Committee Date: 18/04/2013 Application Number: 2013/01439/PA Accepted: 28/02/2013 Application Type: Telecommunications Full PA Target Date: 25/04/2013 Ward: Tyburn 970 Chester Road, Land Opposite, Erdington, Birmingham, B24 Installation of replacement 17.5m high telecommunications mast with associated 3 no. antennas and 2 no. equipment cabinets Applicant: Vodafone Ltd c/o agent Agent: Mono Consultants Ltd First Floor Steam Packet House, 76 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 4JG, Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. The proposal seeks planning permission to erect a 17.5 metre high telecommunication mast and 2 new associated equipment cabins. The proposal would replace an existing 17.5m high mast in the same location. 1.2. The proposed mast would comprise of a 17.5 metre high street pole, being 324mm in diameter with shroud above containing the antennas, measuring 2.5m high by 540mm in diameter. The proposed mast would be painted brown to replicate the colour of the existing mast. 1.3. The submitted plans show 2 new ancillary equipment cabinets measuring 770mm in length x 750mm in width x 1925mm in height, making a total of 5 equipment cabinets on the site, all coloured green. 1.4. The application includes a statement of compliance with ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) guidelines on radio wave emissions. 1.5. Whilst the proposal is submitted by Vodafone it is intended the telecoms mast would be used on a shared basis between Vodafone and Telefonica (O2), improving the delivery of 3G and 4G coverage to the area. 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site is located to the north of the southbound Chester Road carriageway, directly opposite the junction with Saltney Close. To the north is Pype Hayes Park, which is designated Green Belt, to the east of the site is wholly residential in character. Residential dwellings at No. 2 Saltney Close and No. 970 Chester Road are located opposite the application site although at a slightly oblique angle. The roundabout junction of Chester Road, Tyburn Road and Eachelhurst Page 1 of 5 Road is located 460m south east of the site along Chester Road. The boundary of Pype Hayes Park is marked with a low trip rail and trees at intervals. There are two deciduous trees inside the park close to the application site; one is approximately 12- 14m tall and the other 10m tall. 2.2. Gunter Primary School is the closest educational institution to the application site being 638m southeast of the application site. 3. Planning History 3.1. 11/06/2010 – 2010/02317/PA – Installation of a 17.5 metre high telecommunications mast and associated equipment cabinets. No prior approval required. 3.2. 19/12/06 - 2006/06845/PA – Installation of a radio base station comprising a 15m tall replica telegraph pole mast and an associated equipment cabinet. Prior approval required and refused on the grounds that the mast and cabinet equipment would appear prominent in the streetscene and would be out of character with other street furniture. Appeal allowed subject to a condition relating to materials 12/06/07. 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Transportation Development – No objection 4.2. Nearby residents, residents associations, local MP and Ward Councillors notified. One representation received commenting on the need for the grass verge to be fully restored once the mast has been installed. 5. Policy Context 5.1. Birmingham Unitary Development Plan (2005); Location of Telecommunications Equipment SPG; NPPF (2012). 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. The main issues for consideration in the assessment of this application relate to the siting and the visual aspects/appearance of the proposed installation. 6.2. Planning Policy - Paragraphs 42-46 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) relate to the installation of telecommunications infrastructure. Paragraph 43 advises that local planning authorities should support the expansion of electronic communications networks but should aim to keep the numbers of telecommunications masts and the sites for such installations to a minimum consistent with the efficient operation of the network. Existing masts, buildings and other structures should be used, unless the need for a new site has been justified and that where new sites are required, equipment should be sympathetically designed and camouflaged where appropriate. 6.3. Paragraph 46 advises that “Local planning authorities must determine applications on planning grounds. They should not seek to prevent competition between different operators, question the need for the telecommunications system, or determine health safeguards if the proposal meets International Commission guidelines for public exposure”. Page 2 of 5 6.4. Policy 8.55 of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005 states that in assessing applications for telecommunications equipment account will be taken of the impact of radio masts, antennae and ancillary structures on existing landscape features, buildings and the outlook from neighbouring properties. Policy 8.55A of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005 and Telecommunications Development: Mobile Phone Infrastructure (2008), which has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Document, direct that within the City, there are locations that are considered more sensitive than others for the siting of telecommunications equipment. These include transport corridors, predominantly residential areas, and locations within 200m of the grounds of education institutions. Policy 8.55B of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005 states that telecommunications equipment should be sited so as to minimise obtrusiveness, with ground based equipment sited to take maximum advantage of backdrops to buildings and other screening opportunities. 6.5. Background - The history of the site shows the initial proposal for a 15m high mast and cabinet equipment in this location was refused in 2007 under application 2006/06845/PA, on the grounds that the mast and cabinet equipment would appear prominent in the streetscene and would be out of character with other street furniture. This decision was appealed and allowed on the 12th June 2007 under appeal reference APP/P4605/A/07/2039168, with the appointed inspector concluding that he considered that the proposal would not have any materially adverse effect on the character or appearance of the area, subject to a condition regarding details of external finishes. This was followed by a further application (2010/02317/PA) for the installation of a 17.5 metre high mast and associated equipment cabinets, which was approved on the 11th June 2010. Therefore the principle of telecommunications equipment in this location is already established and both Telecommunications Development SPD and the NPPF promote mast sharing in preference to the installation of further masts. 6.6. Siting - The replacement mast is required to upgrade and provide improved 3G and 4G network coverage and capacity within the immediate area. The application site is located on a grass verge between the public footpath and a cycleway on the north- eastern side of the busy Chester Road with Pype Hayes Park located immediately to the east. In close proximity lies street furniture in the form of lighting columns and traffic lights to a pedestrian crossing. Pype Hayes Park to the rear provides a green and tree lined backdrop. The nearest residential premises are to the opposite (western) side of Chester Road. No increase in mast height would occur, however the mast would alter in design from the existing slim street pole design to that of a mast with a 2.5m high by 540mm in diameter shroud to the upper part of the mast. Consequently, I consider that the principle and proposed siting of the mast is acceptable. 6.7. Appearance - The application would see the installation of a 17.5m high dual user telecommunications mast and 2 new equipment cabinets, the mast would be constructed of galvanised steel and painted brown, whilst the proposed equipment cabinets would be green in colour, similar in design to the existing mast and equipment. The nearest properties are located to the west of the site, if the existing or proposed replacement mast were to be viewed from these properties there would be a backdrop of green vegetation and trees within Pype Hayes Park. If the mast were to be viewed from the north-west or south-east it would again be partially screened by trees within the park and central reservation and would be located in a line formation with existing street lighting columns. The principle of the Page 3 of 5 telecommunications site is established and I consider that the replacement mast although wider is acceptable in terms of appearance. 6.8. The NPPF at paragraph 46 states that Local planning authorities must determine applications on planning grounds. They should not seek to prevent competition between different operators, question the need for the telecommunications system, or determine health safeguards if the proposal meets International Commission guidelines for public exposure. An agent has supplied an ICNIRP certificate in support of the application and it is therefore not necessary for the Local Planning Authority to further consider the health implications. 7. Conclusion 7.1. The proposed replacement mast would comply with the NPPF (2012), policy 8.55 of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005 and Telecommunications Development: Mobile Phone Infrastructure 2008, which has been adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document. 8. Recommendation 8.1. Approve subject to the following conditions: 1 Requires the replacement mast to be painted brown (RAL 8011) 2 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans 3 Limits the approval to 3 years (Full) Reason for Approval 1 Birmingham City Council grants Planning Permission subject to the condition(s) listed below (if appropriate). The reason for granting permission is because the development is in accordance with: Policy 8.55 of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005; Telecommunications Development : Mobile Phone Infrastructure 2008, which has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance; and the National Planning Policy Framework.
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