<p> ATIS-0300034</p><p>Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability (NGIIF) Reference Document</p><p>Part XI, Local Number Portability Interconnection Testing Document</p><p>Version 12.0 ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry. More than 200 companies actively formulate standards in ATIS’ Committees, covering issues including: IPTV, Cloud Services, Energy Efficiency, IP-Based and Wireless Technologies, Quality of Service, Billing and Operational Support, Emergency Services, Architectural Platforms and Emerging Networks. In addition, numerous Incubators, Focus and Exploratory Groups address evolving industry priorities including Smart Grid, Machine-to- Machine, Connected Vehicle, IP Downloadable Security, Policy Management and Network Optimization.</p><p>ATIS is the North American Organizational Partner for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a member and major U.S. contributor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio and Telecommunications’ Sectors, and a member of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL). ATIS is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, please visit www.atis.org.</p><p>Notice</p><p>This document was developed by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions’ (ATIS) sponsored Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF). The NGIIF addresses next-generation network interconnection and interoperability issues associated with emerging technologies. Specifically, it develops operational procedures which involve the network aspects of architecture, disaster preparedness, installation, maintenance, management, reliability, routing, security, and testing between network operators. In addition, the NGIIF addresses issues which impact the interconnection of existing and next generation networks and facilitate the transition to emerging technologies. All changes to this document shall be made through the NGIIF issue resolution process. </p><p>Note Regarding Previous Versions</p><p>The NIIF Reference Document was formerly known as the Network Operations Forum (NOF) Reference Document. The NOF Reference Document was published and maintained by Bellcore. The last version of the NOF Reference Document is Issue 13. </p><p>Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability</p><p>The information provided in this document is directed solely to professionals who have the appropriate degree of experience to understand and interpret its contents in accordance with generally accepted engineering or other professional standards and applicable regulations. No recommendation as to products or vendors is made or should be implied.</p><p>NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE INFORMATION IS TECHNICALLY ACCURATE OR SUFFICIENT OR CONFORMS TO ANY STATUTE, GOVERNMENTAL RULE OR REGULATION, AND FURTHER NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY IS MADE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. ATIS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE, BEYOND THE AMOUNT OF ANY SUM RECEIVED IN PAYMENT BY ATIS FOR THIS DOCUMENT, WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL ATIS BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ATIS EXPRESSLY ADVISES THAT ANY AND ALL USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS AT THE RISK OF THE USER.</p><p>ATIS-0300034, NGIIF Reference Document, Part XI, Local Number Portability Interconnection Testing Document, Formerly NIIF 5030, Published June 2009</p><p>The NGIIF Reference Document, Part XI, Local Number Portability Interconnection Testing Document, is an ATIS standard developed by the NGIIF. </p><p>Published by Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions 1200 G Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005</p><p>Copyright © 2011 by Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions All rights reserved.</p><p>No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information contact ATIS at 202.628.6380. ATIS is online at < http://www.atis.org >. Printed in the United States of America.</p><p>2 LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY INTERCONNECTION TESTING DOCUMENT</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>1 GENERAL...... 5</p><p>1.1 PURPOSE...... 5 1.2 DEFINITIONS...... 5 2 BASIC PREMISES...... 5</p><p>3 OPERATING PRINCIPLES...... 6</p><p>4 SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT...... 6</p><p>5 NETWORK PROVIDERS RESPONSIBILITIES...... 6</p><p>6 INTERCONNECTION TESTS MATRIX...... 6</p><p>7 VERTICAL FEATURE TESTING...... 7</p><p>8 SIGNALING SYSTEM 7 INTERCONNECTION TESTING (CCS 7)...... 7</p><p>9 SERVICES TESTING...... 7</p><p>10 TEST NUMBER GUIDELINES...... 8</p><p>11 INTERCONNECTION TEST CALLS...... 8</p><p>11.1 CAUSE CODE 26N VALIDATION TESTS...... 8 11.1.1 Test Number 1 - Intra-LATA Local via direct Trunks for Cause Code 26N Validation (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 8 11.1.2 Test Number 2 - Intra-LATA Local via direct Access Tandem for Cause Code 26N Validation (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 9 11.1.3 Test Number 3 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC for Cause Code 26N Validation (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 10 11.2 CALL THROUGH TESTS...... 12 11.2.1 Test Number 4 - Intra- LATA Local via Direct Trunks (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 12 11.2.2 Test Number 5 - Intra- LATA Local via Direct Trunks (Ported Number to Non Ported Number)...... 13 11.2.3 Test Number 6 - Intra- LATA Local via Direct Trunks (Non Ported number to Ported Number)...... 14 11.2.4 Test Number 7 - Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 15 11.2.5 Test Number 8 - Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem (Non Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 16 11.2.6 Test Number 9 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC. (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 17 11.2.7 Test Number 10 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC. (Ported Number to Non Ported Number)...... 18 11.2.8 Test Number 11 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC (Non Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 19 11.2.9 Test Number 12 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access Tandem to an IXC. (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 20 11.2.10 Test Number 13 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access Tandem to an IXC. (Non Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 21 11.3 DEFAULT ROUTING TESTS...... 22 11.3.1 Test Number 14 - Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via Direct Trunks. (Ported Number to Ported Number)22 11.3.2 Test Number 15 - Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via an Access Tandem. (Ported Number to Ported Number) 24 11.3.3 Test Number 16 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll Default Routing via an Access Tandem to an IXC. (Ported Number to Ported Number)...... 25</p><p>3 11.4 E-9-1-1 TEST CALLS...... 26 11.4.1 Test Number 17 - E9-1-1 Call from a Ported Number and a return call from the PSAP to the Ported Number. 26 11.4.2 Test Number 18 - E9-1-1 Call from a Ported Number to PSAP(1), transfer from PSAP(1) to PSAP (2),and a return call from PSAP(2) to the Ported Number...... 27</p><p>4 1 General 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to network providers when they are engaged in interconnection testing for local number portability to ensure that all areas of network integrity and customer service from an interconnection perspective are addressed proactively.</p><p>This document does not replace or supersede any existing contracts, tariffs or any other legally binding document.</p><p>1.2 Definitions In general, the definitions for terms utilized within this document can be found in the Glossary section of the Network Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF) documentation. Any terms that are unique to this document are listed below, and will be included in the glossary.</p><p> Default Routing: Default Routing occurs when the switch that normally performs the LRN Database query is unable to communicate with the SCP and the call is routed to the donor switch that performs the query and completes the call. </p><p> Local Number Portability: The end-user’s ability to retain their telephone number when moving to a different serving switch (Class 5). </p><p> Location Routing Number: A 10-digit number used to uniquely identify a switch that is LNP capable. </p><p> Donor Switch: The switch (Class 5) from where a number has been ported.</p><p> Recipient Switch: The switch (Class 5) to where a number has been ported. </p><p> NXX Opened to Portability: An NXX where numbers can be moved from a Donor Switch to a Recipient Switch.</p><p> Ported (Number): A number that has been moved to a recipient switch.</p><p> Non-Ported (Number): A number that has not been moved from a Class 5 switch.</p><p>2 Basic Premises In order for Local Number Portability to be successful in terms of ensuring the integrity of Customer Service the industry needs to have in place an industry wide set of interconnection tests.</p><p>Quality of Customer Service is predicated on all network providers being responsible for the assurance of the integrity of their respective networks.</p><p>A nationally agreed to Local Number Portability Interconnection test document will provide the appropriate direction to all network providers for the quality and integrity of interconnection.</p><p>Information to be included in this document is a result of NGIIF agreements and pertains to interconnection negotiations between network providers. </p><p>5 3 Operating Principles It is expected that all network providers have performed their respective internal network testing prior to interconnection testing taking place. </p><p>It is expected that all problems/troubles identified during internal network testing will be resolved prior to interconnection testing.</p><p>Prior to interconnection for Local Number Portability (LNP), it is expected that all network providers have performed their basic SS7 internal and interconnection testing.</p><p>It is expected that network providers have Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) certification prior to network interconnection testing. </p><p>4 Scope of this Document This document is limited to LNP interconnection tests that are recommended to be performed by network providers (i.e. Cause Code 26N Validation Tests, Call Through Tests and Default Routing Tests). The purpose of these tests is to provide assurance for the integrity of the interconnected networks. </p><p>5 Network Providers Responsibilities This section covers the responsibilities of network providers as it pertains to Local number Portability interconnection testing.</p><p>Network providers are responsible to perform all necessary internal testing to ensure compatibility and compliance to standards and industry agreements for interconnection and network integrity.</p><p>Prior to the commencement of Intra-LATA and Inter-LATA testing, ported or non-ported test numbers will need to be exchanged in order to terminate test calls.</p><p>When testing has been completed and the expected test results have been achieved, then the test numbers shall be returned.</p><p>The network providers should work cooperatively to resolve network interconnection problems. </p><p>Network providers should be familiar with the appropriate NGIIF operations documentation.</p><p>6 Interconnection Tests Matrix This section provides a summary matrix of interconnection tests that are recommended to be performed.</p><p>Test Originating P P N Fig. No. CALL FLOW TYPES Destination P N P No.</p><p>CAUSE CODE 26N VALIDATION TESTS</p><p>1 Intra-LATA Local via Direct Trunks for Cause Code 26N Validation X 1</p><p>2 Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem for Cause Code 26N X 2 Validation </p><p>6 Test Originating P P N Fig. No. CALL FLOW TYPES Destination P N P No.</p><p>3 Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct X 3 Trunks to an IXC for Cause Code 26N Validation </p><p>CALL THROUGH TESTS</p><p>4-6 Intra-LATA Local via Direct Trunks X X X 4,5,6</p><p>7-8 Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem X X 7,8</p><p>9-11 Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct X X X 9,10,1 Trunks to an IXC 1</p><p>12-13 Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access X X 12, 13 Tandem to an IXC</p><p>DEFAULT ROUTING TESTS</p><p>See note in Section 12.3 (“Caution”)</p><p>14 Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via Direct Trunks X 14</p><p>15 Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via an Access Tandem X 15</p><p>16 Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) Default X 16 Routing (via Direct Trunks or Access Tandem) to an IXC</p><p>N = Non Ported Number in an NPA-NXX Open to Portability</p><p>P = Ported Number</p><p>7 Vertical Feature Testing Vertical Feature (e.g., call waiting, call forwarding, and CLASS) tests are considered to be stand alone tests to be performed by each network provider and do not require interactions/cooperation between interconnected parties. The testing of vertical features should be performed prior to interconnection of network providers. </p><p>8 Signaling System 7 Interconnection Testing (CCS 7) Signaling System 7, also known as SS7 or CCS 7 tests for interconnection are outlined in the NGIIF Document under SS7 Trunks and Links, Part III. For the purpose of Local Number Portability it is recommended that all appropriate SS7 interconnection tests be performed prior to the commencement of LNP Interconnection testing. </p><p>9 Services Testing Service tests (e.g., E9-1-1, 611, and toll free services) are considered to be stand alone tests and are to be performed by each network provider and do not require interactions/cooperation between interconnected parties.</p><p>All services should be tested prior to interconnection for Local Number Portability. </p><p>7 10 Test Number Guidelines The Company with the donor switch should exchange with the Company with the recipient switch, test number(s) associated with the NXX that has been opened for portability. </p><p>All test numbers will be provisioned as working numbers (i.e., billable). </p><p>Test numbers will only be assigned for the duration of the testing window as negotiated by the interconnecting companies. On completion of the LNP Interconnection Testing, the test number(s) will be disconnected and returned to the company with the donor switch immediately. In the event that a test number is not returned, the company with the donor switch can disconnect the assigned test number. </p><p>Test number termination treatment should be negotiated by the interconnecting companies. </p><p>11 Interconnection Test Calls This section outlines the test calls that should be performed for interconnection.</p><p>The interconnection test calls are categorized as follows:</p><p>11.1Cause Code 26N Validation Tests 11.1.1 Test Number 1 - Intra-LATA Local via direct Trunks for Cause Code 26N Validation (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that Cause Code 26N is returned on a local call via Direct Trunks when the called ported number is in the SCP (LSP-X), but has not been translated at the terminating switch (LSP-Y). (See Figure 1) </p><p>Cause Code 26: This Cause Code indicates that the called party can not be reached because the “ported number” in the GAP identifies a called party that is not served by the exchange. Test Procedure</p><p> In LSP-X’s SCP, create a record for the ported number that is under test </p><p> Verify that the called ported number under test is not translated in LSP-Y’s switch</p><p> Ensure that the SS7 maintenance center (or like center) is monitoring and recording the signaling messages associated with the test call</p><p> From a ported number in LSP-X place a call to the ported number under test in LSP-Y </p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p> Verify that the terminating LRN is received by LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that Cause Code 26N is received by LSP-X</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>8 Verify that the correct treatment is received for Cause Code 26</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #1: Intra-LATA Local via Direct Trunks for Cause Code 26N Validation - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 1</p><p>11.1.2 Test Number 2 - Intra-LATA Local via direct Access Tandem for Cause Code 26N Validation (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that Cause Code 26N is returned on a local call via an Access Tandem when the called ported number is in the SCP (LSP-X), but has not been translated at the terminating switch (LSP-Y). (See Figure 2) </p><p>Cause Code 26: This Cause Code indicates that the called party can not be reached because the “ported number” in the GAP identifies a called party that is not served by the exchange. Test Procedure</p><p> In LSP-X’s SCP, create a record for the ported number that is under test </p><p> Verify that the called ported number under test is not translated in LSP-Y’s switch</p><p> Ensure that the SS7 maintenance center (or like center) is monitoring and recording the signaling messages associated with the test call</p><p> From a ported number in LSP-X place a call to the ported number under test in LSP-Y </p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p>9 Verify that the terminating LRN is received by LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that Cause Code 26N is sent by LSP-Y, and received by LSP-X via the Access Tandem</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used.</p><p> Verify that the correct treatment is received for Cause Code 26N</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X AT Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #2: Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem for Cause Code 26N Validation - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 2</p><p>11.1.3 Test Number 3 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC for Cause Code 26N Validation (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that Cause Code 26N is generated on a Toll call by the terminating switch, when the called ported number is in the SCP of the IXC doing the LRN database query, but has not been translated at the terminating switch (LSP-Y). (See Figure 3)</p><p>Cause Code 26: This cause indicates that the called party can not be reached because the “ported number” in the GAP identifies a called party that is not served by the exchange. Test Procedure</p><p> In the IXC’s LNP database, create a record for the ported number that is under test </p><p>10 Verify that the called ported number under test is not translated in recipient switch LSP-Y</p><p> Ensure that the SS7 maintenance centers (or like center) are monitoring and recording the signaling messages associated with the test call</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X place a call to the ported number under test in recipient switch LSP-Y using the IXC’s toll network</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X and received by LSP-Y via the IXC</p><p> Verify that Cause Code 26N is sent by LSP-Y and received by the IXC</p><p> Verify that the correct treatment is applied for Cause Code</p><p>STP-Y LRN DB</p><p>STP-X STP-IXC Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X IXC Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #3: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC for Cause Code 26N Validation - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 3</p><p>11 11.2 Call Through Tests 11.2.1 Test Number 4 - Intra- LATA Local via Direct Trunks (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) using direct trunks. (See Figure 4) Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in LSP-X, call a ported number in LSP-Y</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #4: Intra-LATA Local via Direct Trunks - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 4</p><p>12 11.2.2 Test Number 5 - Intra- LATA Local via Direct Trunks (Ported Number to Non Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a non-ported number in an NPA-NXX opened to portability in another switch (LSP-Y) using direct trunks. (See Figure 5) Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in LSP-X, call a non-ported number in LSP-Y Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Non- Ported LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #5: Intra-LATA Local via Direct Trunks - Ported Number to Non-Ported Number</p><p>Figure 5</p><p>13 11.2.3 Test Number 6 - Intra- LATA Local via Direct Trunks (Non Ported number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a non-ported number in an NPA-NXX opened to portability in a switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-Y) using direct trunks. (See Figure 6) Test Procedure</p><p> From a non-ported number in LSP-X, call a ported number in LSP-Y</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Non-Ported </p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #6: Intra-LATA Local via Direct Trunks - Non-Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 6</p><p>14 11.2.4 Test Number 7 - Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) via an Access Tandem. (See Figure 7) Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call a ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1 Ported LSP-X AT Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #7: Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 7</p><p>15 11.2.5 Test Number 8 - Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem (Non Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a non-ported number in an NPA-NXX opened to portability in a switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-Y) via an Access Tandem. (See Figure 8) Test Procedure</p><p> From a non-ported number in an NPA-NXX opened to portability in LSP-X, call a ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y.</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X and LSP-Y validate that the appropriate billing records (AMA) are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used.</p><p>STP-Y LNP SCP</p><p>STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X AT Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Non-Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #8: Intra-LATA Local via an Access Tandem - Non-Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 8</p><p>16 11.2.6 Test Number 9 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC. (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a toll call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) using direct trunks to an IXC. (See Figure 9) Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call a ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y using direct trunks to an IXC (PICd or Casual Dialing)</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p> Verify that the IXC performs the LNP database query</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y and the IXC validate that the appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LRN DB</p><p>STP-X STP-IXC Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X IXC Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #9: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 9</p><p>17 11.2.7 Test Number 10 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC. (Ported Number to Non Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a toll call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a non-ported number in another switch (LSP-Y) utilizing an NPA-NXX opened to portability using direct trunks to an IXC (See Figure 10) Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call a non-ported number in LSP-Y in an NPA-NXX opened to portability using an IXC. (PICd or Casual Dialing)</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p> Verify that the IXC performs the LNP database query</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y and the IXC validate that the appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LRN DB</p><p>STP-X STP-IXC Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Non-Ported LSP-X IXC Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #10: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC - Ported Number to Non-Ported Number</p><p>Figure 10</p><p>18 11.2.8 Test Number 11 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC (Non Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a toll call can be completed from a non-ported number in an NPA-NXX opened to portability in a switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-Y) using direct trunks to an IXC (See Figure 11). Test Procedure</p><p> From a non-ported number in a NPA-NXX opened to portability in LSP-X, call a ported number in a recipient switch LSP-Y using an IXC (PICd or Casual Dialing).</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p> Verify that the IXC performs the LNP database query</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y and the IXC validate that the appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk group is used.</p><p>STP-Y LRN DB</p><p>STP-X STP-IXC Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported LSP-X IXC Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Non-Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #11: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via Direct Trunks to an IXC - Non-Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 11</p><p>19 11.2.9 Test Number 12 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access Tandem to an IXC. (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a toll call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) via an Access Tandem to an IXC (See Figure 12) Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call a ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y using an IXC (PICd or Casual Dialing)</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p> Verify that the IXC performs the LNP database query</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y and the IXC validate that the appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used.</p><p>STP-Y LRN DB</p><p>STP-X STP-IXC Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>IXC Ported</p><p>AT LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #12: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access Tandem to an IXC - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 12</p><p>20 11.2.10 Test Number 13 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access Tandem to an IXC. (Non Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a toll call can be completed from a non-ported number in an NPA-NXX opened to portability in a switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-Y) via an Access Tandem to an IXC (See Figure 13). Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in a NPA-NXX opened to portability in LSP-X, call a ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y using an IXC (PICd or Casual Dialing).</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> Verify that the originating LRN (in the JIP) is sent by LSP-X</p><p> Verify that the IXC performs the LNP database query</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y and the IXC validate that the appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used.</p><p>STP-Y LRN DB</p><p>STP-X STP-IXC Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>IXC Ported</p><p>AT LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Non-Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling</p><p>Test #13: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) via an Access Tandem to an IXC - Non-Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 13</p><p>21 11.3 Default Routing Tests CAUTION: The following three Default Routing tests (14, 15 and 16) are deemed to be intrusive in nature. For this reason, network impacts should be considered prior to performing these tests in a live network. </p><p>Default Routing occurs when the switch that normally performs the LRN Database query is unable to communicate with the SCP and the call is routed to the donor switch that performs the query and completes the call. </p><p>11.3.1 Test Number 14 - Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via Direct Trunks. (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) using direct trunks and default routing to the donor switch (See Figure 14 ). Test Procedure</p><p> Disable access to the SCP serving LSP-X</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call the ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y.</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y and donor switch validate that appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used. This is to ensure that: </p><p> o Originating LSP-X routes call to the donor switch</p><p> o Donor switch performs LRN database query</p><p> o Donor switch routes call to LSP-Y </p><p>22 STP-Y LNP LNP SCP SCP X STP-X STP-Donor Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Ported Donor LSP-X Switch Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling X Disabled Access Test #14: Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via Direct Trunks - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 14</p><p>23 11.3.2 Test Number 15 - Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via an Access Tandem. (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a local call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) using default routing via an Access Tandem. (See Figure 15) Test Procedure</p><p> Disable access to the SCP serving LSP-X</p><p> Disable access to the SCP serving LSP-X’s Access Tandem </p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call the ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y, Access Tandem and the donor switch validate that appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used. This is to ensure that: </p><p> o LSP-X routes call to the access tandem</p><p> o Access Tandem default routes call to donor switch </p><p> o Donor switch performs the LRN database query </p><p> o Donor switch routes call to LSP-Y </p><p>STP-Y LNP LNP SCP SCP</p><p>STP-X X STP-Donor Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Donor Switch Ported</p><p>AT LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling X Disabled Access Test #15: Intra-LATA Local Default Routing via an Access Tandem - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 15</p><p>24 11.3.3 Test Number 16 - Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll Default Routing via an Access Tandem to an IXC. (Ported Number to Ported Number) Test Description</p><p>This will test that a toll call can be completed from a ported number in a recipient switch (LSP-X) to a ported number in another recipient switch (LSP-Y) via Direct Trunks or Access Tandem to an IXC. (See Figure 16) Test Procedure</p><p> Disable access to the LRN database serving the IXC</p><p> From a ported number in recipient switch LSP-X, call the ported number in recipient switch LSP-Y</p><p> Document test results Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the appropriate termination at LSP-Y</p><p> LSP-X, LSP-Y, donor switch and IXC validate that appropriate billing records are created and the appropriate trunk groups are used. This is to ensure that: </p><p> o LSP-X routes the call to the IXC</p><p> o LSP-X sends the originating LRN (in the JIP) to the IXC</p><p> o IXC default routes the call to the donor switch</p><p> o Donor switch performs the LRN database query </p><p> o Donor switch routes call to LSP-Y </p><p>STP-Y LNP LRN SCP DB</p><p>STP-IXC X STP-Donor STP-X Called Party LSP-Y EO1</p><p>Donor Switch Ported</p><p>IXC LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path Signaling X Disabled Access Test #16: Intra-LATA/Inter-LATA Toll (PICd or Casual Dialing) Default Routing (via Direct Trunks or Access Tandem) to an IXC - Ported Number to Ported Number</p><p>Figure 16</p><p>25 11.4 E-9-1-1 Test Calls Prior to any 9-1-1 test calls, the local service provider should call the non-emergency number of the serving PSAP(s) and verify and/or obtain authorization to perform the test calls.</p><p>Test calls should be performed after the number is ported to ensure that the E-9-1-1 database has been updated.</p><p>11.4.1 Test Number 17 - E9-1-1 Call from a Ported Number and a return call from the PSAP to the Ported Number. Test Description</p><p>This will test that an E9-1-1 call can be completed from a ported number to a PSAP, the appropriate information will be displayed at the PSAP, and that the PSAP can call back the ported number. Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in LSP-X, dial 9-1-1.</p><p> Explain to the PSAP that this is LSP-X making a test call.</p><p> Verify that the PSAP received the correct ported number, subscriber address, and Company ID of LSP-X.</p><p> Ask to be called back at the number they received on the display.</p><p> Document test results. Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to the PSAP from the ported number.</p><p> Correct ported number, subscriber address, and Company ID of LSP-X. is received by the PSAP.</p><p> The call completes from the PSAP to the ported number.</p><p>PSAP</p><p>LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path</p><p>Test #17 E911 Call from a Ported Number and a return call from the PSAP to the Ported Number </p><p>Figure 17</p><p>26 11.4.2 Test Number 18 - E9-1-1 Call from a Ported Number to PSAP(1), transfer from PSAP(1) to PSAP (2),and a return call from PSAP(2) to the Ported Number. Test Description</p><p>This will test that an E9-1-1 call can be completed from a ported number to a PSAP(1), the call be transferred to PSAP(2), the appropriate information will be displayed at both PSAPs, and that PSAP(2) can call back the ported number. Test Procedure</p><p> From a ported number in LSP-X, dial 9-1-1.</p><p> Explain to the PSAP(1) that this is LSP-X making a test call.</p><p> Verify that PSAP(1) received the correct ported number, subscriber address, and Company ID of LSP-X.</p><p> Ask the dispatcher to transfer you to another PSAP(2).</p><p> Explain to the PSAP(2) that this is LSP-X making a test call.</p><p> Verify that PSAP(2) received the correct ported number, subscriber address, and Company ID of LSP-X.</p><p> Ask to be called back at the number they received on the display.</p><p> Document test results. Expected Test Results</p><p> The call completes to PSAP(1) from the ported number.</p><p> Correct ported number, subscriber address, and Company ID of LSP-X is received by the PSAP(1).</p><p> PSAP(1) can transfer the call to PSAP(2).</p><p> Correct ported number, subscriber address, and Company ID of LSP-X is received by the PSAP(2).</p><p> The return call completes from PSAP(2) to the ported number.</p><p>27 PSAP(1) PSAP(2)</p><p>LSP-X Calling EO1 Party</p><p>Ported</p><p>Voice Path</p><p>Test #18 E911 Call from a Ported Number to PSAP(1), transfer from PSAP(1) to PSAP (2), and a return call from PSAP(2) to the Ported Number</p><p>Figure 18</p><p>28</p>
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