<p> The CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE Page 1 AIDS/HIV SERVICES Page 2 CHILD CARE RESOURCES Page 3 CRISIS PROGRAMS Page 4 DRUG AND ALCOHOL Page 7 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Page 7 PARENTING & FAMILY RESOURCES Page 9 FOOD, HOUSING, CLOTHING & TRANSPORTATION Page 12 HEALTH & DENTAL HEALTH Page 15 MENTAL HEALTH Page 16 SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Page 18</p><p>This directory is available at www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Click on Information and Resources and highlight "Regional Resources for Children and Families." The CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005</p><p>This directory is available at www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter. Click on Information and Resources and highlight "Regional Resources for Children and Families."</p><p>ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE SERVICES</p><p>Casey Family Services - 802-649-1400 http://www.caseyfamilyservices.org/area_vermont.html Foster programs for children including information, support, referrals. Programs in international adoption.</p><p>Child & Family Services 603-298-8272 http://www.cfsnh.org/ Adoption, Advocacy, Child Care Resources & Referrals, Counseling, Home Based Family Therapy, Early Supports & Services, Teen Services, Parent & Family Skills, Summer Camps</p><p>NH Catholic Charities - 603-448-5151 (Lebanon office) http://www.catholiccharitiesnh.org/ Adoption & maternity services, counseling support, and wide range of other services</p><p>NH Department of Health & Human Services 800-982-1001 (Claremont District Office) http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/FCADOPTION/default.htm The DCYF Adoption Program provides the following adoption support services and adoption search services. Pre and post adoption services for adoptive families includes support groups, information and referral services, administration of the Adoption Subsidy program, and training and home studies for NH adoptive families seeking to adopt children through DCYF. Adoption search services are available for persons who were adopted through DCYF, birth parents of persons adopted through DCYF, and siblings and other relatives of adopted persons when a court order is obtained for search services.</p><p>ODS Adoption Community of New England 800-932-3678 http://www.odsacone.org ODS Adoption Community of New England, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit membership organization in 1967. Known for 34 years as Open Door Society of Massachusetts, Inc., its goals and services have expanded to include all those touched by adoption. </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 2 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page The Lund Family Center 802-864-7467 http://www.lundfamilycenter.org/index.htm Lund Family Center's Adoption Department offers a comprehensive range of personalized services including pre- and post-adoption counseling, all types of home studies, placements of children through our local, interstate, international and Waiting Children Program and finalization services. We also conduct searches and provide life-long support to birth parents, the adoptee and the adoptive family.</p><p>Vermont Children's Aid Society 802-457-3084 (Woodstock, VT) , http://www.vtcas.org/ Child/family counseling, adoption, pregnancy counseling</p><p>AIDS/HIV SERVICES</p><p>ACORN 802-295-8777 http://www.acornvtnh.org/ ACORN provides a full range of support services to people living with HIV/AIDS in Orange and Windsor Counties of Vermont and Grafton and Sullivan Counties of New Hampshire. White River Junction, Vermont</p><p>AIDS Project of Southern Vermont (802) 254-8263 or 802-447-8007 http://www.aidsprojectsouthernvermont.org/ The AIDS Project of Southern Vermont is a regional AIDS service organization that provides direct services to people living with HIV/AIDS, and HIV prevention services to those at most risk in Windham, Bennington, and southern Windsor counties.</p><p>AIDS Response Seacoast (603) 443-5377 http://www.aidsresponse.org/ AIDS Response-Seacoast (ARS) is a non-profit, community-based HIV/AIDS Service organization dedicated to providing education, direct assistance and advocacy for persons and communities affected by HIV/AIDS. We provide direct service to clients at all stages of HIV infection who live in Rockingham, Strafford, and southern York counties and educational programs throughout New England. </p><p>AIDS Services for Monadnock Region (603) 357-6855</p><p>Comprehensive Care Clinic - Fletcher Allen (802) 847-4594</p><p>DHMC HIV Program (603) 653-1492 Provide a center of excellence to deliver and promote the delivery of quality patient care and advocacy for people with HIV in the region served by Dartmouth-Hitchcock.</p><p>Greater Manchester AIDS Project (603) 623-0710 CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 3 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Merrimack Valley Assistance Program (603) 226-0607</p><p>Southern NH HIV/AIDS Task Force (603) 595-8464</p><p>Twin States Women's Network (888) 338-8796</p><p>Vermont Cares http://www.vtcares.org/ (802) 863-2437</p><p>CHILD CARE SERVICES</p><p>National </p><p>Nationally parents can find out information about child care and locate local resources at www.childcareaware.org. </p><p>Vermont</p><p>Vermont provides referrals and subsidy for child care through the agencies listed below. For more information on eligibility for child care subsidy or for more information about child care resources in the state of Vermont go to www.brightfutures.dcf.state.vt.us.</p><p>VT Local Child Care Referral and Subsidy Offices ADDISON (Middlebury, VT) ORANGE/N. WINDSOR (Norwich, VT) Mary Johnson Children's Center Child Care Project/Family Place Telephone: (802) 388-4304 Telephone: (802) 649-3268 Toll-Free: (800) 639-0039</p><p>BENNINGTON ORLEANS/N. ESSEX Bennington County Child Care Association North East Kingdom Community Action Telephone: (802) 447-6937 or (802) 447-6935 Telephone: (802) 334-4072 or (802) 334-4079</p><p>CALEDONIA/S. ESSEX (St. Johnsbury) RUTLAND Umbrella Vermont Achievement Center Telephone: (802) 748-1992 Telephone: (802) 773-4365 Toll-Free: (800) 775-2390</p><p>CHITTENDEN (Burlington, VT) SO. WINDSOR (Springfield, VT) Child Care Resource Springfield Area Parent Child Center Telephone: (802) 863-3367 Telephone: (802) 886-5242 Toll-Free: (800) 339-3367</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 4 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page FRANKLIN/GRAND ISLE (St. Albans) WASHINGTON (Montpelier, VT) The Family Center The Family Center of Washington County Telephone: (802) 524-6574 Telephone: (802) 828-8869 or (802) 828-8774 Toll-Free: (800) 427-6574</p><p>LAMOILLE WINDHAM Lamoille Family Center Windham Child Care Association Telephone: (802) 888-5229 Telephone: (802) 257-2887</p><p>New Hampshire</p><p>New Hampshire provides resources and referrals for child care through the agencies listed below. Child care scholarships are also available for families who are income eligible. To find out more about child care scholarships contact the NH Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800- 852-3345 or go to http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/CDB/default.htm. </p><p>NH District Office Child Care Resource and Referral Network (Last Updated: 02/03/2005) Berlin/Littleton: Laconia: N.H. Community Technical College @ Berlin Lakes Region Community Services Toll-Free: 1-800-445-4525 Telephone: (603)528-0274 Telephone:(603) 752-1113 x1462 Toll-Free: 1-800-649-8817 x174 </p><p>Claremont: Manchester: Claremont 21st Century Easter Seals Toll-Free: 1-877-212-7267 Toll-Free: 1-800-870-8728 Telephone: (603) 543-4295 Telephone: (603) 621-3679</p><p>Concord: Nashua: Easter Seals Nashua Area Child Care Resource & Referral Toll Free: 1-800-307-2737 x8420 Service Telephone: (603) 226-3791 x25 Toll-Free: 1-800-852-0632 Telephone: (603) 883-7726 x718 </p><p>Conway: Portsmouth/Salem: Lakes Region Community Services Rockingham Community Action Toll-Free: 1-866-261-7555 Child Care Services Telephone: (603) 284-7311 Toll-Free: 1-800-310-8333 Telephone: (603) 893-8446 </p><p>Keene: Rochester: Southwestern Community Services Strafford County Child Care Connections Toll-Free: 1-800-529-0005 Toll-Free: 1-888-440-4914 Telephone: (603) 352-7512 x163 Telephone: (603) 335-3849 </p><p>Crisis Centers - Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault - Prevention, Support, Shelters</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 5 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Vermont Statewide hotlines Sexual Assault Office (800) 228-7395 (For Domestic Violence) (802) 222 1302 (800) 489-7273 (For Sexual Assault) Morrisville Barre Clarina Howard Nichols Center Hotline Sexual Assault Crisis Team Hotline (802) 888-5256, (802) 223 7755 Office (802) (888) 2584 Office (802) 479-5577 Randolph Bennington Safeline Hotline Project Against Violent Encounters Hotline (800) 639 7233 (802) 442-2111 Office (802) 728 5547 Office (802) 442-2370 Rutland Brattleboro Rutland County Women's Network Hotline Women's Crisis Center Hotline (802) 775 3232, (802) 257-7364 Office (802) 775 6788 Office (802) 257 1683 St. Albans Burlington Abuse and Rape Crisis Hotline Women's Rape Crisis Center Hotline (802) 524-6575, (802) 863-1236 Office (802) 524 8538 Office (802) 864-0555 Springfield Women helping battered Women Hotline New Beginnings Hotline (802) 658 1996 (802) 885 2050 Office (802) 658 3131 Office (802) 885 2368</p><p>Hardwick White River Junction AWARE - Office WISE Hotline (802) 474-6463 (603) 352 3782 Office (603) 352 3844 Middlebury Addison County Women in Crisis Hotline (802) 588 9180 Office (802) 388 4205</p><p>Montpelier Battered Women's services & Shelter Hotline (802) 223 0855 New Hampshire Office (802) 223 0023</p><p>Montpelier Vt. Network against Domestic Violence & </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 6 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Berlin (800) 852-3388 RESPONSE to Sexual & Domestic Violence Office (603) 528 6511 Hotline (800) 852-3388 Lebanon Office (603) 752 5679 WISE Hotline (603) 448-5525 Claremont Office (603) 448 5922 Women's Supportive Services Hotline (800) 639 3130 Littleton Office (603) 543 0155 RESPONSE Hotline (800) 852-3388 Colebrook RESPONSE Hotline Support Center Against Domestic Violence & (800) 852-3388, Sexual Assault Hotline (800) 774 0544 Concord Office (603) 444 0624 RESPONSE Hotline (800) 852-3388 Manchester Office (603) 225 7376 YMCA Crisis Center (603) 668 2299 Conway Office (603) 625 5785 Starting Point (800) 336 3795 Milford Rape & Assault Support Services Derry (603) 883 3044 YWCA Crisis Center (603) 668 2299 Nashua Rape & Assault Support Services Durham (603) 883 3044 Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention Office - (603) 889-0858 Program (603) 862-7233 Newport Office (603) 862-3494 Women's Supportive Services (800) 639 3130 Jaffrey Women's Crisis Center of Monadnock Ossipee (603) 352 3782 Starting Point: Services for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Keene (800) 336 3795 Women's Crisis Center of Monadnock (603) 352 3782 Plymouth Office (603) 352 3844 Voices Against Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline Laconia (603) 536 1659 RESPONSE Hotline Office (603) 536 3423 CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 7 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Portsmouth Salem A Safe Place (603) 436 7924 A Safe Place (603) 436 7924 Portsmouth Sexual Assault Support Services Hotline Woodsville (888) 747 7070 Support Center Against Domestic Violence & Office (603) 436 4107 Sexual Assault (800) 774 0544 Rochester A Safe Place (603) 436 7924</p><p>Rochester Sexual Assault Support Services (888) 747 7070 DRUG & ALCOHOL TREATMENT PROGRAMS http://www.dhmc.org/webpage.cfm? site_id=2&org_id=417&morg_id=0&sec_id=0&gsec_id=31312&item_id=31312 A complete listing of Upper Valley drug and alcohol treatment programs and support.</p><p>EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES </p><p>Complete listing of Vermont Public Schools K-12 - http://www.k12.vt.us Complete listing of NH Public Schools K-12 http://www.ed.state.nh.us/education/doe/Public.pdf</p><p>Dresden/Hanover School District: http://members.valley.net/~SAU70/SAU70HOME.html Ray Elem. School (603)643-6655 http://members.valley.net/~ray/index.html Marion Cross Elementary (802)649-1703 http://members.valley.net/~MarionCrossSchool/ School in Norwich Richmond Middle School (603)643-6040 http://members.valley.net/~rms/ Hanover High School (603)643-3431 http://www.hanoverhigh.org/</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 8 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Hartford School District: http://www.hartfordsd.com/sped/hsd_se_addresses.html#HSDaddresses Dothan Brook School 802-295-8649 http://www.hartfordsd.com/dbs/ Ottauquechee School 802-295-8654 http://www.hartfordsd.com/oqs/ White River Elem. School 802-295-8650 http://www.hartfordsd.com/wrs/ Hartford Middle School 802-295-8640 http://www.hartfordsd.com/hmms/ Hartford High School 802-295-8610 http://www.hartfordsd.com/hhs/ Hartford Area Career & 802-295-8630 http://www.hartfordsd.com/hactc/ Technology Center Regional Alternative Program in 802-295-8628 Wilder Regional Resource Center at 802-295-8620,x142 http://www.hartfordsd.com/hactc/ Hartford High </p><p>Lebanon School District: http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/ Hanover Street School 603-448-2945 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/hss/index.html Mt. Lebanon School 603-298-8202 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/mle/index.html Sacred Heart Public School 603-448-4657 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/shps/index.html School Street School 603-448-4536 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/sss/index.html Seminary Hill School 603-298-8500 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/shes/index.html Junior High School 603-448-3056 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/ljhs/index.html Senior High School 603-448-2055 http://www.lebanon.k12.nh.us/lhs/index.html</p><p>Lyme Elementary School – (603)795-2125 http://members.valley.net/~lymeschool/ Mascoma http://www.mascoma.k12.nh.us/ Canaan Elementary 603-523-4312 http://www.mascoma.k12.nh.us/canaan/ Enfield Elementary 603-632-4231 http://www.mascoma.k12.nh.us/enfield/ Indian River School 603-632-4357 http://www.mascoma.k12.nh.us/irs/ Mascoma Valley Regional 603-632-4308 http://www.mascoma.k12.nh.us/mvrhs/ High School</p><p>Rivendell http://www.rivendellschool.org/ Samuel Morey Elementary School in Fairlee 802-333- http://www.rivendellschool.org/sme 9755 Westshire Elementary School in West 802-333- http://www.rivendellschool.org/wse Fairlee 4668 Rivendell Academy Middle School & High 603-353-4414 http://www.rivendellschool.org/ra School, Orford </p><p>Thetford Thetford Elem. School 802-785-2426 http://www.thet.net/schools/tes/elem.htm Thetford Academy 802-785-4805 http://www.thetfordacademy.org/ </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 9 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Windsorhttp://www.windsor.k12.vt.us/ State Street School 802-674-2310 http://www.windsor.k12.vt.us/sss/sssmain.html</p><p>Windsor Jr. Senior High 802-674-6344 http://www.windsor.k12.vt.us/whs/whsmain.html School </p><p>Woodstock Woodstock Elementary School 802-457-2522 http://www.woodstockhs.k12.vt.us/ Woodstock Middle School 802-457-1317 http://www.woodstockhs.k12.vt.us/ Woodstock Union High School 802-457-1317 http://www.woodstockhs.k12.vt.us/ </p><p>Center for School Success 603-298-6700 www.centerforschoolsuccess.org The Center for School Success (CSS) is a non-profit organization offering educational assessments for students and professional development for educators and health care providers. The mission of the Center is to help students who struggle with learning achieve measurable success in school and in life.</p><p>Head Start – NEW HAMPSHIRE http://www.tccap.org/head_start_contacts.htm Center-based programs in Enfield, NH 603-632-9209 and Lebanon 298-8039</p><p>Head Start - VERMONT http://www.ahs.state.vt.us/EarlyChildhood/head_start_list.htm Windsor County 802-674-3497</p><p>NH Adult Tutorial Program – 603-448-0596 tutoring in basic reading, writing, math; provides GED preparation, English as a second language</p><p>NH Works Office - Lebanon office 448-5873 http://www.nhworks.org/about_us.cfm? page_number=2 In addition to job listings, NH Works career centers throughout the state offer education and training resources at no or minimal cost.</p><p>Stern Center for Language and Learning 802-295-8773, 800-544-4863 www.sterncenter.org Provides diagnostic evaluations and instructional services for children and adults with learning differences. Scholarships available. </p><p>VT Adult Learning WRJ, Vt office 802-296-3191 http://www.state.vt.us/educ/new/html/pgm_adulted.html Tutoring in basic reading, writing, math; provides GED preparation, English as a second language, bridge to college, life skills</p><p>VT Department of Employment and Training White River Office 802-295-8805 http://www.state.vt.us/educ/new/html/pgm_adulted.html Assess skills and interests, create a job search plan, find a job, write a resume and much more. </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 10 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page PARENTING & FAMILY RESOURCES</p><p>Big Brother/Big Sister – Program of the LISTEN Center 603-448-4553. www.listencs.org </p><p>Casey Family Services - 802-649-1400 http://www.caseyfamilyservices.org/area_vermont.html Foster programs for children including information, support, referrals. Programs in international adoption.</p><p>Child Advocacy & Protection Program at CHaD 603-650-8819 Support services for children who have been identified as possible victims of non-accidental injury.</p><p>Child Advocacy Center at The Family Place Parent Child Center – 802-649-3268 www.the-family-place.org A safe, child friendly environment for families and professionals working together to reduce trauma for children.</p><p>CHaD Family Center 603-653-9899 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Community connections, information, resources and support for children and families at Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center. </p><p>Child & Family Services 603-298-8237, http://www.cfsnh.org/ Adoption, Advocacy, Child Care Resources & Referrals, Counseling, Home Based Family Therapy, Early Supports & Services, Teen Services, Parent & Family Skills, Summer Camps</p><p>Family Centered Early Supports & Services – 603-448-2077 www.uds.org NH Developmental services, home visits, family support, respite, advocacy, financial assistance for children 0-3 with developmental delays and disabilities.</p><p>Family Resource Connection 603-271-7931, 800-298-4321, www.state.nh.us/nhsl/frc/healthdir.html The Family Resource Connection is a special service of the NH State Library that provides information about all aspects of raising, caring for and educating young children. Information concerning child development, education, child care, disabilities and health issues related to young children.</p><p>FirstGov - http://www.firstgov.gov/Topics/Parents.shtml A comprehensive US Government website with resources for parenting </p><p>Good Beginnings 603-448-6826 or 603-443-5162 x 2011 http://www.goodbeginnings.net/satellites.html Matches trained volunteers with families of newborns for a period of at least three months. The volunteers offer to help with whatever help is needed.</p><p>Hannah House 603-448-5339 http://www.hannahhouse.org/Home.html Residential and outreach program and support for pregnant and parenting teens</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 11 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Healthy Babies, Kids and Families 802-295-8820, http://www.healthyvermonters.info/cph/hbkf/hbkf.shtml/ Healthy Babies, Kids & Families is a benefit of Vermont Medicaid and Dr. Dynasaur health insurance and can help families connect with high quality health care and support services in the community. </p><p>Injury Prevention Center 877-783-0432 http://www.dhmc.org/webpage.cfm? site_id=2&org_id=156&gsec_id=0&sec_id=0&item_id=5494 Programs include Child Passenger Safety; Buckle Up NH; NH Firearm Safety Coalition; Youth Suicide Prevention Assembly; NH Fall Risk Reduction Task Force.</p><p>Listen Community Services www.listencs.org (603) 448-4553 or 1-800-263-1166 Services include budget counseling, community dinners, food pantry, heating helpers, housing, youth mentoring, summer camps, holiday gift baskets, and supportive housing</p><p>NH Catholic Charities - 603-448-5151, http://www.catholiccharitiesnh.org/ Referral, counseling and community development</p><p>NH Division of Children,Youth & Families 800-982-1001, 542-9544 Claremont District Office. Child Abuse/Neglect, Programs for At Risk Families</p><p>NH Minority Health Coalition http://www.nhhealthequity.org / 603 627 7703 or toll free 866- 460-9933 Identification and advocacy for populations with barriers to health care services. Located in Manchester, its programs include Covering Kids; Cultural Competency; HIV Prevention,; Healthy Family Home Visits; Medical Interpretations and more.</p><p>Northern New England Poison Information Center 800-222-1222 </p><p>Parent Aid Program – 603-448-1597 http://www.vnavnh.org/ A family support and education program through Visiting Nurse Association, Vermont-New Hampshire, offering parent aids, maternal and child health nurses and para-professionals for transportation, respite and child care services </p><p>Planned Parenthood – 603-298-7766, http://www.ppnne.org/site/PageServer? pagename=ContactUsPage Confidential reproductive health care for men and women</p><p>Respite Child Care Program. 603-448-1268, http://www.uvsg.org Assists parents in securing quality respite child care - a temporary break for families living in southwest Grafton County, New Hampshire</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 12 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page The Family Place Parent Child Center - 802-649-3268 www.the-family-place.org Programs include: Family, Infant Toddler Program providing early intervention services for children 0-3 in Vermont; Children Upstream Services; free play groups; parent education; parent support; Child Advocacy Center; home visiting; clinical services: child care subsidies; information & referral; community development. </p><p>Upper Valley Fatherhood Network 603-448–1597 Support for fathers including home visiting, groups, workshops and seminars</p><p>Upper Valley Support Group – 603-448-6311 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org/ Support groups, education and advocacy for families with children who have special needs. Home of Kids on the Block, Parent to Parent of NH, Partners In Health-Lebanon, Respite Child Care Program, Happenings, Buddies, Connections</p><p>Vermont Children's Aid Society 802-457-3084, http://www.vtcas.org/ Child/family counseling, adoption, pregnancy counseling</p><p>VT Department of Children & Families in White River Jt. 802-295-8840, www.dcf.state.vt.us Child Abuse and Neglect, management of services to at risk families</p><p>Visiting Nurse Association/Vermont New Hampshire 603-448-1597 http://www.vnavnh.org/ Newborn home visits; well child clinics; parent support; parent aid programs; fatherhood services and groups; home health with nursing; occupational therapy and physical therapy services; home health aids; and Hospice.</p><p>WISE – 603-448-5922, http://members.valley.net/~wise Programs include Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence and Youth Outreach Program working with area middle and high schools to teach relationship skills to students. 24hr hotline (603)448-5525</p><p>Women's Health Resource Center at DHMC: 650-HERS (4377), [email protected] Classes, workshops and lectures; free monthly women's health lectures; referral and advocacy services; an lending library, pregnancy resources and fatherhood classes. </p><p>FOOD, CLOTHING, HOUSING & TRANSPORTATION </p><p>Advance Transit – 802-295-1824 http://www.advancetransit.com/ Public transportation in the Upper Valley</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 13 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page AMTRAK – 802-295-7160 www.amtrack.com</p><p>Bonnie CLAC – 603-443-9701 (Lebanon office), www.bonnieclac.org / a nonprofit organization formerly known as Fannie Clac, created to make the ownership of cars more available and more affordable for people of low to moderate income in the United States.</p><p>Community Action - Statewide programs for food, fuel assistance, clothing, transportation, weatherization, information and referrals. Please see http://www.ahs.state.vt.us/CommPartCommAct.cfm for a complete listing of Vermont Programs. Below are regional programs.</p><p>Barre - CVCA 802-479-1053 Bellows Falls SEVCA 802-463-9915 Bradford - CVAC - 802-222-4963 Chelsea - CVAC - 802-658-4514 Ludlow - SEVCA 802-896-6632 Randolph - CVAC 802-658-4514 Rutland - BROC 802-775-0878 Springfield - SEVCA 802-896-6632 St. Johnsbury - NEKCA 802-525-3223 White River Junction - SEVCA 802-896-6632 Windsor - SEVCA 802-896-6632</p><p>New Hampshire Community Action Belnap/Merrimack Concord - 603-225-6880 Franklin - 603-934-3444 Laconia - 603-524-5512 Meredith - 603-279-4096 Suncook 603-485-7824 Warner - 603-456-2207 Rockingham Portsmouth 603-436-3896 Salem - 603-898-8435 Southern NH Goffstown 603-668-8010 Hillsboro 603-464-5835 Manchester 603 668-3625 Milford 603-889-3440 Nashua 603-889-3440 Other 800 322 1073 Southwestern NH Claremont 603-543-0148 Strafford Dover 603 749-6938 Farmington 603-755 4454 Milton 603-652-9893 Rochester 603 322-3963 Somersworth 603-749-1334 Keene - 603 352 7512 Tri County Berlin 603-752-3248 CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 14 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Colebrook 603-237 8168 Lancaster - 603-788-4477 Lebanon - 603-448-2986 (LISTEN) Lincoln 603-645-8525 Littleton - 603-444-6653 Ossipee 603-539-4165 Plymouth 603-536-8222 Woodsville 603-747 3013</p><p>Dartmouth Coach – 603-448-2800 http://www.concordtrailways.com/dartmouth_coach.htm Bus service to Boston, Logan Airport</p><p>NH Division of Family Assistance http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/DFA/default.htm General Information: 1-800-772-1213 The Division of Family Assistance administers programs and services for eligible NH residents providing financial, medical and food & nutritional assistance, help with child care costs, and emergency help to obtain and keep safe housing. Family Assistance staff determine initial and continuing eligibility, the amount of benefits and deliver benefits using federal and NH guidelines and policies. There are seven major types of assistance administered by DFA for NH residents. Families need to apply for assistance at their local Health & Human Services offices found at http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/DFA/CONTACT+INFO/default.htm </p><p>NH Food Bank - http://www.nhfoodbank.org/Pages/Agencies/Find.html 603-669-9725 (Manchester, NH) Listing of NH Agencies providing food support</p><p>NH Housing Authority http://www.nhhfa.org/frd_lha.htm (603)472-8623 or 1-800-640-7239 To find out more about NH's housing programs and local contact information.</p><p>NH Medicaid Ride Coordinator - 1-800-852-3345, x 3770 The Coordinator will provide names and telephone numbers of drivers who accept NH Healthy Kids and NH Medicaid payment for transportation. Medicaid will reimburse parents for transportation to and from medical appointments and the pharmacy. Families must enroll for this service and then fill out reimbursement forms that need to be signed by physician or pharmacist.</p><p>The Upper Valley Haven - 802-295-6500, http://www.charityadvantage.com/haven/Home.asp Short term emergency housing, food shelf, free clothing, advocacy & referrals in White River Junction, VT</p><p>Vermont Economic Services Division (a/k/a PATH) http://www.dsw.state.vt.us/Programs_Pages/programs_page2.htm General Information: 1-800-287-0589 or 1-802-241-2800 </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 15 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page VT Economic Services administers Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Emergency Assistance, Fuel Assistance, and Medicaid programs for eligible VT residents. Families need to apply for assistance at their local Economic Services Division (PATH) office. http://www.dsw.state.vt.us/dopage/do_hp.htm</p><p>Vermont State Housing Authority – 802-295-8883 (White River Junction, VT) www.vsha.org/ State subsidized housing</p><p>Vermont Transit – 802-295-3011 www.vermonttransit.com Bus service in Vermont & NH</p><p>WIC - Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children to age 5. In New Hampshire 603-448-1597 (Lebanon, NH) www.dhhs.nh.gov/DHHS/WIC/default.htm In Vermont 802-295-8820 (White River Junction, VT) www.healthyvermonters.info/cph/wic/wic.shtml Food and nutritional education for families. Eligibility based on income.</p><p>HEALTH and DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES</p><p>Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital – 603-448-3121, http://www.alicepeckday.org/ Wide range of hospital and outpatient services for adults and children</p><p>American Red Cross 802-295-3635 (White River Junction, Vt office) www.redcross.org For blood bank information, call 800-843-3500. Supports blood bank, disaster assistance, health, education (first aid, CPR, water safety), swimming and lifeguard instruction</p><p>Children's Hospital, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (CHaD) 603-650-5473 http://www.dhmc.org/goto/chad Comprehensive inpatient and outpatient clinical care, supports and services for to children from birth through adolescence. </p><p>David's House 603-643-2298, http://www.davids-house.org/index2.html Home away from home on the campus of DHMC for children and families receiving treatment at the Children’s Hospital, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center</p><p>Injury Prevention Center 877-783-0432 http://www.dhmc.org/webpage.cfm? site_id=2&org_id=156&gsec_id=0&sec_id=0&item_id=5494 Programs include Child Passenger Safety; Buckle Up NH; NH Firearm Safety Coalition; Youth Suicide Prevention Assembly; NH Fall Risk Reduction Task Force.</p><p>Good Neighbor Health Clinic 802-295-1868 The Good Neighbor Health Clinic ensures quality medical care is available to all those in the Upper Valley in medical need but without the means to pay. Please see Vermont Coalition of Clinics for the Uninsured (below) for a listing of other Vermont free primary care clinics. CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 16 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Homecare Association of New Hampshire www.homecarenh.org 800-639-1949 A listing of all licensed homecare agencies including visiting nurse associations in New Hampshire, by town or organization.</p><p>Northern New England Poison Information Center 800-222-1222 </p><p>Planned Parenthood – 603-298-7766, http://www.ppnne.org/site/PageServer? pagename=ContactUsPage Confidential reproductive health care for men and women</p><p>Red Logan Dental Clinic 802-295-7573 http://www.vccu.net Dental services for adults without insurance</p><p>Vermont Coalition of Clinics for the Uninsured 802-388-2753, http://www.vccu.net A listing of Vermont free primary health care clinics and income eligibility. This listing includes Good Neighbor Health Clinic and the Red Logan Dental Clinic.</p><p>Vermont State Dental Clinic 802-296-5598. Dental Services for Vermont children age 13 and up covered by Dr. Dynasuar </p><p>Vermont Public Health, http://www.healthyvermonters.info/ 802-295-8820 (White River Junction, Vt office) Services for children, families and community.</p><p>Visiting Nurse Association/Vermont New Hampshire 603-448-1597 http://www.vnavnh.org/ Newborn home visits, well child clinics, parent support, parent aid programs, home health with nursing, occupational therapy and physical therapy services, home health aids and Hospice.</p><p>Visiting Nurse Association of Vermont www.vnavt.com/agendir.htm A searchable list of visiting nurse associations in Vermont</p><p>MENTAL HEALTH </p><p>Child & Family Services 603-298-8237 http://www.cfsnh.org Counseling, support and advocacy for children and families</p><p>Children’s Upstream Services at The Family Place Parent Child Center 802-649-3268. www.the-family-place.org Education and mental health services for young children and their families.</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 17 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Clara Martin Center for Community Mental Health Services 802-728-4466, http://www.connriver.net/ClaraMartin/ Orange County, VT with offices in Randolph and Bradford. Counseling and support for children and families. Also offers the Families First Program (case management, emergency services and flexible funds to keep families safe and together).</p><p>Dartmouth Hitchcock Psychiatric Associates 1-800-556-6249 or 603-650-5855. http://www.dhmc.org/webpage.cfm?site_id=2&org_id=154&gsec_id=0&sec_id=0&item_id=5314 Wide range of behavioral health services for adults and children</p><p>Health Care & Rehabilitative Services of Southeastern Vermont 802-295-3031, http://www.hcrs.org/ , Offices in White River Jt., Windsor, Springfield, Bellows Falls & Brattleboro. Evaluation, counseling and support for children and their families. Specialists in early mental health, coordination of care, after school and summer programs, substance abuse concerns and support groups. Short term stabilization services for children in mental health crisis. Also offers the Families First Program (case management, emergency services and flexible funds to keep families safe and together). </p><p>NAMI-NH (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) 603-225-5359, http://www.naminh.org/ National organization, advocacy, referrals, support group information</p><p>NAMI-VT (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) state office - 802-244-1396 National organization, advocacy, referrals and support group information</p><p>NH Behavioral Health Services, Regional Community Health Directories http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/BBH/regions.htm A complete listing of Community Mental Health Centers in 10 regions of New Hampshire. These are not-for-profit agencies that have contracted with the NH Department of Health & Human Services, Bureau of Behavioral Health to provide publicly funded mental health services to individuals and families who meet certain criteria for services.</p><p>NH Catholic Charities – 603-448-5151 http://www.catholiccharitiesnh.org Referral, counseling and community development</p><p>Psychiatric Facilities for Children & Adolescents Adolescent Treatment Program - Keene, NH -603-352-4111 http://www.cheshiremed.com/programs/mhs/mhsadol.html Anna Philbrook Center at New Hampshire Hospital - Concord, NH - 603-271-5900 http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/NHH/default.htm Baird Center for Children & Families - Burlington, VT - 802-863-1326 http://www.howardcenter.org/Baird/bairdframe.htm Retreat Healthcare - Brattleboro, VT - 1-800-RETREAT http://www.retreathealthcare.org/</p><p>Vermont Children's Aid Society 802-457-3084 http://www.vtcas.org/ Child/family counseling, adoption, pregnancy counseling CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 18 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health –802-223-4917 Support for families and children 0-22 experiencing emotional, mental health or behavioral challenges including information, referral, advocacy, I-CAN training</p><p>Vermont Department of Human Services - Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents and Families http://www.ddmhs.state.vt.us/programs/county/county.html See this site for a complete list of Vermont mental health services for children, adolescents & families</p><p>West Central Behavioral Health- Lebanon – 603-448-1101, http://www.wcbh.org/ Community mental health and substance abuse services for Grafton and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Wide range of services for adults, adolescents, children and families. </p><p>RECREATION - UPPER VALLEY AREA</p><p>Carter Community Center – 603-448-6477, http://www.ccba-leb.com/</p><p>Hanover Recreation Department 603-643-5315, http://www.hanovernh.org/parks&recreation</p><p>Happenings – 603-448-6311 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org/ Recreational activities for teens and young adults with disabilities</p><p>Hartford Parks and Recreation Department 802-295-5036, http://www.hartford- vt.org/rec6parks.htm</p><p>High Horses Therapeutic Riding Program 802-295-3095 Horseback riding lessons for people with disabilities</p><p>Lebanon Recreation Department 603-448-5121 http://www.lebcity.com/City_Resources/recreation/recindex.html</p><p>LISTEN Center 603-448-4553, 800-263-2266 www.listencs.org/index.htm Big Brother/Big Sister Program and Summer Camps (scholarships available)</p><p>Montshire Museum – 802-649-2200, http://www.montshire.net/ Science and environment museum with indoor and outdoor facilities in Norwich, Vt</p><p>New England Handicapped Sports Association 800-628-4484 http://www.nehsa.org/ Adaptive equipment, instruction, lessons</p><p>Norwich Recreation Council 802-649-3040</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 19 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Special Olympics NH 800-639-2608 http://www.sonh.org/ sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with mental challenges.</p><p>Special Olympics VT 800-639-1603 http://www.vtso.org sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with mental challenges.</p><p>Storrs Pond 603-643-2134 swimming, camping, hikes, picnic grounds in Hanover</p><p>Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports 802 484-3525 Variety of recreational programs for children with special needs.</p><p>Windsor Recreation Department 802-674-6783</p><p>Woodstock Recreation Department 802-457-1502</p><p>SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS</p><p>Area Schools Superintendent Offices for Special Education Administrator Dresden (Hanover & Norwich) School District - 603-643-6050 Hartford - Special Education Office - 802-295-8605, Lebanon School District - 603-448-1634 Lyme School District - 603-795-2214 Mascoma Valley Regional School District - 603-632-4003 Rivendell Interstate School District – 603-353-2170 Thetford Elementary School - 802-785-2426 Windsor School Superintendent Office - 802-674-2310 Woodstock Superintendent of Schools – 802-457-1213</p><p>ARCH 802-649-2720 email: [email protected] ARCH, a resource organization individuals with autism and those who support them, will offer: specialized after- school programming for children with autism spectrum disorder; parent education and support group; and individualized resource consultation for families.</p><p>ATECH (Alliance for Assistive Technology, Education and Community Health Services 800-932- 5837 or 603-528-3060 http://www.nhassistivetechnology.org/atech / Provides assistive technical services to individuals and families affected by physical, sensory or cognitive limitations.</p><p>Bureau-Special Medical Services in New Hampshire 800-852-3345 x4488 http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/BMCH/default.htm Broad range of health programs for children who are at risk for disabilities or have a handicapping condition or chronic illness. </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 20 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Children With Special Health Needs in Vermont White River Jt. office 802-295-8820 http://www.healthyvermonters.info/hi/cshn/cshn.shtml Specialty medical and equipment clinics; medical and developmental diagnosis and treatment; referrals and assistance in obtaining services; care coordination; referral to parent to parent support; assistance in finding financial resources to help pay for care; respite; nutrition; and prescription programs</p><p>Connections 448-6311 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org/ Big Brother Big Sister Program at Upper Valley Support Group for children with special needs. </p><p>Crotched Mountain 603-547-3311 www.crotchedmountain.org Crotched Mountain offers a full range of education, clinical, rehabilitation and residential support services for children and adults with disabilities from New Hampshire, the rest of New England and New York at its rehabilitation center in Greenfield, NH and in many community locations.</p><p>Dartmouth-Hitchcock Family HIV Program 603-653-1492. Primary care, perinatal outreach, case management, peer support advocacy, educational programs, HIV specialty care for women, children, youth and families infected, affected or at risk for HIV in Vermont and New Hampshire.</p><p>DEAF- Deaf/Hard of Hearing Empowerment & Advocacy for Families in the Upper Valley. [email protected] Education, information and advocacy for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing.</p><p>Early Intervention Services - In the Upper Valley: Family Centered Early Supports & Services. Lebanon, NH – 603-448-2077 www.uds.org Developmental services, home visits, family support, respite, advocacy, financial assistance for children 0-3 in New Hampshire with developmental delays and disabilities. The Family Infant Toddler Program at the Family Place- Norwich, VT 802-649-3268. www.the-family-place.org </p><p>Family Voices in New Hampshire 1 800-852-3345 x 4525, http://www.nhfv.org/ Family Voices has a free, quarterly newsletter “Pass It On” which highlights information and resources for families with special needs children and a lending library. </p><p>Family Voices in Vermont – a program of Parent to Parent of Vermont 1-800-800-4005. http://www.partoparvt.org/fv.html Family voices is a national organization for family to family help, information and resources. </p><p>Granite State Independent Living Foundation 603-228-9680, http://www.gsil.org / Services for disabled children and adults in New Hampshire including personal care attendant program, transportation, social and recreational programs and services for the deaf and hard of hearing.</p><p>Happenings – 603-448-6311 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org/ Recreation activities for teens and young adults with disabilities.</p><p>Hear In New Hampshire 603-624-4464 www.HEARinNH.org An Auditory-Oral Program educational program for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 21 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page High Horses Therapeutic Riding Program 802-295-3095 Horseback riding lessons for people with disabilities</p><p>Institute on Disability 603-862-4320, http://iod.unh.edu/ Programs, services, policy and advocacy for children and adults with disabilities</p><p>Madi's Fund 802-773-6168 http://www.med.uvm.edu/madisfund/ Research about and support for families with children with hydrocephalus</p><p>M.I.C.E. Program 603-228-1028 email: [email protected] MICE is a statewide program providing educational and developmental services to sensory impaired infants birth to age three.</p><p>Mitrochondrial Disorder Support Paula Raymond 603-487-2770 Meetings at different locations in NH . Guest speakers and parent to parent support. </p><p>New England Handicapped Sports Association 800-628-4484, http://www.nehsa.org/ Adaptive equipment, instruction, lessons</p><p>NH Developmental Services Area Agencies www.dhhs.nh.gov/DHHS/BDS/LIBRARY/Fact+Sheet/bds-area-agencies.htm A complete listing of New Hampshire developmental area agencies which provide a broad range of services for children and adults with developmental disabilities. </p><p>NH Library Services for People with Disabilities 800-491-4200 or 271-3429 http://www.state.nh.us/nhsl/talkbks/index.html Books on tape for New Hampshire residents with visual, physical or learning disabilities. </p><p>NH Vocational Rehabilitation - Lebanon office -448-5793 http://www.ed.state.nh.us/VR/Administration/StaffDirectory.html#lro Assists eligible New Hampshire citizens with disabilities secure suitable employment and financial and personal independence by providing rehabilitation services.</p><p>Parent to Parent of NH – 603-448-6393 or 800-698-5465 http://www.p2pnh.org/ Connects families with children who have special needs to a network of support, information and education.</p><p>Parent to Parent of VT - 800-800-4005, 802-764-5290, http://www.partoparvt.org Connects families to a network of support, information and education. Offices in Williston and Randolph</p><p>Parent Information Center in New Hampshire 603-224-7005, http://www.parentinformationcenter.org/textonly/thome.htm Information, referral, support, resources and education for families with children who have special needs in New Hampshire CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 22 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Parent Information Center in Vermont 800-639-7170 or 802-658-5315, http://www.vtpic.com/ State wide program for parents helping parents with children having special needs</p><p>Partners in Health- www.nhpih.dartmouth.edu New Hampshire program to help families with chronic health conditions that significantly impact daily life, to advocate, access resources, navigate systems and build capacity to manage the chronic health condition of their child. Local Upper Valley office is located in Lebanon 603-448-7108 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org/ </p><p>Respite Child Care Program. 603-448-1268 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org/ Assists parents in securing quality respite child care - a temporary break for families living in southwest Grafton County.</p><p>Sibshops of the Upper Valley 603-653-9899 Saturday activities for children 6-12 with brothers and sisters who have any kind of special need. 5-6 meetings/year. Collaboration of the CHaD Family Center, Parent to Parent of NH and United Developmental Services. </p><p>Special Olympics NH 800-639-2608 www.sonh.org for Vermont http://www.vtso.org/ 800-639- 1603</p><p>STAR (Steps Toward Adult Responsibility) Program 603-653-1495 http://www.dhmc.org/goto/star The STAR Program assists teens in meeting the challenges that both adolescence and chronic health conditions pose. The program targets adolescents thirteen years of age and older who have chronic medical conditions including, but not limited to, cancer, diabetes, Crohn's disease/colitis, asthma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, seizure disorders, spina bifida, cystic fibrosis, cardiology conditions and cerebral palsy.</p><p>The Family Place Parent Child Center - 802-649-3268 www.the-family-place.org Family, Infant Toddler Program providing early intervention services for children 0-3 in Vermont, free play groups, parent education, parent support, child advocacy center, home visiting, clinical services, child care subsidies, information & referral, community development.</p><p>Upper Valley Support Group – 603-448-6311 http://www.uppervalleysupportgroup.org / Support groups, education and advocacy for families with children who have special needs. Home of Kids on the Block, Parent to Parent of NH, Partners In Health-Lebanon, Respite Child Care Program, DEAF, Happenings, Buddies, Connections</p><p>Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports 802 484-3525, http://www.vermontadaptive.org/index.html Variety of recreational programs for children with special health needs</p><p>Vermont Center for Independent Living 802-229-0501, http://www.vcil.org </p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 23 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page Services include information, advocacy, referrals, community outreach telecommunication equipment distribution, deaf independence program and others.</p><p>Vermont Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 802-258-9500. http://www.dad.state.vt.us/dvr/deaf/dsp.htm Vermont Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing provides comprehensive educational and support services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, adults, and families throughout the State of Vermont and surrounding states.</p><p>Vermont Disability Law Project 800-769-7459 or 802-775-0021</p><p>Vermont Center for Disability and Community Inclusion 802 656-4031 http://www.uvm.edu/~cdci/ The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI), in collaboration and coordination with individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and communities, will promote opportunities for these valued life outcomes for individuals with disabilities of all ages in all facets of community life.</p><p>Vermont I-Team – 802-656-1143 Assists local teams of Vermont families, educators and others to deliver quality education to children with severe/multiple disabilities.</p><p>Vermont Department of Developmental and Mental Health Services http://www.ddmhs.state.vt.us/programs/cafu/child-services.html This website has a complete list of Vermont's developmental and mental health services.</p><p>Vermont Vision Program – Vt. Association for the blind and visually impaired 800-639-5861, http://www.vabvi.org/main/ </p><p>VT Vocational Rehabilitation - White River Jt office - 802-295-8850 http://www.dad.state.vt.us/dvr Assists Vermonters with disabilities to be employed and live successfully in their communities.</p><p>CHaD Family Center Regional Resources for Children & Families 2005 24 www.dhmc.org/goto/chadfamilycenter Page </p>
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