DRAFT EIGHTH FIVE YEiAR PLAN 1990-95 AND' ANNUAL PLANI 1991-92 NIIEJPA DC IIID005754 Submitted to Planning CommisssUon in November, 1990 i iub. National Systems Unit, National Institute of Educational PlHnning and A ministration 17 B.SaAurbindo MaM.NewDcliu-UOIOM DOC. G O N T E ^ I ^ S ' CHAPAMPTER Page I. 1.1. Baseline Survey of the State Economy of Himachal Pradesh . 1 II. n il. Employment Situation in Himachal Pradesh 16 III II III. Ei^th Five year Plan 1990-95 and Annua! Plan 1991-92—An outline ■ 30 IV n iV . Thrust on Rural Development in Eighth Five year Plan .. 42 V. V V. S«:toral Programmes A-^ECEOECONOMIC s e r v ic e s : t. A u Agricultare and ^lied Services: Cr CiCrop Husbandry: { (a) Agriculture .. 52 ( (b) Horticulture 65 { (c) Dry-land Farming 81 SoiSoSoil and Water Conservation: ( (a) Agriculture .. 82 ( (b) Forest 84 Animal Husbandry 86 Dairy Development 101 Fisheries .. .. .. 104 Forestiry ,. 116 Wild Life .. .. .. 126 Agriculture, Research and Education 133 Investment in Agricultural Financial Instittitions 134 Marketing and Quality Control 135 Loans to Cultivators other than Horticulture 140 Co-operation .. .. .. 141 II. I ) Rural Development: integrated Rural Development Programme . , . 163 Aii^odaya . .. 164 Integra,ted Rural Energy Programme .. .. 168 Rural Employment Programme .. •• . 174 Land Reforms: CadestralSurvey and Records of kights .. 179 Supporting Services to New Allottees of Land .. 183 Consolidation of Holdings .. 183 Strengthening of Primary and Supervisory Land Records Agency 184 Revenue Housing .. ., .. .. 186 Forest Settlement .. .. .. - 187 Community Development .. .. .. 189 Panchayats .. .. .. .. * 199 HI. • Special Area Programmes 205 IV. I } Irrigation and Flood Control: Major 9fldMedium Irrigation.. 206 Minor Irrigation . m Command Area Development n o Flood Control 112 V. Ill E) Enersy: Power .. .. 212 BiOj-gas Development 219 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 221 Smoke less ChuUahs 222 VI. Ii Ii En^try and Minerals: Large and Medium Industries 229 Village and Small Industries 141 Mining « 249 (i) Vn# Civil Aviation 252 Roads and Bridges including Ropewap^nd Cableways 254 Road Transport .. .. .. 266 Inland Water Transport 267 Inter Model Transport Study 268 Tele—Communication .. 268 VIQ. S ci^e, Technology and Eavironmeiit; Scientific Research including Science and Technology 269 Ecology and Environment 291 Water and Air Pollution Prevention 301 IX* G ^ ra l Eicoiiomic Sm ices: Secretariat Economic Services 305 Tourism . ^ .. .. 310 Survey and Statistics .. 316 Civil Supplies .. .. 318 Weights and Measures .. 322 Institutional Finance and Public Enterprises 322 District Planning .. .. 323 B-^SO0WJL SERVICES: ' X« General Education: General and University Education 324 Technical Education 335 Sports and Youth Services 345 Alt and Culture 359 Mountaineering and Allied Sports 367 Gazetteers XI. HeiAh: Allopathy .. .. ^ .. 369 Ayurveda and other ISMs .. .. .. 385 Medical Educalaon .. .. * . 387 XQ. Water Sapply Honsing and U r^n aod Sanitatidn: Urban W aterSwly ' 40G Rural Water Supply .. .. .. Sewerage .. .. .. Rural, ^it^ tio n . .. .. .. 406 Low Cost Sanitation ' ' . ' ' ' ' .: ' Pooled Government Housing int^idtog Police Housiiig 407 Housing Department"' .. .. m Loans to Government Employee 409 Rural Housing 40^ Town and Country Planning 40^ Eiavironment^ Improvement of Slutns .. .. 410 Grant-itt-aid to Local Bodies . .. 411 Urban Development 411 Xill. Information and Pubiicity 412 XIV. Welfare of SC’s/STs/OBCs .. XV. Lidtoilr andLabaiffWel&re 42^ XVI. Social Welfare and Notfitioii .. .. 434 C—GENERAL SERVICES: Jails . • .. Stationery and Printing Public Works .. • • ^ ^ • • Himachal Institute of Public Administrati6n Nucleus Budget for Tribal Area s Tribal Development Ma^inery Equity to Ex-Servicemen Corporation VL Tribal DeveK^ment in flimaclial Pradesh VIi. Special Componwrt Han fw Schedirted Caste STATEMEN'^S 1. StSt Sttatement-i Head of Development-wise outlay afti expenditure during Seventh Plan .« 479 2. St;St: Sttatemsnt-ii-A Seventh Five Year Plan—Physical targets and achievements « 485 3. StiSt; Sttatement-i Outlay and* expenditure during Seventh Plan under Minimum Needs Programme „ 501 4. StiSt< Sttatement-i-A Physical targets and achievements—Seventh Five Year Plan Minimum Needs Programme 502 5. StfSti Sttatement fcghth Five Year Plan 1990-95 and Annual Plan 1991-92 Head of Development-wise outlay of State and Central share—Annexure-I _ 503 6. StcStc St£atement-ni-A Draft Eighth Plan 1990-95--ProposaIs for Programme/Projects Maximi­ sing benefits from the existing capacity as on 31-3-90 .. 511 - - ' ' 7. StaStaStatement-in-B DrafC Eighth Plan (19^-95) Proposals for Programmes/Projects ... 513 8. SteStiSt;atement-ra-c Draft Eighth Plan (1990-95) Proposals for Projects/Programmes—^New Schemes .. 593 9. StaSt£St£atement-ra-D Summary Statement Draft Eighth Plan (1990-95) Proposals for Programmes/Projects .. 611 0, StaSttSttatement-iv Draft Eighth Plan (1990-95) and Annual Plan 1990-91 and 1991-92 outlay and expenditure by Heads of Development ... 635 1. StaStaStaternent-ii-B Eighth Five Year Plan Proposals for Annual Plan 1991-92 Physical Targets and achievements 642 2, StaStaStatement Outiay and expenditure during Eighth Plan—Minimum Needs Pr<Sgramme «. 654 3. StaSt^tatement-n-B Physical targets and achievements during Eighth Plan—Minimum Needs Programme « 655 StaStaStattement-v StatecQent icgat^ing Externally aided projects .. 657 5. StaStaStatement-vm Rural Component of Draft Eighth Plan and Annual Plan 1990-91 and Annual I^an 1991-92 ' ... 660 5. StaStaStattement-vn Statement showing employment (scheme*wise) in the Seventh/Eighth Plan wfth the corresponding figures of expenditure/outlay ' .. 662 (Hi) CHAPTER - I BASE LINE SURVEY OF THE STATE ECONOMY OF HIMACHAL PRADESH Himachal Pradesh came into being by merger of thirty and odd princely hill states on 15th April, 1946. It underwent a series of metami3rphic changes, both political and administrative, till it became- the Eighteenth State of Indian Union on 25th January, 19^lV Subsequently, re-organisation of districts in 1972 gave Himachal Pradesh the shape as it exists today. Himachal Pradesh has an area of 55,673 square,ki1ometres and a population of 42.81 lakh according to 1981 Census. The density of population is 77 persons per square kilometre as compared to 216 at the All-India level. As much as 92 percent of the population lives in rural areas and the remaining 6 percent-is located in 46 towns.' Scheduled Castes form 24.6 percent of population while Scheduled Tribes account for 4,6 percent. The areas comprising of Kinnaur District, Lahaul and Spiti district and Pangi and Bharmour tehsils of Chamba district form the tribal areas of the Pradesh. Demographic Trends : The population of the State increased by 23.7 percent during the decade 1971-81. The demographic indicators are presented in the following table : TABLE 1 - DEMOGRAPHIC DATA AND INDICATORS I tem Unit Particulars 1*. Population - 1971 Census (a) Total Lakh Persons 34. 60 (b) Scheduled Castes Lakh Persons 7.70 (c) Scheduled Tribes Lakh Persons 1.42 1981 Census : (a) Total Lakh Persons 42.81 (b) Scheduled Castes Lakh Persons 10.84 (c) Scheduled Tribes Lakh Persons 1. 97 2. Density of Population 1981 Census Persons 77.00 per sa. km. 3. Decennial Growth of Populatio 1971-81 (a) Total Populatipn Percent 23.71 (b) Scheduled Castes Percent 36 . 95 (c) Scheduled Tribes Percent 39.30 4. Compound rate of Population growth Percent (1971-81> per annum 2. 15 Item Unit Particulars 5. Percentage composition according to 1981 Census : (a) Rural Population Percent 92.39 (b) Urban Population Percent 7.61 6. Percentage of total of 1981 Census Population : (a) Scheduled Castes , Percent 24.62 (b) Scheduled Tribes Percent 4.61 7. Sex Ratio Females per '000 males 978 It would be seen that entire Himachal Pradesh is predominantly rural in character as rural population constitutes 92.39 percent of total population. The scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population constitute 29.23 percent of the total population. the annual compound rat® of growth of population during 1971-81 period was 2. 15 percent. The data depicted in the above table brings out some interesting facts which need careful attention. Whereas the decadiall growth rate of total population was 23.71 percent, the corresponding growth in the scheduled pastes add scheduled tribes population were of the order of 36.95 percent and 39.30 percent, respectively. These socially and economtcally vulnerable groups pose a problem in the overall strategy for stabi 1 isation of- population. Unders1^antiab\y, the high population growth amon»g these sections of society has resulted from preponderance of poverty, abysmally low literacy in general and among women in particular and poor living conditions. Subseqtient Five-Year Plan shall I be required to give a glf^eater attention to these aspects. Hiistan ResourC'^s t The population of Himachail Pradesh according to 1981 Census was 42.81 lakh. The age-wise distribution of this population is as und^r : Age Group In Lakh 0 - 14 16.94 15 - 59 22.66 + 60 3.21 42.81 - a - The labour force (15-59 years) constitutes 22.66 lakh which forms 52.93 percent of the total population. The following table gives the distributioo of main workers and marginal workers classified by industrial categories according to 1981 Census : TABLE 2 - DETAILS OF WORK FORCE Item Unit Particulars 1. Total Population Lakh Persons 42.81 2. Main Workers : Lakh Persons 14.71 (a} Cultivators Lakh Persons 10.02 (b> Agricultural Labourers Lakh Persons 0. 40 (c) Livestock,Fores try,Hunting. Fisheries,Orchards,Plantation and Allied activities Lakh Persons 0.37 (d ) Mining and Quarrying Lakh Persons 0. 04 { e) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs Lakh Persons 0.79 (f ) Construction Lakh Persons 0.79 (g> Trade and Commerce Lakh Persons 0.53 (h) Transport, Storage and Communication Lakh Persons 0. 27 ( i ) Other Services Lakh Persons 1.50 3. Marginal Workers ; Lakh Persons 3. 43 (a) Cultivators Lakh Persons 3.212 kh) Agricultural Labourers Lakh Persons 0.106 (c) Livestock, Forestt^y, Hunting, F isheries,Orchards,PI antat ion and Allied activities Lakh Persons 0.019 (d) Mining and Quarrying Lakh Persons Neg.
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