<p>OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY CHAPTER 5: CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Section 1: Overview Section 2: Preview Cut Sheet Section 3: Cut Sheets Section 4: Cut Sheet Activity Report Section 5: Cut Sheet Summary List Section 6: Profitability Report Section 7: Style Availability Report Section 8: List Order Assignments by Cut # Section 9: List Order Assignments by Log # Section 10: Work Tickets Section 11: Fabric Used Report Section 12: Purge Cut Sheets Section 13: Print Hang Tags Section 14: Print Contractor Cost Report</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-1 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 1: Overview</p><p>╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║ 02/20/1996 Company 1 - CALIFORNIA FASHIONS 12:09 AM ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╣ ║ ║ ║ ╔═ Main Menu ═════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╔═ Garment Management System ════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╔═ Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry ═╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╔═ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Preview Cut Sheets ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Cut Sheets ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Cut Sheet Activity Report ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Cut Sheet Summary List ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Profitability Report ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚══ ║ Style Availability Report ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Phys ║ List Order Assignments by Cut # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ EDI ║ List Order Assignments by Log # ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Spec ║ Work Tickets ║ ║ ║ ╚══ ║ Spec ║ Fabric Used Report ║ ║ ║ ║ Spec ║ Purge Cut Sheets ║ ║ ║ ╚══════ ║ Print Hang Tags ║ ║ ║ ║ Print Contractor Cost ║ ║ T0═══════════════════ OPEN SYSTE ╚════════════════════════════════════╝════════╝</p><p>What can OSAS GM will print a cut sheet based upon open orders and you do ? choice of customers, styles and colors. See Section 2.</p><p>Print cut sheets, listing piece goods and trim required to fabricate garments and availability. See Section 3.</p><p>Print a report listing activity on cuts. See Section 4.</p><p>Print a report listing a summary of information entered in cut sheet. See Section 5.</p><p>Print a report that shows the profitability of a cut based upon estimate from cost sheet and actual figures input in Cut Sheet Activity. See Section 6. </p><p>Print a report listing styles on hand, in work in process, on order and available. See Section 7. </p><p>List assignments of orders to cuts by cut or log numbers. See Sections 8 and 9.</p><p>Print Work Tickets that can be used to track WIP units through manufacturing operations. You can have one ticket for each style/color/size on a cut sheet and each operation required in manufacturing this style. See Section 10.</p><p>Print a report that lists fabric used in the WIP process. See Section 11. </p><p>Purge completed cuts. See Section 12. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-2 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Print Hang Tags. See Section 13.</p><p>Print a report listing last prices paid to contractors for the operations done on cuts. See Section 14. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-3 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 2: Preview Cut Sheet</p><p>Preview Cut Sheet allows you to list what needs to be cut for any style or list of styles and specific customers or list of specific customers and any color or list of colors and for orders prior to a selected cancel or ship date. OSAS GM will print a cut sheet for each style selected together with fabric/trim requirements and availability. </p><p>NOTE: This will be for preview only. OSAS GM will look at open orders only and will not consider any cuts already made for these styles.</p><p>Starting Select Preview Cut Sheet from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Preview Cut Sheets ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║Style Cust Color Cancel or Ship Date ║ ║Select Logs Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Both? C/U/B ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Field Style (1 - 10 characters) description Enter a specific Style or enter ASK to enter a list of Styles and/or customers and/or colors in the next fields. Cust (1 - 6 characters) Enter a customer or list of customers or <PgDn> for all customers. Color (1 - 6 characters) Enter a color or list of colors or <PgDn> for all colors. Cancel or Ship (C or S) Enter C to choose the date in the next field to be a Cancel date or S to be a Ship date.</p><p>Date (mmddyyyy) OSAS GM will include all the open orders that have styles, customers and colors chosen above with a cancel or ship date prior to and including date entered here.</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-4 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Select Logs (1-999999)</p><p>Enter Log number(s) that you wish to create Preview Cut sheets for. </p><p>Confirm, Unconfirmed or Both? C/U/B (C or U or B)</p><p>Enter C if you only want confirmed orders (these are sales orders with status code = 1), enter U if you only want unconfirmed orders (these are sales orders with status code anything but 1). Enter B for both confirmed and unconfirmed sales orders.</p><p>Press PgDn to have cut sheet created through this Preview Process to be a permanent Cut Sheet, or else F7 to use this for information only. </p><p>NOTE: This if F7 then this Cut is not incorporated into any permanent cut sheets. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-5 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 3: Cut Sheet</p><p>Print Cut Sheets to establish what piece goods and other inventory items are needed to complete a cut. This document can then be followed through the Work In Process cycle.</p><p>Starting Select Print Cut Sheets from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Print Cut Sheets ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║From Cut Number Thru Cut Number ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut Number (1 - 9999999) description Enter beginning cut number that you want a Cut sheet printed for or RETURN for first Cut Number.</p><p>Thru Cut Number (1 - 9999999)</p><p>Enter ending cut number that you want a Cut sheet printed for or RETURN for last Cut Number.</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-6 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 4: Cut Sheet Activity Report</p><p>Use the Cut Sheet Activity Report to print any particular or all activities on any particular date or date range and for any particular style or all styles.</p><p>Starting Select Cut Sheet Activity Report from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry the menu. The following screen appears: function Cut Sheet Activity Report ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║From Cut 0000000 Thru Cut 9999999 Operation ALL Out/In ALL ║ ║From Date 010101 Thru Date 123199 Style ALL Contr Id ALL ║ ║Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B O ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Sort by: 1. Activity Date 2. Operation</p><p>Field From Cut (1 - 9999999) description Enter beginning Cut Number that you want Activity Report for or RETURN for first cut number.</p><p>Thru Cut (1 - 9999999)</p><p>Enter ending Cut Number that you want Activity Report for or RETURN for last cut number.</p><p>Operation (1 - 6 characters)</p><p>Enter Operation that you wish to see Activity on or RETURN for all Operations.</p><p>Out/In (O or I)</p><p>Enter O to see Out Activity on I to see In Activity or RETURN see both In and Out Activity.</p><p>From Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter date from which you wish to print cut activity or RETURN for first date. </p><p>Thru Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter date up to which you wish to print cut activity or RETURN for last date. </p><p>Style (1 - 10 characters)</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-7 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Enter style or RETURN for all styles that you wish to see activity for on the above date range.</p><p>Contr Id (1 - 6 characters)</p><p>Enter contractor that you wish to see activity on or RETURN for all contractors.</p><p>Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B (O, C, B)</p><p>Enter O to see activity on only open cuts or C to see activity on closed cuts or B to see activity on both Open and Closed cuts.</p><p>Sort by:</p><p>1. Activity Date 2. Operation</p><p>Enter 1 to sort by Activity date or 2 to sort by Operation. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-8 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 5: Cut Sheet Summary List</p><p>The Cut Sheet Summary List allows you to print or view a report listing cut number, marker, division, preparation date, cancel date, completion date, season, size code, style, quantity to cut and style description.</p><p>Starting Select Cut Sheet Summary List from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Cut Sheet Summary ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║ From Cut Number 0000000 Thru Cut Number 9999999 ║ ║ From Style Thru Style ║ ║ Show Contractor ID ALL ║ ║ For Operations ALL ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Sort by: 1. Cut Number 2. Style</p><p>Field From Cut Number (1 - 9999999) description Enter beginning Cut Number or RETURN for first cut number.</p><p>Thru Cut Number (1 - 9999999)</p><p>Enter ending Cut Number or RETURN for last cut number.</p><p>From Style (1-10 characters)</p><p>Enter beginning style code of range desired or RETURN for first style.</p><p>Thru Style (1-10 characters)</p><p>Enter ending style code of range desired or RETURN for last style.</p><p>Show Contractor ID (1-6 characters)</p><p>Enter a specific contractor ID or RETURN for all contractors.</p><p>For Operations (1-6 characters)</p><p>Enter a specific operation or RETURN for all operations. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-9 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 6: Profitability Report</p><p>Use the Profitability Report to establish the profitability of a particular cut or range of cuts.</p><p>OSAS GM will compare Cost Sheet and Operations entered in Cut Sheet Daily Work - Cut Sheet Activity. OSAS GM will only print those cuts that have been actually completed; i.e., you have entered a date in Actual Completion Date Field for the cut through Add/Change Cut Sheet.</p><p>Starting Select Profitability Report from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Print Profitability Report ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════╗ ║From Cut Number 0000000 Thru Cut Number 9999999 ║ ║From Style Thru Style zzzzzzz ║ ║From Season Thru Season zz ║ ║From Division Thru Division z ║ ║From Comp Date 010101 Thru Comp Date 123199 ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut Number (1 - 9999999) description Enter beginning Cut Number that you want a Profitability report for or RETURN for first Cut Number that has Final Approval.</p><p>Thru Cut Number (1 - 9999999)</p><p>Enter ending Cut Number that you want a Profitability report for or RETURN for last Cut Number that has Final Approval.</p><p>From Style (1-10 characters)</p><p>Enter beginning style code of range desired or RETURN for first style.</p><p>Thru Style (1-10 characters)</p><p>Enter ending style code of range desired or RETURN for last style.</p><p>From Season (1-2 characters)</p><p>Enter the beginning season code of range desired or RETURN for first season.</p><p>Thru Season (1-2 characters)</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-10 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Enter ending season code of range desired or RETURN for last season.</p><p>From Division (1-9)</p><p>Enter beginning division number or RETURN for first division.</p><p>Thru Division (1-9)</p><p>Enter ending division number or RETURN for last division.</p><p>From Completion Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter beginning completion date or RETURN for first completion date.</p><p>Thru Completion Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter ending completion date or RETURN for last completion date. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-11 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 7: Style Availability Report</p><p>The Style Availability Report allows you to list quantity of style on order, on hand, in work in process and available. You can restrict order quantities to any specific cancel date or any specific log.</p><p>Starting Select Style Availability Report from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Style Availability Report ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║From Style Thru Style zzzzzzzzzz Cust ALL Log ALL ║ ║Cancel Date 022096 WIP Qtys based on CUT Out/In O or ISSUED if none?Y║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Field From Style (1 - 10 characters) description Enter the beginning Style number or RETURN for first style.</p><p>Thru Style (1 - 10 characters)</p><p>Enter the ending Style number or RETURN for last style.</p><p>Cust (1 - 6 characters)</p><p>Enter a specific customer code or RETURN for all customers. If you enter a specific customer, then OSAS GM will only use this customer’s order for QOO (Quantity on Order), and consequently, the availability will be greater than if all customers were chosen. </p><p>Log (1 - 999999)</p><p>Enter a specific log number or RETURN for all log numbers that have a cancel date prior to and including date entered in next field (Cancel Date).</p><p>Cancel Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>OSAS GM will include all the open orders that have a cancel date prior to and including date entered here.</p><p>WIP Qtys Based On (1 - 6 characters)</p><p>NOTE: You decide here how to determine WIP quantities by indicating which operation it is based on. Enter a valid operation, or you may enter LAST to </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-12 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p> indicate the last operation performed. The system will accumulate all quantities as WIP for those cut sheets that have the above operation. </p><p>NOTE: You may enter LAST and the system will take quantities based on the quantity in the last operation (this is based on activity date). </p><p>Out/In (O/I)</p><p>Enter O and the system will accumulate all quantities in cut sheets that are OUT to the contractor for the above operation.</p><p>Enter I and the system will accumulate all quantities in cut sheets that are back IN from the contractor for the above operation. </p><p> or Issued if None (Y/N)</p><p>If you enter Y then the system will look at all cuts that have the above operation and IN or OUT activity chosen and if there are any cuts that do not have this operation and specific IN or OUT activity chosen, then the system will use the quantities entered in the Add/Change Cut Sheet screen (i.e., issue screen). See Chapter 4, Section 2. </p><p>If you enter N then the system will look at only the quantities in the cuts that have the specific operation and activity OUT or IN chosen above. </p><p>If there is no activity for a cut (that is, it has been issued only) and you wish to show the issued amount as WIP, enter Y. If you enter RETURN or N, the WIP will print zero.</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-13 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 8: List Order Assignments by Cut #</p><p>Use the List Order Assignments by Cut to view how you have assigned orders to cuts listed by cut number.</p><p>Starting Select List Order Assignments by Cut # from the Cut Sheets - Reports and the Inquiry menu. The following screen appears: function List Order Assignments By Cut Number ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║ From Cut Thru Cut ║ ║ From Log Thru Log ║ ║ Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut (1 - 9999999) description Enter the beginning cut number or RETURN for first cut number.</p><p>Thru Cut (1 - 99999999)</p><p>Enter the ending cut number or RETURN for last cut number.</p><p>From Log (1 - 999999)</p><p>Enter the beginning log number or RETURN for first log number.</p><p>Thru Log (1 - 999999)</p><p>Enter the ending log number or RETURN for last log number.</p><p>Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B (O or C or B)</p><p>Enter O to show open cuts (cuts that do not have a date in Actual Comp Date - Cut Sheets - Daily Work - Add/Change Cut Sheets); enter C to show closed cuts (cuts that have a date in Actual Comp Date); or enter B to show both open and closed cuts. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-14 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 9: List Order Assignments by Log #</p><p>List Order Assignments by Cut allows you to view how you have assigned orders to a cut or cuts listed by Log number.</p><p>Starting Select List Order Assignments by Log # from the Cut Sheets - Reports and the Inquiry menu. The following screen appears: function List Order Assignments By Log Number ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║ From Cut Thru Cut ║ ║ Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut (1 - 9999999) description Enter the beginning cut number or RETURN for first cut number.</p><p>Thru Cut (1 - 99999999)</p><p>Enter the ending cut number or RETURN for last cut number.</p><p>From Log (1 - 999999)</p><p>Enter the beginning log number or RETURN for first log number.</p><p>Thru Log (1 - 999999)</p><p>Enter the ending log number or RETURN for last log number.</p><p>Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B (O or C or B)</p><p>Enter O to show open cuts (cuts that do not have a date in Actual Comp Date - Cut Sheets - Daily Work - Add/Change Cut Sheets); enter C to show closed cuts (cuts that have a date in Actual Comp Date); or enter B to show both open and closed cuts. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-15 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 10: Work Tickets</p><p>Work Tickets allow you to track WIP units through the manufacturing operations. This is generally used when you do most of the manufacturing in-house.</p><p>Starting Select Work Tickets from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Print Work Tickets ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ From Cut Number Thru Cut Number ║ ║ From Log Number Thru Log Number ║ ║ Units per Tag ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut Number (1-999999) description Enter the first number of the cut for which you want to print work tickets.</p><p>Thru Cut (1 - 99999999)</p><p>Enter the ending cut number or RETURN for last cut number.</p><p>From Log (1 - 9999999)</p><p>Enter the beginning log number or RETURN for first log number.</p><p>Thru Log (1 - 9999999)</p><p>Enter the ending log number or RETURN for last log number.</p><p>Units per Tag (1 - 999)</p><p>Enter the number of units to appear on each tag.(System will divide total by these units and last tag will have remainder eg consider a total of 1060 units of Style 1014 color RED and Size S -- If user entered 30 for Units per tag then system will print 36 tags with 35 tags showing quantities of 30 and 1 tag showing 10. </p><p>NOTE: The system will default to operations in the WTICKx table. See Chapter 13, Section 16.</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-16 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 11: Fabric Used Report</p><p>The Fabric Used Report allows you to print a report to see what fabric/trim was used during the various manufacturing operations of each cut.</p><p>Starting Select Fabric Used Report from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Print Fabric Used Report ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║From Cut 0000000 Thru Cut 9999999 ║ ║From Date 01/01/1900 Thru Date 12/31/2099 Mill Id ALL ║ ║From Fabric Thru Fabric zzzzzzzzz Operation ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Sort by: 1. Fabric 2. Cut Date 3. Cut Number</p><p>Field From Cut (1-9999999) description Enter the beginning Cut # or RETURN for first cut. </p><p>Thru Cut (1-9999999)</p><p>Enter the ending cut number or RETURN for last cut. </p><p>From Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter the beginning date or RETURN for first date any activity occurred.</p><p>Thru Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter the ending date or RETURN for last date any activity occurred. </p><p>Mill ID (1-6 characters)</p><p>Enter a particular Mill ID or RETURN for all mills/vendors. </p><p>From Fabric (1-9 characters)</p><p>Enter the code for the beginning fabric or RETURN for the first fabric code.</p><p>Thru Fabric (1-9 characters)</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-17 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Enter the code for the ending fabric or RETURN for the last fabric code. </p><p>Operation (1-6 characters)</p><p>Enter the code for a particular operation or RETURN for all operations.</p><p>Sort by: (1, 2 or 3)</p><p>1. Fabric 2. Cut Date 3. Cut Number</p><p>Enter the number by which you wish to sort the report. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-18 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 12: Purge Cut Sheets</p><p>Purge Cut Sheets allows you to delete a cut sheet that has been completed. This can be done to make space on your hard drive if space is a concern, or to reduce the processing time of reports that use WIP in their calculations. </p><p>Starting Select Purge Cut Sheet from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Purge Cut Sheets ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════╗ ║Purge Cut Sheets Before Cut Date ║ ║ Division ║ ║ Season ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════╝</p><p>Field Purge Cut Sheets Before Cut Date (mmddyyyy) description The system will purge all cuts that have an actual completion date prior to the date entered here (Cut Sheets - Daily Work - Add/Change Cut Sheet - Actual Comp Date). </p><p>Division (1-9)</p><p>Enter a particular Division number or RETURN for all divisions.</p><p>Season (1-2 characters)</p><p>Enter a particular Season number or RETURN for all seasons.</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-19 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 13: Print Hang Tags</p><p>Print tags that can be used as Hang Tags for garments.These tags show Style, Size, Color , Size and Cut number (one hang tag for each unit on the cut).</p><p>Starting Select Print Hang Tags from the Cut Sheets - Reports and Inquiry menu. the The following screen appears: function Print Hang Tags ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════╗ ║From Cut Number Thru Cut Number ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut (1-9999999) description Enter the beginning Cut # or RETURN for first cut. </p><p>Thru Cut (1-9999999)</p><p>Enter the ending cut number or RETURN for last cut. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-20 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY Section 14: Print Contractor Cost Report</p><p>The Contractor Cost Report lists the last prices paid to a contractor for operations done on cuts.</p><p>Starting Select Print Contractor Cost Report from the Cut Sheets - Reports the and inquiry menu. The following screen appears: function Contractor Cost Report ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╗ ║From Cut 0000000 Thru Cut 9999999 Operation ALL ║ ║From Date 010101 Thru Date 123199 Style ALL Contr Id ALL ║ ║Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? O/C/B B Show Last __ Prices Paid ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════════╝</p><p>Field From Cut (1-9999999) description Enter the beginning Cut number or RETURN for first Cut number. </p><p>Thru Cut (1-9999999)</p><p>Enter the ending Cut number or RETURN for last Cut number. </p><p>Operation (1-6 characters)</p><p>Enter a specific operation or RETURN for all operations.</p><p>From Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter a beginning date or RETURN for first date.</p><p>Thru Date (mmddyyyy)</p><p>Enter an ending date or RETURN for last date. </p><p>Style (1-10 characters)</p><p>Enter a particular style or RETURN for all styles. </p><p>Contr ID (1-6 characters)</p><p>Enter code for a specific contractor or RETURN for all.</p><p>Show Cuts Open, Closed or Both? (O/C/B)</p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-21 OSAS GM® Garment Management CUT SHEETS - REPORTS AND INQUIRY</p><p>Enter O to see pricing on only Open cuts, C to see pricing on Closed cuts, or B to see activity on both Open and Closed cuts.</p><p>Show Last _____ Prices Paid (1-99)</p><p>The system will show up to the last X number of prices paid by each contractor where X is the numbered entered in this field. </p><p>Rev. Apr-18 Page 5-22</p>
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