<p> THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>FROM BRAINSTORMING - TO DESIGN</p><p>------YOUR BRAIN------See Good Things… View examples of websites and portfolios in your industry: :: Key to successful art websites :: Awwward Portfolio Tour :: Etc.</p><p>Think Happy Thoughts… Consider the following for your site: :: Goal and Purpose :: Target Audience :: Mood & Theme</p><p>------PHOTOSHOP LESSONS------Get your drawing hand and mouse ready… :: Color Scheme :: Information Architecture [ Simply sketch out webpages, and how the user will find the pages(navigation) ] :: Layout & Content Areas [ Sketch, Photoshop(PSD) Wireframe, & PSD Web Mock-Ups ]</p><p>------DREAMWEAVER LESSONS------:: HTML Structure :: CSS [Layout, Style, Lite Animation] THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>:: Key to successful websites</p><p> o Keep it Simple o Focus on the works o Add Cool Stuff to Enhance (Not To Overload) o Lead your visitor’s eye around the site o Motivate the visitor to make choices o Smart Navigation</p><p>------FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS (INDIVIDUAL): Title: 10 Things Every PR Portfolio Must Have By: Lorra Brown | Date: 03.21.2013 SOURCE: Ragan’s PR Daily URL: http://www.prdaily.com/Main/Articles/10_things_every_PR_portfolio_must_have_14103.aspx </p><p>FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS (WEBSITES FOR CLIENTS): URL: http://www.webaward.org/winners.asp - .VCG_Rud3fs8 [CHOOSE PUBLIC RELATIONS FROM CATEGORY DROP-DOWN LIST]</p><p>------</p><p>FOR ARTISTS/DESIGNERS (ADVICE FOR WEB DESIGN): Title: Successful Art and Artist Websites : Do’s and Don’ts – How to Build a Website that Works By: Alan Bamberger SOURCE: Art Business.com URL: http://www.artbusiness.com/weberrors.html </p><p>------</p><p>AWWWARD PORTFOLIO TOUR: Title: Awards for Websites [Based on Categories] SOURCE: Awwwards.com URL: http://www.awwwards.com </p><p>WEBBY AWARD PORTFOLIO TOUR: Title: Webby Awards Self-Promotion/Portfolio Winners & Nominees SOURCE: Webby Awards.com URL: http://www.webbyawards.com/winners/search?keywords=self-promotion </p><p>NOTE: Write down the websites you like and why you like them… THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>:: Goal and Purpose</p><p>Goal: What goal do you plan to achieve with your website? ( WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW ) </p><p>A goal is measurable (time, quantity, distribution of tangibles). A person or group completes a goal, typically based on a schedule (deadlines/ timelines) A goal is supported by purpose, vision, and/or a set of ideals.</p><p>EXAMPLE OF WEBSITE GOALS ::</p><p>1. <I <I NP NP UT UT TY TY PE PE =\ =\ CH CH EC EC KB KB OX OX NA NA M M E= E= Sell Products/Works/Tickets Gain Participants/ Take Action (target number) Sel Sel l > l > M M AC AC R R OB OB UT UT TO TO N N HT HT ML ML Dir Dir ect ect <I Buy Products/Works/Tickets <I Gain membership/ viewers/ subscribers/ fans > $ $ $ NP NP UT UT TY TY PE PE =\ =\ CH CH EC EC KB KB OX OX NA NA M M THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>E= E= Sel Sel l > l > M M AC AC R R OB OB UT UT TO TO N N HT HT ML ML Dir Dir ect ect <I <I NP NP UT UT TY TY PE PE =\ =\ CH CH EC EC KB KB OX OX NA NA M M E= E= Raise target $currency for… Get Hired Sel Sel l > l > M M AC AC R R OB OB UT UT TO TO N N HT HT ML ML Dir Dir ect ect</p><p>Purpose: What is the purpose of your site? (WHY, WHO, WHAT, & MANY TIMES WHERE…)</p><p>A purpose is not measurable. A person or group works with a purpose in mind (typically based on an ideal/vision) A purpose supports a goal</p><p>EXAMPLE OF WEBSITE PURPOSE ::</p><p>2. <I Promote Products, Services, and/or Works THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect <I NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Provide Transactions (Billing / Delivery of Goods) Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p><I NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Advertise Events Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect <I Knowledge Sharing NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS ect <I NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Entertain Site Visitors Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect <I Provide Digital Storage/ Hosting NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>Dir ect <I NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= FUTURE??? Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect</p><p>:: Target Audience: Who is the target audience for your website? ( WHO, WHERE ) </p><p>Target Audience: The target audience may include individuals/groups of a specific gender, age, income, location, ethnicity, marital status, culture/subculture, and profession/industry/interest.</p><p>EXAMPLE OF WEBSITE TARGET AUDIENCE ::</p><p>3. <I Art Buyers, Based in New York, Ages 18+ NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect <I NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M E= Middle Aged, Alaskan Native, Annual Income (45K+) Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect <I Single, Females, Ages 13 - 35, Snowboarder NP UT TY PE =\ CH EC KB OX NA M THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>E= Sel l > M AC R OB UT TO N HT ML Dir ect</p><p>:: Mood & Theme</p><p>Mood: What is your site’s mood? </p><p>How do you want your site visitors to feel? How do you want your site to be perceived?</p><p>EXAMPLE OF WEBSITE MOODS ::</p><p>4. <I Relaxed/ Serene 5. <I Excited/ Adventurous 6. <I Explosive NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO N N N THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>HT HT HT ML ML ML Dir Dir Dir ect ect ect <I <I <I NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Content Satisfied/ Accomplished Self-Actualized/ Strengthened Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO N N N HT HT HT ML ML ML Dir Dir Dir ect ect ect <I Uneasy/ Scared <I Comfortable <I Secure NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>N N N HT HT HT ML ML ML Dir Dir Dir ect ect ect <I <I <I NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Poor/ Wanting Normal Luxurious Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO N N N HT HT HT ML ML ML Dir Dir Dir ect ect ect</p><p>Design Mood Links:</p><p>TITLE: COMMUNICATION, MOOD, AND MEANING: LINES IN WEB DESIGN AUTHOR: PATRICK COX WEBSITE: TYMPANUS.NET URL: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/11/17/lines-in-web-design/</p><p>TITLE: HOW TO CREATE MOOD BOARDS: 24 PRO TIPS AUTHOR: PAUL WYATT, TOM MAY WEBSITE: CREATIVEBLOQ.COM URL: http://www.creativebloq.com/graphic-design/mood-boards-812470 </p><p>Theme: What is your site’s theme? </p><p>A theme is a set of design elements: translated into an environment & used to convey a mood. Layout, color, fonts, flow, navigation, images, plus treatments of those elements create a theme. One theme may encompass multiple themes. Themes are numerous, may be customized, and named/renamed by their respective designer. [ SEE Long Definition of A Website Theme ] THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>EXAMPLE OF WEBSITE THEMES ::</p><p>7. <I 8. <I 9. <I NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Basic/ Logical Techie Sci-Fy Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO N N N HT HT HT ML ML ML Dir Dir Dir ect ect ect <I Humble/ Welcoming <I Smooth/ Slick/ <I Cutting Edge/ Daring NP NP Clean/ Modern NP Gaudy/ Baroque UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO N N N THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p><I <I <I NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= Environmental/ E= E= Industrial/ Steam Punk Hipster Sel Health Conscious Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO N N N HT HT HT ML ML ML Dir Dir Dir ect ect ect <I Classical/ World /Folk <I Jazz/ R&B/ Hip-Hop <I Heavy Metal/ Grunge/ Punk NP NP NP UT UT UT TY TY TY PE PE PE =\ =\ =\ CH CH CH EC EC EC KB KB KB OX OX OX NA NA NA M M M E= E= E= Sel Sel Sel l > l > l > M M M AC AC AC R R R OB OB OB UT UT UT TO TO TO THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>N N HT HT ML ML Dir Dir ect ect</p><p>Design Theme Links:</p><p>URL: http://www.thebestdesigns.com/design/themes/ URL: http://www.inkthemes.com/wp-themes/ </p><p>:: Color Scheme</p><p>Color Scheme: What is your websites color scheme?</p><p>A color scheme is a combination of colors used to complete a design.</p><p>REVIEW: What Your Brand Colors Say About Your Business URL: http://blog.marketo.com/2012/06/true-colors-what-your-brand-colors-say-about-your-business.html </p><p>EXAMPLE OF A WEBSITE COLOR SCHEME ::</p><p>FIGURE 1: Color Scheme NOTE: The #NUMBER-LETTER code is called Hexadecimal Code. This code is used to color the text and background color of specific web elements. THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>You may experiment with Color Schemes at Paletton.Com: URL: http://paletton.com/ OPTION: You may choose from monochromatic, 2-color, 3-color, and 4-color. OPTION: You may also customize your palette</p><p>We will create/download your color scheme in a later class, but be prepared to explain your color scheme by Class 2.</p><p>:: Information Architecture</p><p>Information Architecture: What is your websites information architecture?</p><p>Information Architecture is organizing, structuring, and labeling content. Good information architecture will lead to the best navigation experience for the user. Site visitors will be able to easily find your content. Confusion in site navigation, may cause the user to leave the site, thus negating the purpose and goal of the website</p><p>REVIEW: Usability.gov URL: http://www.usability.gov/what-and-why/information-architecture.html </p><p>EXAMPLE OF A WEBSITE’S INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE :: THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>:: Layout & Content Areas</p><p>SKETCH :: Use A sketch pad to flesh out your design layout and image use THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p> o 3 rough sketches of your site o Pick Your Best Sketch o Go With It</p><p>PSD WIREFRAME :: </p><p>Left: Homepage Photoshop Wireframe Right: Works Page Photoshop Wireframe o Use shapes and Texts to layout your content and navigation o Use “X boxes” to depict images o Organize layers (in order of appearance) + (in group layers based on future web function) PSD WEB MOCK UP :: Use Photoshop to digitize your design concept (Document sizes and hexadecimal colors) THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p> o Save Your Wireframe as index.psd o Create Background Fill and Pattern (if desired) o Place Images (Logos, Header Image, Artwork, Video Posters*, Thumbnails, & Icons) o Choose Font, Font-size, Font-Color o Type and Stylize Headings, Narratives, and Menu Text for Your Website o Ensure All Layers are Named and Organized</p><p>*A video poster is an image serving as a placeholder if videos are slow to load or not supported in certain browsers and devices.</p><p>[ Future Dreamweaver Lessons…] THE WEB PORTFOLIO PROCESS</p><p>:: HTML Structure :: CSS [Layout, Style, Lite Animation] :: jQuery [Lite & Heavy Animation, Image Gallery Functions, User Interaction, Form Validatiion]</p>
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