The WTO (244)- Define its purpose and its effectiveness (arguments for and against). b. NAFTA (purpose & supporters vs. opponents) (248) c. The European Union (purpose & supporters vs. opponents) (249) 4. How do economic organizations like the IMF, World Bank, and WTO help/hurt developing nations? What types of policies do they impose on nations taking emergency or structural readjustment loans? 5. How do transnational Corporations contribute to expanding globalization? a. Effects of Transnational’s i. What impact do Transnationals like Wal-Mart have on the global economy? ii. What impact does BIG OIL have on the global economy? iii. How do Energy companies control economic decision making?</p><p>Case Studies Maquiladoras of Mexico (242-243) Wal-Mart (video) NAFTA (248) Talisman Energy (251-252) Softwood Lumber Dispute Debt and Poverty in Jamaica CHAPTER 11 To what extent does globalization affect sustainability?</p><p>Key Terms Ecological footprint (260 & notes) Sustainability (263) Stewardship (263) Ship breaking Flag of convenience (267)</p><p>Key Questions 1. What does sustainability mean? (260-61) 2. What is ecological footprint and what are some factors affecting Canada’s and the world’s growing footprint?</p><p>3. How are globalization and sustainability related? a. What role does the ship building/breaking industry have in sustainability? b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ship breaking? 4. Have efforts to promote sustainability been successful? a. Understand the Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Accord (272 & notes) b. Understand the issues facing the Alberta Tar Sands (273) c. Comprehend the importance of Alternative Energy Sources (274)</p><p>Case Studies (Chp 11) CAN vs. Bangladesh’s Footprint The Kogi (262) Ship Breaking in India (Video) Green Belt Movement (275)</p><p>CHAPTER 12 To what extent can globalization bring sustainable prosperity to all people? Key Terms Sustainable Prosperity (280) Sustainable Development (280) Knowledge Economy (290) Privatization (280) Global Climate Change (295)</p><p>Key Questions 1. What is sustainable prosperity? a. Describe the efforts in Nova Scotia (280) b. Define different ways you can measure prosperity (282-283) c. Quality of Life vs. Standard of Living d. Economic measurements (GDP) vs. holistic approaches like Human Development Index or Genuine Progress Index 2. Define the political and economic challenges/opportunities which are associated with globalization? a. Business owners? b. Jobs? c. Technology? d. Trade? e. Subsidizing Farmers? f. Knowledge Economy? g. Privatization? 3. What choices are associated with sustainable prosperity? a. What are the Millennium Development Goals (294) b. Who is responsible for addressing Climate Change? (295) c. Are Government Policies working? (296-297)</p><p>Case Studies (Chp 12) Dead in the Water – Privatization of water in Argentina (Video) The Bhutan (285) Wall Mart</p><p>Related Issue 4: To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?</p><p>CHAPTER 13 Milestones of Human Rights (310-311) Human Rights Issues in former colonies (314-315) Human Trafficking (318)</p><p>1. What are human rights? 2. How are ideas about human rights and democracy related? 3. How are globalization, human rights, and democracy related? </p>
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